Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2019 20:18:05 -0500 From: Nicholas DePuy Subject: Abby's Discovery 48-50 Please donate to Nifty and keep these stories available for all. Thank you. Usual disclaimers, don't read if you're not allowed. This story has sexual representation among minors and adults. Stop reading this now if that's not what you're into. All characters are fictional. Chapter 48 Monday I called Dr Lubben's office. She had an appointment open at 10 on Tuesday. Tuesday morning I was calm and ready for whatever news she had for me. Mom, Julie and I sat in the exam room and they looked way more anxious that I was. "Hey Abby, nice to see you!" She gave me a little hug and checked my records. "You're here early, is everything ok?" "Yeah, at least I hope so. First though, do you know any good therapists around?" She looked a little concerned. "Yeah, I know a few. What's going on?" "Full discretion and confidentiality? As long as I haven't killed or plan on killing anyone? Let's say I was a major coke dealer?" "Abby..." "Please, I've got a lot to get off my chest and I need your help." "Yes, anything but bodily harm. We're all sworn to that." "Ok, good." I let out a breath of relief. I knew what the books said, but hearing it out loud made it easier. "Doc, I need a full, down and dirty checkup. I'm seriously considering having a baby." She flopped into her chair. "Oh! Jesus Abby you had me scared to death! I thought you were dying or something." She shook herself. "Ok. Well, I can tell you've put a lot of thought into this, so I'll keep my opinions to myself. But I do have one question, what's the rush?" "No rush. If you tell me as a medical professional that I can have a baby now then great. If you tell me I need to wait till I'm 17, well, I'll be disappointed but I'll listen." "Well ok then. Right off the bat, you need to grow some more. A baby is will take all the nutrients you need to grow so it can grow. You can stunt your growth and end up with brittle bones." "Ok, that makes sense. I'm not happy about it, but it makes sense." "Once you're done growing, or slowed down some at least, then, assuming you're still in the shape you're in now, your body will be ready for a baby." "Just a question, I'm not trying to be difficult. But didn't women get married and start having babies a lot earlier in the old times? I read about how native Americans and Europeans both would marry their girls off as soon as they started their period." Dear lord, I was using historical facts in real life. "Yes they did. Did you also read about the high infant mortality rates?" Shit, she had me there. I sighed "Yep, I did it again, let my desires cloud my judgment. Thanks doc. I really do appreciate it, even if I am disappointed. Any idea when I'll be grown enough?" She checked my height against Mom and Dad's "Well, you probably will be at least as tall as your mother, you're due for a growth spurt, probably...3 years." Ok, more disappointing news. "15..." I sighed. "Ok, I'll just have to borrow babies to scratch my itch until then. Thank you so much for being honest with me." She smiled warmly. "Anytime Abby. I know you probably get tired of hearing this, but don't be in a rush to grow up. You only get a few years to be a kid, enjoy them. Fight with your brother and sister, play on the swings, watch cartoons, relax!" I smiled. "Thanks but I'm not normal, maybe I never was. Not many kids fall in love twice before 12." "Oh? What happened with Kelley?" "Nothing. I still love him dearly. But I love Julie too." She glanced at Julie. "And how does that work?" "Surprisingly well. I love them both, they love me, and they love each other, but differently." "I should be surprised. Shocked even. But I've seen your capacity for love." She indicated the cards and pamphlets on her desk. "You still never cease to amaze me." She smiled, and it seemed that she loved me too in a way. She shook herself again. "So, how `bout that checkup?" I got another clean bill of health and we left her office, but not before insisting that Julie and I take suckers from the pail. We peeled the wrappers and popped them in our mouths. In the hall, we grinned at each other. I was growing up at a break-neck speed. I wondered if there was anything I could do about it. I examined my life. I still had fun, playing and goofing off with my friends and siblings, I enjoyed cartoons. We almost never fought but I couldn't find anything wrong with that. I had loving parents, what else could a kid want? I filled my spare time (and sometimes not so spare) with my passions. Where normal kids were spastic and unfocused, I was clear and laser focused. "Mom, I'd still like to talk to a therapist. I'm not a normal kid, and I want to find out if I'm still broken somehow." "Of