Date: Sun, 9 May 2021 00:46:25 -0400 From: Justin Forfun Subject: New Reality 15 This story started out of boredom, and has now taken on a life of its own. I've gotten a lot of positive feedback, and some negative. I'm open to suggestions and feedback, but it is what it is. The sex in it isn't going to be a major part of it, nor is it going to be graphic. If you're looking for masturbation fodder, look elsewhere. There will be slow times in this story, just like there are in life. Other times, things will fly at you too fast. There will be boring days, and exciting days. It's just how it's flowing. You can comment as you like at DONATE to Nifty so you can continue to enjoy my story, and the thousands of others!!!! **************************************************************************** As we exited the plane an elderly man approached me and, noticing my ring, bowed his head "Prince Warnick I assume?" "I'll assume you're Albert? And it's Greg, we're going to be working together too much for that formality." "As you wish Sir. I have cars arranged, three for your family and party and a fourth for your pilots when they've finished. Your home in town has 6 family bedrooms and I've had 2 cribs put in a first-floor bedroom as well as 2 queen beds. The master suite for you and your mate, the third for your Beta. The second floor has three bedrooms available and there are servants' quarters on the third floor for any you've brought along. You have a cook and small staff there now, and I've reserved rooms for your flight crew near here." "Billy sleeps with us, Mary will sleep in with the pups, Mike can have the third room with us, flight crew comes to the house, we'll sort out rooms once they arrive. Billy went over the schedule with me, so are you coming to the house for breakfast? Or do we come to your office at 9?" "If you can adjust to the 5-hour time difference that fast, I'll drop by at 7:30. We can go over things and make adjustments to the schedule to your liking. If there's nothing else Sir, the drivers know the house and the staff is expecting you." "Thank you Albert, I'll see you in the morning, and if he were alive, I'm sure Jack would say hello." I said with a grin. Albert smiled and headed home as we loaded into the waiting cars and were soon driving through downtown London. I recognized Buckingham Palace on my left and 10 minutes later we pulled up in front of a large Victorian townhouse. Tommy went to the door and the staff came out to help get everything carried in as a vampire that looked 20 approached me and bowed. "Prince Warnick, I am Geoffrey, the butler here. May I show you and Master Warnick to your room Sir?" "We'll follow you after you promise to drop the 'Prince' and 'Sir' and call us Greg and Scott." He smiled as he said "At the risk of being impertinent, I have called my employers 'Sir' for 400 years. I shall try if you will forgive an old man his habits, please, follow me Greg." and he led us inside and started up the stairs. "I thought Albert said the master suite was on the first floor?" "Yes, you Americans... here we have the ground floor, and the first floor up is the 'first floor'. Your rooms are up here on the right." as he showed us into a room with a massive bed, a small sitting area and a large en suite bath. "Master Jack always used the other room, I do not think this bed has ever been slept in." "Thank you Geoffrey, Albert will be here for breakfast at 7:30. Ask the cook to get with Mary about our preferences. Forgive me for getting personal but I need information about the household and the city, are you available to sit and just chat a bit?" "In here or in your study Sir?" "I think I'd like the quick tour and we'll decide. If I'm going to be here a week it would be nice to not get lost." He took us out and showed us the middle bedroom where Mike was settling in, then on to the rooms Mary and the boys were using. It was similar to ours and the boys were already undressed and headed to bathe. We kissed them both goodnight and asked Mary to get with the cook before she went to bed only to find they had already spoken. We then went up and saw a similar layout, and up one more floor to find six moderate bedrooms and a living area for staff to relax. Geoffrey showed us his room and told us we could see the others but I said I didn't want to intrude and thanked him for sharing his room with us. We followed him to the ground floor where he showed us a formal dining room, living room, and a study with dark wood paneling, a sitting area for 6, and a large executive desk. I asked where the kitchen was and he said it was in the basement along with a more relaxed family room. "Let's sit in here, can we get some warm blood?" "I shall return shortly, Greg." When he returned we sat and sipped our drinks as I asked about the status of vampires in London. I found that Jack, while an acceptable business leader, was not a leader in other ways. After the death of his parents, three Alphas emerged and London was held jointly by these men who had originally