Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 14:55:07 -0500 From: Tom Emerson Subject: THE TARZAN MUSHROOM HUNTERS - BOOK I THE TARZAN MUSHROOM HUNTERS by R. Forbes Emerson (Bi-ped, inc., rom.) BOOK I One freaky thing, and my life is pretty full of them, is that you know so much more about me than I know about myself. Anything is possible. You search in vain for any reference to me, or I'm universally known. A non-option is a dearth of immortality; my readership is way over a million at this point, so obscurity isn't in the game plan. Yes, I will be read a hundred years from now; yes, I will be read until the end of civilization, but to what degree? Still passed from archive to archive under the table? Or as a literary inspiration who strongly and immediately influenced untold readers and writers. A political force? I would assume my anti-Semitism, would, a, eliminate me from consideration, or, b, eliminate me. A bit late, I'm afraid; the message is a million strong, spreading at the rate of tens of thousands of new readers each seven days. Since I'm everything else in my one man band, pony show, and fan club I might as well take on the role of apologist. I'm sorry for the ten hours in each day that I don't work. Now that I'm back on pot and tobacco, I promise to cut down. I don't believe I've begun a novel with and essay before. Might be an idea to keep it short. My Belezian outpost of Dangriga has an FM station, Power Mix, that uses Compact Discs. Whatever their virtues, these music sources deteriorate rapidly under studio use, and they're not like vinyl, off of which a song can still be enjoyed through the pops and clicks. No sir, when a disk goes bad it makes weird noises and skips all over the place; becomes almost invariably unlistenable, even if it's Marty Robbins. Spinning platters, many of which you're entirely sick of, in a radio studio is not glamorous work. It may be easy to say Take extra good care of the disks, but it's a rough mandate to enforce twenty-four/seven. Compact disks cost seventeen dollars. They should be produced to a high standard of scratch and wear resistance. Otherwise, dolts of the universe, people will stop buying them. And another severe warning to you cable operators. I've been off the wire since the end of May. I do not miss it. In Dangriga we get about seventy channels for twenty US dollars a month, including seven or eight premium channels, and even pricey pay-per-view programming from time to time. The fee is twenty dollars, as I said. My income is two thousand dollars. It is not worth it. I get more pleasure from a good one hour raggae jam on FM than I do from a month of cable. As an eight year, eighteen-hour-a-day veteran of the medium, granted, with the sound Off most of the time, I've seen James Burke, Morse and the better programming of the documentary channels time and again, leaving "Law and Order", "Drew Carey" and a sparse handful of theatrical productions as rare bright spots amongst the numbing mediocrity of most programming and the horrific trash peddled to the kids. As I go, so goes the nation, all my life. I love popular things. To this day I can show you where I saw my first '56 Chevy coupe. It was gray and white with Lakes pipes. I was alive and well at the dawn of the CB craze, and in '84 and `85 wrote an eleven-hundred page novel on a Brother electronic typewrite with a 4K memory and a Commodore 64 with a cassette drive, to name two examples. A Modern Millie with the money for cameras, airplanes, a '66 Corvair Corsa turbo convertible (Honduras maroon w/tan top), stereo systems, and related gadgets. If cable television, at a cost of one percent of my income, has all but entirely lost its appeal to me, guess who's next. In my first youth a man became famous for calling television a Vast Wasteland. It is a hideous, foreign glob, largely valueless, perched tenuously on an economic pin, and causing one to wonder how long the adjective, `vast', will apply. May those who bring suffering on themselves, suffer. Am I an expert in this field? More than half, I guess. Here's something I know, based on professional experience, and that is that most musical recordings leave you wondering Why anyone bothered. As a bright young continuity director for a medium market AM/FM, Television, outlet, one of my jobs was to play the slush pile. The hundred or more records that arrived in the mail. Fool that I was, I volunteered for the job, to George Hale's definite amusement. The procedure was to listen to the first fifteen seconds, then place the needle in the middle and listen to another fifteen seconds. I gave up after two thousand or so, earning respect for my perseverance. We never rotated a single `platter', never even played one. And these were Columbia, Decca, Mercury and all the major labels, as well as home-brew; music that would sound fine at a club in the Catskills or on the Cape, but simply didn't record. It may be okay to disobey the bible, but one in broadcasting disregards Billboard at suicidal risk. I tie this to all the pissing and moaning by artists who badmouthed Napster. And yes, there are so great niche performers, (raggae, for example), but by and very large, the reason their records do not sell is that their records are not good. They play, but they don't sing. If you don't believe me, call George Hale. Does he have a job for you! I'm wandering into this story because I've already written it. Eaten by a virus, year-of-our-lord, 2002. The true horror of losing copy for any reason is that the re-write always comes out better. Extend this logic very far, and one becomes unpublishable. Does this mean I'm hoping for no more attacks? Ah, how nice that we're starting on the same page. It's the one with the blue 1977 Chevrolet Caprice Classic station wagon winding up an Appalachian mountainside. The driver is Reverend Alex Christopher. As he steers out of a switchback turn posted for fifteen miles an hour at fifty he trods the gas and smokes the tires a hundred feet up the next incline. "Sin for the trip; can't leave home without one," Alex said. Kit Allen grinned. The preacher wasn't exactly stuffy, and he'd had as no less than five times before the man acknowledged the crate engine in the Chevy wagon had gone a little seven hundred horsepower at the rear wheels. That Alex had been ignorant enough to think, even as a clergyman, he could run something like that, incognito, in the heart of NASCAR country demonstrated that Harvard University was no end-all, be-all when it came to education. In moments they were back to the posted limit. Hitting wildlife at high speed might be merciful, from one point of view, but neither Alex nor his thirteen year old friend was broad-minded enough to appreciate the nicety. Swerve and roll was not survivable in the area. "There must be secret goings-on in a town as isolated as Hastings," the minister said. "I did a lot of work in rural New England after I was ordained. A few people in Epping, Vermont, thought I was the devil's disciple, but in spite of that I was able to set a lot of people straight about a lot of things to do with morality and personal behavior. "The rules are a skeleton. They make a certain sense and provide an important framework. But a skeleton moves, flexes, takes each step, individually, and takes days off. Working within a framework of considerable tolerance and two killings, I left a happy place. "So," Alex continued, "I wanted to ask you, flat out, about what's going on in Hastings, so rumors don't start spreading and I end up with a reputation of being insidious. That kind of things makes people cop attitudes and attitudes can interfere with weeding the garden." Kit sat reviewing. The guy'd just patched for a hundred feet, now he was tuned in on the first correct wavelength the boy had heard in two years. "It's kind of okay," the boy answered, thoughtfully. "Good," Alex replied. "That's all I need to know. I'm all for building a reading program and swapping forty or fifty jock straps for John Irving, and not having to poke my nose in anyone's business on behalf of the girl at the edge of the playground or the boy who's suddenly gone haywire." "The wrestler," Kit said in response. This left Alex in a state of review. Kit had won an essay contest on priorities and had been transported on his onesies to the city airdrome, where he'd missed his flight, engaged as he was in Dick Francis, so Alex had had time for a once around of airport-zone variants, contemplating the arrival of a boy who'd read through the confusion of a departing 737. They'd finally met up and by the time they were half way to the car had torn Hemingway to minnow bait, as artist, as writer, as man, and as dolt. "But could he pick a title," they'd said in a binding tempo. Then it was Travis McGee, so they could show off to each other that they weren't cynical or iconoclastic. They both disliked the writer's use of the term `bawdy'. Alex pointed out that Myers was a disciple of Keynes, and yet Trav, on a voyage in the "Flush" in a later adventure, comments that the passenger list will include no one of dubious sexuality. Keynes was a homosexual. It was a nitpick, but the boy responded with the scene of the bad guy being skewered a la mangrove, and Alex recalled the vivid beginning of one of the adventures which had Trav coping with a nasty section of dry-rot in a hatch. John Irving was a wrestler, used the motif repeatedly. "Perfect choice," was Kit's summary. Alex tried not to look at the wraith beside him. Thirteen, but he looked ten or eleven; slight, willowy, semi-blond with high cheekbones and translucent skin well sprinkled with freckles. His hair was all-but a prison cut with slight fuzzy-chick wings at the verges of his brow. His eyes were huge and blue, his mouth wide, his teeth biggish with a minor but devastating overbite. Kit Allen was very hard not to look at, his musical, lilting voice hard not to listen to, his long, slim legs protruding from his cargo shorts very hard not to touch. As the trip and their acquaintanceship had progressed, the boy had spread his legs widely, unconsciously, apparently, easing the legs of his pants up into his thighs. Salacious or just comfortable? Eyes front. Road, road, road Alex thought, just reminding himself. He really tried not to stare. Kit didn't. He took off his shoulder belt and sat against the door, staring for all he was worth. Alex tried not to blush, but the gaze was too hot for any phony display of cool. "By kinda okay, I didn't mean nothing," the thirteen year old said. "I got along exceedingly well in my last call by not poking into private affairs," Alex said. "I was pretty bad news when there were problems, otherwise, I was home, reading." "Did you have a special friend?" Kit asked. "Very much so," Alex said, "Victor Sansang. He's thirteen, too. Will be along in two weeks." "Cool," said Kit. It was his turn to blush. Color it relief. Secretive had never appealed to him and `privacy' was a code word for frustration. "If you hate each other, you can go all John Irving with each other," Alex said. "I'll just bet he reads," Kit observed. "Takes one to know one," Alex laughed. "Do you thing Mel Gibson and Nordstrom had sex in "The Man Without a Face?" Kit asked. "I do," Alex replied. "I didn't watch it scene-by-scene, peruse it, but I don't think it was indicated." "I guess," Alex replied, "I come from the side that says that it wasn't convincingly denied." "So your default would be yes?" the boy questioned. "Maybe `I hope so' would be closer to the mark," Alex Christopher replied. "Me, too," the boy agreed. "They were too cute not to, don't you think?" "I think," Alex said. "Do you like any other movie actors?" the boy quizzed. "I think Rick Schroeder on "N.Y.P.D. Blue" was worth looking at from a Tendancies point of view, but, the real answer to your question is no. Very rare. Quite a mystery, but the look is pretty rare, even in the preferred eight to twelve age range. "Do you think there really are ages?" Kit asked. "Closer to the theological," Alex laughed, "for a moment there I thought we were dancing with the devil." "But are there? Does how old you are mean anything?" "I believe clinical symptoms manifest themselves in a persons seventies," the preacher explained, "but from four until the late sixties there don't seem to be many changes, or, more accurately, any real difference in responding to quality stimuli. Those are covered far more by intelligence and breeding than anything to do with the calendar." "How old were the people you dealt with in New England?" Kit asked. "Funny you should ask," Alex replied, "because the people with problems were aged seven to seventy." "How old were the ones you killed," Kit asked. "Boy, it's nice to be in the South," Alex thought to himself. "One was nine, the other, forty-seven," he said. "Goodness," the boy said, half in spite of himself. "If I stay ten years, I'm not likely to run into more Dixie charm than that," the Harvard boy thought. "Real campfire stuff, and that's a fact," he said to his passenger. Kit wished, oh, wished, he wasn't suddenly reviewing everything he knew, films and print, authored by Stephen King. But nah, the Al Pacino death-to-you grin wasn't there. And hey, if he believed in kids' rights, didn't it follow that some kids were bad enough to warrant the same end as hellhound adults? Why the man had even piled garlic on his spaghetti lunch. How cool was that? It was an hour more to Hastings. They cruised on ten minutes in silence. "What was the seven year old like?" Kit finally asked, breaking the comfortable silence. "Maybe it would be a good idea, Kit," Alex said, "if you led off and told me what you'd normally consider private stuff. I don't want to get into white water and find out you're a Sunday paddler." "When I said `okay', I didn't say `nothing'. There is some stuff going on in Hastings. Like you said, it's normally pretty private, and there aren't any problems, and certainly nobody that needs killing, but you're a very attractive guy, and, for sure there will be interest in you, if you want to be interested back." "And what ages are we talking about?" Alex asked. "Just what you said before, eight to twelve or thirteen, mostly, with some teens that run things and a few guys in their twenties and thirties that serve in executive roles and provide overall guidance. "The thing is, they're looking for a straw boss; someone a little older than the teens, but still able to devote a lot of time and energy and, not to put to fine a point on it, cute enough to be hands on with the kids." "I think you're a bit ahead of me," Alex said. "In Vermont, the town had several private Free Spirit clubs; there was nothing very executive about it." "We have a longer season," Kit explained, "and the crucial thing is that Hastings is located at an isolated point along the Appalachian Trail. Thus we have opportunities that are nearly unique. In point of fact, we grossed two point three seven million dollars last year. I have a hundred and twelve thousand dollars in my checking account and my friend Richie -- wouldn't you know it -- has twenty thousand more than I do." Should he ask if it was legal? Money like that? Kid? They had to be growing ganja, didn't they? He tied not to let a shadow of doubt cross his face, but Kit was staring from his position propped against the passenger, not thing effing one escaping his big blues. "No weed," the boy intoned, obviously not a laggard in the kid's reading adults department. "We don't even smoke it." "I do," Alex said. "Well, I didn't say never," Kit piped up with a grin. "As long as it's not always," the minister observed. "What we always do is work," the boy said. "At the rate you're going, you should have that millstone off your back by the time you can vote," Alex commented. "And lose this bod?" the boy squeaked, pulling up his shirt, "no way. I love it. Feel that." He proffered his left arm and Alex grabbed the bicep. Hard. "I can run ten miles, flat out," the boy said, "or I could if they'd let me; they say it's bad for my joints, so I have to cool it." "Always nice to belong to an organization with brains," Alex observed. "Some of the former members are in their sixties and they don't have to ask twice to have kids my age go camping with them." "How much are they worth?" Alex asked, genuinely curious though he'd have been the first to admit it was none of his business. "Not much. They give it all away. Some kind of millions, I guess, if you added it all up." "And no marijuana?" "I didn't say none, but none for money. It's not where the loot comes from. In fact, aside from playing fast and loose with the child labor laws, there's not an illegal buck in the operation. "Now remember, I didn't say we don't do anything illegal, I just said we never take a dime for it, if we do." "Nice distinction," the preacher observed. "It works. We violate the law, we don't flaunt it, and we don't profit from the violations. Furthermore, we don't pay anybody anything to overlook anything, or anything." "No wonder ya'll don't have nobody what needs of no killing," Alex drawled. "I guess it's kind of anti-South," Kit admitted ruefully, "but it's not all clans, pone, squeezins, and sisters in Dixie, or at least not quite all." "Faulkner did `em and buried `em, definitely time to turn the page." "Amen," quoth the boy. Quietly they drove for some minutes. "Was the seven year old a boy or girl?" Kit asked. "You've got to go first," the Harvard boy reminded the youth beside him. "Sunday paddlers, remember?" "You mean like the first time something happened with me?" Kit asked, his voice now a ragged whisper, his blue eyes huge in his lean, handsome face. "The first time a man touched you inside your underpants," Alex said, leading gently but specifically. Kit was not a boy to tongue-tie. "It was a bathing suit," the child responded. Alex took his eyes off the road for long seconds to stare at Kit. His eyes were quiet, not bold; no shame, no gloating. Perhaps lingering shyness. "How old were you?" Alex asked. "Eight; just eight." "And it was okay?" "Any other outcome would have been rape," Kit said. Hmm. A solid segment of his cases is Vermont had been of this nature; non-coital abuse. The denial of personal expression for arbitrary reasons, mindless and unutterably cruel and destructive as it so often turned out to be, was perhaps inevitable in a complex, godless, and coin-operated world. Yes, the majority of cases in Epping had been rendering asunder; separating inappropriate partners, but the memorable saves had been in establishing sanctioned or at least ignored pairings and even groupings. Match-making. "Was it a special partner?" Alex asked. "More exotic and spectacular than special in a committed sense," Kit said. Again Alex allowed the car to motor blindly for several seconds as he looked at the boy. "Frankie was -- is -- a girl," Alex said. "It was with Jack Aston at the pool," Alex's young passenger responded immediately. "The only reason it wasn't special, was that a lot of boys in Hastings learn with him. He had a special boy, Carl, he's sixteen now, so everything happened at the pool. He only had boys to his house for socializing. Just his way." "Was it a private session, or did you let others watch what happened?" Alex asked. "Both," Kit said, "but the first time it was just him and me." "Did you know something was going to happen?" "Just that," Kit replied; "something." "Did you talk, or did it just happen?" the older male quizzed. "We talked." "And that was okay?" "Yeah," the boy answered, "he said some boys don't like to do that, you know, talk, but I wanted to. I knew him really well, and we're both pretty seriously into RC model planes, so it didn't have to get all embarrassing right away." "How did you feel about him having a special partner?" Alex asked. "Things happened so I learned to live with it, but, yes, I wanted to spend more time with him. Spend the night with him. But we saw a lot of each other so it was nothing to dwell on." "I guess it's lucky life isn't even fuller of that kind of situation," the driver observed. "Just twice, but I haven't been around that much. Since I started early, I guess I'm ahead on the breaks, and so far I've never had nothing when I wanted something. Partly because that doesn't happen except once in awhile, wanting something," he added. "Would you like to park for awhile, or do you want to keep going?" Alex asked. "Park," the boy said immediately. "We'll be wasting seven hundred horsepower," Alex observed. "Good," Kit said, "then I'll have a title for my story: "The Tragedy of the Seven Hundred." "It's a grabber," Alex admitted. "With Nifty, you don't need literary devices," the boy observed, "just tell what happened, and the letters roll in." Another bond. Alex, as it happened, had written three stories for the mother of all Websites, himself. The world's great reading engine. A literary free-fire zone where you could say almost anything and name almost anybody without fear of offense, simply because nobody would admit to reading the alternative content of the massive Archive. A magnetic literary ground and unavoidably a practice field for readers, the site outdid itself as a training ground for writers. It had nothing approaching a rival, other, of course, than a few closely parallel sites. And the oddity of the site was that you could excise the prurient content from many of the stories and they'd be eminently readable as slices of life on a global basis. The one-time stigma of writing pornography was a stale joke in an era when pedophiles had saved the world by supporting personal computers and the Net from the day they moved from the lab and into the first bedroom. Unsung we may be, but for no pay we became the heroes of all salvation when, in 1989, all appeared lost. The techs built the bulletin boards, we