Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2020 15:19:26 -0400 From: Eric Murphey Subject: Accidental Paradise Chapter 24 Gay Adult youth Hey. Hi. How ya doin? I hope everyone is doing well. Things are slowly starting to get better for me in New York. So thats good. I will be able to post more frequently I am hoping in a month. Like I used to do like a chapter or two a week sometimes more. As you can see Even if I am not posting i am still writing. I am liking the short stories. OK 300 pages isnt really short. But, it isnt a contnued story. I am going to let you all decide. I have three stories I am working on. Tell Me which you want me to focus on most. Of course I will still be working on this. It seems as though I write better and more when I have two projects. First is Transitions Book 2 I have already started it. I think you will enjoy it. I wont give any information on it because its a surprise if you choose that one. But, you will like it. Second one I have started is called It Aint Tiffanys. Its a story about Eric who grew up in NYC and moves to Ohio. He buys a house in an African American neighborhood and starts feeding the two neighbor kids. It kind of grows from tehre and before he knows it he is feeding half the neighborhood kids breakfast. Its a fun story I have started on already. Third is an idea my friend Danny and I were discussing. He doesnt know it yet but, he is going to help write it. Its about Eric in the future about a hundred years. We have had many corona type events and the new normal is we all have moved into small communities and are kept apart from each other community. We live in malls except those who are lucky and have earned a little house. Its really an interesting idea we have not started on. The last one will have a definate ending. So the choices are 1. Transitions Book 2 2. It aint Tiffanys 3. Untitled collaboration. Email your choice. Also if you would be so kind to donate to Nifty I know they would appreciate it. Thanks everyone for being patient. But, with the cornoavirus finding free internet hasnt been easy. So I do one again say I am sorry for making you wait. I hate it and I know you do as well. Thanks so much for reading here is the new chapter of Accidental Paradise. I do have three more chapters I need to edit I am hoping to post a couple of those on Monday. We will see if I have time to get to it. Gracias Mi Amigos y amigas Eric Accidental Paradise Chapter 24 Eric, and Randy climb out of the pond. Eric laughing at the kids stealing his clothes. "I was trying to decide to go naked, or no?" "They made that choice for you huh?" "Sure did." Randy says chuckling. They walk up to the house and see the last of the kids race in the house with Randy's clothes. "It's certainly not like none of them have seen a naked man." "Yeah I guess I have body shame is all." "I think most of us do to some degree. At least those of us born in America. We are raised to be such prudes." "True." As they near the house they can smell pizza baking. "Damn that smells amazing." "I taught Danny how to make it. I like all pizza. But, my favorite is New York style. So that's what I taught him." "Yum. Its been ages since I had pizza. I been down here about six months. I am just about to go back next week. In a way I am dreading leaving. Especially now. But, in others I am glad to be going home." "I can understand that." Eric says as he opens the door for their guest. Three pizzas are already sitting on the table. Hot, and ready to be eaten. Well, here devoured. `Lets have a seat. You want a soda or something. I think we have a couple cokes left." "That would be great." Eric looks and there are three Cokes left in the package. Eric grabs two and makes two glasses with a bit of ice. He hands Randy one and sits one in front of Danny's place. "Aren't you having one?" "No. They are a real treat for us. We only get soda once in a blue moon. I think these have been in there a month or better. We drink a lot of water, and iced tea. Soda is really bad for you." Randy takes a drink. "Yeah. But, it tastes so good." "Yeah it does." Danny pulls the last pizza out of the oven. He says to everyone look out he is coming through with a hot pan. He always does that because he doesn't want to burn anyone. A good warning of get the hell out of the way for the blind boy. He sits it on the table in the open spot, and walks around and takes his seat. "I made you a coke buddy. I figured you deserved one making pizzas all day." "Cool. Where is it?" "Its at one o'clock and, about ten centimeters from your plate." "Thanks Eric." Danny reaches out feeling for the glass. He taps it with the tip of his finger and wraps his hand around it. He takes a drink and immediately belches. "Excuse me." "Sure thing." Eric says. Everyone is quickly gathering around the table for the neat treat. "How come Danny gets a coke?" Tomas asks. "He made the pizzas for us. Don't you think he deserves one?" "Well, sure." "But, you want one?" "Yeah kinda. But, I didn't help him." "Everyone. There is one coke left. Tomas would like to have it. Does anyone else mind? Or, if you want we can split it up among those that want some." No one minded at all Tomas having it. Everyone else likes iced tea with dinner. Eric gets it, and makes the glass for Tomas. Eric sits the glass down, and bends over kissing Tomas on the cheek. "Here you go sweet heart." "Thank you Eric. Also thanks everyone for not minding. If you guys want like Eric says we can split it." He says feeling kind of embarrassed. No