Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2020 12:59:14 -0400 From: Eric Murphey Subject: Accidental Paradise Bi Adult youth Chapter 20 I want to appologize for not posting more frequently. Im sorry. Im am hoping that soon my life will get better and more easy. Sorry it it has bothered you I cant post as often as before. Please donate to Nifty. Even if I dont post often they are still here. I dedicate this chapter to Noah Cuatro NEW STORY AS WELL CALLED MY FORMER LIFE Accidental Paradise Chapter 20 When Eric woke the next morning Danny was already gone from the bed. That's actually what woke him up was feeling for him and not finding him. He puts on some shorts and heads to the restroom. He can smell charrizo cooking. Always a great smell in the morning. He gets done with his morning business and grabs a shirt from the room and heads downstairs. "See how easy that was. You don't need to be able to see to do that." Miss Sofia says. "Eric is really good at teaching me stuff. But, you seem to do better at it." "That's because I had an aunt that was blind. I used to watch her and was amazed at all she did. I used to ask her how she did stuff and she would tell me. So I have a bit of experience with blind people where I don't think Eric has." "No I haven't. Eric says startlingly them both. "Sorry I thought you guys heard me come in." He says. "Obviously not." Miss Sofia says. "The ladies tell him they are going to put a cow bell on him." Danny says giggling. "I think he needs one. Never seen a man so big walk so quietly. "I got Indian in me. At least that's what I have always been told anyway. So what smells so good?" "Oh just some charizo and eggs. We put a bit of salsa in it to cook with as well." "Oh my I love when you make it that way." Eric says smiling. "I know you do. Now Danny can make it easy as pie." "Sure is. Did you know Miss Sofia's aunt was blind?" "I do now that I overheard you guys talking. Its pretty interesting. I never knew that before. So it seems she has a pretty good understanding of how to help you better then any of the rest of us on the farm." "Yeah." Danny says smiling. "I think she will be a great help for you and a great addition to our unconventional family." "How can I not be?" She says teasing Eric. "Here make yourself useful." She says handing Eric some plates. "Yes ma'am." He says like a soldier. "You goof." She says giggling at him. Eric sets the table and they have a nice relaxing breakfast. They chat for a while and Miss Sofia looks at Eric. "What's troubling you?" "I am just worried about those piglets is all. I mean I know the ladies and kids know what to do. I know I told them enough its just I'm not there and I worry about it is all." "You act like they are all incapable of doing things without you." "No its just that I would feel better if I was there and knew for sure everything was fine. Which I am sure it is. I just worry like a Jewish mother is all." "Well, I knew you boys were going to leave early today anyway. Why don't you go get you and Danny's things together and put it in the truck and he and I will sit and talk a few minutes more. I really do enjoy his company. He is such a smart boy. He has a lot of the same interests as I do and I really do like hearing his ideas on things." Danny turns red at hearing this. "Don't be embarrassed Danny she is right you are a smart boy. Not to mention fun to be around too." "So go get your lazy butt busy then and get stuff ready. Do you think you can drop me at the rental agents on the way out of town. Its really close enough I can walk. But, at my age you try to save steps." "Of course we would be happy too." Eric says as he gets up and walks to go pack their things in the truck. After he gets the truck packed with everything they all hop in and drop off Miss Sofia at the rental office. "Miss Sofia." Eric says before she gets out. He writes down a number on some paper and hands it to her. "This is a number you can send text messages to. I have to check in on the computer. What I will do is leave it on and when Danny is in the house he can check it. Let us know how things are going and we will come get you when you are ready to move. Also I will send you some plans for some little houses I have at the house to see which one you would prefer. That way we can get started on it for you." "You are such a sweet man. I hope you know that." "Yeah people keep telling me that. Maybe one day I will believe them. But, not yet." As she gets out she gives both Eric and Danny a kiss on the cheek. She heads into the office and Eric watches her go in. "Eric would you get my guitar for me so I can play on the way home some?" "Sure buddy. Just give me a second." Eric jumps out of the truck and grabs the guitar out of the case. He gets back in and lays it in Danny's outreached hand. As they drive a long Danny starts playing songs. On the outskirts of town Eric stops at one last store. They both go in and Eric buys two king sized beds with box springs and the frames. The men from the store load them in and tie them down firmly for them. Eric tips the guys a few pesos which they were thrilled about. One so much he gave Eric a