posted the messages; together, technician and artist, we built it, and yes, no double entendre intended, they came. Came one hundred fifty million strong and built an empire employing seven million and responsible for one quarter of the economic energy of the entire empire. Nifty, other alternative sites, and the writers. Not only did they (I'm a latecomer) build what we have, they're very likely responsible for our future; for giving us something to look forward to each day when we get out of bed, now that the Industrial Revolution has degenerated into the hyping of mindless toys like the dangerous Segway. Can Nifty, et al, be something more than a source of motivation and entertainment? It has the highest potential in human history for doing so. Probably depends on who writes for it. They high-fived. "Go a little past a switchback," Kit suggested, "then back into the truck run-out. We can see anyone coming for miles." The Chevy rode on seventeen inch wheels so backing free of the asphalt was a snap. "Gun it before you turn it off," Kit requested. Alex complied. The noise of the mechanical blower did sound fine at five thousand revs, but more impressive still was the electric smoothness of the craftily balanced engine at near redline. The twin three inch pipes might kick up a bit of a ruckus, but a glass of wine could have sat perched on the dash for an hour. Actually not, because the five hundred cubic inches would have emptied the fuel tank in that time at that throttle setting, but nevertheless it was smooth inside smooth. The pipes muted almost instantly. Ten-to-one compression and everything tight as a tick. The silence entered like its own noise. "What happened with Frankie?" Kit asked after several minutes admiring the mountain views stretching fifty miles to the north. "Frances Butler. She spent a month with me at the rectory," Alex said. "A Vermont trooper found her hudled in the woods. She'd been on her own for two nights; dumped. Luckily, the rectory had a wood fireplace. I think it was the constant flames day after day that brought her back to sanity. The warmth. The reliability. The fact that they'd be stoked by a man, and nothing bad would happen" "That was you?" Kit asked. "Mostly, though Victor gets plenty of credit, too." "How long before something happened?" Kit queried. "About two weeks," Alex said. "Were you first, or was Victor?" "She led both of us into the shower, together," Alex said. "I led Jack by myself," Kit said, letting a delicious childishness into his conversation. Life was not all John Irving, there was plenty of room for a little impromptu bragging. And hey, he hadn't claimed: `all by myself.' "All by myself," the ineffable cutie said. Nothing awkwardly childish now, but just a bright kid keeping the conversational ball rolling. "We tried to get Frankie to bed, all by herself. Great minds think alike." Kit thought that was funny enough to giggle over. Even as a remnant, southern charm had its place in the scheme of things. Whup some more of it into `em? Why, I though you'd never ask. No critic will ever fault me for being soft on the Gray. I believe Robbie E. Virginny was the greatest traitor in American history, full stop. Extrapolate his behavior and you have county against southern-pride county inside half a generation. Since I'm notably hard on myself and my immediate family, you new readers will have to learn to adjust. Old timers will sigh, happily, I might add, in the certain knowledge that full measure is on its way. All paragraphs lead to foam, as in foam at the mouth. Yankee pride. We measure ourselves as diligently as we perform, we did over the world, seventy percent of the best of the best, from abolition to aerospace, and we are the freaking tribe of tribes. It is my philosophy we should be obeyed. It is my frequent observation that when others try, as a generality, they do a substandard job. The best of Yankees are eminently capable of running the entire world if left to muddle it out over twenty or thirty years and if given a wide allowance for false starts, outright mistakes, and unintended consequences. And I should note that I mean productive, thoughtful, middle-of-the-road Yankees, not camera hacks an microphone midgets. They're no more true Yankee than Col. Beauregard Blowhard is emblematic of the south, or a whining gold-standard moron might represent the heartland, (or a pie-eyed yoga guru, the west coast) Practice this fiendish art long enough and lo and behold you can get a word in edgewise simply by cracking up one of your characters. Yes, I make a habit of it, but then I have a lot to say. "All by yourself," Alex aped, glad to find his mind focusing on the boy three feet away. "Did you still have your bathing suit on?" Alex coaxed. "Yes, but I'd been molested," the boy said. "How much?" the teacher asked. "A lot, but not the ending. That's what we went to the shower for." "How did it start?" "Jack was with me a lot during the session. My friend Butchy said if he teaches you to float, he'll invite you to stay after. It was his second year so he knew all the stuff." "How did you feel when he said that?" Alex asked. "I got a boner right away," the boy answered, his big eyes clear and untroubled. "I didn't know anything, but I'd heard stuff. Then, sure enough, Jack asked me if I wanted to practice floating, and I said yes. He said if he did anything that made me feel uncomfortable, I should tell him and he'd stop. I said okay and lay back in the water. He held me just at my waist, and put his right hand on my belly. For a couple of minutes, he just held be while I got used to it. Then he started to move his hand around me, looking to be sure I wasn't scared of him or anything. "It felt really nice, and once, while the other boys were roughhousing, he went under the band of my suit, and that made me wiggle for him. `Float today, drown tomorrow', he said. That made me giggle even more and so I pretending I was wiggling because I was laughing, and his hand went more down." "Would you like to go up in the trees?" Kit asked, having come to an apparent break in his narrative; "I've got a sheet-blanket in my backpack." "Okay," Alex agreed. From the exterior they could hear the big engine clicking as it cooled. An electric fan came on for half a minute, and when it switched off, the silence once again shouted from the mountainside. Everywhere was nice so they circled on a snake hunt, then spread the blanket, glad it was double in size because it was just cool enough that they might want a light covering at some point. "If you'd like to stay after for a couple of hours," Jack said to the eight year old Kit, "piggyback on me; otherwise, you're floating just fine and you can join Butchy and the others." "Hi-yo Silver," Kit whispered, and that made the young instructor laugh. In two seconds the slim boy was high on the athlete's back, his hips pinioned against the twenty year old's neck. Five o'clock was outta here time at the pool, and the boys were through the locker room and out the door by five past. Kit rode on Jack's shoulders as the supervisor went through his maintenance routine and began collecting towels, many of which he handed up to Kit. It was pretty efficient. "Can we practice floating more?" the eight year old cutie asked Jack. "If you want, or we could go into the wrestling room, and we could pretend while you lie on a rolled up mat," Jack explained. "That sounds warmer," Kit allowed. "Do you mind if I lock the door?" the man asked the boy. "No," came the reply. "We checked thoroughly so you know we're alone together, don't you?" "Yes," Kit answered, mysteriously thrilled by the change in his older friend's voice. "Is that okay?" "Yes." "And the doors aren't locked from the inside, so you can go any time you want." "Okay," Kit said, vaguely comforted though in his imagination he could think of no reason he'd want to go. Stallion and kid cowboy, the duo stuffed the last of the towels in the big commercial washer, added soap, and set the machine to grinding. They left the locker room, walked a few feet down the hallway of the old Y building, and entered the sub-gym used by the wrestling clubs. "No one comes here until seven," Jack explained and asked Kit what time he had to be home. "Not `till almost eight if I'm here," Kit answered. Jack nodded his head in approval and dropped his passenger on a mat. "We're not here to wrestle," he said to Kit; "I want to touch you more like I did in the pool. Just so you understand." Kit nodded. He'd lost his voice in the excitement of Jack's husking, yawning speech, so he kept nodding. "Okay," the young man said, "why don't you get up on a roll and I'll kneel beside you." Kit picked one of four canvas-covered mats against a wall, and they rolled it out onto the floor mats. Kit mounted as soon as it was in place, and stretched full-length on his back. Jack knelt at the boy's right flank. "Remember how my hand was here?" Jack asked, touching the child's slightly soft tummy an inch above the waist of his swimsuit. "You put it lower when I was laughing," Kit said. "That was to keep you from drowning. You must have been distracted by something not to remember." "I'd just talked to Butchy and I was excited," Kit explained. "I wasn't sure," Jack whispered. "You've got such a crinkly suit, I couldn't see you." "Well, I was," the boy repeated. "Are you now?" "Yes." "I am, too," Jack said. "Does that gross you out?" "No," Kit said quickly. "Kit," Jack said, "I want you to say what I did with you while the other boys were horsing around, and what I'm going to do to you now. You can put it in your own words, but I just want to be sure you understand that this is not part of the swimming program, and we don't have to do anything together that you feel uncomfortable with. So, go ahead, but only if you want, and say out loud what I did to you and what I want to do more." "You want to bad touch me like a child molester," Kit parroted, letting just the slightest trace of irony into his voice to let his adult partner know he was an eight year old, not some kid. "From Miss Hatch's lips to god's ears," Alex intoned, and indeed, the lady taught the relevant class. "Just so you'll know," the instructor continued, "yes, Butchy has stayed after with me sometimes, and, yes, there was another boy, Duane, from last year, and yes, I have a special friend, Carl, sixteen, who lives with my wife and me.". "Duane's really tall," Kit observed, having seen the boy at school and around town. "Yes," Alex agreed, "and very developed for a nine year old." "Is that good?" the boy asked. "It's artistic, I guess," Jack mused, "but it doesn't matter, to answer your question. What happens between any two lovers is much more psychological than physical Plain and hot is ten times cool as cool; sometimes it almost seems as if the classic pretty boys are little more than groovy faces, but that's a generality and there are probably exceptions." The mirror told Kit he was neither plain, nor pretty, just kiddish with freckles, big teeth, wispy body, and long neck. He discounted his blue eyes as sort of embarrassing, though, of late, the prettiest imaginable girl had peeped just for a second here and a glance there into the same mirror. Jack was staring down at him. Maybe he saw her. This was great! Now both the man's hands were on the boy. Jack massaged Kit's back very low down and openly molested him on his chest and slightly soft stomach. The boy stretched and arched to the fondling touch. "Has a man ever done this with you before?" he whispered, his voice as charged with electricity as his warm, soft, wandering hands. "No," Kit whispered back, "I just know a little bit about it from what Miss Hatch showed with the dolls." "Okay," Jack said. "This is how it starts, though usually you'd be standing up and the older boy or man would be behind you, first on your shirt, then, if you let him, on your bare skin." "I like it this way," Kit observed. "It's good to learn in a relaxed atmosphere with someone you know and like," Jack replied. "You can say that again," the boy giggled. "You will drown on me, won't you," Jack responded, slipping two fingers of his right hand under the bad-touching barrier. "I think I'll wait until tomorrow," the boy whispered as he became entirely attentive to the probing fingers and the hot eyes of the tall, blond athlete kneeling beside him. "Are you ready to be really molested?" the instructor whispered. He seemed to get more handsome by the minute, and darned if there wasn't an almost feminine beauty in his brown eyes. Kit was too excited to answer, but thrust his hips deliberately against Jack's probing hand. "You've got to say it out loud; this is no place for mistakes." "I'm ready to be molested," Kit managed to rasp. "Okay, sorry," Jack said, tenderly. "When your turn comes, remember the rule in carpentry about measuring twice and cutting once. There you're out a few bucks if you screw it up; doing this to a boy who doesn't want to, or a girl, is more trouble than snakes in Israel. " "I want to," Kit repeated. "Would you like to experiment with kissing?" Jack asked, leaning close. "I've never done that, either," the boy said, nodding his head and smiling with his eyes. "Butchy loves it too," Jack said, brushing his lips gently across those of the eight year old. Slowly, with nibbles and tiny bites they came together, then more, then their tongues were at each other and they were spiraling. "Hard to believe there's more," Kit gasped after many minutes when they could hardly breathe. "I know," Jack agreed, "it's hard to believe it's the first step in making babies in a girl you love." "So this is the index to the encyclopedia?" "The Britannica, bucko," Jack assured Kit. "Did Butchy like it the first time?" Kit asked. "He said it was like the towers collapsing, only more dramatic. But it wasn't with me. He was molested by his baby sitter when he was six." "Lucky," Kit observed. :"Well, eight is hardly too late," Jack comforted, now back to rubbing the boy's back as he lay against the wrestling mat, and running his fingers over his lower belly and upper thighs. "Did his baby sitter molest him a lot?" Kit wanted to know. "They still see each other, and Ken still baby-sits." "Did Butchy tell him, the babysitter, about you?" "Yes, and before anything happened between us," Jack said. "Molestation isn't usually a permanent, one-on-one thing, so being open and sharing everything is the only strategy that works for giving the long run a chance. And that's not to say you make a habit of it; more, you tell your secrets when you first meet, then at the prompting of your partner, and, of course, never, if you don't want to." "No secrets?" Kit said. "I won't say none," Jack elaborated, "but very few. None between Butch and me or Ken, that's for sure." "How old was Ken when Butchy was six?" Kit thought to ask. "Seventeen; he's twenty now, just my age." "So then he, Butchy, saw something at the end?" Kit quizzed. "Yes," Alex reported. "Wow," the boy half-whistled, "that must have been so exciting." "How much do you know about what happens?" Jack coaxed. "Just from school. That's it's sperm and boys get it when they're older." "That's right. Anywhere from ten to fourteen, it totally depends." "But seventeen, definitely," the boy stated. "In Ken's case, definitely, but there's no rule about it." "You've never seen it like in a porno movie?" Jack quizzed. "Just pictures through a microscope. Except for one program on The Discovery Channel, but that was sort of frosted out. Kit pursed his lips. "Wait a minute," he continued, "there was a biology show on Mexican television once, it really showed it, you know, from a clinical point of view." "And?" Jack prompted. "It was thick and white, like liquid cotton." "Nothing wrong with your vision," Jack commented. "But it didn't show how much there was. I mean, it was through sort of a microscope so you couldn't tell like if it was a drop or a bunch of drops." "Would you like to learn about that part of it with me?" Jack asked the boy. "Yes," Kit said. "Okay," the young athlete said, "we'll go all the way in the shower, that way it won't be as shocking and I can make some of it go on your stomach and you can was it off right away if you don't like the feeling." "That sounds excellent," the boy said, dropping in a kid's word, eight though he was. I always get about here and think of something clever to say. Television does this to sell products and balance the books. I do it because I'm Yankee numero uno and the leather handle of the whip feels rightful in the palm of my right hand. We're just that way. Our mothers whip us as pixie dust kids -- kittens, if you will -- so we learn the harmlessness, and since we dance the greatest steps to the greatest music, we grow unable to dispute the efficacy. When our turn for the handle, rather than the little lead balls crafted into the end of each thong, comes along, we are ready for the activity, to, in paraphrase of Dugout Doug, let the proceedings begin upon bare backs in their very multitude. So extraordinarily are we, at out best, gifted that we are able to inflict correction with a whip of paper and lead balls of type. Skeptics and pooh-pooh aficionados need only review what happens when a non Anglo wields the lash to open a lifetime library of fascinating alternatives, past, present, and predictable. You could do worse than our poetic, peace loving, inclusive, and highly creative tribe, but with today's intricate infrastructure, you couldn't survive worse, how ever unbearable you deem us, so it becomes a non-issue. Moot. We are the future as we are the past, stay out of our way. I like to think of myself as a double-crackle writer. First there's the crackle of power. You hear a lesser version when they launch a space shuttle; a lashing sound that overpowers the microphone and tape, but can still be sensed. As readers, rather than space jockeys, you get to hear that rolling thunder with its slamming bass-line in sweeps of a thousand pages or more. It's what being a writer is all about. Unlimited horsepower liberally applied. The second crackle is the whip sizzling by your ear or popping violently six inches in front of your nose. When the chicken boy at AOL pays $152 billion with a b for The Swimsuit Issue because "AOL subscribers love Time/Warner content" I pop the whip on the theory you need sanity somewhere in your lives. Of course, as a culture you seem to be dead set against something as fundamental as sexual sanity, so can there be any hope? (AOL was built and is sustained by pedophiles as any study of their traffic instantly reveals, yet we are still castigated as unclean, unholy, and dog sick. We are not. You are. What we do is advance the world. What you do is get fatter and stupider every year.) I rather think not so I ape and cavort for the same reason the orchestra played on their last night aboard the "Titanic". If there's a third crackle, its one you'd rather not know about for it will be the crackle of your own skin as you roast in the very earthly and secular fires of disrespect and disobedience (next time I tell you you don't want to know something, stop reading. This is emblematic, and, on the street, is called taking the hint. I can't write you books of laws covering every likely eventuality. You have to take the hint.). Do I do it for word count? I must say when I reached the millionth character in "Creative Camp" I did feel enough pride to note the landmark in the text, so the simple answer would be yes. If I were a rancher I assume I'd rather drive a thousand head to market than fifty, while, at the same time, I'd rather drive one that was premium than a hundred that were average (his or her hide would yield the finer whip, but you probably figured that out for yourselves). No cable, fewer bones to pick. "Ignorance is bliss". That used to be a cynical outlook; these days it just seems to be a home truth. Further thought returns us to cynicism. "Ignorance is survival". Why? Because only ignorant people would keep cramming ever more on their credit cards, thus maintaining the economy. Of course, the parallel is giving an end-stage diabetic a shot of adrenaline, and I'll have to leave it to philosophers of greater solemnity and lesser crackle to decide as to the relevancy of hyper life or sooner death because in my book the diabetic should have exercised extreme responsibility and shouldn't be in critical condition, age and general health allowed for, in the first place. The only current event that's pierced my new-found isolationism is the brouhaha over the "One nation under god" issue. The enigma is that if it's disallowed, the next step is recalling the currency to chisel off or ink out the words "In God We Trust". I think god is ludicrous and religion either outright insanity, or superstition verging on insanity. It's not worth a damn, so who cares if a few traditional phrases remain? If you think I'm promoting "In Sex We Trust" as an alternative, you've been paying very close attention and, if you hadn't been so nicely and frequently rewarded along the way, would deserve a pat on the back. I never write anything down, so I end up writing note free. My theory is that if it's not significant enough to remember, my readers wouldn't be interested. There are exceptions to this regimen, and I've spent the afternoon trying to recall a phrase that was common in the Sixties and Seventies, but that I haven't heard in the last ten years. It was equivalent to "Military/Industrial Complex", which was a common refrain in hippie howl, but more salient and general in nature. One doesn't often foreshadow in an essay, but why not? At some point I may remember the phrase, and remember, I have to do this, because if I hear it, that will mean it's still in use, and my point was moot from the start. So be on tenterhooks. Will it pop up, or