Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 20:43:56 -0700 From: Subject: The Beneficial 20 The Beneficial by: dnrock( 20: Another Performance "Dr. Anderson, don't those web sites and others commentators have a constitutional right to free speech and their opinions," Eckhart asked? "Absolutely, the same rights as you and I. As long as they abide by the liable and slander rules, refrain from: incitement to violence, advocate the breaking of law and clearly distinguish their opinions from lies and false accusations. Just like you and I must do. Because they publish on the internet does not exempt them." "Don't you think the dollar amounts asked for in your liable suites is excessive?" "No, it is my opinion they are not unreasonable, since my reputation is critical to my livelihood. And remember, just because you ask for something doesn't mean you will necessarily get it. It is also my opinion, this liable was perpetrated in a malicious, planned and coordinated way. This behavior, like all behavior, has a price." "You have leveled a charge of conspiracy against a number of journalists, talk show hosts, like me and others. You claim, they are attempting to organize a smear campaign against your good name. What evidence to your have for this?" "I have copies of e-mails sent between these people and others, suggesting just such a campaign should take place, it should start on Monday next and they should base their smear on the liable materials from the web sites we have filed against. You were on the cc list for many of those e-mails, so you have read them. Would you call it anything other then a smear campaign?" "No, I must admit some of those messages used the word smear, others left little doubt as to what they were urging. I also checked up on some of the information they suggested and I must agree with you, if spoken would be slander. I guess that makes it liable if written." "That was my lawyers take on it. Since you invited me on your program to announce my actions, I take it you are serious about protecting everyone's freedom of speech, not just those you agree with?" "As regular listeners of this program know, I have always defended that right. They also know I have no time for rumors and falsehoods masquerading as facts or truth. That's why I ignored those e-mails when they came and I hope others around the country will do the same. You have named some names in your statement, what evidence do you have that those messages originated from them?" "That question gets right to the heart of my assertion and I'm glad you asked it. As you may or may not know, every electronic message leaves an electronic trail. It takes more computing sophistication then I have to track this sort of thing. Several of the graduate students at the university have the skills, knowledge and software to do it. I am basing my claims of origination on their independent work; which was published last night. You can run, you can hide, you can protest your innocence but the facts are the facts." "In your recent interview with that other media, you repeated several times that you advocate for no cause and disavow any political connections. You went so far as to quote Oliver Wendell Holmes about freedom of speech. Does that mean you have changed your position and advocate for that freedom?" "I don't need to advocate for something guaranteed by the constitution but if needed, I would advocate against censorship, just as I advocate against ignorance and intolerance. You and I often disagree about many things but we respect each others right to be wrong. We may have different views about what constitutes the public good and who should pay for it but we agree something like liable, slander and attempted smear campaigns, do not serve that good but place an unfair tax upon it. It is in effect, taxation without representation." "And that folks was what started this republic in the first place." And so it went. Klein opened up the phone lines and several callers questioned Tom. A few tried to get him to associate the congressman with these and other events. "I have no evidence that the congressman is involved in this series of events. I do know that his campaign manager is the money behind two of the six web sights being enjoined, two others are owned by organizations that manager is more then casually involved with. Politics is perceptions but perceptions are not necessarily facts." Tom was tempted to use the "Walks like a duck" adage again but refrained himself. A subsequent caller used it for him. Another caller wondered why he feels he has been targeted. "My ego would like it to be about me, my perceived influence or my intellect but it is not. If you want to create a smoke screen to deflect attention away from your real agenda, what better way than attack the messenger, especially if you think that messenger can not defend himself. I am less concerned about why me, than I am about, what. What is the hidden agenda here, what is this Orwillian double speak saying?" Finally callers began asking other types of questions. One lady referred to one of Tom's columns. "In your column of two weeks ago you wrote that some writer claims homosexuality is natural. How can you say that? God created nature and God views homosexuality as a sin." "In that column I was quoting Professor Joan Roughgarden. She will soon publish a book called Evolution's Rainbow, subtitled: Diversity, Gender and Sexuality in Nature and People. She has also published a number of scientific articles about this. In her book she argues that the animal and human world is way more sexually complex than we thought it was. This is true, especially when it comes to orientation and gender. I offered a number of examples from the scientific literature which her book is attempting to overview, for example homosexuality is common in hundreds of species from lizards to Bonobo chimpanzees. These are facts, measurable and verifiable. If, as you say, God created nature and this activity is natural, then God must have created it. It could be the work of the devil. It could be God does not view this as a sin but that those writing things down for him did. As a student, I took a comparative religion course, taught by our local RC Archbishop. I learned from that course that some Christians and some Moslems viewed this as a sin, many other believers, either did not or said nothing, about it. The question you must ask is: are the observations being reported by these scientists accurate? Do Bonobo chimps do what the films show them doing, on a frequency as the observers report? The facts are the facts. How you choose to interpret those facts is another matter. In Doyle's Sherlock Holmes adventure "The Sign of Four", Holmes says: "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Nature is amoral, facts are amoral. Morality is strictly a human belief system concept. We humans can impose it on ourselves but only on ourselves. I submit that as stewards of God's world, mankind has done a poor job, is that moral behavior?" The next caller wanted to talk about moral absolutes. Tom would not get drawn into this quite the way the caller obviously wanted him to. "What science has discovered and keeps rediscovering, is absolutes are not quite what they seem. Laws of physics are not absolute in the quantum realm, for example. They work very well at macro scales. Moral absolutes are not unlike that, they work most of the time, at most scales but sometimes at the extremes, they fail the test. Sometimes they conflict with each other. Love your neighbor as yourself but killing your neighbor is also acceptable. These are just a few of the paradoxes which believers, logicians and philosophers have been attempting to reconcile for thousands of years. Since we still talk about them, I can only conclude, without absolute success. Let me give you what I call Anderson's Law: the complexity of the solution is directly proportional to the complexity of the problem. And its corollaries are: complexity is a function of knowledge and absolutes are absolutely, not absolute." Several callers wanted to get into such topics as civil rights such as gay marriage and the rights of the unborn and so on. Tom refused to address these questions sighting Anderson's Law and his lack of expertise on these subjects. "Dr. Anderson surely you have opinions on these subjects." "No question, like everyone else in this society I have more opinions than subjects. Many of those opinions change, fluctuate as new data and information comes to light. Just like your listeners, I express those views every day in the choices I make, as I go about my daily living. One of those choices is what I am prepared to share and what I am not." "But if my listeners don't get to know you and what your views are how can they trust you?" "There in lies the rub, 'Trust ivrybody--but cut th' ca-ards', that's a line by Finally Peter Dunne, from his novel Mr. Dooley's Philosophy. I don't want people to trust me or take my opinions as facts. The truth of any matter is something else. 'There are no whole truths; all truths are half-truths. It is trying to treat them as whole truths that plays the devil' wrote the philosopher Alford North Whitehead. (in Dialogues) My opinions are that and nothing more. They should cary no more weight then anyone else's. I try to give facts, verifiable and testable. Facts, tend to be truthful. I think Harry Truman said it best in a Look magazine interview: 'I never give them hell. I just tell the truth, and they think it is hell.' Your listeners need only check my facts or test my logic. My physical attributes, my preferred candy bar or the name of my god, has no relevance to those facts or logic." ................................... The trip to Madison was successful from a music point of view. Eddy and his gang performed very well. The whole band with Edith and Conrad on drums, Eddy and Tom on Trombone, Charley on violin (fiddle), Lloyd on guitar and so on. Wilson and Eddy sang together for one number. They did it very well considering they only had one or two per-preformance run-throughs. The Delta Cubed fraternity were graces hosts. The older boys were impressed but given their involvement with the MBRS would have little time for fraternities themselves. Everyone enjoyed Madison and the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. Except for its parks and Lake Mandoda setting, (and that is substantial) the campus is a lot like the U of M, although it was established in 1851 about 20 years after the UW. The look and feel of the old buildings is much the same, as well as the present day size. The boys all stayed with Wilson at his family's Madison residence, which is a large multi level townhouse. His foster parents, Sam Kirk's older brother and sister, who live and operate a large motel in Wisconsin Dells brought him down. The Dells is about an hour drive north of Madison, on I 90-94. Their bus passed it on the way down. Wisconsin Dells is a large popular tourist destination, in this part of the world. Wilson's voice coach is located in Madison, he spends weekends with his guardians, brothers and sisters, who are all UW students. The Kirk's also have investments in Banff, Alberta as Wilson does summer studies at the Banff School. Since Sam, Judy, Alex and Alexandria are only a few years older than Richard, Nate, Lloyd and Peter they all seemed to get along very well. The young boys were fast friends in no time at all. It would seem that the Kirk's and Roe's were as child centered and dedicated as the Anderson-sen's. Garth, Tom and Edith made friends with Wilson's foster parents, dad Fred and mom Sara Kirk, being close to us in age and child rearing philosophy. Wilson shared his story with his new friends but it was some time before Eddy related it to his family. Sam, Lloyd and Tom all being interested in geology and Peter and Alexandria both in pre-med seemed to bond well. This was a quick in and out trip with not all that much time. Being so geographically close, about three hours by car, these friendships should grow in the future, Tom sure hoped so. Eddy and Wilson sure hoped it would too, that was obvious. Tom saw Eddy giving everyone his "Spirit Eye" treatment. Tom didn't think he realized he was even doing it. Eddy had learned a lot from grandfather about how he must act and Tom was sure proud of how well he seemed to be doing. Wilson it turns out, is one first class showman, in addition to a talented singer and a boy with as much energy and curiosity as any in Tom's extended family. He also has a special gift for learning languages. Eddy and Wilson seemed to feed off each others energy. Much as Garth and Tom or Eddy and Conrad, and as it turned out Sam and Alex did. Each of these pairs are different for sure but that brotherly bond and energy exchange was obvious. Tom is doubly blessed since Garth and he are not only brothers but also lovers. It struck Tom almost immediately that Sam and Alex were bisexual lovers. It struck Eddy that Sam and Alex were Wilson's men just as Tom and Garth were his. Edith just seemed to fit right in too. She recognized a kind of sisterhood with the other women. Sara, Judy and Alex, like herself had formed an alliance with their men just has she has with hers. Edith had not previously considered Tom and Garth, her men, but when she thought about it, they were. The situation had just evolved that way. The young boys seemed to immediately realize their unspoken relationships to each other. Conrad and Charley realized something special was going on between Eddy and Wilson. Something they needed to respect and appreciate. Something they had seen before and been a part of before. Richard saw it too. He was happy for his Little Brother. All the boys seemed to know almost from the first hand shake they shared special relationships with the men in their lives. They quickly, without ever saying anything identified whose was whose. The unwritten rule is hands of your buddies man, unless invited by your buddy. If invited and that invitation accepted, turnabout was expected. The men had no say, this was between the boys. The Big Brothers are just a little different. But Wilson would not know that until Eddy chose to tell him, that was something for the future. Wilson was not quite sure about these three "big brothers". Sure he had two big brothers and he had sex with them but these three were just a bit different. Since time was short and the four young ones were learning about each other that would be resolved later, if ever. For the time being big brothers in any form were men and would be treated as such. Eddy, Conrad and Charley were not quite sure how to relate to Judy and Alexandria. They were Wilson sisters but they were more like the Aphrodite Society Big Sisters then their biological sisters or cousins. They were way to young to be treated like mom's but obviously not quite the same as your BB's girlfriend even if he was sleeping with her, as Nate was with Jane and Peter was with his flavor of the week. The only unambiguous one was Lloyd. He was Tom's student and everyone's friend. Lloyd was a free agent so to speak. It was also interesting, from Tom's observational point of view, how the four young ones related to each other. Conrad, Charley and Eddy were more then accustomed to playing crotch grab and butt tag with each other. Wilson just seemed to fit right in. By the time they were ready for bed all four just climbed in, naked and playful. On the way home Wilson rode in the visitors bus, between Madison and the Dells. Fred had suggested all stop at the Circus World Museum in Baraboo, about 12 miles south of the Dells, Wilson could be a guide. A suggestion Tom was delighted to follow up on. Everyone loved it. Sure it was brief but everyone loves the romance of the circus and this place has that in spades. Tom received a side benefit, the ability to generate a number of columns reviewing the science that was involved with circus activities. ......................... Tom lay in bed reading when Richard entered the room. Tom was naked as is his usual dress for bed. Richard was wearing just about the sexiest briefest boxer briefs imaginable, skin tight, white contour hugging silky material that displayed ever underlying shape including the bulging vanes on his fully erect penis. "You look like something's on your mind," Tom stated. "Kind of." "You want to talk about it?" Hmm, was it problems with girls, classes, drugs, little brothers? "Well, not sure I want to talk about it." "Well, I'm here if you change your mind" Tom reassured him. "I think I'd rather show you." "Show me what? Ummm, okay." Richard stood up, moved to the head of Tom's bed so he was standing right in front of him. His penis jutted out pointing right at Tom. Tom stared at it for a bit as the head moved toward him, forcing and straining at the material. Tom tore his attention away from the rather sizable crotch to look at him. Richard was smiling as he approached, slowly pulled his briefs off and stuck his erection in Tom's face. "Go on." As if Richard needed to invite him. Tom looked at him. Tom looked back at his cock as it glided forward and touched his lips. "Go on," Tom heard Richard say as his hand touched the back of Tom's head and pulled forward. Tom heart was pounding in his temples as he slowly opened his mouth, the cock head entered. When Tom felt Richard's heat in his mouth, he became even more lustful. Richard's head fell backwards reacting to the pleasure, his mouth open, holding onto Tom's head with one hand and began pumping in and out, slowly rotating his and undulating his hips. His other hand reached down and moved the sheets off of Tom to expose a solid phallus. Richard's hands wrap around Tom's shift. Tom buried the cock, deep throating it, sending electricity through both male bodies. Richard pulled out of Tom's mouth. Tom's eyes devouring his toned body as he spread the KY over his fucking machine. Richard indicated Tom to roll over with a quick hand gesture. He spread Tom's legs apart and moved over him. Tom raised his ass into the air. Richard inserted a finger and played with Tom's anus, leaning down and licking on Tom's scrotum. Then Tom felt Richard's body shifting until he was in line, he began to feed his monster cock into Tom. Tom sucked in breath as he relaxed to accommodate Richard's massive manhood. Tom's cock went instantly harder, something he didn't think was possible as he felt Richard descend further into him. Tom could feel Richard pass his prostate, and as he did Tom thrust back into him, swallowing the remainder of his rod, sucking the boy's cock into him. Richard grabbed Tom hips and began to slowly withdraw and then slide forward, working Tom's ass to relax it more. Tom was filled with a sensation of ecstasy as Richard's thick pole slid in and out, his balls slightly bouncing each time their bodies connected again. He continued his slow withdrawal but then would rapidly thrust forward eliciting moans of pleasure from Tom. His thrusting picked up speed until he was fucking Tom so hard their bodies made slapping sounds and Tom could feel his scrotum bouncing against his ass. Richard knelt back and pulled Tom by his shoulders onto further onto his shaft. Tom moved back and forth fucking himself. Richard fucked Tom hard, ramming in and out of Tom, his grunting exciting Tom. Tom felt his hand grab a hold of his swollen cock, and he jacked Tom off while he rammed in and out. His penis rubbing against Tom's prostate brought Tom to climax quickly, as his body shook. Richard's orgasm soon followed. His body pounded against Tom as he built up force to erupt. Tom could feel his phallus twitching inside as he filled Tom with his warm fluid. Richard continually pushed forward, trying to bury every possible millimeter of his shaft into Tom. "That was great Dad," he said to Tom as he lay down next to him panting from his efforts. Tom continued to lay there, breathing hard, feeling the sensations from the stretching of his anus, the cool air gently blowing against his sweat-covered back. Richard got off the bed and went to Tom's bathroom. Tom could hear some washing sounds, and then he returned. Tom was still on his stomach, still catching his breath. Richard lay on top of Tom, kissing Tom's neck and gently rubbing his semi hard cock against Tom's cheeks. Tom felt him move off, to his left, and then Tom felt his hand tugging at Tom's side to roll over. Tom rolled over and lay on his back. He straddled Tom thighs, stretching out somewhat over Tom and began rubbing himself against Tom's crotch. He leaned down and began kissing Tom neck and then moved to Tom mouth. Tom felt his tongue pushing against his lips. Richard tasted his breath as he kissed Tom passionately. He kissed Tom's neck and tongued his nipples as they both became hard again. Tom saw him move his body so we were in a 69 position, and then RIchard thrust into Tom's mouth. He wasted no time in taking Tom's phallus into his mouth and tonguing and sucking on it as it quickly responded and finished getting hard. Tom took him into his mouth greedily as if he were a starving man being presented with his first meal in a week. Tom worked to take in every inch of him while he massaged his butt cheeks. Richard is a masterful cock sucker. Tom concentrated as best Tom could on his large tool until he had worked Tom close to orgasm. Tom began pumping his face until Tom shot his load into Richard's mouth. He kept sucking Tom for a bit, sending jolts through Tom as he continued emptying himself. Richard snuggled under the covers with Tom, his other dad, his LB's dad. Tom reached up and turned out the light. He was ready to sleep now, knowing he was able to solve another problem.