Date: Fri, 7 May 2021 22:09:30 -0400 From: Justin Forfun Subject: New Reality 14 This is my first story, so your input is extremely welcome. Email me at and tell me what you like, what you don't like, and even where I mess up continuity or details. My focus is the story, not the sex. There will be sex, m/m and m/f, and some m/m/m/f but it will be tame compared to some stories. The story is fiction, and any similarities to people, living or dead, is purely coincidence. STDs and Corona don't exist in my fantasy world, so they don't use protection. You should use protection, always!!! Many of my characters are underage, and they will be having consensual sex, both with other youth, and what some consider adults. If that offends you, find another story. If reading this is illegal where you live, don't break the law! I'm also open to suggestions on where you'd like to see things go, although I'm already 30 chapters ahead of where you are now. Don't forget to DONATE to NIFTY so you can continue to hate me for any cliffhangers. ************************************************************************************** The sun was shining through the glass doors when I woke and looked around. I was surrounded by naked teen boys and girls in a cuddle puddle. I was happy to see it didn't seem sexual at all and they all seemed content. One by one they woke and smiled when they saw me looking around. I decided to shower down here so I headed to the shower room and was surprised when Johnny followed me. He told me they had decided they'd wash me and he won the honor. I smiled at him as he gently washed every inch of me, not shying away from anything but not doing more than making sure I was clean. He then wrapped me in a towel and dried me and finger combed my hair. "I get to help you dress once they get Scott out of your room" he said with a smile. He followed me up to our room where he explained that Lucas was serving Scott today and they were to keep us apart until the ceremonies. He dressed me in a suit for now and I went to eat in the dining room. I had just finished when I heard a helicopter circling then landing in the field out front. I went to investigate and greeted George and the group from California as they got out of a helicopter similar to the one we had used to go to San Diego. "You brought this from LA?" I said as I greeted him. "Nope, had it delivered to Pittsburgh." "Why do you need one here?" "I don't, I told you I had a gift for you." "George, you can't keep doing this, you're going to spoil me. I don't need something like this." "You can be in a meeting in New York city an hour faster if you fly direct from here to the Wall St Heliport in 2 hours, or you can drive to the airport, fly to Teterboro, then helicopter to Wall street and take 3 hours. Same for going to DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Chicago... need I go on? This can take up to 10 of you to PIT in 10 minutes. Tell me again how you don't need it." "OK, so I'll admit I rented one to fly to Akron this evening, but I don't think I need one sitting here." "By the time you realize you need one, you'll need two. Just say thanks and inspect your new toy." "I'm sorry George, I didn't mean it to sound like that. I really do appreciate it, I'll keep my rental for tonight so you can get back..." "No, I know why you're going to Akron and I thought I'd offer to go with you, if you like." "What about Jim and Jordan...?" "Already have a car from Regent arranged. We fly home in the morning. Now, get in and let's look at your place from the air, is your friend coming?" "Sorry George, Johnny's been assigned to keep me away from Scott for the day so I suppose he is." I sent the others to Frederick, waiting at the front door to show them in, and Johnny, George, and I climbed into the Bell 525 for a quick flight around the lake and our property. I had looked at it online, but seeing it like this was different. Johnny pointed out hunting rock and the fields he and I had run around on his first hunt. George suggested a helipad behind the garage and Johnny asked why we couldn't put a hanger into the hill to house the Bell. He got excited and asked if I was going to accept this and I said of course I was, so he asked if he could talk with Leonard when we landed. As we stepped out of the helicopter, I was surprised to see Leonard and Oliver waiting for me at the front door. We headed over and Oliver asked my forgiveness for showing up on my wedding morning but he knew we were leaving so he hoped I could spare him an hour. I said I suppose, but not a second more, and asked George to come in and see what we had planned. We headed to the library where there were blueprints spread all over the table showing the main floor, upper floor, basement, and an artistic view of each side. Johnny was looking these over and asked Leonard a few questions while Oliver was explaining his vision. Johnny looked