won't it? Since a guy with a fourteen year old girlfriend has his age issues so well under control it's little wonder he rarely thinks about the subject. This is to say that I spend to little time coming up with phrases like "seventeen jewels watch", or "cotton socks". In other words, things that were common in the Fifties and Sixties that have disappeared from out culture. The slide-rule is the classic example, as, in my boyhood, was the buggy whip. Bias tires is one; almost extinct. Tune up and grease job separate the cars of yesteryear from those of today. The fact of the matter is, life, in the Fifties was so close to identical to what it is today, that only video entertainment and computers stand out as differences. Were the old things better? Vinyl records were not only durable, they often sounded better when they were a little scratched -- it gave the music character and individuality -- so they were at least as good. Watches might not have maintained split second accuracy, but they went for years and years without maintenance. On the other hand, cotton socks were the horrors of horrors. It didn't matter whether the hole was at the big toe, or the heel, there was no more miserable feeling. If you want to defeat an army in an hour, simply have your saboteurs snip holes in all their socks. Polyester never wears through, where it was lucky to get even a few weeks out of the cotton variety. Very possibly the biggest difference between then and now. Shoelaces, too, by the way. They used to break constantly and new ones were thick and crude. Now they last for years and never come undone. The list is short, kids. Under optimal parentage you're marginally better off, but my time was often of grace and beauty; toy boats for example, than techno wizardry. Uh, o, here's one. Hmm. Murder. A real one. I've been meaning to insert it somewhere along the way, because it has great moral and social significance. What made me think of it, at the moment, was thinking Then and Now, and remembering one of the now things is digital photography which allows a photographer, with a minimal investment, to view hundreds of 8 X 10s for a few pennies of electricity. In the old days, this would have cost thousands of dollars, plus involved lots of time and travel. I used to print color, and so am doubly aware of the quantum difference between film/paper and monitor, with paper prints available if you want them. Anyhow, back to the murder. Malcolm Dale is one of those people for whom there is no word. He is not a friend, yet we have a lot in common so chat a fair amount. He is not an acquaintance because I've spent hundreds of hours at his boledo stand. He's English, early sixties, good schools, Rothschild's, and has been in Dangriga almost thirty years selling gambling tickets and odds and ends. (At one time used books, but there wasn't a market for even a small shelf.) As of my latest residence here he was into computers, so we decided to buy a entry-level digital camera together. Now he claims the camera was stolen from a bag beside his sofa. I don't believe it. Who would keep a brand new camera in a bag on the floor? So I'm out the dough, putting the ball in my court. He killed Paco. Turned him into a catamite at a young age, then poisoned him, leaving the twenty-year old to die under a house while he, Malcolm Dale, went off to Florida to establish his alibi and perhaps buy something. How do I know? Because on my first two visits to his shop after his return from Florida, he never mentioned the boy's death. When, on the third visit, I finally did bring it up, he made some non-committal comment and has never mentioned the matter in the one hundred visits I've made to his shop, since. Additionally, his grandmother came from Romania, Vlad's neighborhood, and a part of the world legendary for the scurrilous being routine. It brings up an interesting point of law. Evidence. You, friends, do not need evidence. The requirement is means, motive and opportunity. That's enough for a jury. Why would there be evidence at a crime scene? If there is, it can be confused by clever words rendering it useless. Means. Motive. Opportunity. Malcolm's motive was extreme. What do I think about it? Justifiable and excusable homicide. See what you think. Paco was what was called, in my youth, a classic mongoloid idiot. Down's Syndrome. He was largely rejected by his family and Malcolm, who, in those years helped lots of people in different ways, took him in and gave him tests to find his IQ, which turned out to be equivalent to six years of age. Paco became a catamite. In my viewpoint, this would have been likely under the circumstances; probably Malcolm was part of it; I don't know for sure, but I can certainly guess. As he matured, Malcolm continued to help Paco on a daily basis; many times I witnessed him dressing him when his clothes were half off and being sure he ate and giving him money for treats. To the best of my knowledge, no one else took significant interest in the boy, who by now has become a hideous and miserable young man. He is unshaven, exceedingly loud, foul-mouthed, which is going some in Dangriga, with its large number of sailors, and very likely presently or soon to be dangerous. By 1994, when I renewed my acquaintance with Malcolm, Paco was 170 pounds of daily nuisance; a distinct, obvious and persistent blot to the entire downtown, which, even without him, is described in the more lenient guide books as a dusty frontier. As to the use of poison, I have to go with Malcolm. He had no other choice. Given his druthers, I have little doubt he would have slipped the unfortunate creature a mickey, and put him painlessly to sleep. No practical implantation of this method occurs to me for the simple reason that a body is a hell of a thing to dispose of in an impromptu fashion. (Plus, in this climate you have just a few hours for your dirty work.) So, no more Paco. I invite warmhearted liberals, one and all, to come, do your research, and write the story from the conventional perspective. The blame belongs with the victim's family, not with Mr. Dale. Of course, you won't find me dining with him, but then I never have. I know two other murderers here, that I know of. Mr. Garbutt who sharpens saws and does cabinetry is probably the individual I respect most in town. Lala Cool has never been in subsequent trouble and I often see him carting wheelbarrows of firewood from the jungle into what passes here for civilization. He is the ultimate dread, and we spent, what, half a thousand hours together, for the most part on my 16' skiff. One novelist called these "one-per-customer" criminals. I doubt Malcolm or Mr. Garbutt or Lala Cool will ever hurt another soul in their lives (about O.J., I'm not so sure), as they never hurt anyone else in the years before Circumstances. Half the reason I'm obsessed with the German Polygraph is to get people like this out of prison. If my attitude seems calloused, it's because I'm a king, therefore interested in the health of the community far more than the rights of individual to life or anything else. A parallel to Paco occurred when I loved in Los Angeles. Their was a gutter freak who camped on the north side of inner Wilshire Blvd. in a greasy circle six feet in diameter. It doesn't rain in Southern California, so the mystic bird feeder's circle got bigger and thicker by the month. He was there for months, oddly enough, on the same block I once got tagged for jaywalking on because I stepped off the curb one-half second to late (first day in town, first day in the States in seven years; didn't matter. Oddity, compounded: I'd left my passport in the hotel and they would have arrested me for vagrancy except for the fact I had two or three thousand dollars in my pocket and a freshly signed receipt for my new apartment in Mid-Wilshire. So I do get ticketed and almost arrested for a tiny miscue in traffic, while The Greaseman is allowed to spread his circle in fair weather and foul. It was all tres SoCal and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if that foul Viethippy was still there, by now sitting on grease four inches thick like a decoration atop the wedding cake. A similar case was the bellower at Seventh and Alameda. A huge black who stood shouting hour after hour about his obsession with the Sabbath. I read bellowers are an ever-growing problem in the bible belt, both in schools and in the market. Not in my country, thanks anyway. Intrusive nuisances from barking dogs to human greaseballs will not intrude on the public, whatever the means necessary to eliminate them. The public right to peace, tranquility, and to pursue happiness is a million times sacred over the right of nuisance expression. So, anyhow, Malcolm stiffed me on the camera, and, for his pains, gets to share space with Jose Schmosey. The power of a successful writer to endow immortality is possibly the headiest aspect of my art. I like to think, after much reflection, that I write to teach reading, and writing, and these lofty goals are ever-present during that difficult stretch between eighteen and twenty hours of work. So the immortality thing drops down the list of motivational priorities. Whether or not it is above vengeance, I don't quite know. Settling scores in very cathartic, even when watching those who have gone out of their way to do one dirt seem to settling their own hash in more lingering and imaginative ways that I could have thought up, or would have inflicted had the idea occurred to me. Do not use other people ill. So much poison comes with each event when you do this that it is not survivable, in a psychic sense, even if you have the genetic makeup to maintain physical health. Look at it this way. Somewhere out there is a youngster who will grow to be a greater writer than I am; it's almost a duh'uh, consider whom said boy or girl has for a teacher, and you don't want to be a party to mistreating that person. You new readers may be wondering how you offended me, seeing as how it would appear I'm mistreating you with long and divergent wanderings (murders I actually know, for example). You've been whipped, and now you're being dallied. The fact is, you haven't specifically offended me, at least as individuals; it's just my way. It's a mode, a style, a method to punish you for your generic madness. I happen to enjoy writing it, so we share much that other novelists leave out. My saving grace is that I try to make things vivid and brisk, so if we wander together its more like running a good horse up the flank of a hill to take a look into the next valley than plodding through urban alleys looking for blood and spent casings. And no, don't try it at home. It looks easy. It is not. If you write a novel, stay out of it. Enjoy your status as part of the numerically overwhelming majority of writers who leave the civics lessons for their day job. This may unsettle new readers, perhaps earn a yawn or two from you vets, but I'll renew a frequent theme by pointing out the fact that I'm only half monarch, half god. Use your powers of reason to figure it out, to convince yourself. Half, only. Mom had to get her whip on something. And yes, I'm not kidding about the monarch thing. The massive Revolutionary connection, of and by itself, is a sufficient credential, but the deal is real and there's a host of codicils including the invention of the transistor. King, god and artist. Two I can prove; one I just am. Sounds like a great time to get back to the proof, artist-wise. "That sounds excellent." Kit's last words for long minutes. Jack rolled Kit off the mat on top of him, and they half crawled, half wrestled around the two inch foam floor, staying shy with each other but still touching and accepting willfully. "The more we do this," Jack whispered, "the more there will be at the end, but I'd like to do it if it was leaking out and there wouldn't be any." Complicated dialogue. Kit loved it. English was a freaking kingdom and a half, and it was fun to play at being a peer, even if a kid was just learning to swim at the neighborhood pool. "Forsooth," the boy replied in whispered lamentation. "I was being moronic," Jack said, "that won't happen. You're safe." "I never felt moreso," the boy replied on a serious note. "it's like it's safe that something really exciting is going to happen, even though this has been the most exciting thing that ever happened to me, already." "It's not one that ends," Jack observed. "It will probably be even better when you're together with Butchy, and you haven't even met Duane yet, so be prepared for replays, if you like it, that is." "Is this foreplay?" Kit asked, lying still on his back while the tall, athletic instructor nodded and knelt between his spread knees, running the fingers of both his hands slowly and gently up inside the child's bathing suit. "Can I touch you?" the boy was able to ask through the panic grade sensations coursing and crashing through is young body and mind. Gently they reversed positions with Kit kneeling close in between Jack's legs. Even though he was wearing the most modest of suits, Jack was obvious to Kit. He thought to himself that it looks as if his teacher was hiding a big ear of corn inside his suit. "Duane likes me to look like a boy," Jack whispered as Kit's hands made their way into the leg openings of the suit. He felt like a big child; his skin was soft and silky smooth in some places; textured, in others, but there was no hair anywhere. For long moments it seemed to Kit as if his instructor was all penis. All erection. The more he explored and felt and fondled, the more there was and the bigger and harder it got. To think that he'd actually see it, ever, was almost too much to retain consciousness through, but that he could free the young athlete any time he wanted wasn't even possible. He would wake up. "I think you're making me ready for the shower," Jack whispered up to the kneeling boy. "One thing at a time," Kit thought to himself, wondering, for just a moment if there might not be something in forbidding kids to have sex. His temporary condition of mental and psychic disarray was caused by the overload of knowing he was going to see Jack, and there was the shower and what would happen when they were in there together, on top of that. Maybe adults could handle that array, but it was making him half-dizzy. And according to the people, their god didn't want this to happen with anybody, ever. Not even the touching, which seemed a world all unto itself. "If I touched you more, would you have an accident?" Kit asked. "Yes," came the hoarse reply. "What would that look like?" "You'd probably know it was happening. You'd see a wet spot at the top of my trunks." "How big would it be?" "It would go down over my right hip. Some semen would leak out and run down my right thigh and drip on the bed." "How much?" "Tablespoons full; not pints or quarts." "I thought it would just be drops." "The third time, it will be." "How about the fourth?" "You'll have to use your imagination." "If I was a Jesuit I'd point out the redundancy of using something one is already using to the maximum." "This is one of the best parts," Jack whispered, "thinking about what it's going to be like. Then it will be exactly like you're imagining it and you can go home and forget all about it." "For how long?" Kit asked. "We'll meet three or four afternoon's a week, all summer long, and into the fall. When I say forget it, I mean it. Focus on other things; it will give you an advantage over the conventional kids, most of whom are hung up like Hogan's goat on something you'll know, like, respect, and not get hung up on. Having a dependable partner at your age, and on through high school will, of and by itself, give you two letter grades more than if you're stuck with the posers and daters. And if you do meet someone, it won't be just for sex or romance, but because you're better at worthwhile things together than you are, apart." "And it can be a girl?" the boy asked. "Sure," Jack said. "The fag lifestyle can be a chore, so I discourage it on the grounds that life can be tough enough in conventional bounds. The happy camper is the man who's devoted to his wife, as I happen to be, even with Carl living in the house, and has a modest number of boyfriends over the years. That way, you always have your priorities firmly set and things proceed at their best." Silence again. Kit fondled the mature athlete for minute after minute. He'd found the males wetness, and stripped the copious seminal fluid back along the shaft of the seven inch erection. The young man wasn't circumcised, and finding him beneath his foreskin had been the most exciting thing to happen, so far. Other than panting and soft mews and moans, the silence continued. Instinctively, Kit knew if he did it fast and hard, the end would come in minutes, Jack would lose control, and, if his hands were way up inside the suit, he could feel what happened. But seeing it had to be better. They could play a bathing suit game some other time. There was an awesome thought. Pretty soon he, Kit, would know the basics, and they could experiment as mature partners, almost as equals. Wouldn't the ultimate artist be so sensitive and enamored of his work, he'd come to a stop? By the same token, wasn't what he was doing inside Jack's bathing suit, and finding not a hair in the process, be so engaging and enthralling it would mesmerize him to the point he could not go on? Again, the eight year old had a notion that it was all a bit much for a kid. Something to laugh about when he practiced drowning, tomorrow. Kit could easily tell it was time to go. He slowed and gentled and Jack smiled in relief. He pulled the boy down on his bare chest and slipped his bathing suit and his own as low as he could reach. Kit gasped at the feeling of the big, hot penis against his belly, exposed Jack with his right hand, and scooted up and down, wetting himself with the flow of fluid. For long moments he didn't look, but finally it was time. Matter of factly, and feeling suddenly modest, the boy hiked his suit back up, then he resumed his position kneeling between Jacks legs, ankles, this time, and stared down at him. Little boy? He could shave himself in half, and he'd never look like a little boy again. What had been an ear of corn, was now raw young male; swollen hard and thick. "We could let it happen here," Jack whispered. "No," Kit replied, "I really like listening to you when you get excited and it would echo in the shower." Kids. Here I, the grand pablum and pooh-bah, extrodinaire, of the literary arts, would have to go on for pages delineating the ying and yang of love, and an eight year old gets away doing it in a short sentence. "Do you think you'll be noisy when I get you really excited?" Jack asked. "I dunno," Kit said, biting his lip. "Well," Jack went on, "the rule is don't overdo; if you can't help it, it's sexy, but if you force it or exaggerate it, it's not. In fact, it's an immediate and harsh turn off, or so I hear. Boys like that you can spot a mile away; they're phony in most of what they do, so I've never been with one." Still giving Jack relief, Kit stripped his bathing suit completely off, then stood off to the right and helped the tall man to his feet. Hand-in-hand they rolled the mat back against the wall, turned out the lights, and left. "Can we walk like this for a little while?" Kit asked. "Sure," Jack said. "Does it feel good to you?" the boy asked as the headed down the hall away from the locker room. "Extremely." "I'm trying to imagine what it will feel like when you start looking at me," Kit said. "You just tell me when you're ready, and I'll get you naked," Jack said. "Okay," the boy replied. For ten minutes the boy in the rumpled swim suit and the naked twenty year old swimmer walked the area. Kit was chagrined at how close it was to playing with a fabulous new toy, for the third time wondered if he was old enough to take it all in, and, once again, laughed to himself at himself. They were both slowing. While Jack had started holding Kit's left hand, now he had his arm around the slightly soft waist and his hand on the child's slim, base chest. Kit had his left arm tightly around Jack, and had found him again. Instinctively both knew this was their time and headed for the shower. The towels were hot from the drier, the shower floor dry, so they entered and made a bed of twenty or so towels. Jack had suggested running the taps, but Kit had replied that the water might make it hard to see everything. He got no argument. When everything was ready, Jack knelt on the towels, and Kit stood close in front of him while the man pulled down his almost dry swimsuit. "Do you like me looking at you?" the athlete whispered. "Yes," stammered the boy, hands gripping the young man's shoulders. "You're big," Jack said, looking down at the adult-size finger jutting from Kit's waist. "Thanks," the boy whispered in acknowledgement. The instructor lay back on the towels and Kit once again knelt close in between the man's legs. "It won't even be a minute, this time, so be ready," Jack advised. How about that, one of the kid hurdles passed and he hadn't had a conniption fit. He'd seen and he'd survived mentally and emotionally intact. Even the physical seemed to be taking care of itself, if possibly a little relentlessly, at least consistently. Two more hurdles. Seeing it actually happen after the intense build up, and then orientating himself to the dream world where it happened again and again. First things, first. He knew just the rhythms and pressures his partner responded to most avidly, and while his lover stared at his boner, he began masturbating Jack. "Do you want me to tell you or surprise you?" the man managed to whisper. "Tell me," the boy said immediately. "You ask you know not what," Jack responded, and it would have been