Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2022 20:50:01 -0400 From: James Karvonen Subject: Song of the Lonesome Steel Rails -8 ON THE ROAD (July 1932 - August 1932) 8. For a brief second' Bobby couldn't believe that they had actually made it. Even though he and Bean's clothed were soaking wet and mud smeared, the fact that they were now on the other side of the fence made that little discomfort all the more worth it. "So what are we going to do now?" Bean asked. "One thing, we're not going to be able to stay on this road very long. We need to find a trail or something that goes into the woods. They're probably out looking for us already, and I definitely don't want to go back to the hole if they catch us. "Me either." Bean said. The two boys slowly started walking along the service road. As wet and as muddy as they were, it was very uncomfortable for them. It would be a while before the Pine Island issued clothes that they were wearing would sun dry. Another thing that they would have to do, Bobby concluded was to ditch the clothes that the State issued clothes that they were wearing and find some new ones. The clothes that they had on were to obvious, being State Industrial School clothes. But that would all come in due time. They had to get as far away from Pine Island on foot as they could. There were no openings into the thick tangled woods that paralleled the service road so far. Hopefully there would be something before too much longer. And then they heard the distant train whistle coming from the direction of the woods. "Listen." Bobby said. "Hear that, the railroad it's not all that far away." "I hear it but what about the railroad?" He asked. "That's our ticket to get as far away from this place as possible. Bobby said. "What do you mean?" "You know what a hobo don't you?" As he was talking the train whistle sounded louder. Now they could. hear the distant chugging of the steam locomotive. "Yeah, I know what a hobo is. It's someone who rides the rails in a box car or something." Bean answered. "That's what I'm going to be, a hobo. I'm going to ride the rails to California where my father lives. I can't go back home with my mother, brother and sister because that will be the first place the police will look for me to take me back to Pine Island. So you see I have no other choice but to ride the rails and get out of the State of New York go to California to live with my father, until he can move the rest of my family from New York. At least that's what he told us that he was going to do." Bobby explained. Now they could hear the rumbling of the freight cars and the sound of the whistle again. "That means I won't be able to go back home either." Bean frowned. "And I really don't have no place to go." "You can come with me." Bobby suggested. I'll talk my father into taking you in." "California is a long way from New York, isn't it?" "It's clear across the country." Bobby said. "So you really won't mind if I go with you?" "No, as a matter of fact I could use the company." "Then I'll go with you. It's just That I might never see my mother again." "You'll see her someday when you get older. Besides you could always write to her. That's what I'm going to do. And on my way to California' I'm going to try to find some temporary work on and off so I can send her some money. She sure needs it." Bobby stated. "If anyone would hire a ten and twelve year old." Bean said. "We're in a depression, so I'm sure they will. For kids our age, it's cheap labor." "Is it going to be hard to hop a freight train?" Bean asked. "I don't know, I've never tried it before. I guess we will find out when the time comes.". By now the sound of the slow moving freight train had faded.away. "The railroad is probably less then a mile away in that direction." Bobby pointed in the direction of the woods." If only there was a trail or something going into the woods. I know for one thing, we can't stay on this road very much longer." "I know." Bean sighed. "If we don't find a trail or something soon we're just going to have to bushwack it to get through the woods too the railroad." Bobby decided. They walked for another hundred yards or so. The chain link fence surrounded the whole compound and it wouldn't be long before they reached the end of the cornfield. "Over there, I think I see a trail or something!" Bean pointed. Bobby looked in the direction Bean was pointing. Sure enough there was a real narrow animal trail that cut into the woods. "That's it." Bobby said enthusiastically. They rushed over to the animal trail. It was narrow and very muddy but it was wide enough for them to walk on. Cutting into the woods Bobby and Bean started following the animal trail. The woods were very thick. Sticker bushes tore into they're clothes, and the gnats and mosquitoes started were starting to become a nuisance. It was slow going trudging through the mud and heavy brush along the trail. The leaves of the towering hardwood trees blocked the sun leaving them mainly walking through shade. They had been walking for at least a half hour or so when they came to an obstacle that they hadn't heen expecting, a swamp that laid directly in their path. "Oh no." Bean cried. "We're going to have to turn back, aren't we?" Bobby surveyed the situation. The swamp looked to be about fifty yards wide. Green algae covered the top of the dark brown murky water. He could see solid ground on