one took him up on the offer and they told him to enjoy it. They all start eating. Randy takes a bite, and he smiles. "This is really good." "Danny does a good job on it." "I'll say. Tell him its great for me please. Also let him know I really appreciate that he made it for me." "Sure thing." Eric relays the message and once he is done Randy understands the gracias. But, not much else. "He says thank you. That he likes to make pizza and he wants to do it more. But, for some reason doesn't." "You guys should start a pizza place call it Paradise pizza." Randy says taking another bite. Eric just laughs. Then he tells the others. They all laugh as well. "Sure who is going to drive to nowhere for a pizza?" Mateo asks. "Actually I bet a lot of people would." Eric says. "Because the closest pizza place I know is like 100 km away. Just because we don't live so close to people we cant see them. It doesn't mean the aren't there. We got probably fifty thousand people within half an hour drive of here. Maybe if we had it open like Friday and Saturday it might work." Eric says musing to no one, and everyone at the same time. "How much you think we could make Eric?" Zoe asks. "You really want to buy that property huh?" "I do Eric. Everyone else agrees. But, you. You think its too much. We all think its not enough. Its not that we want to be super rich. We just think its silly to let it lay fallow, and let it go to waste. Besides we may need the money for some emergency in the future or something. Besides, I think it might be fun running a restaurant." "Yeah we could make some picnic tables for people to eat at." Maria says. "Then when we get some more money we can make it inside if we want to." Mateo says. "Yeah and Camilla and I can take their orders and stuff." "Yeah it would be fun, meeting all our neighbors." "We will need a pizza oven. Because that one isnt big enough. If more then two people show up its a long wait." "How much does it cost?" "I wouldn't even begin to guess. But, we spent most of our money on seed, and leasing the land. We really don't have too much left." "How much do we have?" Camilla asks. "Maybe around seventy thousand pesos. (Around a thousand American) I know that it will cost that much at least. Then what if something happens. Say the tractor breaks, and we need a part?" "I got about 30.000 pesos saved from egg money." Benji says. "I got about a thousand." Danny says. "Me too." Lucia adds. "I have around what you have left from Juan's uncle. I will give it to the farm for Paradise Pizza." "Guys is this really what you want to do? Lets all show hands who is for it and who is against it. All for." Everyone except Randy raises his hand. Because he hasn't a clue what the hell is going on. He is just enjoying the pizza and watching the people talk back and forth. "So that's that." Eric says. "I suppose after dinner I can look online and see how much one is. I am betting we can find a good deal on a used one. At least I hope." "Do you think we got enough money Eric?" Danny asks. "I don't know buddy. Maybe. You have to think we have to buy a lot of ingredients too." "Yeah. But, I think it will be great fun." Danny adds. "Yes I am sure it will be." After they all eat everyone but, Danny get up to do dishes. Danny doesn't have to because he made pizza, and the other kids said they would wash his mess. They were so happy to have some pizza. Even Randy realized what was happening, and join in the cleaning. He sees Danny walking to the door and he sees him stick out his hand to feel for the door. "Holy shit he's blind." Randy says. "Yeah you didn't know that?" Eric asks. "No. That's amazing he made the pizza that is fantastic and plays the guitar like he was born with it in his hands. Its amazing." "All these kids are amazing. Thing is I think all kids are like that. I think we just don't challenge them, or ourselves enough." "Don't think I am being rude. But, how did he lose his sight. Or, has he always been blind?" "I don't think its rude. He was hit by a car, and it detached his retinas." "Really? How long ago?" "I guess a bit better then a year ago." "Has he been to any specialists?" "I don't know. Let me ask him." They walk out to the porch, and Danny has his guitar on his lap strumming it softly. "Danny have you ever been to see a specialist about your eyes?" "No. The doctor said with a detached retina there is nothing they can do. So it was a waste of money." Eric relays the message to Randy. "That's straight bullshit. We have all kinds of things we can do. Of course the success rate isn't fantastic. Especially after a year. But, we have had some success." "Excuse me. You keep saying we?" Eric asks. "I'm a doctor. More specifically an ophthalmologist. I'm here on a doctors without borders program. I have been helping kids up and down the countryside get glasses so they can have better lives. So many of these families are so poor they cant afford them. Truly sad really." Eric looks at him his jaw agape. "I....I... So you mean....." Eric starts trying to say. "That Danny could see again?" "Yeah?" "Its very possible." "What are the odds. It doesnt matter we are going to try it no matter what. I just need to know." "Fifty-fifty." "How much?" "That's the tricky part. I would do the surgery for free. So that part is nothing. Where it gets tricky is hospitals. They aren't so much into free." "Not so much no. But, here it cant be too bad." "Cant do it here. He has to go to America to get it done." "Fuck." "Yeah. I would guess it will cost