Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2018 17:41:22 +0000 (UTC) From: brad rent Subject: Chapter 15 of Wilson Goes to Camp This is a fictional story of one man's entry into orbit about his penis. It's called "Wilson Goes to Camp and will probably end up at about 25 chapters or so, even though I've only written 15 so far (sorry, this number keeps changing—this story is sort of writing itself! I cum multiple times while writing each chapter, so the pages are probably a little sticky--sorry. I invite feedback at Please make a contribution to to make sure these and other stories keep being published—and I get to keep cumming! Chapter 15- Equipment Class After lunch, Clay led about half of us to another room in the large-building complex, where the `equipment' seminar was about to begin; then took the rest of the boys off to their respective classes. Tristan, Andy, Dennis, Jack and I found seats in the already crowded room just as the proctor for this session, Sean, introduced himself in a heavy Scottish brogue. He stood at the front of the class dressed only in a kilt with a bag-looking thing hanging down in front of his crotch. I knew he was probably naked underneath, but I wondered if that bag was meant to hold rubbers; or maybe it was designed to put downward pressure on one's rampant cock, providing some modicum of control, or maybe both. I'd have to ask Sean after class. "Ah, lads, find a seat someplace and we'll begin," He half shouted above the din in the crowded room. "There's a spot for each of you... as you get settled, I'm going to ask you to pair up... this class has some hands-on participation and in order to demonstrate a few of the items, you'll need a partner to get kitted out properly. Sean was the first `ginger' counselor I'd seen. Because I observed that gingers had the largest cocks, at least among the campers in the room during Mr. Cooper's welcome speech, I wondered if Sean was also going to be likewise `admirable.' As he removed the kilt and set it aside I did notice that his uncut member was flaccid and hanging straight down right now. I didn't recognize him—or his member—specifically, as one of those particularly well-hung yesterday, but hoped to get a bit of a show later. His curly red hair framed his round, young-ish face and brilliant blue eyes. He was well built with substantial, `square' pectoral muscles finished with tiny, pink nipples. I saw no evidence of hair anywhere on his body except small tufts at the base of his penis and armpits and, when he turned, a slight shadow of soft hair in his ass crack—both the same light red as on his head. I moved closer to Tristan and was able to persuade a couple of other boys to make room for us so we could be partners for the class. Fortunately, Jack and Andy from our cabin were right in front of us, so we'd be able to observe them as well. Sean continued as the noise subsided somewhat, "The first thing we'll do is outline how the class will progress today... you'll notice a plenteous supply of cum rags and moistened serviettes at each station." (I didn't even know `plenteous' was a word `til now... and what the fuck is a `serviette,' I wondered) "At the end of the class, I want no cum left on any of the equipment, furniture or floor." As if reading my mind, he added "for you yanks and continentals, a serviette is called a napkin in your language... you'll probably each shoot a load or two today and I want to make sure all that creamy goodness finds its way into a rag or napkin and ultimately into one of the receptacles at the back of the class—or else in someone's mouth! Completely up to you." Titters. "It seems we have an odd number of students today, and I'll ask that young man at the back without a partner to join me up here as my `model' for today's class... don't be shy; just imagine that everybody in the room is naked; it'll help you overcome your shyness." More titters, since everybody was absolutely naked. Andy ended up being the `model' for our class and sheepishly worked his way to the front. "We'll begin the class exploring something that's very difficult to get on once your penis is erect... since most of you are still flaccid right now, we'll start with the ubiquitous cock ring. On the desk in front of you are a series of metal rings of various diameters... most of you will find that the large one, which is about two and a half inches around will suffice—if you need the 3-incher or bigger, I'll want to see you after class—in my dorm room! Sean was a pretty funny guy. He took one of the rings from the desk in front of the class and held it down near his scrotum. "Just work one of your nuts through the ring from back to front—pulling your scrotum skin through if necessary to help that nut slip over to the front side—then push the other one through the same way. Once they're both hanging on the front side, slide the ring up to the top; then poke your—hopefully—still soft penis down under the ring to join his brothers on the other side. Voila! He made it look pretty easy, and most of us were able to get the ring on correctly after an awkward `ouch' or two as we tried to