I have, again, taken liberties with history. This is fiction, remember that. Many of you have given me your input and I greatly appreciate it. Please understand, I consider everything you all say, but sometimes it just doesn't fit with what I have in mind for the larger picture. That doesn't mean you were wrong or your idea was bad, it just means that it didn't fit my image of Greg's world. Trust me, your feedback has shaped the story, as it makes me think of other angles or approaches. Keep it up!!! Your feedback IS taken to heart at Jst4fun2nyt@gmail.com.


Hearing that you're enjoying the story REALLY makes my day, so drop a line. Hearing that you're not enjoying it, helps me improve it, so drop a line. Even if you just say `Hey, I'm reading it.', you really encourage me to keep going, so drop a line!!!


The sex isn't a major part of this story, nor is it graphic. If you're looking for masturbation fodder, look elsewhere. There will be many slow times in this story, just like there are in life. Other times, things will fly at you too fast. There will be boring days, and exciting days. It's just how it's flowing.


This is supposed to be a companion to this story, but I'm struggling to write it.



And this is pure kinky fantasy. It might be beyond what some of you like, but...



Text copyright ©Justin Forfun 2020-2022 All rights reserved.


This work is fully protected under the United States Copyright Laws © 17 USC§§ 101, 102(a), 302(a).   All rights reserved.  Placing or posting any or all of this story on any website, or distribution of any of these works in any way (in part or in whole) without the explicit consent of the author is strictly prohibited.  Any and all copyright infringements will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  With some obvious exceptions, any names, characters, or incidents are the product of the author's imagination and all are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental, and no harm or slanderous intent is implied or intended. Any characterization of public figures is purely the author's imagination, and is in no way intended to imply that they would behave in the real world like they do in my fictional world.


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Chapter 89



There was chaos as every voice in the room was raised in my defense. I sat quietly and stared at Mike. When it was obvious the noise wasn't going away, I shifted my voice and, in a low rumble, said "Silence."

The room was instantly silent. I continued to stare at Mike. To his credit, his only move was to slightly lower his eyes. He held his head high as he said "May I explain, Sire?"


I nodded and said "Please do."

"While Kevin's death can be argued as self-defense, or defense of another, it cannot be denied that you did kill him. That will come to light when you go public. We can come back to that one. You are 19 and have 13 children, ranging in age from 2 weeks to 21 years. That will cause too many questions so I'm assuming you plan on revealing our nature to the world. When you do that, every human you've changed could be seen as an act of murder. The fact that your victim is alive might help in your defense, but you did end a human life each time you changed one of your pups."


I sat very rigid as I said "I have 15 pups now, 8 of whom are changelings. Two of those were legally adults when they were changed. Three of them had the consent of their parent or guardian, but each of them personally consented to being changed. I suppose Charlie would be an exception to that, if we are being particular."

"I understand that, Your Majesty, and I really am on your side, but it's my job to think of these things and help you deal with them. If someone tried to bring this to court somewhere, our defense is simple. The Nation of Dracul is an absolute monarchy, and as the Monarch of Dracul, you are the law, and as such, cannot break it. Some might argue that most of the changings happened before you were King, but everyone in this room would testify that you were our King from the minute you were changed."

Everyone nodded their agreement, then I said "Your concerns have nothing to do with a courtroom. You are leaving your role as chief legal counselor and getting into public relations territory, am I correct?"

Mike smiled as he said "I am, Sire. Forgive me for being dramatic, but I just demonstrated how easy it will be to get people to focus on this. We, well, you, need to have an answer ready."

I looked around the table and said "Well gentlemen, he is right. I need an answer that the world will accept. You are my advisors, start advising me."


Reinhardt said "Well, Sire, Mike has already dispensed with the Kevin incident. I'm sure some will dispute the details, but you and your father agreed, it was self-defense. That will be a non-issue."

George nodded as he said "I agree, Sire. Kevin isn't an issue. As to your pups, the supposed victims are still alive, so murder isn't a viable charge."


Mike said "A human life ended the day they became a vampire, as such, some will disagree." When Hasim let out a sigh, Mike turned to him and said "Look, I'm just bringing up the arguments that the world press will use to disparage our King. Don't be angry with me, come up with answers so he's ready."


Hasim looked properly abashed as he said "My apologies, Mike. My frustration isn't with you, but with the fact that you are right. Many will bring up these idiotic accusations, and we should be ready. Forgive me."


