Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2010 10:28:57 -0600 From: Subject: The Beneficial 1 The Beneficial by: dnrock( This is a work of fiction. That is not to say no facts or real events are included, only that the people and the Beneficial are fictional. If you have a problem with homosexual behavior, sex between men and boys, men and men, boys and boys and the male and female, you should not read it. If you are under some legal age as defined in your home place, you know what to do. Nifty has the posting rights and I retain the copyright. This story is mostly about the adventures of Tom Anderson and a few other modern day members. A number of fiction and non fiction books, songs, plays, authors and others are mentioned in the text. One song is mentioned several times at different points in the story. That song is "The Little Drummer Boy" by K. Davis, H. Onorati and H. Simeone (1958). Most other references are sighted as they occur. In addition, Tom and his crew, from time to time, interact with characters found in other stories by your not so humble author. At some points in the story you will find mention being made of real places such as cities, state and national parks or events e.g. the Calgary Stampede. The reader is encouraged to check these out in more detail, for some I have included web addresses in the text. For other bits of information a quick web search will be rewarding should you be interested in more details or just a photograph. I assure the reader digressions to check out things in more detail will be rewarding and if those digressions enhance your enjoyment of this story so much the better. The reader may wonder why the story opens with a historical background instead of brief prolog. Simply, it is to long to be called a prolog and I thought it simpler to include it here then to keep messing up the plot line with background info. The Beneficial by: dnrock( Historical background & introduction: In the spring of 1867 a band of union solders returned to their home. About 75% of those who left, those long and difficult years before, were returning. The group, lead by their Captain, the community school master, had largely survived the battles and physical dangers; most of those not returning had died from the infection of minor wounds and disease. Several were missing limbs, one was almost blind and a few had suffered mental trams, although they didn't call it that in those days. Captain Hobart had worked very hard to protect his men: neighbors, friends, comrades, students. Hobart, for his day, was highly educated. Like many scholars of his time he was classically educated, reading Latin and Greek. His education was well grounded in ancient Greek philosophy, mythology and history. His boyhood heroes were Alexander and Plato. He understood many subtleties of the social system of those times and the realities and subtleties of his own. He had been sent back east for education but loved the frontier life style. Hobart realized, before they departed, perhaps what these younger men did not, some would not be returning. A large number had young families. The upper mid west community they haled from was somewhat isolated in the 1850's and people all held a strong sense of loyalty toward each other. These were second generation frontiers men , strongly independent individuals. They were farmers, risk takers, can do by the sweet of my brow, types. Most were religious after a fashion, they did the church thing because their wives and mothers insisted. Hobart realized that he was better off not trying to weld such a group into a well disciplined fighting unit, acting on orders without question. He was better off welding them into a group that acted from a desire to protect each other, in a spirit of common interest and well being. He also knew that the Greek city states all had strong, professional militaries. Each city state had it's own unique way of going about this. In essence they promoted comradeship and respect between the members. Some giving a preference to homosexual pairs, believing they would fight harder in defense of their lover then just their friend. Sprat and Thebes often had heterosexual couples fighting together. He knew, the duties of a citizen in ancient Greece to the youth and how they expected young men to take boys from the age of 10 or 12 as lovers-apprentices until they reached maturity. He knew these same men were expected to head families and father children, to further the city state. He knew that some men and women would be homosexual, although he didn't use that term. He knew that institutional man-boy sex did not create this preference. For him it was, the way it was. From the beginning Hobart promoted the concepts of comradeship, based on all the usual intellectual and emotional rationales of brotherhood, community and home. In addition, he fostered what ever physical intimacy the men felt comfortable with. In the small two and four man tents, often holding 4 or 6, the men shared a common bed. Physical closeness was a given. Hobart was a great story teller and his men, some of whom could hardly read, were highly entertained. One result of his comradeship fostering, was the development of a commitment between the men to look out for each other and their families, should some of then not return or be maimed. These men came to Hobart after about a year of service with a proposal to formalize this commitment. This kind of thing was frowned on by the Union Army. It would be frowned on