the other side of the swamp, but from what he could see there was no way to get around the swamp. The only way to get to that solid ground was to walk through the swamp. There was no telling how deep the water was. "We have two choices." Bobby frowned. "We either go back to the road and probably get caught, or wade through the swamp to get to the other side of the swamp. What do you want to do Bean?" "I sure don't want to go back." Bean stated. "Me either. Our clothes are already wet and muddy, so we might as well try to wade through the swamp. We don't know how deep the water is, but I guess we'll soon find out." Bobby said. "You do know how to swim, don't you Bean?" "I know how to swim." Bean said. "Then let's go ahead and do it. I'll go first. Stay close to me, okay?" "Will do." Bean said. Bobby started walking into the water. A frog chirped jumping into the water off of a sunken tree limb startling them both for a second. More frogs jumped into the water. A painted turtle slid into the water off of a floating log. "Yuck." Bobby grunted. The water was up passed his knees now, but the bottom of the swamp was sheer mud. His shoes sunk at least a foot into the mud at the bottom of the swamp making walking through the swampy water even more difficult. With each step he took the thick wet mud tried to suck his shoes off. The green algae on top of the murky water got all over him. The farther away from the shoreline Bobby and Bean trudged the deeper the water became. The brown algae covered water was up to Bobby's stomach now, and Beans chest because Bean was shorter then Bobby. Despite these difficulties the Bobby and Bean kept trudging through the water in the swamp. It seemed to take forever because they were moving so slow. But finally when they were halfway across the swamp, the water started getting a little more shallower. They were almost to the other side. Bobby noticed that off to his left that there was a clear water stream about three feet wide that flowed into the swamp. The water looked clear and drinkable. They had about another ten feet or more before they reached solid ground. They would still be in the woods, but the woods did not look as thick as before. Finally they stepped up on solid ground. Both Bobby and Bean sighed with relief. But they were a mess. Their clothes dripping wet, muddy and covered with algae. "Now what?" Bean asked. "I guess the best thing we could do now is try to wash these muddy clothes off some before they dry up on us. There is a creek over there that flows into the swamp and the water looks clean. If we wash our clothes in that creek at least we can get the mid and algae off of them." Bobby suggested. "What time do you think it is?" Bean asked. "It's going to have to be after five." Bobby speculated. "What about getting something to eat. Are we going to go hungry tonight?" Bean asked. Bobby hadn't thought about that. His main goal was to run away from Pine Island, and now he and Bean had succeeded that goal. Eating and where they were going to sleep that night had been the farthest thing from his mind when they took off during the thunder storm. Now he would have to face reality. They're going to have to eat and find a place to sleep, but the day was getting late. "Let's get our clothes washed first. We will have to wear them wet when we finish on our bodies, but hopefully before the sun goes down they'll dry off a little. Then as far as eating and sleeping is concerned, we'll just have to cross that bridge when we come to it. All Bean could do was nod in agreement. They headed to the creek. It was then that Bobby noticed the well used path that followed the creek which meant civilization wasn't all that far away. "Would you look at that, a path." Bobby smiled pointing out the path that he had noticd to Bean. "It's probably a path that fishermen use so it's going to have to lead us too somewhere out of these woods." Bobby exclaimed. "Alright!" Bean shouted happily. "Let's find a good spot on the creek where we could wash our clothes first, then we'll find out where the path will lead us too." They followed the path along the creek for about fifty yards, until they came to unshaded clearing where there was a deep hole in the creek. There were a couple of large rocks besides the creek that were warm from the hot sun shining down through the clearing that they would be able to lay their wet clothes on for a while to dry once they got them clean. They went ahead and started stripping off their wet and muddy clothes taking off their muddy shoes and socks off first. When Bean took off his shirt Bobby noticed something that all but shocked him. Clinging too Bean's bare back and stomach were leeches, about five of them. As he took off his shirt Bean noticed them also. "Oh no! "Leeches!" He cried out in genuine fear. Bobby quickly pulled off his shirt seeing that there were large blood sucking leeches on his chest and stomach also. "Shit!" He exclaimed. "Those leeches are all over us! How did they get on us under our clothes?" He exclaimed. Suddenly he was feeling a little faint. He quickly peeled off his pants. There were leeches clinging to his legs . One leech was right next to his penis on his thigh. "We have to get them off " Bobby shouted. He grabbed the one that was on his thigh closest to his penis and peeled it off leaving behind a splotch of blood. Bean quickly stripped out of his pants. There were leeches on his legs and buttocks and thighs also. "I feel sick." He murmered. "Let's get them off, as fast as we can, that's all we can do." Bobby stated. He peeled another leech off from his stomach next to his belly button leaving behind another blood splotch. For the next several minutes they peeled the blood bloated leeches that they could see off of the front of their bodies throwing the on the squirming bloodsuckers onto the ground. The leeches that they couldn't see that were on their backs and buttocks they had to each other to peel off. All total there were over twenty leeches that had attached themselves to their bodies while they were crossing the swamp. They rinsed the splotches of blood that the leeches left behind with the clean water from the creek that was flowing towards the swamp in front of them. With the leeches now taken care of, Bobby and Bean on ahead and started washing their clothes. The hot afternoon sun shining down on them felt good as they worked together getting their clothes rinsed off from the mud and algae. When the clothes were finally rinsed off, they squeezed the water out of them and laid them down on the sun heated rocks to dry off a little before putting them back on. They then jumped naked into the cold creek water to wash off. For a brief moment they were kids again, not escapees from an industrial school for boys convicted of criminal offenses. By the time they got out of the water, clean and refreshed the warm sun was making it's slow descent to the west. It wouldn't be long before darkness set in. "Let's go ahead and dress and follow this path for as long as we can before it starts getting dark." Bobby suggested. They put on their still damp clothes and started walking down the path. Every now and then a horsefly would antagonize them flying around them which they quickly shooed away. After about two hours of walking they came to the first signs of civilization, a wooden bridge that crossed the creek that they had been following. They walked up the steep embankment to a poorly maintained dirt road that crossed the creek. "What are we going to do now?" Bean asked. "We need to follow this dirt road. We might come to a barn or something a place where we can sleep tonight." "What about food, I'm hungry?" "We might find an apple tree or something. I don't know, I'm hungry also. These are some of the things that I didn't take into consideration, so it's my fault that we will probably be going hungry tonight." Bobby snapped in frustration. "We'll find something." Bean said. The two boys slowly started walking along the dirt road. As the sun sank in the western horizon the shadows began to lengthen. And then they heard a whistle of a train a couple of miles away. "At least the railroad is nearby." Bobby said. How close to the railroad actually was, was anyone's guess. As they continued to walk the sound of the approaching train seemed to get closer and closer. And then off to the south they could see plumes of smoke. "The railroad is just beyond those trees!" Bobby said excitedly. The whistle blew again, two long blasts, one short blast, followed by one last long blast. The train was approaching a grade crossing. The sound of the approaching steam locomotive was really loud, maybe less then a hundred yards away. But because of then trees they couldn't see the railroad. They kept walking this time a little faster. The road curved and there it was, the railroad crossing the dirt road that Bobby and Bean were on. They stopped to watch the train. Several hopper cars filled with coal were passing over the grade crossing about thirty feet ahead in front of them. All the black hopper cars had a red circled emblem on the side of the car with Lehigh New England printed around the circle in a white black frame. So the railroad that they were about to cross was the Lehigh and New England railroad, and judging by the sun that was slowly setting in the west the train had to be heading north, Bobby concluded. They watched the final few hopper cars that were filled with coal rumble by, followed by a red wooden caboose. "That's the same railroad we saw just before we arrived at Pine Island, remember?" Bobby pointed out. Bean nodded. "It goes through my home town, Goshen." Bean said. "Yeah, we followed that railroad most of the way when we left Goshen after picking you and Sam up." Bobby added. They crossed the railroad tracks. At least they weren't on a main road, Bobby thought, but still he and Bean had to be very careful that someone passing by in an automobile or wagon still might see them. And if it was a vehicle from Pine Island Industrial School and farm, they would both be spending their night in the hole back at Line Island. After crossing the railroad tracks, the dirt road they cut into some thick woods. And then they saw another road that veered off too the right from the road that they were on. It was more like a driveway then a road and more overgrown and rutted then the road that they had been waiking on since leaving the woods and creek. A chain attached to two metal posts forming a chain link gate was stretched across the entrance of the narrow road blocking any vehicles from passing through. There was a wooden sign to the left of the roadblock that read, RED FOX HUNTING AND FISHING LODGE 1/2 MILE. In large bold letters. After reading the sign, Bobby said, "That's where we are going." Bean nodded. "I'm with you." He chirped. What they would find at the lodge Bobby had no idea. He doubted that there would be anyone there because the road that they were now walking on looked like it hadn't been used in quite some time. The lodge might not even be there anymore. It could have burnt down or long been abandoned. But if the lodge was still there and intact, at least they would have a place with a roof overhead to sleep under tonight. It took about ten minutes to reach the lodge. Much to Bobby's relief the lodge was still there. It wasn't very much, just a one story wood framed building that had been built probably before the turn of the century. There was a hand pump just outside of the lodge and a woodpile. In the back of the lodge was an outhouse. The lodge was surrounded with woods and there was a creek that flowed by near the lodge. But what Bobby noticed most of all that gave him a spark of even more hope was that about fifty yards from the lodge through the trees was the same railroad that they had crossed earlier. So when it came to possibly hopping a slow moving freight train, they wouldn't have very far to go to get to the railroad. They walked over to the front door of the lodge. Bobby didn't know whether the door was locked or not, but he would soon find out. Grasping the door knob he turned it. The door opened right up. Bobby and Bean wasted no time going into the lodge. It was even better then Bobby had imagined it to be. Everything was contained in one large room. There were three double bunk beds lined up next to each other that still had mattresses on it. In the middle of the room was a wood burning stove with a tin stove pipe that went up through the ceiling to get rid of the smoke. On the back wall was a cabinet with dishes lined up neatly on the upper shelves. There was even a sink against one of the other wall. There was also a table with four chairs around it and a couple of kerosine lanterns with kerosine still in them sitting on top of the table. "I betcha there is food someplace in the lodge." Bobby said excitedly, his stomach rumbling a little. He noticed a closet near the cabinet. Quickly he went over to the cabinet and opened the closet door. "I knew it!" Bobby shouted. "There is!" Bean ran over to Bobby looking into the cabinet also. Sure enough there was canned foods lining the shelves along with some other nonperishable food items. Bobby even saw a box of wooden matches that he immediately grabbed. Now they would be able to build a fire in the wood burning stove, cook their meal for the night and even dry out the damp clothes that they were still wearing. There was no question about it. They had been very fortunate hitting the jackpot that night. "Let's get something to eat." Bobby smiled."I'm starved." Rummaging through the canned foods they found cans of Campbells Ravioli and Spaghetti. They quickly carried the cans of food and the wooden matches out of the closet setting them on the table. Because it was getting dark outside, they lit one of the kerosine lanterns so that they would have some light inside the lodge so that they could see what they were doing. For the next several minutes the two boys worked together to get their meal prepared. Bobby got a fire going in the wood burning stove, while Bean opened up the cans of Ravioli and Spaghetti. He found a pot in a closet under the sink in which he poured the Ravioli and Spaghetti into. Twenty minutes later they were eating a hot meal, something in which they hadn't been expecting to do that night. They all but gorged themselves with Spaghetti and Ravioli. By the time they were finished they were full. Fifteen minutes later.Bobby said "We sure lucked out tonight, didn't we Bean?" He tossed another piece of wood into the glowing fire in the wood burning stove. It actually had gotten hot in the lodge from the fire burning in the stove. "We sure did." Bean replied. "Do you think that we will be able to bring some of this canned food with us?" "If we can find something to carry the food with us in this lodge, I don't see why not. We're going definitely take the matches with us. We're probably going to need them more then anything else once we hit the road." "That wood burning stove has gotten it hot in here." Bean remarked. "Yeah, feels good, don't it. Are you're clothes still damp?" "Uh huh." Bean nodded. "Mine are also, why don't we just take off our clothes and dry them out near the stove? That way we won't have to sleep in damp clothes tonight. I did notice some wool blankets that are folded on the top bunks. Those blankets should keep us warm tonight, even if the fire goes out in the stove." "Alright." Bean said. He started pulling off his damp shirt. As he was doing that Bobby stood up, picked up two of the chairs that were around then table and carried them over to the wood burning stove setting them down about two feet away from the stove. Just hang your clothes over the chair." He said. He picked up another piece of wood that he had carried into the lodge earlier tossing it into the stove. He took off his damp shirt hanging it up on the other chair. With his damp shirt now off it felt even better. Sitting down Bobby pulled off his shoes and socks. "I wouldn't mind staying here for a couple of days." Bean said. He pulled off his shoes and socks off also. "We can't do that. This might be a safe haven for a couple of days, but sooner or later someone from Pine