Date: Thu, 30 May 2019 15:22:40 +0300 From: Nicholas DePuy Subject: Abby?s Discovery 14 Please donate to Nifty and keep these stories available for all. Thank you. Usual disclaimers, don't read if you're not allowed. This story has sexual representation among minors and adults. Stop reading this now if that's not what you're into. All characters are fictional. Chapter 14 The next morning we got up, brushed our teeth and hair and had breakfast. Alex and I walked to school, nervous. When we got there we saw two other kids, one just getting settled, and another on the computer. We went to the boy getting settled and said hi. "Hi there, you're the new kids, I'm Vince." He stuck out his hand. "Abby and Alex" Alex said shaking. Vince was about 13, he was toned and tan (of course). "Hi" I said shaking his hand. "So do you guys know how to get started?" We shook our heads "Ok, the books are over here, if you want to take one home, you sign it out here." He pointed to a clip board. "Now what are you guys good at? What did you do well in school?" "I like video games." Alex kept on. "Cool, do you have a computer? We have a couple but don't work well for VGD. I'm working on it and have built a couple games." "Shoot, I don't have a computer." "No worries, you can use mine until you get one. I'll get you set up in a minute. What about you Abby?" "I started learning the guitar and like to read." "Alright, do you have an e-reader? We have a ton of books you can download and there are a couple libraries in the area you can connect to as well." I shook my head. "All I Have is my father's iPod." "Ok, iPods suck to read on but it'll work. Why don't you run home and grab it while I get Alex set up?" So I left to get the iPod and when I got back, Vince and Alex were sitting at a laptop with an extra monitor attached. Vince came over when I walked in. There were a few other kids now, most of them on iPads or laptops. Mrs Bowers was also there helping another kid with a bridge she was building out of popsicle sticks while they looked at different pictures of bridges on her iPad. "The WiFi password and library sites are over here. There's also the IP address of our server that has more books. Let me know if you have any trouble." Vince said and went back to his laptop. I punched in the information, following the introductions provided and looked through their books. I found the next book in my vampire series and downloaded it. Mrs Bowers came over to check on me. "How's it going sweetie, overwhelmed yet?" "A little." I said in a small voice. "Here, come sit with me and I'll give you an assessment. It's technically a test but you won't be graded. It's just to get an idea of what you already know. We'll start with math. Just let me know if your brain turns to mush and we'll stop." I got through about a third of the assessment before I was lost. I handed the paper over, feeling discouraged. She looked it over and said "Wow, you're further along than I thought you'd be." She pointed at the last few, "They haven't taught you this yet, have they?" I shook my head. "Well, you made a great try not knowing order of operations. Here is how you do it. She wrote out the pneumonic and what each part meant. "Try them again" I did and ten minutes later she was glowing at me. "You did great. You have a real aptitude for math." She gave me a hug. I hugged her back, a little surprised. "I know, teachers are supposed to hug kids, huh? Well bullshit. If I make you uncomfortable, tell me, but otherwise I see no reason not to hug a kid when she needs it." "I liked it, I felt like, you really care." She laughed. "Government school teachers are so busy trying to cram information into kids so they can pass their government tests, they don't have time or energy to care. We help each other out here so my job is pretty easy. Like when Vince was helping you earlier. I was busy helping Shana with her bridge, partially because she's very advanced in engineering and no one else knows as much as she does. If you see someone struggling with a subject you know, help them out and you'll get better too." I hugged her again. "Ok this sounds waaay better than regular school." "It is. You want to try another assessment or you want to take a break?" "I'll try another" I said. "Here is a science based one, I bet this will be good for you since you're so strong in math." I got through almost all the science based one and gave it to her. "I knew it. Some of your chemistry is off but again, you haven't learned the theory. All the physical science is spot on. Biology is pretty close, I would want you trying to take out one of my kidneys, but really good. Plant biology is completely different than ours so I understand your confusion at the end. Which of these do you feel was right for you?" I thought about it "Biology I think." "Ok, let's see if we have a biology book you can read." She went to the book case. "Yep here's one. Don't try and read it cover to cover. Flip through, find a subject that's interesting, then research the stuff that doesn't make sense. When you want a break to stare out the window, or go for a walk or play on a swing, take it." I sat down with the book and flipped through, found the nervous system and started to read. Mrs Bowers sat Alex down and assessed him. He was given a physics book and he sat next to me. I got bored after a little while and got up. Some of the other kids were out side playing tag so I joined them. We chased each other around and had a great time. We took a break for some water and sat chatting. Jessica looked me over. "So if you're new to nudism, what don't you have any tan lines? I mean, there's faint differences here" she pointed to my abdomen next to my hip, "and here" she touched right above my breast, "but..." "Alex and I and some friends of ours found a nice sunny spot in the woods and have been hanging out there naked most of the summer." "Ah! That explains it. Cool." she said touching my abdomen again "Getting burned down there sucks. I forgot sunscreen one spring and was beet red." "I bet!" I said "My Dad got too much sun on his penis and he wasn't happy." "Yeah." said a boy named Ben. "My dick got burned and I could barely hold it to pee, much less-" he broke off. Jerk off is what he almost said, I was sure of it. "I know about masturbation, I'm cool with it if you are." I told him "Ha! You are cool! Yeah, I couldn't jerk off for a week. I thought I was gonna explode." We all laughed. "So, is Sex-Ed a thing here?" "Not really, the parents usually talk to their kids. We all talk about it too, nothing is a `coocoo' or `peepee';dick, penis, pussy, vagina. The adults don't like us being too vulgar but along with free bodies come free minds and speech." We played another round of tag then went back in. I asked Ben if he was any good with biology and he helped me, along with the sections I needed to read. I got bored again so asked Jessica where the music instruments were. She took me to a sound proof room where there were a couple flutes, a guitar, a set of electronic drums and a electronic keyboard. I picked up the guitar and strummed it. It was out of tune so I tuned it by ear. I played some chords I'd learned and decide to find a video on playing. I played along with the video and actually was able to play a passable song after a while. I was so engrossed, I missed lunch time. I came back to the classroom, my stomach grumbling. "Hey Abby, hows the guitar coming?" "Good! So good I forgot to eat." She chuckled "That will happen. Did you bring anything or do you need to go home?" "I didn't bring anything, we always ate school food." She made a face "Yuck, school food" we laughed and I left for home. Alex was just finishing up when I got there. "Hey sis, finally decided to eat huh?" "I got engrossed with the guitar and lost track of time." "Yeah, Vince had to practically drag me away. I realized the science book will help me with video game design. Weird huh?" We laughed and I went in to eat. Back at school, I picked up the biology book again and found a section on reproduction. I read through it and found out girls as early as 9 could get pregnant. Yikes, I had to get on the pill. I guess condoms for me for a while. I used the iPod to text Mom with the internet and told her about it. She agreed to get me into a doctor soon. I put the biology book up and looked the other textbooks over. I grabbed a finance book (who doesn't like money?) and flipped through it. I read a few sections, then found the sections that related to them. Engrossed, I spent the rest of the day learning about economics. At 4, Mrs Bowers came over. "Need any help with anything? I'm about to head out. You don't have to leave if you don't want to, just remember to check the book out if you take it home." "Nope I'm good." I said. "Actually," I looked around but there was only Vince over on the computer. "when should I worry about...birth control?" She sat next to me "Well, I'm assuming since you're asking you're already sexually active." I nodded. "I got my first period when I was 10, since ovulation happens 28 days prior, I would have been able to get pregnant then. My best friend started at 12, another girl had her first period at 8." "Eight?? The biology book said nine!" I was panicked. "Not everything you need to learn is in a book. You should start protecting yourself now." She gave me a worried look. "Are you being abused by anyone?" I shook my head, "No my friend Tommy and I...had sex. He's 11, does that make a difference?" I hadn't bothered to read about male sexuality. "Boys as young as 11 have been known to produce sperm." She said "probably even younger but no one wants to test that theory." Then she hugged me again "Be safe. And remember it's your body and you can say no at anytime." "Why would I want to? I love it." She laughed, "Me too. I guess a better way to put it would be you can say no to anyone, whenever. If Tommy makes you uncomfortable, you don't need to have sex with him if you don't want. Understand?" I thought of the creepy kid at the beach. "Yeah, I get it. Thanks!" One last hug and she left. I waved goodbye to Vince, who, noticing we were that last ones also got up to leave, stretching his back. We walked out, and Vince walked me home since he lived just up the street. I went in and Dad was already making dinner. "Well! The scholar returns! How was your day sweetheart?" "Great!" I said and told him about it, even the chat with Mrs Bowers. "Yikes, I didn't realize that. Ok, no more raw-dog for you for a while." "By the way, can I get and iPad for school? They have e-books and reading is tough on your iPod." "Sure honey, Alex wants a laptop for school too. Let's plan to go out after dinner." Mom got home and stripped, then we ate dinner. We discussed the school supplies and my doctors appointment. She had made an appointment for Wednesday for us both. We cleaned up and got dressed to go out. At the store I picked out an iPad, but Dad put it back and grabbed a more expensive one. "This one has cellular on it so you can get on the internet from anywhere and more memory. Also, you can buy a pencil for it to draw or whatever." We picked out a pencil and a pretty blue case that also had a keyboard with it. Dad showed me on the display model how it worked. We went over to laptops and Alex checked them out. He found the one that Vince had recommended and also bought upgrades for it. Dad about had a stroke when he saw the price. Alex explained why it was so expensive, graphics cards and what-not. Dad agreed and we checked out. At home, Mom helped me set up the iPad, we had to activate the cellular but Mom said we'd do that tomorrow. I logged into my school stuff and set bookmarks for them. Alex was busy modifying the laptop with Dad's help. The finished and got his account set up too. Then it was time for bed. Alex came to my room wanting to have sex. "Of course!" I said, then remembered "But you have to wear a condom for a while. I could start ovulating at any time and I don't want to get pregnant." He agreed and went to get one. I was playing with myself when he returned. I watched him roll it on, then pulled him on top of me. I helped guide him in and he sank into me. The condom made his dick feel different, almost fake. We fucked and I only had one orgasm before he came. "God, I can't wait to be safe. That wasn't nearly as good as usual." I griped. "Sorry Abby, I-" "Oh it wasn't your fault! You lasted great, the condom made it feel fake." He brightened. "Whew, I thought I'd done something wrong." I got up and kissed him. "You were fine, I just need to get on the pill." We kissed goodnight and I went to sleep, still slightly frustrated. The next day, I studied guitar and got the song I was working on down really good. Then I picked up the biology book and read all about male anatomy and sexuality. With that read, I got a math book and started to learn more about the problems that had stumped me. I did practice problems until I felt a good grasp of them and moved on. I went through 3 sections before lunch. Alex and I walked back to the house for lunch and we talked about our studies. "Holy crap, you've passed me in math!" "Well, l like it." I said blushing a little. "Well great, now I have to catch up! I can't have my little sister beating me!" We laughed. Sure enough, back at school Alex grabbed another math book and we worked side by side. I helped him with a tricky problem and he just shook his head, smiling. "You're way better at this than I am." He said "That's ok, there are plenty of things you do better. You read better and I could never figure out how to build a video game." I got bored with math after little while after and went out to play. A couple of the kids were digging in the garden, finding earth worms. I played with a couple, trying to figure them out. Back inside, I got the biology book back out and found earth worms. I read for a few minutes then took the book outside. Sitting in the dirt, I compared the worms I found to the ones in the book. We had 3 different species of worms in the garden. I went in to show Mrs Bowers. "Very good Abby. Now, what do they eat and how are they benefiting our environment?" The book didn't get into much of that so I pulled out my iPad and found the information. I also found information about how conventional agriculture was hurting the environment. Digging deeper I stumbled across Regenerative Agriculture and read all about that. "Mrs Bowers?" I said getting up. Can we plant another garden on the school grounds? I want to try some of this Regenerative Ag stuff." "Maybe, where do you want to put it?" "Um," I referenced my iPad again. "In our climate, the southeast side would be best." "Take a few pencils and string and mark out where you want to put it." I went outside and looking through the information I found, i marked off the best place. Mrs Bowers came out after a few minutes and watched me work. "It won't be all growing space," I showed her the diagram. "But with this design, you never walk on your prepped beds." She studied my layout. "I'm pretty sure that's all school ground, I'll check with the council and make sure tomorrow." "I'd also like to put up a green house, but that'll need money, can you talk to them about that too?" "How much?" That had me stumped. "Um, I'll have to look into that." "Why don't you get with Shana and you guys can design it together?" "Yeah! Ok!" I went in and sat next to Shana. I told her what I wanted to do and we started sketching a rough design on my iPad. "What we need, is an architectural app. Is there one for the iPad?" I found one but it was $50. "I'll have to ask my parents." I said. We talked more about the load limits and foundation. I told her about solar aspect and heat sinks. We modified our design a couple times and by the end of the day had a solid plan. I went home, Alex had left already, and told my father about the greenhouse and the app I wanted. He approved and punched in his credit card info for the app. I sat at the table, learning the app and starting to build the green house in it. Once it was done, I told it to spit out a cut and material list. I put these into a pdf and started shopping for materials. Mom and Dad interrupted my work for dinner half way through but by the end of the night I had a quote put together for the green house. I emailed my proposal to Mrs Bowers and crashed into bed. I was exhausted, but happy. I'd taken a simple earthworm we found playing and turned it to a garden and a building. The next day, I sat down with Mrs Bowers and went over my proposals. She said that the garden I wanted actually was half into common land so we'd have to re-work that. She got to my plans for the green house and I called Shana over to help. We talked about load stresses and snow load on the roof (we only got a couple inches a year but still had to account for it). I explained how the gutters would help water the plants with the collection system. She seemed impressed. "Wow girls, you did a great job on this. So, playing devils advocate, who will take care of the plants, what plants will we use, and who will do any maintenance on the green house?" "Well," Shana and I looked at each other. "The plants are easy, I want to plant edibles inside and pollinator plants on the sides. School kids could take care of the plants, and we could also ask for volunteers. It would be a community garden. Everyone that helps out gets a share of the food that we produce. As for maintenance, I don't know, you have any ideas Shana?" "I suppose we could talk to the community, see if anyone has the skill and willingness to help out. We could also talk to the colleges around and see if they have any electives that this would satisfy. Heck, we might even get them to build it for us." "Great ideas girls, add that information to your proposal and I'll take it to the council when you're done." I quickly added the information, Shana helping a little more with details. And re-emailed it to Mrs Bowers. Then we went back outside to look at the garden. Someone had added little red flags in a line that went right through the middle. I pulled up my stakes and tried again. Shana looked over my references and helped pointing out issues. We ended up with a design that was more L shaped with a buffer on the side next to the property line for a pathway. I looked it over and saw that this would work even better than my original. I showed it to Mrs Bowers and she approved it. She sent out an email to the community, explaining what we were going and asking for shovels to be loaned to the school for a few days. She also asked for a donation of weed block and gravel for the pathways. "I think you two have deserved a break. Go ahead and take tomorrow off, unless there's something you need to get done that's time sensitive." We thanked her and said we didn't have anything. After lunch, I decided to learn a new song for the guitar. This one was more uptempo and more challenging but I got through a slow rendition of it by the end of the day. Alex and I bid Mrs Bowers goodbye and set off for home. He had gotten the day off too for his physics work in his game. We knew we could come and go more or less as we pleased but it was nice to have it official. I wondered if Mrs Bowers knew our personalities and was making it easier for us to get used to not having to spend all day every day at school. We went home and played a video game of his. He explained to me how parts of his game were really hard since the physics drivers had to be taught what each thing is and does. He intentionally crashed his car to make his point. "Now, if the physics driver doesn't know that is a wall, I'd go right through. Sometimes the driver will get overloaded and a glitch will happen and you'll go all the way, or part way through the wall. At the same time, it needs to calculate inertia, mass, friction of the tries and gravity. That's why I'm able to go slow around a turn with no skidding, and fast turns cause skidding or lost control." "Holy crap! That's a lot of work for a game!" "Yeah, it also explains why they're so damned expensive." "Can you copy the information from one thing and paste it to the next?" "Yeah, you can even take a little piece of, say a tire, expand that to the size you want. Then you can make a different size tire that maintains the same grip and wear properties as the other tire. But with more surface area, you'll have better grip. "That's cool!" "School is cool" we laughed since we used to get told that in government schools. Mom came home and went to our appointments. We went in together, but Mom went first. She sat on the exam table and put her feet in the stirrups. The doctor poked and prodded and I move to see what she was doing. She glanced up at Mom. "It's fine, She's next for some of this so she might as well see what's going on." She went back to her inspection and then got a weird shiny spoon thing out. "This is so I can look at your mother's cervix, make sure everything looks normal." She applied some jelly to it and slid it into my mother. Mom gasped "Damn, why is that thing always so cold!" The doctor pulled a trigger and it opened up. She shined a light inside and I craned harder to see. The doctor let me look. I'd seen pictures in my biology book of a cervix, but the real thing was easier to understand. "Oh, so that opens up for a baby, right?" She looked impressed "Exactly. The hormones make that muscle relax, then when she's at 10 centimeters, the baby starts coming, stretching it more. That's what causes the deep pain women have during childbirth. Then the baby stretches the vaginal walls to finish coming