concerned and I asked him to speak his mind. "Well, if you put the second garage here and run the drive through it, all the cars going to the other houses have to drive right through. You should move the drive to this side, to keep traffic away from your main house. And doing that, you can push a hanger under there and put the helipad here and have it a lot handier, and out of the weather. And now that I've seen it from the air, this road can go on around and if you put a gate here, the other houses never need to come past the main house unless you want." Leonard and Oliver were following along as he spoke, looking everywhere he had pointed. "How much room do we need for the hanger?" "I asked the pilot, it's roughly 18' high, 65' long, and if you fold the blades it can be 13' wide. If we go 20' high, 30' wide and 100' long, that should leave room for a tug and other equipment. With the existing hillside, we grade over and match it in to create a visual break to that side that looks like one of the existing hills." "Have you worked with house plans before Johnny?" "No Sir, but it's all obvious to me how this will look once it's done. If I may add a thought though Greg? The house is going to be huge, and almost looks like a castle already, if you put a turret here and here, and make them 2 floors higher, it would be a castle. You can top them with peaks, but myself, I'd put crenellations around the top with a flat area inside. And if you put crenellations along the balconies to tie it all together, I think it would look awesome and reflect your standing. And honestly, if you keep growing like you have, you might put a third level all over everything, just for expansion." I looked at what he was saying while Oliver was making some pencil marks on the plans. "I like the concept, but instead of round towers, what about square ones, here, here, here, and here on both wings, and here and here on the rear face. That would balance it out, and you use existing stairs up to the third floor. Also, maybe I'm paranoid, but I want escape routes underground from the master suite, office, and family rooms that lead to the hanger and garage." Oliver was following my finger as I said this and looked at Johnny "Well, this was your idea, is he right or is there a problem?" His eyes scanned the blueprints and then he flipped a few sheets and found what he was looking for. "Circular towers were more defensible, so they'd be more historically appropriate, but we can do either. As far as escape routes, you can do everything you asked except from the master. Well, we can do it but the escape route would be along this wall at the basement level. If we go deeper, you'll have water problems because you'll be below the water level of the lake." "Exactly what I was thinking. Greg, this boy is a natural. I'm happy to have your business but in a few years, you'll have him." "Well then, I suppose he needs to work under you for a while huh? Do everything he said, circular towers, third floor, all of it. Can you do that for me Oliver?" "Of course Alpha, I'll teach him what I can but I'm guessing he'll teach me a lot as well." "Now if you will all forgive me, I have to take Alpha Warnick and get him dressed, he has a rather important appointment." Johnny said as he led me from the room and towards our bedroom. He insisted I shower again then dried and groomed my hair and dressed me in my tuxedo. While he was dressing me I heard two more helicopters land and wondered what George was up to. When we came out, George introduced me to Sam Houston and a young man with dark features he introduced as Prince Hasim Ajam. I noticed they wore rings that matched a ring I had noticed on George and I bowed from the neck "I am honored that 3 of the 9 Princes would attend my wedding." Prince Ajam looked at the other two and smiled "Might we speak with you alone somewhere Alpha Warnick?" When I showed them into my office, they indicated I should sit. Sam explained that Brandon's father was one of the 9 but his actions toward his own son were the last of many issues that had ended with the 27 voting to ask him to step down from the council. George had put my name forward and I was being asked if I would serve. I had skipped over this part of the book so I had no idea how this worked or what was involved. "As you already know, we serve as the final legal word in our world. Above all, we must keep knowledge of our existence from the humans. George has told us of your actions since growing into an Alpha, and your rapid push to care for those under your watch. This is what we want on the modern Council, fair men who care for our kind and understand how to wield true power while retaining their humanity and sense of justice." "Well, I don't think I'm qualified, but I'll do anything to help other vampires, so yeah, I'd be honored to serve on the 27. Who took the 9th seat?" "Sorry Greg, Hasim didn't mean we wanted you