with a sigh only it was happening too fast to spare the time. It was just over half a minute, though, for sure, no one was counting. "I'm cumming off," Jack gasped, then lay back panting and shaking. It started fast and went hard. Went everywhere. What had the moron said about tablespoons? It was thick, ropey, slick, hot, and went everywhere. All over his chest and belly, splattered across the child's forehead and down both cheeks. His lips were white with cum, it dripped from his chin in long, slick tendrils. It was in his hair, and as much as anywhere, all over Jack's own belly and chest. Even while Jack was still shaking and cumming, Kit fell to his chest. He listened to the hard pant echoing through the locker room, and, having crossed two massive spiritual and intellectual hurdles, did wonder if a boy his age was up for this happening again, maybe even in his mouth, or, when he got big, inside him. The slick, hot wetness of what had just happened against his bare chest sent Kit on half a sleigh ride as he wriggled up and down the length of long rows of cotton. Jack helped him, obviously liking the totality of contact, himself. They managed a one minute kiss after each round-trip, and extended their play to Kit licking Jack and returning to him with salty lips and tongue. In ten minutes both had the energy to stand. They staggered from the large shower stall and Jack took the young boy in front of a floor-to-ceiling mirror, standing close, and molesting him openly with both hands, and finally masturbating the child. "We look okay together, don't we?" Jack asked. "Pretty natural," the boy agreed. "Good," the instructor replied, "because that's what we are, and class after tomorrow's, we're going be together in the shower after the session for any boys that want to watch." "If we do it, they will cum," Kit quipped. Jack was delighted with the psychic balance demonstrated by the borderline witless remark, and hugged and kissed the boy. "I think that may count for an above-average first time," Alex said. "It really lasted," the thirteen year old Kit said. "Did Jack make you cum?" Alex asked. "Three times," the boy acknowledged. "How long has it been since that happened with you?" Alex probed. "With winning the contest and traveling and everything, I guess a week." Kit said, looking thoughtful. "Same here," Alex said. "Victor would only toy with me for the last week so it would be special if something happened between us." "Tell him Thanks," Kit giggled happily. "Nah," the man replied, "I don't want to turn you into a pair of gushing pansies." "Fat chance of that happening. I started when I'd just turned eight, and I haven't minced a mint leaf in five years." "You don't have to eat rocks, either," the preacher observed. "Don't worry, I'd rather be a sissy than a macho. At least a sissy has the brains to hang out in the library." "Exquisite point," Alex said. "Dictionaries, forever, rah, rah, rah, sis-boom-bah!" Kit babbled. "Dictionaries and swimming coaches," the older, wiser man corrected. This is a real cheat in the word-count department. Typically, a brag, too. The fact of the matter is that I've composed this story, as it approaches the 12,000 word mark, at the rate of a thousand words an hour. Two six-hour sessions. Lawrence Durrell holds the unofficial record in composing "Women in Love" at the rate of three thousand words a day. I've been doubling him in six hour days. Good. 12,026. We can get back to the story after I take one more pat of my own back by pointing out that Mr. Durrell submitted to an experienced editor for pruning and polishing, where I do all that (or at least such of it as gets done), myself. "We can get back to motoring if you want," Alex said to Kit's unconscious, and extremely flattering, look of horror. "It's only seven hundred horsepower," the boy intoned, and suddenly his lips were gentle on Alex's. "I talked five gay couples out of marrying," Alex managed to whisper into the boy's yearning mouth, "but for you and Victor I'm going to make an exception." Jack had often brought Butchy and Duane into the conversation, but he'd, a, never mentioned marrying them to each other, or, b, had the qualifications to do so. It was good to be thirteen, although the thought did gnaw that if Victor was good enough for Alex it might be a long five year wait. He was about to dwell on the subject when he remembered they didn't have to be married to be together, and returned his thoughts to the case in point. Alex, for his part, was tending to wax philosophical. The subject was so enormous it was hard to do more than dither on it. Everybody was wrong. You could see it in the staggering rates of obesity, the preponderance of Ricki Lake type television programming, the cracker box churches infesting the land and the neighborhood with the bleak hole in the ground of orchestrated faith. "Kit," Alex said, "I should tell you some home truths about myself before anything physical happens. I won't give you the keys but I will take you home, do not pass go, don't collect two hundred dollars, if you change your mind about being together. "My secret is," the pastor continued, "that my mission is to save people from the church, not to ensnare them in it. Your contest entry was secular, so I don't know anything about your spiritual background. I hope you have none. No faith. If you do, you're going to find me hard to take and you might want to spend your time with someone else." "You killed two people," Kit said, "and that's enough distance from the Holy Redeemer for me. Reckon it would suit a lot of good-old boys." "Phew," said the cleric, "I didn't think you were a bible beater, but it's comforting to know you're well off the path." "And how," the boy rejoined. "If it didn't make sense then, how can it possibly, now, in the age of the Hubble telescope?" "Amen," said Alex. "And it's not a secret. I don't do the devil's work en obscura; everyone in Epping knew I tried to steer the young clear of the church and turned most of their facilities into homes for the elderly, fleecing one widow to pay for another. I'll do the same is Hastings. The other pastors won't like it, but I'm a Harvard Divine and by their own standards, their god." "Will it be fun to watch?" Kit asked. He was delighted to feel Alex's fingers on the top button of his shirt. "I converted two preachers to truck driving and two to secular teaching," Alex said, "so you wouldn't call it drama at high noon, but, yes, if you're a writer at heart; if liaisons and mechanizations are enough to intrigue you, you might find it engaging. Fun? Well, it was in Epping; kind of bold and vivid; what it lacked in style it made up for in pace. There were no losers. The dead were better off that way; the rest were unshackled from their tithes; church choirs became secular performance groups, the rolodexes were used for supporting both the library and the athletic fields; when I left, there were sixty low-cost or free beds for the elderly, with approximately double the overall support system for all disabled and needy people. Church attendance dropped by over ninety percent; quality of life increased by over ten percent. Much more sex. Seventy divorces cancelled. Intervention on over a hundred cases involving incest; seventy percent sanctioned, the others terminated. "There might have been a book in it." `If it hadn't been for Victor, you'd have written it," Kit teased. "I was young, I was foolish, I didn't know what I was doing," the minister intoned. "Then how could you teach Victor?" Kit asked, a bit wry, a bit wicked, but not enough to stop Alex and what he was doing with the buttons of the child's shirt. "You two are going to catch fire the first time you get within fifty feet of one another." "Cool," Kit responded. "Don't you just know it," Alex agreed By now the two males were staring openly into each other's eyes. Alex was slim faced with light brown hair and big hazel eyes. At twenty-six he looked, maybe, twenty; not exactly aggressively boyish, but boyish, nonetheless. At six feet three inches he looked so perfect it was hard to believe he was real and not some fabulous painting suspended on threads. Just his eyelashes. )Think what they weighed; one one-millionth of his athletic two hundred pounds on a slim frame.) A stupid pun went through Kit's half-dazed brain. "Don't judge a look by its cover." It was a stretch, an eyelash as a cover, especially because Alex's might have been better describes as banners emblazoned with the words: Come Hither. Besides, who'd want to cover those eyes, in the first place? They were almost steely hard almost all the time. Kit had the impression it took a significant impact to soften them, that what they were about was cleaning up his church and any others within fifty miles. To stay him from his calling was going to take charm, warmth, and sensitivity, but why would one want to stay him from his calling? Kit's hurdles with Jack had been of his own making. Was he old enough for this event or that one? Here, the field of play broadened considerably. Alex wasn't an age issue, he was a life, over-all issue. Compelling, magnetic, focused; half a terror just to be with because how could anyone be good enough, long enough, to earn their place? Alex Christopher, at the self-same time, was wondering what kind of lucky furrow he'd been called to plow. Victor Sansang, now Kit Allen. An hour with either would have been an A-list deathbed memory, yet the first had turned out to be the ultimate keeper, and the second was the equal of the first. At Harvard it had been the bath house scene for greater control than the bar scene offered. If he was going to slam-dunk religion, he had to steep himself in the cloying nonsense of theology as a general immerses himself in the mind of the general on the other side of the hill. No time for dating or conventional romance. These would have been his choice had he gone for the secular professions, but his mission had been stated clearly on an August Sunday, twenty years earlier, when a baseball had crashed through his prison's stained glass window. Over Mary's shoulders had come a sudden patch of blue. Age six years, and he was outta there. In the intervening twenty years, he'd stayed true to his mission of freeing others, and armed himself to the teeth. "Can we stay for another hour?" Kit asked. "Yes," Alex said. "How about tonight?" the child asked next, "can I stay with you or do you want to take me home?" "I guess I'd call it Bring you home," the minister replied. "Then I'll call myself happy," the boy responded. "Glad to hear it," Alex said. "Glad to be it," Kit whispered. Their lips met virginally. "No Kool-Aid," Alex noted. "Victor is usually cherry, strawberry, or grape." "We could chew a Spearmint together," the boy suggested helpfully. "Sounds like only half the flavor," the young minister said. "Perhaps there's more to chewing satisfaction than gobs of sugar," Kit observed. "We could try, at that," Alex rejoined. Although their kissing had been shy and tentative, neither male was a virgin. They got up while Kit searched his pockets for his pack of double-mint and by acclimation began stripping, backs to each other. "Should I keep my underpants on?" the boy asked from behind his bush. "Yes," Alex rasped, "I'm wearing briefs, should I keep them on?" "No," Kit replied. They approached each other over the blanket. Kit held out the stick of gum. Alex took one end and they slowly pulled themselves together, eyes raging with thirst. "Victor and I didn't have erections our first time," Alex whispered. "It must have been freaking freezing," the boy responded, doing a more-than-adequate job of keeping his place in such stories as were unfolding. "Call it mortal terror," Alex said. "It was with the girl. Frankie. We'd been half living together in an ever higher state of tension. Odd as it was, it was that, as well as the fire, that got through to her. She sensed our desires; that there was a good side to the things that had happened when she was kidnapped. Finally, she could take no more of our self-conscious mooning, Victor's and mine, so she perked up one evening, out of the blue, and off we went to the master bathroom with its shower and whirlpool tub, Miss Reborn leading the way." While Alex began his story, they sank to their knees on the sheet blanket. Using four hands, they managed to get the gum half in his mouth and half in his; then to chew themselves together until their sweet kisses were not longer experimental and tentative. For some minutes they managed to murmer and understand each other, then the flavor was gone and they broke reluctantly apart, squashing the chicly in a leaf and tossing it into the underbrush. From kneeling, Kit layed his partner full length and straddled his right thigh. At his right knee was Alex's huge erection, at seven inches fully the size of Jack's. Interesting how something so ridiculously unessential paid such generous dividends. Size didn't count, but it sure was engaging. As for Alex, he was mesmerized by the size of the obvious tent in Kit's underpants. The thirteen year old was almost dramatically thick and nearly six inches long. "You look more like fourteen than twenty four," Kit said. "I still get carded for movies," the older male acknowledged, "plus, I'm twenty-six and you know it. The hair situation has to do with a present from Victor to you." Indeed, in a certain way Alex was more boyish than ever. "It looks fantastic," Kit whispered. He was going to comment on what a frame for what a painting, but it was a lack of frame, so to speak, that engaged him, to say nothing of the complexity of the painting, making the subject too thorny without the `t' for the moment. Breathing, for that matter, was becoming altered in its execution, and he'd been doing that for years. "Is there any of that chewing gum left?" Alex asked. "Maybe just a taste," Kit replied with a self-conscious grin, as he lay down on the hairless swimmer's chest of the young preacher. There was still a slight tangy sweetness, not that they noticed. Eventually Kit pushed gently away and resumed his position straddling Alex's leg. He found the young man with his hand, then cupped with his left. "You better talk," he said, "or this is not going to last." Kit had seemed interested in seven-year-old Frankie Butler, and she'd been the mover and shaker in Alex's first adult/child experience, so he felt safe in advancing his relationship with Kit with the story. It was the third knock on his door, and from the outset he, as a brand new arrival in Epping, had involved outright suspicion. Since moving in had involved him in full days with numerous townspeople, this cloud had dissipated and his advice and assistance had been requested. He'd visited Frankie repeated as she recovered from exposure and minor lacerations. The girl had responded to him more than she had to various women from the social agencies, and, since he already had Victor Sansang at the rectory, she'd been transferred to his custody while the search for her family and abductor went on. The cold which had nearly killed the girl now turned out to be her salvation, and she spent apparently contented hours on a polar bear whose skin was not destined to be torn to pieces by scavengers, all but useless to anyone but its owner and the human race, gazing into the crackling apple wood fire, and reacting directly when Kit sprinkled copper powder on the flames to turn them a dazzling blue. Gradually the flames thoroughly thawed the child, and, although she didn't speak, she began participating in meals, as well as dressing and caring for herself, which she'd been capable of on leaving the hospital. So well did the girl fit in, the social worker charged with overseeing Frankie strongly recommended that even if her parents were found, the family should not be reunited for some period of time. Victor was transferred to a home study program and Alex invented a high-efficiency zone for his activities so he could be home at three in the afternoon and let Victor out to play basketball with the JVs at Epping Middle School. So it was for two weeks. Cords of wood sacrificed to a wounded goddess. Lucky they heated an active household as a byproduct. She set the table after the first week, then began working with Victor on multiplication tables, writing everything instead of saying anything. She colored beautifully, leaving blanks as highlights so you looked into her work instead of at it. Kit recognized Pappy Drewit images when she drew freehand, and tried to draw her out on the subject. It was a close thing; he could see the references made sense to Frankie, but she didn't want to say anything. In a way, it was kind of nice. Victor, a more European Eurasian, had come to Epping through normal adoption channels, then his new parents had been killed by mountain lightning, leaving the twelve year old adrift. Alex was informed of the situation by the police, took the boy in for temporary shelter, then on a long-term basis. Victor was tight and popular at school so in days the quiet rectory had livened up considerably. Occasionally late at night Alex wondered at the fate that had denied both the boy's natural and adopted parents the pleasure of his company. If god was measured by his mysterious ways the dude pretty well sucked. Mary had been decapitated by a home run while the summer sky remained clear and blue if one looked almost straight up, or in the vicinity of heaven. And the big orchard in the sky could flourish at ground level. Victor and Frankie comprised a dynamic duo that inculcated Alex with a more particular zeal as he went about re-arranging affairs in the town of fourteen thousand to his sometimes imperious satisfaction. Thanks to his cell phone, p.d.a and computer, Alex was able to orchestrate with an efficiency unknown to former eras. He was home by three, about sunset in mid winter, to join the fire wardens on their bear skin. For months now Alex Christopher had been on an incline. He didn't know whether it led up or down, just that it led somewhere other than the destination of the oft-trodden level path. Victor was the tilting mechanism. He tried not to look at the coltish twelve year old more than was polite or normal, but he could struggle like a man at a breach and still not avoid frequent glances, and if the child's attention was diverted, he was powerless to stop himself from simply staring at the for-all-appearances boy-looking boy. Would a natural father or normal man simply stare at a kid for an hour, straight, if he could get away with it? The boy must sense something. Yet he was so often so close by. By choice he was seldom ten feet away, and he could have as easily studied and watched television in private, if he so chose. On top of this, he took an avid interest in Alex's work, following with near glee when the plot thickened regarding this family or that interloper. Frankie had become an almost instant fascination and he seemed to respond instinctively to her need for a calm, arm's-length presence. He left half-reluctantly for his ballgames and was always back before five. Prize-winning home, that's what that made it. Her parents had been found at the end of the first month. Spies sent negative reports of a more than half-gone construction worker and job-jumping, club-loving waitress. In all likelihood her abductor had been one of her mother's outside interests. Plenty of suspects in that department. Some pressure was brought to bear to determine the girl's feelings about her fate, her will, but attempts in that direction affirmed the opinion that her home was not on any list she might have of good things. On Frankie's arrival, Victor took to answering the phone Orphan Central, a little confusing to bewildered callers, but a healthy sign the boy had landed on his feet and didn't see much point in tiptoeing around delicate issues. He'd have Frankie proud of her independent status before her first day back at school. "We have dramatic backgrounds, and no old folks to worry about when we get older, ourselves," he'd tell the girl cuddled happily beside him on the enduring polar bear. For sure, such observations got twice the response from the big black eyes of any attempts to find out more than her name, which she'd written willingly enough at the hospital, before clamming up. The clock ticked in the living room of the old house, the days slipped by, Victor seemed to become more magnetic with every passing week, the little girl's black hair shone with health, and the first fortnight passed. It was a Saturday evening and Alex was casting around for ways to get out of the sermon expected of him on the morrow. He'd used home repairs as an excuse, with his own hands had loosened a copper pipe to engender the fear of leaking gas, been called away to no less than three funerals of imaginary relatives, plus two faux weddings. A great motivation for raising a thousand dollars a day was not being overly pestered for A few words on Sunday, Reverend Christopher; it is rather a tradition. For a devil, Alex took good care of his hunting ground and Sundays off seemed a small price for the congregation to pay. An artist at what he did, he managed to disembowel his congregation while simultaneously raising three times the funding of his predecessor. The church goers were subtly steered to healthier and more productive enterprises, the seedy strongly cautioned, and the funding, chiefly gained from elderly women with no other use for the money, was reserved for conversion of the plant so it might serve Epping rather than confuse and distract the town. "The devil works in obvious ways," he kidded Victor that Saturday evening and the orphan rejoined, in a mysterious way, that some devils overlooked the obvious. It was some minutes before the self-satisfied preacher wondered at the comment. Kids spoke their own language