out." "Neat." She released the tool and pulled it out. Mom's vagina closed back to normal with no trouble. "The female body is incredibly resilient. So much stretching and trauma would destroy a man." She patted Mom's leg and said "All done, everything looks normal." Mom got off the bed and dressed. "Ok young lady, what are you her for today?" "I um, want to get on birth control." She gave Mom a startled look. "She's already got a boyfriend, and been sexually active." The doctor looked back at me. "How old is you boyfriend?" She was clearly shaken. "11, his name is Tommy." "And how on earth are you ok with this?" The doctor asked her. "There was early experimentation with her brother, she's been more sexually aware ever since. We didn't come here to be judged, just for care. If you can't do it then we'll find someone who can." Mom's voice dripped with cold anger. "Well, I can't pretend I'm not shocked." She sighed. "I'm sorry, I was taken by surprise. I've seen girls as young as 11, I don't know why I'd be shocked by almost 10." She looked at me, "Friends? Will you forgive me?" I nodded, and I did. "Ok honey, take off your clothes so I can have a look at you." I stripped and sat on the exam table. Shel looked me over, "You're very tan, are you using sunscreen? I assume you're nudists since you Mom has some color too." "Yes, I don't quite as much now that I'm tan." "You should keep using it, even tan skin can burn or get cancer." I nodded solemnly. She spread my pussy lips, then slid a finger inside me and poked around. She also examined my butt hole and deemed me healthy down there. She took my temperature, looked in my ears, eyes and throat and even checked my reflexes. "Ok, she's perfectly healthy. Before I can prescribe the pill, we have to do a blood test to make sure she's not pregnant. I seriously doubt she is but we have to follow procedure." She took some blood and sent it to the lab. "You guys are free to go, I'll call you with the results and a follow up. I hopped down and headed for the door. "Um clothes?" Mom and I laughed and I got dressed. The next day, Alex texted Angela to see if they wanted to come over. They did, and even got Barb to drive them. They pulled into the drive and got out shedding their clothes as they did. Barb stayed dressed to leave but promised to come hang out with Mom tonight. We walked the community, showed them the school and actually took them in to show them around. Mrs Bowers greeted them warmly. We went out to find a few kids on the playground or just relaxing in the sun. "This looks more like a hang out than school. Your teacher didn't lecture or glare at us for interrupting, I think I even saw a kid playing a video game." Tommy mused. "That was Vince, and he made that game he was playing. Built it from the ground up. He and I have been working on testing and debugging this week." Alex said. "No way!" That's so friggin cool!" "Yep, once I get a better idea of what I want to do, I'm gonna develop my own game. Hey, you and I can work on the story line." Since much of the community worked outside, we felt like we had the little town to ourselves. We went into the store and bought snacks. Then we found a spot in the park to stretch out. Shana was there too and I waved to her. "That's my friend Shana. She and I worked on the project that got me the day off." "What was the project?" Angela asked "We designed a greenhouse for the school. I think what really put me over the edge though was I came up with the idea. And it all started with playing with an earthworm." I explained the progression that I went through. "And your teacher let you just run with it??" Angela was amazed. "Yup, she helped me by asking some questions I didn't even know to ask. But other than that she let me do the whole thing. Oh, and I also designed a garden for more food around the school." "Very cool" She said. I could tell she didn't have my passion for the subject. "I also want to take a class on permaculture, but haven't figured out how yet." I pulled out my iPad to show them my designs. "No school sis, we're taking a break today, remember?" I laughed and put the iPad away. We stretched out in the sun again and relaxed. Being close to me sex buddies awoke my hormones. "Hey, let's go back to my house and fool around." I said We all jumped up and left. Once in the door, I pulled Tommy into a passionate kiss. I knew from my biology studies that the chance of him getting me pregnant were slim to none. Alex was also taking turns kissing Katie and Angela. I dragged Tommy to my room and knelt to give him a blow job. So he would last longer when he fucked me but also to deplete any sperm count he might have. As I anticipated, he didn't last long. He came with a grunt and shot the back of my throat with his watery cum. He then pulled me up and pushed me on the bed. He buried his face in my pussy and started eating me out. I came at once. He licked me to two more orgasms, and then put his hard prick in me. I moaned and came again. He started slow and I relished the feeling of his bare cock. After my next orgasm I moaned "Oh Tommy, fuck me." He picked up the pace and was quickly fucking me fast and hard. "Oh god yessss!" I gripped the sheets as another orgasm tore through me. "Yeah baby, cum your brains out." He panted. I was on the verge of another when he swelled and we came together, me screaming a string of obscenities. We collapsed