by any army. Hobart created a secret society he call the "Men's Beneficial". After they returned the men continued to seek each others social company and to discharge their beneficial duties; slowly they added other community members, non veterans. Hobart organized a public front for the secret society. A hunting and recreation society for men and boys, called simply the MBRS. Within the MBRS the secret society could function unobserved. Over time the sexual nature of the male-male relationships became an important part of the Men's Beneficial, it was not just the willingness to do right by your fallen comrade but the ongoing sexual interactions that bound the men to their duty. Hobart suggested that they form another secret society call Apollo's League, for those that wanted to reinforce the more physical and emotional part of the male to male bonding experience and leave the beneficial role to the MB. The MB eventually would be transformed from a secret to public society, taking on the functions of a bank, trust and insurance institutions. No family went hungry or were ever in danger of loosing their farm or business because the man was not available or able. Hobart made sure that all fatherless boys were taken care of educationally and socially, by including all male children over the age 8 in the MBRS. Any boy who did not have an older male relative to guide him was assigned a "Big Brother". Boys who's families could not afford membership were given what ever financial assistance needed. Older boys that needed jobs were employed by members or the MBRS. This was, in some respect, Hobart's answer to the utopian ideas still circulating in the society during this period. His approach was just a lot more practical and less ideology based. He looked to the ancient Greeks for ideas, such as mentor programs with a strong sexual component. Hobart never married and had no children. He lived with his older sister who was a childless widow. By 1880 Sara Raffle had formed a female counterpart to the MBRS. It was called the Ladies and Girls Recreation Society, later ladies was replaced by women. This group roughly paralleled the MBRS in its development. Over time the MBRS and the Ladies were endowed with land and other gifts from members, giving space, facilities, and income. Apollo's League slowly expanded its membership and activities until most of the recreational members became members of the League. The Beneficial side was almost completely composed of war or military veterans. Over the years the society flourished and grew. Hobart would never consider sex with anyone under the age of 21 for himself; he was not interested in promoting his personal ideas but demanded that the society be as democratic and egalitarian as possible. He also realized that the earlier the boys were incorporated into the League the more comfortable they would be as they grew. It took time and leadership to keep these ideals of equality and brotherhood alive. One of Hobart's most important contribution, was the concept of equality and sharing, especially in sexual matters. Sex was never to be used in a power or controlling manor. He expressed no opinion on incest but insisted that each boy of 13 be assigned a male mentor. That mentor could not be his parent or legal guardian and should not be a close relative. He eventually took charge of the younger boy's sexual and League education. Each boy was assigned an older brother, a boy over 13 and younger than 18, again not a family member. Over time, as the new generations came on all the boys of recreational members became League members. While some of their fathers or uncles chose not to continue League membership they were most willing to allow their sons to become junior members and choose to continue or not as their own, free will, choice. It became clear, most League members were bisexual but it was through Hobart's leadership that acceptance of what we now call homosexual behavior or orientation was accepted as normal and as natural as anything else. This attitude is now more or less common in the local community. Hobart was quite a visionary. Like many rural populations in North America, this one has been slowly declining since the 1920's. Members now live in many other states and cities, most no longer farm. They still make periodic trips to hunt, fish, camp and enjoy the community of other men. Most still send their sons and daughters to spend the summers at the MBRS and WGRS. Hobart being an educator saw to it that academic learning, art, music, theater, trades and skills of all sorts, along with hunting fishing and recreation (sports) skills, were promoted for the young and those older men who wanted it. He believed that all should strive to be "renaissance men". Many of the members became tradesman and many of the boys became their apprentices. 