and interpreting it was perilous, in the mildest of circumstances. To read anything into Victor's remark could result in the wish for a bicycle or twenty-two being taken for what `obvious' apparently meant, seeing as how the boy stuck close and seemed to be looking at Alex as much as Alex looked back. Wishful thinking also complicated the scenario. What was obvious was that he adored his ward to the extent of craving him. What was obvious was that a misinterpretation could wreck their daily forging bond. What was obvious was that love didn't have to be obvious to be interesting. If the parish ledger was obvious, well and good, and if a man and boy living together in private was fraught with obscurity, even better. Plenty of room for both in the seventy-odd years that made up the human span, especially when part of each day was spent on a rug in front of a fire. "It wasn't all bad, you know," Frankie said. The comment was so low-key and natural sounding Alex and Victor made noncommittal noises of agreement as they lay on both sides of the seven year old and gazed with her into the burning pile of apple wood. In cartoon-like fashion, they both slowly froze and stopped breathing. By acclimation they rose to the push-up position and stared over the girl at each other. A full minute went by as they nodded, shook their heads, and stared helplessly at each other. "Damn cat," the girl eventually went on, "the moment he lets my tongue go, he gets the two of you. I'd blame myself for bringing him up poorly, but any extended dialogue, or monologue, as the case seems to be, on the subject, since the cat doesn't actually exist, would get me out of this warm, cozy house and into the loony bin -- right or wrong?" Being speechless is easy, you just don't talk. And what would they talk about, if they could? Stage one or stage two? Their little amnesia victim, all mute and pitiful, or some Johnny-come-lately firebrand that left them hung out to dry? Alex's education had cost in the six figures, but it had been the best offered so he'd known all along some day he'd get his money's worth. "Bless me," he said. "Well, don't forget Tiny Tim, fresh from the forest, here," the girl said. "Why, `pon my soul, the lady takes me for Scrooge," Alex iterated, "what thinks thee of that, lad?" "McDuck or McDickens?" asked Kit, more rhetorically than specifically. Frankie obliged the boy by breaking out into a fit of giggles only half-muffled by the thick, warm fur of the long-dead beast. "I think she takes you for the McClown," Alex observed. Now that she had two boys to laugh at, the polar bear did little good and the girl dissolved into a half-weeping state that went on for some minutes as Alex and Victor stroked and petted her. Gradually the spell eased and the pixie rolled on her back, her black eyes huge as she stared first at one male, then the other, finally grabbing them gently and bringing them together at her knees so she could look up at both handsome faces at the same time. "It wasn't all bad," she repeated. "He's a nice boy. Seventeen. Worked as a busboy in my mother's last restaurant. We used to hang out in the kitchen together when Mom couldn't find a sitter. Do you or do you not want to bet that I can peel eight potatoes in four minutes? "He just got scared," her story went. "They had it on the radio, so he drove me from Cleveland up to Vermont so he'd have time to figure out what to do. That was after four days. The car stopped running on a back road. A logger picked us up, but after about a hundred miles he made Stewart get out and kept me with him for two days before he dumped me. I should have been okay, but a blizzard started an hour after he left me beside the road and things got all messed up. I asked some people for help but they were afraid because the laws can be interpreted in so many ways -- that's what one family told me, they had a Cadillac, so it got kind of serious and I got feeling pretty low, so I threw away my coat so I wouldn't waste time getting out of people's way. In the end, an alert state trooper, Ben Shaw, saw my footprints going off the road, into the woods, and he made it his business to find out what was going on, and found me about ready to hatch in heaven, because I'd sure spent the last two days in the big elsewhere." "And you speak like a princess professor because?" Victor asked. "Grandmother. I half grew up with her." "That was a good thing," Alex interjected, "because if you were any more with it, speech wise, you'd be looking at loony time, for sure." "Damned if I do and damned if I don't, eh?" "The modern world likes it one word at a time, and easy on the syllables," Alex said, "so yesteryear's assets are today's liabilities." "That's a fine how-do-you-do," the girl said, "though Nan, that's my dad's mother, did say one ought to speak lightly and carry a big dic-tionary." The girl blushed. "I guess that has a different connotation after what happened," she whispered, half to herself. "At seven you're allowed a choice," Alex said gently. "How do you know how old I am?" Frankie asked. "The police found your mother awhile ago," Alex explained. "We've kept her in the dark, but at the same time gotten the goods on you, toward the day when you could be brought up to date." "If somebody's going to Boston," Frankie said, "I can write her in Cleveland and tell her and Dad that I'm okay, but have no desire to return to them. They won't be able to trace me if the letter has a big city postmark, assuming they'd want to try if it came from down the street, that is.." "To be safe let's mail it from Disneyland," Alex suggested. The girl started to laugh but something in those hard eyes stopped her. Little Miss Frances Butler of Solon, Ohio, was on her way to California, she could just feel it. And that wasn't her only feeling. This young man, this intriguing and gracious boy; they were freaking head-over-heels in love with each other and scared to death of their own shadows. Cute, too, and damned if her life hadn't changed in the last few weeks, from color cartoons with saucer eyes to way beyond where the soaps feared to tread (maybe it was all those slippery suds on the floor). The man and boy were greater doll and lesser doll with nary a tea party in the offing. Plus, she was going to Disneyland. "Thanks," the seven year old said. "I'll visit, too, before too long, but I'm in the mood for a serious break and I'm not a moody girl." "You were cool even when you first came here," Victor said, "so I think you can call our home your home for as long as you want. Alex has more pull around here than you might want to know about... are you religious?" "I prayed someone would help me along the roadside," the girl said, "but I take it all back. "Ah, two devils," she sighed contentedly to herself when both males broke out in happy smiles. For long moments Frankie lay staring up at Alex and Victor as they stared back. Finally, she extended her hands up to them and drew them down on the rug, Alex on her right and Victor on her left. "I did a lot of growing up with Stewart, and more with Harold, he drove the log truck, so I know it's high time the two of you grow up. "As I said, before, it was not all bad." "If Mattel ever comes up with a doll that talks like this one they'll own North America," Alex thought. Victor was dumb for the moment, shocked by the biggest, hardest boner of his twelve years. He almost always had one when he was close to Alex; now it had doubled and felt the size of a baseball bat. Nobody said anything for some moments. Both males were so deliberately not lying against her that it was a snap to see that the three of them, as well as bing on the big, white rug, were also on the same page. "How much therapy value would there be in giving you the whole story?" Frankie asked the devil in the dog collar, which as usual, he was not wearing. "None," Alex replied, "but, on the other hand, it might be sexy. But it's one hundred percent up to you. The kids in other cases have suffered severe, immediate and lasting psychological damage from being quizzed and probed by credentialled experts on things they didn't understand, so that's a road we'd like to avoid." "They didn't have Stewart to teach them," the girl replied, "and I did. So you could ask a million questions, and I'd know the answer to every one. No confusion now, or ever." "And your grandmother was princess of?" Alex said. He'd spent enough time and money at Harvard to learn something, after all. "Greece," Frankie replied. "Constantine's sister. How cool is that?" "Lady Fauntleroy, or Her Majesty?" Alex asked. "Nan's an R.H., royal highness, but she always did respond to Your Majesty. She thought of it as her common touch." "Yeah, but we're talking about you." Victor observed. "I've run off with a bus boy and spent two nights with a six-four trucker, so maybe you'd better come up with your own title." "Goddess seems a bit high toned for in public, but mightn't it do around the house?" Alex wondered aloud. "Sure!" Victor enthused, "and we can be her princes. It works." It seemed funny and frivolous, but in such manner are things occasionally carved in stone. Goddess she became, commonly abbreviated, Ess, so as not to incur her wrath. It was good to please her and the males soon found they had chosen their deity well. She was becoming more lively by the minute snuggling critically close to first Victor then immediately rolling into Alex's arms, and after a minute, back to the boy's. "We can grow up right here on this rug," she whispered to them both, taking a moment to lie still, on her back, between them. "The good thing would be to have a few candles. That will remind me of Steward because he had some from the restaurant." The princes left on the subtle command. Not only had Harvard University educated Alex Christopher, it had bestowed on him, at age twenty-two, the privilege of a rectory well stocked with the idolater's best friend, the slim, wax taper. Feeling very satisfied with his effort and dedication, Alex gave Victor four and brought four, himself. Two silver candelabra and the glow of the freshened fire was repeated along the length of the lonely but immortalized polar wanderer. "Try to think of some puns and double entendres related to this rug, and act on them," the princess suggested. Alex and Victor had just placed the elaborate silver candle holders and were kneeling at Frankie's feet. They looked at each other, whirling minds wanting to know. Okay, he'd been wrong; had already, in his relationship with Victor, not misjudged the obvious, but refused to acknowledge it. The boy's shining eyes, especially now that the candles were on the floor beside the rug, showed his notion, ironically squelched by hope, had been right. So, didn't it follow that the obvious was once again in play? Frankie didn't help by winking, but still there was no doubt. It was a bear skin rug. What other double entendres could there be? Some nascent proclivity as a zoologist; next she'd be asking for a microscope? Get real. Victor was real. He'd been totally in tune since the boy's first day in his house, accurately. He'd imagined everything but the truth to protect the child, and his good intentions had denied them nearly a year of pseudo wedded bliss. Okay, okay, but what was the second part? That's where it blurred, alright. Sure, he could remember her actual words: act on them. Act on the prurient aspects of a rug of the skin of a bear. Did that mean flipping a beer can on the nose? Act. Did she want a circus? A melodrama. What could be more dramatic than a nine foot bear in the living room? Aha. He was able to thicken the plot. The candles. She'd said what? Stewart had used them. She'd spent four nights with the seventeen year old. But it was so hard to act. Princess, Goddess, some part of her was a seven year old kid, kidnapped and ditched, only surviving by half-luck. He looked at Victor. "I think it's okay," the boy whispered. Thinking was getting Alex nowhere so he merely nodded. His hands went to the twelve year old's top button, and in moments they were busy with each other. Frankie congratulated herself on her choice of princes, and stared wide-eyed at her first calm and collected experience with the opposite sex. No ruckus and the whole warm, friendly night ahead. "You're beautiful," she whispered. Both males were now kneeling bare chested and facing her. "I wonder if it will make a difference?" she added, "because Stewart was all acne, crooked teeth and greasy hair, but totally out of this world. Harold had spent twenty years in the woods, hairy, and he made it happen in me, but I was glad to get away from him. Now an upper class Anglo and a mixed blood boy who looks like the freaking best of every blood." "Beats being a slave in a market," Alex mused to himself, "though I still feel no vestige of freedom." Victor rubbed his left arm against Alex, and immediately the tall athlete pulled the bare-chested boy gently in front of him, molesting him as the girl stared up from the rug. "That's how Stewart started teaching me," Frankie said. "In the walk-in. It was innocent at first. He'd work in there for awhile, then I'd go in so he could warm his hands on my tummy. Then I wore a blouse he could pull up, so he could get warmer. Pretty soon he said he wanted to go up high while he was rubbing me. I asked him why, and he said boys just did even before anything started to grow, so I let him. That really changed things between us. We didn't just wait to go in the freezer, I'd stand in front of him any time things were slow and the kitchen was empty. It meant we had to work harder so no one would have a reason to say anything, but it was worth it." Again, the dart of a girl held up her hands, beckoning, and spread her slim legs wide so they could shuffle closer. She was wearing a black leotard and white blouse and began unbuttoning herself as the males got comfortable. Alex was still molesting Victor and the boy responded to being fondled by arching his back and lacing his fingers in back of the older male's neck. In moments the fairy god goddess had her blouse pulled wide and had emulated her stallions by imitating the position of Victor's hands, only behind her own neck. She arched willfully but not wantonly, obviously enjoying her bare-chested princes to the same extent they were enjoying her. Alex eased Victor forward and stared over the boy's right shoulder as the youth found the child with his fingers and transmitted what Alex did to him, to her. Gentle touches around her tiny belly button, then to her tender flanks. To her collar bone, shoulders and neck. Harold hadn't been like this with Stewart; he hadn't hurt the boy, but his actions had been a far cry from the gentle encouragement evident in the way this man handled this boy. All night. Safe. Quiet. Peaceful. Her recovery had been sleep oriented as much as anything, so she was well caught up. The males were also regular in their routines and looked bright eyed and ready for a long night. Good, there's 18,002 words, keeping us on pace. More like ten hours than six, and the sixes were probably more, but, anyway, record pace. It's not exactly a race, but nearly a third of a minimal novel in three days is making some kind of hay. As predicted, it's coming out much better than the first draft, and for sure will be longer. Seventy-plus pages by traditional print MS count, and not a mushroom in sight. Writing is an awkward art form in that it's hard to give the reader a break. On television, you have your commercials so you can hit the fridge or the john, but a literary divergence requires the same audience engagement as the central theme, so it, the audience, doesn't catch much in the way of downtime, or interval as it's called on Broadway. Writing for the Net is especially challenging, because, while you can take a book to the bathroom, a personal computer is another story. I'd like to say most of the laptops sold in the year and a half I've been publishing were purchased to give the owner fuller access to moi, but my nature is modest and it would be a stretch to claim even half of notebook sales. (It's also possible I interrupt myself solely to drive up the sacred word count. There is nothing modest about my talent, therefore the more you get of it the better. A second reason is that I just like to type. There may be an answer in the offing, should this be the case. Specifically, Malcolm Dale apparently has the camera, after all, meaning in the next week or so I may be able to photograph myself, display the image on the monitor, and thus fulfill my narcissistic impulses by constantly evaluating and reevaluating myself, as did the boy in the reflection of the pool, rather than typing everlasting lines of English. How sweet would that be? Having convinced, finally, even myself I'm the greatest of all artists, I do find myself dwelling on the issue. Why me? What is the spiritual connection, other than what I feel? How is it possible to reinvent art, itself, yet live in modest and prosaic style very much as my neighbors live. Should I be on something heavier than my dollar-a-day weed habit? Can I shame my mother enough to overshadow the fact that I immortalize her? What are my motives? I think they are to teach reading and writing, to educate in a moral and spiritual sense, to achieve immortality for myself and bestow it on others, and to entertain, not necessarily in that order. Advance the art? Definitely. In fact, I consider leading, as one leads a duck before blowing the poor thing's head half off, my greatest gift and talent, and yes, it may just be bravado talking, but I believe I write half a decade or so ahead, extrapolating from the Bobsey Twins to the Olsen Twins. Shooting just ahead of the norm but not so far ahead as to be deemed an oddity or maverick. The huge readership numbers buttress the possibility that my aim is good but I don't consider it a done deal. Good thing I like to type. Good thing I love the reduced screen of my word processor so if I get bored I can wink back at Clippy or look at all the tiles at the top of the screen and wonder what would happen if I clicked one of them. Alternatively, my display looks like the console of a space ship, again, with mysterious buttons layered three deep. I don't know why I've become so taken with pace. Surely people a hundred years from now are not going to care if a work was completed in a week or a month, so why do I? I can't figure out what keeps Jackie Chan going, either. He's got enough of everything for a million people, so why does he go on risking his life and sustaining one cruel injury after another? I've taught, instructed, entertained, buried my mother in cement, and achieved all the immortality anyone has a right to, so why keep at it? I don't trust cement. While you may view this as over-cautious, I would point out that what is thick and strong will be stronger if it is thicker. I have to say the marijuana and cigarettes help, I just have to. To relax and enjoy it at six thousand words a day is simply not a straight, sober experience or even a possibility. A dollar a day of weed does not exactly zone one into the stratosphere, and twenty cigarettes a day are not necessarily death, incarnate. And the payback for the two and a half dollars a day I spend on my vices is staggering. Longer, fuller days free of the empty feeling of yearning for something not at hand. In this respect, Samantha has become a godsend, to, finally toeing the line and showing up for a couple of hours each morning. I'm afraid I'm right in predicting she will soon be a raving beauty and boy magnet, extraordinaire. I am doing a lot of young men a great service by taking her off the market early in the game, unless, of course, she decides otherwise. Her eldest brother, Lindsey, eighteen, is back in Dangriga sporting a bullet laceration across his palm. It was done by a .38 and looking at the scar, seven stitches, it's impossible to see how it missed taking out at least a finger or two. These kids today. I thought I had lost him to the street, but he's come through a couple of butterfly years fit as ever and chopped the yard this morning in record time. He's very talented at graphics and sculpting so we're birds of a feather. It's good to have the whole family at home, reasonably safe and sound. Lin's girlfriend, Melissa, is a long-legged knockout; gives the Laura of previous stories a run for her money. They make a dramatically attractive couple. Samantha bought a Punta Rebels tape this morning. They used to practice beside my old house, but I never realized how intricate and subtle their work is until listening to them on my Sony. Anybody, anywhere exposed to the high art of their mixes must come away with no doubt to the creative dimension of assimilated Africans. It shouldn't be a surprise, since their pre-assimilation art defines world class, but it is. I wish one of their recordings had come across my desk when I was continuity director at WABI. They fly to New York for weekend gigs so they're not exactly bush league and they may put Dangriga on the map, yet. As I was ten years old in 1956 it's obvious I grew up during a musical zenith that lasted twenty years. It appears I may have the opportunity to live through another one. Very little top forty has appealed to me in many years, but here in the Caribbean there seems to be no bad music. This is a special mercy since, as stated already, cable television may have simply run through its time span. Speaking of which, I had the distinction of being hired and fired in ten minutes last week. Santa Fe, south. I got bamboozled so many times in New Mexico I used to tell Anne we'd been Santa Fe'd, again. She always knew what I meant. The current incident involves a guy who comes across as the proverbial bubba. I made contact with him on an incidental business matter and he asked me if I'd worked in film. I said I had, so he dragged me into his office to tell me about a show called "Fish Belize" he was involved in, and he needed a director. Since I've done it all, I said I'd probably be useful, but carefully pointed out that I'd worked in 16mm synched sound and would need a technician when it came to cutting because I wouldn't have time to learn how to run a video system. Other stuff. So he seemed impressed and I thought hired me. I had to meet Samantha at the bank, so I took my departure, to return fifteen minutes later, assuming we're going to pick up the conversation and get specific. Now all of a sudden he's playing with his computer and proving bubba does as bubba is. I have every mind to present the dolt with a bill for consultation, but, in the end, am glad to be rid of a flake so fast. At the same time, I believe a good fishing series could be produced here. In my vision it would be more theatrical than others of its type. Follow a father and daughter through a variety of fishing and touring environments. There's so much good music done by local groups, the thing would rock from beginning to end, and, unless I miss my guess, be loaded with Creole and Carib charm. (I've often thought a sharp cruise ship line would offer all-Belezian crews. The island blacks are hard, having been ruined by the out-flow (effluent) of New York, but non-urban Belezians are great.) Anyway, TNN's meant to carry "Fish Belize" early next year, so keep your eyes open. In the meantime, I've got a dual theme, a show about a show, a la "Home Improvement", for a project in my own words. Morning well spent in spite of the odd outcome. Let's see, bumbling bubba with officious wife manages to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory while the obnoxious David Ogden Stiers, Niles Frasier, George Plympton type forsakes bubba bluster and produces a compelling drama of making it in paradise, one fish at a time. (The time I was most epically "Santa Fe'd" was when I was running a small plant shop on Canyon Road and the head of the Hilton called me in for a consultation. He gave me a half million dollar contract which was cancelled, rather curtly, I thought, the next day when the guy was fired. As we were walking across the parking lot, the manager talked about having the fire department come in and wash customers' cars, so I'd began to have inklings about a trolley operated by a non-union crew. Since dealing with Their nutcase had cost me over half a day of time, and obvious embarrassment, I felt I deserved more than a telephone brush off, so I simply kept ten pounds of blueprints the manager had given me during the interview. It was a time in my life when I responded poorly to being pissed on. Now, as with bubba and a long list of others, I turn the acid into lemonade, and if it has the potency of an all-natural product, you can thank the ingredients as I do those who provided them.) For you young writers who are thinking How to you get it, how do you make it come? I don't get it or make it do anything. It comes. I can't chop an onion without running to the keyboard three times to type out a word or phrase. Ceaselessly, unending, at least, so far. I don't know from blocked. Choked, yes; I'm sometimes stymied by so many thoughts, avenues and tendrils it's difficult to prioritize them and finish what I start. But then, what does a novelist do in the first place? He lives in a world of incomprehensible difficulty. It is so difficult to write a novel it should be against the law. Pairing vaulting creativity and meticulous persistence defies everything that is cultured. Years go by and no one can do it. No book catches fire with the public. The publishing machine grinds as a machine, generating not a hint of off-the-books profit for anybody. I wouldn't gripe, but ask yourself, how grand can it be to be a giant amongst leftist Lilliputians? If one views publishers as scuttling urbanites, can there be more pleasure in pursuing them than there would in going after a nest of house bugs? Better we ignore each other. I'll delve into the unpopular world of generalities and categorize the whole lot as socialistic morons. A thing like this can only be swept under the rug for so long. For the time being, I'm no profit center, unlikable, and politically incorrect. In short, a conceited, pigeon-toed, stoner and nonentity. Be this as it may, soon enough the world as it is will spin us together and we'll end up near the same page. I suggest we close the volume with aplomb, and, in the name of delicacy, avoid certain stained pages in the future. What is writing? Writing is building imagery inside a book. Alex, Victor and Frankie were trying to build imagery in their minds. They'd take long looks at each other, then blink several times to reinforce the lover. It didn't work. From moment to moment, unless they were looking at each other, they couldn't remember what each other looked like. It was like a mind stomach. Empty. Craving. Satisfied with nothing short of one of the two on-looking faces, with memory amounting to nothing more than a picture of a meal. It was hard even to blink. But a good novel is not only about the forest, it is also about the trees, and, while it takes very little talent to topple two trees, slowly, gently, onto a wraith of a girl -- anyone could do it -- it is nonetheless part of the story. Alex and Victor settled to Frankie's naked chest, Victor's stripped torso on her left and Alex, tall and athletic, on her right side. The males alternated between molesting the little girl with their hands and mouthes and undoing each other's belts and snaps. As they began to get serious with each other, Frankie whispered, "Me, too," and so staring back and forth between her huge Greek eyes and her flat, honey brown belly and her emerging hips, the man and boy pulled down her leotards and panties. The second the garments were free of the child's ankles she spread her legs wide and archer her hips to the touch of the males. Alex and Victor were on their knees now, each using their off hand to sport her bottom while they took turns experimenting with her wetness. She cooed and mewed beautifully and so they went on and on with her, Alex teaching the young boy how to make her have sexy little cums and finally moving the boy in front of him and masturbating him with his left hand while he used the fingers of his right hand to give her an orgasm that left here limp and panting. Alex wanted to make Victor cum off, too, but held back. This was therapy, not sex, and it was important for Frankie to get the events of the past weeks out of her system. She was so responsive as to make a liar of her scribe, for it was sex, after all. "The first real time with Stewart," she whispered, unprompted, to both males cuddled to her and now naked, themselves, "was in the shower at his house." "Did you know something was going to happen before you went?" Alex asked, the role of therapist dying hard in his finely educated being. "Yes," the girl whispered, and she often turned to Victor and kissed his forehead, reassuring the twelve year old while she conversed with the twenty two year old. "He was touching me more than just under my blouse when I went into the cold room or the freezer. We'd do dishes together, and when things got quiet, he'd bring my hands to him and we'd experiment with kissing on the lips; even french." "Did you really feel him?" Victor asked, feeling the same thought was probably running through the mind of his mentor. "For a long time it was just on the outside. I'd stand in front of him when we had a little privacy, and feel him against me. Then I wanted to touch him, so I'd stand at his right hip, he was much taller than I was, and put my left arm around him and use my right hand to touch him through his jeans. "I guess any boy could figure out I wanted to touch him without clothes," Frankie prattled on, happily, "so he let me do more and more and put my hand inside when the kitchen was extra quiet." "And your mother in all this?" Alex asked. "She thought it was cute. It was, I guess predictably with her appetites, our one common denominator; getting me freshened, in farm vernacular, at seven. Girls his age used to reject him because he had acne and looked a little bit skinny and geeky; but Mom said he was dead sexy, ten time more than the conventionally handsome boys, and that I was like totally lucky to have a boyfriend like Stewart at the age of seven. My dad was going through big, long, serious drinking and nonproductivety bouts, so he was out of picture most of the time. Anyway, Stewart became Mom's and my first and only point of contact in years. She brought me to the restaurant four or five nights a week, but I could only stay until nine o'clock, and I helped out, plus I had my homework desk in the back of the kitchen so I wouldn't frost any inspectors who happened back of the house." It can be difficult to asses the psychological aspects of recovering from a trauma. As a scantily trained practitioner, I'm more-or-less constricted to letting my characters settle their own hash, and you can imagine my pleasure when they do it with verve and gusto. "You guys don't know what you've got," Frankie said, grinning and her males each in his turn, "by the time I stayed over at Stewart's, I could both cook and run a kitchen, blindfolded, with every i dotted and every t crossed, except, of course, for the physical stuff. I needed big, strong boys for that, Lucky, eh?" "Theoretically," Alex intoned, "a boy could win the lottery three times in a row, and be luckier than Stewart, but I think that's far fetched." "He could crash in a plane," Victor added, "and not get hurt, and find the plane had torn open a hoard of war gold, and have a working radio." "Nah," both males said together, causing the girl who'd been through the psychological maelstrom, to giggle at them as if they were children. "I want to take you in the bathroom," she said after some minutes. "I will be nice, later, here on Mr. Bear, but you're at least half as exciting as Stewart so I really want to show you what he did to me. Okay?" Well, it was thirty feet, and away from the crackling, apple-wood fire. On the plus side, the bathroom was equipped with radiant lights in the ceiling. It was even emblematic. Failing to teach its audience anything else, television had outdone itself when it came to laundry, washing, showering and cleanliness to points right of the decimal. Since this priority had ingrained itself in the national psyche to the point the culture's very operas lyricized whiter than white and brighter than bright, it was not surprising that the rectory bath was of Master status, including a marble seat in the spacious Mexican tile shower. Thus it was only with half-heavy hearts that the athletic males relinquished their princess, goddess, wraith, sprite, daughter and kid sister and followed, at first on their knees, than staggering to their feet, the fairy to her preferred corner of Eden. "I should make you dress, because I wasn't running around naked with Stewart in his apartment, that I can tell you," the girl piped up half way down the hall. Alex responded by pointing out to Frankie that neither he, nor Victor, wanted to rape the girl in the hallway, but if she tried to reverse direction, they couldn't be responsible for the actions of two stags thwarted, even momentarily, by a beautiful young fawn. The rasp in the minister's voice was a different things than Stewart's halting voice as, walking down a different hall to a different shower, he'd explained he was only seventeen and no world authority on what would happen when they were alone together behind a locked door. On reflection, to the extent the girl could reflect now pinioned gently between two mature males who were displaying wantonly and wetly, Frankie decided she loved the difference, because the loved the limits. The halting, plain boy; the six-three athlete and maturing twelve year old with the responsive personality and to die for hazel eyes. What was not to like? Yet the power in Alex's voice; that he, for this evening, would be he ultimate master, was as exciting as the click of the lock had been that first time, scant weeks previously. "Do you want to just get naked, or do you want to make out and stuff, first?" His voice was so beautiful and strange. "I don't think we should waste the privacy on something we can do at work," the girls said, staring up at the craggy, boyish face on the tall, slim frame. "I just want to be sure," the boy almost stammered. "I've touched you all the way down," the girl said, her voice now a whisper to match his. "This is the next step. I know when it's over, I'm going to want to make out with you for hours, but we can do that downstairs." They'd connected on reading grandmothers. Her first visit, brought on by a babysitter emergence, had put the restaurant at the top of her list; had solved a screaming headache, and left the mother with an extra hundred for the week. Edith didn't like her mother-in-law, they had little to say to each other, but she did respect the bookish woman and found her grand daughter's attachment to a boy in her same class at first, not objectionable, then, as he took such great care of her, teaching her, firmly getting her to really help in the commercial kitchen, without intruding unnecessarily on her childhood, as a substantial blessing and piece of luck. Stewart was a minor league social pariah, so free of disease, and pregnancy was several years in the future. They could be love puppies without fear of repercussions. Had she reminded herself about the luck? "Can I take off the last piece of your clothing?" Frankie asked. "Yes," the boy whispered, adding: "even if we don't make out, we could, you know, pretend to wrestle in our underwear to kind of get used to it." "Will that make it more exciting for you?" Frankie asked. "Yes," Stewart Ramsey replied, "it's that way with boys. They keep making, you know, their seed, all the time, but when they're excited with a girl, it gets produced ten times faster, at least that's how it feels." "So the longer we wrestle, the more will happen at the end?" the girl queried. "Something like that," Stewart admitted, blushing. "So," the girl wondered, "if a girl really loves a boy, why would she ever want to stop making it more and more for him?" "I guess for the same reason you can go thirty on a bike, but not fifty. There are natural laws, or something, so we can wrestle and whisper for quite awhile, then, when we're both ready, you can make me lose control and be like a man even if I'm still a teenager." The Olsen twins talked about it all show, every show, but in spite of everything being directly related to what was going to happen with Stewart over the next five hours, after which Mrs. Ramsey would presumably escape the clutches of the clubbing Edith, the kewpie dolls managed to say very little beyond that which Barbie, herself, probably understood. Now here was a tall seventeen year old, getting cuter and sexier by the livelong minute, talking for real about being a boy and wrestling with her while she was only wearing panties, so she could see all she wanted at the end, after which time they'd be able to make out on the Ramsey's sofa for awhile, and sneak into each other's bedrooms for most of the night to come. "Will tell me when it going to happen?" Frankie asked. "I'm not sure. Sometimes boys don't even know exactly when it going to actually happen, and even if I could tell for sure, I don't know if I'll be able to say anything. You're really beautiful and I really love you and that plus what you want to do might make it hard to concentrate enough to promise to give you a warning." "Would it help if I asked?" the pixie queried. "More than," the boy acknowledged, "it would probably make it happen on the spot." "Is it more important to make it happen, or make it last?" Frankie continued. "Half and half, I guess," Steward whispered. "So making it last comes first and making it happen comes last?" "That's why they call it `experimenting' the first time," Stewart explained, feeling nicely grown up as the words slid smoothly off his tongue. "In other words," the girl rejoined, "we have to figure it all out for ourselves." "That's why I want to pretend wrestle," the seventeen year old said, "because if we were kissing, it might, you know, just happen all of a sudden, the last part, but if we can talk we can share making it last, then share what happens at the end." "I think it's going to be nice, being all biological and athletic about it, and not romantic and sappy. Especially because there's time for that stuff at the restaurant." "I wonder what I'd give up if I had to give up something," Stewart said, "whether it would be seeing you every day and having a half an hour of semi-privacy, or having you spend the night at my house once in awhile." "It rocks, having our cake and eating it," the girl observed. "Yeah," the young boy said with a gentle grin, "and we're still dressed." Cheap behavior as a writer, bringing up something you know won't last, just for the beloved word count. In the instance at hand, no sooner had Stewart spoken than the children turned their backs to each other and lost their shoes, socks, pants, skirt, shirt and blouse. "You ready to look?" Stewart said, once their clothes were piled neatly on a strategic chair, his big sneakers beside her tiny ones. Frankie hissed her response and they turned to each other. Frankie stepped close to the boy and placed her hands at his hips, drawing his briefs down. "You may have to pull them in front, too, " Stewart whispered just as the girl figured things out for herself and was moving to him with both hands, ostensibly to strip him, but one look at the fire in the raven's black eyes and he knew he wouldn't be naked for her for ten minutes at least. Her kisses began low inside his shaking thighs, not a full second after she'd almost plummeted to her knees. She'd bitten him, too, then licked the imaginary wounds like a tenderly inclined cat. Frankie worked her way up with her tongue, first, laying down lateral furrows of saliva, then, like a dust-bowl farmer, moving on and moving on. The whole time her hands, which had come so tantalizing close to him, were now behind him, inside. It was a rattling combination; touch him high, lick him low, come on scheme, let's go! And going he was, half berserk, now leaning against a towel rack for support as she wouldn't be satisfied with where she was or what she was doing. Finally she was kissing him all over the front of his shorts, nipping through the cotton, gauging with her lips and tongues, seeming, for some moments, impatient to find an end. She knew him there from the restaurant, but that was without a pretty, black-haired girl nibbling and sucking at him as if he were a lobster claw. Soon enough, she did it. She withdrew her hands from the back, freed him in front, her eyes looking up at him, tightly clamped shut, and got him naked, pulling off her panties into the bargain. "I want to back up a little," Frankie said, eyes still closed, "so don't let me fall or anything." "The wall is three feet behind you," the boy managed to whisper, "and the floor is clear." "I don't want to go that far," Frankie said, "just enough so I can see all of you, in perspective, you know, not real close up so I don't get ideas you couldn't live up to later on." She was almost as beautiful with her eyes closed as with them open. Her hair was a single sweep over her left shoulder. She was tall and slim, leggy enough to be a real kid, not a child. Her nipples were pencil erasers, her belly slightly soft. She backed almost to the wall and opened her eyes. For moments she gazed at his six and a half inch, circumcised erection, then she leapt into his arms. "I just wanted room to spring," she purred. Since experimenting necessarily means covering all the bases she didn't linger for more than half a dozen kisses, then she was doubling him to the bathroom floor, apparently having decided if they weren't going to wrestle in underpants and panties, they might try it without them. They found each other with their mouthes within minutes. Frankie was open about her own feelings as Stewart indoctrinated her with his lips and tongue; fully aggressive when it came to questioning him and reading him as she experimented with different grips and rhythms of her hand, her lips and her tongue. She was half afraid of something shocking happening when their breathing became ragged and they began sweating all over, but he'd grip her shoulder or thigh in warning and she'd go to a quieter and gentler mode of coaxing him. Some of the best times were when she took her mouth from him and cuddled up beside him to ask a string of questions. Talk. Breathe on each other. Imagine. Ask. "Have you ever seen it happen with another boy?" "Yes," Stewart said. "Was it dramatic?" the girl wanted to know. "Very, very," he whispered back to her. "Is it like an octopus making ink?" "What comes out is clear or white," Stewart said. "Will it burn if it gets on me?" "If you read books and magazines about it," the boy tried to explain, "the answer is yes, but the truth is it's the same temperature I am and it wouldn't burn a baby." "But it feels hot?" "Well, how to you feel, you know..." "Like the books and magazines say, I guess," the girl announced. "Same with me. Hot all over. No fever, just heat." "Will it end quickly?" "Sort of, I guess," Stewart allowed. "I mean, it won't end for a long time, but boy's have to rest from time to time. Girls are different about it, or so the books say." "I just don't see how it can end," the girl mused, biting a pretty lip as she stared at him from inches away. "Think how it feels just experimenting. If it gets better, how will we be able to keep going?" "The way you avoid going