Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2024 01:29:10 +0000 From: asterixtheviking Subject: Terra Novae Series - Prologue This is a fantasy story set in the far future about a family's adventures, and their discovery of family love. Tags: Bisexual, Incest, Young, Family, F29, M15, F15, F10 A reminder - Nifty is staffed by volunteers, but in order to provide this resource, there are ongoing costs that need to be met. Your donations help provide these wonderful stories for your reading pleasure -- you can donate now by following this link Nifty Erotic Stories Archive has over 300000 documents spanning 7.3GB. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terra Novae - Prologue The year is 2923, in a galaxy three systems over from Mother Earth. The M class planet is Zorya, discovered over a century ago and settled by a lone human starship of adventurous settlers, trying to escape the downward spiral of their homeworld. Between the global pollution that permanently greyed the skies to constant mini wars erupting between continents as they squabbled over the last of the rich Earth reserves, it was not hard for these intrepid adventurers to take the risk and leave behind this utter chaos. It cost them everything. They all had specific skill sets, but had to front up with the money to buy passage on the huge Ark series starships that were built by the super rich who needed to get away. Most were egomaniacs, and narcissists. They realised that they needed other people to do the work wherever the ship landed eventually. So it was that Rissa, along with her father and mother sold all they had and purchased the right to sail on the huge ark ship Titan. Rissa was only 2 years old at the time, and barely remembers the trip from the Earths surface to the waiting ark ship that glided in orbit high above earth. Once aboard, they were allocated cryo chambers in one of the many five-family pods. And so they slept for the trip. A trip through the stars and galaxies for 105 years at fantastic speed. Only the crew stayed awake, and so it was the original crews grandchildren that discovered Zorya with its 3 moons, and found it to be suitable for human life. The planet appeared to be deserted but was so like Earth, that they dubbed it Terra Novae. The passengers were revived, mostly. Some, like Rissas mother, did not survive the reanimation sequence, so only Rissa and her father landed on Terra Novae along with the surviving members of the five-family pod. Among those survivors was a young boy, Rowan, six years old. His father did not survive. Once the families established themselves, Rissas father life-bonded with Rowan's mother and formed a new family unit. Rowan and Rissa grew up together, learning all the skills necessary to establish a new way of life. They grew to love each other and spent most of their time together. So it was that eleven years later Rissa and Rowan life-bonded. Rissa fell pregnant easily, and nine months after the life-bonding ceremony, the first two of their children were born. Twins, a boy they named Rix and a girl they named Myri after the father and mother they had lost years before. And five years after that they welcomed another set of twins, a boy and a little girl they named Zoe. Unfortunately, the young twin boy developed a mysterious fever, and died a week later. Rissa was heartbroken, but with the support of her parents and Rowan, came back from the depths of despair, and laid all her love on her three remaining children. Five years later, Terra Novae was visited by another humanoid race, also looking to establish a new home.The Ulari settled amongst the human settlements and as the years passed learned the standard Earth language. All seemed well between the two races, and there were even some cross race life-bondings, though these were rare. The one aspect of Ulari culture that was hidden from the Earth settlers, was the belief that the Ulari were the superior race, and looked down upon the original settlers. Slowly, this aspect started to show itself in little ways. From arguments to outright physical encounters, tensions increased between the races. Two years later, the leaders of the Earth settlers tried to mediate between the combatants, and even went as far as to organise a meeting to discuss a truce. However, the Ulari had another agenda, and killed the delegation of Earth settlers, which included Rissa and Rowans parents. They then launched an outright attack on all Earth settler communities. When Rowan heard of the treachery of the Ulari, he and Rissa loaded up their entire household goods and furniture on three hoversleds. Rowan showed Rissa a place in the distant mountains that he had scouted years before, and had built a cabin on a flat meadow with a clear stream running along one side. There was an abundance of wildlife there, and the soil was very fertile, so anything planted grew well. Rowan kissed his wife and children goodbye and sent them on their way, promising he would follow shortly. So Rissa, Myri and Rix took one hoversled each, and Zoe climbed up on whichever was available, and they tearfully left. Two years passed, but no word was ever heard from Rowan again. Rissa and her family found the place Rowan had found, and set up home there. They spent many hours exploring the surroundings, expanding the cabin, planting crops and establishing a new home, far from the murderous Ulari who preferred the flatlands. Over time, their clothing disintegrated, so they started to go everywhere nude. One of the effects of Nova Terrae was that human puberty was delayed, so even at the age when Earthbound teenagers were starting periods, growing hair, growing breasts and so on, Myri and Rix still looked like preteens until they reached their fifteenth birthdays. Then they started to sprout as normal teenagers would. Zoe still looked very much like a child, even at ten years of age. And so, now we reach the point where we join the lost family, as Myri, Rix, Zoe and even Rissa start a new adventure, exploring the boundaries of family love and sex.