squeeze a testicle through the hoop—especially the second ball. Getting a soft dick down and under the ring edge was not difficult at all, but impossible if you were even half hard, as Tristan discovered. He had watched me `negotiate' my ring with little problem, but it was making him chub up watching me manipulate my cock and balls... getting his semi-hard penis into the ring after his fat balls were already through was nigh on impossible. "Well, this is turning out to be a disaster," said Sean, "haven't you boys already shot your rocks off today? I'd've thought you'd be able to stay soft long enough to get a bloody ring on yer cocks! OK, we'll do the cock ring at the end maybe... by the looks of it, most of you are discovering that puttin' on a rigid cock ring once you're hard is a job for a masochist! OK, look up here everybody and I'll show you how to get one off of yer junk after your lingam gets hard." What the hell is a lingam, I thought... again, he was a mind reader. "For you yanks, a lingam is a dick... I thought you all spoke English. Sheesh! "If use your thumb and push through one of your nuts—from front to back this time—it'll slide by the other one and pop out the back. Then you can push the other nut through, then slip it off the end or yer ling... er, yer cock like this. Sure enough, Sean had boned up nicely and was now sporting a hefty 8-inch truncheon that looked heavy and hard enough to pound a nail—he was indeed `admirable,' just like all the other gingers I'd seen at camp. He deftly pushed one nut backwards through the tight ring, then pushed the other back through and slid it up and off his now mostly hard `lingam.' There... I used a new word—I love learning new languages! "OK, since we're all mostly hard now, let's investigate some of the hardware designed to go around yer cock and balls first... I'm passing around one of my favorite pieces of equipment—and you'll all see why I like this particular tool in just a minute—the strap and `ball splitter' combo. Sean moved around the room studying our genitals and handed out what he thought would be the correct size for each of us. The straps were black leather with snaps mounted along the wider strap's ends... the narrower strap merely had one snap at each tip. "If you'll all look up here, I'll secure... what's your name again, friend..." "Dennis," said Dennis. "I'll secure Dennis's genitals with this strap... It's easier if I get behind you and reach around... hope you don't mind me lingam nesting in your lovely ass crack, Dennis... I promise I won't slip it inside you—not without your permission anyway." Dennis blushed... titters followed. "First we put the strap under the nut-sack like so, centered with equal bits on each side... bring the strap up and over the cock like so and fasten the snap so it's snug if you're already hard like Dennis here is—and it's a beauty, by the way—you'll notice they've cleverly put two or three snap `mates' on the top strap to provide different tightness options; leave a little room if you're not quite hard yet but plan to grow a little more. There... next, we find the smaller strap which should be hanging straight down below yer nut-sack... bring it up to split yer ballocks apart and bring one end of the `t-strap' to the right and the other end to the left... there, cleverly placed, you'll find the other half of the snap mechanism. Snap them both and, if properly affixed, you'll see the thick strap around yer whole business with the narrow strap running up the center, separating yer testicles and pushing `em out to the sides... I had a student once had three balls—made this part of class very interesting... now I'll make my way around the room and see if you've all got it correct. I don't know if he was fibbing about the 3-balled camper, but I was mesmerized watching Tristan put his strap on. Once he had it in place, it made his balls look huge, each one pulled up against the base of his beautiful dick but separated and protruding out to the sides. The skin over each nut was stretched tight and I could see veins in his scrotum. The whole trussed-up package throbbed and bobbed with each beat of his heart! "This thing feels awesome," he said, pulling on his cock. "Each time I pull up on it like this, the strap lifts up my balls... I even feel the stretch of skin all the way down under to my butt-hole—it's like somebody prodding my anus and squeezing my balls every time I move my dick—this thing is kind of a full-service wanking machine... see, you can see the skin move down under here." He bent over and spread his legs so I could see his asshole, chod and nut sack from behind... what a beautiful sight—like seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time! Every time he pulled on his penis, sure enough, his balls moved up and down; I could also see the skin around his anus move with every stroke. I couldn't wait to get mine on and try this out! "And why are ye moonin' yer bud there, eh?" asked Sean, seeing Tristan bent over and me peering at his chod. "Did he tell you he didn't like yer outfit today? A little humor there, lads... everything