Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 06:08:46 -0700 (PDT) From: Eric Blank Subject: Paul's Coming Out Chapter 32 The following work of fiction is just that, fiction, none of the acts performed nor the characters encountered are real. If reading this is illegal in your area, please read at your own caution. The author does not recommend or endorse the illegal touching of minors or performing any other illegal act and if you can't appreciate the difference between reality and fantasy please don't read! To those who can appreciate and understand and are of legal age to read such material, by all means enjoy and your comments are welcome. ****************************************************************************** Paul boarded the plane quietly, he was not lost in thought, he was simply comfortable in his own skin now. Confidence oozed from him and he could tell by the way people had been interacting with him others could sense it too. "If I had only taken the chance years ago, so much time wasted, I won't waste any more time now though." Paul sat back in his seat and closed his eyes, this plane trip was the final step for him to take and he was excited to close this chapter of his life. Once he had unboarded the plane Paul headed straight home, he had been emailing back and forth with his wife and he told her that they needed to talk tonight and she said she would make sure to be home early for him. Paul felt a deep sense of loss, but he wasn't saddened by it, he simply felt as though this was the natural result of the way things had to be and as painful as they might be the alternative was far worse, for both him and his wife. Pulling up to the house Paul could see lights on inside and knew that his wife was home, it struck him suddenly that he hadn't really given much consideration to his wife's response to his decision, before his newfound self awareness her response would have been all he had considered. Opening the door his wife walked from the kitchen to greet him, she had a palpable air about her, he could feel her anxiety as she kissed him hello. Paul went to the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat down at the table. Paul's wife had papers spread across the table and she began to collect the papers and put them in a pile. Paul watched her as she moved, oddly the once graceful, almost forceful movements that had always fascinated and often times intimidated him seemed lost, she was nervous and harried as she gathered her things. Paul reached out and grabbed her hand, squeezing it firmly yet still gently, in a loving reassuring way. Paul looked deep into her eyes and he could sense her emotions as her eyes seemed filled with confusion and fear. Finally Paul began to speak, softly, calmly yet without any hint of uncertainty. "I've been thinking a lot lately, baby." She looked up at him and he saw no sense of the self assured lawyer he had lived with for the past decade. "We haven't lived as a happy couple for quite some time now, you have been so busy working on your career and I put myself aside because I thought that's what you needed. I don't want to be put aside anymore." "What do you mean?" she asked a hint of tremble in her voice. "What I mean is when we were married I loved your sense of purpose, I loved how in control you always were. I was amazed at all the things you knew, all the things you were so amazing at doing. Over the years my amazement slowly turned to resentment. I hated being "your husband" when we went to office stuff together. I hated how over time what seemed like you being in control of you turned into you being in control of us. I don't think it's your fault, I let it happen, I chose to just go along with what you were doing because you seemed so sure of it, but in letting that happen I began to lose myself. Over the past few months though I have begun to find myself, this new job at work has really opened my eyes to what I can do, and I've done a ton of soul searching to find what and who I am and want to be." "I don't know what you're getting at Paul, what are you saying?" her tone was short and quick, it was the tone he had heard for years, the one that had always made him back down and stay quiet. "What I'm saying is I can't be Mr. You anymore, we haven't lived like I think a husband and wife should live for years and I'm finally going to follow my dreams now. I love you; I truly, truly love you. But I am no longer in love with you. I am going to move out tonight and I want a divorce." There was no palpable change in his wife's face, years of being a lawyer had taught her how to hide the things she didn't want an opponent to see, but Paul could see she was still shaken. "Do you think it's just that easy? We built a life together Paul, how can you just decide in a moment you want to leave. Why didn't you ever bring this up before? Are you cheating on me?" "I have been cheating myself for the past several years, I have been miserable and you knew it, but we both carried on