course honey." My first appointment was Monday. Friday, we went back to the resort and picked up Kelley I'd told him about my appointment with Dr Lubben and he looked both relieved and a little disappointed. My week-long roller coaster ride wore me out and all I wanted to do was lay on the beach and watch the clouds go by. And aside from laps and Yoga, that's exactly what I did. The loves of my life were probably a little sex-staved, but I needed to get back to the basics. Monday afternoon, Mom came home from work, grabbed a bite to eat, and we went to my first therapy appointment in 6 years. I looked over the paperwork with Mom and there it was again, full confidentiality. I sighed and prepared myself for a whole bunch of dirty laundry to be flapping in the breeze. Dr Howard, or just Scott he invited me to call him, sat me down and started to get to know me. "Scott, if you don't mind and it won't hurt my progress, I'd like to get straight to the point. You see, I asked to come see you." "Of course Abby, what's on your mind?" "Well you see I'm madly in love with my boyfriend Kelley, and we want to have a baby. I KNOW it's not normal to be thinking about being a mother at 12, and my gyno tells me it's also a bad idea physically. I'm here to see if I'm mentally messed up, or just weird." He was surprised by me, all of me. The baby, the boyfriend, the frankness, all of it. "Well um, yeah, I should be able to help you get through all this. Why don't you start by telling me about your boyfriend?" "Well, to get to him, and Julie, I feel I have to start at the beginning. I can tell you that they are both wonderful people and the loves of my life." "You have a girlfriend too?" "Yeah, sometime as we progress, I'd like for you to meet all my families." "Families? Plural?" I laughed. "Yeah, but we're getting ahead of ourselves and I'd like to get the story out in one session." "Uh, well ok, the floor is yours." "So it all started when I was 6..." and I told him everything. How I'd seduced my father up to my conversation with Dr Lubben. By the time I was though, my hour was up. "Abby, that's an amazing story. I have to say I'm pretty shocked. I have the next hour free if you'd like to continue." I nodded, smiling. I hopped up and poked my head out the door. "Mom, I need another hour, is that ok? You don't have to sit around, I'll text you if we finish early." "Sure honey, take all the time you can." I smiled and shut the door. "Cool, I'm sure you have a ton of questions and I'm happy to tell you all the gory details if you want." "Well my first question is, how does all this make you feel?" "Well mostly I'm grateful for the life I've had. I THINK I'm happy and well adjusted, if not a bit manic at times. How should I feel? Should I be angry with my brother for inducing the sex? Should I be sad that I lost my virginity to my father? You tell me." He was clearly shaken. "Are you sad you lost your virginity to your father?" "The only thing that makes me sad sometimes, is I didn't lose it to Kelley. But if not for my father, or even my brother, I would have never met the two people I'm in love with. So no, I don't regret any of it." He took his glasses off and rubbed his face. "Abby, I listen to you talk and it's like I'm talking to a mature woman. A very STABLE mature woman. It's a little disorientating to sit and look at an almost 12 year old." I just smiled, "Sorry doc, I can't help you there." He bellowed laughter. "Oh my god, and funny too!" I laughed with him some, but he found it much funnier than I did. "Oh goodness, I'm sorry. But the role reversal you just did is text-book." He settled down. "Ok, I'm sorry, where were we? Oh yes. Abby, you've been through more in the past 2 years than many adults. And that doesn't take in to account all your success. Frankly, I'm amazed you're not in a rubber room right now." That startled me, "Do I need to be?" "No!" He exclaimed happily. "Not at all. You have molded your life to your will, sometimes unconsciously. So the nudism seems a pivotal part of your life. Tell me more about how that happened. "Well, I guess it stared by just being horny..." I went into pretty graphic detail about our time in the woods I talked the hour away and neither of us noticed until Mom knocked on the door at 15 minutes past. "Abby, you ok?" "Fine Mom, we just got caught up in the story." I said opening the door so she could see I was alright. "Abby, I'm sorry I've kept you so long..." "Don't be, it feels good to get this off my chest. I'll keep talking as long as you let me. You got another hour in you? If it's ok with you, I'd like my Mom to hear some of this too." "Let's get it all out, then we can do family counseling, ok?" I nodded. "Sorry Mom, can we have more time?" "Of course honey, I'm gonna