around twenty grand." "Shit." "Yeah." Eric sits down heavily on one of the loungers. "Where the hell am I going to get twenty grand?" "There in lies the problem. I am just starting out and I don't have any money yet. But, I tell you what I can give a grand towards it." Eric looks at this man he didn't know yesterday and is offering a thousand dollars and a chance for Danny to get back his eyesight. "I think I love you." Eric says. "Whats not to love?" Randy says joking to break the levity. "You are changing our whole way of life in just a few hours. We are starting Paradise Pizza now. That's what we were discussing at dinner. Now you maybe can do this. I dotn believe in a god. But, I am starting to really wonder now." "Ah bullshit." "I know we can get a mortgage on the house and property to pay for it. If we have to we will sell the place. Danny is very important to everyone here." "I get that everyone here is important like that." "How do oyu mean?" "I think you would do that for anyone here?" "Sure I would. I love them with all of my heart. Each and every one of them." "I believe that." "Eric why did he ask about me seeing a doctor?" Danny asks because his English is just not there. He can immitate it like nobodys business in a song. But, he has no idea what it means. Randy you have to excuse us. We have to have a meeting and right now." "Of course." "Danny come into the kitchen. We may have something really exciting to celebrate." "What?" "You will soon find out." Eric walks in and hoolars to the house. "EVERYONE TO THE TABLE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY MEETING RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone is at the table in a flash. Because Eric never yells. Unless its really important. Eric sits down at the head of the table. "Family. I don't know where to start. Let me see. Our new friend is a doctor. Not only a doctor. But, an eye doctor. He thinks that maybe he can fix Danny's eyes." Eric pauses to take a breath. When he does all hell breaks loose. Everyone is talking and excited at the prospect. Eric lets them carry on a minute and raises his hands. Everyone calms down. "There is a one problem and that's what we need to discuss. It is going to cost a lot of money. To get this money we need to get a mortgage on the farm. Or, if we need to. Sell it." This was met with silence for a moment. Everyone thinking. "I don't want to do it then." Danny says. "I don't want to ever leave the farm. I'm happy here." "We only have to sell if we cant get a mortgage. I think we can. But, I don't know how things work here. But, Danny to get your eyesight back. I would gladly sell if it came to that." "Eric I know its really your farm. But, I would gladly move too for Danny to see again." Maria says. "In a second." Zoe says. "It may be in my name for now. But, it is ALL of our farm. I want to remedy that if we get a loan. I will have all of the adults names on it so we will all be owners. Its only fair. Besides if I die who would get it then? I want you guys to have it when that time comes." "Ah thats forever away." Maria says. "You dont have to Eric." Zoe says. "Its what I want to do. I have been thinking about it for a while now. I would have already. But, the land office is in town and we havent gone in a while." `I am really touched." Zoe says. "Me too." Maria answers as well. "Hands for Danny's surgery no matter what." Eric says. Everyone but, Danny raised his hand. "You lost Danny." Mateo says. "How sure does he think it will work?" Danny asks. "He says its fifty-fifty it will work." "So everyone is willing to give up the farm for a coin toss?" Danny asks. He got a resounding yes from everyone. "When would it happen?" "I don't know. But, it has to happen in America." Danny smiles. "America?" "Yes America." Eric responds. "I want to see blues in America." "I hope you can see anything anywhere.' Mateo says. "Let me go ask the doctor when it can happen." Eric walks out and the doctor is just hanging up his phone. "I just talked to my office. They are really excited about it. One of my nurses said she has a friend that works as a big wig at an airline and she thinks maybe she can get two tickets free. If not free at least really, really cheap." "Cool. They want to know how soon we can do this." "A couple weeks." "You have made a lot of people very happy." Eric says hugging him. "Glad to help. Its why I wanted to be a doctor to help." "Thank you again. We will all be out in a few minutes." "I'll be here." Randy says with a smile eric walks back in and says. "Two weeks." "Better go to the bank tomorrow then." Maria says. "Yes get it going as fast as possible." Zoe chimes in. They all go outside and line up in front of their new family member each giving him a hug and thanking him. Eric translates for each of them. When Danny steps up he wraps his arms around him. Danny hugs him hard. "You have no idea how much you are going to change my life. I used to want to be an astronomer. But, after I lost my sight I knew that was no longer possible. You have given me back my dream. I will never be able to thank you properly." After he translates Randy replies to him. "Did Eric tell you it may not work?" Eric tells Danny. His response is immediate. "It will work. I have had dreams I see again. I throughout it was fantasy. But, it is real." "I hope it is Danny. Nothing would make me happier then for you to see again." Randy replies and Eric again translates. After that Danny finally lets go of him. "Gracias." He says as he steps