because that's what we did, and I'm telling you I'm not going to do it anymore. The life we built wasn't mine, and it hasn't even felt like ours for so damn long I can't even tell you. Am I cheating on you? Yes, I have been, I'm not proud of it, but I'm not ashamed of it either." "What's her name Paul, I know how you men get as you get older, you found a younger model to make you feel like a man?" She said her voice deep into a cold harsh tone that used to make Paul cower; now it simply annoyed him. "Their names aren't important, what is important is that I want you to have everything we built together, because really you built it and you deserve it." "Their? There's more than one? Aren't you the fucking stud, have you surrounded yourself with some little computer groupies Paul?" "I have surrounded myself with people who are like me, and baby, you haven't been like me since we married, in fact I'm not even sure you have liked me since we married. I did not fly back here to have an ugly fight; there is no point in saying goodbye in a way we both would wish we hadn't later on. I owed you the respect to talk to you in person, to let you ask me what you wanted to know, but I didn't come back to fight, there's nothing left to fight for. I am going to gather my clothes, grab my computer and leave tonight. The house is yours, and whatever is in the joint account is yours as well, I don't want anything more from you than to let me go." "I could fuck you over more ways than you could count you bastard. Do you really think I'm going to let you just walk out on me?!" "Yes, you are, because there's nothing I want from you and there is nothing you can do to me. Let me go, you are so busy with your job are you even going to notice I'm not here? Have you even missed me these past few months? Of course you haven't, we've been divorced for years and I'm just making it official. You draw up the papers and I will send you my address to mail them and I will sign them. I am not angry with you, and I understand if you're angry with me, but I don't think either one of us even has that right anymore, we gave that up when we started living our separate lives years ago." Paul never wavered, his voice was calm, gentle yet firm and his intention was clear, his wife would not be able to bully him back from his decision. "So, I will answer anything you want, within reason, but honey, if either of us were really interested in us as a couple wouldn't we already have asked the questions?" "How can you do this Paul, you never told me you were unhappy, you never said a fucking thing!" "I can do this because I have a life, and until lately never had the balls to want to live it, I chose to try to live your life and I can't anymore, I don't want to be just your husband. I had things I loved before I loved you and somehow they all went away, I mean look around you, look at our house, is there anything here that even begins to look or feel like me? No, you chose the decorations, you picked the color of the walls, the carpets and you bought the furniture to match the colors you chose. I don't even exist here, and I'm tired of it, I deserve better and I'm going to get what I deserve." Paul could see that the fear that had been evident in his wife's eyes had now turned into fury and he could feel her overwhelming desire to verbally attack him growing. Paul felt no such desire, and he felt no fear of his wife's will to win. "I want to know, who is she, who is taking my place Paul, because that's what you're doing, just looking for someone else to leech off of. I know you, I've watched you sit back and let me do everything while you didn't have to do anything. I worked my ass off so you could what, go play, fuck you Paul, I could do better, I can have a man who is willing to fight for what he wants, isn't afraid to be with a competent strong woman." "Maybe you didn't hear me, I told you, I have not replaced you with one woman, in fact I haven't replaced you at all, because I don't want another wife. I want to live the way I want to live, I want to be free and not be tied to some kind of emotional prison. I have been having sex with other people, I've been doing that for years, but that isn't enough, I simply decided it was time to take control of my life. And honestly, when I'm gone, you will probably find out you will be happier too, because you won't feel tied down to me, if you ever did. So have I been cheating on you? I definitely have, with men and women, and I will not allow myself to ever be tied down again. I don't blame you, I asked you to marry me, and I was on top of the world when you said yes and I loved trying to make you happy. But after years I needed something else, and I've come to find I needed to be me, and I can't be me and be married to you and live this life anymore. I've never wanted to hurt you, and you know that, but I have to make this right, and pretending things are ok when they aren't isn't helping anyone, sneaking around for a quick fuck isn't the