go for a walk, my ass in numb." "Ok" "So let me get this straight, you've had sex with all of your friends, and your parents?" "Well I have friends that I haven't had sex with. But these people are who I call `families'. Families goes a little broader than people I've had sex with though too." "Ok, um who in your families have you not had sex with?" "Tom and Barb, the parents of Ang, Tommy, and Katie; and my Grandmother and her boyfriend Dave." "Ok, so just the kids, and your own parents?" "A few random kids thrown in but you got the gist of it." "And how many different sexual partners have you had?" "Um," I counted them off, "11." "And how many close encounters that didn't pan out?" "How close are we taking about here? Like almost there and the door opened or people that I've wanted to but it just didn't work out?" "Give me a range." "Well on the really close scale just one, Steve. He didn't want a-um, fuck and go, pardon my vulgarity." "You can be as vulgar as you want." "Cool, um probably another 20 on the scale of `hmm, I'd do him, let's try'" "Are you more attracted to males then?" "No, I used to be willing to bang any hottie I came across." "And now?" "I still appreciate beautiful people but I don't think that way any more. Well, there is this one guy who if Kelly and Julie weren't in the picture I'd try and get in his pants, but he's the only one now." "And how does that make you feel, that there are still people you're attracted to outside your commitments?" "Um, well not guilty. I guess I see it as normal. Is it?" "Yes, very much so. Many committed couples admit to a wandering eye. So this other guy, how often do you interact with him?" "About once a week. I own a plot of land that he leases from me." "So he's an adult. How old?" "Um 22 or 23, I've never come right out and asked him." "And does he reciprocate your attraction?" "He tries not to, poor guy. But if I were older, he would definitely try to get in my pants." "Ok, any one else?" "Nope, he's the only one that have re-kindled my old thoughts." "Good, ok, now tell me about your relationships with Kelley and Julie." "Well, I adore them both. And they care about each other." "Have you swapped around at all?" "Technically, yes. Just once to break her hymen so she and I could enjoy each other more." "So there's no sexual tension?" "No, they both 100% committed to me." "But you split your affections between them." "Um, yes and no. It's almost like I have two hearts, one for each of them. I love them both, almost equally." "Almost?" "Yeah, if they ever demanded I pick one, I'd pick Kelley without a thought. It would break my heart to lose her. And if she ever finds someone that she loves more than me I'd let her go with my blessing." "But not Kelley? You'd fight over him?" "Um...shit, I don't know. If Kelley ever...god I can barely even think about that. I would let him go, but it would crush me. I'd be sad to lose Julie to another girl, but I'd be devastated if I lost Kelley to another girl. Is that my ego talking there?" "Well, flip it around. Say Kelley found another guy to run off with." I finally managed to imagine it since he was as straight as an arrow. "No, I'd be happy for him too. I guess my ego is messing with my emotions" He chuckled "And that, my dear, is also perfectly normal." "Ok, so I'm not completely messed up, what about this baby and marriage thing? When we first fell in love, all I could imagine was making love on our wedding night." He nodded and smiled. "Normal, especially for girls." "And the baby? If Dr Lubben had told me I could safely have kids, I would have flushed my birth control on the spot." "Slightly unusual. Most women don't get to that point until they are older, but you have the mentality of a much older woman too. So do I think you're crazy to want a child? No. I do think you should wait for your future mental health...well I'm talking to you like you're 12...hmmm" he closed his eyes. "Tell me again what you want young lady." "I want to have a baby with my boyfriend and raise him or her with the 3 of us." He opened his eyes "When you talk to me, in my mind's eye I see a young woman of about 25. Abby, you have matured at an astounding rate. Even more astounding when you consider most of that maturity has developed in the past two years. I want to see you more, but as of right now, I think you are like any soon to be mother. No clue what you're really getting yourself into, but perfectly suited to have a child." I sat back, blown away. "Wow" He chuckled "Wow indeed. You're an amazing woman Abby, and I don't mean to flatter you, I mean it when I say `woman'. Your bones just need to catch up with the rest of you." I laughed gleefully. "Now don't go off half cocked, I still need to spend time with you and your family. Shall