hug. Eric thought he over tipped them as he was driving back and thought a while about it. He didn't really tip them much he thought. Then he realized he had tipped them both half a days pay. To an American transplant a few dollars doesn't seem like much. But, these people don't make large sums of money. He had just read that the minimum wage in Mexico just went up to almost $7 a day. How do people survive on so little. He has been to Mexico on multiple occasions and a bag of ships with hot sauce is around a dollar. Just crazy. But, somehow they do it. Argentina is better paid but, not by much. As they are driving Danny isn't saying too much he is just strumming songs. Singing sometimes others not. "Eric if I tell you something will you promise not to laugh?" "Buddy I wouldn't laugh at you. Not on purposes anyway. Whats going on?" "Well..." Danny hesitates a while then starts playing another song. Eric puts his hand on Danny's knee. "You tell me when you are ready." "Thanks." About fifty kilometers down the road Danny blurts out. "I had sex with Miss Sofia and it was the best I ever had." Eric isn't really shocked by this revelation. I mean Danny is a gorgeous boy and Miss Sofia did kind of hint she wouldn't mind it. "So she is better then Maria and Zoe?" "Oh yes. Way better. I mean its really good with them too. But, I don't know what she did. She like sat on my lap and didn't move her body at all. She I cant explain it. Its like she milked my cock with her pussy. It felt amazing. I couldn't help it after a while I just grabbed her hips and starting slamming into her. It felt so amazing." Eric thinks about this for a moment. "It was really that good?" "Oh my god yes. I am hard thinking about it now. My cock keeps throbbing. I want her again and soon." "She is an older woman and was married a long time. I imagine that has something to do with it." "Eric what does she look like?" "Hmm let me see here. She is rather short around 150 cm tall. She is rather thin with rather nice breasts. When she was younger she was beautiful. She is still very lovely. Her hair is still black with touches of gray. She has lovely brown eyes and high cheek bones. Her teeth I think are dentures. I'm not positive about that because they are so straight and white is what makes me think that. All in all she is a very attractive woman." "You know her breasts are a little saggy but still pretty nice. I enjoyed playing with them and sucking on them as she sat on me." "Is this what you thought I would laugh at you for?" "Yeah I mean she is kind of an old woman." "Yeah she is. But, I have found that love doesn't really have age limits. Look at Camilla and Luisa they both love me and want to marry me. I love them both too very much." "Are you going to marry one of them?" "See that's the problem. I love them and really like having sex with them. But, I am afraid that as they gt older I wont be attracted to them anymore. I don't want to break their hearts." "So you only want to have sex with children?" "Honestly yeah pretty much." "But, you have sex sometimes with Zoe and Maria. Don't you enjoy it?" "Yes I do. But, not as much. There is something to me that's more exciting about a child. I cant exactly pinpoint what it is. But, I just know its how I am. I have wished and even at points in my life prayed and begged that I not be like that. Yet, he I am." "You prayed? I thought you didn't believe in a god." "I used to. Now it just seems like a way to control people and take their money they need more then the church. Seems to me like if the church was truly as they are supposed to be they wouldn't have billions of dollars in property around the world while children starve. It just doesn't seem right to me." Danny thinks about this and starts playing some more songs. Eric isn't trying to make any speed on the way home because he has the new mattresses in the back and he really does enjoy being with Danny. About an hour later Danny pipes up. "Eric I love Mateo. I know he loves me too." "Yeah I figured that out buddy." "He is so good to me and for me." "I agree with that." "Do you think its fair I am saddling him with my problems?" Eric thinks a moment then says. "Danny Mateo is a smart boy, just like you. I don't think that you being blind is a burden. Its just something to learn to overcome. He knew about you being blind before you boys fell in love and I don't think he sees it as a problem." "Yeah but, he told me that he was in love with Lucia before he met me. Do you think hes gay or straight or I don't know both." "I think honestly he isn't really either. I don't like to label people I think that most labels don't exactly fit most people. But, if I had to which is I think what you are looking for is that he is pan-sexual. Some people say its omni sexual. What that means is that they are attracted to a person regardless of if they are male or female." Danny thinks about this a few minutes. "I think maybe I am too. I mean its not really what sex they are to me its how they are. If they are loving and caring I like them. Since now I am blind I guess looks don't matter at all. I think its all about who and how they are to me." "I wish I