Mike smiled as he said "Nothing to forgive. Not to speak for His Majesty, but if we are to counsel, we need to debate. We will certainly say things to each other that might seem like attacks or insults. If we don't realize the debate isn't personal, we may end up hating each other."


I nodded and said "Wise counsel, Mike. We cannot allow the debates to become personal. I would think you're all old enough to realize that we can differ on issues and still be friends." I turned to Billy and said "Your thoughts?"


"My first advice, Sire, would be to delay publicly ascending the throne until the world is aware of our existence."


I turned to ask Joshua his thoughts. He shook his head as he said "Exposing vampires around the world without the protection of having the King as a voice in the world might put them in danger."


Yuan nodded slowly as he said "Your mate and son are both correct, Sire. Either option has dangers associated with it."


As I considered his reply, I heard a helicopter in the courtyard. I sent Niko to find out what was happening, and he soon returned, out of breath. Before he could speak, Andrew knocked, entered, and said there was a group from Europe that had flown in to see me.


I looked first to George, then Joshua and Billy. They each gave me a confident nod, so I turned to Andrew and said "I will receive them in the office." I then looked around the room and said "I want some of you with me, but I do not want to look like I need backup. I believe I will greet them, along with Prince Billy, Prince Joshua, and Duke Kasos."

Joshua spoke up, saying "Sire, I believe we should leave the dukes out of the spotlight until we decide on proper titles."

I nodded and said "Good point, Joshua. The Princes and I will meet them for now. After we see what they are here to discuss, I can introduce whomever as the `Minister for blank' and worry about titles later."

George smiled and said "I think that is an excellent plan, Sire."


Joshua, Niko, and Billy followed me into the office. I looked around and thought about it for a moment, then put Niko near the windows, facing the door. I had Billy stand to his left, with Joshua to his left. I stood in front of, and to the left of, Joshua. We had just gotten settled into our spots when Andrew opened the door, followed by a tall man I'd seen in many photos. Even in jeans, he carried himself like the prince he was. Behind him, I saw his son and daughter among the group of half a dozen teenagers.


He stopped in front of me and bowed his head as Andrew said "Your Majesty, may I present His Royal Highness, The Duke of Cambridge."


Resisting the impulse to bow, I offered my hand and said "Your Highness, welcome to Dracul."

He shook my hand and said "Thank you, Your Majesty. Her Majesty, my grandmother, suggested I come for an informal visit. She would have done, but it is quite impossible for her to do anything undetected. May we dispense with formalities and talk in private, cousin?"

I couldn't hide the shock on hearing `cousin', and I saw him smile. I looked around, then back to William and said "Andrew is the only one here not a member of my immediate family, and I trust him with my life. Please, speak freely."


"Sire, Gran asked me to come help you adjust to being a royal. She suggested I bring George and Charlotte to help your pups. I decided to call on our cousins, and stopped in The Netherlands, Denmark, and Belgium." He turned and pointed to each as he named them "Gabriel, Christian, Emmanuel, and Alexia are close in age to your older pups And I understand Vincent and Josephine are close in age to your twins? Looking at this young man, he's either George or Ariane's age."


Niko looked to me and I nodded, so he said "I'm Niko, and I'm 14, Your Highness."

William smiled at him and said "Well Niko, we are all family here. Behind closed doors, Grandpa used to call Gran `Cabbage'. Please, call me William, or at least call me `cousin'. It is what we are, after all." He then turned to me and said "I understand you have Great-Grandfather in your dungeon?"


I stared at him and did my best to secretly scent everyone in the room. I didn't smell any vampires I didn't recognize, so I assumed all these princes and princesses were humans. William grinned and said "Yes, Sire, we're all human."

I looked at him and said "You just said we are family, but you still call me Sire. Why?"

"As, essentially their equal, I hope your pups will not be offended by my familiarity. You are the reigning Monarch here, and as such, I show respect until you say otherwise."

"Well I am saying otherwise. Call me Greg. For goodness' sake, you could be my father. I should be showing respect to you."

William smirked and said "Well, I did visit the States in 2011 and 2014, but I think you were already born, unless your mother visited London, I doubt I'm your father."