we shoot for the same" he looked at the clock "three hours on Wednesday?" "Uh I think so. I'll have to make sure there are no other plans." `Scott wants to meet again Wednesday. Three hours. The whole family.' `That will be fine, as long as I get a comfortable seat this time. Heading back, be there in 5.' "Ok, we're good." Chapter 49 We met again Wednesday, starting with just Dad and me. "Hi Bob, I'm Scott, nice to meet you." "Likewise" they shook. Dad was pretty nervous. "So first things first. Full confidentiality. If you tell me you're going to go home and murder your family, then I have to call the police. I already know you're not abusing your children. Second, Abby knocked all the judgement out of me in the first two hours on Monday. You have an amazing young WOMAN there Bob." Dad relaxed visibly. "Thanks, we think so too." "So I'd like to hear in your own words how you feel about your relationship with Abby. And Abby sit quietly and listen to what your dad has to say. Don't try to protect his feelings or even correct an error, got it?" I nodded and mimed zipping my lip. "Go ahead Bob" "Well, at first, I was racked with guilt. Hell, I still am from time to time. Abby is an amazing girl, she loves unconditionally. Even perfect strangers. Did she tell you she built a website to help young girls decide if the time was right to lose their virginity?" Scott stared at me. "No, you're the `Virgin Coach'?" I smiled sheepishly and nodded. He laughed, "Well, I shouldn't be surprised. There is one thing I'd like you to do for me Bob. Start referring to Abby as the woman she is. The only part of her that is a `girl' is her bones." "Uh, ok. So when Abby and I...first made love. I thought I was going to be sick with guilt. Yes she instigated it but I was the adult. I hid it well from her though. I didn't want her to think she'd done something wrong. When both-when Abby and Alex engaged Susan and I, we talked through a lot of that guilt. "And this was the first time Alex slept with Susan?" "No, come to find out there had been some sex prior to that night. Susan and Alex had been attracted to one another for a while. She gave him oral sex one night while I was away and he returned the favor then they day before they engaged us in sex, Susan found Abby masturbating our bed and Alex came in once they were done making love. The three of them made love together. And the next night is when the four of us made love together for the first time. I found out much later that Abby and Alex were sleeping with their friends." "That was at the nudist resort?" "Yeah" "How do feel about the nudity?" "Oh, I love it. It's so liberating." Dad laughed, relaxed again. "Tell me more, how did it start? You weren't always nudists, is that correct?" "Yep. Abby actually started it soon after we made love as a family. She just didn't get dressed one day until it was time to leave. I came home and the kid-er, Abby and Alex were stretched out on the floor watching tv, buck naked. I figured `what the hell' and stripped too. Susan joined us naked when she got home and we've been nudists ever since." "And to what do you attribute your new, liberating lifestyle?" "Well, Abby of course. She's an amazing woman." "Yes, but what event led her to be so liberated?" "Well, the family sex I guess." "Do you regret being nudists?" "No. I-oh." Dad looked at me. "Bob, it sounds like you have a wonderful life. Abby tells me that you adopted Uma when many other families didn't want her because of the problems she caused with her nudity. So if not for the family sex, you might not have adopted Uma, don't you think?" "The Butterfly Effect" Dad said. "We'd attributed Abby's happiness to the sex, but never our own..." Dad slumped in his chair. "Good god, this all happened for a reason." Scott nodded at me and I jumped in his lap and hugged him tight. He hugged me back. "I'm sorry honey." I sat up. "For what??" "For the guilt and anguish. You had to have picked up on it even if only subconsciously." "Oh Daddy, it's ok. I love you." "I love you too." Mom was next. She told a similar story but the only thing she got tense about was her drunken forays with Alex. She'd made the connection to Uma, and just assumed Dad did too. Alex had a joint session with me and his own private session after. When they were done. It was time for Uma. She cuddled with me instead of sitting separate. Scott asked her some basic questions about how she liked living with us, and about Tommy. Then she also had some private counseling once she was comfortable with him. Scott called me back in to chat some more. "So Abby, you have a wonderful, loving family. Uma is still pretty shy but may have just been since I'm a stranger." I laughed, "No, she's very out going meeting new people at the resort. It