The Call - Chapter 135 - Mo' Berry
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25 January 2021

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I love email. If you give me a story line, I'll name a character after you. I really need ideas for fun situations. Get it?

More to the story

Berry here. Sorry for leaving you hanging on the rest of my story. I promised I'd come back to it. You might need to go back and re-read it. Or you might remember me in the tiny panties and camisole, all wet.

That might have brought a bit of it back. I thought I'd come back to the two people at craps table that were clearly impaired. I went back to my place and napped, given how late we, um, played. I admit, I'm running on empty, but I got a notice that the two people were up and about. The note said they were at breakfast together at the buffet. I hadn't realized they were together but got a briefing on them. I got dressed, yeah clothes, and went down to the restaurant. I grabbed a cup of espresso and walked over to their table.

They looked like death warmed over. They were still wearing last night's clothes. They're both wearing sunglasses, indoors. The woman appears to have vomit in her hair. I pulled out a chair and sat down, just as the waitress walked up.

"Hi, boss," she said. "What can I get you and your friends?" Yeah, they caught the reference. Well played, Solange.

Nametag. No I haven't met Solange yet. I hope to get to know Solange. Damn she's beautiful.

Focus, Berry.

"We both need Bloody Mary's," said the woman. Solange looked at me and I shook my head no.

"That's the last thing you need," I said. "Bring them a virgin mimosa." Solange smiled and went and got two glasses and brought them back. She set two little packets of paracetamol next to their glasses. You may know it as Tylenol.

"A virgin mimosa is orange juice," said the girl, in that flat no-accent tone of the Midwestern US. Yes, I knew this. Napierville, Illinois, outside Chicago. Dad is an options trader and Mom is mom. Dad had an incredible year, and this was their family's reward. They are a part of the hotel side, not the Gamma side, although as you saw in my last post, that can be a little loose. They have to agree that they could be exposed to nudity and sexual situations you might find offensive.

Most people enjoy the thrill.

"Yes, and you need that before you talk to your parents about the two million in chits you each owe me," I said.

They both laughed. Yeah, just as I suspected.

"We're not 18, so we can't legally take out a loan, so we don't owe you anything," she said, in a snarky voice. Polly and Petey. Yes, Petey. 13 and 14.

"So you know the law around this," I said. They both nodded.

"In the United States," I said. They looked a little less sure.

"You're aware that you're not in the United States, right?" I said. They started looking concerned, but finally nodded.

"And that this is the country of Dionysus, not Monaco," I added. The realization hit them. Hard.

"Shit," said the girl.

"Yeah," said the boy.

Polly and Petey.

"I'm calling the markers," I said. "I'm Berry. I own and run the hotel. You have 60 minutes to come up with $4 million. You might want to skip breakfast, or better yet, make yourselves a big one, because the conversation you're about to have with your parents is a tough one, because they signed that they would cover your debts if you couldn't. $4 million. An hour."

That's when the parents rolled up. Mom looked at Polly and laughed.

"Girl," she said. "You need a shower. We've been through this before."

Dad laughed. Marge and Winton.

"So their alcohol abuse doesn't surprise you?" I said. Just then Marge waved down a waitress, who wasn't our waitress.

"Two Blood Marys," she said. "Stat."

"Nothing a waitress likes better than to hear someone misuse a critical medical term to ensure their beverage arrives quickly," I said. That got me a look.

"Who the fuck are you?" said Marge. "Where are your parents? I need to have a talk with them."

I shouldn't have, but WTF. I texted Mom to come to the restaurant. She got here quickly and walked up to me and hugged me. I could see it in their eyes. Polly and Petey were jealous of the hug. This is one fucked up family.

"Is there a problem, dear?" said Mom.

"She was disrespectful to me," said Marge, triumphantly.

"Then you likely deserved it," said Mom. OMG. That was awesome. She hugged me a little tighter in a side hug.

It didn't help that her kids laughed.

"Mom," said Polly. "You might want to be nicer to Berry. We have something to talk about and it ain't great. Petey and I fucked up."

"Why would this woman be involved," pointing at Mom. "And how do you know her name is Berry. What kind of a name is Berry?"

"It is my name, not hers," I said. "And the reason that you might want to be nicer is that I own this hotel and have just called the markers that your children signed yesterday. They do not seem to be able to cover them, so I'll need you to do that by noon." Yes, my voice got harder.

The dad laughed. Oh God. Never laugh. It always bites you in the ass. Not literally. Unfortunately.

"Sure," said the dad. "What do they owe. A few hundred?" He pulled out a wallet and pulled out three hundred dollar bills.

"Two million dollars. Each," I said. "By noon."

The parents started at the kids and then the mom laughed.

"Good thing they're kids and can't be held responsible for a contract," said the mom. By this time, the dad was freaking out.

"Marge," said Winton. His name is freaking Winton. Of course I already knew their names.

"This is Dionysus soil. Not only are they responsible for the debt, but we're also responsible for the debt. You know that. You all should have known that. We discussed it," said Winton. "How in the fuck did you do this? This will wipe us out. Living in a single-wide wipe us out. You destroyed our family."

"Come on, Dad," said Petey. "It's not that bad. Declare bankruptcy. It will wipe out the debt. It will be a hit to your credit rating, that's all."

"US bankruptcies do not absolve debtors of Dionysus debt," I said.

"Well then we'll file in Dionysus," said Marge.

"Dionysus does not have a bankruptcy provision. There are only two laws on the books. No smoking and no PowerPoint. We manage everything else under the Golden Rule," I said. "Then we decide punishment ourselves if someone does something stupid. This isn't looking good for you."

"You banned PowerPoint?" said Polly.

"Yes," I said. "It is a crutch. If you believe in your topic, you don't need it."

I gave Polly and Petey credit that they understood the ban on PowerPoint.

"Let's go kids," said Marge. "This is silly. We don't owe them a thing." She turned around to face a Zeta team member, in uniform, with an ion rifle on their chest.

"You sure about that?" asked Leslie, with a wink to me. Leslie likes doing this.

"Yes I do," thought Leslie. "It is hilarious."

"Oh come on," said Marge. "That's not a real gun." Leslie ripped it off the Velcro, which pulled her shirt away from her chest until it broke free. The fabric snapped back and molded to Leslie.

I managed to suppress the moan. Barely. Winton didn't, which got him a glare from Karen, err Marge. Sorry, but she is such a Karen, with apologies to actual Karens, who I am sure are quite nice.

Leslie pointed the gun at the booth in which Polly and Petey were sitting. In the booth that no longer has a table between them. Just open space and their legs swinging.

"Now I don't even have orange juice," said Polly. Well, it vanished with the table. Two men came over lugging a new table and positioned it in place. The waitress brought new orange juices.

"Sit down," said Leslie. "I'm going to grab breakfast at the bar. You five work it out. Don't make me vaporize another table."

"Please don't," I said. "You enjoy it a little too much. We're running out of tables."

"Point taken," said Leslie, who put the gun back on her chest and went and got in the buffet line. I looked back moments later and she's sitting and having breakfast with an adorable family. Still wearing the gun. On her back now.

Of course she is. It does not make her less sexy. Hell, I'd do her on the restaurant floor. Sorry, but come on, Leslie.

I pointed at each of them and then at the booth. I grabbed a chair and pulled it up to the end of the table.

"So what's your plan for payment?" I said. "We accept all assets. We'll start with your house. What's your equity?"

They all just stared at me. I was waiting for an inflection point. Winton was already there. Marge is in denial. The kids are still not believing it. Finally Winton answered, and looked really sad.

Deservedly so.

"We have about a million in the house, another two million in investments and about a half million in retirement," said Winton.

"Why are you telling her that?" said Marge, in a shrill voice. God, it hurt my ears.

"Because we owe her $4 million," said Winton, in a flat voice. That's when the recognition hit. Not for Marge.

For Polly.

"We're so sorry," said Polly. "Surely there is something we could do. This is Dionysus. You all like sex. You can fuck me for it."

"Do you, deep down, believe that anyone from Dionysus would ever agree to that?" I said.

"No, you wouldn't," said Petey. "But I would also be surprised if you put a family out on the street for the stupidity of their kids. It was seriously stupid. We get it. What can we do?"

"This is silly," said Marge. "We don't owe them shit."

"Do I need to vaporize another table?" said Leslie, from the next table.

I think that had an impact on Marge. She just deflated.

I turned to the kids.

"What was the first thing you were taught to do when you made a mistake?" I asked.

"Deny it and blame someone else," said Polly, in a hard voice. "We're Republicans. Just not rich enough to join Gamma, so Dad chose a hotel where he might at least see naked kids fucking."

Oh boy.

I'm way too tired for this shit.