on the 27." "Oh, well then, how can I help you? It sounded like you wanted me on the Council." "The 27 never rise. They accept that when they're chosen. If they could rise, ambition might influence their actions. We're asking you to fill the 9th seat Greg." George said as he pulled out a Council ring "The other 5 could not make it here today but you should know that it was an 25-2 vote. I'm sure Hasim and Sam will agree, we've never seen an Alpha with such natural power. You're destined for greatness Greg, will you serve?" I didn't know what to do. A day earlier I was worried that I wasn't ready to lead the vampires in Pittsburgh and now I'm being asked to help lead the entire world? I had said I would serve when I thought it was the 27, how could I refuse this without insulting these men who had faith in me? I hoped I could get guidance from George on this like I had other issues. "Honestly, I skipped parts of this in that book so I don't know how to phrase it properly, George? Help?" "The phrasing is really easy Greg, so depending on your answer, you say either 'yes' or 'no'. You've been chosen, we don't stand on ceremonies among ourselves so if you say 'yes', that's the ceremony." "Well then, I said I would serve, so the answer is yes. I'm assuming you'll help me through the tricky aspects?" "I already have. I've watched how you deal with things, now you're one of the 9. Alphas will call you to serve tribunals, like you called me about Sam's pack. Disagreements that can't be settled, matters of honor or territory. It's much easier than it was even 100 years ago." George handed me the ring and as I slipped on, I was surprised when it shrunk to fit my left middle finger. I looked startled but Sam, George, and Hasim exchanged a look as Sam said "You forget, all the stories are based on us. Werewolves, witches, everything. Ancient vampires could draw on the ancient magics, and the rings of the 9 are enchanted. We didn't do a ceremony, but that ring will burn the finger of someone not destined wear it. By being able to wear it, you prove yourself deserving." "Now, I believe we're keeping this young man from his wedding. I think we should let him get to it? Greg, I understand you're planning some travels soon. I would consider it an honor to host you in Dubai when you've finished in Europe. I will give Billy contact information for my people, as well as everyone you'll need for the 9 and the 27. Use the 27 to research issues for you and as foot soldiers, that's their sworn duty." "Thank you Prince Ajam, yes, I wouldn't want to be late for my own wedding, would I?" "I'm the only one who lives in a society where being called Prince fits my life but please call me Hasim, we don't stand on formalities within the Council. I look forward to meeting the young man that has won your heart, shall we?" as he turned towards the door. The first person we met as we left my office was Dad. He bowed from the neck as he greeted George, Sam, and Hasim then he saw my ring and it only took him a second to recover from the shock and bow to me as well. Frederick came in and after making his bows, I asked him to escort my new friends to chairs at the front. Dad and I had to wait as our guests filled in chairs on the lawn, finally Mike walked onto the dock and welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming to share our special day. He gave a signal, and Dad escorted me across the deck and down to the dock. I joined Billy and Matthew on my side as Dad stepped over to serve with Jack as Scott's attendants, then we all turned to watch as Mom escorted Scott to stand by my side. We turned to face Mike and when he smiled I had this insane image of him saying 'Mawwaige is what bwings us togever today.' and I almost laughed but caught myself. What he did say was "Among our people not all mates have ceremonies, and it is a blessing for me to serve at the wedding of my Alpha Greg Warnick to his mate Scott Warnick. The words 'til death do you part' carry a much greater meaning when that death could be centuries in the future, so to us, a wedding is a very special event., especially to those of us fortunate enough to know these two incredible young vampires. Greg, do you take Scott to be your husband and mate, from this day forward to honor him and protect him until death separates you from him?" "I do so swear." "And Scott, do you take Greg to be your husband and mate, from this day forward to honor him and obey him until death separates you from him?" "I do so swear." "By the authority granted me by the Council of 9, I declare you mated. Let none interfere, on pain of death. Greg and Scott have chosen to follow human traditions and wear rings. Greg, do you have the ring?" and when Chipper handed it to me, I turned to Scott. "Wear this ring as a symbol of my love and protection. Let it serve as a warning to those who would do you harm, of my vow to give my life in defense