could say the same. It isn't so much looks or their gender to me. But, their age that attracts me. Before I met Lucia and Camilla I thought I was only attracted to boys. But, they have really opened my mind a lot about that. Lucia was thee first female I ever thought of as attractive. Now I see all kinds of little girls I think are. But, I am learning more about myself since you have all joined me on the farm. To be perfectly honest with you after you told me how Miss Sofia is having sex. I kind of want to try it with her now." "If you do I sure you that you wont regret it. It will be some of the best sex you ever had." "I guess that depends on if she wants to have sex with me I suppose. But, now after talking to you I want to try it if she wants too." "I know you want to have sex with Mateo, Benji and Tomas as well. Why haven't. you?" "And you." Eric says putting his hand on Danny's knee. "So why haven't. you?" "I don't know. I guess my mind still thinks like its been trained to do from the society I used to live in that sex with kids is wrong and that it will hurt them if I put my cock in their butts." "But, you put it in the girls butts. They tell me about it and how they like it a lot." "I don't know its just different with girls in my head." "How about tonight Mateo and I sleep with you and we both let you make love to us." "I would love to. But, I think we should get his permission first." "Oh he will want to that's for sure. The one night you put it in him to get him ready for me he said he wants you to do it for him. So I don't think that's going to be a problem. I mean you did like it right?" "I liked it a lot. I didn't want to stop. But I also knew it was to get him ready for you." "Let me talk to him when we get home and if we say we want to sleep with you then its settled. OK?" "It would certainly make me happy. I have never made love to a boy before. Not like I want to anyway." "Well, tonight you will make love to me regardless. So you will have your fantasy come true." Eric smiles at the thought. "Your smiling now aren't you?" Danny asks. "Yes. How could I not be. I have fantasized about it for nearly my entire life. I hope its as good as I always dreamed it would be." "It wont be. It will be better." Danny says. With that he starts singing a new song as he plays the guitar. They are nearly home and Eric cock is throbbing from thinking about the boys and tonight. He has precum dripping at the thought of his fantasy actually coming to pass. He loves the girls and when he makes love to them. But, this is different. Its a fantasy he has had for decades. When he gets home he is going to have a wank because he doesn't want his night fun to end too fast. Once they turn down the final road to the farm Eric tells Danny. "We are almost home. The next turn will be into Accidental Paradise." "Good I am so horny I am going to burst." "Me too." Eric admits. Finally they pull in and Eric pulls in and stops. "Well I'll be." Is all he says. "What what happened?" "Well I'll be." Is all he can manage to say. He pulls up to the front of the house. "Whats going on Eric?" "You will soon find out." Eric gently takes the guitar from Danny and gets out. He puts it back in the case and everyone has come out onto the porch to see Danny's reaction. Eric gets out and takes Danny's hand and puts it in the crook of his arm. He walks him over and says. "Small step up." Danny lifts his foot and steps on something. Eric starts walking him down the new wood side walk. "Hey this is the sidewalk you said you would make." "Yeah it is. They must have been working on it the entire time. Mateo why don't you take Danny and show him all you guys have done for him." "Sure thing Eric." Mateo says with a grin. Eric looks out a crossed the farm and there are sidewalks to everything important. One to the fields. One to the chickens. One to the bar/shed. One to the piglets and one that ends at nothing. "So what is the one that goes over there to nothing?" "We figured that's where we will build Miss Sofia's house." Maria says. "What if she said no?" "Did she?" Zoe says looking forlorn. "No she is coming out. She wants to rent her house so she will still have some income coming in. So she went to the broker to get that done this morning." That was met with screams and squeals from everyone. "I am so exhausted from the drive. I think I am going to go lay down and take a nap." Eric says. "You deserve a good nap." Maria says. As he walks up on the porch she wraps her arms around him and hugs him. This starts everyone to hugging him. Not that his cock wasn't already hard enough. It just drips a bit more precum into his already wet underwear. "Eric can I take a nap with you?" Benji asks. "Of course buddy." "Cool." It is nice to see the kids and the ladies again. He hasn't been gone for ages. But, it feels that way. Eric walks in the house and gets a drink of water. He hears the ladies and the other kids getting the seamstresses of of the truck and he watches as they bring the first set in the house. Then they grab the second one and they bring it in. "We will go ahead and get the rest of the stuff too." Zoe says. "OK." After a minute he