"Let's just cut to the chase," I said. "Your truly horrible parenting got you into this mess. Here is how it is going to work. The kids are going to transfer into our school in Chicago. They're going to be boarding students and are going to go through a rigorous rehab program. They can visit you on the weekends, if they choose, but not for at least a month and not until their rehab coordinator signs off. Winton, you're banned from the campus for just being a creep. Marge, you're banned from the campus for being a Karen. I'll leave it to the school to decide when, and if, to rescind that ban. You both will also enter inpatient rehab."

"You can't make us do any of that!" shrilled Marge. Can shrilled be a verb? English is confusing AF.

"OK," I said. "$4 million. You have 28 minutes left," I said. I waited her out. You know I waited her out.

"We accept," said Polly. "Hell, I know damn well we need help. In the process, I'll finally get a decent education. How does the debt draw down?"

"What! We don't accept. We don't accept at all," said Marge.

"Shut up, Mom," said Petey. "We damn well do accept. Polly and I get our acts cleaned up from all the shit we've endured."

"We never touched you," screeched Marge. Yes, I'm confident screeched is a verb.

"No," said Polly. "You didn't. You filled our heads with entitled bullshit. We're not good people. Any of us. She is. She's giving us a lifeline and we are going to fucking take it."

That's when the light bulb went on.

I'll be damned.

"You didn't drink anything alcoholic last night, did you?" I asked, of the kids.

"No," said Polly. "We didn't. We never have. We may be entitled, but that much alcohol at our age. Fuck no."

"You did it on purpose," I said. "You gambled for the big win. You gambled your entire family. Your life."

"Not our life. Our lifestyle. I'd rather live in a damn trailer than become like them," said Petey. He damn near spit it out.

Oh boy. I think I said that before.

"OK, the offer stands, but in place of rehab, you get intensive counseling," I said, to the kids. "Your parents still get rehab."

"I don't need fucking rehab," said Marge, sternly. I couldn't figure out a way to make sternly a verb. English, am I right?

"You're drinking a Bloody Mary with breakfast," said Polly. "If that isn't bad enough, you're still drunk from last night. That means you consumed enough to kill someone that isn't an alcoholic. You need rehab."

"That was the big bet, wasn't it?" I said, softly.

"Yeah," said Polly.

"Worth it," said Petey.

"We do accept," said Winton. "While we don't actually have a choice, but the kids are right. We are entitled pieces of shit. And I'm not a creep. I have dreamed of the Monte Carlo casino since seeing my first James Bond movie. I am also human and conflicted. Everything I have read says that our children being in your school, and yes, I include the sex, is good for them. It is confusing."

"Do you want to fuck me, Dad?" said Polly.

"So here's the deal," said Winton. "You're a beautiful, strong young woman. You're also my daughter. In our world, in our culture, that suggestion is abhorrent, I understand that, and would never touch you. Having said that, to be brutally honest, in a different world, yes, I am physically attracted to you. Who wouldn't be?"

"Are you attracted to me too?" asked Petey. Winton took a deep breath.

"Yes," he said, to Marge's shock.

"That's disgusting!" said Marge. "I want a divorce." Didn't see that one coming.

"Fine," said Winton. "The three of us will take the deal. Marge, you're on your own. We'll sell the house, and you can pay off your half."

Marge laughed.

"My half, yeah, right," said Marge. That's when Leslie pulled up a chair and sat down.

She didn't say a word. She just smiled at Marge. Leslie is in her uniform. She is daunting. Sexy, but daunting.

"Well, the good news is you'll get a ride into space," said Leslie. "The bad news is the destination will be our prison. It is unpleasant."

"Hold up," I said. "Your getting a divorce does not change the offer, but you both have to accept."

"We'll sue!" shouted Marge. Yeah, shouted is right.

I don't think she appreciated that Leslie and I laughed. So did Solange.

So did Petey and Polly. Kind of cool names.

"How ya going to do that, Mom?" said Polly.

"When we get home, I'll sue," said Marge, defiantly. I'm really working it today with my English.

We all laughed again.

"The money was borrowed and is owed in the country of Dionysus," I said. "You could sue us, but you'd lose and have to pay our court costs. Given we'd send a Princess to defend us, that could be costly."

We'd send Nylah. You know we would.

"Fuck," said Marge.


"I'll just move. You'll never find me," said Marge, who is still being defiant.

I don't think she appreciated us all laughing.

"Are you going off the grid? No utilities. No internet. No cellphone," said Leslie. "Because if you don't, we'll find you."

"Yeah, right," said Marge. Leslie took her picture with her phone and then turned it to show Marge.

"There is literally nowhere in the world you can go that our technology cannot find you," said Leslie. "Nowhere."

Marge looked like the air went out of her balloon.

"We'll work it out as a family," she said, finally.

"No, we won't," said Winton. "We're done. I know I can change. I know you can't. I will fight you for custody."

That's when Leslie reached into the big pocket of her camo cargo pants. Which she rocks. She pulled out three passports and handed one to every family member not named Marge.

"What are those?" said Marge.

Petey and Polly laughed, and Winton just looked confused.

"These are Dionysus passports in our names," said Winton.

"And we're legal adults," said Petey.

"These were issued seven months ago," said Polly. Leslie just shrugged. These things take some getting used to. I might still not be there.

"Monday at the school, kids," said Leslie. "Winton, we threw some business your company's way with the provision that you be on loan to us for two months. That should be enough to get cleaned up."

Winton just stared at Leslie.

"They agreed to that? No way," said Winton. Leslie laughed.

"For that money, they would have been happy to let us dismember you," said Leslie. "OK, that might have been a little over the top."

"We're Dionysus citizens, right?" said Petey. Leslie just nodded.

"And you value directness," said Polly. Leslie nodded again.

"May we please go somewhere and have passionate sex with you," said Petey.

"Well you did say please," said Leslie. Leslie stood up quickly. Uniform or not, those impressive breasts bounced. I moaned. The kids moaned. Winton moaned.

Then Marge moaned. I looked at her and she is clearly confused. Too late Marge, too late.

Leslie started to walk away. We are all mesmerized with the sight. Mesmerized, am I right? My English is improving. Mesmerized. The word mesmerized is mesmerizing. Do you see what I did there?

"Petey and Polly, are you coming?" said Leslie. They hopped up like someone pinched them in the ass. No one did. That might come later.

"Can I come?" asked Solange. "I'm off now."

"Really?" said Leslie. "Can you come? Bob would love the double-entendre."

"Bob? King Bob? I've never met a royal," said Solange. Leslie just kind of stared at her.

"Oh," said Solange. "Sorry."

Leslie laughed.

"You can make it up to me," said Leslie. "Repeatedly. Winton come on. You're with us."

Which left me with Marge. Yay me. It got even better when she sat in the booth and started crying. Shit. Leslie sex or talk to Marge. Seems like an obvious choice.

So I sat down to talk to Marge. Did you have even the slightest of doubt?

I didn't think so.

I slid into the booth opposite Marge.

"I fucked up," said Marge. "Everywhere. I drink too much. I spend too much. I am a truly horrible parent and have led them down a path of entitlement with my own bullshit. What's worse is that this just isn't me. I'm a small town girl. I grew up in Evansville, Indiana, in a single-wide. That's why Winton's comment hurt so much. I thought I really had it made and was living the dream, but it is all built on a foundation of entitlement. I don't really want a divorce either. Fuck."

Well now.

I can give second chances.

"Go to the spa. On me. Have a nice spa day. Take a sauna and burn the alcohol out. Meet us at the pool restaurant for lunch. I'll bring the family," I said. "I can't promise anything, but I'll try."

That's when I realized how used up and burned out I am. So what did I do? Go play with Leslie and crew?

Nope. I went to the spa with Marge. Who turned out to be a delightful person once the burden of entitlement melted away. Yes, burden. She thought that was how a successful person was supposed to act. Evansville, Indiana, right?

I think this exchange sums it all up. We're on massage tables, on our stomach, chatting, while getting a simply incredible massage. She went with the towel on normal massage. I went with the naked sexual massage.

Yes, that's what we call it. It is entirely optional on the part of the masseuse. We have a number that have no interest in going there. We have a larger number that consider it a job benefit.

All I know is that he is rubbing my ass cheeks while sliding his surprisingly large cock in and out of me.

I like these massages. It was kind of fun to watch Marge. She is clearly intrigued by the fact that I am enjoying a nice gentle fuck.

"You live a different life, don't you Berry," said Marge.

"It really depends on your context," I said. At the time the word context came out, I just exploded, making it about a 32 syllable word. That set off Marge laughing, which set off me laughing, which made JeMarques laugh.

And then he pulled out. I knew what was coming, or cumming, so I quickly rolled and took the entire load on my tits and pussy.

It is a lot of cum.

"Would you like to lick it off, Marge?" I asked. "You could kiss some to me and some to JeMarques."

"I shouldn't," she said, in a tone that said she really wanted to do it.

"It is entirely your call," I said. "But a lot of fun. The best way to do it is to climb up and kneel over me. I'll lick you while you lick me and if you want, I suspect JeMarques has another in him."