yours." as I slipped the ring on him. "Scott?" Brandon handed Scott a ring and I felt him freeze for a second when he saw the ring I already wore, then he said "Let this ring symbolize my love and adoration. Let it serve as a warning to those who would see us parted." "You may now seal your bond with a kiss." We pulled each other into a gentle but passionate kiss to the applause of the crowd, then turned back to Mike. "I see there is a minor change in the next part, ladies and gentleman, I present to you Prince Charles Gregory Fowler Warnick and his mate David Scott Fowler Warnick." We turned and as the crowd realized what Mike had said, they gave us a rousing cheer as we walked to the tent set up for the reception. We stood in the entrance and greeted every guest as they entered. Everyone waited while George, Sam, and Hasim greeted us and were shown to a table by Frederick. Then the Serving Alphas came through the reception line and they each bowed to me, followed by my pack, the street vamps, and dozens of visiting Alphas. Alpha Rizzo bowed to me saying he looked forward to working with me on my return from Europe. Alpha Joe McQueen of Charleston, West Virginia bowed and thanked me again for my call to reassure him. He wished us well and said he would speak of business when I returned. It felt like hours but we stood there maybe 30 minutes before we had greeted every guest and headed to our table. The pups were at our table being cared for by Mary while Brandon, Chipper, and Andy were being entertained by Amie. We spent a few hours enjoying the company of our family and friends and were tortured with toasts by Jack, Matthew, Billy, Sam, and George. We cut the cake and did the obligatory cake feeding and thankfully neither of us saw fit to make a mess of the other. The gift table was covered in an assortment of things our friends. Wine from California and New York, beef from Texas, and various pieces of art from around the world, paintings and sculptures that belonged in museums. The festivities were winding down when Mickey came to me to ask if he and Ted could use the 525 to take Alpha Wright and his family to PIT. The new couple would fly them to Charlotte and return tonight to be ready to take Mom, Dad, and Jack to Florida tomorrow. I told him yes, and reminded him I needed to go to Akron at 6. Sam and Hasim both left shortly after this, and Jordan came to ask if his party could leave. They had planned on flying home tomorrow but Jim had a call and was needed, so they would share a plane home tonight. George said it made sense for him to return with them, so I had Frederick and Tommy take them to their hotel to get their things and take them to the airport. Slowly the other Alphas made their goodbyes and when it was down to just our pack, Scott and I made our way to our room to change from tuxedos to suits. I could smell Billy waiting so I called him in to change as well. Tommy came with us and we got in the Bell at 6 and headed to Akron. When I called to say we were coming, Alpha Cullen Beck told us his home was actually in Aurora and there was room to land, so we did that. As I stepped from the helicopter, he spotted the ring, and bowed greeting me with "Welcome to my home Prince Warnick, it is an honor to have you here." "Alpha Beck, this is my mate Scott, my Beta William, and my associate Thomas. Thank you for welcoming us to your home, and for seeing me on such short notice." He led us in and introduced his family then we followed him to his office with his son following "My oldest son is my Beta, I'm assuming you don't mind his being here Sir?" "Of course he's welcome, and please, I'm here as a neighboring Alpha, not as one of the 9, can you call me Greg?" "Thank you Greg, and please call me Cullen. If I may cut to the point, your call surprised me. Henry is technically head of this territory and has never shown any interest so when social conditions in the Akron/Canton area got bad, I started trying to help my neighbors and that triggered the phase into Alpha. I had been led to believe that Alphas are born as such, so I was surprised to say the least." "The Alpha is triggered by old magic based on certain kinds of leadership. I won't claim to understand it because I've met business leaders that are not Alphas, and I recently met a young Alpha who was leading a group of homeless youth. That aside, you are an Alpha, and are, to my knowledge, the only one in northeastern Ohio. I talked to Henry on a purely business level and am interested in expanding into Cleveland, Youngstown, Akron/Canton, as well as Toledo. If you weren't here, I would do that with businesses and managers, but your existence provides both of us an opportunity. Before I continue, I need to be clear, I am not speaking as a Prince, but as an Alpha, and your neighbor. I hope you follow my meaning in this?" "I do Greg, and I appreciate that you're not wanting to do things with a command. But we should include Henry in this, shouldn't we?" "Henry is now a Serving Alpha of mine, you're familiar with the relationship?" he nodded so I went on "And he has forfeit Northern Ohio north of US-30, as he did this while serving me, it's my territory. You've grown some large businesses in Akron/Canton area, and have used a lot of that money to help vampires in the area. I'd like to provide you funding to expand the business across Northern Ohio, offering you a Serving Alpha relationship with your territory being all of Ohio north of US-30, Pennsylvania to Indiana. Would you be interested?" "If what I've heard of the changes you're making in Pittsburgh are true, I would. Is it true you're building a school and working on social services to end homelessness and child abuse?" "It is, and I expect the same in all territories of mine, direct or serving. Is this a problem Cullen?" "Not at all, in fact it's a blessing. I'm just concerned we can't afford to expand very fast and the social progress will take years to finance. Oh, we'll do it, but we'll have to invest in businesses in the areas and wait for them to give us the money to use." "If you had to guess, how much would you invest in businesses across Ohio?" "$100m would be a good start, but we'd still be 10 years from seeing a return we could invest in social issues." "And what are your businesses worth?" "We ended the quarter valued at $53m." "So if I were to provide you with $150m to invest in businesses and another 50 for social programs, you would be fine with splitting the business profits with me at 75%?" "That would be about right if it were just the businesses but you're putting the other 50 to help the community, so I would think 80% or better." "Well, we see things differently Cullen. I see your pack as having value, and I see your time invested into building what you have as having value. You're going to do the work growing this, you're doing the work setting up the social programs, so that's worth something. I'll give you the money and you will manage things. I will accept no more than 60% of profits the first 50 years, then it drops to 50%. Reinvest your profits and we can negotiate again in the summer of 2100. I'm flying to Europe tomorrow, so you can give me your answer when I return." "Can I give you my answer now?" he said after glancing at his son. "If you're sure it won't change." "You could have come here and declared us an illegal rogue pack, and killed us all, yet you come in and not only treat me like an equal, you offer to improve the lives of my pack and my neighbors. I would be honored to have you as a friend, and I am honored to say I offer myself as a Serving Alpha, asking that my pack retain our assets to manage to your benefit." "I accept you and your pack Alpha Beck. I look forward to many years of friendship. You'll forgive me if we don't stay to enjoy your company but it's been a long day and I'd like to get my mate home." On the way to the helicopter he said "Alpha, all of this could have been done on the phone, but I'm thinking you needed to see me to gauge me." "That and to show respect for what you've achieved already. I know Northern Ohio is in good hands. I'll speak to you when I return." and with that, we were headed back home. As we approached the house I asked Mickey to circle and pointed out to Scott where Johnny had suggested the helipad and hanger. I took a risk and decided to surprise him with the other changes to the house. When we walked into the house, it was a mess. The movers had come and with help from Edward and Sarah, most of our clothes were packed for either our trip or storage. The living room and kitchen were packed, as well as the library and my office. Sam and his pack were moving into houses in Homewood. When we flew out tomorrow, our house would be empty by noon. We walked around with Billy making sure to note items we wanted given special attention. I loved dad's desk and it would be in my new office. Then Dad joined us and we told him to make sure to take anything he wanted and have it sent to Florida. After touring the house, we went to say goodnight to our sons. Mary was keeping the pups in her room and Jack had Brandon and Chipper so we could have our wedding night alone. We headed to our room and Billy stopped at the door. "I'll sleep out here, you guys probably want to take things farther..." We had expected this and had already discussed things. We both agreed where he belonged. "Billy, you're still Greg's Beta, are you saying you don't want to share our bed now since we're married?" "Oh, no Scott, I just thought you might not want me there when you..." "You've been there when we've made love other times, just because we might do more things, will you be uncomfortable?" "Not at all." "Then get undressed and get in your bed." I said as I undressed my husband. When he was in his underwear, he slowly undressed me as Billy watched. We had prepared for tonight, knowing we both wanted to take the final steps and I led Scott to our bed and we lay down together caressing each other as Billy climbed onto the other side of the bed. As I kissed my husband's body he reached out and pulled Billy into an embrace, taking his hand and putting it on my body to assure him that he was part of us. Scott took Billy into his mouth as I did the same to him, slowly working my finger inside of him. As he relaxed, I worked a second, then a third and he pulled off of Billy to say "Now Greg, I need you inside of me, please." I reached to the nightstand and handed Billy a bottle. "Get us ready please?" He looked at me surprised, but took the bottle and spread lube onto my shaft, then used his fingers to spread some inside of Scott. I lifted Scott's legs and had Billy line me up as I entered my husband gently, looking into his eyes I leaned down to kiss him. When I was fully inside and our bodies were one I just held still, feeling our connection much deeper than the physical bond. I held him like that until he pushed me back and asked me to make love to him so I slowly pulled out, then back in. The sensations were intense but I could feel the almost magical connection forming and I could feel my beast rising. Scott could too, and he let his beast out completely, staring at me with his red eyes and his fangs extended below his lower lip. Seeing this summoned my beast and I felt my fangs extending as I increased my pace, hammering into him. Scott was moaning and whimpering as I pounded him and then he screamed. As he climaxed between us, he ripped into my shoulder with his fangs, drawing my life force to mix with his. He fed for a few seconds, then lay back, turning his head to the side. I knew what he wanted so I leaned down and bit into his shoulder, tasting his blood as it flowed over my tongue sent me over the edge and I shuddered as I filled him with my seed. I continued to feed on him as I recovered from my orgasm then licked the wound to help it heal. I stayed inside him as we both enjoyed the feelings of being one, then Scott looked at Billy "I'd like you in me too Billy, if you will." Billy looked at me worried I would attack. When I smiled at him and nodded, he agreed so I pulled out of my husband and helped Billy lube himself up and line up to take my place. Before he pushed in, he said "Will you mount me, Greg? Please?" "Are you sure?" "I'm sure. Maybe I'll find a mate someday but until I do, I share my love, and my body with the two of you. I need you in me Greg, please?" So, I pushed on his butt and once he was inside Scott, I worked my finger into him. He held completely still on top of my mate as I worked a second then third finger into him. When I felt he was ready I lined up and slid inside of him. I gave him a few seconds to adjust then started pounding him. He knew I loved him, but he wanted owned by his Alpha, not loved by his friend. He was inside of Scott but the only movement was from me, and as I felt him tightening around me, I filled him as he filled my mate. I let my fangs just break the skin on the back of his shoulder, marking him as an owned Beta, devoted entirely to his Alpha and pack. Once we were separated Billy went to the bathroom to get a wash cloth to clean us up. While he was gone, I whispered to Scott "When's my turn?" he looked at me with surprise, so I asked "I can't share my love with you that way because I'm an Alpha?" "I guess I just assumed..." "You don't have to, but in my mind we're equals and I want to share everything with you." "And Billy?" "He'd never do it, even if I asked him. He's all Beta." "Well he had tears of joy as you entered him, so you might be right. As to when's your turn, I'm ready when you are." I decided tonight was our night so as Billy was cleaning us up from the first round, I told him I wanted him to get me ready for Scott. He also seemed surprised, but got the lube on his fingers and went to work relaxing me. While he was doing this, I took Scott into my mouth and was getting him ready. I knee-walked up over his body and sat on my mate, with Billy guiding him inside me. I'd never known how intense this could be and again, we were connected both body and soul. I wasn't in a rush and neither was Scott, I was just settled on his body slowly rocking my hips as he reached up and took me in one hand and Billy in the other. He pulled Billy over next to me and as I kissed Billy passionately, Scott increased his speed until we both unloaded on his chest as he filled me with his own. Scott grabbed the cloth and cleaned up a little but we all headed for the shower. Billy wouldn't let either of us have the cloth and washed us both, being gentle in the back but getting us totally clean. Then we both grabbed a cloth and washed him head to toe, pulled him out of the shower and dried him and each other, then the three of us fell asleep wrapped together feeling the love. I woke the next morning to find my husband and my Beta taking turns with their mouths on me. I reached out my hands and they had to scoot quite a bit as we ended up in a modified 69, more of a 696. I turned my face from one to the other, then swallowed my husband's seed. When he was done, I turned to do the same to Billy who was swallowing mine. He tried to pull away but I held him tight and savored his taste. I said we should rinse off so we all headed to the shower and I could tell Billy was struggling with what had happened so I held him as Scott washed him, and told him our feelings. How he might be my Beta to the world but to us he was part of us. "I understand that Greg, but my beast really fights me when you're doing things for me. I'm supposed to please you, not the other way around." "In LA you seemed to imply you're straight, why did you want last night?" "You're my Alpha, my life is yours, and I needed you. I'll probably want that again, but yes, I think I'm mostly straight and I'll find a mate someday. She'll have to accept that I'm also your Beta, and that my love for you and Scott includes sharing our bodies." "Billy, I will not do that again unless you agree that you can share it with me both ways. Scott and I agree. We don't see what we do with you as anything other than love and in our bed, we have to be equals in all ways. This applies to all three of us, so I'm saying you call the shots with your body, but I'm not going to allow you to please me if we can't please you as well." He looked between us then kissed me, then Scott and said "I'll see if my beast can handle it, but for now, I think we should get out of here. My fingers are wrinkled enough, and we still have to see your parents off." We dried off and I started to get dressed but Billy and Scott both headed out naked so I figured I'd join them. As we entered the kitchen Billy made no effort to hide his marks from the family. I was still biased by my human upbringing at times and was surprised by this, but the difference was obvious when Mary made a point to quietly kiss his cheek and mention it to him, making him beam with pride. Mom also gently touched Scott's mating mark and kissed his cheek, saying how her little boy was all grown up now. We followed Mom, Dad, and Jack out to the Bell and exchanged hugs then saw them off. Mickey said they'd be back in 30 minutes so we dressed and Tommy and Frederick got our things loaded into the GLS. They would drive it to PIT and leave it there. Mary had the pups bathed and fed while we got Chipper and Brandon dressed for the flight. Clint helped us get the seats strapped in then we loaded the boys, Mary, Billy, and Scott and then I got in. Mike was meeting us at the airport, so when we were all belted in, we took off and flew over the house, seeing it like this for the last time. We got to PIT as David pulled up with Mike so we grabbed his bags and set them by the luggage compartment door. Then Scott and I carried the pups and strapped them into the car seats in the G and helped Tommy and Frederick get everything moved into the plane as Ted did his walk around while Mickey helped the ground crew stow the Bell in the hanger. Once the helicopter was safely stored, he came and did his own walk around to ensure our safe flight. Clint was guiding the ground crew loading our bags so we all got on board. Brandon had flown here from LA but Chipper was all excited and asking questions a mile a minute. Fortunately, Jack had introduced the boys to the joy of video games and we were able to distract him with one while we prepared for take-off. Clint was the consummate professional in getting everyone settled in and once the stairs were raised and the door closed, he came through the cabin asking for drink orders. When he got to me, he asked about meals. Our flight would be roughly 6 hours, so I asked him to serve lunch as soon as he could and we'd see about dinner. He passed out drinks, checked that everything was properly stowed in the cabin then he went through the safety briefing without his previous jokes. That done, he gathered the cups and glasses, asked the boys to pause their game until we were in the air, and just like that, we were off to London. The boys were happy with their video games, Scott and I took turns feeding the pups both bottles and wrists, and the rest were talking about their previous times in London. Before we knew it, Clint was saying he should serve dinner or we'd have to rush it in order to land. He expertly set up the dining table and served everyone, then quickly had his own meal. He had just cleaned up when Mickey came on to announce we would be landing at Gatwick in 10 minutes. I appreciate all the feedback I've received, both good and bad. I'll try to adjust future chapters, and like I said, I'm releasing them two a week so I can keep my writing ahead of the releases. DONATE to keep Nifty going!