1. Novices in Camp Charley was excited about being able to spend the summer at the MBRS. He had never been to a summer camp before. Oh, sure he had gone to city parks and recreation day camps for one or two weeks. He had even been to the MBRS camp for weekends with his family. But this was different, it was a stay away from home and in the woods, with swimming and boys to play with and sports, music and all kinds of fun things to do, camp. Charley was a bit sad to be leaving his school playmates for the summer and his soccer team. He was a bit hesitant never having stayed away from home for more then a night or two and then that was at a cousin's or grandparent's house. Sure he knew where he was going, he had even been there and met some of the other boys but this was still different. Charlie's mom was concerned that he was not taking enough clothing. Dad had told her all he needed was a light jacket, tooth brush, running shoes and one change (shorts, jeans, undies and T-shirt) everything else is provided by the camp. This is something she should have already known, mothers will be mothers. Charley is 8 and going into grade 3 in the fall. He is tall for his age but that is still not all that big. He has sandy hair, now cut very short, blue eyes, killer smile, a few freckles on his nose. Charley is being taken to camp by one of the other parents that live in this city. In all, 4 campers from this city are heading to the MBRS. These boys do not know each other but three of the fathers are friends and MBRS members, the 4th boy does not have a dad. Charley is the last to be picked up, as the mini van pulls up the kid's excitement level reaches it peak. Mom who is a WGRS member should know the ropes but moms still worry. Mr. Nelson introduces himself to Charley placing his hand on the boys shoulder just the way his dad tends to. This gives Charley a new degree to comfort. Mr. Nelson talks like his dad too, Charley likes his new adult friend. In the van the other three boys are talking and joking in anticipation of meeting another new boy. Charley and James recognize each other from opposing soccer teams. They have played each other several times, although neither knew the other's name. Two months in the wilds of central Minnesota, with a whole bunch of other boys, doing boy things, what more could an 8 year old want. It will take about two hours to get to the camp, during the trip the boys talk, laugh, play games and even do some sleeping. Mr. Nelson, James' dad, seams not to be bothered by the noise. He tells some stories, mostly tall tails and leads the boys in singing some camp type songs. Charley notices that Mr. Nelson knows the same songs as his dad and he acts a lot like him when he drives the soccer team. He also notices that James' dad has a crotch bulge about the same size as his dad. The boys are fast friends by the time they pull up to the camp gate. Mr. Nelson organized the boys, giving each one a gentle squeeze, placing his huge arm around the boys shoulder and gently pulling him against his body. "Dad does that all the time," James said to Charley. "Yes, my dad acts like him too." Eddy does not have a dad. His mother has male friends visit from time to time but few of them seam to know how or even want to interact much with him. He just accepts what ever behavior is presented, not having much to compare it to. The little group is met by a college aged young man, who greets Mr. Nelson warmly. After being introduced to the boys he leads them off to the dining hall for refreshments and Mr. Nelson goes into the main lodge for a beer. Several boys are already in the camp's dining hall and more are arriving all the time. Soon the room is filled with twelve boys in the Novice class, these are 8 and 9 year olds, fourteen boys in the 10 and 12 year old group called, Juniors, fifteen 13 to 15 year olds called Intermediates and twenty one in the 16 to 20 group called Seniors. In addition, there are a group of older boys or young men who are activity leaders, instructors, cooks, and so on. Charley, like all the other Novices, at least the first year Novices, was wide eyed and paying close attention to everything that was happening. All of the first year Novices were dressed in street clothing. All of the older boys already had camp uniforms. The camp uniforms consisted of T-shirts with the boys first name on the front and back. The T-shirts were white with colored sleeves. Blue for Juniors, red for Intermediates, black for Seniors. Novice shirts have white sleeves. The shorts are medium blue, low rise, spandex-cotton that clings to the body. The shorts had a fly that terminated in a pouch. The back was designed to outline the butt and indent into the cleft. Older boys were issued white thongs. The younger boys white bikini briefs. In addition, each boy had warm up pants and jacket with the same colors. The boys were also given white Speedos for swimming and nylon rain gear. The older ones all had their stuff, the first year Novices would be issued their gear later in the afternoon. The camp director called the meeting to order and after welcoming everyone introduced the Novices, 6 first year and 6 second year. He asked each first year to stand when his name was called as a form of introduction. The first year Novices will all be assigned a Big Brother. Living units would be 3 Novices, their 3 Big Brothers, two to four Juniors and two to four Intermediates and their Big Brothers. Each cabin was then be about 12 to 16. The Seniors and young men stayed in a separate dorm unless their Little Brother (LB) was in one of the houses. Each living quarter group was called a house. The houses had names as did all the buildings. Each building was named after a fallen member from the First or Second war. The new Novices were assigned Big Brothers (BB). Charlie's BB is Nate, a 16 year old boy, from a close to the city community. As each Novice was introduced to his BB, the BB pledged to the boy and the assembly: to nurture, protect, educate and earn the love and respect of his LB to the best of his ability. Charley noticed that the older boys often touched and pressed their bodies against each other. After the