Marge's moan was strong.

"But it would be wrong," said Marge.

"OK, let's talk about that. You understand where your husband and kids are and who they're with, right?" I asked.

Marge's moan seemed to imply she understood.

"And that's OK. I should be OK that my kids are likely getting fucked by my husband," said Marge.

"Yes," said JeMarques and me, together. He got it out first. I didn't even try. Come on. He's hot. A kiss sounds great. He even took it to the next level and licked a big swath of cum off of me, including going right over my left nipple.

Which meant that when he kissed me the cum, I was already cumming. Cum. Cumming. Symmetry. On fire, I say. English is weird.

Marge stared.

"May I please lick some?" she said, a little meekly.

Yeah, it was predictable. We both yelled yes. I admit I thought she'd give it a tentative lick, but she had clearly listened. She climbed up onto me and started licking the cum directly from my pussy.

So I licked hers. She jumped a first, then settled in. After just a few moments, she turned to JeMarques.

"Fuck me, please," she said.

He pulled over a stool to be in the right position and slid in without difficulty. I know because I am right below them and licking away.

It seemed to be a turning point for Marge. I enjoyed it too!

Can you infer the outcome?

My name is Marge. Yeah, Marge. It might as well be Karen for the attitude I brought to the world. Good God, I was a shit. I have been given a second opportunity and I am going to freaking take it. It was our kids that did the intervention, and they did it in a dramatic way.

Which was what it took. Fuck. I almost lost them. I'm just a girl from Evansville. Nothing against Evansville. I actually like it. It is just small city in rural Indiana. Not exactly the mecca of high society. This is the story about our lunch and I'm telling it even though I am the freaking bad guy in this story. Now the fact that I am writing the journal entry is encouraging, right?

Let's see. In a four-hour span, I went from an entitled modestly upper class woman, to a complete failure that was $2 million in debt and heading to a divorce, to a reasonably nice person that got fucked by her 14-year-old son, while said son was getting fucked by my husband. And that wasn't even the wildest part of those four hours.

Things appear to be different here. So let's go back to the lunch and I'll do it in real-time.

Berry and I arrived at the restaurant at the same time my family did. I think it might have been the final turning point. They were happy. Laughing. Smiling. Things we didn't do all that much.

And it was because I wasn't with them. They walked up and when the kids saw me, they stopped talking.

And stopped laughing.


"Thank you for meeting me for lunch," I said. "I know this is going to sound like pure crap, but I really am sorry. I honestly don't know what the fuck happened. I wasn't even a mean girl in high school. I thought I needed to act sophisticated and I ended up closer to constipated."

At that point they all laughed.

"That was a really terrible joke," said Polly. "And we love you for it. We know what we did was stupid, but we also knew we were headed down the wrong path."

"Winton, I know this is a long-shot, but I commit to trying my best, which is all I can promise. But we both need rehab and we both know it," I said. "And your being with Petey kind of turned me on."

Well that was a plot twist, now wasn't it? All kinds of barriers are being broken down. We had the nicest lunch and at some point, Berry slipped away. I think she realized her job was done.

Then the kids took me on a tour of the wrestling room. We kind of lost the afternoon and ended up our final fuck of the day was what I described above. I didn't mention, though, that Polly was underneath me and doing something called the Golden arches with the sexiest tween boy.

Yeah, got to suck him too.

I think our family is closer now.

We're going to make it through.

So much!

Shelby here. I keep having wild experiences. It is fun to journal about them. Right now, Morgon and I just got back from some training time. I'm pretty close to certifying on an E-82. Given I have an E-82, that seemed like a good thing. The only test I hadn't completed yet was docking with the space station and landing on the moon.

See what I mean about wild experiences? We were going to do both over the next couple days and then I'd be done. I just casually talked about a space station and the moon and you're reading this and thinking that's all normal and shit. It's not to me yet.

We were headed out after Morgon had one work phone call. I took a little nap and off we went. I'd flown in space many times but never docked with the space station. Morgon had as part of my training, so this isn't my first experience. We got up to the station quickly and it was trivially easy. The computer does everything. You actually take your hands off the controls. You're just there for an emergency. Pretty hard to fail the didn't really do anything test. We were going to have lunch and then hop to the moon. We went into the restaurant and damn. Remember, this is a Gamma resort now. There were a lot of attractive naked people at lunch. Morgon was clearly looking around.

"Change of plans," said Morgon. "We're going to stay here for a few days. I signed up a room in Bob's module. We need a break, and we can both do a call or two from here."

Well sure, I'll handle work calls from the freaking space station. But I sure wasn't going to disagree. What a wonderful idea. Particularly given all the naked people that love sex like we do.

So I got up and walked across the room to another table.

"Hi, my name is Shelby," I said. The family introduced themselves. The target of my introduction was Glen, who turned out to be 12 years old. His sister Andrea is 9 years old and moan worthy. They were with their dad, Leon. Dad was a hunk.

"I just thought I'd be direct. Glen caught my eye, but I admit I find you all quite attractive. Would you like to join my friend and me in some fun?" I pointed to Morgon and she waved.

"Of course she would be limited to Glen and Andrea," I said. "But I'm not." I gave Leon a smile. Yeah, he got hard. After all, I was naked too. So was Morgon. Did you doubt that? I took Glen's hand and started walking towards Morgon. The family followed. Andrea took Morgon's hand. We led the way down the long hall towards our module.

"This is the king's module," said Andrea, with some awe. We shared that we were friends of the family. We didn't mention we were both in the freaking inner circle. Somehow I suspect it was a touch nicer than theirs, although they were all pretty amazing. It's a freaking space station. I would later learn that it is exactly like the other modules. How very Amy and Bob.

Andrea jumped in and suggested spin the bottle. Well, that required a bottle, so I pulled out five wine glasses and opened a bottle of a nice Pinot. I poured pretty full glasses to empty the bottle. I could tell that Leon was going to object, but then he laughed a little and stopped.

But then he saw the label on the bottle and grabbed it.

"You're giving my 9-year-old a big glass from a $35K bottle of wine," said Leon. Oops. I might have outed us just a little, but we'll roll through it.

"As I mentioned, we're friends of the family. They're generous with their friends," I said.

"Yeah, that's generous," said Leon. "Clearly we're not hurting, given we are on the space station, but even I don't drink wine like this. The kids haven't even tasted wine." The fact that Andrea snorted surprised Leon.

"You've had wine before?" said Leon.

"Dad, our school has a wine and beer bar. Their wine selection is spectacular, but the IPA selection is immense," said Andrea. "I've had this wine before. It's quite good."

"How could you have this wine?" asked Leon. "I would have noticed that bill."

"There's no charge at the bar," said Andrea. "It's all free."

"Andrea, did you know your dad can go to the bar too?" I asked. "Family members are encouraged." Leon's eyes got big. Given there were five of us, I knew we'd knock back this bottle quickly, so I stood up and held out my hand to Leon. I think he might have been thinking of something else, because his cock bounced, but I led him to the wine closet. Everyone else followed.

"Pick our next bottle," I said. "Anything you like." I could see him doing the math. He was counting the bottles and figuring out an average bottle price. I'd seen it before.

"There's not a bottle in here that is less than $20K. There's over 30 bottles. Wow," said Leon. I led him over to the beer refrigerator. Of course there is a beer refrigerator. He opened the door and there was a variety of about 30 beers, all ice cold.

"Dad, you know there is a beer fridge like this in the lounge. There's a pretty big wine selection too, although not these wines. I hope you weren't abstaining because of us, because we were abstaining because of you," said Glen. We all laughed and went back and sat down, with the bottle. Since we were all naked, we agreed on the 2-minute Kama Sutra game. The consensus was I should spin first, which I took as a nice compliment. I do have nice breasts. Yes, that was a joke, but, well, I do have nice breasts.

I spun and it pointed at Leon. Well OK then. Leon is tall and super thin. I think the word is gangly. He's not muscular, but he's not out of shape, if that makes sense. What I was going to enjoy was his thick, no very thick, 7-inch (18 cm) cock.

Then he stuck out his tongue. Holy shit that's the longest tongue I have ever seen.

"Fuck the Kama Sutra," I said. "We'll do it, but you're going down on me first." I laid back and spread my legs. He laid over me and we started kissing. He slid that amazing tongue in my mouth. That was freaky by fun. Then he worked his way down and licked and sucked my nipples until I was right on the edge. He kept working his way down and finally slid that long tongue in me. He was literally fucking me with his tongue. I was getting really close and he put his mouth around me and sucked on my clit, with his tongue still in me!

I think I am in love. At least with his tongue. I simply exploded. There was not a person sitting there that didn't get hit with at least a little of my squirt. I caught my breath and then we picked a card.

Number 210 - The Prison Guard. You really need to find a good website for the positions, but basically the woman bends at the waist and the man holds her hands to keep her from tipping over.