hears Maria scream like an excited little girl. Yeah he found the paints and colored chalks he thinks. What a nice surprise for her. She comes rushing into the house as Eric is drinking his second glass of water down. "You are such a great guy. I wish everyone was like you." She says and nearly knocks him over as she wraps her arms around him. "Well, I knew you said you wanted to try it. So I saw the shop and Danny and I picked out a few things for you. The lady said you may want to practice with the chalks first before you paint." Benji is too curious and he goes out to see what his mom is so excited about. He comes back in smiling. "Mom I bet you cant wait to get started?" "I sure cant. I want to get on it right now." she says finally letting go of Eric so once again he can breathe. "i am glad you like the gift." Tears are streaming from her eyes. "Its one of the most thoughtful gifts I have gotten since my husband died. Thank you so much." "You are very welcomed." With that she is out the door as excited as a child on Christmas. Eric heads to the restroom to pee before he takes his nap with Benji. He was really wanting to rub one out but, a nap sounds pretty good too. He heads to his bedroom and Benji is laying in the middle of the bed his hard little cock in his hand. He looks at Eric and smiles. Eric just smiles back and strips his clothes off. He stretches feeling great being free from the clothes. He climbs on the bed and takes Benji's firm brown cock into his mouth. Benji isn't allowing it to go down like that. He slips his cock out of his mouth and scoots around and takes Eric's rock hard cock into his mouth. Eric is so worked up from thinking about first Miss Sofia and Danny and then Danny and Mateo he nearly cums as soon as Benji's lovely brown lips slide over his head. Eric immediately goes to work on Benji's cock working furiously to get him to the point he is at. Benji's is moaning and groaning his pleasure. Eric slobbers down this beautiful boys cock and wets his finger liberally and slides it slowly into his brown pucker. Benji's lifts up to allow him easier access. He starts bumping his love button and after about the twentieth time Benji reaches his peak and is furiously pumping his cock into Eric's mouth. When this happens Eric unloads into Benji's eager little mouth. He shoots seven large hard streams down his throat. Benji is swallowing quickly to get it all. After Eric shoots his load he is feeling pretty damn good. He lets himself and Benji calm down a minute before he pulls his cock out of Benji's mouth and releases the beautiful brown morsel in his. Once he does he rolls onto his back and sighs. "Didn't you and Danny do anything?" "No there really wasn't time to." Benji spins around and scoots up to Eric. He grabs Eric's cock and starts rubbing it as it starts to go down. Amazingly it doesn't go down any further instead it rises to full attention once again. Benji kisses Eric. He then pulls away and scoots over to the bed side table and pulls out some lube. "Eric I want to be your first boy ever. I figured that you had Danny when you were gone and I was kind of mad that yo started it in Mateo. But, this time I want you to make love to me." Benji says with seriousness in his voice. Eric doesn't know what to say. "I would be honored if you allowed me to make love to you." Is what he found to say. Benji opens the lube and he rubs a good portion on Eric's cock. He then reaches between his gorgeous firm globes and applies some there. After that he tosses the lube to the side of the bed and straddles Eric. He rubs Eric's now pulsing cock and aims it up at his tiny pucker. He places the head against it and pushes it against. Eric doesn't think it is going to go in and then the head pops in. "Oh my fucking god." Eric says at the amazing feeling of Benji's tight ass wrapped around the head of his cock. Benji slowly slides down about a few centimeters, the stops to allow himself to adjust to the intruder. He does this several times until his ass is resting on Eric's pubic bone. Benji's cock is hard and Eric cant help but reach out and grab it. His own cock is all the way in a boy he has dreamed this for so long. He knows he is going to be able to finish and his thoughts are nothing but pure love for Benji for allowing him to do this to him. After a moment Benji lifts up a bit and then slides back down. He gets a good rythem going and Eric is pumping his brown cock at the same pace. Benji is panting while Eric is doing this. Eric is feeling absolutely noting but pleasure form this. Making love to the girls asses is nice and feels fantastic. But, there is just something different about this that feels so much better and so right. Benji lets out a loud moan and Eric feels his cock twitching in his fingers and feels Benji's ass grip his cock in several pulses. Holy shit Eric thinks he just came. Benji leans forward and is chest to chest with Eric, Sadly in this position Eric cant rub Benji's cock anymore but he can feel it sliding up and down his tummy. Benji is moving forward and back on Eric's cock and Eric grabs Benji's ass and feels where his cock is going in and is amazed. He grabs