introduction and the pledge, Nate placed his seemingly long arm around Charlie's shoulder much as Mr. Nelson had done, pressing him against Nate's tall thin body and guided him to a pair of chairs. This gave Charley a feeling of security and belonging. The house assignments were read out. The other first year Novice with Charley was Eddy. Eddy's big brother is Richard another 16 year old from the same city as Eddy and Charley. Nate seamed to keep touching Charley through out the remainder of the meeting. Charley noticed Richard seamed to act exactly the same toward Eddy. At first Eddy seamed a bit uncomfortable, probably due to his lack of older male company. Charley was quite accustomed to his dad, cousins and uncles touching him, he was quite comfortable with it. Eddy seamed a bit uneasy. When Eddy and Charley were alone on a piss brake, Charley assured Eddy that all Richard's physical attention was normal, like his dad and Mr. Nelson. Eddy seamed to relax a bit, after that. "We are in Randell house," Richard announced as the four walked across the green. "Your uniforms are already there so all we need to do is show you around, give you a few rules, and put your stuff away." Each boy had a foot locker with his name on it. Each foot locker held uniforms, two sets of warm up gear, riding boots, rubber boots, soccer shoes, hiking boots, socks, underwear and about anything else one could imagine. "Put your street cloths in these upright lockers but keep out your running shoes," Nate told him. "These bunks over here our ours Charley, you get the top I get the bottom. Lets get you changed. Ok." Charley took off his shorts and T. "the undies too," Nate said. Charley looked at him a little funny. Its, Ok, Chuck, I can call you Chuck can't I, we are all boys here and we all got the same equipment. Charley was a little red but tried not to show his embarrassment. "Sure you can call me Chuck, Nate," as he pulled his briefs off. Nate immediately placed his hand on the boys back letting it slide don to his butt. "You are one great looking example of a boy." he said. "You really think so?" "Yes, I do Chuck, now lets get that uniform on," he said gently patting the lad's bottom. Charley pulled up the white bikini briefs which were just big enough. "Unless they stretched a bit he would surly out grow them in a week. Man he sure fills them up well," Nate thought. Charley looked a bit uncomfortable which gave Nate an opportunity to feel the boy's maleness. "With tight ones like these you got to adjust yourself sometimes, let me show you." he said reaching for the lad's crotch, slipping his hand under the waistband and pulling the small but now rock hard little cock-let and partly formed testicles up to fill in the small pouch. Nate was now getting a hard on, he always seamed to get them. It was obvious with these uniform shorts. Nate didn't care, Charley sure noticed but said nothing. "Better,.?" "Ya great." Charley pulled up the shorts and zipped the fly they were a perfect fit, the his bubble butt was just ever so tempting; Nate had all he could do to keep his hands off. "Sit for a moment Chuck, we got to talk. Well, I talk you listen and ask questions if you have any, OK." "Sure." Chuck took a seat on the lower bunk next to his brother. "Wow is he big, and strong and he smells, not bad, no he smalls like a male," Chuck thought,, "Now Charley they are a few rules you need to know about. Well like everything in life there are a whole bunch of rules around here but a few that are critical from the get go. First when you are not in a group activity the only person that can tell you what to do is me. So if some one tells you to do something and you are not sure about it or don't want to do it, don't. Until you check with me. If I think it is all right I will give you a nod or sign. If I say no, or shake my head it is no and that is that. If I say nothing or do not react at all the choice is yours and I will back you up. If someone asks you to do something and your are not sure about it same as being told. If you are asked to help and the task is within your physical and mental capabilities by all means pitch right in. Got it?" "Got it, but why?" "Know one should ever ask you to do anything dangerous or anything like that but they may not know your skill level or miss judge it and some of the older boys will want to play tricks on the Novices. I don't want you to get hurt or embarrassed and frankly we will be so busy this summer that we just don't have time for foolishness that only produces humor at another's expense. I swore to protect, remember." "Second, If for any reason I tell you to stop or freeze, do it. Do it that instant, do not question, just do it. You can ask questions or make comments after, but stop or freeze first." "I get it another protection reaction, my dad taught me the same thing when I was little." "Right on, third. If someone does something to you, hurts you, calls you a name or teases you in any way, or touches you in a way you are not comfortable with you tell me, and if I am not around my BB Fred. You are not allowed to tease others or in any way make fun of another for any reason. Especially if they have a physical or mental handicap. If you do I will deal with it. Protect and educate." "Dad always taught me to treat others with respect and if some one has a handicap be helpful, but respectful at the same time." Right on little man, right on. Your dad came through the program didn't he?" "Yes he did, he always told me we teach the way we were taught." "Four, you are never expected to do something you are not able to. You are expected to do your best at what ever you do. If you don't know how or why, ask. If you need practice or are afraid say so. If you are afraid to fail I'll kick you ass. If you try and fail, I help you until you can. Got it." "Yes but would you really kick my ass?" "Yes and no. Not in a physical way and never in front of others but in privet you sure will feel the wrath of my highly articulate and educated tongue. I was chosen as your BB and you as my LB because management thought we would learn to love and respect each other, as much as if we were brothers in same family. Knowing me, my personality, skills, strengths and weaknesses and yours too, they matched us up. It was not just a random draw. Your dad interviewed me and so did your Uncle Thomas. They wanted to be sure we would be compatible, have the same likes and dislikes, similar interests and so on. That is the way it works around here." "What about Eddy he doesn't have a dad, who interviewed Richard?" Charley asked looking up at his brother with wide eyes and a sincere expression. "KId you blow me away. Your concern for your new friend is more then admirable. Eddy was sponsored by a member who does not have a son of his own. I don't know who he is, nor does Eddy. He must be a neighbor or perhaps works with Eddy's mom. Now you are not to say anything about this to Eddy got it. If his brother wants to tell him that is his call, not yours or mine. That is just the way it works around here. I guess the sponsor wants to be Eddy's friend because Eddy wants him as a friend, not because Eddy would feel he was some how obligated." He put his hands on the boys shoulders and looked into his eyes. "Can I trust you to keep silent on this?" "You sure can. Brothers got to trust each other." "God, I love you already and we just met two hours ago." Nate did love the boy, it was not just lust talking, although he had that too. Those blue eyes had captured his young heart in a way he never thought possible. He liked kids, hell he was still one himself. But this was a new feeling something he had only felt once before that was when he realized how much he loved his BB. Maybe this was the way it was supposed to be? He would ask Fred. "Five, If you have any questions about anything or just want to talk I am here for you, I will always be here for you. I will always respect your confidence. No subject is off limits for brothers. You should never feel embarrassed around me. By the end of the summer I can guarantee we will know more about each other than our parents know about us. This is your first time away from home isn't it? Lots of first year Novices get home sick for the first few days, I did when I was a Novice. You will miss your own bed, your own room, your teddy bear or what ever, it is normal and natural and must not be dismissed. If you ever feel lonely or afraid you just climb up in my lap or snuggle in my bed with me and I will make it safe and secure." "Like this," Charley said as he through his arms around Nate's neck and jumped into his lap crushing his now quite hard cock against his boney leg. "Ya, like this." Nate embraced the boy pulling him against his chest and kissing his head. "Won't the older boys think I am just being a sissy?" "No, I doubt it, they were all in your position at one time or another and they know we never make fun of anyone who displays any kind of sensitivity. It is just not our way." "But what if they do?" Charley was being just a bit irrational but then eight year old boys are not rational are they? "Their big brothers will, "kick their asses" , but one more thing if you see two boys kissing or fondling each other we just pretend not to notice. I mean you did notice but you pretend not too and you say nothing about it." "Ya but what if a boy wants to kiss me or I want to fondle him?" "Natural behavior and not to be shocked or feel guilty about. The rules are clear. If you want to kiss or fondle and you don't have prior arranged permission you got to ask first and remember no means no." "So if I want to kiss a boy I got to ask unless it has been agreed in advance that it is Ok?" "Right, you got it kissing and touching the sex organs." "But you kissed me without permission." "That is correct, I kissed you on the top of the head. I was talking about kissing the lips. Kissing a cheek in many cultures is quite acceptable, as you probably know and kissing the head or hair or forehead in our culture is a sign of endearment and affection not passion. I was talking about passion." "OK, can I kiss you Nate?" "Yes little man you can kiss me as much and as often as you like as long as I can kiss you. I like to be kissed mostly by girls but kisses from my LB will always be welcome." Charley reached his lips to Nate's and planted one on his partly pursed lips. Nate responded by pressing his lips to Charlie's and forcing his tongue into the boy's mouth, but only briefly and just a little way in. Charley looked up at his brother with a very satisfied look. He liked the kisses, he like giving them, he sure like getting them back. He was not sure why or just what it meant but he would do that again he was sure of it. Nate was sure of it too. He was sure they would be sharing lots of kisses and a lot more than that. Somehow he had to hold back for the first week. Somehow he had to keep his lust under control. It seamed so easy when he took the job on. That was before he