probably had to do with the fact that you're wearing clothes." He chuckled too and considered that. "You know, I bet you're right. The only people she encountered in the orphanage wore clothes. She might consider clothed authority figures a bad thing. I'm gonna try something." He sat behind his desk and took his shirt off. "See if she'll come in and be more comfortable now." I went out to get her and when she saw his bare chest she grinned and looked at me. I pulled my blouse off and before I had it over my head, she was naked and sitting on the couch with her dress under her. I finished taking my clothes off and sat next to her, sharing her dress. She was much more animated and talkative describing now how much fun she had with us and even getting a little graphic with the size of Tommy's dick. He gave her an indulgent smile at that but let her talk. At the end we dressed again but she paused at the door. "Thank you for letting me be naked, you don't have to pretend next tIme." He looked himself over trying to figure out what she'd seen. I laughed. "She's a sharp one, I don't know how she knew." On the way home, I asked Uma how she knew. "Only his shirt was hung up, no pants." I smacked my forehead. We went for a month of 3 a week sessions. He spent most of his time with me. He got to meet Kelly during one of the visits and spent almost three hours with him. Kelley looked wrung out when he came out, but relaxed. Finally he got to meet Julie and we chatted as she and I cuddled. "Those two adore you, you know." He told me after she'd left. "I think you have a very unusual family Abby, aside from some deep-seeded guilt about the family sex, you all seem mentally healthy. I've told Bob and Alex this too, but I want you to have family time, at least once a week more if needed, to talk about your feelings. I'm going to dial the 3 of you back to one hour, twice a week to come in and talk things over. I'll have you come in together, that way if we need to sit down as a group we can easily transition. Does all this sound good?" I nodded. "Excellent, well, if there is nothing else...?" "No, I think I'm good right now." We stood up and I joined the rest of the family in the waiting room. Chapter 50 Life went on. We went to therapy, made love, hung out with our friends, and had family `therapy time'. Kelley hung out with Vince and Alex, playing one of his games that was almost ready for sale. Vince had talked Alex into loading the game on his BAC (Bad Ass Computer) and released the beta for online play. They worked out the final bugs and Vince put it on the market. He sold it quickly, making a tidy sum of money. Julie and I hung out with Jess and the rest of the girls. She and Alex attempted a couple times to end her virginity, but in the end, Jess decided to wait for love. We gossiped and did makeup, and went out in our cutest outfits to torture the `textie' boys. I ended the game when one of the boys just wouldn't take `no' for an answer and I had to slap him. We weren't being nice to them after all. Uma and Tommy made it official between them and stopped sleeping around. Except for the occasional boy for Tommy, but he was too big for all but the most experienced. Angela and Alex still kept their relationship open until Alex met a rather nerdy, gangly girl at the mall. Tiffany was easily 6', skinny, and wore glasses. Alex wanted to wait to sleep with her, so he spent a lot of time jerking off. At first, I had no idea what he saw in her. She was hostile and insecure. But after a while, she settled down and realized Alex was serious about her. Then her friendly, kind personality showed through and I finally began to get it. She was pretty, and once her personality changed, I saw what Alex must have seen from the beginning. She came out to the resort with us for Alex's 14th birthday and Saturday after lunch she finally was able to lose her swimsuit. We went on double and triple dates together and the skating rink was our favorite hang out. She also joined us at the resort for my birthday weekend, along with Julie's parents. Once the cake was cut and the gifts were done, Kelley said he had one last gift for me. "Abby, you are the love of my life," he dropped to one knee and opened the box he was carrying. "Will you marry me?" He opened the well disguised ring box and held it up. My knees went weak and I trembled. "Oh Kelley! Yes! Oh yes!" He slid the promise rings off my finger and slipped the engagement ring on. It was beautiful white gold with a small, but clear diamond set in it. He stood up and kissed my lips. I clung to him and kissed him back and everyone cheered. When we broke apart, Julie was standing next to us. "Abby, I don't know how this will work but," she also dropped to one knee and presented her own ring. It was rose gold with a ruby nestled in the setting. "would you also marry me?" I sobbed with joy and nodded, my throat was too tight for words. She slid the ring on my finger too. She stood and we kissed too. We got more cheers, a little less enthusiastic from confusion and worry about us. The three of us held each other tight, and I thought my heart would burst with joy. My husband! My wife! I actually got light headed and had to sit down. My parents looked both happy and concerned, Alex and Uma just grinned. Our families formed a line to congratulate us and we each hugged and kissed them as they filed past us. Julie's parents looked stunned. 