together, panting. We got up, cleaned off (I shoved my fingers in my pussy to clean out as much cum as I could) and went to find the others. We found them still in the living room. Angela was on all fours, with Katie on all fours below her. Alex was fucking Katie, then he pulled out and began fucking Angela. He kept swapping, bringing each girl to at least two orgasms (that I counted anyway) before he buried his cock in Angela's cunt and blew his load. Katie switched positions so that her face was under Angela's cunt and when Alex pulled out she caught the first drop with her tongue. She and Alex took turns eating Angela's cream pie and then once she was clean, Katie licked her sister to another orgasm. They collapsed, satisfied. Alex went to clean up and brought the washcloth for the girls to clean up too. Once we were settled, we went back outside and back to the park. Shana had left so we sunned and talked without risking being over heard. "Fuck that was hot, I want to try that too." Tommy said. "Maybe next time you can have me and Katie." I said. "Or all three of us," Angela added. I'm sure if he hadn't just cum twice in the past half hour, Tommy would have boned up. Alex's dick definitely swelled at the idea. He lay on his side so it wasn't so obvious to any passer-by. We talked some more about different positions but when Tommy rolled to his side, we quit, laughing. We ate lunch and went back to the park. We applied sunscreen per the doctors orders then we swung, played tag and tossed a frisbee Alex had brought from home. I stole a throw headed for Alex and ran off he chased me down and grabbed me. We wrestled for the frisbee for a few seconds then he got it away. He tossed it to Tommy and the Great Steal the Frisbee game was on. Katie ran after the frisbee but Tommy got it first. She wrestled him for it but he got it away and tossed it to Angela. Alex decided to try and steal it but she was too quick. She caught it and flipped it to me. I was closer than Tommy but he ran after it anyway. I caught it and he tackled me, tickling me to get the frisbee away. He snagged it once I was breathless from laughing and flipped it to Katie. She missed it and had to go chasing after it with Angela hot on her heels. Katie got to it first but Angela grabbed her around the waist and swung her around. Katie dropped the frisbee in surprise and Angela set her down and snagged it. She threw it to Alex and Tommy and I chased him down. Tommy tackled him and held him down while I tickled him ruthlessly. Angela and Katie came to help and Katie grabbed me to tickle me. Angela and Alex over powered Tommy and he was on the ground pinned by Angela and being tickled by Alex. When we were panting for breath, our tormenters let us up. We lay in the grass laughing and catching our breath. That night Barb came to pick the kids up. We were downstairs watching a movie so she let us finish and sat chatting with Mom. When the movie was over we went upstairs and waited for them to finish. When Barb and the kids left, Mom told me the results came back and I was cleared to go on the pill. Mom called the doctors office and the doctor had a cancellation so there was an appointment for the next day at 10. Friday, I went to school and studied my subjects until 930 when my mother came to pick me up. I had brought clothes so I put them on in the car. At the doctors I was sat down in a chair. "Ok, now these won't take full effect for about a week, so you have to keep using other means of birth control. For the first couple months, you'll have some cramping and sore breasts. On the plus side, these will kick your natural hormones into overdrive for a while and your breasts will get bigger faster. Hence the soreness. Warm baths and compresses will help the cramping and soreness. Once a week has passed, you should be safe but feel free to give it more time to be sure. You have to take them EVERYDAY. If you forget a day, don't take extra, just continue on with the new schedule. The last seven are just sugar pills to help you stay on track. Once your period starts, it will come during this time. These will probably accelerate your first ovulation so expect a period the first or second month. These do not protect against diseases so use condoms if you switch partners or he has sex with anyone else. Any questions?" I shook my head. Another week of dealing with condoms and I'd be free again. She handed me 3 packets of pills and my mother a prescription for 3 more. "I want to see you again in 6 months for a checkup. If bad cramping continues after 2 months come see me then." I open the first packet and downed the first pill labeled `1'. We thanked her and Mom took me back to school. Mrs Bowers announced that we had a field trip and needed permission slips signed over the weekend. When the day was over, we took the permission slips to Dad and he signed them. "So how was your appointment?" "Good, I have to wait another week for the pills to kick in but then I'll be free to get my brains fucked out again." He bellowed laughter at my vulgarity. I hugged him and Alex and I helped fix dinner. Mom got home and we ate. We relaxed for the rest of night and went to bed late. As I was falling asleep, I realized our vacation started in a week! Perfect timing. I fell asleep with a smile on face, dreaming of screwing my Dad and brother. The story is done and 53 chapters, I'd still love to hear feedback though!