Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2008 09:08:28 -0400 From: Magnolia Blossom Subject: 'It Was The Year 1847' Final Chapter Daddy, I mean Carl, and I engaged in every sex act, every position, known to man, EXCEPT anal. We came near trying that. Carl stuck his big finger in his mouth and got it wet and rimmed my puckerhole with his wet finger. He laughingly asked, " Is it alright if I get your ass cherry with my finger ? I couldn't even get the head of my cock in that tight virgin ass without some lubrication on it. " "Not now, Sweetheart, " I responded. " I'm totally bushed, but well sated. Let's save THAT adventure for a later time." I was so tired that the only kiss I could muster up was a peck on his cheek. We fell asleep in each others arms, not giving a thought to my missing brother. I was suddenly awakened with cries of, "Mr. Carl, Mr. Carl, we found your boy, wake up Mr. Carl !!!! I struggled awake, thinking that I was dreaming, but the first pale light of dawn was peeping into our wagon. I recognized the voice as Mr. Bartholomew's. I hurriedly opened the door flap in our wagon, and asked, "What do you mean that you've 'found' my brother ? Where did you find him ? " " Miss Annie, I better tell Mr. Carl first. You're a delicate lady, maam." Carl rose from our pallet and joined me at the door flap. " Please step outta your wagon, Mr. Carl, and set down on your step here. I have some terrible news to give you." Mr Bartholomew was visibly shaken. My Daddy, Carl, sat down on the step and said, " O.K. Mr. Bartholomew, spit it out !!!! " "Well Lord help us, Mr. Carl, but my boy was out hunting bright and early this morning, and God help us, he found your boy hanging from a tall tree limb. It looks like he fashioned a noose outta a rope, got up on his horse, tightened the noose 'round his neck and kicked his horse so it'd run out from under him. I'm so sorry Mr. Carl, Miss Annie." 'Wait up Mr. Bartholomew, let me get my clothes on and I'd be much obliged if you'd take me there." "I'm going, too, Carl, " I said to him as we both pulled our clothes on. "I don't think you should, Annie. It won't be a pretty sight. I've seen hangings before. But if you insist, let's go." We all walked the 500 feet or so, and by the time we got there, the men had already cut my brother down, had his body lying on the ground, his face covered with his own black coat. Carl, knelt by his son's lifeless body and gently cradled him in his arms. With a wail of pure anguish, Carl cried out, " My son, my son, WHY did you do this ??? " and he rocked back and forth as he moaned. One of the men approached Carl, twisting his hat in his hands, and spoke quietly, "Mr. Carl, your horse was standing just a ways over there, and we found your son's Bible in one of the saddle bags There's a note tucked inside. I'm mighty sorry for your loss, Mr. Carl, Miss Annie." He stepped back and another man stepped forward and handed Carl his son's Bible. I took Carl by the arm, "Let's go back to our wagon so you can read my brothers' note in private." In a slow procession, 4 men carrying my brothers' body followed us back to our wagon. We sat on the step to our wagon and pulled my brothers' note from the Bible. With trembling hands, my father opened the note. It read: **************************************** 'My father, do not blame yourself for what I have done. It is totally my doing. I knew that even with a merciful God, I could never get forgiveness for engaging in an incestuos affair with my own flesh and blood, you my father. Taking my own life will be my punishment, and though I will rot in Hell, it will be far better than living with the guilt that bears heavy on me every day and night. I have been in torment for too long. Please give my sister, Annie, a hug for me and tell her that I am deeply ashamed for the horrible names I called her. It was done in a fit of anger. Ask her to forgive me. And for what it's worth, I give you my blessing for your new life together. Your son, Lee Alexander Mills **************************************** Carl and I softly wept in each others arms, until some of our fellow travelers approached us, bringing our supper meal. As those kind folks placed their food on our outside table, each man removed his hat and briefly bowed his head, and each woman curtsied. Mr. Bartholomew approached Carl and I and said in a solemn voice, " Mr. Carl, Miss Annie, some of the other travelers and myself have made plans to bury your son and brother, and if you approve, we'll get started on it tonight, sir, We have a shroud that we'll put Mr. Lee in, after the women folk have bathed him, and I have a right nice wooden box I made that I'm bringing along with us. I'd be mighty proud if you'd give me the honor of using it to bury your beloved son in, Mr. Carl." " I 'm humbled to accept your kind offer. Maybe some day, Mr. Bartholomew, I will be able to repay you for all your kindness and generosity in this hour of grief of mine and Annie's. As Carl and I lay naked in each others arms arms that night, the moonlight illuminating our wagon through the open door flap, he said to me, "My beloved 'wife', I take that beautiful full moon as a good omen for the rest of our journey and our new life together. Lee is gone forever, his remains will stay buried here on the bank of the Platt River. He will always be a memory in our hearts. But, for right now, woman of mine, I need some of that fine pussy of yours, I want this hard cock of mine deep inside that your tight Love Box, so spread your legs, HERE I COME !!!! " After 10 long, grueling, at times treacherous months we reached Oregon. Carl and got our land grant, and made plans for our log cabin. By this time the fact that Carl and I were father and daughter had almost faded from our minds. No one there knew about it, and Carl and I were married on June 15, 1848. Lee, Carl's son and my brother will lie forever back on the bank of the Platt River, but, if this baby I carry inside me is a boy, he will be called Alex, after his uncle, Lee Alexander Mills. THE END