12 and engaged! Twice over! We settled down a little and I sat staring at the rings. Slowly, reality began to settle in. I couldn't marry two people, not legally anyway. I looked at them with fear and love. They both looked back, understanding. "We know." Kelley said. "When we planned this, we looked into it." Julie said. "When I went to Kelley and told him you were the girl I wanted to spend my life with, he was so happy for us! He showed me the ring he'd already bought for you and we went to find one for me to give you. Here, look." She twisted the rings a little and they locked together. The two stones now looked more like an infinity sign. My lip quivered and I stared into their eyes. "I know you and I can never make it official, but we don't need the government to bless our union, neither one of us do." They looked at each other and smiled. "We can just be happy together." She looked back at me. "Just knowing that you accepted us both into your life has made us the happiest people on earth." I pulled them into another tight hug and kissed them both. I was finally able to speak. "No, I'm the happiest person on earth!" I kissed them again. We held each other close for a while, then began to mingle. We went to Mom and Dad first. Hugging them both again. Then we moved to Kelley's parents. They also got hugs from the three of us, although not as warmly. They still had little concept of our relationship, but said they were happy for us, and I felt they meant it. Finally, we made it to Julie's parents. I saw the concern in their eyes, but they hugged us warmly. We wandered about a little, mingling and chatting with the rest of our families. The night wound down and we were soon off to bed. We made love for the first time as an engaged trio and it was the best it ever had been. I laid between them after, and admired the rings, now one ring. Sunday morning we got up and my parents sent Uma and Alex to go play. "Abby, Kelley, Julie, how will this work? You can't legally marry two people." "Julie and I talked about this, and neither of us need it to be legal." Kelley said. "If Abby wants to make one or the other of us official and on paper, then we are both fine with it either way." I was still a little shell shocked. "Why do we need a piece of paper to tell us who we love?" Mom and Dad looked at each other. "Well honey, there are some practical reasons to make it official, but no piece of paper will ever tell you who you love." "So, can't we have a ceremony and that be enough?" "Of course you can!" Mom said sobbing and laughing a little. She got very teary and hugged us. Dad was getting weepy too. "Guys, I can't say how happy I am for you." Dad said and hugged us too, sobbing a little too. We went to breakfast and relaxed for the rest of the day. That night, Julie told her parents she wanted to move in with us. Of course, her parents protested. "Mom, Dad, I still love you. But Abby and Kelley are part of my life now too." "And what happens in a few years when she becomes bored with you?" Zack asked angrily. "Dad, people get d-divorced all the time. It'll break my heart, but I can't live my life in fear of having my heart broken." "What about money? A job? Kids?" Marsha asked. "We'll do what all married people do. As far as kids, if Abby and I wanted kids together, we'd have to adopt, you had to have thought of that. Now, I can have a baby to call my own with out all the hassle." "Any baby will not be yours." Marsha said sadly but kindly. "It'll be as much mine as an adopted kid would be." Julie said, taking her hand. "You haven't been there when we talked, but when Abby went to find out if she could safely have a baby, she asked me to be `mommy' too. All three of us discussed it after she found out she had to wait a while and Kelley loved the idea of his child having two mothers. We know it's far from perfect by normal standards, but it's perfect for us. The children will be spoiled rotten, having 3 sets of grandparents to love them." Marsha looked a little shocked. "G-grandparents?" She looked at Zack. He looked back wide eyed. "Of course! You didn't think that you'd be excluded, did