fittin' alright? "Oh yeah," replied Tristan, "I was just showing Wilson how the strap pulls on the skin down there and how awesome it feels. "Ah... true enough... let's get Wilson's strap on so he can feel for himself... you want me to help you get yers on, Laddie? An offer I couldn't refuse! Sean took my strap off the table and moved around behind me. As he positioned himself to reach around, I felt his massive, hot boner first touch my butt cheek, then pointing it straight up, he pushed the throbbing hot belly into the space between my ass-cheeks. "I hope you don't mind me resting me prick in yer crack there, Wilson... otherwise I can't get in close enough to help you. Another first for me—someone's throbbing boner nestled in my butt-crease! What a day this was turning out to be! Everyone near me was now looking down at my genitals, watching Sean handle me as he tried to get the strap fastened around my junk. Jack and Andy had big grins—and big, thick boners—taking in Sean's ministrations at my crotch; of course, Tristan still had a raging hard-on as well—all were well strapped into their splitters—and looking quite dapper, I might add. This personal attention by Sean was an unexpected treat for most of cabin 5, I guess. Sean's hot breath against my neck was giving me chills and the deft movements of his hands while fastening the straps around my cock and balls was getting me pretty close. It wasn't helping that I could also feel his hairless pecs and hard little nipple nubs rubbing against my back while he worked; his hot penis sliding up and down my butt-crack at the same time. He got the last strap fastened just in time—another stroke or tug or pull and I would have cum all over his hands. As he stepped around to have a look from the front, I felt a void where his thick prick had recently found a home. Sadness. "That looks about right... what do you think, Wilson?" Indeed, the tight strap around the root of my genitals was pretty awesome. The crisis had passed somewhat and I felt like I could touch my cock without coming instantly. When I pulled on my prick a couple of times, it indeed stretched the skin all the way back to my chod and ass... I think if I'd have pulled it two or three more times, I would have been the first one to unload! I released my throbbing cock and tightly-strapped balls and concentrated on Sean's instructions. "I know yer all enjoyin' the tightness of the wonderful ball-splitter—probably invented by a Scotsman, I might add—but we've got many more items to cover over the next hour... since we're already messin' with our genitals, why don't we just keep goin' down there and cover a few more equipment items meant to be used on or in yer penis." `IN' yer penis? I thought. He must have misspoken. I was wrong. "Next, we'll cover the manly art of `sounding'... does anybody know what sounding means?" No hands went up. "Well, that's no surprise... it's a pretty exotic form of self-abuse probably invented by a Russian, so I'll assume that nobody raised their hand because nobody knows what it means—as opposed to nobody wanting to admit they've ever practiced this particular form of `penile perversion.' "If you'll all gather around up here, I'll demonstrate on meself... you all are welcome to try this on yourselves or each other after you return to your tables—or back in your cabin tonight—but it's an `acquired taste' if you know what I mean. With that, Sean climbed up and sat on one of the tables up front. We all gathered around him, careful not to touch anybody else with our leaking boners. "First, you grab your lingam and make sure it's pointed straight up and not curved in any way, then... well here, I'll just show you. Leaning back a bit, he worked his penis rather vigorously until it was at absolutely full mast, thick and pulsing. Peeling back his foreskin to expose his plum-sized glans, he took the thumb and forefinger of his left hand and forced open the piss-hole as wide as he could get it. With his right hand, he produced a glass or clear plastic 6" rod, almost as big around as a pencil but with a rounded end, and slowly inserted about 3 inches of it right down INTO HIS PENIS! This wasn't just the little half-inch `straw' that we had slipped into our cocks for the sexual preference test this morning... this was one big, thick rammer goin' right down deep into his hooter piss-hole! "I have to say right now that this ain't one of my favorite things to do," he said, "in my book, it's sort of a parlor game for show-offs at a masturbation party. But to each his own—some guys say they like the `full' feeling this creates right down into their balls! I've had some sounding `aficionados' claim this gives them the sensation of cumming constantly while it's deep down in there... I even saw a guy stick a regular screwdriver all the way to the flange down in and walk around the room with the handle of the screwdriver hanging off the end of his pecker!" The way he said pecker, it sounded more like `vicar.' "it's not for everybody, but don't be afraid to experiment if you think you might like to try it... after all, that's what bate camp's all about. Sliding