fifty on a bike and crashing, I guess," Stewart answered. "Avoid long, steep hills." "What about brakes?" the girl asked, her eyes seeming to grow as his hand found her young belly and massaged her gently. "Do you have any?" Stewart asked. "Not a pair in the house," the girl whispered back. "Then that makes two of us, or none of us." "I guess we don't need them, anyway," Frankie said. "Yeah, it's weird," the boy replied, "all this heat and we're as safe as we can be. I can't give you anything, because it's my first time except for what I saw happen behind the cemetery, and you couldn't get a baby from a lion." "I wish the last part wasn't true, then, no disrespect to the zoo, I'd choose you." "If a girl your size had a baby it could live for a year in a shoebox," Stewart said. "Looks like god screwed up again," the girl sighed, "if he'd been on the ball, just that could happen, and we'd have something to do in the evenings with our six ounce kid." "He did better by the kangaroos than by us folk," Stewart agreed, reminding both of the inane byplay that over a period of time had brought them together in the walk-in cooler, and to this typical suburban bathroom where at the moment they were gathering several bath towels to spread on the shower floor. Stewart lay back and Frankie settled close in on his right thigh. "First round cancelled due to lack of interest," she whispered, alluding to the wrestling they were meant to be doing. Stewart's head was lolling in his hands, which he'd placed behind his neck the moment the little girl had seated herself and gently taken him low on his long shaft with her left hand while she used her right to masturbate him at the tip of his penis. As they were by now panting and sweating in the relatively airless confines of the shower, any sporting of an athletic nature seemed, at least for the moment, superfluous. "Don't stop," Stewart was able to instruct. "When it starts, keep doing exactly what you are even if it gets all over your face. It's not pee. Okay?" "Yes," the sweating girl hissed. "I won't be able to talk any more. It'll start in about two minutes if you keep doing exactly what you are now?" In response the girl bent forward and took the swollen purple glans of the well built seventeen year old deep into her mouth, swirling her tongue at his base and using her teeth softly against the arrow ridge of him. Stewart's reaction was that of a wild horse. He bucked and whinnied; growled and hissed. He even managed to half speak, choking, "You're not ready yet," and bringing his hands to her face to push her away. She clung like a remora, which was very sexy, until all thoughts of her equilibrium were lost in a giant swirl beginning in the base of his spine and high in his thighs and vectoring him, do not pass go, do no collect two hundred dollars, to that cloud of black hair surging over him while her hidden hands counteracted each stroke in a live, pulsing rhythm that set the tornado on fire. She made it happen by tossing her head, landing her raven tresses on her slim, honey-colored back and exposing to his eyes what she was doing to make him cum. Her hands, her mouth, her face, her eyes glowing hotter than even the boiling seed beneath his heaving, flat belly. And after all the talk and pseudo, as best he could, guidance it began without Stewart's even knowing it. Full tornado, and suddenly she was drooling copiously down his swollen shaft, drooling thick, syrupy fluid that foamed slightly about her lips. If anything, she became the more avid at their first feral contact; then he felt it, like a shotgun going off, rocking and wracking him as her hands and mouth settled in in earnest. Apparently she'd been caught by surprise as well as he. As Stewart finally felt his release, she sensed him, and now her throat worked in response to each of his cums. The flow from her mouth didn't stop, he was now wildly out of control, but neither did it increase, and it kept happening again and again, three times as hard as the sneaky first two or three times. She kept with him, leading with her hands and mouth, treating him like a long-bow operated by Robin's best team. Never, anything... like... this. It had to stop of course, and eventually the girl crumbled onto the teen's chest, taking long moments to recover her strength even though she was motivated by the chance to kiss him with a mouthful of his hot sperm. This did happen, and the girl spent the last half minute before it happened wondering if she was being lazy or indulgent, lying there, salty-mouthed from her tonsils to her lips. "For a minute there I thought you were going to tell the story of the couple behind the cemetery," Kit observed. Alex blushed guiltily. When you tell a story, he supposed, you shouldn't have too many layers. Then again, the boy's account of being with Jack had drifted on in a half languorous, half erotic mien, none the less appealing for being full of detail. Kit was grinning, just teasing, an avid interest in the conclusion of what had happened in the rectory shower evident in his sparkling eyes. It was unusual, here they were half sleeping together, yet the boy was still safe as houses in his white underpants. For a second a cloud of doubt shadowed the preacher's mind; he was meant to be getting oriented on the ride in from the airport; learning the twists and turns, soft spots and hard spots of his new parish in Hastings -- and here he was listening to half-hour stories about individuals and responding with his own. He supposed getting to know a new town would mean getting to know a few people very well and many people to a lesser degree, ergo, he was on track after all. Whatever. The boy was overdressed and he wriggled from his story-telling posture, cuddling with the man at his back, hands low on his flanks, and Alex had done what Jack had and in a moment he was naked, Alex's penis jutting between his slim, kid's legs and hard and urgent against the slight softness of his belly. regained their feet and went into the bushes to strip, approaching each other face-to as the came together at the blanket and settled in comfort, the thirteen year old squatted on Alex's right thigh and began doing what Frankie had started with him on the conclusion of the opening of her story about her friend, Stewart. "Get wet from him," the girl coaxed Victor, "that'll make you more sensitive when I do this with you." She guided the boy with her eyes, satisfied when he was kneeling at the tall athlete's right flank. "Get up on your knees when it starts," she coaxed, "that way I can get more on you." Victor, much like Kit, years earlier, reviewed the obstacles and hurdles he was suddenly facing.. His age. The complex, fast-peeled layering and, finally, the continuity of what seemed to be almost supernatural. The overflow that had left him mute and with a spinning head. That he was going to see it, after all this time, with Alex, was too much to comprehend. A mouse trying to swallow an egg. Now it turned out that, a, he was going to get sperm on him, and, b, Frankie was going to use it to make him hot and wet and slick while she did to him what she was doing so avidly with the mature male. Shouldn't you get some kind of award or tribute if you were mature enough to handle it all? To be overwhelmed and overpowered again and again by impossibities hardly dreamed of, yet each leading to its own kingdom of what it is to know another person; shouldn't there be a scroll or citation if you passed? Flub around with a hockey stick and they made you a poster boy; go half overboard with a lover, and everyone tittered and repeated the story in private. Of course, this had been an ongoing issue with the mushroom hunters, the bold always scared of their boldness while the timid and private, oddly, had the confidence that ruled the day. It was one thing to think about operating out in the open, but very much another thing to do it. To throw convention to the wind and, for example, walk hand-in-hand into a restaurant with a fellow hunter of the same sex. It was axiomatic that if you made money, you had to have meetings, so the closet or sunlight issue had given them much to talk about over the years, and the theme was often used as a pick-up topic on first acquaintance as there was some division of opinion and some who wanted to stretch things to the point where a boy could wear a T-shirt with the picture and name of his special hunting partner. In the course of things, this happened, but in such a subtle way, by virtue of putting several friends on a T-shirt, with one over the heart, that it was so innocuous as to be acceptable to the majority, who, in fact, did want to live and love in a more open and accepting environment. "Wow!" Kit though as he masturbated the older male, "there's so much to come. We'll make the Appalachian Trail in our county the hottest hiking area in the world, make money, and find long-term lovers." The thought led to a feeling of deja vue. With Jack he'd time and again wondered if it wasn't all too much; whether disobeying the strictures of religion and common society to such huge and immediate dividends wasn't the grandest of grand jokes; further, if disobedience should become a way of life; that in fact there was little worth the powder to blow it to hell in the Wal-Mart era of mindless mass consuming conformity, leaving all living to be done in secret covens as if individuals of the community had to recycle themselves as druids to survive. "So we end up with the best," the resident of a southern bible town mused, "because lots of cultures get to do it, but if it's accepted, it becomes just another shared experience like a meal or a dance. But with all the hellfire and damnation out and about, cheating is a thrill unto itself and quadrupled when it's added to the excitement of an illicit and illegal lover." Did it matter? Kit found the simple physical thrill of stroking the young man's big penis cancelled musings, ideologies, memories, wishes, the here, the now, and everything in between. He was fully, openly taking his partner, his blue eyes flashing as his hands and head surged on the man with seven hundred horses. And he could cum, too; how cool was that? He'd cum with a man three times but that was under his coat at the movies; Jack French, owner of the bookstore; about thirty; attractive enough, but a homosexual who wanted a relationship. Something about it just didn't work, but there movie dates had been intense and ultimately so rewarding he'd had to spend ten minutes in the men's room being sure he wouldn't carry telltale signs of what had happened to the wrong place at the wrong time. This would be his first time doing it openly; letting his partner watch, which made it about ten times as exciting as anything could be. The numerous hurdles of youth and confused wonder he'd passed with Jack seemed, at this juncture, woefully inadequate indoctrination to actually cumming off with an adult male; losing control while the man molested and encouraged him. That, by god, did not seem survivable. How could it be? There had to be a limit, somewhere, didn't there? At some point the air had to thin below its ability to sustain life, the head had to swim so that it toppled like a winding-down top, the muscles had to liquefy, the heart freeze in fear of any ending, ever -- didn't they? Then there was Stewart and Frankie. Their debate on making it last; the fifty-mile-an-hour bicycle. The framework of common sense that underlay the ability to function to a set conclusion chosen from several options, and turn the page. The necessity to be real with each other and not wig off into a fantasy land of connubial bliss. A maturity, ah, that was a new one; the capacity to be a young man rather than a willful child. Which meant, what? There weren't a whole lot of options. If he kept with Alex the way he was, the athlete would cum all over him within the minute. Childish. They had all the time in the world. It had sounded as if he were no more than about half way through his story of Frankie and the twelve year old Victor, who'd now be sixteen. Yes, and the story was more excited if they were excited, the teller and the listener. Hard. Hard to do. To slow, when so much was at hand, to slow even more; finally to stop and lie against Alex, to rub his hot erection with his inner right thigh as he whispered for more about what had happened in Vermont. The tableau quickly reformed itself in Kit's mind as Alex began to speak. He, at twenty two, and Victor, the twelve year old Asian American, now had the seven year old black-haired beauty naked. They had the waif cuddled between them and were once again listening to her tell about being with Stewart at his house in Solon. "Was it as exciting as what you saw behind the cemetery?" the girl asked between passionate renewals of kisses that rang with salt. It was hard to talk without swallowing; under the circumstances, hard to talk, at all, but she knew he loved her interest, and, since she loved being interested, she made the effort and sacrificed some of the semen they were passing avidly back and forth. "That was my first time," Stewart said, "and I didn't know anything about being, you know, a boy up `till then, so it was my most exciting. But what you just did was the best. Usually they go together, I guess," he observed, "but this time there's being excited and having the best in separate boxes." "Tell me about the first one," Frankie prompted. And, yes, Kit rolled his eyes at Alex, but they were naked except for his underpants, cuddling in the cooling late afternoon, all undressed and no place to go, so his apparent dismay at yet another layer to the story onion was nothing more than contented byplay. "Steve Haskell and Aubrey Dennis," the dishwasher began. He's a high school junior, Steve, and Aubrey is in seventh grade." "So they must be sixteen and twelve or something like that," the girl guessed. "I don't know them all that well, but something like that," the boy responded. "All I know is they're both really cute. They tried to avoid being together, but it didn't do any good because they seemed to be a couple if they were in the same neighborhood, and they look so good together no one thinks it's anything but cool and that their being shy with each other is even cooler. "Anyway," Stewart went on, "I happened to arrive at the library to take back some books. For a few minutes, they were sitting together, no one else around, and they were whispering a lot. I pretended to go look in the stacks so I could spy. Pretty soon they got up so I turned my back to look at the shelves, then they put a book back right across from where I was, then they left -- whispering. I went James Bond to the max and found the book they'd just returned. It was about abnormal psychology. I held it flat in my hand, and it opened to sexual aberrations. "Want me to say it again?" "Sexual aberrations?" the girl on the bath towel whispered, her voice still not back to normal after allowing Stewart his full climax in her mouth and swallowing more than half his sperm. "Just checking," the boy intoned, and went on with what he'd seen. "Steve's a swimmer," he said, "and Aubrey's like me; sort of light and skinny. I followed them out of the library and shadowed them until I was sure they were headed for the cemetery. That was my turf; I knew all the paths under the bushes along the fences, so I circled in front of them, guessing they'd want privacy and knowing where the most secluded spot was. I got there five minutes before they did, so I had time to Rambo out and disguise myself in a bush by the fallen tree that made the clearing. I felt really guilty," the boy continued, "about kifing the psychology book I figured I better read it before they arrived, if, that is, I'd picked the right spot." "That you picked the right spot is evident from the fact you are telling the story," Frankie whispered from her bundled towel, so close to his own. There was no censure in her voice, but rather a willingness to hear more overriding her wish for soothing dalliance and comforting statements of the obvious. He would try to oblige her. "Being on the same page, literally, I guess, as Steve and Aubrey, made me uncomfortable, so, being careful not to disturb my camo nest, or to make unnecessary commotion, I took of my T-shirt and shorts. Got naked. "By that time I could hear them because the trail was only a half trail and kind of grown over, so I went back to the book." "I will admit it sounds pretty exciting," Frankie commented. "Just in a way," the boy acknowledged, "because it was my first time and because Steve's like almost six feet and had a blond crew cut, while Aubrey is a slender red-head with a fox face, big eyes, though they're nothing on yours, and lots of freckles, so they were like totally cute together and I think any boy in school would have spied if he'd got the chance. Girl, too." "Girl, too," Frankie affirmed. She was, was she ever, some seven year old. "I wish we were in the same grade so we could get used to each other in the locker room," Aubrey said. "I know," Steve replied, "I feel the same way. This is going to be really embarrassing. I've never gotten, you know, big, when another boy was around." "Are there any boys you like to look at?" Aubrey asked. "Ketchy Fenn," Steve replied, "because he looks a lot like you." "Everyone says that. We must be secret brothers or something. Does he like it when you look at him?" "I think so," Steve said, "and he looks at me a lot, too." "It must easier, the second time you want to be with somebody, don't you think?" Aubrey asked. "Yeah," Steve said, "I hope so, because it's been really hard for us. I mean, here we are, ready to do something together, and I've never even seen you with your shirt off." "I'm lucky," the boy responded, "because you swim. Do you like it when you know I'm watching." "I'm embarrassed to come out of the locker room," Steve said, "because something might happen, just knowing you're in the bleachers." "We've got to get used to having it happen when we're near each other. That has to be part of it, don't you think?" "Oh, I agree," Steve said, "but it might take about fifty years to act on it." "I can't imagine it not happening," Aubrey said. "It's so natural. Now it happens if I see you a whole block away, or on your campus if I'm at school. That has to be a hundred yards." "Are you that way, now?" the older boy asked. "Too scared," `Aubrey replied. "Tell me about it," the older male echoed. "Maybe we shouldn't have made it all intellectual and read those books," Aubrey said. "So you think we're so twisted we've managed to turn ourselves off, like a garden faucet?" Steve asked. "I think it's more like we twisted a balloon in a cartoon," Aubrey explained, "you know, one that keeps filling up." "How long do you think it will last, now having one?" Steve asked. "Not too long," Aubrey replied. They had been standing side by side, surveying the clearing as they talked in soft voices and whispers; now they settled to the fallen tree, four feet from Stewart's nose. "We could watch each other get boners," Aubrey said. "Because after this afternoon we'll never get to see it unless we hurry into the bushes after we've been swimming." The boy had a point and Steve nodded in agreement. "I've got to be pretty quick," Aubrey then said, and matching action to his words, he stood, kicked off his sandals, and pulled down his shorts and underpants. Steve followed de-suit immediately, and so in moments they were back on the log, side by side and facing the anonymous thicket at the verge of the tiny clearing. Both males spread their legs wide and looked down at themselves and each other. "Was it easier than you though?" Steve asked. "This is just our shorts; we haven't taken our shirts off yet," the younger boy temporized. "Are you pretending I'm Ketchy Fenn," Aubrey asked. "A little, I guess," Steve replied, "he's just my age so its natural we have more stuff to talk about, so I know him better, but it's not an A-list thing. I'm surprised you thought of it. Are you thinking about him?" "Yes," Aubrey admitted. "I'm just really glad you like him." "I'm totally satisfied knowing you, Mr. Dennis," Steve said. "The Haskell guy is big with me, too," the boy giggled. "But you think there's some room?" Steve asked. "If we both wanted it," Aubrey observed; "I mean, we're practically experts, so we should be mature and sensible, and if there's someone you really like, and someone I'd like to really like if I had the chance, we chop on the haloes we see on each other, rending asunder a piece large enough for another boy, or something like that." "But I'm not to share you with the whole town?" Steve asked. "Bowlin' me in Solon?" the boy aped, "I rather think not. I'm a two trick pony. You're first and Ketchy would be nice if you thought so." "I know so," Steve replied, "I mean, not physically, yet, but as a partner, anytime we're ready. We talk about sleepovers every time we see each other, but it just hasn't happened." "I want to be a fly on that wall," the boy said. "How about a rat in the rug. You're invited, you know. We're we; things, from now on, happened to or affect us." "Now it will never happen with me," Aubrey sighed. "I was already too excited from the book, now you throw out a hook with a hundred and ten pounds of bait on it, and expect me to sit here and show you what happens when I see you?" "I shouldn't have said anything," the older male acknowledged, "because it was obvious you might ketchy something in the impotence field." "Takes a victim to know a victim," Aubrey observed, looking down at the boy sitting close at his right. Neither had even twitched; they may as well have been taking a math quiz. Meantime, young Stewart was wondering "What was the problem?" He was harder than steel and only kept himself from going frantic by rubbing the tip of his boner gently against a root protruding from the moss as his waist. "This is more embarrassing than if it was the other way," Steve observed, breaking a silence of some minutes. "I'm still glad I'm with you, even if nothing happens," Aubrey reassured his older friend. "One of the horn books I read talked about making it last, and Playboy has stuff about that, too, but this is like making a tank of gas last by not turning on the engine." "I read that it can happen too fast," the boy responded, "and, you know, be over before you know it's even happening." "I guess if one wills the end..." Steve quipped, glad to hear the light note in the child's voice, in spite of the tense overtones of their situation. It made their ongoing setback easier to bear. Was she a good storyteller or what? Alex and Victor were silently asking themselves, looking down to see that they were now reproductions of the unfortunate Steve and Aubrey, and temporarily incapable of reproducing anything. Following the wandering eyes of her male escorts, Frankie observed in silence, made no comment, and took all three of the shower dwellers back to the clearing behind an Ohio cemetery. "Maybe it's having out shirts still on," Steve suggested. By acclimation, they stood and were about to strip when Aubrey spoke up. "In England," he said, "they call men who do things with boys `shirt lifters'. I think the man stands behind the boy, so, you're like a man, and you could stand behind me an pull my shirt up and see if anything happens." It was certainly nothing to argue over. As Steve approached the boy from the rear he whispered, "Hi." "Hi," Aubrey whispered in invitation, and the tall swimmer was against him, his limp penis six inches above the younger boy's waist. "Now come up under," the twelve year old suggested. Steve bent further over the youngster, nuzzling his cowlick, and brought his hands up over the boy's slim, milk-white hips, then in front until he disappeared under the child's baggy T-shirt. "This is making it worse," Steve whispered, "it's all because I love you so much. I don't want to soil you. The close I get and the more I touch you, the more I love you, and the more I don't want to do anything wrong." "That's me, too," Aubrey whispered back. "I just get feeling you're sexy, then we get closer and I know you're more than that so I don't want to do things in the bathroom with you, but in the nursery, you know, like we've got a baby in there we have to take care of. Weird, eh?" "Well," Steve responded, "I wouldn't write it an essay about what you did during the summer, but I'll bet a lot of guys who like each other kid around with that kind of fantasy." "I guess it's like talking to yourself; it's okay if you don't answer. It's okay if we talk like this in private, but not where anyone could hear us and take us for prancers." "Not good for the baby, if that happened," Steve intoned to the younger boy's giggle. "It's awesome when you laugh," Steve said in a voice that was now seriously deteriorating. Stewart, hidden in the undergrowth sensed the change in an instant and doubled his lookout, all but removing his eyeballs and sticking them on higher thorns for a better view. Yes. It was happening to them together and they knew it. They both stripped their shirts in a flash, and, naked stood three feet apart facing each other. "Let me go first," Stewart choked, and his flaccid five circumcised inches jolted half stiff at both Aubrey and Stewart stared. Again it jumped, and he had a boner, not quite straight out, but already much thicker and longer. Display rituals are common to animals and human are not exempt. Steve laced his finger's behind his neck and gently arched toward the boy staring down at him. His penis was now fully six hard inches, and in seconds it swoll more and became so hard and erect it mated with the almost invisible wisp of hair trailing from just under his belly to the quarter grown silk surrounding the top half of his thick shaft. Aubrey followed immediately, and in a few additional seconds had matched his friend's display pose and was so swollen and hard he couldn't remember being any other way since the day he'd been born. He had not been circumcised as a baby, so his jutting five and a half inches tantalized his partner to the extent of almost causing a clinical itch in the fingertips of Steve's right hand. Gratification would have to wait, but not for long. The teen and the twelve year old decided individually, though to Stewart it seemed they were of a single mind. As the approached each other, Steve spread his legs and Aubrey rose to his tiptoes. At the last they were perfectly matched and so first touched while their hands were still locked behind their necks. They pivoted their hips slightly and swung gently against each other. Stewart realized it would be unrealistic to hear them knock together like wooden staffs, but so hard and distended were both the boys, he actually found himself listening as well as watching. Then they were dueling, with the objective of Steve using his exposed glans to reveal Aubrey by thrusting the boy's foreskin back. It appeared this was going to take lots of practice, then, both males panting and shaking by now, that it couldn't be done. Maybe, if Steve hadn't kept getting wetter and more slippery with each series of gentle thrust while Aubrey was shaking so hard he couldn't hold exactly still long enough for Steve to do it the way he needed to to achieve success. It was not a battle or contest fought out to the bitter end; rather, when the boys realized what wasn't going to work, they changed pace to that which would. Steve took Aubrey's slim, white body in front of him, and looking intently down over the child's shoulder, used his right hand to make the boy fully naked. Aubrey's hips thrust into Steve's probing hand, and soon the latter had his young friend fully exposed and had begun to openly masturbate him. Being bare chested with each other was really beginning to have an effect. Now that they had experimented, they wanted each other, and so in a moment they were hugging and kissing, braced against the fallen log for balance, and looking forward to a time when their ragged, yawning panting would return to the unconscious breathing so necessary for concentration. "There's a lot to this, isn't there?" Aubrey whispered after some moments. They were each fondling the other's chest with their left hands while masturbating so the other could see with their right. "Yean," Steve replied, "I didn't know what to think, either. I guess I thought it would be one jolt, and then be over -- like sneezing. Then it wouldn't even get big and by now I want to spend the whole afternoon doing this so it will never be over." "I really liked kissing you," Aubrey added. "We could do that a little at school, if we were careful," the older boy observed. "Yeah, when I come over on cross-study. We could sync for twelve past two, then you could meet me in the bathroom." "Just kissing, right?" "We'd only have a few minutes." "Judging on how we started off this time, we'll be lucky to even do that." "Maybe we'll get better." "Can't. I'll always love you more each time I see you. It'll never be quick and easy until you start to drool and small old." "We could just talk then." "Fine with me." "Cool." "Yeah." "Definitely." "Absolutely." Well, they weren't cutting class now. Time was at hand. They stood facing each other, braced against the log, sideways to Stewart. "Do you want to go all the way?" Steve asked. "Yes," the boy replied. "Me first, because I'm older," Steve said and began to masturbate against Aubrey's stomach. The younger boy stood, hands now at his sides, looking down at his friend whose legs were widely spread so he could match his waist to that of the smaller boy. Slowly they leaned together so their foreheads touched, then Aubrey raised his left hand to the tall swimmer's shoulder and held his lover tightly, bracing sturdily with the corded muscles of his young legs. "Doing it this way, we can talk," Steve whispered. "I knew there had to be a problem with kissing," the boy responded. "Every silver cloud has it's gray lining." "Plus," Aubrey added, "if we were doing this, not only couldn't we talk, we couldn't see at the end." "Do you want to see?" Steve asked. "Definitely," the boy replied, "so be sure to tell me so I won't be blinking or have my eyes shut." "I'll try," Steve said, "but I can hardly talk even now, so when I'm sure it's going to start, I may not be able to say anything." "Is it hard to tell?" Aubrey asked. "It's hard to tell exactly, always. Sort of like pool. You can beat a worse player, but can you beat him ten times in a row? Mostly I think I'll be able to tell you, but if we did this I wouldn't be able to tell you ten times in a row." "Do you think you'll get better or worse?" the boy asked. "Worse," Steve whispered, "because I love you more each time I see you and loving you makes it different than when I do it by myself after I go to bed." "By that time," Aubrey commented, "maybe I'll be experienced enough with you to tell from other signs when you're going to cum off so you won't have to tell me." A firm grasp of the obvious is not the sole property of the television journalist, but, nonetheless, it's rare in young boys. How nice for the storyteller that there are exceptions. Aubrey blushed at the inanity of his comment in the face of a partner who was rising like the liquid in a hot thermometer. Not only was Steve's outcome graphically predictable, it didn't matter in the least when it happened. The young man was going to cum on the young boy. Neither the devil nor god were in the details. "Are you getting close?" Aubrey asked. "Yeah," Steve managed to gasp. "It can be any time," the boy coaxed, "and you can even pretend I'm Ketchy Fenn." "You're Aubrey," Steve hissed with a final gasp, "and I love you, and I'm cumming." There was still half a minute but it passed quickly. Stewart was so close he actually heard Steve's first ejaculation splatter hard against Aubrey's slightly freckled chest. Further clinical sounds were obliterated by the younger boy's half-choked mews of delight and the older teen's feral grunting that went with his long, hard cum. It was over in a minute or so and Steve had Aubrey on the log, lying on his back while he, the older boy, straddled the log at the child's waist, with the younger boy's long, slim legs pulled up over his own thighs. He'd scooped enough sperm off Aubrey's heaving chest to thoroughly wet his right hand and he used this on the child, making him buck and arch vigorously as he stroked him and cupped him gently with his left hand. Where Steve had given ample warning in several ways, Aubrey gave none. He lay back, fingers laced behind his neck, with only his heaving chest giving away the fact he wasn't just daydreaming and watching the clouds pass over. Then he was cuming, his watery semen spurting nearly two feet from his five and a half inch boner. Since he was already slick and soaked from Steve, it was hard for Stewart to tell just how much the younger boy came. Not like Steve, but, considering his age, more like him than Stewart would have guessed. Longer. That was exciting. Even after about two minutes, Aubrey was still whispering harshly to Steve, and the older boy would change what he was doing, and sure enough, his hand would again drip with a fresh torrent of the boy's childish seed. As it appeared to be finally over for young Aubrey, the seventeen year old spying from the undergrowth caught a whiff of the pheromones of the young males and lost his control, silently letting himself spill against the knobby roots and the moss of the forest floor. "What do you think they'd have done if they found you?" Frankie asked the boy cuddled against her on the bed of towels. "My guess is I'd have gotten to know Ketchy," the boy said. "Did you want to be with them?" "Yes," `Stewart said, "even if it hadn't been my first time. Those two, their friend, and last but definitely first, you. "Do you think that's weird?" "I think you probably know a hundred people in Solon," the girl replied, "and it you only want special things to happen with four of them, that's not very weird." "You're smart," the seventeen year old said to the seven year old, "because I can't think of anyone else I'd even especially want to see in a bathing suit, much less in the shower." "I want to see what you saw," Frankie said. "With them?" Stewart asked. "If you're sure there wouldn't be anyone else," the girl said; "I'm a little young to be a Suzy Round Heels, and you're the ace of the pack as far as boys go, so if I have you we could have a little freedom." "Maybe the first time they get the other boy to be with them they'd let you watch," Stewart said. "You'd have to be with me," the girl replied, immediately, adding: "I never want to be alone with anybody but you, and even with you, only with them, and even with them, only if you think it would be exciting for both of us." "It would be," the seventeen year old assured the child, "I'll show you." Gently he moved on top of her staring into her huge black eyes. He found her with his arms wrapped around her shoulders, their noses six inches apart. She held rigid as he surged very gently against her, entering half an inch, then rocking with short, fast strokes until she had fully accepted him and her eyes begged him for more. "They won't have to be slow and gentle with you like you're some kind of antique porcelain doll," Stewart whispered to Frankie. "You're an athlete, they could be fast and rough with you, and it would be exciting." "Will you be that way sometimes?" Frankie whispered. "No," the boy said. "What you feel is what you get with me. I have no desire to experiment or try novelties; I just want to cum in you every night `till I'm dead." "You're invited," Frankie said, now moving her hips because he was beginning to be fully inside her. The shower worked perfectly. She didn't need the echoes of him, but they were nice, and so was hearing the reverb of her own reluctant gasps and squeals. She couldn't make noise and hear the full-grown male at the same time, and she craved his coaching and encouragement as he took her, minute by slow, gentle, minute, ever more fully, sometimes now almost thrusting wantonly at the end of a gasping, tender entrance. The sting of his penetration was fading rapidly; the thrust at the end of his gentle strokes filled her imagination with images of being with three healthy teens, each competing to leave her swimming from them. She didn't know what images were running through Stewart's mind, but they may have been the same, watching her spread widely for Steve, for he was beginning to double his final thrust after each tender joining. Frantically, she tried to get used to them so she could coax him at the right instant, but she was inexperienced and so had to accept him without being able to whisper instructions. No sooner had this minor enigma sorted it out inside the little virgin's mind, than any need for guidance became superfluous. Having seemed to almost lose control, Stewart was now in full control. His hands were locked on her upper arms, his sleek, sweating chest was high above her and he was thrusting hard and full again and again. She came like a frightened fawn, every instinct to bolt, legs thrashing, arms raking, her squeals echoing in the shower. It was all of life condensed into one, then two minutes as she yielded herself back to civilization, only to find it still contained her lover, and he was as urgent about sending her once again around the world as she was willing to go. Ten minutes. It was time for a talk. "You, this time," she whispered, "but not like a man, like a scared and embarrassed kid, okay? I want you to hold me tight and be absolutely still when it happens, when you cum, so I can feel it happening like I felt it on my tongue." As his IQ was off the chart, Stewart Ramsey couldn't avoid a brainstorm to the effect that her desire was tasteless. Of course, he didn't say this as he was deep inside the seven year old, she was hot, wet and very tight, reducing his vocabulary to feral outcries to join her echoing yelps. "You're the only I want to be still with me," Frankie whispered, coaxing the seventeen year old to slow, to mount her fully and hold her tightly. "I want Steve and Aubrey to be like you just were so it won't be so personal," she said, "and Ketchum Fenn, to, if he wants to be with us. "If I had a dad or a brother, I'd want them to be still so I could feel it, and I want it with you, especially our first time, okay?" "I'll try," the boy grunted. "If it happens while you're moving, it's okay," the girl whispered back; "I'll be the world's happiest seven year old no matter what." He managed. Like a spider, he crushed the mite against himself, locking her against his panting chest for minutes so she could get used to all of him, then releasing to her panting mews of acceptance and sharing which, as his pulsing within her became more aggressive, half bombed the raven-haired young beauty into the seizures of her third orgasm and left her panting, sweating and her partly conscious head lolling from side as she whispered lovingly to Stewart. For two more hours they lay on the bed of towels, Frankie determined to make the boy cum silently and motionless after she'd perfected using her vaginal muscles to get him excited. Her plan was based on the fact that she could sit on his lap at the restaurant without anyone taking particular notice. Since they both wore aprons while in the kitchen, there were distinct possibilities, to say nothing of pretending to cuddle with him in her nightie and wrapper with Stewart's mom right in the same room with them, watching television. If she could master her side and he was mature about it, this could happen much more often. Scheme, scheme, scheme. In the Hastings rectory shower, Alex was holding Kit over the girl. As their hands were otherwise engaged, he guided the boy to the girl, and felt him sink slowly and fully to her through his fingers. Neither of the children wriggled him away, so he fondled the boy as he began to rise and fall against Frankie. Victor pulled nearly out of the child and wriggled. Alex got the message, and turned his hand over, palm against the girl's belly and right middle finger high on her vagina. With a hissed: "Yes," the boy fully remounted, thrusting against Alex's finger with an obscene little wiggle in case he was laggardly in getting the message. Masturbating the little girl brought her to a quick, hard orgasm and the minister wondered at Victor's self control as the boy let the girl ride her storm without cumming. Then an enigma arose, a real paradox. Victor was obviously going to want to cum in the girl as Stewart had, holding her tightly, sharing the faint pulsing of the end. Was it right to even ask? Alex sensed the boy changing his way with the girl even as he thought out the situation. Already he was slowing, gathering her to him, thrusting so hard, Alex freed his hand in favor of the young stallion. Luckily, Frankie had been on her own and was fully capable of mastering the situation. As she felt Victor's need build and sensed his slowing, she whispered, "Only Sam, the trooper who found me, and Stewart, sorry." "I know what I want to be when I grow up," the twelve year old thought, and pleased the girl and made her sigh happily by taking her hard and fact into an orgasm with no help from Alex. He came in her during this one to her childlike delight the moment her suspicions led her to check between their bodies. Now she lay for Alex, her eyes as tender as they were huge. He entered her stinging a little from Victor's hot, fresh sperm. The girl shook like a leaf as he took control, begged Victor to use his hand as Alex had, and crashed from stone wall to stone wall as he had sex with her. Some day it might be slow, gentle, and still at the end between them, but, in the meantime, Alex knew exactly who the luckiest cop in the world was. "I think you talked me out of my underpants," Kit whispered. That was easily taken care of and they sat inches from each other, Indian style, looking and realizing their time had come. Hastings beckoned, it would be evening soon, they'd bridged enough gaps for a herd of elephants, and fallen in love as much as was appropriate under circumstances where they'd be together a lot, day and night. "I'll bet Victor would want me to cum first," Kit whispered, "and I definitely owe the dude." "I should because you're still a kid," Alex protested. "Please," the boy responded. "Yes," the young man said. Kit crawled forward placing his forehead against Alex's and his left arm over the athlete's right shoulder. He began to masturbate slowly with his right hand, holding the tip of his penis against Alex. For long minutes the two necked, then Kit whispered his warning, and both males looked down. Whatever had or had not happened with Frankie, they were iron still together when Kit started cumming. His young teen sperm splashed everywhere, but neither male moved a muscle until the pulsing had subsided into a soft flow, then subsided. Sensing it wasn't completely over, neither male yet moved, and Alex began cumming in less than a minute, spurting harder and faster than the boy, soaking his face, neck and shoulders as well as liberally splattering the child's hair. They made out on the blanket, they necked, slowly the licked each other clean and their lust for salty kisses subsided. They wiped themselves with the downy soft sheet blanket, dressed, and returned to the station wagon. Alex sat himself in the passenger's seat, proving that sex isn't the only way to send a kids blood pressure into orbit. The Chevy purred from the truck run-out back onto the asphalt with not slippage between the rubber and the road.