solution, I can't be me and be married to you anymore, so I'm going to take my life back, and I think someday you will realize that I'm giving yours back to you as well." "You've been fucking men? Great! Now I need to get an aids test, I need to get a full panel of tests because you can't keep your cock in your pants." "I'm disease free; I've been tested just this month, so you don't need to over react. Yes I've been having sex with men, and do you know what? I've loved it, I love sucking a big fat cock, and when I want having it slide deep up my ass. Is that what you wanted to hear? Do you really want details, you don't, but at least now you don't have to blame yourself because this was something you, or any woman, could ever offer me. I want to live the way I want to live." Paul stood up, his posture and his tone indicating he was done with this discussion. Paul reached out to his wife who was now sobbing. Paul pulled her to him and held her close, she could feel the peace of mind and serenity from him and it soothed her. She had known that the love between them had long since left, and she had also known that if he hadn't broken things off, very soon she would have, she had felt burdened by her husband's lack of direction and motivation for some time and was slightly upset that she hadn't ended things first, in her mind she had done everything else for the couple, ending things should have been her right. Paul headed up to the bedroom and began piling clothes on the bed for him to take with him. He wasn't taking much, but he would be taking most of those. Once Paul had packed his clothes he headed downstairs and packed up his computer in its case. Paul had a traveling case for his tower as he had once had to bring it into the office from time to time. When he had packed everything up he placed his things by the door and called a cab, he had decided his wife could sell the car if she wanted, he would be able to buy one later if he found the need. Unbeknownst to his wife, Paul had sorted away a very substantial sum of money, he began slowly at first, as a personal emergency fund should his wife ever decide to leave, but with his new job and significant increase in pay he was able to put together a very sizeable sum of money and he had already planned how to use it. Paul found his wife working upstairs and tried to give her one last hug but she refused without word. She continued to try to work despite his presence and he turned and headed downstairs to wait for the cab. The cab came shortly after he headed downstairs and Paul and the cab driver loaded his belongings into the van he requested. On the drive to the airport Paul called a telephone number of a place in Denver he had visited. After asking for Jerry he simply told Jerry to go ahead and complete his purchase he would see Jerry the next day to sign some papers and give delivery instructions. On the drive to the airport after getting off the phone with Jerry Paul texted Natalie and John and Susan with the words "I'm coming home." Paul piled all of his bags onto a cart at the airport and headed to the counter to buy the ticket to his new life. If it was possible he felt even lighter than he had when he left John's house. Paul bought the first available flight back to Denver, which was early enough that he would have the opportunity to meet with Jerry. Once he had checked his bags he phoned Jerry and asked if he could swing by and finalize their deal. Paul also made one more call, this time to John's friend Greg and asked if Greg would pick him up at the airport and take him over to Jerry which he gladly agreed to do. Paul went over the a bar close to the terminal where his flight would board and waited until it was time. Paul boarded his plane when it was called and during the process never looked back at anything; his mind was focused purely on his future. Once Paul landed he grabbed his stuff and headed to where Greg asked him to meet him. Paul barely recognized Julie as he approached but images of their time together began to stream through his mind and he hugged her and kissed her cheek as she led him to where Greg was waiting. Paul watched her as she climbed into the van, the mini skirt she wore rode up revealing her juicy pussy and ass with dark red hand prints freshly made on her right asscheek. Paul climbed into the van after loading up his bags and once seated notice Greg's throbbing hard cock as Julie began to stroke it. Greg, for his part was taking a hit off a joint he was rolling when Paul was loading the van up. Greg and Julie passed the joint between them as Greg headed down the highway into the city. Paul watched as Julie's hand expertly worked her husband's cock while he drove. Occasionally Paul would watch her free hand plunge between her legs and she would feed her husband her taste as he hungrily lapped her juice from her fingers. Greg pulled up where Paul had asked him to take him. Paul climbed out of the van and headed into the office. Finding Jerry was easy as he was the only employee left. "So Paul, looks like things worked out for you?" "Sure did Jerry, I really want to thank you for staying, I wasn't sure I would be in town in time but I'd like to hit the road as quickly as possible. Did you have any problems with the financing?" "None at all sir, everything went through no problem, so if you would just fill out these forms we can go ahead and get you taken care of." Paul noticed Jerry's voice trailing off and looked up at him looking out the window in the direction of Greg's van; Paul smiled wondering what the couple in the van might be doing to attract his attention. 