the thick rod back out of his cock, Sean squeezed his dick full-length and a fairly large bead of pre-cum oozed out of the piss-hole, then ran down the back of his glans. He deftly wiped the salty prize off with his index finger and popped it into his mouth. "Mm-mm good," he exclaimed. "Next, we'll move on to a couple of other genital adornments. These are called ball stretchers and they come in many forms," he said, reaching for a small box on his table. "While you're all up here at the front, I'll just show you how these work—we don't have multiples of these to go around, so you can just practice with my personal collection here if ye want... I just need `em back before you leave today. He took out a black leather `sleeve' fastened together with three snaps on the side. He unsnapped all three and held it up to show us how it looked ready to `install.' It now looked like a two by two inch piece of leather with three silver `beads' on one side, the beads being the top half of the snaps. "I need a little help for this one... you lad there with the boner," said Sean, nodding toward the group—we all had boners by now, so nobody knew exactly who he meant, "a little more humor there, lads. How about you, Wilson, grab hold of me balls there—carefully—and stretch me scrotum down toward me knees... that's it. If you'll hold me penis up out of the way against me stomach with yer other hand... yeah, like that... it's ok for you to get familiar with me and me package, Wilson, since I already got to handle all yours first... now I'll just wrap this strap around here and fasten the snaps together... voila! The strap forced his testicles down to the very end of his now stretched-out scrotum. I let go of his balls. Altogether, his nut-sack was probably 4 to 5 inches long and very taut. It looked sort of like one of those African people with their necks all elongated with multiple rings... Ubangis, I think. It didn't look very comfortable, but he didn't seem to mind having his nuts pulled down like that. I might have to try that later, I thought. "There are other versions of this—some look like very large nuts—as in nuts and bolts—the concept's the same as the cock ring; one nut at a time through the ring, then the other—carefully!! This is one of those things you do that's what we call `self-critiquing'... If you do it wrong, you're the first to know! Sean spent the rest of the hour showing us other versions of cock rings—some plain leather with adjustable straps, some thick, rubber bands and others just variations on the classic ring or strap. One even had a small, overgrown peanut-sized attachment with a switch that made it buzz and vibrate. "It seems," Sean explained, "that men throughout the ages have enjoyed the sensation of tightness around their cocks and balls... I know I do and I'm guessin' most of you will, too—from now on! That one with the small vibrator, by the way, reminds me of when I was a young'un... me dad bought an electric sander; I discovered pretty quick that it got me off to a massive cum blast within seconds of holding it against me crotch—I just had to remember to remove the sand paper first and just apply the soft, rubber pad to me junk. Also, I had to remember to clean it off after use—got caught once; dad knew exactly what I'd been doin' with his new sander from all the dried cum on it." Titters, but you could hear the wheels turning in our heads... hey, my dad has an electric sander. Just then the lights went out in the class and we all looked around wondering what had happened. Since we had windows in our class, it didn't matter. However, I did feel sorry for those poor fuckers in the sexual preference lab... probably lost power just as they were about to diddle poor Harry Potter—or whomever. Sean spent the last 15 minutes—which just wasn't enough time—covering a wide array of devices to use on our... and our partner's... nipples. I knew that pinching mine enhanced my orgasms if I timed the pinch just right, but this equipment introduced a whole new chapter of foreplay that I was anxious to pursue later. Sean told us to go ahead and mess around with the variety of clips on our desks. Most were single units, meant to be affixed to nipples individually, but a couple of sets were connected by light or heavy chains, rods or sticks—I guess for manipulating both nipples at the same time using the connecting device. The most intriguing ones were small magnetic balls, meant to be held on each side of an erect nipple with the magnetic force pinching the flesh together... different size balls had different magnetic strength. There were also small rubber bands and ties to be affixed to the hardened nipple to keep it erect while being decorated it with different colors of bands or thread. Some of the bands had `tails' that enabled tugging, sort of like a small leash. Tristan and I sat down and faced each other, knees to knees. I started by attaching one of the small black metal adjustable clips on my own nipple. It hurt at first, but by turning the screw a bit, I found a setting that felt pretty good—tight but not overly painful. When I let go, the weight