Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 19:23:32 -0300 From: Subject: Alex's Story Entry 3 Part 2 (Part 6) Disclaimer: If you are not old enough to be reading explicit material, or if homosexuality and incest is not legal in your state/area, then please, leave now, or continue at your own free will. This is a story of fiction, and neither I nor this website support acts of Adult-minor relationships unless under the proper circumstances. "Dear Big D, My lil' bro asked me to jack it with him again. I'm starting to think that the lifestyle may run in the family. I caught him just staring at my cock when we beat the meat last time. What should I do? And thanks for your last response. I really would like to meet you in person. But for now, I really just can't wait to cam with you again. Somehow, watching you jerk off in the cam while watching me jerk off in the cam is really relaxing. Anyways, I'll see you on tonight hopefully. Horny for you, Derek" I sat in awe after reading this message, and could barely bring myself to make another stroke with the mouse. What the hell had I just stumbled onto? Finally I was able to shake myself out of it, or at least enough to catch the movement my dad was making down below. I quickly began rebooting all his stuff, but not before checking the last date on Derek's message. 9:42:17 am, August 7, 2008. Alex's Story Entry 3 [Part 2]: August 7 After my quick escape from my dad's home office, I zipped back into my room and slid underneath the covers. I laid very still, making sure to be extra quiet so that I could hear what my dad was doing downstairs. I could tell he was moving around because of his heavy footsteps, and a moment later I heard the door open. But my dad didn't leave. In fact, someone had come in. I peered over at my alarm clock, seeing that it was only ten to twelve. That meant Derek wasn't home yet, or mom. "Hey." I heard someone say. There voice was muffled by the distance from my room to the door, but I still couldn't recognize it. "S'about time." I heard my dad say. There was some small talk made as I tracked my father and the visitor moving across the main floor. "-I don't know, my son is home." I heard my dad speak again. The two other people in my house must've been in my dining room, because my bedroom sat right above that, and the voices were clearer now. "Derek?" I heard the foreign voice say. "No, Alex." My dad replied. There was a pause. "What kind of stuff is he into? Same as Derek?" The voice finally said. "I don't know. Probably not though." My father answered. "What? I thought you had all their computers bugged?" "I do." Dad told the now-obvious male downstairs. "But either Alex doesn't look at any pornography, or he found a way to lock me out." "The kid's fifteen right? He's gotta look at that stuff." The voice exclaimed. 'Who is dad talking to?' I thought to myself. 'And how does he know about Derek... and me?' I couldn't figure out who this mysterious voice was. I mean, he knew that my father was monitoring our computers, that I was fifteen... and that I was definitely locking up my files. Which I was. I won't deny that I've looked into the average porn site or two, I'm just very careful about it. "Whatever. I'm pretty sure he would be shocked and appalled more then pleased by what we do." My father finally answered. "Now get on that table!" Alright, my curiousity was peaked. As I heard shuffling downstairs, I sat up quickly and grabbed my cell phone off of my nightstand, quickly making my way to the door. I slipped out, my bare feet silent against the carpet of the hall and stairs. Soon I was on the main floor, slinking across the wall, flipping my cell phone open and setting it to silent. As I came through the hall, the picture I saw was more shocking then any of Derek's emails could've been. There, fully nude, was my dad. He was on the table, riding the ass another man. Tilting my head, I was able to finally see who the 'voice' was. It was my father's personal assistant, Nathan. "Err..." My dad groaned, slamming into his assistant harder. I watched for a second, before raising my cell phone and selecting the camera. With one press of a button, I was recording the image in front of me. As I peered at the scene through my cellphone, I couldn't help but admire my father. He had a more tan complexion, with thick black hair all along his back. He was a bit chubby, but not overly, giving him a 'big' look, while keeping him rather personable. Nathan on the other hand was skinny, and in shape. His short black hair and tan complexion made Nathan look close enough to be my dad's son. "Almost... there..." My dad moaned, picking up pace of his ass-spelunking. I felt my own dick grow hard, and I knew that I was gonna have to pull myself away soon if I was going to get away undetected. "H-here... I... come!" My father shouted, giving one last hard hit to Nathan and pouring his semen into him. I almost blew my own load right there. But I shook myself out of it, and stealthily backed from the room, climbing up the steps and heading back to sanctuary of my own room. 'Wow...' Was all I could think. In the past thirty minutes I found out that not only did my eldest brother like jerking off while webcaming with another man, and my dad was having an affair with his male secretary. It seems my family had a much more... 'interesting' story then I thought. When I got back into my room, I plugged my cellphone into my laptop, uploading all the footage I had just captured. 'This will definitely come in handy later...' I thought to myself. 