been in Bristol, Portsmouth, and Oxford. They all were good men and had the welfare of their people well in hand. Jack didn't share his businesses with them and they never asked, out of respect for his family, but it was understood he wouldn't expand without their input. When I asked about the other businesses and issues with packs around Europe, he said he didn't know and I should ask Albert. He then asked why I was asking, so I explained that I wanted to ensure that the needs of vampires outside of packs were taken care of. "Are you or the staff members of these three packs?" "No Sir, I joined Master Joseph's pack when he formed it. When he passed I continued to serve Master Jack and have never cared to join another, although I suppose I am in yours if you choose to push the issue." "That's your choice, not mine. And the rest of the staff?" "My wife Eileen is the cook, she and I have been in this house since Master Joseph built it in 1630. We keep one housekeeper and one footman at all times, we hired 2 more for your visit due to your family's size. As far as I know they're all independent." "I really appreciate your candor Geoffrey, is there anything I can answer for you before we get some sleep?" "You are not going to insist we swear to your pack?" "Not a chance. I won't refuse you but the decision has to be yours and your wife's. Why don't you go chat with her, I think we'll head to bed." "She is probably up with Leonard, we have not seen him in 100 years. If you do not mind, I shall join them for a bit." "Enjoy your evening, we'll see you at breakfast." We went to our room and as he closed the door Billy asked "What do you think Greg?" "Tell me what you think first." "Sounds like London's in good hands and you're busy enough so unless what he told us is untrue, you leave things alone. I think you should reach out to these three and let them know that. They're probably concerned, if they've heard about you being put on the Council." "My thoughts exactly. I'm not going to bother them tonight, but email George and Sam, get me contact info so we can get in touch tomorrow first thing." "I assume you mean Sam Houston?" I laughed, "Yeah, point taken. It's almost 11 and I'm not tired, that 5 hour time difference is gonna make tomorrow rough." Scott grinned and said "Well, I can think of one thing we can do to make you sleepy." as he slowly undressed. I liked his idea so I joined him in getting undressed when Billy said "I got an email from George, I sent all three London Alphas an email, asking them to get in touch." "Good, now put that down and join us." and when we were finished, we all slept very soundly. I woke to find myself surrounded by my sons. Scott and Billy had gotten up and brought them in and the seven of us lay there in a pile with my pups in my arms with their brothers cuddled up at their side framed by Billy and Scott. I felt incredibly content and wanted to lay there enjoying it but reality set in as my phone rang. Billy answered while Scott picked up Charlie and I got up to get Davie dressed, then we all showered and headed down to the dining room where Eileen had set up a buffet. Tommy, Frederick and Mary were there with the pups in high chairs. We made plates for the boys then got our own and sat to eat. When Billy sat, I asked him about the call. "Albert will be here shortly, he's bringing the three Alphas. They had already asked to meet you so he thought here would be best. I figured meeting over breakfast and seeing you with the family would help them relax." "Greg, the first day I worked for you I was direct and I'm not going to stop now. You need to accept that even though you see Frederick and I as family, we are staff, and most of the time you need to treat us as such. We don't take it personally." "OK Tommy, and you're saying this now because?" "He's saying we all need to be eating in the kitchen Greg, and he's right. That goes for everyone except Billy as your Beta, and Mary as nanny, she goes where the boys go. That said, I think we should clear out before your visitors get here." As he said it, Frederick gathered his plate and he and Tommy headed for the kitchen. I heard Clint & Co coming down the stairs and when Tommy explained things, they agreed and all headed off to eat. I heard the bell and then Geoffrey came to announce Albert and guests. I stood to greet them and when Billy started to get up I motioned for him to stay seated. I met them as they entered the dining room "Good morning Albert" as I shook his hand. "Sir, may I present to you Alphas Benjamin Piers McGowan of Bristol, Bertram Ness of Oxford, and Maxen Vaughan of Portsmouth. Gentleman, Prince Gregory Fowler Warnick of Pittsburgh, Prince of the Council of Nine." All three bowed from the neck and said "Good morning Sir" almost as one. "Now that we have that out of the way, would you gentlemen please relax and join me for breakfast? Forgive me, as we've already started, but keeping growing boys from food isn't a risk I'm willing to take." That got the desired laugh, and our