of the small metal clip was enough to pull down on my poor, stretched nipple; I loved the small, `electric' thrill I got when I flicked or pulled on it. "Tristan, you've got to try this," I said with a crack in my voice. "Here, let me put one on you." I set the adjuster knob about where mine was. Tristan's nipple was flat and `shy;' I couldn't get the clip to attach, so I pinched most of the end of his pec with one hand, making the whole nipple pooch out and clipped it onto the little nub at the end. He gasped slightly and looked down at his tortured nipple. "Did I get it too tight?" I asked. "Sorry... let me just adjust the screw a little." I noticed when I pulled it off that his little nipple nub stayed hard and erect, enabling me to reattach it without using my other hand this time. "Oh, my God, that feels awesome," he said, pulling on the small device. A larger bit of flesh surrounding his nipple stretch out each time he pulled the clip; I could tell he was enjoying the sensation—a lot! His fully erect cock twitched and bobbed each time he manipulated his own nipple; I couldn't help but reach out and feel his hard dick as he pulled on his own tit. Tristan reached out, took the clip off mine and clipped it onto his other nipple—it had erected beautifully, sticking straight out in sympathy with the one being tortured. While I pulled on his hard penis, Tristan pulled and flicked the clips on his own nipples in rhythm with my tugs. Watching his separated balls lift with each of my pulls reminded me that he was also getting delightful sensations around his butt-hole from the stretch of the straps. His eyes met mine and without breaking eye contact, he moaned, got a panicked look on his face and, without saying a word, quivered and shook as sperm boiled and shot out of his penis, drenching my hand and arm. I wasn't fully aware that I'd done it, but the entire time I was jacking his cock, I'd been pinching my own nipple with my free hand where just a moment ago there'd been a clip. About the time Tristan came, I released that nipple and, inspired by Tristan's orgasm, stroked my own hard penis, also lifting my separated balls with each stroke. Tristan launched his last rope of jizz onto my arm, then reached out and pinched my nipples with both hands, twisting and pulling. It only took two or three strokes before I blasted my own sperm all over both of us. One shot even splatted against my arm as I still held his now-soaked cock and balls, then dripped down onto his chair. "We've got quite a mess in aisle 4," announced Sean, who had been standing by Jack and Andy watching us. "I guess you lads enjoyed the nipple clips, eh? We were a spermy, blushing mess, but after a few boys tossed us towels, recovered somewhat. "I think we're going to have another eruption over here any minute," announced Sean. Sure enough, Jack was sporting some clear, plastic tubes stuck on his own nipples. He was vigorously jacking his own strapped penis with both hands while Andy pinched and pulled the clear tubes with gusto. It was especially erotic that the clear tubes allowed us to see Jack's distended nipples sucked up into the neck of the tubes, allowing Andy to flick and pinch his stretched nipple flesh through the soft plastic. He let go when Jack started cumming, but we could still see those tortured nipples sucked far up into the sleeves, distended and throbbing while Jack lunched goo all over himself. Andy wasn't idle however, jacking his own fat cock while working one of his own nipples, stretching and pulling until he, too, came all over Jack's leg, chair and the floor. As the group oohed and aahed over the four of us cumming on each other, Sean broke the spell. "Well, we're out of time for now, lads... we barely got into the nipple gear and we still have anal tools to explore... I tell you what we'll do. I have another class right after this one, but if you all want to come back during your free period in about an hour, I'll cover those tools along with the next class that's due in, if indeed we don't finish. It'll be a bit crowded, but it'll feel more like a `group grope'... any of you ever been to a group grope? No? Well, let me say that it isn't something we technically offer as a course, but I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy having `extra' lads close by for that portion of the class... see you all in an hour! "Oh, and while you're cleaning up—make sure you haven't left any spooge on my equipment or furniture—make sure you see the display of condoms over there on the table by the door. Feel free to take any and all you want to try... I recommend you each take a sheep-skin one as well as a latex one so you can compare the feel of each on your own penis. Notice there are also ribbed ones and a whole rainbow of colors to decorate your lingam... some have little reservoir tips; some are smooth all the way and snug around the glans—made for porn stars, I guess... help yourselves. I didn't see any with the exaggerated reservoir tip that we'd used for our sexual preference test earlier today. "Sean, I don't see any of the ones like we wore for our test this