'And now, to find this Big D...' I went online, going to a local dating site and posting an ad. From there, I checked facebook and myspace, but there wasn't any listings under "Big D". Shocker. Finally I went to Craig's list, posting an ad. Basically it just said that I was a young man looking for an older man with a "Big Dick" to cam with. I figured that would get his attention. After that I closed up my laptop, and just fiddled around on the home computer, listening to a couple of songs while I played an old computer game. I heard Nathan leave, and my dad come upstairs. He walked into my room, addressing me. "Hey Alex." My father said. "Hey dad." I replied, closing the game and spinning around in my chair to face him. "How you feeling. Your mother mentioned you weren't well, but she didn't really get to specific." My father questioned, getting right to the point. I knew he was searching for something. He must be getting cautious because of what he and Nathan just did. "To be honest, I was just a little tired." I lied to him. "Just needed some more sleep." My father frowned. "You shouldn't skip school. If I played hookey when I was your age, we wouldn't be living in this house right now." I sighed. "Your right dad." I agreed. "This is the only time. Scout's honor!" I held up my fingers in the classic cliche style, and my dad smiled in return. "All right." He said, clearly satisfied with my casual speech. My father nodded a goodbye to me, and then walked off towards his office. I let out a breath of relief after I felt safe enough to do so. I leaned back in my chair, spinning around and returning what I was doing before. I opened up my email, and saw that I had already gotten a Craig's list response. "Hey, I would love to cam with you. I am 9 inches uncut. you?" The email read. 'Me?' I thought, dragging my hand over the keyboard. 'Me am deleting you.' I snapped my finger down on the keyboard, wiping away the email. 'Good talking to you!' I said in my head. Sighing, I spent the next bit of time so watching TV. Before I knew it, it was 3:30PM and my sister came through the door. "I'm home!" Alicia called from downstairs. I sighed for the third time that day, knowing that my problems would once again have to be dealt with. I heard Alicia toeing around downstairs, obviously put off by not seeing anyone. Soon she was at my door, entering my room and closing the only exit. "Where is everyone?" My skinny blond sister asked. I didn't answer her right away, as I stopped to admire my sister. She had really grown up, her breasts perky and her hips quaint and curvacious. Her golden blond hair ran down the her midback, one part sectioned off to sit over her shoulder and roll down her front. "Hello?" My sister prodded. I blinked, my train of thought returning to reality. "What? Oh. Mom's at work still, Colin doesn't get out for fifteen minutes and Dad's in his office." I informed my sister. "And Derek?" Alicia asked. I frowned. "He's... not here." "Thank you tips!" Alicia exclaimed. "Where is he?" "I don't know. At the gym probably." I remarked. My sister nodded. "That does sound like him..." She said in a dreamy voice. A number of things came to mind that I could have tossed at her right there, but I didn't. If this new little agreement ended badly between us, there was a high chance of my little indiscretion with Colin coming to light with the family. "Listen." I commanded, getting my sister's full attention with a serious tone of voice. "We need to talk. There's something you should know." Alicia raised her eyebrows, looking at me, realizing that I was being serious. "W-what is it?" She inquired, something very close to fear hidden in her voice. "Not here. Not now." I stated, standing up and checking my clock. Mom gets home at four thirty, and Colin at four. No doubt Derek will be along sometime shortly after my mother, thus crowding the house with ears I would rather not want to listen to my conversations. "W-what?" Alicia questioned, her face draining of color. "Come on." I told her, leading the way out of my room and downstairs towards the front door. Once we were outside, we started walking down the sidewalk, headed down towards the ice rink. It was closed right now, only opening up in September of each year. "Seriously Alex, what the hell is going on?" Alicia asked me loudly. I told her to be quiet, kept walking. When we reached the ice rink, I lead the way around back. There was a set of old concrete benches that employees use to smoke on their break. I sat down on one, waiting for Alicia to follow suit. She sat next to me, waiting. Finally, she could wait no longer. "Alex!" My sister snapped. "What are we doing? Why did we have to come all the way out here to talk!?" 'Getting her aggrivated wasn't part of the plan...' I thought to myself. 'Oh well.' I took a deep breath, and looked at my sister. "I hacked Derek's computer today." I said. Alicia looked at me, waiting for more. "And..? We had to come all the way to the rink for that?" "No." I replied. "It's what I found on the computer." "Okay..." Alicia responded skeptically. "What did you find?" I took one deep breath, and then came out with it. "Derek's gay." I told her bluntly. To be continued... Author's Notes: I know you guys must be pretty disappointed. Including this part, all of Entry 3 hasn't had Alex involved in any incestous events. But I'm leading up to something, and I believe that every series needs a slow point to prepare the readers for a better outcome. Please, keep on reading, and keep on writing! Contact me at: