Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2001 15:28:09 -0400 From: C. E. Jordan Subject: ELI AND EVA 2 ELI AND EVA c.e. Copyright by c.e. Jordan (from E&E 1) As he spoke in hesitant, but precise English, a few locks of hair fell over his face obscuring his eyes; impulsively, Eva reached up and pushed them back brushing her fingers against his face. Instantly mortified at her boldness with a boy she barely knew, she blushed. But Hans just smiled, then mused solemnly, "My hair does that a lot, maybe it's time to cut it." Alarmed, Eli blurted out, "No, no...don't, it''s beautiful, don't cut it." "O.k. If you say so, then I won't." And Hans laughed again because this time both twins blushed. _____________________ ELI AND EVA 2 After arranging for Hans to come over to their house the next afternoon, the twins headed home. As usual they were alone. Helga, a stout, efficient matron with a cloud of short, fuzzy, grey hair and a permanent air of preoccupation, was their new maid whom they ignored, and who generally ignored them. She left a note scribbled in English taped to the refrigerator door: dinner was in the oven and she would not be working tomorrow, something about having a dentist's appointment. The children had no idea where their father might be; he pretty much ignored them too. Leaving the dinner untouched, they decided to have a snack instead: chocolate milk and what was left of a delicious, crumbly, cheesecake. They went to Eli's room which they were sharing temporarily. Repairs were still being done on the east side of the house where both Eva's room and a guest room were located. They sat on beds opposite each other with paper-plates on their laps and milk glasses on the floor beside them. Suddenly, Eli started laughing and pointing. The foamy chocolate milk had made a neat brown Charlie Chaplin mustache on his sister's upper lip. "You look so funny E." "What?...Why?" Instead of replying, Eli walked over and sat next to the bewildered girl. He put an arm around her, leaned over as if to whisper an answer, but impulsively licked the sweet mustache from her lips. Eva blinked, startled for a moment, but the warm, wet tongue on her lips felt--interesting, nice. A rush of embarrassment mixed with excitement caused them to break into an uncontrollable fit of giggles. Caught up in the lightheaded tomfoolery, Eva set her plate down on the floor and attacked. "Oh stop E., pleeease stop . . ." cried Eli, wriggling, laughing, and twisting about as the girl's busy fingers relentlessly teased and tickled the sensitive places under his arms and at his narrow waist. They tumbled onto Eva's bed as they wrestled playfully together. Subsiding, they lay with their slender limbs entwined. "I guess you got your revenge." Eli whispered, still panting a bit. "I sure did." "We should get up now." "Yeah, we should." But neither of them moved. The twins were perplexed yet strangely comforted by their sudden intimacy. Cascading from the bed where Eli lay on his back, the yellow bedspread with its busy pattern of tiny flowers formed a bright heap on the floor. Eva sprawled face down, her body resting partially atop her brother. In their roughhousing the girl's short, bleached denim skirt had bunched up almost to the waist uncovering a small tight rump. Her slim left thigh was caught between Eli's jean-clad legs. Slowly moving her left arm to rest a hand lightly on his shoulder, she sighed and buried her face into the soft, downy nook between Eli's neck and shoulder. His heart beat fast. The boy made an attempt to rise but Eva's body went rigid, her hand clutched at his shoulder and she pressed down on him. Eli relaxed. Lying there, he could feel a warm breeze rush in the open window and push at his hair. He heard the intermittent purr of a car engine close by, the distant beat of unfamiliar music, and from a great way off, the faint rising wail of a child crying. Not so long ago, they were oblivious to their physical state as individuals; they ran and jumped; they ate, played, and went to the bathroom. But change is constant--relentless. Given the prevailing emotional turbulence within their family, the children had to work out for themselves this unanticipated differentiation; this assertion of their physical bodies from within their own claustrophobic relationship. Eli understood instinctively how much they needed each other if they were to remain whole. To his great disgust, Eli felt one tear escape the corner of his eye. Quickly wiping it away, he thought of the times he found himself struggling away from the seductive embrace of that peculiar emptiness which had claimed their mother. Only the vital and positive attitude children have to life sustained his carefree facade and kept him from the abyss. He even had a name for it: `The Big Nothing'. Eli sensed in his sister their inherited fragility. There were times--odd, unresponsive moments, when the burgeoning darkness threatened to snuff out the fluctuating light in her eyes. He was frightened for them both. `The Big Nothing' had got his mother, but he wasn't ever going to let it get Eva, not if he could help it. He'd never be like Dad, that's for sure! His cold father abandoned his children as surely as he had abandoned his wife. Overwhelmed by a series of un-nameable emotions---swift anger, and something like hate, Eli quit thinking. He felt Eva move slightly. Unbidden, another sensation invaded his young body. Lately, no matter what he was doing, it lurked there just below the surface, urgent, insistent, like constant hunger. It demanded delightful, unknowable things of him. He was barely a teenager and the driven, polymorphous nature of human need, that ache of confusing desires was largely beyond his comprehension, but still it threatened to sweep him away. Could it be that his twin had these same feelings? Eli closed his arms protectively around Eva and began gently stroking her hair. Turning his head he encountered a delicate curve of pink exposed ear. He brushed his lips against it. Eva made a sound or said something he didn't understand, but stayed where she was. Amidst this sensual lethargy, the girl became aware of a quickening where her leg lay bare at Eli's crotch. Puzzled, she pressed tighter against him only to feel the lump grow and harden. Then, deliberately, she moved hard against the boy causing him to groan softly. It was fascinating, this new power of hers. She smiled and turned her head towards him. Eli looked into his sister's eyes, the clear blue had darkened as if hiding some unfathomable mystery. Tenderly, his fingers caressed the angelic face that was so like his own reflection. Long hair, silver and pale gold flowed together around their faces now only an inch apart. "You got a boner!" Eva stage-whispered, abruptly breaking the mood. The children were seized by another onslaught of the giggles at the naughty word. When they were quiet again Eva said wistfully, "I can't wait `till Hans comes tomorrow, I'm so glad we met him." "Yeah, he seems real nice." That night Eva's collection of teddy bears found refuge on Eli's bed, while he slept wrapped up in the protective warmth of his sister's tight embrace. (to be continued)