Then he fucks her hard. I was making it tough for Leon by really squeezing him. I have really good muscular control. I didn't make him cum though, just got him close. I didn't want him out yet!

Morgon spun next and it landed on Glen. Perfect, just perfect. They got Brute. Just trust me. Glen enjoyed the hell out of it and so did Morgon. She's got a hair trigger, so she didn't last the two minutes, but we all decided that everyone could just keep playing the game. That made it Andrea's spin and it landed on me.

Well good. I had to laugh. We got missionary.

"How in the world will that work with two girls?" asked Leon. Andrea snorted again. I ran off and came back with a medium sized double ended dildo.

"Too small," said Andrea. Well now. I came back with one that was going to stretch me to my limits.

"Perfect," said Andrea.

"You can get that inside you?" asked Leon. This time it was Glen that snorted.

"It sure isn't as big as some of the cocks she's taken," said Glen. Andrea slapped him on the arm.

"Sorry, that was wrong of me," said Glen. "Not my place."

"You're forgiven. After all, it is true," said Andrea. Given it was a pretty big dildo, I wanted details. Andrea laughed.

"OK. There's a teacher I like at the school. One day he was passing me in the hall, and I decided to be bold. I took his hand and turned him around and walked him to a wrestling room. He smiled the whole way. He's a coach too and he is a big guy. He's at least 6'6", muscular, and has an 11-inch (28 cm) BBC which he knows how to use," said Andrea.

"That he does," said Glen. Leon just stared at Glen.

"He's fucked you both?" said Leon. His voice even cracked.

"Dad, I keep telling you that you're allowed in the wrestling room. Come over. We'll introduce you. He'll fuck you too," said Andrea. "I know you're hot for my math teacher. She'd do you in a heartbeat. Hell, Glen's fucked her."

"You have?" squeaked Leon. Dude, you're missing out.

"Leon," I said. "What the hell. Free wine, free beer, lots of sex. Why the hell aren't you on campus all the time? You belong to freaking Gamma!"

"I don't know!" said Leon, still in a squeak. Well, we needed to keep the game going, so I inserted the dildo, with some lube. Rather than lube, I got between Andrea's legs. I waved Leon over and told him to suck on Andrea's nipples and he hesitated.

"Wait," I said. "You've never fucked Andrea? Why not? She's 9! Have you fucked Glen? Has he fucked you?" I finally figured out that Leon hadn't played with either of them, and not because they didn't want to.

"Game over," I said. I arranged them with Andrea on her knees in front of Leon, and Glen on his knees behind Leon.

So Leon's first experience with them was the middle of a train. I think he was in heaven, particularly given it was in the big master bed and their view was the Earth.

I'm not sure any of them noticed. Finally neither lasted and Leon filled up Andrea and Glen filled up Leon.

Morgon and I called cleanup. Morgon could cleanup Andrea. I could clean up Leon. I think he kind of liked me rimming him.

I was getting some of that too. I put Glen under me, and Leon fucked me hard. He even gave Glen a facial.

Then Glen just pounded Morgon.

Leon cleaned up Glen. The rest of us cleaned up Morgon.

It was quite a night. Glen and Andrea thanked us for bringing their dad around. Leon just squeaked a lot. He belonged to freaking Gamma and had only been playing with the adults.

I could narrate the next few days, but I think you get the idea. Sex. Sex. More sex. Look at the Earth. While we had sex.

It was time to move on to the moon.

The freaking moon.

The moon, the moon

Morgon here, mostly because Shelby is too giddy to type. Let's face it. Space Station. Gamma. A powerful combination.

Just swap the moon for the space station. As we approached the moon, we were startled to find a Starship in orbit. Aja hailed us and suggested we land on board and visit. Heck neither of us had seen it, so we were in.

And then there is Aja.

Neither of us knew how to land on the Starship, so we read the book. Well the check list. It worked just like every space movie you've ever seen, except we didn't have to wait for a door to open. The door was always open when orbiting and a force field kept everything in, so to speak. You just flew in the door. The force field allowed an identified ship right through.

Damn that is cool.

I did have to be the pilot for this docking maneuver. Students weren't allowed to dock in a Starship.

It is a freaking Starship. We dropped the stairs and Aja was waiting for us. I got a big hug and so did Shelby. The fact that they had never met didn't seem like a deterrent to a hug. Oh good. Shelby went in for the kiss. I'll let her get pretty riled up and then explain who Aja is.

Yep, as fun as that kind of thing always is. Embarrassment, acceptance, hope.

Yeah girl, we'd all get naked. Then we found out Lawrence was aboard too.

Shelby would like that.

Jameis and Maite are on board too.


I explained the breadth of Aja's role and it didn't even faze Shelby. Good for her. We wandered into the bridge, which is enormous, and over to the dining area. Lawrence is there, with Jameis and Maite. Dinner is on the table, including what is clearly dinner for the two of us.

"Sit, sit," said Aja, sounding exactly like my grandmother at Thanksgiving.

Everyone laughed.

We sat down and you would have thought that Shelby knew everyone forever. We finally finished and Shelby got up and held her hand out to Aja. Aja took it and Shelby started leading her away.

Two amazing, cute little asses. We followed. Of course we followed.

And yes, we're all naked.

Shelby let Aja lead, and she led us to the center of the bridge.

"This is new," I said.

"Well, our shifts are long, so we might as well fuck," said Aja. They'd installed a big wrestling mat in the exact center of the bridge.

"Might as well," said Shelby, pushing Aja down onto her back. She kneeled over Aja, and then wiggled her ass.

Jameis and Lawrence slammed into each other as the rushed to the opportunity.

That had to sting. Lawrence ended up winning, so to speak. Just then, Max and Martan walked up. Don't know why. Don't care why. Thrilled that they did. I couldn't play with any of the currently available cock. I pushed Maite down into a similar position and Max slid right in me. Martan moved around and slid his cock in my mouth.

A pleasant outcome. The men, all of them, kept stopping and starting, basically edging themselves.

All of the cum ended up on Shelby. Hey, I get it. They even carefully aimed. I couldn't lick up the cum on her breasts and face, but I could lick up the cum on her pussy.

That seems a little silly. Come on. Cum is cum. Either you can lick it up or you can't.

Talking to Amy. I could talk to Bob, but he would just defer to Amy.

Men in Dionysus.

Ya gotta love'em.

We fell sound asleep on the mat. Yes, we stayed a few days, and I'll tell those stories, but we're awake, rejuvenated, and horny.


Day 2 is in the books

Lizzie here. Day 2 is in the books at Walmart headquarters. Benito is doing a great job. It is going to be a huge culture change to the entire Walmart organization and a shift in mindset. This was a team that is passionate about profit. Oh boy they love to talk about EBITDA.

It threw them when Benito shared that the target EBITDA is zero. Nada. Zilch.

Right before he shared the new salary structures. The management to team salary ratio dropped to near 1:1. Not that the managers were making a lot less. They all got huge raises. The team on the floor got even bigger raises. Come on. They're in retail. Dealing with customers. Of course they make good money.

Universal healthcare, of course. Unlimited sick days. No one comes to work ill, and no one comes to work when a family member is struggling. Your 11-year-old daughter is having a rough day because her first boyfriend broke up with her? Take a day off and spend it with her. On short notice.

That's the right call.

I might be getting into the weeds of topics that are not that interesting. Just remember that our goal was to be good for our team, good for the community, and good for the planet.

Not your typical corporate goals. We've already converted their entire supply chain to ion-powered vehicles. Target and Costco too. Just that change will have a measurable impact.

We got home and headed into the bedroom to change clothes. Or at least take these clothes off. We're home. Who needs clothes? When we walked in, we heard the shower running. Now for most people that would be terrifying, and you'd run call the police.

Not in our world. To us it meant someone we like is naked and in the shower. You literally cannot get into one of our houses if we don't like you. There is a force field, and it knows.

We walked in and who should be in the shower but Nicolo and Nova. Nicolo was sitting down while Nova shampooed him. He had three fingers in Nova's pussy and was gently strumming her clit with his thumb. They turned and looked at us just as Nova went over.

Nicolo held her up. She passed out briefly. It happens a lot in our world.

What would you do when your fiancé's brother and sister visit? Spend the evening in bed, of course. Come on, Nicolo and Nova. With Benito. I might have left the universe for a bit.

Then the story gets better. Twice.

We just wandered in

Amairani here. You just do this in their world. Crazy. Drayan and I just got back from our special time at the 21C hotel. I have no idea why there is one in Bentonville, but damn it was nice. With my fiancé.

I'm freaking 15. Do you know what happened when I introduced Drayan to my parents and told them that I was engaged? It was crazy.

They congratulated him. And me.

Who are these people?

We dropped by Lizzie and Benito's place and saw their car, but no one was around, so we went to the obvious spot to check. The master bedroom. We figured out where it was. We walked in and heard the shower and walked in there too. Yep, we found Lizzie and Benito.