Island will be checking this place out. If they find us here, well you know what that means. Back to Pine Island with some time'in the hole." "Yeah, you're right." Bean sighed. "So we need to leave this place tomorrow morning and start walking along the railroad, and try to hop the first freight train that goes by, either north or south to get as far away from this place as we possibly can." "I'm with that." Bean said. He pulled off his pants hanging them up on the chair by the stove. When he finished he sat down naked on one of the bottom bunk beds. Bobby finished undressing, hanging the rest of his clothes up also on the other chair. He walked over to the bottom bunk bed that Bean was sitting on to sit down besides him. Bean started to chuckle. "What's so funny?" Bobby asked. "You got a stiffy." Bean chortled. Sure enough Bobby's slender penis was rock hard and jutting straight out proudly from his hairless loins. He hadn't even been aware of that until Bean had pointed it out. Shrugging, he said, "It happens." For some reason lately it had been happening a lot more frequently then it use too. "I get stiffy's sometimes also." Bean said looking down at his flaccid almost nubbish penis. He started rubbing himself. Grinning Bobby asked, "What you doing?" "Just playing with myself, that's all. It feels good. Don't you ever play with yourself?" Bean asked. "Sometimes." Bobby admitted. "It feels even better when someone else does it to you." Bean hinted. "You have had others in the dorm play with your dick?" Bobby asked. He thought about Bean's recent rendezvous with Angelo late at night that he had witnessed after he had gotten out of the hole. "Yeah, sometimes." Bean answered truthfully. He kept playing with himself until his penis started lengthening until he finally became erect also. It jutted straight up about 3" inches in slender length. "There." Now I have a stiffy like you do." Bean grinned waggling his erection back and forth. Bobby smiled inwardly to himself. Then playing around he asked, "Now that you got a little stiffy, what are you going to do with it?" "When me and Angelo played around, we would give each other ticklebones. You know what a ticklebone is, don't you?" "Of course I do." Bobby answered, remembering the things that Andrew had done with him while he was in the hole. And then Bobby wondered, was Bean hinting at something, after all he was the one out of nowhere brought this up out. Just out of curiosity Bobby asked, "Did you and Angelo do things together?" "Sometimes." Bean said. "He showed me a couple of things that felt really good." "Like what?" Bobby asked. He was really curious now about what had gone on between Bean and Angelo. "I can show you if you want me too." Bean said. Giving it a little thought Bobby nodded saying "Alright." Standing up besides the bunk bed that they had been sitting on Bean eagerly said, "Lie down on your back." Was this the beginning of something? Bobby wondered. He eased back on the bed lying down. His erection throbbed with anticipation. Bean sat back down on the bottom bunk bed besides him. He reached down with his right hand and started playing with Bobby's erection, moving it back and forth and rubbing it up and down. Warm tingly feelings quickly started surging through his loins. "You don't mind me doing this to you, do you?" Bean asked. "Is this something that you want to do?" "I wouldn't be doing it with you if I didn't want to do it." Bean pointed out. True, Bobby thought as he laid there enjoying the sexual stimulation that Bean was doing to him. He wondered what Bean was planning to do next. "You're leaking a little." Bean said, after a minute or so of fondling. He started corkscrewing the now slightly slippery head of Bobby's erect penis with his thumb and forefinger. Bobby's penis thrumped hard between Bean's corkscrewing fingertip from the added stimulation. "You keep doing that and you know what will happen." Bobby gasped. He definitely was getting close to nutting. "Yeah, you'll get a ticklebone and squirt all over the place." Bean laughed. He seemed to really be enjoying what he was doing to him not that Bobby was complaining."I can't squirt that much yet." Bobby added knowing exactly what Bean was talking about. Bean moved his corkscrewing fingertips away from Bobby's now throbbing penis. "But you can still squirt enough to make a mess, can't you?" Bean stated. "If you say so." Bobby answered. And then Bean did something that Bobby hadn't expected him to do. He leaned over, sliding his fingertips down the length to hold Bobby's throbbing erection upright grasped then went down on him taking just about half of the four inch length of Bobby's erection into his mouth. He pursed his lips around the upper shaft and head, then started sucking while bobbing his tightly pursed lips around him up and down him. Bean was doing exactly what Andrew had done to him about a couple of weeks ago that had brought him off into such an intense climax. When Bean started to gently cup and rub his clenching balls while he continued to suck him off that's all it took to bring Bobby off into another intense gut wrenching climax. He cried out when he exploded, expecting Bean to lift off, but he didn't. Instead Bean kept sucking and swallowing Bobby's thinnish semen as it was drooling out of his pulsing penis. And then as quick as it began it was over. Bean continued to suck even as his penis