met the boy, that was before he looked into those blue eyes and that was before he found out how precocious and affectionate Charley was. He needed Fred now more than ever. He needed Fred to fuck him long and hard to suck his balls dry before night fall, when Charley would be laying in his bed next to him naked and innocent. At the very least Richard would always be game for a quick romp. "Ok, little man I think we had better go back to the assembly hall we have a lot of organizing to do. All of us have a series of skill tests to perform over the next day or so." They were joined by Richard and Eddy as they waked toward the dining room. "This afternoon is graphic arts, music and sprinting distances. This evening is swimming, and Archery." The two younger boys fell a few steps behind to chat. The two older boys knew enough to pretend not to notice. "How do you like him Eddy?" "Oh, I think Richard is the greatest, he lives in our city and we will be able to do stuff in the winter too. Richard doesn't have a dad at home either. How about Nate?" "I think we will get along just fine. He is so strong and yet gentile like my dad. He makes me feel all tingly when he touches my arm or shoulder." "Let's stop here for a minuet," Richard said as they approached a low cottage like building, the Westfall House, the sign said. "This is the computer building and my BB runs it." Richard introduced the Novices to his BB Wiley who greeted them warmly, "How would you guys like to see some of the movies we produce here, it is part of your sex education class," pointing to a computer the boys pressed the space bar and the screen saver quit revealing to naked boys about 12 or 13. Eddy hit the start and the boys began making out kissing and fondling each other the voice over explained what they were doing as one boy began lowering his body kissing and licking his partner as he approached a respectable sized erection. As different anatomical body parts were mentioned, text with arrows illustrated them. Charley and Eddy were fascinated with the process. Wiley was telling the big brothers that the girls across the road had produced their own female version and that we would be using it in our classes and they would use our male version. The boy-girl counterpart would be made this summer. More first year Novices came in and were directed to other terminals. The same CD had been pre loaded into each. "I never thought boys did that with each other, Eddy was saying, "I guess I just never thought about it before." "It sure looks like those two are enjoying it." "Do you think you would enjoy it Charley?" "Don't know, never thought about it before but if it was Nate or maybe you Eddy I think I might." "I don't quite know either and I'm not sure about me, Rich said we never had to do anything we were not comfortable doing." "Ya, Nate told me the same thing and I think they are serious about it." The skills testing went well enough since that is just what it is. Tests to ascertain the level of skill each camper had in different activities. The military background of the camp dictated that many skills or sports like archery, and shooting formed a big part. For things like that, individual activities, the training and instruction was by house. Given the military heritage, drilling and marching was done frequently and by house. After the second week they would march from activity to activity singing in cadence, usually the most raunchy words the veterans could remember. For team sports like soccer or baseball two houses combined to play the other two. Teams were made up on level divisions: Novices, Juniors and so on. Usually no one even kept score, since the idea was to have fun and learn skills, not win games. Hobart's philosophy simply stated and still believed was every human being has some talent or skill at which they can excel, our job is to identify it, nurture it and help it succeed. Each of the first year Novices and their brothers were reporting to the Doctor's office. Nurse Tillard greeted Charles bidding him to sit down. "Do you mind if your BB is part of this conversation, Charley?" "No sir, Nate needs to know everything about me, he's my BB." Tillard completed him on his positive attitude, handed him a small hard candy and told Charley to suck on it. He proceeded to ask him all the usual questions about his physical health. "PLease take off your cloths." Charley looked at Nate, he nodded so Charley slowly began removing his clothing. Nate said, "perhaps if I take mine off you will feel more comfortable." He did just that and Chuck did feel better. Tillard took his blood pressure, piss in the bottle, weight, height and measurements of his entire body. Nate helped by writing the numbers on the chart. Charley had never been measured quite like this before. Tillard noted the thickness of his bisects, thighs, calves, chest, neck and the length of each limb, distance from 1 to last vertebrae, crotch to heal along the inner leg along with the length and thickness of his penis. He then photographed the boy from all sides noting the date on each. Nate showed the digital picture to Charley distracting him while Tillard took a blood sample. Once in the doctor's inner examining room Charley began to feel just a little funny. He was ever so sleepy and almost unsteady. Dr. Derek Oleffsen ask him to sit in a large comfortable chair. Nate sat next to him. Dr. Oleffsen asked Charley how he was liking the camp so far and studied the charts. "Please stand up Charley I need to