With two of the sexiest people I have ever seen. All in a giant shower.

"I don't know who you are," said the young woman. "But why do you still have clothes on?"

A darn good question.

Apparently this was their post-coital show, but it was rejuvenating to Benito and Nicolo. Drayan and I benefited. Repeatedly.

Then Manda showed up with fried chicken. Outstanding fried chicken.

With biscuits. And new friends. I'll let her tell the story. We got a little greasy.

Worth it.


Author's note: I wrote this section on a plane after I ate a Bojangles biscuit in the Atlanta airport. They are outstanding biscuits. This also gives you a bit of an understanding of time. That flight was in February of 2019. Pre-pandemic. I have sections, or snippets, that I wrote in the summer of 2019 that won't come up for months. I hope you like the story because it is never ending.

I am going on a tangent. I am a Texas girl. I like fried chicken. A lot. My renewed love for fried chicken has been triggered by biscuits. I promise this will all come back to the story.

This makes no sense. Let me start by saying this is Manda. You might remember that I am on assignment in Charlotte. Some big stuff here and in our insane world, I am in charge.

Crazy, right?

Back to this post. I have discovered Bojangles. Cajun fried chicken, which is outstanding.

But I am all about the biscuits. They're amazing!

I was going there two or three times a week. If you work with me and like Bojangles, we are going to lunch. I even sent out an office-wide email asking if anyone wanted to go.

Given office-wide is three huge companies, it was a lot of people.

I got a lot more replies than I expected. As in over 2,000. In the first hour. Well that was going to be tough. So we put in a lottery and I was taking a dozen people a day to lunch. Oh no I am forced to have Bojangles five days a week.

I am also hitting the gym. Hard.

Sometimes I add a Saturday lunch and we all go back to my house to exercise. In the wrestling room. In my house. That's exercise, right?

Now, I warned the nearby Bojangles and they loved it. Guaranteed daily revenue. I even put in a standard huge order so they could be ready for us. I met personally with the store manager and franchise owner and we set it up that we would intentionally over order, and they would have the extras delivered to a nearby shelter. I even arranged a daily JetsonCar to do it.

It felt like a win-win.

I might be focusing on chicken a bit much, but do you know what happens with someone in our orbit really likes something?

We buy it. Not that store.

The chain. It was owned by a PE firm that was frankly underwhelmed with the performance. I picked it up cheap. They were happy. I was happy.

Mo' chicken.

It might be the weirdest business I own. With a new tagline. A Dionysus restaurant. That's all. That is the entire change I made.

Sales are up 135%.

Month over month.

In the first month. Darn it. I expected more.

I'm off right now to talk to Lizzie. I see a tie in between Walmart and Bojangles. Lizzie reminded me that right now Benito runs Walmart.

Oh no. I'm staying with them tonight. Forced to. I brought Bojangles. They said they'd have a few friends over and we'd all have fried chicken. They told me to bring a lot.

Did you know that 318 Bojangles are in North Carolina? It is the densest state, in restaurants. South Carolina and Georgia have a lot too. I stopped in Dickson, Tennessee to pick up my chicken, since it was the closest to Bentonville. I'd called in the order and paid over the phone, so they knew it wasn't a prank.

It is a lot of chicken.

I floated down into the parking lot in my E-82 and people started streaming out of the restaurant.

With my chicken. Hey, I'd told them I would arrive by space plane. I'm doubting too many land in a day, right? The young woman in charge was directing people to load it into the cargo hatch. It was all in coolers, which would keep it nice and warm.

"What's with the coolers?" I asked. "It's great."

"I sent someone to pick them up at the gas station. I added them to your bill, but they're pretty cheap," she said. "I hope that was OK."

"More than OK," I said. "Truly an exceptional extra effort. What's your name?"

"My name is Reagan. I'm 15. This is the last thing I have to do, and I go off shift for the weekend and if we stop by my house and ask my parents nicely, they'll let me come with you for the weekend," she said, all in one breath.

"They would need to sign some permission forms," I said. "No way around that one."

"They will," she said. "Because when this is all done, I'm going to buy the school system and run it. Nine elementary schools, four middle schools, two high schools, and one alternative school. Roughly 12,000 students, mostly underperforming, all underchallenged. Not enough tax money to improve it and we lose teachers quickly because we don't pay well and we're too far from the city. I can help the students attain more and staff with reliable teachers that are also students. You've done it before, and this is small scale."

"You've had all that prepared in case you ever met someone from Dionysus," I said. She laughed.

"Yes, but I was entering your program to pitch my school district," said Reagan. "I just figured I'd take a shot."

"Can you leave now?" I said and she nodded. She ran in and came back out with her purse and a file folder.

"What's with the file folder?" I asked.

"The forms for my parents, plus the financials for the school system," she said. Sure.

"You don't need to bring the financials. School systems are getting used to this. Just make a fair offer. I'll give you the acquisition teams number and they'll help you make it happen. You have to run it," I said.

"OK," she said. That's it. Just OK.

I like Reagan.

"But I'm still bringing them," she said. "I also want to pitch buying the county."

"The entire county," I said.

"Yes," she said.

"OK," I said.

"Great! I can pitch it," said Reagan. "It is a little out there, but I have an entire improvement plan prepared."

"No, you misunderstood my answer," I said. "OK, buy the county. If you think it is a good idea, I think it is a good idea. If I think it is a good idea, then you can go do it. Then you stop asking and just keep doing things you think you should do."

"How the hell would I do that?" asked Reagan.

"By using the phone number I gave you to the acquisitions team," I said.

"And they'll buy anything I tell them," said Reagan.

"Yes," I said.

And waited. It can be overwhelming.

"OK," she said. "Nashville is nice."

"Yes it is," I said.

"Seriously," said Reagan. "That's your response to my suggesting I might buy Nashville."

"You'll get used to it," I said. "It's called Dionysus time. Things move differently once you're part of it."

"But I'm not part of it!" she said.

"Too late," I said. "We have already assimilated you." She looked at me with an exaggerated leer.

"Assimilate me, baby," she said, laughing. We got in the plane and flew to her house and I met her parents. Nella and Judd. Here's how it went.

"This is my mom, Nella, and my dad, Judd," said Reagan. "Mom and Dad, this is Manda. She just approved me buying Dickson County."

"That's nice," said Nella. "You'll do really well with it. Does it include the school districts?"

"Yes," said Reagan.

"Great," said Judd. "Let us know when we can sign up to volunteer."

"Um," said Reagan. "You want to volunteer at the schools." They both laughed.

"Well, we're hopeful that with your new role, our house will be designated a consulate," said Nella.

"It already is," I said. All of us moaned. "But we have chicken to eat. We're heading to Arkansas for the weekend." Just then, a boy of about 12 ran out.

In just shorts. Small shorts.

"Hi," he said. "I'm Nile." He stuck out his hand and has a great handshake.

"May I kiss you as well?" asked Nile.

"With you I have no boundaries," I said, a bit mesmerized. That kiss rocked my world. I vibrated through a simply massive orgasm.

"Maybe Nile should go with you for the weekend," said Nella.

I grunted a reply that they took as yes, which it was. I couldn't quite form words yet.

Which is how I arrived in Arkansas with chicken, biscuits, Reagan, and Nile. We all got to meet Nova and Nicolo too. We decided to eat first, then fuck. Honestly, that order is a little rare for us, but Benito, Nicolo, and Drayan needed a little time to recover. Men. So easy to use up.

Reagan is wonderful. She fit right in. Nile is more shy, orgasm inducing kiss notwithstanding. After we enjoyed our chicken, and we did enjoy our chicken, Nova clearly decided to work on Nile being shy. It is a real dichotomy, but he explained it.

"I was home, and it was just you. Now I've flown in a space plane and am enjoying dinner with an incredibly sexy group of people and it can be a little overwhelming," he said. Damn, his honesty turns me on.

"Your honesty turns me on," said Nova. See! She got up and walked over. Nile's chair was pushed back just enough.

"May I sit on your lap, please?" asked Nova. Nile just nodded. I am not sure he could even speak. Did I mention that Nova is only wearing a pair of panties? Tiny panties. Tiny sheer panties.

She threw her leg over his and sat down, facing him.

"There is nothing to be nervous about," said Nova. She took his left hand and placed it on her right breast.

"Just be polite and ask for what you want. Odds are we'll all go for it, but if not, we'll tell you," said Nova. She took his other hand and slid it into her panties. He clearly didn't know exactly what to do.

Which made Nova smile.

"Are you a virgin, Nile?" asked Nova. "Don't be embarrassed if you are." He nodded again.

"OK," said Nova. "Then tonight, if you're interested, can be a teaching night. There is an important statement in our world. For you I have no boundaries. That doesn't mean anyone will do anything you don't want but does mean that you can initiate anything you want, and we'll politely say if we want you to stop. In this group, except Reagan, we all have no boundaries. So tell us what you'd like to experience, or you can let us lead."