Benji's hips and he starts controlling the speed in which he is making love to the boy. Benji allows him to guide his cock in and out of him sometimes slowly other times at breakneck speed. Either speed Benji seems to be enjoying it. Eric is loving feeling his boy riding him. He rolls over ans puts Benji on his back and pulls his legs up to his chest like he has dreamed of doing may times when he masturbated to thinking about this. He slides his cock in and out of Benji and he watches it go in and out of his tight brown hole. He is loving how it feels and he pushes all the way in and back out until it almost escapes. He kisses Benji and slides his tongue into his mouth. Benji returns the kiss and Eric is getting pretty close and he starts hammering away at Benji's ass pumping as fast as he can and finally he reaches his climax and lets out a scream of pleasure as he starts shooting into the boy. He feels Benji's ass gripping his cock as he does. He again has made Benji cum and at the same time. Eric is still pumping after he comes and starts to slow down. Finally he stops with his cock completely in the boy. He is panting, Benji is as well. Benji speaks first. "I thought it would feel good. But, that was better then I had ever dreamed it would be." Eric looks deeply into Benji's eyes and gives him a peck on the lips. "Thank you. Thank you so much for letting me do that. I have dreamed for years of doing it. I always thought it would be good. But, it was way better then I could have every Imagined. Thank you so much." Eric says and starts crying tears of happiness. "I love you so much and always will. I will remember this time for the rest of my life. You are such a loving and giving boy. Thank you. Thank you so much." Eric says and starts kissing Benji's face all over. "It felt pretty good to me too Eric. Do you think we can do it again now?" As Benji says this Eric's cock has softened and pops out of his cute little ass. "No not right now. But, definable again and soon." He says and rolls over onto his back. Benji cuddles up next to him and they both fall asleep quickly from the passionate workout they just had. About an hour later Eric wakes up and Benji is still cuddled up against him. He lightly kisses his lips and slips out of bed. He heads to the shower to clean of the grime from the road and of course the stink of the sweat he had worked up. He takes an extremely hot shower as his back is sore from the two days in a row of long driving. He lets the water beat down on his back and he enjoys it and thinks about how drastically his life has changed in the last two years. Sitting in a school room teaching kids that most of whom had no desire to learn anything except how to play Sky-rim better, He had a few students he really enjoyed over the years. He recalls one little boy he had. A little Mexican boy named Alejandro. It was when he taught first grade. He was a super smart little guy. He was cute as hell too. That was his last year teaching. He started out at the high school and got bumped. The only class available to him was first grade. He never wanted to teach kids that young because he was afraid he would do something inappropriate and get fired or worse go to prison. He recalls Alejandro didn't talk at all. But, he was pretty damn smart. He had a little friend a blonde haired boy. The little blonde haired boy whose name he cant think of at this moment was always sticking up for him. Other kids would pick on him but, Joey that was his name would always stop the other kids form teasing him. Then they started teasing him. He would watch and nearly every day Joey would share part of his sandwich with Alejandro. He thinks of them and hopes they are OK. They were both such good boys. Maybe he will try to locate them to see how they are doing. They are probably nine now maybe ten. God they both had such miserable home lives he thinks. He hopes that CPS stepped in to help them. He called them once when Alejandro had some bruises on his arms and legs. They apparently didn't do anything because every few weeks he would come in and have more bruises. Fucking bureaucratic bullshit. Eric finishes showering and dries off. He heads to the kitchen and grabs a glass of iced tea and heads to the porch. He sit down on his favorite glider and sis his tea. The ladies are sitting there talking and Eric is deep in thought about those two boys. The kids are out playing fut ball and sounds like they are having fun. Eric who has been feeling pretty good lately about everything starts to cry a silent cry. Tears are streaming down his cheeks as he thinks how he let those two boys down. He should have done something more to help them. He is so deep in his thoughts he doesn't notice the ladies have stopped talking and are looking at him. They ask him a question he doesn't hear. They get up and walk over to him and Maria starts to rub his shoulders. He looks up at her and he just lets out a half smile and half sob as he does. "I let them down. I should have done more." he cries out. "Honey who did you let down?" Maria says softly. "These two boys I taught. I know they were both being abused at home. I called CPS once. Nothing