away. "Donata." Randy answers. "I guess I better go see about a pizza oven now huh?" Eric says. Everyone laughs. Eric heads in and sits down at the desk and fires up the old laptop. He sees he has an email from Alejandro Murphey. It only just hit his email two minutes ago. He opens it and reads. Dear Mr Eric: Poppi says to call you Eric now. Everyone calls my poppi Mr Eric because they all love and respect him. So I am calling you Mr Eric cuz of that. Poppi said we could email you and send you pictures and you wanted to hear from us. I just wanted to say thank you. I always liked your class and you. You made me feel special when I always felt like crud. I know I didn't ever talk to you. I think I should have. Because I think what I would have said to you you would have felt was important. I wish I would have. But, Poppi says that hindsight is twenty twenty. Anyways I just wanted to say hi. I put a picture of us at christmas. Me, and Joey send our love to you, and your new family. We are happy you get to be happy now. Alejandro He opens the picture, and both boys are buck ass naked in front of the tree. Eric zooms in and smiles. Such pretty boys. But, not just on the outside. They are beautiful on the inside too. He sends back a message. Alejandro: I am so happy to hear from you. If you would have talked to me I would have felt it was the most important words I have ever heard. I wish you would have trusted me enough to do that. But, as your poppi says hindsight and all that. Thank you for the picture. Its nice seeing how you two have grown. You are both handsome boys. As it turns out I may e in America in a couple of weeks. One of my boys is blind, and they may be able to fix it with surgury. If we are close I would love to see you guys and meet your poppi. Not to mention see Joey again. I am so Happy you guys are doing so well. Please email me again soon. Eric. He sends it and starts looking at pizza ovens. He finds some really good ones that he thinks will work and they are well within their price range. Actually about half of it. He found one for 65,000 pesos(Around $800 give or take.) He clicks on it and starts looking. It seems perfect. It has three seperate ovens so they can cook seceral at a time if need be. He bookmarks a few of them so they can decide together. He adults because they know more about cooking. OK The women know a shit tom more then Eric. He ses he has another email this time from Eric. Eric: Where are you going to be. The boys want to see you and we will be glad to fly to wherever you are. I am really glad to hear that your boy Danny if I recall is getting his sight back. I cant imagine how wonderful you all feel. The boys and I are very excited for him. Alejandro came in screaming at me he was so excited. So let him know he has cheerleaders here too. We wish you nothing but the best. Eric He has to respond immediately. But, first he needs to ask where the hell they are going. Probably somewhere like Austin. Cool town. But, way far from them. `Hey Randy. Where is this surgery going to take place?" "Riley Children Hospital in Indianapolis." "Really?" "Yeah why?" "I grew up in Beech Grove." "No kidding. I live in Beech Grove." "Crazy small world huh?" "No shit." Randy says. "Be back I have to send an email." Eric notices that Zoe has parked next to Randy and is leaning on him. He knows she wants to see what he can do. Of that he is certain. He hopes that Randy rocks her world. Several times for that matter. He gets back to the computer and keys in. Eric: Surprisingly enough we are going to be at Riley in Indy. How cool is that. No plane trip for the boys though. They would have loved that I bet. We found out through the doctor that we can get maybe free ariline tickets or realy cheap. That will help a lot for sure. We are all excited about it. We had a family meeting and we all voted to go for it. Regardless if we have to mortgage the farm or sell it. Either way it will be worth it. So money will be really tight when we are there. I hope I can get a spot at the Ronald McDonald house there. Otherwise I will stay at the hospital. Either way I want to be close to Danny. I just thought its winter up there. I will have to get Danny some winter stuff to wear too. He has never felt the frigid cold before. It will be a shock to him seeing as how its summer here. It will be great fun seeing the boys too. I also look forward to meeting you as well. It seems from Alejandro's email he adores you. Hes a good boy and a good judge of character I believe. I will email you our information as soon as I get it. Eric. He sends it and in a moment a little box pops up for chat. I hope you don't mind I just read your email. I know a company that will pay for your boys surgery. Eric is shocked. That would be great. But, its really a lot of money. It is my understanding they will pay up to 250k for a surgery like this. Maybe more if its needed. Its no where near that much. Its 20k. But, that's still a lot to ask for. Would you mind if I put your name in for a grant? Well. No of course not. It would be a huge burden lifted off of our shoulders. Hold on a minute Alejandro wants to talk to you a minute if thats OK? I would love to talk to him. Hi Mr Eric. How are you doing I am doing great. I hope you are too. I am. Joey is gonna be so mad I got to talk to you, and he didn't. He's at a bowling tournament. Poppi wanted to go but joey said he wanted to go by himself because he was scare he would do bad. But he wont he will win. Hes really good I didn't know he bowled. I hope he does win. He deserves it. No he will. He just started bowling. Poppi says hes a natural. Im pretty good but, I wanted to see if he won or not first. I was kind of scared to try. You should never be scared to try new things. Just think about pizza. What if oyu never tried it. What would you have missed out on. I like pizza a lot. I know you are right. Poppi said the same thing. So if both of you say it. You are probably right. You cant ever know something until you try it. Poppi's on the phone talking to some lady. Asking questions about flying. I guess we are going to see you soon. I'm super excited to see you again. I am looking forward to it. But, you guys don't have to fly anywhere the hospital is in Indy. Oh I don't know then. I hope Danny gets to see again. I am really super excited about that. I mean that is so cool. Yeah I am excited too. If we are both this excited can you imagine how he feels. Yeah anyway Poppi is back. I am cant wait to see you again Mr Eric Be good and be safe. You always said that. I always meant it too. Especially for you. The be safe part anyway. You were always good. Thanks. Your welcome OK Eric here again. I talked to alady I know. She is super helpful and she said the company would be delighted to help you guys out. She said the only thing they ask is that they get one photograph for the owner. It will never be used for any publicity or anything like that. I wouldn't care if it was. I doubt Danny would either. Tu get his eyesight back I think any or all of us would do whatever they asked. Thank you so much for helping us with this. Your help has made it so much easier. If it happens. It will happen. Believe me it will happen. I cant wait to meet you as well. I am going to sign off of here. Feel free if oyu see me on to pop me a message. Again thank you. I tell my boys if you don't help the person in front of you. What good are you? I live by that and saw where I cold help and did. Its as simple as that. That's nice. I like that. I cant wait to tell the family. Have a great evening I don't know how it could get any better. He starts to power off the computer when an email hit from MIG What the hell he thinks. He opens it thinking maybe this is from that company. But, probably not its too fast. He opens it and it reads as follows. In the letter head. MIG is an investment corporation trying ot make lives better. Below that it reads. It has come to our attention that a child in your care could regain his eyesight and that it would cause you financial issues. We love to help people like you. It would be a great honor, and a privilege for us to help yo in this situation. It is our understanding you have several young children and two women in the family as well. We would like to pay for air fare, hotels costs and any other incidentals you may need. We will also cover your food costs as well. Because we know that eating out with a family can get costly very fast. Please contact us as soon as you know the details so we can get it started. Thank you He responds back instantly Thank you so much. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. My family will too as soon as I tell them. I will get the information over asap. Eric He is so giddy with excitement he races out to the porch and sees no one there. "What the fuck?" Then he hears them. He looks over and they are all playing fut ball. Even Randy. He seems to be getting used to his nakedness. Eric also sees he is sporting half wood. Thing is massive he thinks. Half hard its as big as mine he thinks. Who cares I got exciting news. He rushes over to the field and grabs up the ball. "Hey you cant use your hands." Mateo says. "Everyone gather around. I got even more exciting news." "What could be more exciting then Danny maybe getting back his eyesight?" Maria asks. "That a company is going to pay for it." He says. "What?" Zoe half shouts. "Yes I was answering an email from Alejandro." "That's the boy from your class right?" Tomas asks. "Yes it is. Good memory. His Poppi sent an email after I told Alejandro that we were really excited that a doctor said maybe Danny can get back his eyesight. So his Poppi sent an email saying he maybe knew of a company that would pay for it. I said sure lets try. I already got an email from the company saying they would pay for it." "That's incredible." Maria says. "You think that's incredible. To top it off the company wants ALL of us to go to America for the surgery." "No way. We are all going to America?" Lucia says. "Yep every single one of us. AAAANNNNNNDDDDDDD they are paying for hotels and food costs. Also any other incidentals." "Whats an incidental?" Benji asks. "Like all of you guys need to get a passport. That's going to run into a lot of money. I paid around 10,000 pesos for mine. So with all of us well that just wouldn't be possible. So its not only a good day its a fucking GREAT DAY!!!!" The whole group cheers and is dancing around excited. Randy is looking on like they have all gone insane. But, he knows by their reactions that something really good just happened. He isn't sure why. But, he is definitely excited for them. He is really excited that he might be able to give a young boy back his eyesight. "So um Eric whats up?" He asks smiling. Eric explains it to him and he is also cheering and he grabs Zoe and swings her around and kisses her smooth on the lips. It started out as a happy kiss. But, turns into something more. He rises to full mast. When they break apart after a good minute Zoe sees it and her eyes