morning—the ones with the big floppy tip... are they available to buy in stores?" I asked. "Aah, no... they're a special order from a company in France... they're specifically designed to hold up to 3 or 4 average loads—for multiple orgasming men, I guess; or for the wearer to not have to change `between bouts,' you might say; they're specially modified not to come off the penis if it softens before re-erecting for its next use. We use `em here for that very purpose—to catch lots of semen... how many of you came more than once during your VR cruise through the `world of pornography' this morning? A few guys grinned sheepishly; a couple stared at me, remembering my `bukakke' session; more than one blushed. We headed back to cabin 5, most of us now soft from having cum in class. A few other guys still sported erections, bobbing and swaying as they walked back to their respective cabins. We were the first five back from class. When we got to our bunks, each had a sealed envelope that said "private correspondence—to be opened only by __." Our names were handwritten on the blanks. "These are our sexual preference test results," said Jack, our speed reader. "Holy shit!" exclaimed Andy, "it says I like to fuck youngsters!... no shit! I wonder if they knew before they printed this report that I fucked probably 20—regularly in the compound growing up... maybe it became evident when I flew around in the VR display fucking everybody I could find that was under 10! I probably fucked 20 more this morning! We all laughed at the funny description of his VR voyage. The rest of us fell silent, reading our own reports. Andy's comment about liking to fuck youngsters was even funnier when we saw that the first page was long paragraphs full of technical jargon about `standard deviations'—yeah, we were probably all some kind of deviates, but we weren't sure they had `standards'—and statistical weighing of various parameters, blah blah blah, and quartiles, blah blah blah. The second page was a pretty large table of values with a bunch of numbers... someone was going to have to translate this thing before it made any sense to a bunch of 16-year-olds. I then took another shower since I'd gotten sperm—mine and others'—all over me today. I decided one more bottle up my ass was probably in order as well, since we were headed back to equipment class for the `anal equipment' part of our class. The other four from cabin 5 that were headed back to `butt class' also showered. While we were showering, the rest of our cabin mates returned from their various classes; they were quietly laying on their bunks reading when we came out drying ourselves. Many were still boned up—I guess their classes weren't as exciting as equipment class was. Just watching them languidly stroking their erect penises and casually squeezing their nut-sacks aroused me again to a semi-hard state. Looking at the other four, I wasn't the only one developing a letch for other naked guys—especially ones masturbating their visible erections. Clay came into the cabin and saw us getting ready to head back out. "Where are you guys going?" he asked. "We didn't get all the way through the equipment class, so Sean told us we could come back for the last part during our free period... this next hour before dinner is free, isn't it?" Jack explained. "Yeah, it's free—and I suppose it's ok for you to head back over—but I was going to put on another interview for you guys. I don't want you to miss any more, so I guess I'll think of something else to get these guys off... their class got interrupted by a power outage and they didn't get to finish their e-stim class, so they're all pretty horny right now... maybe I'll just put on some porn. "What kind of porn?" asked Dennis. We all cracked up at his excited expression when he asked the question. You'd think someone who'd fucked his dad, sister and mom—indeed had fucked every hole in the house except his own and his little brother's butts—would be hard to arouse with some classic porn, but I guess not. Ah, the wonders of the male dick! We reported to the equipment class per Sean's direction; when we entered, about 12 other boys were already at the tables, at the end of their equipment class. It seems they, too, got hung up on the nipple chapter! "Just in time, lads... step right in and find a place with one of the other pairs of boys... sorry but all the stations are full; I'm sure you all can probably find some other group to join up with. Evidently the nipple portion of their class had also gotten rowdy for the next class as well, as there were guys mopping up sperm from the floor, chairs and tables in various parts of the room... also Sean was still holding his 8-incher in his hand as we walked in, indicating that whatever happened during `nipples-101' aroused him as well. Perhaps he wasn't supposed to... or hadn't been sufficiently stimulated to orgasm yet. Maybe that's what's in store for the anal equipment portion of the class, I wondered and boned up immediately again looking at his spectacular cock and hairless body. "I forgot to show you the penis pump during your class, lads," said