30 minutes later Paul had filled out all the paperwork he had Jerry prepare for him and the two men headed out towards the lot where Paul's brand new RV waited for him. As the men walked and Jerry listed the things the dealer had provided in his model free of charge Paul could still see Jerry's eyes wandering back to the van. Paul smiled as they approached his new purchase. Paul bought one of the larger more fully loaded models because he hadn't decided whether he would permanently build at the ranch or not in the near future. Paul had entertained the idea of taking his new home on the road from time to time as situations and opportunities might arise. Jerry took Paul through the RV showing him the different feature and explaining how to find certain things and how others operated, Paul however was thinking Jerry had a nice ass and he'd love to eat it. Once Jerry was finished Paul led him out of the RV and closed the door behind him. Paul sat behind the wheel of his new behemoth and the thought occurred to him he'd never driven any kind of truck before, he hoped he would be able to handle this. Paul pulled up next to Greg's van and told him to follow him. Paul drove down the street and tried to locate a park his satellite navigation system had directed him to. Paul managed to park his monster and was exiting as Greg and Julie pulled up. When Greg had parked Paul invited them to check out the vehicle while he loaded up his bags and moved them into the bedroom area of the RV. By the time Paul had unloaded Greg's van and loaded his things up in the RV Greg had already taken his pants off and Julie was sucking his cock in the main area. Paul began to take his clothes off and get on his knees beside Julie. Julie giggled and simply passed her husband's penis over towards Paul who quickly swallowed it. "Yeah baby, suck that big cock" Julie cooed. Paul worked on Greg's throbbing cock while Julie began to stroke his. "You gonna fuck me with this big cock baby?" she whispered in his ear. Paul sucked Greg for a little while more until Julie moaned out to be fucked. Paul moved from Greg and positioned himself behind her. Paul grabbed her asscheeks and spread them open; leaning down his tongue began to run rings around her sweet brown rim. When Paul had gotten Julie's asshole nice and wet he pressed his cockhead against her asslips and pushed gently. Julie's ass parted willingly for him and soon he was sliding every inch of his cock inside her. Greg had moved and was watching and encouraging Paul to fuck Julie hard. Paul gripped Julie's hips and pulled her back onto his cock as he thrust himself inside her. Their bodies slapping together hard and loud. Paul pounded Julie's ass for quite some time while Greg alternated between fucking Paul's throat and playing cheerleader to the assfucking in front of him. After fucking Julie to orgasm Paul soon prepared himself for his own. Paul's fucking quickened and his strokes became quicker and shorter and soon he buried himself in Julie and let his hot cum fill her hungry ass. Greg had started fucking Julie's mouth and soon was filling her with his own cum as she moaned and purred from the fucking she had just received. The three collapsed on the couch in the main area of the RV and just relaxed as the feel of raw sex flowed through their veins. After some time Julie and Greg started to dress and offer their thanks and goodbye's to Paul saying they wanted to finish what they had started at home. Paul kissed each of them good bye and thanked them for their help in picking up and breaking in the new RV. Once Julie and Greg had left Paul hopped behind the wheel of the RV started it up and headed out to a porn shop he had looked up. Paul had to park the RV in a lot next to the shop as he doubted his ability to guide the vehicle around the small parking lot. Paul dressed quickly and headed into the shop. Paul wasted no time once inside the store; he headed over to where there was a sizeable quantity of lingerie for men and picked out several pairs of very small very tight lycra thongs. Once he had picked out his favorites he paid the cashier and walked back to the RV completely oblivious of the very large bulge in his pants. The ride up to the ranch seemed to take forever and no time to Paul, he felt a freedom and excitement he had not felt in a very long time, he was free now, and things would never be the same.