"Not except Reagan," said Reagan. "For all of you I have no boundaries." Ah. His cock bounced.

Nova noticed.

"Would you like Reagan to be your first?" asked Nova. Nile found his voice.

"Yes," said Nile. "If she is interested. I need coaching since I literally have no idea what to do."

"Coaching is one of our strengths," said Nova, with a smile. "What would you like to do after that? All of us are available." Nile looked at each of us, one by one.

"I will wear out before I reach my goals," said Nile, with a laugh.

"We always have tomorrow," said Drayan, with both a smile and a cock bounce. "Are you only interested in girls or do boys turn you on too?"

Nile's moan was kind of an answer.

"Oh God that's hot," said Reagan.

"Really?" said Nile. "You're OK with that?"

"We have got to teach him what a train is," said Reagan. Nile laughed.

"I may be a virgin, but I know what a train is," said Nile.

So we showed him. Nova was the coach and whisperer. The rest of us gave subtle hints. You kind of know how this goes. First Nova taught him to foreplay to a level that few master.

Reagan enjoyed it. A lot.

"Hold up," said Nova, turning to Reagan.

"Are you a virgin too?" asked Nova, and Reagan shyly nodded. That's when Nicolo jumped in to be a coach too.

"You want to get the first one out of the way, so he'll last longer," said Nicolo. Nova then proceeded to teach Reagan how to give a world-class blowjob. By blowing Nicolo.

Damn it was fun to watch. The highlight was Nova taking his load in her mouth and kissing some to Reagan and some to Nile, who both clearly enjoyed it.

"When I said I was a virgin, I meant with a girl," said Nile, laughing. "I know what a train is because I've been in the middle. Many times. Just not with a girl."

He seemed to appreciate that everyone in the room moaned, including Reagan.

We positioned Nile on his back and Reagan climbed on. Before we could explain much, she just slammed down on him. Without a yelp.

"I got carried away with a drumstick," said Reagan. She laughed at our expressions.

"Just kidding," said Reagan. "Hairbrush."

"The hairbrush with all the bumps on the handle?" asked Nile.

"Oh yeah," said Reagan. We all laughed as she gently started bouncing. They're clearly both naturals. After a bit, she stopped and laid down on Nile's chest.

"Come here Nicolo," she said, in a sultry voice. "My hairbrush introduced me to more."

Sure. Your first time should be DP, right?

"Right," said Reagan and Nile, together. Reagan got it out first.

Did I mention we all said it too? We lost an hour or so to lots of kisses and a free fuck. It is a good thing I like cold fried chicken too.

All this broke Nile out of his shell and he is truly hilarious. The chemistry between Nile and Reagan is palpable.

Yes, palpable. We all like a good word. You have to know that.

That's when Pari, Morgon, and Shelby walked in. To talk about the schools.

Sure. The schools. That's why they were already naked. Good thing I bought extra chicken.

How exactly do you buy a county?

Seriously. What the hell is the first step in buying a county? I guess I call the phone number in my new phone. Manda left it with me. Nile got one too. He is my Chief of Staff now. We don't exactly know what that is, but he's helping me out and is kind of my surrogate when I can't be two places at once. Which we found out is exactly what a Chief of Staff does.

Ain't that handy. We also share a bed now because we converted his bedroom into an office. Oh no, I have to share a bed with Nile.

Except when we're in Mom and Dad's bed. This consulate thing is working out pretty well.

We put my new phone/tablet thing on speaker and called the acquisition team. It seems to have defaulted to a video call and a young woman popped up on the screen, wearing a headset.

"Hi," she said. "My name is Xeeta, how may I help you?"

We both just stared for a moment. Xeeta is small. Really small. She finally got tired of us staring.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm 4," she said. "I see from your profile that you are looking into buying Dickson County, which would include the school system. I have the valuation and proposal prepared and have forwarded it to your phones. If you choose the Projector app on your tablets, it will project the information for you. It is also great for impromptu porn watching."

Well I suppose it is. Great advice from the 4-year-old.

Who turns me on.

"Good thing I have an exception," said Xeeta. "We'll find a time and place. Nile too."

I moaned so hard I had a little orgasm.

Should I go on a little tangent? Tangents seem to be a thing, don't they? Xeeta came to visit. With her twin brother Xad. Yeah, Xad. Can't explain it. Love his skills. And her skills. They taught us things. Many things. For some reason they came with a small suitcase full of spatulas.

The use of which did not include making dinner. OK, one did because we made fried eggs, but still. Xeeta and Xad, who are 4. I have no words or explanation. It was mind-bending. In such a good way. Hell, just watching the two of them together might have been one of the sexiest things I've ever seen and if you'd asked me last week I would have been offended.

I was not offended. It was a learning experience. They're better at it than I am. I must practice.

They came to help. Ha! I'm told I should tell that story to Bob. I get to meet Bob! I don't know why I should tell a stupid pun to Bob, but Xeeta assured me that I should. She did say she did not know the outcome from personal experience, being 4 and all. Let me back up to the business meeting with Xeeta and Xad. Yes, the business meeting. OK, naked and crisscross on my bed, which was quite distracting. Distracting to Nile too.

Concentrate, Reagan. Concentrate. OK, that just led to me concentrating on what four sexy people could do in a bed and that lost us two more hours and now we have to wash every single spatula. I did learn that in Dionysus, time lost to sex is a good thing.

Feels like that should be a universally held opinion.

"OK, let's get to work," said Xeeta. "We're out of spatulas anyway. Luckily, they're biodegradable. The process to buy the county is for you to tell me to buy the county. I would suggest, however, that we add Williamson County too. I found a nice home for you as well, in Franklin. I picked that up too."

"You found a nice home for our family?" said Nile. "What's wrong with this house?"

Xeeta just stared at him for a bit and then smiled.

"Absolutely nothing is wrong with this house. However, it is your parents' house," said Xeeta. "This is a house for Reagan. I'm assuming you'll likely move in as well."

Sure. A house for me. Wait, what?

"Why would I need a house?" I asked.

Xeeta and Xad laughed.

"This part of Tennessee is going to be booming. There will be members of the extended family in and out all the time," said Xad. "Wouldn't you like a place where they can all stay with you?"

"Why would they stay with Reagan?" asked Nile. A darn good question. Xeeta and Xad laughed and then waited. Quietly.

Surely they don't mean. Nah.

"You're really not connecting the dots, are you?" asked Xeeta. "You want a house where you can host the planning sessions."

"Ah," I said. "I guess that makes sense."

"And orgies," added Xad. I know Nile and I just stared. And then he erupted. Again. Covering Xeeta and Xad.

Well it is an exciting mental image. And they require cleanup.

Jumping right in. Darn it, lost another hour. Sorry. OK, not sorry. But we are really clean.

"Let's go see the house," said Xad. "We bought it without seeing it. We only saw the pictures. It could be crap."

"You bought a house without seeing it?" said Nile.

"Sure," said Xeeta. "Odds are it is just fine, but if it isn't, we'll tear it down and build something nice. The lot is amazing." With that, she hopped up and headed towards the door.

"Um, Xeeta, aren't you forgetting something?" I asked.

She looked at me a little confused and I just pointed at her and she laughed.

"The outside world is weird," said Xeeta. "It is a nice day." With that, she found her clothes and started to get dressed. I admit, and it is a bit confusing, I like naked Xeeta better than clothed Xeeta. OK, I'm starting to realize that you could replace Xeeta's name with just about anyone and it would still apply.

But Xeeta and Xad are pretty damn special. I've only had a taste of this culture, but it has opened my eyes to ages and body types.

"Only a taste!" laughed Xeeta. "You've got to tell that one to Bob too!" Yeah, that takes a little getting used to as well. We all got dressed and followed her out of the door. Another situation where my view of the world has changed. Before Dionysus, or BD, I would have just noticed a couple cute kids and not thought a thing about it. Now I'm following Xeeta and Xad and all I can think about is their cute little asses.

They have adorable asses. That I enjoyed licking. A lot. Particularly when they were cum covered. And what's up with a 4-year-old boy that can cum?

"If you love cum, you'll love Dionysus," said Xad. Well I do. And I do.

Still a little weird.

I guess I never really thought about how they got here. Weird, huh. Not nearly as weird as the fact that there is a Star Wars plane in my family's yard. That apparently they fly. As we walked out, the door opened, and steps lowered and Xeeta and Xad headed right into the plane. I looked at Nile and he just shrugged. Into the plane we went. Our parents even walked outside and waved at us.

This shit is weird.

They had us sit right behind them. Now, I've been in a space plane, but never one piloted by a 4-year-old. Then again, Manda is 9 and she was the first person I flew with.

Did I mention this shit is weird?

We didn't even go up very high and the flight took literally minutes. We flew up to a hotel and landed in the yard. Well, maybe not a hotel.

Holy shit. Surely. Wait. No.

"Oh come on," I said. Xeeta and Xad laughed.

"Bob wouldn't let us spend less," laughed Xad.

"Bob? King Bob? Why would King Bob be involved in a house for Reagan?" asked Nile. Good question there Nile.

"You're buying two counties in the United States with money from the kingdom," said Xeeta. "Do you really think that Bob and Amy are not aware of that?"

"Point taken," I said. "So the approval had to go all the way to them. Makes sense." I do not know why Xeeta and Xad are both laughing.

"Approval really isn't a thing. You told Manda you thought you'd buy the county. She thought it was a good idea," said Xeeta. "So we bought the county. We thought adding the second county made sense, so we added it. We want to discuss buying Davidson county too. At this point, you don't even need us. Just text the acquisitions team and someone will buy it."

"OK, let's break this down," said Nile. "First, you just mentioned buying Nashville. That seems bold. Beyond that, you made it sound like if Reagan wanted to buy say Virginia, she would just text the acquisitions line."

"Sure," said Xad. "Virginia is nice. But you could do it too Nile. You're not getting it yet, but you will. So let's look at the house. It is furnished, but overdone, so you might want to donate all the furnishings and redo it."

With that, he led us off the plane. Yeah, watching those cute little asses again. They're mesmerizing.

What the fuck. I am mesmerized by the cute little asses of young children. Xeeta and Xad laughed.

"Wait until we all christen the Master bedroom," said Xeeta. "It is a thing."

"It is only five bedrooms, which we'll want to address, but we already have some ideas. Eleven bathrooms though," said Xad. "Those will be fun to christen too. About 2,400 square meters. That's 22,000 square feet. Almost five acres, within a 200-acre preserve. Nice views too." He led us into the front door of the house.

Holy mother of God.

"I suppose we could make do," said Nile, in the most believable voice. That got a snort out of Xad. For some reason that snort included giving Nile one hell of a kiss.

I mean seriously. An impressive kiss.

Just as a young man walked up. I gave him props, he completely ignored the passionate kiss between the 4-year-old and the 12-year-old. Ah. He stepped in for an equally passionate kiss with both Xeeta and Xad that involved a bit of, well, petting. Wait, groping might be a better choice.

"Good morning," he said. "I am Anton. I am here to show you your gorgeous home." OK, some observations. Anton can't be over 12. He is completely comfortable that we're the buyers. He is smoking hot.

"Thanks for meeting us Anton," said Xeeta. Xeeta turned to me.

"Anton is the listing realtor's son. We suggested he could show it to us," said Xeeta. Anton beamed. Anton has really nice teeth. I have no idea why I am focusing on Anton's teeth. This is all very confusing.

We walked through the house and it is simply amazing. I mean freaking amazing. Incredible outdoor kitchen. Outdoor pool. Indoor pool. Media room. Gym.

Finally we go to the Master.

Well now. Anton, Xeeta, and Xad are naked. Seems like a lead Nile and I should follow. Just as we were all naked, we heard a whoosh sound. Xeeta laughed.

"I win, Xad," said Xeeta.

"When you win, I win," said Xad.

"Good point," said Xeeta, reaching over and stroking Xad's cock. She got him nice and hard and then laughed and headed out of the room. We all followed.

Naked. With three hard cocks just bouncing.

I think I like country living.

We walked quickly down the hall and out the front door. Still naked. There appears to be an airliner in the front yard. Yeah, not a Star Wars plane, although for an airliner it is pretty cool.

The doors dropped and down the stairs came a good size group. A group I recognize. A group anyone not living under a rock would recognize and it would have to be a big rock. In the lead, holding the hands of the people on her left and right, was Pari, the Minister of Education. Did I mention the hands she was holding belong to King Bob and Queen Amy? And that all three are naked too?

Behind them were some of their kids. Jessica and Bill. Colby, Nylah, and Karolina. OK, technically Karolina isn't their child, but you get the point. Leslie, Hunter, and Hallie. Sophia and Morgan. Wait. All their kids. Luke and Cassie. Orlando, Grace, and Valeria. Chris and Noah.

All nine. With their partners.

All naked. It is quite a group. Damn.

They walked up to us.

"We heard there was a christening party. We also heard there was a 15-car garage, so we brought a few to fill it up," said Pari. King Bob and Queen Amy were just smiling. They clearly are comfortable with Pari in the lead.

"Just Bob and Amy, dear," said Amy. "May I kiss you?"

Um, yeah.

Which is why there are now two puddles in the lawn.

It was quite a kiss.

Which led to me being introduced to every single one of them. With a kiss. Including Jessica and Bill.

Possibly the two most beautiful humans on the planet. No, definitely the two most beautiful humans on the planet.

"You're making an assumption on our being human," said Jessica, with a smile.

She has a point.

Just then a giant ramp lowered from the back of the airliner in the yard of what appears to be my enormous mansion.

I'm not at Bojangles anymore. WTAF. They just pick random people they like and make them part of the family. How the...

"Because you're special, dear," said Amy. "We know."

Ignoring the reading my mind thing, how the fuck am I special?

That's when pretty much everyone laughed.

"The fact that you don't see it is actually one of the reasons you are," said Bob. "I know that doesn't make sense, but we know things. We feel things. This is going to be awesome. After all, you did suggest buying a county when you finally had even the most tangential connection to the kingdom."

Well, yeah.

Just then a car drove down the ramp. Who should be driving but Manda. She is driving what appears to be a near perfect 1967 Mercury Cougar convertible. She drove right up to us and got out. I walked around the car, which is a gorgeous blue with a white convertible top.

Oh shit. It can't be.

"This is an XR7 with the 428," I said. "Incredibly rare like 3 convertibles made. Why is this car here?"

"Because it is your favorite car ever," said Luke.

"You brought a car for me to see?" I asked, and they all laughed again.

"No," said Bob. "We brought your car for you to keep. You'll take care of it."

Just as he said that a bunch of the group broke off and ran up the ramp into the plane. Car after car drove off the plane.

Holy crap. Both a current GTR and an R34 GTR. They're incredibly rare and expensive. Then two current model Mercedes, an E63S and a GLS63. I've never seen the E63S in a wagon. That's sexy. Ah. The GLS63 is the Maybach edition. Of course.

Not to be outdone, the next car down the ramp is a McLaren Senna. Sure. For me. Are they nuts?

Holy shit. That's a 1970 Buick GS Stage 1 convertible. Super rare.

"Sure, they're rare, but they need to be driven. You'll drive them. You love them. You're a car nut," said Bob. "We'll rotate others over time so you can play with all the toys."

Rotate super expensive rare cars to my mansion.

Amy, Bob, and Pari all laughed.

"We get it," said Pari. "We all do, with the possible exception of Bill and Jessica, who were born into this world. And might not be human."

Just then the last car rolled off. A white 1969 Pontiac Trans Am convertible. Driven by one of my heroes.

Belen. Who happens to be naked.

How handy.

"Cars are cool and all and I appreciate them more than you can imagine," I said. "But can we all fuck?"

Why yes we can.

Anton took the entire group on a tour but included a room we hadn't seen yet. A very large wrestling room. Oh boy.

"This wasn't in the description," said Xeeta.

"I had it added," said Anton. "It seemed appropriate."

"Sure is," said Jessica, who is now standing next to Bill, both naked. I turned to Pari.

"Do they get it?" I asked. She shook her head no.

"Just cements it, right?" I said. Pari nodded her head yes.

"They have an exception for this trip," said Pari, with a big smile.

Oh God. The rest of the morning is a blur, but my time with the two of them was incredible. We even had an audience, which was a little weird at first, but everyone jumped in with suggestions. It really took a turn when Amy handed Jessica a spatula.

O.M.G. We ended up the morning by the pool, with Bob wielding a spatula for its intended purpose and making cheeseburgers for us all. I don't get it, but I am a part of it now. They spent the weekend, and we didn't put clothes on the entire time.

Might be my average weekend now. Likely will be my average weekend now.

OK, certain to be my average weekend now. Xeeta and Xad even offered to stay for a bit to help get everything settled.