I couldn't help it, I cracked up laughing. Never would I have expected this stoic Prince and future King of the United Kingdom to make an off-color comment like that. William laughed too, which got Billy and Joshua laughing. We were enjoying our laugh when little Charlotte came up and said "Cousin Greg? Can we meet your other pups?"


I was still laughing but I bent down and picked up the little princess and said "My pups don't always wear cloths, sweetie. I should send someone up so they get dressed first."

My concerns were negated when George shouted "YAY!!! Can we get these clothes off too Daddy?"


When I turned to William, he just shrugged and said "Behind closed doors, the world has no idea what we do."


I laughed, turned, and headed for the elevator, saying "Please remain dressed until we get to the residence floor. After that, if nudity bothers you, don't look."


Due to the size of the elevator, I had Joshua take the first group of our guests up. That left William, George, Charlotte, Gabriel, and Christian waiting with Billy and I. I looked at William and asked "You mentioned my having your great grandfather in my dungeons. Would you care to explain?"

"If you'll allow it, Greg, I'd prefer to wait until we're upstairs? I can go through everything with everyone present, rather than going through it twice."

Christian spoke for the first time, saying "I do hope you'll allow us to meet him, cousin Greg. Will's the only one that has met him."

Gabriel shook his head and said "He means of those of us here today, Will's the only one that has met him. Of course, our parents have."

I looked at the boys and thought a moment, then pointed at Christian and said "You're the Crown Prince, right?"

He shook his head, saying "No, Father is, but, that might not be true for long. Grandmother is over 80."

William laughed and said "Yeah, my Gran is 95. Don't order the seat cushions for the throne yet, cousin."

Both were still laughing as we rode the elevator up to the residence. When the doors opened, William, Billy, and I were the only ones wearing clothing. I can't speak for Billy, but I couldn't get comfortable with the idea of being naked with a future King of England. If I had given it much thought, I was constantly naked with Joshua, the future King of Dracul.


We headed to one of the family rooms and, with some effort, got my entire family gathered, including Mom, Dad, and Opa. After introducing everyone, and explaining to the younger pups who these new cousins were, I turned to William and asked him to explain why he called Igor `great-grandfather' and how we were cousins.


"I'll tell you what I know, but if you need the details, you'll have to ask him. All I know is, as Vlad, he married a human, and somehow, they had a human son. Most of the monarchs in Europe today trace their families back to Queen Victoria. Her husband, Prince Albert, was a Saxe-Coburg. That family's ancestors include the human son of Vlad."


Alexia added "In the Netherlands, we don't trace back to Victoria, but we do trace back to Vlad, through the Hohenzollern family."


William nodded and continued "And as such, Vlad is the ancestor of every reigning King or Queen in Europe. I've heard rumor that he is your ancestor as well, and the fact that your jacket has his family crest speaks volumes."


I shrugged and said "I have only recently been informed that he is literally my great-grandfather. I realize we face an uphill battle gaining acceptance in the world, and I thought it best to have everything on the table from the beginning."


Christian smiled and said "With all respect, Greg, before you go public, you probably should release him from your dungeon. We have no idea what he did to offend you, but as royals, we must to have the ability to overlook offenses by our families. As Franklin said `We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.' Please understand, one of the reasons we came here with William was to assure you that we have your back."


Gabriel said "We have been groomed from birth to behave in a certain way while in the public eye. You and your family have only television and movies to advise you, and those are rubbish."

"The truth is, it's all rubbish, but we play a role for the public. When we do things off script, we sometimes have to spend weeks to resolve it." Alexia said.


Gabriel went on, saying "We can spend a week or so, helping you and your family sort things out."


I smiled and said "I appreciate that, I really do." I turned to Opa and said "And here are half a dozen royals that say it's fine for you to call me Greg, so do it. Don't make me put you in the dungeons!" I finished with a laugh.


Opa smiled at me, then his face went serious as he said "I've heard what these young princes and princesses have said, Greg, and I agree. I can't change what my father has done, but I can forgive him and move on. The things that have transpired between you and he might make that impossible for you."


I turned to our visitors and said "I will trust that you meant it when you said you have my back, so I'll explain my problems with Igor." I went on to tell them of his oppression as a prince of the council, his attack on James, the incident at the funeral, and his being the prime suspect in the explosion at our home. When I mentioned this, Derrick stood up and came to me.


"Father, with the help of the FBI, I'm convinced I know the cause of the explosion. I haven't found a good time for us to discuss it, but I think now is the time."