Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2023 18:17:20 +1000 From: Ellis Adcock Subject: 46 Burnham St, Chapter 2: That's how you do it, boychick 46 Burnham St Chapter 2: That's how you do it, boychick At that time of the year I was only able to see Steve on weekends, so when Daniel and I headed to his house on the following Saturday, late on a cold afternoon, I was both excited and worried. Excited because I was going to see Steve again. Worried because at that time homosexuality was not only illegal, but considered repulsive and perverted by practically everyone -- including me. Like most young people, I'd absorbed the norms of society as I grew up, and though I was beginning to question and challenge those attitudes, I still had a long way to go. So while I had enjoyed thinking about what Steve and I had done last weekend, I also imagined what my friends and family would have said, had they known. Rusty opened the door for us and we went through to the kitchen where Emma, Lindy, André, and Emma's friend Robyn were involved in a heavy discussion about art and literature, Steve and Rusty being out at the movies. I was disappointed that Steve wasn't there, but Lindy said he would be home in an hour or so, so I decided to make the most of the night until then. Robyn was a really good-looking girl - tall, dark and slim with long, straight, raven-black hair. She and Emma were all over each other, and I realised this was my first encounter with lesbians... this household seemed determined to open my horizons to new possibilities, even when I wasn't looking for them. Dinner was followed by another evening of talk, music, marijuana and lots of wine. People were gathered in the dimly lit living room, huddled under blankets against the chill winter evening. I was on the couch nestled between Emma and Robyn, and we weren't under the blanket ten seconds when one of them - I wasn't sure who - unzipped my jeans, reached in, and pulled my cock out. Emma leaned over and whispered "You owe me, boy" obviously wanting to make up for last weekend's rejection. She twisted me around until my face was on her chest, and pushed a tit into my mouth - I licked and sucked like a kid with an ice cream. Then she grabbed my hand and guided it to her cunt, and I happily explored it with my fingers. Meanwhile, the hand on my cock, which I figured must be Robyn's, had been working its magic, and I was stiff as I'd ever been since I discovered masturbation. But, as usually happens in a hand-job without lube, the slipperiness started to dry out, and the sensations went from pleasurable to slightly annoying. Robyn stopped and her hand left my cock - I was working up some spit to rub on it when I felt something soft, warm and wet cover its head. I looked down and couldn't see Robyn. But I could see the blanket bobbing up and down, and I realised that she was sucking me off! I'd sucked off Steve, but had never been sucked myself... God what bliss! Robyn expertly worked from the head to the shaft of my cock until I was at the point of climax. "I'm going to come!" I said, and started to pull out of her mouth. She responded by pulling me in closer and holding me there, making sure that she got every throb of cum that shot from me. I expected her to pull away and spit the cum on my belly, as I had with Steve, but no. She stayed there, working her tongue over and around my cock, and I realised that she had kept the cum in her mouth, and was savouring every drop. Then she pulled herself up until she was facing me, and gave me a deep kiss. For the first time I tasted my own semen, and I let her dribble the remaining drops into my mouth. She whispered "That's how you do it, boychick. Remember for next time you go down on Steve". Then she put her index finger in her mouth, coating it with a mix of semen and spit, and gently slid it into my arse. It was totally unexpected, but felt good. She moved it gently in and out - god it felt good! I knew I'd want more of that again some time. But for now, swirling my own cum around my tongue, I leaned in and licked Emma's tit, smearing it with my juices, then kissed her and let her taste what remained. Robyn took over kissing her, and I continued working her cunt until she came, her vaginal muscles spasming, alternately gripping and releasing my fingers. We lay there for a while, the three of us blissed out. Then I heard Steve's voice saying... "Well well well, what's going on here, then?"