nearly pop out of her head. "Oh my that's the biggest one of those I have seen. I don't think it will fit." Eric chuckles. "It will fit." "No I don't think so. Its too big." "If Lucia's little pussy will make room for mine at her size. I know yours will stretch for his." "You think so?" "Pretty sure of it." "What she saying?" "She doesn't think it will fit?" "She is so gorgeous I think just rubbing against it will get me off." Eric laughs and tells Zoe what he said making her blush. "We are so going to try that's for sure. It might split me in two. But, I bet I like every second of it." "What did she say now?" "Doc you really need to learn Spanish. But, one thing I do know for sure." "Whats that?" "Your getting lucky tonight." Randy grins and wraps his arms around her again. She accepts and returns the embrace. Eric sees it again. The thing has to be 30 to 35cm in length. Its pretty big around too. He thinks the kids mouths must have really stretched to fit around it. "Here you guys finish your game. I'm not playing fut ball with the likes of you cheaters." "We don't cheat Eric. You just aren't any good." Benji says laughing. "Yeah especially when a blind kid beats you." Danny says laughing. "Maybe not blind for long." Danny just smiles thinking it would be so great to see all the people he loves. Especially Mateo. Of course it doesn't matter a flip to him what they look like. They are all beautiful to him. Eric walks back up to the porch and the rest of the crew and Randy start playing again. How Randy played with that big cock bouncing around is beyond Eric comprehension. However they all learned pretty quick to throw him off os his game they just need to grab his cock. Eric was watching from the porch and laughing. Funny thing is that Randy doesn't know is he will get lucky. But, there will be a crowd watching because he knows its not only him that wants to see that behemoth thing in action. He sun is starting to set and Eric heads into the house and grabs glasses and a gallon of iced tea from the fridge. He sits it with ice on a tray and carries it outsdide. He also found some sweets the ladies had obviously made for the evening treat and carries those out as well. He sits down and when the sun finally sets and its just too hard to see the gang all heads to the porch. Lucia and Camilla sit on either side of Eric after they get their tea and treat. All of them chattering about how big Randy's cock is. Danny is curious. "Eric you think he would let me touch it?" "Pretty sure he wouldn't mind." Eric asks and of course he not only doesn't mind. He goes, and sits next to Danny. Danny reaches down, and feels it soft. "You guys are kidding me its not so big. Mines bigger." Then it starts growing in his hand. Once it reaces its full potential Danny says. "OK. Mine, is not bigger." He slowly runs his hand up and down the shaft. "Oh my its HUGE." Zoe walks over and straddles Randy. She starts kissing him and rubbing his cock between their bellies. After they kiss for a while she lifts up her body and grabs his cock and guides it to her hole. "Its going to feel like I'm a virgin again I bet." She says. Everyone has fathered around to watch it enter her. She slowly slides down over the head. "Oh shit." She says and gently lifts up, and goes back down taking a bit more of it. Tomas is next to Eric and starts rubbing his cock watching it. Eric sees Tomas touching himself and is turned on by that as well. Mateo is watching from the corner of his eye as he starts sucking off Danny. Benji is stroking himself too. Both girls are running their fingers between their pussy lips and moaning. "You girls want to try him next?" Eric asks. "Oh no its way too big for us." Camilla says. But, we will be getting someone in us tonight." She says smiling at Eric. He just raises his eyebrows making her laugh. E has about half of his cock in her and she explodes in an orgasm. She starts riding the half she has in her like a broncing buck. Randy is in heaven. His eyes have never left her body and he is rubbing her everywhere. He keeps saying you are so beautiful to her. Eric tells him how to say it in Spanish. He repeats it in Spanish over and over as she reaches he climax. Randy knows with a massive cock like his he cant just shove it in a woman. Though at this time he desperately wants too. Eric sits on the lounger next to them and has a great view of the action. Tomas sits next to him. He takes Erics member into his mouth and starts bobbing and sucking him. Eric licks his finger and gently rubs Tomas' anus. He slowly slip sin his finger and starts tapping his inner love button. Tomas is liking it as he is pushing back into his finger. Eric has never slid two fingers into Tomas before. But, this is a day of firsts it seems. So he slides in a second. Tomas eyes get a little big as he gets used to it. It takes a minute and he is forcing his ass back towards thte fingers again. Zoe is still working to get the whole cock in her and is at about three quarters and Randys body reacts and he lifts up sliding the last three inches into her. She lets out a scream of pleasure as he enters her fully. She starts leans forward and starts sliding most of it out and back in again. Eric grabs Tomas and spins him around so he can work his ass better. Tomas is happy to oblige. Eric slides in a third finger and he can feel Tomas little body tense up. Eric sees Mateo has slid up and is inserting Danny's cock into him. Danny is smiling. "I hope I really get to see this soon. It feels so good." He says