got done. I should have tried harder. I should have called again and again." He buries his face in his hands. He is overcome with racking sobs. He just cant control his emotions. He pull his knees up to his chest and starts hugging them and rocking back and forth. "I SHOULD HAVE HELPED THEM!!!" He cries out in pain. Zoe is sitting in front of him now and gently rubbing his legs. Maria is gently rubbing his back. Both of them whispering calming things to him. He cant stand it he is enraged at himself now and he jumps up and heads to the shed/ barn and pulls out a big bag of feed and he starts pounding his fists into it. The entire time shouting to no one that he should have done more. His outburst has gotten the kids attention and they start to go to him to help. The ladies call then onto the porch and tell the to let him be. He has some things to work out in his head. They assure him they believe he will be fine in a little while. They watch as Eric beats out his anger and frustration on the bag of feed. After a while he tires himself out. He just flops on the ground and thinks for a while. After he sat for about thirty minutes he makes a decision. He gets up off his duff and goes into the house and he fires up the computer. He looks online for the Department of child services for the town he lived in and he sends an email to the head social worker a lady named Joy. Dear Joy: I was s first grade teacher at Riley Elementary school a couple years back. I have since quit teaching and have moved to Argentina. I had two boys in my class two years ago that I reported as being abused. At the time nothing was done about it and I am extremely upset at this time about it. I cant seem to shake the memory of the little Mexican boy and his friend out of my head. The One boys name was Alejandro Gutierrez. His little friends name was Joey Jones. Alejandro was a very small boy and didn't talk at all. Joey Jones was a blonde haired boy and wears glasses that are usually broken. I want. No I NEED you to check on them and make certain that they are OK. I should have kept calling your department but, I was frustrated that nothing happened the first time. Please check on them. I have worried about them for a long while now and I just need you to please check on them and make certain they are OK. Thank you for this Eric Thomas After he wrote the letter and emailed it off he went out to check on the chickens. They were normal for chickens. He checked the incubator and it seems to be doing just fine. Soon Benji will have many more chickens to take care of. Which Eric knows will make him happy. He goes to look at the piglets for the first time. He watches them run around chasing each other playing. He sees a few of them sleeping together creating a clump of pig flesh. After he refills the water trough for the pigs he heads to the pond. He wades in and lets the cool water engulf him. He is so worried about those boys for some reason. He isn't sure why today of all days he has such a great concern. But, he does and he cant seem to shake it. Its still kind of early its around five or so. He swims a cross the pond and back a few times. He climbs up on the bank and he thinks about why he was so upset. Its because he realized that Benji looks a bit like Alejandro and he was always super attracted to that little boy. He was always looking at him in class while the kids were working. He would wank a few times a day thinking about him. So now that he actually made love to Benji it triggered in his mind about the desire he had for Alejandro and then the desire to protect him as he would Benji or any of the other children on the farm. After he lays in the grass for a good while he gets up to go to the house. He is pretty hungry seeing as how he hasn't eaten since this morning. Half way from the house he can smell the sweet aromas coming from the dinner being made. He gets to the porch and he sits down on his chair. Lucia walks out and tells him. "You have an email." "Thank you punkin." He says as he shoots up he kisses the top of her head as he zips by her. Its from Joy. Dear Mr Thomas: I cant go into details as its confidential and they are juveniles. However, I can tell you that both have been placed into a foster home and are both very happy and very loved now. Thank you for your concern for these two boys. They really are very special. Joy He quickly replies. Dear Joy: I know its probably not done. But, if you could be so kind to let their new foster parents know I would like to talk to the boys just by email because I don't have phone service so far out where I am. I live about 200 miles from a big city. I would very much like to email with them if that doesn't break any rules or anything. I just always loved how Joey looked out for Alejandro. I wish they could have gone to the same home. It would have been great for them both. They would make great brothers I think. I always worried so much about Alejandro. Well. Joey as well. But Alejandro would never speak. I tried everything to get him to. But, e never would. I think he thought it wouldn't matter if he did or not. He was such a sweet boy and seemed so sad. If it is