This story started out of boredom, and has now taken on a life of its own. I've gotten a lot of feedback, and I'm open to suggestions. Sadly, with work, I haven't written much in the last few weeks and I'm nearing the end of what I have so far. Chapters will be posted as I get them written, but no promises.

You can comment as you like at


The sex isn't a major part of it, nor is it graphic. If you're looking for masturbation fodder, look elsewhere. There will be many slow times in this story, just like there are in life. Other times, things will fly at you too fast. There will be boring days, and exciting days. It's just how it's flowing.


Here is the house plan I used for inspiration for their new lake house. I've modified it to fit my dream, but this is what gave me the idea of the general layout.


Text copyright ©Justin Forfun 2020-2021 All rights reserved.


This work is fully protected under the United States Copyright Laws © 17 USC§§ 101, 102(a), 302(a).   All rights reserved.  Placing or posting any or all of this story on any website, or distribution of any of these works in any way (in part or in whole) without the explicit consent of the author is strictly prohibited.  Any and all copyright infringements will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  Any names, characters, or incidents are the product of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental, and no harm or slanderous intent is implied or intended.


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Once the boys were all back downstairs, Marcus looked at me and said "He keeps saying things about school. He means homeschool lessons, right?"


"No, actually, this is something very important to me, and I'm glad you brought it up. I want to hear what you're doing about educating the pups in your pack. Those in New York have a large network of homeschool groups. I'd like to change that, but my solution might not be the best. What are you doing in Boston?"

"Essentially the same thing. The pups work on their lessons on their own, or in small groups. We have a few that visit with them and try to guide them, but everyone's on their own until they can go to human schools without their aging being a problem."


"So basically, the same thing that Pittsburgh had until I started the school. Don't get me wrong, I understand why it's done. A family can't move every year because their pup is growing twice as fast as their classmates, but by doing the homeschool thing, they only learn the basics. They're not challenged unless they do it themselves, or they come from a home that has educated parents. By putting all the pups into a large group setting, and having educators there to help them, each one can learn to the best of their ability. Look, instead of me telling you about it, I'd like all of you come with me to the school tomorrow, and see it in action. Bring your pups, let them offer their thoughts on it as well."


They all looked at each other and most were nodding. Rodney asked "But how are we supposed to afford a school that big? We're all broke already."

"Ok, I don't know most of your true ages, but I can promise that you're all older than I am, so please don't think I'm saying I know everything, but let me explain how I look at things. When I first became an Alpha, George had me reading the book of traditions. I'm assuming you are all familiar with this?" Everyone except Gail nodded, so I went on.


"When I read most of them, I just shook my head at how outdated they are. Children as property, women subject to their mates, things like that have no place in the modern world, and are not part of my pack, in any way. Other things, as I'm learning, had origins in valid views, but they need to be brought into the 21st century. Some examples that leap to mind are having to get your Alpha's permission to change a human. To my modern mind, that seemed like a power trip, but as I think about it, imagine if every vampire changed a human, how long until there are no humans left? Or until we can no longer stay secret? As an Alpha, we see the bigger picture, and can make that decision based on that view."

"Another thing that I ran into early was, most of my pack surrendered their assets to my control. At first, I thought this was another power trip by the Alphas of old, but as things have developed, my having control of such a large pool of money allows me to build the school, provide for the orphan, or buy businesses to provide more money to do even more of those things. The problem with this system comes from power hungry, or greedy Alphas, who horde the assets of their pack, and use them for personal gain rather than the good of the pack."

"Coming from me, looking at my lifestyle, this sounds like I'm just protecting my own lifestyle. But a few days ago I realized that everything I have is because my father lost track of the pack, and got obsessed with the money. My personal finances came from his using the assets of the vampires in his care over the last several centuries, and then he lost track of what he was supposed to be doing. That's why I made the changes I made today. On paper, I'm in charge of Warnick Industries, but in practice, Josh took over today. I need to focus on the needs of the vampires in the pack, and let the businesses that we've developed pay for those needs."


The other Alphas all looked like they were considering what I was saying, so I paused. Blake broke the silence "So, I shouldn't have used my own money like I did?"

"No Blake, that's not what I'm saying. Your heart was in the right place, and your intentions were correct, but you weren't in a position to care for so many vampires. You had your own savings, for your family, like you should have. But suddenly, you're trying to pay for hundreds of vampires from the resources of two, or three. Long ago, that would have worked because things were simple. Packs were small, needs were few, and everyone worked together. You told me you were the last one to phase, and it was 1932, right?" He nodded, so I continued "You said you sent 8 vampires to college in those first 5 years. That had to destroy you financially, but if you had been an Alpha for the previous 200 years, and your pack had slowly grown, you would have had more than enough."

"I'll use an example from my pack, and I'll try to protect their identity, but early on, I had a childless couple join the pack. They had lived through hundreds of years, saving, knowing that in time, they'd need their savings. When they joined, they gave the pack several hundred million dollars. Anything they need, the pack will provide."

"Dad, forgive me if you've already considered this, but when someone surrenders everything, is that literally everything? Like do they give you their paycheck every week? What do you do if a homeless vampire joins the pack and wants a fancy house?"


"Up until now, I've dealt with everyone as an individual. I mean, everyone I've personally accepted. Most of that part of the pack lives here. But you bring up some interesting questions Josh, and we should discuss how to address them. I'd love to hear what you all think on these issues as well. How you manage your packs is going to have to reflect how I manage mine."

"Technically Greg, how we manage our parts of your pack, you mean, right?"

"Well, yeah, and like I said, things were simpler a hundred years ago. But, modern technology will help us do this smarter. Babe, would you ask Andrew to come get everyone more to drink please? This is going to be a late night."

Scott went to find Andrew, and Bea apologized, but said her back was hurting and she'd like to get to bed. I asked Billy what arrangements had been made, and he told me the cars for Regent were here whenever we finished. All the Alpha families were in a hotel in Butler.


After Andrew brought us wine, soft drinks, and blood, as well as some sandwiches and chips, I continued the conversation.


"Ok, in the past, as Alpha, I would have taken any pay my pack members earned, and provided for all their needs, like a father caring for his children. I don't see that working in the modern world, along with the fact that most of our pack members have been on their own. Also, like you mentioned about someone asking for a house that is more than they need, it could cause conflict. I want to guarantee an education, up to a 4 year degree or trade school, for any pup in the pack. We're doing that here, and we'll do it everywhere else. Thoughts?"

Marcus said "I think that's a good thing Greg. Like you said, the homeschooling lets a lot of them fall short. And many families can't afford college. What about the ones that want higher degrees?"


"I think we take a lesson from New York. You guys paid for school for several that took that education and went elsewhere. Anyone that wants to study past a 4 year degree has to use that degree for the good of the pack for a certain time, then they can do as they please. I almost said one lifetime, but they could refresh early and get out of that. We can let Mike work up a contract of some sort."

"That sounds like a win for both the pack, and the individual Greg. What about housing? Jobs? Paychecks?" Blake asked.


"That can get complicated, and we really should have these answers already worked out when someone asks. When we tour the school tomorrow, we can all sit with Don, Paul, and Mike. Maybe include David and Lucas too. In general though, I think if someone's working for the pack as a lawyer, they should live a life that a human lawyer could afford, if they desire. And if someone is driving for Regent, they should have a lifestyle that reflects that job. If they want more, they can do more. We provide the opportunities, and if they don't want to rise up, that's fine. If someone is homeless, we provide shelter, food, and clothing, as well as educational options so they can find work and care for themselves."


Billy had been listening quietly to all of this and said "It almost sounds like we're going to need people to manage pack business just like you have Josh, Todd, Marcus and the others for the businesses."

"Yeah Billy, it does. But we already have some of those people in place. They're called Serving Alphas, and seven of them are here with us tonight." Then I noticed Marcus had a concerned look on his face, so I asked "What's wrong Marcus?"

"Well Greg, my part of your pack isn't small. I have over a thousand members all over Massachusetts and Rhode Island. If I'm going to ask all of them to turn over their finances, and then manage them, I'm not going to have time to properly do the job you've offered me."

"Let's see what tomorrow brings before you decide, but you could be right. This is one of my biggest problems lately, things have come at me so fast that I'll do something to fix an issue only to find that things change two days later, and I have to change what I just changed. Tonight is actually the first time I've sat down with others and discussed pack issues and policies."

"Well, I remember when we met about the school, Lucas said that .004% of the population are vampires, and based on that, in Pittsburg alone, our pack is potentially 10,000 vampires." Scott said.


All the Alpha's faces showed the shock, as they did the math for their respective areas. Billy was working on his tablet and looked up in amazement. "You mean that between these Alphas here tonight, adding Pittsburgh, that's over 100,000 vampires? All in our pack Greg?"


"Yes Billy, if you count all the vampires in the territories. Some may only live there for this life and already be in another pack, but Marcus and Blake each have 30,000 vampires living in their areas."

"I've never been happier living in Staten Island than I do right now. Using your number, there are just under 2000 that I'm responsible for." Martin said with a small laugh.


"That will be another thing we should discuss. Is 30,000 too many for one Alpha to handle? How do we split things up? Like I've said, my priority is to serve each one of them the best we can. All of you here have said you agree with me, and you only became Alphas to help your packs. I won't have a Serving Alpha that is just doing it for the power. I don't mean that to sound like a threat, but I suppose it is. If they're supposed to be mine, I'll make sure they're cared for, if the Alpha in place won't do it."


Rodney quicky said "No Greg, none of us is in it for any personal gain. The fates phased us, and we did what we had to do. We all understand what you're saying, and we'll do whatever we need to do to care for our packs. I'm not saying I know the right answers, but in my opinion, anything larger than 10,000 is too much for one man. And, I'm just guessing here, but considering the numbers, I'd bet there are a few other Alphas in both Marcus' and Blake's areas that we're not aware of."

"I agree. I say I'm the Long Island Alpha, but the reality is, most of the vampires that I know of in my pack live west of Farmingdale. There's a lot of island east of there, and a large population." Blake said, nodding.


"And most of the ones in mine are east of Springfield, and in Northern Rhode Island. What about Connecticut? Or farther north into Maine?" Marcus asked.


"I hate to pile on babe, but all the members of the packs of your Serving Alphas are in your pack. Just doing a rough guess, our pack could easily be over a million."


I just looked at Scott, stunned. Then I turned to Josh, "I need to focus totally on pack, from now on. You know what that means?"

"I get your office?" Josh said with a grin.


"You're joking, but it's possible, yes. And it's possible that we need to consider a Serving Alpha for Pittsburgh, but I'll let fate sort that one out. But for now, I need that office to meet with pack members downtown. For everything else, I can meet with Serving Alphas here, or go to them. And yes Billy, you need to be thinking about getting some help."

"No offense Greg, but we've gotten distracted from our original discussion. If I may bring us back to it?" I nodded, so Nikita continued "You talk about policies in your pack, what type of policies?"

"Thanks Nikita, everyone else calls you Nikki, may I?"

"Only my friends call me that, so of course you may." Nikki said with a smile.


"Ok, Nikki, I'll start with the basics. All members of my pack will be treated fairly. Skin color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and all the other ways that people use to discriminate, are not an issue in this pack, period. Pups are not property, and I will not tolerate their abuse. Spanking is one thing, but if you've seen my son Morgan, he has scars from his father's beatings. Traditional vampires would accept this as normal, I do not. Another issue that I've had come up is the use of forced sex to trigger a pup's beast on their first hunt. This is not acceptable. I know sex is used, but there's a difference between a blow job and rape. Our school is putting together a program to help parents with their pups first hunt, and we'll use this in all the schools, once they're open. That's all that jumps to mind, so if you have something you're wondering about, ask, and we'll discuss it. These things I've just said are not up for discussion though, they're pack law, as of now."

They all said "Yes Alpha." Then Rodney asked "I recently had a pup come ask about a sex change. I really had no idea what to tell them."

"I don't know how to advise you on that one Rodney. I mean, I'm all for our pups being happy with who they are, and I'd support it being done, but would it stick? Or would their body heal away the changes and they'd end up back where they started?"

"That's almost exactly what I told him. Sorry, it's a boy, born with a vagina. I went as far as saying if he could get a vampire doctor to do it, I'd support him. We don't need some human finding out about us because his patient's breasts grew back."

"Exactly." I said.


"Now hang on a second Greg, didn't Grand-pére say that they used to castrate a sub Alpha? If that worked, and they didn't grow back, why wouldn't a properly done sex change work?" Billy asked.


"Well Beta, look into it. A Serving Alpha of mine has an issue that he's brought to us, it's up to us to find an answer. And I think that's how it will work. We'll work out policies, and you'll run your packs according to those. Things that we haven't figured out, you'll bring to me. We'll figure it out, and it becomes policy."

"Well one tradition, or Council policy, that I think we should keep. Alphas need to approve changing a human. If the numbers we just talked about are correct, we really don't need to add to them!" Lester said, laughing as he finished.


Andrew came in and said "Stephanie is here Sir, what should I do with her?"

"Give me one minute Andrew, then I'll be out." When he left I turned back to the group "Blake and Brandie, I think you'll want in on this? The rest of you, go get some rest. You're welcome in the morning for breakfast, between 6 and 9. We're informal, and usually naked in the kitchen. At 9, we'll go tour the school. And before they ask, any of your pups are welcome to stay here with ours. I'll leave it to you to decide, I'm just saying they're welcome. They can go to school with ours, or with us on the tour."


With that, everyone said their goodnights, and headed to the waiting cars. Blake, Brandie, Billy, Scott and I found Stephanie sobbing in the family library.