as Mateo slides his cock in him deep. Eric sees Tomas' little cock is deflating from too much in his ass. He sucks it into his mouth and its hardness returns quickly. He is working three fingers pretty fast and hard now. He is making certain to tap that button every time. Randy pulls Zoe to him and he stands up with her in his arms and he flips her on her back on the lounger. He starts really plowing into her. She starts cumming hard almost immediately. Benji just cant take it anymore and he bends Lucia over and he slides his cock into her pussy. Camilla not wanting to be left out lays in front of Lucia knowing she will help her in her time of need. Sure enough a finger and a tongue start becoming very active on her little lightly haired mound. Tomas is teasing Eric's cock. He gets him right near the brink and switches what he is doing. Eric is about to go insane from pleasure. But, Tomas is too. He likes feeling stretched out and its even better because its Eric doing it. Eric looks over and sees Randy pulling out his cock to the head and slamming back into Zoe and he just cant take it anymore. He lifts Tomas off of him and spins him around. He lines up his cock to his little anus and starts to push in. He stops and he stands up and he puts Tomas on his back and lifts up his legs. He has his ankles in one hand and lines up his cock. He sees Benji next to him. He puts his cock in his mouth and pumps a few good times. He makes sure Benji gets it nice and wet. He once again lines up and he pushes in to Tomas' tight little hole. Tomas has his eyes closed and is feeling the pain of the larger intruder entering him. But, he wants it. He doesn't care if it hurts. He knows once he gets used to it. That it will feel great. Eric gently pushes forward and is about half way in. he pulls out and gently starts stroking in and out of Tomas. He grabs Tomas' still raging hard cock and starts to stroke it. Tomas likes how this feels a lot. Eric looks around and watches Benji's cock slip in and out of Lucia's little bald hole. He sees Lucia licking Camilla's pussy and inserting fingers as well. He can see the wetness on her fingers as they slip in and out. He watches a moment as Mateo rides Danny and then watches Zoe getting hammered. He sees Maria by herself playing with her clit and having an orgasm as he watches. He punches further into Tomas and is eventually all the way in. Tomas starts doing something he has been practicing. He starts squeezing Eric's cock with his ass. Eric feels it and its not a squeeze its like his ass rolls down his cock as he is sliding in and out. It feels absolutely amazing. Eric slides all the way in and lets Tomas milk his cock with is ass. Eric is feeling amazing pleasure and is still stroking off Tomas. Eric starts pumping into him again and He hears Randy say hes about to cum. He watches as he pulls out and sprays what seems like gallons of cum all over Zoe, Danny, Mateo, and both girls. This sets Mateo off and he starts jerking his cock vigorously. Which makes Danny cum as well. Shooting his boy load up into his primary lover. Benji slams his cock hard into Lucia him going off inside of her. He starts tickling her clit as he starts and she moans loud and is slamming her fingers into Camilla having her cum for about the tenth time. Eric watches it all and pumps several more times into Tomas' tight little ass as it milks him. He starts really hammering in and Tomas body tightens and Eric can feel his cock starting to pulse and his ass clenching down on his cock making it even more heavenly if that was possible. Eric Pushes Tomas' feet up to his shoulders and pumps about ten more times hard and fast as he reaches his plateau. He unloads seven hard shots up into Tomas' bowels. Grunting with each emission. The look on his face is pure ecstasy. Everyone was panting, happy, and spent. Maria is still watching and hits one more peak. As everyone else is slowly calming. "Is it like this all the time?" Randy asks Eric. "No. Usually we wrok all day. Then we make love all night." "I cant move here. As much as I want to. But, this is were all my future vacations will be." "You should learn Spanish then." "I most assuredly will. French in high school seems so silly now." "I took German. I know how you feel. In college though I took Spanish because I knew I wanted to teach then. I also knew a lot of my students might not speak English as a first language." "Smart." "Maybe." "You sound like a native here." "To your ear maybe. Not to theirs. But, I do pretty well. Sometimes I don't know a word and have to improvise. But, not so often now." "Is he talking about me?" Zoe asks. "Yes he said he has never made love to such a beautiful woman before." "What did she say?" "She asked if you were talking about her and I told her you said you had never made love to a more beautiful woman before." "Never had better either." He responds. "Wheres my phone?" He finds it and starts punching in things to translate. Zoe reads it and then punches in her response. This seems to be working pretty well as they keep handing the phone back, and forth to each other. Eric pulls out of Tomas and feels sad about it. He sits next to him and Tomas snuggles into him. Eric wraps his arm around him. Mateo has already slid from Danny who as grabbed his guitar and is playing a pretty, slow song. Its just lovely. Oe goes and gets more tea for everyone, as they need it. They all just relax before its time to head to bed in an hour or so. "I am going to shower. Tomas care to join me?" Eric