Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2021 03:54:58 +0000 From: D Subject: Love in The End Times Chapter 1 (Revised) (Bisexual Adult-Youth) If you like the story please email me and let me know, so I know if I should continue or not, I am open to any and all suggestions. And please donate to Nifty. Chapter 1 Love in The End Times It was a small town bisected by a river that ran out to the ocean. There were two parts to the town, the higher more elevated side held mainly houses, but there was also a park and a public pool. The second had stores, a fire department/police station and the most important building the church. A man named Aries Monroe lived with his wife and two children, Carter and Alicia in this town once called Porter. They had a happy life until The War broke out, this new civil war led to the fall of humanity, many simply called it The End Times. Aries had fought in the new civil war, he had to leave his family to defend Washington D.C. from enemies of America, The New American Military. Several states succeeded from the union after an election because they didn't agree with who was elected, they formed New America. But that's just a little back story. Now time for the actual story. It was close to two in the afternoon when I heard a banging on the gate. I ran up to the second floor and looked out at the gate, there stood a woman with a small boy hugging her leg. I was surprised because I had never had a visitor or even seen a person in six months. I grabbed a nearby loincloth and threw it on, I had always gone around in the nude unless it was cold. I always kept a loincloth close by just in case of visitors or if I ran into someone. I went outside, climbed up on to the wall and sat down to hide my junk. "Hello, what can I help you with," I asked, trying not to startle them. They were dirty, disheveled, and clearly scared. My attempt to not startle them had failed, I assume they hadn't expected anyone to be here. I thought long and hard for a second before I decided to hop down and go open the gate. They just stood there not sure about what to do. "It's ok, I don't bite. Please come on in." They slowly walked over the gates threshold and I slowly closed the gate behind them once they were in. "Do you guys want some food and water," I asked calmly. She nodded. "Ok, how does this sound, you two take a nice hot shower and while you do that I'll heat up some food," I asked. The lady nodded again. I took them inside to where I had set up the shower area. "Hold on one second," I said. I ran upstairs and grabbed some of Rebecca's old clothes and some of Carter's. I went back down and the boy was already nude, seeing him naked made my cock raise a little. He was a skinny boy, blonde hair and light green eyes, and from the quick glimpse I got, a beautiful little cock. I quickly turned instead of staring, "I brought you guys some new clothes," I said panicking a little. I heard the little boy laugh, "He's never had a shower, I explained it to him what it was and he quickly got undressed," the lady responded. "As you can tell the towels are over on that shelf, and shower stuff is the one next to it. I'm going to run out and start the fire to heat up the water, I'll yell once it's lit, it will take a minute before the water is warm," I said feeling a bit turned on and embarrassed. I felt the clothes leave my hand and I then darted out quickly, my cock was now fully erect. I went out to the Shower Water Container and lit a fire to heat up the water, "It's going," I hollered. I then went back in and headed to the kitchen. I had set it up in a corner of the Nave because the floors under the carpet were concrete, it was so I could have a fire pit inside to cook over. I used pieces of the stove from the actual kitchen to fashion a homemade stove top that works perfectly. I grabbed some smoked fish from the refrigerator and threw it in a pan, then lit a fire to heat up the fish. I grabbed some rice and started to boil a pot of water to cook it. In another pot I boiled more water to make coffee. It all took about 10 minutes. I made 3 plates because I hadn't eaten lunch yet. I put the coffee in a kettle and set it on the table along with the plates. I put a mug in front of each plate. I also placed a pitcher of cold water on the table. I sat down and waited a few minutes, they eventually came in after a little while. I poured them each a cup of water. I had to motion for them to sit down and eat. They hesitantly did so, and we all started to eat, "feel free to talk if you want, but if you want to sit in silence that's fine also," I said. We ended up eating in silence. The lady had to stop her son from chugging the water, apparently he was thirsty After a few cups of water herself, she had some coffee. When we got up I started to do the dishes and they just stood around waiting for whatever was next. "My name is Elizabeth, this is my boy Mickey, well Michael is his birth name but I call him Mickey," she said. "After the mouse," he added confidently. "My kids loved Mickey Mouse," I replied, after I get done here why don't we go and find a bed for you two? How does that sound," I asked. "Why would you do that," Elizabeth asked curiously. "Well I assume you two are spending the night maybe longer, right," I replied. "We don't mind sleeping on the floor," Mickey said. "No way, as long as you are guests here you will be sleeping on a bed," I kindly demanded. I finished up the dishes and we headed a short distance with the truck and a trailer, it was a very short distance. I took Mickey upstairs with me, "do you want to know why I chose this house to get beds," I asked him with a grin on my face. "Why," he replied nervously. I opened a door and in the middle of it was a bed in a wooden race car frame, painted red with a black stripe. He had a huge smile on his face when he saw it. He ran over and jumped on the bed a few times before sitting down. I could see tears starting to run down his face. I walked over and sat down next to him, "what's wrong buddy," I asked. "You're being so nice to us... are you going to fuck us too," he asked me genuinely scared. "What? No Micha... Mikey, that's not going to happen. I'm being nice because I'm nice and you guys needed help," I sadly said as I slowly leaned over to hug him. He hugged me back and held on tightly. "Now let's get this bed back into the trailer," I said, giving him a gentle rub on his back. In all honesty I didn't need his help. I'm pretty sure he knew that but just liked feeling like he was helping. When we got downstairs Elizabeth was sitting at a table, she clearly was crying but I never brought it up. After Mickey's new bed was in the trailer we all went back up and grabbed the queen sized mattress and box spring, and took them out to the trailer. I grabbed some tools and ran back in to take apart the beautiful ornate bed frame. Once everything was loaded up we headed back. I took them both upstairs, we stood in the hallway, there were three rooms on the left and one on the right with two doors and a closet in between them, that was my room. There was a room straight ahead, it was a dining hall of sorts before I repurposed it. Right behind us there was another room, the room had a separate door and staircase that led to the Nave. Elizabeth chose that one for her room and the first door on the Left for Mickey's. It was about 6pm when everything was finished being set up and I did some other chores that Mickey helped me with. Elizabeth offered to make dinner so Mickey and I went to hang out by the river. He stripped his clothes off and jumped in, my cock was already hard from seeing that tight butt of his. I decided to just sit on the shore and watch him play around, he was smiling. I tried my best to hide my rock hard boner. He came back and we both decided to lay down. He ended up snuggling up to me, I could feel his little cock pressed against my thigh, I could no longer hold my erection down and it jumped up. Mickey saw and I heard him quietly whisper, "woah". "That's a big one mister," he said, do you want me to put my mouth on it for you," he politely asked. "No Mickey," I said politely back. "Why not do you not like me," he asked sadly. "Because your mom might not like that, and I would like it to be something you want to do, not something you feel like you have to do," I replied. "Ok," he mumbled. "Get dressed, we are gonna head back," I said. He quickly got dressed and we went back, the Nave smelt wonderful. "Deer with pasta, tomatoes and cucumbers," Elizabeth said when we walked in. She had the table made up, in the same seating arrangement as earlier. It was another silent meal. After I tried to do the dishes Elizabeth yelled at me playfully, "I made the mess, so I'm the one to clean up the mess." So I took Mickey up to the dining hall, which I called the Lounge, I had a tv set up with a dvd player and even a vhs player. I let him pick out a movie, and he chose Homeward Bound, I had brought a pew in here to serve as a couch. After Elizabeth was done she came up and joined us, when she came in Mickey was snuggled up to me. I decided to get up to get a cup of water, Elizabeth followed. "I heard your conversation earlier at the house," she said. "Is that why you were crying," I asked. "Yes," she embarrassingly replied. "It's all good," I said. "I also noticed what happened over at the river, I can only assume what had happened because Mickey looked sad. I have a good feeling about you, like you won't intentionally hurt either one of us. Oh, and also I noticed what happened at the shower, I wasn't the one naked so that boner must have been for my son," she said. I had a look of fear in my eye and Elizabeth saw that and said, "it's fine if you two do stuff, it's ok. I'm a very open person." I had an inaudible sigh of relief. "I usually am always in the nude around here, I only wear this if I run into people or have company. If that makes you uncomfortable then I'll keep it on," I said. "Like I said, I'm an open person. We should get back before Mickey might think we are having sex, which wouldn't be terrible, I saw what you were packing," she slyly remarked as we turned around she slapped my ass, "that's just what I thought, nice and firm," she added. We headed back up and finished the movie, "Momma can I sleep with the Mister," Mickey asked. "I don't have a problem with it. It's up to him though," she said looking at me. "I'm fine with it, by the way my name is Aries." "Ok," Mickey said and booked it for my room followed by Elizabeth. I took the movie out and put it back in the case, turned off the TV and headed to my room. As I stepped into the hall Elizabeth was closing the second door to my room, the closest one to hers. "Goodnight," she said, turning for her room. "Goodnight," I replied. I went to my room and there Mickey laid in the bed on the right side, he had a big grin from cheek to cheek. I shut off the light and took off my loincloth and jumped into bed on the left side. I quickly found out why he was grinning, Mickey was naked. He snuggled up and yet again I could feel his cock on my leg again. We were so tired we instantly passed out. I woke up the next morning, we were both naked, one of Mickey's arms draped over my chest and a leg laying over mine, he was still passed out. I quietly and carefully got up and headed downstairs to the Nave, Elizabeth was already awake with coffee made, and to my surprise she too was naked. Elizabeth was beautiful, she had long blonde hair, and dark green eyes. Medium sized breasts and a shaved pussy. "So how did you sleep last night," she asked. "It was good, super peaceful," I said. "Well I'm going to need to get a little cleaned up before breakfast," I said while pouring a cup of coffee. "Would you mind if he joined you," Elizabeth asked. "No I don't," I responded "Ok, so I was thinking...." Elizabeth said before pausing. "What," I asked? "What if we stayed," she quickly said. "There's no need to ask, in fact I was going to talk to you about that, my answer is yes, you two can stay," I replied.