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Character information

Name Chapters Age Description when introduced Stats when introduced
Bob 1,2-6,6-135 27 Dad 6'2" (188 cm) - Swimmer's body, 6-inch (15 cm) cut average cock
Amy All 25 Mom (and the Nanny, to start) 5'1" (155 cm) - Bright red hair, C cup
Morgan All 19 The oldest of the new kids 5'5" (165 cm) - Dirty blonde, small B cup, gorgeous
Orlando All 17 The middle child and the only boy 5'0" (152 cm) -- Dirty blonde, 6-inch (15 cm) cut thick cock
Leslie All 15 The youngest 4'6" (137 cm) -- Brown hair, flat-chested
Chris 6,8,11,14-135 15 Boat sales person but becomes more 4'11" (150 cm) -- Slim, glorious puffy nipples
Hunter 2,3,13-14,27,30,32,34,36,38-39,42-44,47-49,51,56-58,60-61,63-66,68-69,71-74,76,79-86,90-91,93-94,96,98-99,101-102,104-105,109-112,114-117,121-123,129,132,134-135 15 Leslie's new friend 5'0" (152 cm) - cute as hell, 3-inch (8 cm) cock
Hallie 2,3,13-14,27,30,32,34,38-39,42-44,47-49,51,56-58,60-61,63-64,66,69,71-74,76,79-85,89-91,93-94,98-99,101-102,104-105,109-112,115-117,121-123,132,134-135 15 Hunter's twin sister 4'8" (142 cm) - small A cup
Valeria 2,27,47,70,75,77,82-84,90-92,95,98,110,124,132,134-135 20 Juan and Sofia's oldest daughter 5'5" (165 cm) -- Dark hair, gorgeous, C cup
Sophia 7,8-9,14-19,23-24,27,29-34,36-44,46-48,53-54,56-58,62-64,66,68,70-71,73-76,79-82,84-85,87-88,90-95,97-98,100-105,108-110,112,115-119,121,123-126,128,132,135 22 New Italian friend and Goddess 5'7" (170 cm) - stunning, simply stunning, B cup
Timmy 13,31,62,68,82,84,89-90,114,122,124-125,128,131-132,135 21 Manager's son 6'0" (183 cm) - hot, muscular, 9-inch (23 cm) cock
Noah 17,18,24,27-28,31-34,36-37,39,41,43-44,46,48,51,57,63-66,69,71,73-74,76,79-82,84-85,87,90-92,95-98,101-102,107,109,114,116-117,119,121,130,135 15 Chris' new friend 5'7" (170 cm) - thin, 5-inch (13 cm) average cock. Big balls
Grace 23,29-30,36,38,43-44,48,50,54-57,63-77,79-82,84-85,87,90,92-93,95-102,104-105,107,110,112-115,117-120,126,129,132,134-135 18 Just Grace  
Benito 24,27,29,32,34,36,39,50,71,75,87,92,117,124,130,135 15 Freja and Aldo's son 5'4" (163 cm) -- 5-inch (13 cm) uncut, average cock
Nicolo 24,27,32,34,36,39,41,50,75,87,92,99-101,135 11 Freja and Aldo's son 4'6" (137 cm) -- 3-inch (8 cm) uncut cock
Nova 24,27,29,32-34,36,39,41,50,75,87,92,99,101,135 10 Freja and Aldo's daughter 4'4" (132 cm) - flat
Bill 43,50-51,54,62,66-68,70-72,74-82,84-87,89-91,94-96,99,102,104-105,107,109-112,114-116,118-123,125-130,132,134-135 4 Bob and Amy's son  
Jessica 43,50-51,54,62,66-68,70-72,74-82,84-87,89-91,93-96,99-100,102,104-105,107-112,114-116,118-132,134-135 4 Bob and Amy's daughter  
Max 45,46-48,52,62,68,72-73,75-76,89-90,93,97,110,115,117,135 10 Cara and Cael's son 4'6" (137 cm) - cute, funny, impossible to tell from his twin, 3-inch (8 cm) uncut cock
Martan 45,46-48,52,62,68,72-73,75-76,89-90,93,97,110,115,117,135 10 Cara and Cael's son 4'6" (137 cm) - cute, funny, impossible to tell from his twin, 3-inch (8 cm) uncut cock
Maite 46,61,63,68-71,81-82,95-96,98,101,104-105,110,112-113,116-117,126,135 14 Vincente's daughter 5'3" (160 cm) - Cute AF. Sexy and skilled. Nice B cup with huge nipples
Pari 48,49,62,65,68-70,74,77-78,80-81,83,86-95,97-115,117-130,132-135 11 Alea and Sargon's daughter 4'10" (147 cm) - cute, sexy, breast bumps
Morgon 62,75,86-88,93,97-101,103,107,110,114-115,119,122,126-127,130,132,135 8 TJ's sister 3'8" (112 cm) - Adorable and outgoing
Jameis 63,69-71,82,95,100,104-105,108-110,113,117,124,126-128,130,135 44 Ruby's friend and an archaeologist 7'1" (216 cm) - Big muscular guy, attractive, 11-inch (28 cm) cock
Lawrence 65,73,82-83,86-87,93,96,99-100,103,107,112,114,122,125,128,133,135 Thirties Chief Engineer on Vino for all things 6'5" (195 cm) - Light brown hair, tall, a true nerd, 8-inch (20 cm) thick cock
Cassie 67,68,70,73,81,86-87,90,92-93,95-96,99,101-102,104-110,112,115,117,119,123,127-130,132,135 12 Homeless girl from New York. Kevin's friend 4'11" (150 cm) - thin, adorable, A cup
Belen 71,78,82,86,89-90,93,100,103,107-108,112-114,119,122,124-126,130,135 11 Car museum program director 4'6" (137 cm) - Dark blonde hair, cute, nipple bumps
Lizzie 75,114,117-118,124,135 14 Cathy's daughter 5'2" (157 cm) - Dark hair, cute, B cup
Luke 80,81,86-87,90,92-96,99-102,104-110,112,117,119,123,126-130,135 8 The new brother 4'4" (132 cm) - Sandy brown hair, thin, cute, 3-inch (8 cm) cock
Shelby 87,88,98,101,110-111,119,126-127,130,132,135 16 Designer in Indianapolis 5'4" (163 cm) - Black long hair, strong, C cup, big nipples
Aja 93,96,100-101,105,107,112,122,125,135 9 Super-sub designer 4'6" (137 cm) - Dark hair, cute, nipple bumps
Nylah 94,95-96,99-100,102,104-105,107,110,112,117,119,121-126,128,130,132,135 6 The newest family members 3'4" (102 cm) - Cute little thing, looks a lot like Leslie
Colby 94,95-96,99-100,102,104-105,107,110,112,117,119,121-126,128,130,132,135 6 The newest family members 3'4" (102 cm) - Cute little thing, looks a lot like Orlando
Berry 111,119,122,135 10 Julia's assistant and MD of Monte Carlo 4'8" (142 cm) - Dark hair, thin, pretty, flat
Manda 111,118,135 9 PhD student from Dallas 4'3" (130 cm) - Dark hair, funny, thin, nipple bumps
Karolina 123,124,128,132,135 11 Adorable violinist from Santa Monica 4'10" (147 cm) - Brown hair, thin, tiniest of nipple bumps
Drayan 124,135 28 Chief of security at the Walmart headquarters 6'0" (183 cm) - Dark Hair, Black, muscular, 8-inch (20 cm) uncut cock
Amairani 124,125,135 15 Security guard at Walmart headquarters 5'9" (175 cm) - Dark Hair, Hispanic, athletic, C cup
Solange 135 22 Waitress in Monte Carlo 5'6" (168 cm) - Dark hair, trim, B cup
Polly 135 13 Kids from the midwest that blew $4 million 5'3" (160 cm) - Dark hair, thin, A cup
Petey 135 14 Kids from the midwest that blew $4 million 5'5" (165 cm) - Dark hair, thin and wiry, 5-inch (13 cm) cock
Marge 135 33 Polly and Petey's mom 5'7" (170 cm) - Dark blonde hair, average, C cup
Winton 135 39 Polly and Petey's dad 6'1" (185 cm) - Dark hair, thin, 7-inch (18 cm) cock
JeMarques 135 22 Masseur at the Monte Carlo Gamma 6'3" (191 cm) - Dark hair, Black, fit and thin, 9-inch (23 cm) thick uncut cock
Glen 135 12 Kid on the space station 5'2" (157 cm) - Black hair, very thin, 4-inch (10 cm) uncut cock
Andrea 135 9 Glen's sister 4'4" (132 cm) - Black hair, thin, flat
Leon 135 36 Glen and Andrea's dad 6'4" (193 cm) - Black hair, super thin and gangly, very thick 7-inch (18 cm) uncut cock
Reagan 135 15 Bojangle's shift lead 5'2" (157 cm) - Strawberry blonde, cheerleader fit, C cup
Nella 135 35 Reagan's mom 5'3" (160 cm) - Blonde, sexy and fit, D cup
Judd 135 38 Reagan's dad 6'0" (183 cm) - Auburn hair, thin, 7-inch (18 cm) average cock
Nile 135 12 Reagan's brother 5'3" (160 cm) - Strawberry blonde, soccer fit, 5-inch (13 cm) thin uncut cock
Xeeta 135 4 Acquisition team lead 3'1" (94 cm) - Dark hair, skinny, flat
Xad 135 4 Acquisition team member and Xeeta's twin brother 3'1" (94 cm) - Dark hair, skinny, 3-inch (8 cm) cock
Anton 135 12 Realtor's son in Tennessee 5'3" (160 cm) - Brown hair, average, 5-inch (13 cm) cock

End of Chapter