was shrinking then finally lifted off when Bobby had become completely flaccid leaving Bobby lying there on the mattress lost in post orgasmic bliss. "You spurt about as much as Angelo spurts." Bean remarked. "You actually swallowed it?" Bobby asked about a minute later after he had finally recuperated. "Uh huh. Jism don't hurt you, at least that's what Angelo told me when we were doing it with each other. Did it feel good?" Bean asked. "Yes, it felt really awesome." Bobby admitted. Bean grinned feeling proud of himself after making Bobby happy. "I suppose you would like me to do that to you now?" Bobby said. He sat up, his soft penis still tingling pleasantly. "You don't have to if you don't want too." Bean answered. You know, I had never done anything like that to anyone before." Bobby remarked. He noticed Bean frowning a little, then smiling added, "But there is always that first time." Bean's frown suddenly turned into a grin. "Go ahead and lie down." Bean didn't need to be asked twice. As Bobby was getting up, Bean quickly laid down down on the bunk bed taking Bobby's place. Bobby sat back down on the bed besides Bean. He looked down at Bean's slender erection as it jutted up proudly from his loins. Resting his left hand on the plane of Bean's stomach just over his belly button, Bobby slowly started sliding his hand down toward Bean's small erection. He had never felt another boy up though he did jack off Andrew off a couple of weeks ago at Andrew's request. But Andrew was a grown man with a long thick uncircumcised penis, and large low hanging plump fuzzy balls. He had a thick bush of dark tangled hair just above his genitals. There was a sweaty gamey odor that emenated from Andrew's crotch that Bobby didn't find all that appealing. Nevertheless Bobby went ahead and jacked Andrew off until Andrew had spurted his thick white semen all over him. Bean was so much different then Andrew. Bean was a boy, not a man and he was smooth and hairless. Bean's erection was small even smaller then his and so were his balls. They were about the size of two acorns contained loosely in a low hanging sack, so Bobby didn't feel any repulsion whatsoever like he had felt with Andrew doing what he was about to do with Bean. He grasped Bean's erection at the root with his thumb and forefinger, then started slowly rubbing the lower shaft up and down. Bean's shaft felt smooth and warm to his touch. "That feels good." Bean smiled, sliding both of his hands behind the back of his head, winging his elbows outwards. Bobby rubbed Bean's shaft up and down for about a minute or two feeling the rigid length flexing a couple of times within his grip. Sliding his thumb and forefinger all the way down to the root, he held Bean upright then like Bean had done to him went down on him taking the purplish red helmet head and upper shaft into his mouth between his pursed lips. Unlike Andrew's crotch odor, Bean's sweaty crotch odor was slightly cheesy and rather pleasant. Bean really let out a loud moan when he felt the warm wetness of Bobby's mouth and lips engulfing him. Remembering what Andrew had done when he had performed oral sex on him, Bobby swirled his tongue around the helmet shaped head of Bean's rigid penis concentrating on the most sensitive part of the head, the underside. As he was doing that Bobby moved hiss other hand down between Bean's outstretched legs to cup his half grown balls in the palm of his hand gently rolling them and cupping them. Bean squealed out in delight, his back arching his toes curling a little. He began to squirm squealing again. A second later his shaft swelled between Bobby's pursed bobbing lips and against his wet swirling tongue then started clicking away rapidly between Bobby's pursed lips and sucking motuth. Nothing came out of Bean's pulsing penis not that Bobby was expecting anything like that to happen. Because of Bean's tender age and the fact that he wasn't into puberty yet, Bean's climax was dry. But it was intense just as intense as it had been for him when Andrew and Bean who just a few minutes ago had brought him off while performing oral sex on him. When the pulsing ceased, Bobby lifted off, leaving Bean's flaccid penis gleaming with his saliva. Immediately Bean sat up and hugged him' pressing the length of his body against him. Bobby returned Bean's hug. It felt good being in each others arms. Finally Bean pulled away. "That felt so good, even better then when Angelo did that to me." Bean admitted. He laid down on the bunk bed. Bobby laid down besides him. Rolling over on his side so that he was now facing Bobby, Bean said, "Hold me." Bobby took Bean into his arms. Bean in turn pressed the length of his body up against Bobby's body, his soft penis mashing up against Bobby's penis. His hand was on Bobby's shoulder. Bobby curled his arm around Bean's body, his left hand now cupping the twin globes of Bean's soft bubbly bottom cheeks. "It feel's good lying together like this, don't it?" Bean asked. Bobby had to admit, it did feel good. "Uh huh." He murmered. He tenderly started rubbing Beans bottom cheeks and lower back up and down with his hand. "We're going to have fun going to California, aren't we." Bean said. "If you say so." Bobby replied. "I wonder what California will be like?" "We won't know that until we get there." Bobby said. "They talked for a few more minutes until finally they fell asleep in each others arms.