Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 15:09:00 +1000 From: The Pin Subject: Park views Part 24 Irene, that was the little red head's name, she was here along with Fiona, Julie AND that young boy we'd befriended - these things seemed to all hit at once I'd noticed, however my daughter was well catered for - she was over with Irene's Mum. Already my mind was turning to the issue of that evening's sleeping arrangements, then I relaxed for experience had shown that these things really took care of themselves, no matter what you planned...circumstances took over and this weekend would be no exception, of that I was certain. It had gone quiet, and I had only just noticed it - most unusual, then the giggles, a guffaw from the boy, more giggles, sniggers. Curious, I followed the sounds to my computer room, three girls and a boy were avidly scanning the screen, noticing me in the doorway Julie called "We've found these funny, this one 'I'm 22 years old 6'2", solid built...abse, pecs...12" uncut'...oh my God! And the others, most all the same and they all find these blue eyed golden haired boys in locker rooms, spit on their hands and shove their huge thingies up them to 'pound away'.." Intrigued, I noticed that it was our male visitor who was the most carried away, he was near speechless with mirth. Shaking my head, I wandered off for some more rest and relaxation until, perhaps half an hour later - more sounds. A boy, calling out in pain, or so it seemed, I jumped up and ran towards the sounds. Oh my God! On arrival, I found them, two girls holding him down while a third - Fiona - judiciously wielded the dildo. I couldn't be certain but it seemed I'd last seen the implement in young Irene's fingers, in her bedroom. The boy was naked. To my relief he seemed to be going along with it and as I watched he began to giggle and his hips to undulate...Fiona knew what she was doing of course and catching sight of me he called out "They decided to do it to me like in the stories...but they hadn't one big enough...hooray! And Fiona didn't spit on it, they nicked some of your lotion.....I rather like it look from...there?" I thought it looked a bit of all right actually, in fact I felt myself hardening as I watched, the three girls were amused but with it I could tell, things would take a serious turn and sure enough, a mute whisper - and a change over, Julie took over and began to angle the dildo this way and that, the boy quietened too for it was obvious that he had begun to concentrate on the pleasure, his hips began to bounce....after a while I saw his knuckles whiten as hands clenched, Julie knew all about prostates and he was fair game, I caught her sly glance as she made a calculated thrust - and he twitched - she resumed normal strokes until, another thrust, she was toying with the boy I could tell but for how long? He was no longer amused, this was now pure pleasure where he was concerned and he was abandoning himself to the she caught my glance, Julie grasped the hem of her top with one hand and pulled it up under her armpits, she posed with tummy in and nipples outthrust, all for my benefit, but for the boy there was no interruption. Then he started to cum, a gasp and a sob, quick panting...then he shook and shook....the novelty of it all, the audience, all must have added to his excitement, bouncing back a few more times the dildo slid deep between his buttocks, then she held it there as he convulsed around the implement. After a while he gasped thanks then "Thank God, it wasn't in one of those locker rooms and at least, you know what you're doing!" Throughout this I'd noticed Irene round-eyed, she'd been fascinated no end and of course, it would have been new to her....both Julie and Fiona, well they'd been buggered, thoroughly buggered at various times and for them well, watching was a turn on but there was little novelty value in it for them - after all they'd even watched as I took him down on the beach. So, in the nature of things, eyes turned questioningly to Irene, they wanted her reaction...and were curious. The girl was obviously excited, aroused even, Julie tested the water "Did you see how much he enjoyed that? You know, if it is done carefully, you've heard of the 'G' spot haven't you? Well" nodding over at me "he can make us cum from back there, can't he Fiona?" Fiona was looking expectant, she merely simpered and nodded probably a bit peeved because she'd guessed who would be next in line....but Julie continued "He was very careful though, he took his time and when he came in, we were ready, it does hurt at first but you learn to relax...then its...well, yummy! You know something, we want to see you...without your pants..." Irene was aroused yet bewildered by the attention, with a girl either side she found shorts down around her knees, next they began divesting her of her top and as they did so I noticed hands begin to stray, Fiona was particularly taken by the swelling breasts and began fingering her nipples, soon the girl had Julie's fingers sliding at her lips, they came away glistening, happily I was told "Ooooh, wow she's wet, you can't waste this can you now....we've got the stuff too?" Of course I hadn't planned anything of the sort, once again the girls had seemingly taken over and here I was expected to initiate the little red head in the joys of anal intercourse, to make it worse, even the boy was looking expectant! It was as I checked her that I noticed it, the calculating look...and before I could make up my mind, she'd seized the lubricant - and began applying it to herself, directing a slow dreamy smile at me as she did so. As she finished, she caressed her glistening buttocks, then proffered them to me "Mmmmm, sounds good to me, how's this then....just here, let me help....there...that feels nice so, when you're ready, gentle, gentle, now...wait, now....uh! Oh, yes, how's that feel.....slowly, slowly, wait, wait...there...and - you're in! Wondering how? I've cheated, of course I have...used that dildo and you aren't 12" uncut (thank God) and this is so much nicer than a locker room, I'm being buggered in front of my friends too!" It wasn't that easy, she was tight, very tight as was to be expected, but her bravado had also helped carry it off, she wasn't going to admit to pain in front of the others and for my part, I was cautious not to inflict it so rather than 'pounding away' as in the fairy tales, I gently took my pleasure. As her buttocks received my shaft, I reached around between her legs, felt for the liquid, then happily sniffed my fingers....the two girls followed my example, eyebrows raised both began feeling her 'down there', then the boy joined in. I swear a red head's vaginal juices are aphrodisiac for what happened soon after....well I suppose "orgy" best describes it, I watched on as I continued to service the blushing pink buttocks beneath me, so tight....and that 'G' spot now...the little darling was expecting it....oh the joys of proxy fatherhood, and around me - it was bedlam!