guests gathered their food and sat to eat. Albert seemed to be in the role of negotiator because he started the conversation by asking of my plans for Jack's businesses I had acquired. He had asked it casually but I knew it was an important issue for these three men, so I set down my fork and looked around. "There are times to dance around an issue and there are times to just cut to the chase and deal with things. I think this morning is the latter, so forgive me if I'm not diplomatic in how I say this. If my understanding of matters in London is correct, I have no desire to do anything other than run my nephew's businesses as they've been run for years. I'm told the three of you are providing for the vampire community's needs quite well, and as long as that continues, I see no need for me to come in and fix what isn't broken, as they say." and seeing Alpha McGowan start to speak "And please, no 'Prince' or 'Sir', I'm Greg, agreed?" "Well, Greg, since you're being direct, we shall as well. When we heard of Jack's intentions we were concerned about a young changeling suddenly coming into money and power having it all go to his head. Albert has filled us in on how you deal with things but you'll forgive us if we had our doubts. You speak this morning of concerns for the London vampire community, and we've heard of the things you're doing in Pittsburgh. We are of course still concerned that your desire for influence may change in the future, you might expand your businesses here and push us out." "Alpha McGowan, am I to assume you've been chosen spokesman for the three?" "I have, and please, call me Piers." "Piers, when I agreed to take over Jack's businesses in Europe, my intentions were simply to ensure his security if he changed his mind in the future and that continues to be my primary concern. Then I discovered my responsibilities as an Alpha, and my concerns for the vampires in my territories are heartfelt. As a Prince of the Nine, I feel those concerns extend anywhere I have influence. I'm sure the three of you understand I'm busy enough without trying to expand my responsibilities further. The fact is, I plan to delegate as much as possible to those I trust. To that end, I would propose that I find someone you approve to handle my business interests in London, and anywhere in your territories, and we come to an agreement on suitable financial arrangements. With this in place, Jack is protected financially and I am out of your hair as far as my being a threat to your power in the area." "You would allow us partial control of your businesses?" "I would say let's let the lawyers negotiate the details, but yes. As long as Jack's assets grow and he benefits in the long run, I have no desire to run anything in England. I do want to keep this house and others, so anything that might be considered personal is off the table, as well as his plane." "It's not really our business but, is it your intention to do this with all of your holdings in Europe?" "That depends on what I find. I will not work with unethical or power-hungry Alphas, or those that fail to protect those in their charge. And since you opened the topic, what do you know of what I'm going to find?" A look passed between them, then they went on to tell me that Jack's businesses in Paris were in partnership Alpha Pau Joan Fabre, an ancient vampire who controlled much of France. Joseph had met him while attempting to negotiate peace during the Napoleonic wars and they had become friends. They felt he would happily continue the relationship, and his concerns for vampires in France were second to none. My interests in Frankfurt fell under Prince Reinhardt Reiner Hauer. They knew nothing beyond that. Jack had told me to trust Albert so I made a decision. "I would like to name Albert, if he's willing, as caretaker of my interests in all of The UK. Work with him and I think we'll do fine. Can you accept this?" "I can only speak for myself, but no, I have an additional request to make me happy in this." "And if I know Bertram, I too have the same requirement." "OK Bertram, Maxen, what are your requirements?" "I have openings on several boards I need to fill, I'd like you to fill those spots. I'd prefer you serve yourself, but I'd accept your representative." "I agree, and on a more personal note, it gives you an excuse to keep this house." Piers said with a grin. "I suppose all this hinges on Albert accepting to serve as my representative. Albert?" "I was happy to serve Alpha Joseph and since his death I have served Master Jack even though he's not an Alpha, he's a good business man. I would suggest you place someone from your pack in this position, rather than me." "Albert, you know these businesses, do you fear that acting in the leadership role would trigger an Alpha change? Or is there another issue?" "I just feel it should be someone that has pack loyalty to you Greg." I was considering what he was saying, and what he was not saying when Billy spoke up "Then you should do what is required to resolve this Albert." I looked at Billy, unsure of his meaning, but Albert seemed to understand because he rose and faced me "Alpha Warnick, I ask to join your pack as a Delta, serving only the interests of you and your pack. I also ask that my entire family be accepted and gain pack protection." "Albert, I accept you, your mate, and any minor children. I require adults speak for themselves, but until they can, they will be treated as pack members. As my Delta, I expect my standards to be yours in all matters, is that understood?" "Yes Alpha." I then turned to what I had come to think of as 'The London Three' and asked "Does this development change anything gentlemen?" "Yes Greg, it makes things easier. As a nomad, Albert might have allowed us to manipulate him. As your Delta, we are more likely to treat him as we would treat you." "Unless I've missed something, everything we have left is simply details. I'm guessing you three have things to do? And I believe Albert needs me to sign transfers and estate paperwork?" Piers, Bertram, and Maxen headed off to their offices and while Scott and Mary took the pups to their room, Mike, Albert, Billy and I headed for the study. Albert and Mike instantly went into lawyer mode with Albert first explaining to us that he was a solicitor, a lawyer who worked in paperwork, contracts, wills, and such. A barrister would appear in court if we ever needed that. Once we were clear on that, he went through a seemingly endless stack of papers transferring all of Jack's assets to my name, authorizing me to access his bank accounts here and in Switzerland, and he produced a pack of passports for all of us as British subjects saying they would make travel in Europe easier than our American ones. I asked him about his family and he told me about his two adult daughters, their husbands, three grandchildren, and a son Chipper's age. With all of the conversation after breakfast and the paperwork afterwards, I was surprised when Geoffrey came to ask if we wanted lunch in here or the dining room. I told him in here would be fine and he asked if he and Eileen could speak to me first. She was standing behind him so when I said yes, they stepped into the room. I asked if they wanted privacy. "No Sir, it is appropriate your Beta and Delta are here and Lord Somerset can be a witness. Prince Warnick, my wife Eileen and I would ask that we may join your pack and, if you allow it, remain at our posts here to care for this home as we have for 400 years. We have no children, yet, and we surrender our worldly assets to your care." as he offered me a stack of deeds and bank books. "Geoffrey I welcome you into my pack but I do not require you to surrender your assets. I am not refusing them, but I need you to understand that it is your choice." He pushed the papers in my direction again "We put all our trust in you Alpha." so I took them and handed them to Albert. "Account for these and fold them into the businesses, keep track of growth and if they ever leave, they get an equal growth rate. That is my policy, see that you do the same with any others." "Yes Alpha." "I shall return with your lunch in a moment Sir." Eileen said and left us. "Lord Somerset?" I said "Yeah, I haven't used that title in 400 years, thanks Geoffrey, now he'll bug me with it." Mike laughed "And just so you know, Andrew Scott is on staff at the house in Pittsburgh." "From Lord Wellington's house? I wondered where he ended up, I look forward to seeing him again sometime. If you will excuse me Sir, Mary has asked for lunch for the boys in their room and I need to attend to that." "Relax Mike, I won't lord it over you." Everyone groaned at that as Eileen brought in our lunch and we continued our discussion. Albert thought I should travel to Paris and Munich without the children. Both Alpha Fabre and Prince Hauer were ancient vampires and their mates were long gone, the children would just be a distraction. As much as I hated to be away from the boys and even more the pups, he was right. I decided we would try to schedule a meeting with Prince Hauer tomorrow, then with Alpha Fabre Thursday morning. That way we could have an evening in Paris. Billy started lining up the meetings while Mike and Albert continued through the pile of paperwork. We were only half way through when Billy confirmed our meetings and set up to have Clint & Co to fly us to Munich after lunch tomorrow. With Albert taking over for me in London, once I had signed his stack of paperwork, I had nothing to do until tomorrow so after saying goodbye to Mike and seeing him off to Heathrow, Billy and I went up to join Scott and tell him the plans. We were battling the boys in Mario Kart when Geoffrey came in to suggest we take the boys to the house in Woodstock. They would enjoy the pool and the grounds much more than being stuck indoors here. He said he and Eileen would be happy to care for us there, as there was no staff on site. An hour later Geoffrey and the footman were loading Mary, Tommy, Leonard, all the pups into three Range Rovers that appeared to take them to Woodstock. Another one arrived to take Clint & Co to Gatwick to move the Phenom, and then a Rolls-Royce Black Badge Cullinan pulled up. Geoffrey explained that Prince Ajam had called to say this was a wedding gift, he had ordered two and was giving this to us for Europe and would order a replacement for his own use. Billy, Scott, and I got in and with Geoffrey and Eileen in a Range Rover following, we headed to Woodstock. We pulled up to a stone gatehouse and our driver keyed in a pass code to open the gates, and we drove another half mile and across a bridge over the River Glyme to a large stone and stucco manor house. We went in to find Chipper and Brandon already naked and heading for the pool attached to the back. Mary had a play pen already set up and Davie was crawling around babbling to his brother as if to say 'get moving we have trouble to cause'. Leonard and Tommy were carrying our bags to our room so we followed to find Billy unpacking things. "I thought we were only here tonight?" "And when you come back, are you going to stay in town while your sons are here?" "Touche`. So we come back here for four weeks, a week in Dubai then head home?" "Or the two of you could spend a week or two traveling Europe?" "Two weeks away from the pups will kill me, not an option. Even if I'm only seeing them at the end of the day, I need to see them." "Me too Scotty, and if I'm honest, I'm not sure I want to spend a week in Dubai. Homosexuality is a capital offense there. I just don't want to offend Hasim." "Already taken care of Greg. You up for a swim?" That sounded like a great idea so we all stripped and ran for the pool and spent an hour tossing two screaming boys around the pool. Scott and I took turns making sure the pups would end up face up whenever they were in the water. Leonard and Tommy were taking turns sneaking up behind Billy and dunking him. Even Geoffrey and Eileen got in on the fun after grilling cheeseburgers and hot dogs for us. Clint & Co showed up in time to get in a few splashes and burgers too. Mary took the pups and got them fed and in bed while Scott and I got Chipper and Brandon settled into bed. Once that was taken care of, we gathered as a pack in the den and Frederick insisted we watch 'Sunset Boulevard' so we would understand the jokes about George's house. Dad was right, I would never look at that house the same. After the movie we headed to our room and settled in for a comfortable sleep. Wednesday we woke and had breakfast then said goodbye to the boys. Tommy drove Mickey, Ted and Clint to Oxford Airport to ready the Phenom and we followed 30 minutes later we were suffering the Clint and Mickey show as they introduced us to the safety features of the Phenom and we were off for Munich. Two hours later Tommy was driving us to meet Prince Reinhardt Reiner Hauer. We drove into an underground parking lot and were directed to a VIP spot. Then we were escorted to a private elevator and soon were walking down a hall on the top floor to a suite of offices. Tommy took a seat in a waiting area as Billy, Scott, and I were escorted in to a large modern executive office. Prince Hauer stood to greet us and as Scott and Billy bowed to him, I offered my hand. "Please, the mate and Beta of a Prince do not bow. We do not stand on ceremony within the nine. I am Reinhardt, and I believe you've met Hasim." We turned to find Prince Ajam seated on a sofa behind us "Gentlemen, I apologize for my unthinking invitation. My nation has some rather backwards laws and that fact slipped my mind at our first meeting. I pray I have not offended you Greg?" "Not at all Hasim, and we appreciate that things can slip your mind. We appreciate even more the effort you put into trying to make something right that was never a wrong." "Greg, Scott, please sit down. The other Princes would like to meet you Greg. We know you have been working to settle your business but if all that is done this week, you could fly up and see Igor in St Petersburg on Monday, then on to Beijing and visit Yuan Tuesday. From there to Tokyo Wednesday. Then three weeks in Hawaii, go visit James in Florida a week, and your new home is ready. You can meet Dimas once you're home, he travels to New York quite often." "That would be hard on the boys, basically a week on the plane. I'm happy to meet everyone but I can visit St Petersburg from London, then we all go to Tokyo and I'll rent a plane to Beijing, then on to Hawaii. Unless that would offend someone?" "No one will be offended at all Greg, I have never flown with children so I hadn't considered that. Now, I'm assuming you've come to Munich for more than a social call, what can I do for you?" "As I understand it, Jack's business interests in Frankfurt are tied to you somehow?" "I believe you're aware, your father was born in Zell just before 1500. He was Alpha for a pack that was spread from Nuremberg to Dusseldorf and as far west as Frankfurt. I have been Super Alpha for all of Germany since 1216 and James did all his businesses under my control. When Joseph married, I allowed him to take over for his father and James moved to London. Jack has worked with me in those businesses that survived the war since his father died." "So with Jack not being an Alpha, did his dad's pack go to you? Or Dad?" "The war killed many vampires in Germany but there are still many in Zell that call your father their Alpha. As well as Alphas in Bern and Zurich and Frankfurt that consider James their Super Alpha. Not to speak ill of your father, but he has abandoned his packs and I don't think he has spoken to any of these since the 1950's." "You've given me a lot of information but you haven't answered my questions. If anything, I'm more confused." "Well Greg, I needed you to see how twisted it is before we can start to work this out. As I understand it, James has given you all his businesses in the US, and given up his rights to his pack, is that your understanding?" "Reinhardt, I don't want to make any assumptions, let's call Dad and get his intentions before we go on. It's 5am in West Palm?" as I dialed Dad's number. When he answered "Dad, I'm with Reinhardt Hauer and we have some questions, if you don't mind?" "Good morning Prince Reinhardt, what can I do for you Sir?" "James, we're trying to sort out Greg's standing with the packs here, what exactly did you intend to give him?" "I surrendered everything, I am a serving member of Greg's pack. Anything I was entitled to is now his. Does that answer it all or do you need specific issues addressed?" "No James, that covers it. Have you spoken to Lenz, Matthias or Karl recently?" "Not since Joseph was killed, no." "Thank you James, enjoy your retirement." "Thanks Dad, we'll see you in a month." and when he had hung up "Well, that makes things clear." "You seem certain Greg, explain your reasoning." "Well Hasim, going strictly by traditional laws, if Reinhardt didn't claim the pack, any vampire that was in a pack serving James should now call me their Alpha, including those packs in Frankfurt, Bern, and Zurich. Any nomad in his original homelands also has the right to ask to join my pack. I actually have the right to demand this but I will never force anyone, and will allow any to continue as they have been doing. As to businesses, that depends on the contracts in place, but if I'm accepted as Alpha by any of these, that means I'm to be a Serving Alpha to Reinhardt." "You've spent some time with that book since I saw you Greg. Now you see why we said this young man belongs on the Council?" "Yes Hasim, I see. Greg, first let me say that one Prince never serves another, so any relationship between us will be strictly business. I hope you'll forgive me for acting in your place, but I assumed what you wanted to talk about today, and I took the liberty of asking a few people to join us after lunch." "Certainly, this is your office after all. I need a clarification on something first, am I required to wear this council ring when meeting people?" "Only if you're meeting them in your role of a Prince." "Thank you, when will our guests arrive?" I asked as I tucked the royal ring into my pocket. "They're all waiting for us Greg, do you want to meet them as a group?" "Might we have them to lunch in your conference room Prince Hauer?" He smiled at me and said "Of course Alpha Warnick." and he led us to the conference room where we were joined by 3 other men. "Alpha Warnick, may I present Alpha Lenz Lorenz of Bern, Alpha Matthias Garb of Zurich, and Alpha Karl Heinz Kappel of Frankfurt. Gentleman, Alpha Gregory Fowler Warnick." "Thank you Prince Hauer, and thank you for hosting us today. If we may, I'd like to dispense with formalities gentleman, I'm Greg, this is my husband Scott and my Beta William. Can we talk over lunch?" They agreed so we enjoyed lunch and talked. I asked about their families and I asked about living conditions of the vampires in their towns. I told them about my sons and how they came into my life. I told them about the school we were working on and when Lenz asked why not just let the children learn online, I explained that home schooled vampire children missed out on the social benefits and I felt it better for them to be in classrooms. Finally, Alpha Matthias Garb said "Greg, you have spent an hour talking with us and never once have you asked about our businesses or our loyalty to you and your pack. Why is that?" "Because you and your people are more important than any businesses, and you have not sworn loyalty to me or my pack so there's nothing to ask about." "I swore loyalty to your father and his heirs for the duration of my life. Are you rejecting me Alpha?" "Not at all, please, my intentions were not to reject you, but to allow you the choice. I wasn't aware of your vows to my father and I don't want to force you into something you don't want. Have you all sworn such vows? To James and his heirs for life?" Both Lenz and Karl said they had indeed sworn loyalty to Dad and his heirs, for the entirety of their lives. "I need to be clear gentleman, I am not rejecting