possible please pass my email along to them. Thank you for telling me more then you probably should have already. Eric After Eric fired off the email he felt so much better that he knew at least the boys are happy, loved and safe. He looks down at his knuckles that are swollen and scraped and a bit bloody after his attack on the feed sack. He feels pretty foolish now that he knows everything is fine. He walks out onto the porch feeling ashamed of his behavior and for just jumping the gun before he knew any details. But, he still feels as though he did let them down as he should have done more then what he did. He heads back out to the porch the others are having dinner now and he isn't really hungry even though he should be. He listens to them all laughing and talking and enjoying their lives now. He smiles and thinks this is how it should be for everyone. Work hard and enjoy life, and your family. Granted this is not really a conventional family. But, it has love and isn't that what really makes a family? He sits and thinks for a while and looks out over the property. He looks to where they are going to put Miss Sofia's house. Its a nice spot he thinks. Its close to their home but, far enough away to give her some privacy as well. He starts looking off into the mountains that are off away and thinks how beautiful they are and how truly lovely his life has become since he moved here. Hell, he thought it was great before. He didn't even realize he was so lonely that he had been filling his life with nothing but hard work. He did enjoy the feeling of a good well earned sleep. But, now his life is perfect he thinks. I sure hope that Joy does give their foster parents my email. I really would like to know how they are getting on. After a few minutes he starts to doze a little. Seems that frustration and anger take it out in is lack of appetite and his energy. He feels his head fall forward and doesn't fight it. He just allows himself to nod off and enjoy the slumber his body says he needs. He dozes for how long he doesn't know. But, it is still light out when he is awakened by someone rubbing his shoulders. He slowly lifts his head and kisses the hands of whomever is rubbing them. When he sees the hands he knows its Lucia. "I love you Lucia." "Love you too." She says and kisses the top of his head. "You feeling better now?" "Yes I am. Thank you for asking." "Do you mind if I ask why you were so upset?" "No punkin. I don't mind at all. I knew some boys when I was a teacher who didn't have a good home life. They were being beaten and abused. I didn't do enough to help them. So I was upset with myself for not doing more. As it turns out they are both in a good home now. So me getting upset was just stupid." "No I don't think so. If you didn't try to help them as much as you felt you should have. I can understand you being upset with yourself." "You know your a good girl." "I know." She says not being smug about it just agreeing. A few minutes later the rest of the family comes out on the porch. Maria bringing Eric a glass of tea. Lucia is still rubbing his shoulders. After the long drive it feels really good. The others take seats and are talking about things on the farm. Eric just smiles as they do. Because they aren't saying Eric's farm they are saying the farm or Benji saying his chickens. So now they all feel as if they are not just temporary guests but real owners of the farm. Danny goes and gets his guitar. "Eric will you teach me some other songs?" "Sure buddy." Eric takes the guitar and he thinks a moment about songs he is certain that Danny has never heard. Seeing as he grew up in the Midwest he is pretty keen on Bluegrass music. He starts to play Blue Moon of Kentucky. He sings the words in English and plays the song. Then he tells them the words in Spanish as he finishes. "Danny with a song like this there are several people who have done it and put their own mark on it. Like Elvis Presley did it this way. He plays it fast and does the lyrics Elvis did. Which are the same but, slightly different. Then he plays it a few other ways. "So which one do you like best?" Danny asks. "To be honest I like it the way I play it." He then plays it slow and sorrowful. He sings the words and drags them out like a blue grass singer would on a ballad. It takes about five minutes to play it like that instead of around three like Bill Monroe would or two and a half like Elvis. "I like them all." Danny says. "Yeah me too. Now listen to this one." Eric says. He starts playing In The Pines another old blue grass song. He plays it as Bill Monroe sang it. Then he starts over and sings it as Lead Belly sang it which is similar yet different. Then he sings and plays it as Nirvana did. "Wow that one was way different." Danny says. "Yes its all how the performer wants to play it. See you can imitate a song as others have sung it. Or you can make it your own. That's the real beauty of music. Now listen to this one." He starts singing I'm So Lonesome I could Cry. He starts all twangy and sings it like Hank Williams. The he plays it like Al Green did it. "Wow its the same song. Yet so very different." "Exactly buddy. I want you