asks. "Yeah." He says and jumps up. Eric gets up and follows him to the new bathroom. He turns on the water and in they go. Eric is gently washing Tomas' hair and is thinking about how amazing the sex with him was. He gets a semi just thinking about it. He washes the rest of Tomas and gets to his penis. Which is not surprisingly hard. Eric runs him up and down a few times and that's about it. Once Eric is done with Tomas his cock is rock solid again. Eric starts washing his own hair and Tomas starts washing Eric's cock. With his mouth. When Eric is done with his hair he leans back against the back of the shower stall enjoying Tomas' loving mouth. "C'mere." Eric says putting his arms on Tomas' shoulders. He lifts up and Eric lifts the boy up. He lathers his cock with some slippery stuff someone left in the shower and slowly lowers him onto his raging cock. Tomas wraps his legs around Eric's waist, and he starts bouncing up and down on Eric's member. Eric is lifting him at the same time and thrusting up into him. "Do that thing again." Eric says. Tomas just smiles, and starts manipulating his hole around Eric's cock. Eric thrusts into him hard several times and amazingly cums rather quickly. Especially after he had just cum. Tomas' set him off though because he was rubbing his cock up and down between them and came. Making his ass do numbers on Eric's cock. Eric still firmly embedded in Tomas slides down the wall and sits on the floor of the shower. "Don't tell anyone I said this. But, your little hole feels better then anyone's here." Tomas smiles at this. "I been practicing. I been waiting forever for you to make love to me. Now you have. Twice even." He says smiling. "Did you like it?" "At first it hurt really bad. Then it felt really, really good. I cant wait to do it again." He says and tries to start Eric up again. But, sadly Eric's cock isn't up to the task a third time. Eric sits there a moment and Reaches up and kisses Tomas. "I love you." "I love you too." Tomas responds. In Tomas mind though he is going crazy. He loves me. Men I knew he loved me. But, is in in love with me or love me. He said I was the best. Me the best. Yay go me. I am so excited. I love Eric so much. Maybe he feels like I do now. "I guess we better get out of here in case others want to use the shower." "Yeah. Eric?" "Yes?" "Can I sleep with you tonight?" Eric smiles. "Of course buddy. You were supposed to the other night. I still feel kind of bad about that." "It's OK." As they get out the girls walk in with Benji. "You guys sure took forever." Lucia says giggling. "What can I say. We were dirty." Eric says. "Oh you were dirty alright." Benji says making them all laugh. "Love you guys. I think Tomas and I are going to head to bed in a fw minutes. We may be there before oyu get done." "Love you too." They all chorus. They walk out to the porch to say goodnight the everyone else. Danny is playing a song so they sit and wait until its done. They all clap when its done. Danny doesn't really like the clapping it embarrasses him. But, he knows they appreciate his efforts. "We wanted to let you all know we are heading to bed." "Goodnight guys." The ladies say. He looks to Randy. "We are heading to bed now. The ladies usually stay up a little later so feel free to do as you wish. Or who you wish." Eric says chuckling. "Pretty sure I can sleep with Zoe." He says smiling. "I have no doubt about it." He says. He and Tomas head to erics room. They climb up in bed and Eric lays on his back and Tomas on top of him his head on his chest. "Eric whats America like? It must be pretty terrible if you left it." "It's not terrible. It's definitely different then here. Like right now I bet its super cold and snow on the ground." Tomas lifts his head quickly. "Snow?" "Yeah. Probably 30 cm or more." "No way no one gets that much snow." "Ha. They get lots more further north then that. They get meters." "Now your lying." "Nope. I remember one time when I was a boy we got a meter of snow and it was really windy. Its called a blizzard. It was really exciting to us kids. The adults were all scared though." "Why?" "They were scared we would lose power and not have any heat. It was kind of scary when the wind would howl." Eric says and imitates it. "I bet it was scary. Fun too I bet." "Yeah both." "Eric?" "Yes?" "Am I your favorite kid?" "You know I don't have favorites." "Yeah I know. You love us all the same." "I do. But, you are special to me." "We are all special to you." "Yes. But, your different because I had to get to know you as a boy before I got to know you as a lover. It made tonight a little more special to me. Because it was making love. Not just nature." "It was nice." He says laying his head back down. A few minutes later they were nearly asleep when they ear Zoe going off. "Sounds like Randy is making love to mom again." "Yes it does." "He's got a really big one huh?" "Really big for sure." "Think mine will get that big?" "Maybe? But, probably not. Whatever size it is is perfect for you though." "Yeah. But, having one that big would be cool." "Maybe not. Because he knows as well as all of you guys he is too big to make love to any of you. So that would suck." "Yeah it would, Remember your mom thought maybe it was too big for her." "True." They sit in silence a few minutes. Eric nearly asleep. "Eric?" "Yes." "I decided I don't want one that big. I want one your size." "That's probably more realistic." With that they went to sleep the sounds of Zoe in the background having wonderful sex.