you, and will gladly accept you as my own, but I also know you have been mostly on your own for over half a century. If you ask to be released from your vow, you will be released with my blessings." Matthias stood "Alpha Warnick, had you made that statement at the beginning of our meal, I might have been tempted, but after getting to know you I feel very comfortable in saying I would like to continue serving you and your heirs for the rest of my life." "I couldn't agree more Alpha, I happily request to renew my vow to serve you and your heirs." "I appreciate your informal attitude Greg, so I'll just say 'me too'." Lenz said with a smile. "I appreciate your faith in me. I am truly touched. Now the business side of things, what terms did my father arrange with you?" "James gave me the funds to set up my banks in 1713, due to his major investment we split 80% of our profits to him." "He did the same with me in 1720, although I had some assets of my own. His share of our profits is 60%. We've deposited them into an account since Joseph passed." "Wait, you mean to say that you've held 60% of profits, in my father's name? And those are now mine?" "Yes, I have the account pulled up, here, look for yourself." "Same here Greg, 80% saved since 1940, plus interest." "What about you Karl?" "He and I put in equal funds to build our first mill in 1542, because I was running things day to day he took 45% of profits. But Jack helped me rebuild after the war and we're in Frankfurt, Bonn, Dortmund, Wiesbaden, Heidelberg, Stuttgart and Coburg in Germany, Antwerp and Brussels in Belgium, as well as Luxembourg He agreed to taking 80% until 2050, then 50%." "I'm sorry but I can't accept these terms, none of you. I will not accept more than 50% beginning today, understand?" "Yes Alpha!" three vampires said as one. "Greg, we also have art in our vaults that belongs to you. And I'm talking thousands of pieces, from small jewelry pieces to sculptures 8m tall. I'll email photos for your review." "Karl, your businesses surround Zell, are there locals there that you know of that consider themselves in my pack?" "Greg, your pack there owns and operates two wineries, a plastics company, and a construction company in town. Those people never stopped loving Alpha James. And I think they'll love you just as much when they get to know you." I reached into my pocket and pulled out my Royal ring. "I've not been entirely honest with you gentleman, please understand I did this so you wouldn't feel you needed to accept me." "We weren't totally honest either Prince Warnick," Matthias said with a grin "we heard about that on Monday." "Billy, call Pau Joan Fabre, ask him if it would be difficult to change our meetings to Friday. I would like to visit Zell and meet my pack." While Billy was working on this I turned to Reinhardt "Prince Hauer, I ask that you allow me to give you 10% of my share of all we've talked of. You were my Father's Super Alpha and you deserve your share, regardless of my current rank." "If I may make a counter-offer Greg? You have a business group in Amsterdam that fits well with mine. Would you sell that to me for that 10%? I believe you will find it equitable." "If there is no pack connection, I think we can do that. Did you fly up here just to correct a minor issue Hasim? Or were you looking to discuss something?" "I'd like to buy your interests in Rome Greg. I'm not sure how you got them, but they don't fit what you have at all." "Forgive me Prince Ajam, my research says they were a wedding gift to Joseph from Sarah's father." "Thanks Billy, do we have any pack connection or is it pure business?" "I can't say for sure yet, I'll do more digging." "Hasim, I'm sure you understand, if there's a pack connection I can't, but if it's purely business I'm certain we can work it out." "If you will forgive us, Prince Ajam and I have to meet with some people in a few minutes, Greg it was wonderful to meet you, I'm sure I'll be seeing you again." "Thank you both, yes, I'll be in touch." And with that, we left the conference room and headed for the elevator. I asked their travel arrangements and found Lenz and Matthias had shared a jet from Zurich but Karl was going to book commercial to Frankfurt. We told him to meet us at the airport and fly with us. The flight was enjoyable and Karl told us tales of our Dad as a child, hunting the hills around Zell. When he said this, I asked how long he had known our granddad, and he told us of helping the Baron build his home in 800 and hearing this, we asked him if he could give us a tour of our family home. **************************************************************************** I was going to try to keep writing, and post chapters slower so I could keep up. Work and real life have me distracted, so I'm going to dump everything I have so far on Nifty, as fast as they'll post it. After that, they'll come as I can get them written. No promises on how fast that will be, as my busy time at work is coming, and the next 6-8 months, I'll be working 15 hour days.