to start trying different ways to play songs that you like and know and see what you think they should sound like." Eric says. "I don't know if I can do that." "Sure you can. You have taken to the guitar like a fish to water Danny. You have got an amazing talent. Now here let me go get something." Eric sits the guitar on Danny's lap. He heads into his room and digs through the closet. He finds what he is looking for and takes it out of the case. He grabs the rosin from the case as well and he heads back to the porch. He sits down what he got on his chair carefully. "Danny I am going to teach you simple song I want to play with you." Danny holds the guitar out and Eric takes it. He starts playing Foggy Mountain Breakdown as quick as Earl Scruggs ever does. Once he finishes Danny says. "That's an easy song?" "No buddy its not. Took me a long time to learn that one. Its fast. I was just messing with you. Here is the one I want to play. He starts playing Orange Blossom Special, A pretty simple song on the guitar. "You got it?" "Play it again for me I think I will have it then." So Eric does and Danny nods the whole way through. "I got it now." Danny says as Eric finishes. Eric hands him the guitar back. "OK on three start playing." Eric counts off and Danny starts. Eric slides the bow a crossed the fiddle and smiles as it makes its beautiful noise. Danny lifts his head at this and listens to Eric play. Eric is really burning up the strings as he plays. Danny is just strumming the guitar part and is listening to Eric. Once he is done Eric smiles to himself. He wants to tell them the difference between a fiddle and a violin but, he knows it wont translate right. The difference is that a violent has strings a fiddle has strangs. "Gosh Eric that was really good. I didn't know you played the violin." Zoe says. "I actually can play the banjo and the piano as well. I liked music so I wanted to learn to play. I have a banjo in the closet as well. But, no access to a piano." "Whats a banjo?" Mateo asks. "Well young man I will show you just what a banjo is." Eric gets up and goes to get it. He takes the violin with him and puts it back in its case where it belongs. He grabs the banjo and walks out with it around his neck. Eric starts playing Foggy Mountain Breakdown again on the banjo this time. Its a quick ass song and his fingers are flying on the strings as he plays. "That sounds like a fun instrument to play. I don't know it makes me happy when I hear it." Lucia says. "Well a lot of people think the banjo is just for hillbilly music. Let me play this for you." He starts playing Bach on the banjo. Once hes done they all clap. "Eric that was really pretty. I like that song too." Zoe says. But I agree with Lucia I like the first one better. It just seems happy and fun." "I like this one too." Eric says and plays Reuben. Once he is done he sits the banjo next to him. "Play another one Eric." Maria says. "No I cant. I haven't played in a long time and my fingers aren't tough like they used to be. If I play another I think I will make my fingers bleed and I need to be able to work tomorrow. But, I will play some more tomorrow. Maybe I will teach Danny Dueling Banjos. Its a real fast and fun song too." "Cool." Danny says. "are you ready to eat something yet Eric?" Maria asks. "Yes maybe a bit of something. But, no too much. When I get upset my tummy isn't really fond of food." She gets up and goes and makes him a plate, and brings it out to him. He eats about half of it as Danny tries to play Foggy Mountain Breakdown. He isn't doing to badly but his fingers just cant move that quickly yet. He will have it in a day or two Eric thinks. Hell maybe by the end of tonight. They all just sit and enjoy each others company long after the sun goes down. When they are ready for bed Danny asks Eric. "So can Mateo and I sleep with you tonight?" "Yeah buddy. But, I think I just really want to sleep is all. So if you want a bit more then that I think you should check out other quarters to sleep in." "Oh. OK I think he will try out one of the new beds then." "OK." "You aren't mad are you?" "No buddy I'm certainly not mad at you. I just am feeling a little off is all. But, I will be better tomorrow." "Cool." "Yeah buddy cool." Eric goes to bed and he lies down and is all by himself. As he lays there he is thinking about life and how odd it really is. As he is about to go to sleep he feels to people climbing in the bed with him. "Eric is it OK if Tomas and I sleep with you tonight." Benji asks. "I would like that very much." "Yeah we just felt like you needed someone to hold tonight. We know you were upset earlier and Lucia told us why. So we thought if we were in your shoes we would want someone to hold and to love." Tomas says. "Yeah that will be nice. Thank you boys. You know I love you guys right." "Of course we do." They both say. "We love you too." They say in unison as well. They cuddle into him and wrap there arms around him and both of them gently stroke his chest as they go to sleep. Yeah he thinks again as he is almost asleep. Love really is what makes a family. Not blood but love. Then hes quickly into the land of Nod.