Sean, still addressing the five of us from cabin 5. I've got Bailey here still pumping away... he agreed to keep it on until you joined us so you could see how it operated—and the ultimate results of 30 minutes of pumping yer cock and balls... Bailey, you can keep it going or slip it off—up to you. I just wanted you to keep it on until these latecomers could watch you `in action.' Bailey was a `strapping youth' as the Brits would say—he could have played lineman for any of our American high school football teams if he'd wanted to. We learned later that Bailey was a pretty good rugby player with a similar build to the biggest guys in our schools. He wasn't at all fat, just `thick' and hairy—actually the hairiest Brit I'd seen since being here. Not bear-hairy, but quite a pelt on his chest, tapering down to a thin line down through his navel and to the substantial bush, now largely hidden, beneath the pump in his hand. His thick, muscular legs—and even his feet—were covered in soft, brown hair. His chest, shoulders and arms were huge with large, brown nipples peeking out from the forest of chest hair. The faint hum of the pump at his feet was keeping all his genitals up inside the dome-shaped clear device he held tightly at his crotch. "Bailey's actually pumping both his balls and lingam at the same time... they make different sizes of penis pumps and this one can accommodate all yer junk at once. I think you'll be impressed by the effect after he removes the pump. As if on cue, Bailey reached down, switched off the machine, and broke the seal around the base of the pump with a finger. The `shoop' sound of the vacuum within being neutralized was accompanied by Bailey's moans as he removed the pump, leaving a very fat, distended scrotum and equally fat, distorted cock, which flopped down against his stomach with a thud. The penis was long in absolute terms—probably close to Sean's 8 incher, but was so fattened up by pumping that the effect was to make it look like a fire hydrant—squat and short in proportion. He used both hands to raise it off his stomach and move the loose, bloated skin up and down the shaft. "So how does that feel, Bailey," asked Sean. "It's hard to describe—everything feels very full and kind of, I don't know—jiggly, I guess... I didn't have much of a foreskin before; now I can gather this big ole flap of skin up by the tip and get it all the way up around the head... I've got so much extra, I can probably get it up over my head as well! We all laughed at that visual, but were awed with the impressive pile of throbbing, wet flesh that used to be Bailey's quite substantial genitals, fat scrotum now bobbing up and down with every stroke, or thick, long cock being vigorously abused. "OK, lads... with that let's get started on yer assholes!" announced Sean. "If the newcomers would like to strap up before we start, feel free... there are elastic and leather straps available as well as the ever-popular ball splitter... lookin' at yer hard peckers there (again, rhyming with `vicars'), I doubt any of you could get a metal ring on right now, but suit yerselves. I went for the splitter, remembering how awesome it felt with each stroke. I was also remembering the tightness it caused around my bunghole and looked forward to that enhancement as we explored `down there'—corporately and individually. I won't cover in detail all the individual pieces we were able to examine; suffice it to say that by the time we were done, many objects had been inside my ass and I was glad I'd prepared by inserting various butt-plugs `up inside' for the weeks leading up to camp. We used dildos, vibrators, butt plugs, anal specula, thick knots on a rope pulled slowly, small knots on a thinner rope pulled out quickly, cold metal inserts, hot rubber inserts and each other's fingers to explore the sensations on our own holes as well as to experience those same sensations when `caused' by a partner. A few of the other guys came—one quite boisterously—during our `spelunking,' but none of the cabin 5 guys came again. The only `advice' Sean offered while we explored was "even those of you who have no experience playing with yer own anus will notice that it's one incredibly sensitive erogenous zone that can be used to enhance yer own pleasure while masturbating as well as bringing an extra dimension to any sexual encounter—be it with a lad or a lass. Also notice that it's a pretty adaptable organ—it wouldn't take long for any of you to practice enough to be able to take quite a large penetrator. You'll hear about guys that can take more than one of these objects up their fundament at one time as well as larger single objects—like fists! Don't forget—practice makes better, lads... practice makes better. We got cleaned up and back to the cabin without cumming again, as I said—which was a miracle for me—I don't know about the other guys, but my butthole was fast becoming one of my favorite sex organs. I couldn't wait to show Marty first—as well as Brian and Uncle Will what I learned in `ass appreciation class,' first at dad night on the last day of camp and later at my welcome home party.