finish the examination." Charley stood up and Oleffsen listened to his heart, looked in his ears, touched and felt his body including his penis and mostly empty ball sack. The room was very dimly lit and quite warm. Charley was getting less steady as the time went on. "Now Charley I want you to sit down again and close your eyes. I am going to recite some lines of poetry to test your hearing. Listen closely and every time I say the word boy lift up your right hand." He started to read and Charley began lifting. Oleffsen's voice was a steady drone and the word boy became less and less frequent. The poem was about the camp and how the boys all loved the activities and each other. It was a kind of blank verse with often repeated lines that told the listener how relaxed and secure he was. Oleffsen stopped, suggesting the boy should keep his eyes closed and settle back in the chair. Charley complied. Then Oleffsen began his hypnosis section putting Charley into as deep a trans as the boy was capable of. He brought him back to alertness using the Stanford test to evaluate his level and asked him to lay on the examination table. Charley quickly complied. "You want Nate to assist me, now don't you Charley?" "Yes, I would like that." "Nate can you help your LB?" "Sure, Doc, anything for Charley." Oleffsen had Nate stand next to the boy laying on his back. He told Charley he was on a cloud not an examination table and that Nate not just his brother but a human representative of the Greek God Apollo. Everything he was to experience was Apollo's energy being given to him. Nate began slowly passing his hands over the lad's body with the Dr. described all the feelings that Charley was experiencing. "You like to be touched and when Nate touches you the power of the god is moving into your body you can tell because your skin tingles as his fingers pass across your chest to fondle you nipples. Much time was spent on the boy's crotch. Nate is going to kiss you Charley and you will feel his tongue in your mouth this will be very exciting and you will feel the tingling from the back of your neck to your toes and up to your penis. Your penis will become hard as Apollo's energy courses through your system. You want to be kissed and you want Nate to do that kissing, kiss him back just as he kisses you give Nate some of Apollo's energy in return." Nate began sucking and licking the boy's small stiff penis. His mouth engulfed the whole of his maleness and his tongue played up, down, and across. Charley remembered the seen on the CD, he remember how much fun the boys seamed to be having, he now realized just how inadequate his anticipation was. The Dr. moved the boy's legs, placing his feet flat on the table at the edges and just below his butt with his knees pointed up, "now spread your legs as wide as you can." He lubed his finger and began playing with the boys anus. Telling him how good this felt, how much he liked it and that he wanted to feel this again and again, as often as possible. He told the boy that Apollo's power would protect him from pain and that while he and Nate were giving him pleasure he could feel not pain. Oleffsen gently inserted his index finger into the boy's anus and began stroking his small hard prostrate. Meanwhile he had Nate kissing and sucking on the boys nipples and penis. Charley was beside himself with excitement and pleasure. The Dr. kept telling him how much he enjoyed all of this and how much he wanted to do it over and over again. Finally he suggested the boy climax, surrender to Apollo's rapture, give the energy back to Apollo through his partner and receive Apollo's gift of pleasure. Which he did with a strong pulsing dry orgasm. He had Charlie roll over and they repeated the efforts on his back. Paying close attention to his butt, legs and shoulders. By now the Dr. had three big fingers up the boy's ass and Charley was sucking on Nate's large cock. Nate was filling his mouth pressing his penis head against the back of his throat. Charley was told that Apollo's power would suppress his gag reflex. Oleffsen was giving Charley instructions how to lick and such but Charley already knew he had seen it all on the CD. Derek instructed the boy to memorize the smell of his BB. Smell is a powerful memory stimulant and the odor of his brother would be a powerful sexual driver. Charley on his back again and pleading for Nate to put his cock in his butt. Nate did, giving the boy an expert fuck, his cock pressed into the boys hole with ease. Charlie's sphincter was completely relaxed and stretched. Nate's 6 inch cock was filling his rectum and driving the already well educated prostrate wild. Oleffsen finally allowed Nate to ejaculate into the lad's anus. He gave Nate the power to return the boy to hypnotic state by touching his butt and saying "Apollo's Magic". Charley would become hypnotic and completely compliant to Nate's instructions, giving him pleasure and more of Apollo's energy. He planted a post hypnotic suggestion that Nate should teach him how to clean himself and that he should ask Nate to kiss and fondle him when ever they were alone. Most important he was never to speak about what had taken place in this room outside of this room. He was never to reveal any of Apollo's secrets outside of the League. In fact, he was never to reveal that any sex took place at the camp at all. He was to ask Nate to dress him and he was to dress Nate. Lastly he would return here in the morning and afternoon each day until further notice.