you?" "We...we hadn't thought of that. We were more concerned about the present." "Honey, what if you ever wanted your own, natural child?" Marsha said. "Well, there's artificial insemination. I suppose we could do it the old fashioned way..." "So you'd have Kelley's child?" Julie thought about it. "Yeah," she gulped, thinking about giving birth to her own baby, "I would!" She laughed merrily, now with her own baby itch. They were absolutely dumbfounded. Julie smiled and rubbed her abdomen. A baby! Oh my goodness! And, in a way, it would be hers and Abby's, Kelley as the sperm donor. She sobbed, laughing and looked into her parents' eyes. Now they looked worried. "I wonder..." Julie said, considering her own physical state "No! You're too young!" Zack practically bellowed. The discussion had gone sideways as far as he was concerned. "Dad, I'm sure I am. But I'll be ready before Abby is, and we ALL want kids now." A plan started forming in her head. "And what will you do for a living, mooch off us and Abby's parents?" Zack said. Julie glared at him. "You know damn well I've completed most of the course work to go to be an accountant. I'll make my own damn money! With Abby's and Kelley's income, we'd live very comfortably!" She got up and stormed out. Julie walked the town for a bit, and once her head was clear again, she went to Kelley and Abby's She considered ringing the bell but decided they were beyond that now. She went in and found them in the living room talking. "Hey Julie, is everything ok?" Dad asked. "Mostly great, my parents and I just had an argument that started with me wanting to live here." She looked at me. "If that's alright?" I squealed and jumped up, hugging her. She laughed and hugged me back. "But that's not the reason I'm here." And she told us what had happened. "So, you want Kelley to be a sperm donor?" Alex asked. "Yeah, but that sounds too cold, I want to have Abby's baby through Kelley." Julie said. "Oh Julie!" I hugged her fiercely, then looked at Kelley. He was grinning. "Julie," Kelley said standing up and hugging her close, "I'd love to give you Abby's baby." And he kissed her gently. "Of course, we'll have to wait till you're physically healthy enough too." We hugged and rested our foreheads together. Julie's phone rang, but she ignored it. Then my phone rang. "Julie, you should talk to them." I murmured. She sighed and nodded. "Hello?" She said answering my phone. "Julie, please come home. Let's talk about this." Her mother pleaded. "Ok, let's talk, but as a family. Please come here so we can all talk about this." Her mother agreed and they showed up a few minutes later. The 8 of us got comfortable, pulling extra chairs from the dining room. "Julie, we're sorry" Zack began. "We're both a little shocked by all this, couldn't you have at least warned us before proposing?" "I was worried you'd freak and ruin our plans." She said. "And I think I would have been right about that." Zack and Marsha looked at each other. "Honey, all we ever wanted for you was to happy. And we see Abby, and even Kelley make you happy. We really are sorry about the whole argument. I think we thought you were trying to shut us out and yes, we freaked. I don't think any of you are ready to be parents though. Obviously, I don't know Abby and Kelley as well as I know you, but 14 and 15 are too young. So is 12, even for mature kids like yourselves." "I can appreciate that," I said, "and we're not going to rush out and have a child on a whim." I sighed and took Kelley's and Julie's hands. "As much as I want a baby, and now all of us are that much more committed, we have a lot to discuss. I truly believe, as does my therapist, that I'm ready to be a mother. He and Kelley have talked too and Kelley is ready to be a father. At least as Scott puts it `as any people could be that really have no clue'" I chuckled. "Why don't we sit down with him and talk about it. He and Julie have chatted some, but as far as I'm aware, he hasn't assessed her for being a mother. He's still blown away by our relationship too." Zack and Marsha looked at each other, surprised. "Your therapist told you you could be a mother?" Zack asked. I nodded. "I asked to talk to someone, and even after my gyno told me I'd have to wait, I still wanted to see if I was nuts for thinking about it. He said I'm not, and that as soon as it was physically safe that I am ready." "Mom," Julie said, "that seems like a very good idea. I should go talk to Scott again and discuss the matter. We should all go." "Our next appointment is tomorrow." Mom said. Zack and Marsha looked a little fearful, but nodded. "4 right?" Mom smiled. "Yes, I'll let him know to block out some extra time for us." The story is done and 53 chapters, I'd still love to hear feedback though!