Date: Thu, 10 May 2018 11:39:07 -0500 From: MC VT Subject: The Battoir Chapter 7 The Battoir - Part 7 ©2017 MCVT August 17, 2017 *** I went in the house and talked to Mom, but I didn't mention rubbing or peanut butter. Instead, I said that I noticed Rod seemed nervous lately. She told me that she knew Rod was having problems, and the school had called. "Don't tell Rod, but he's going to see a counselor soon, maybe they can help him get things under control. He's always been a little different, it makes his life harder, but he's a good boy. Dad and I will get him through this." "Dad's not going to like this." I thought. "Rod's going to tell the counselor our private business." But Dad wasn't upset. He told Mom he didn't want Rod on any medication and he didn't want to use the counselors. But Mom and Dad had to go to a counselor several times. I went too, but I kept my mouth shut about how much Dad loved me. I just explained how much I loved my family and my life. Dad posted a list of chores for Rod to do every day after school, and he kept track of all the chores he finished. We discussed our chores it at dinner every night and Dad thanked Rod for helping. I think Dad was trying to keep Rod busy and too tired to rub off all the time. Now on Saturday mornings, Rod came with us to the market and mostly watched while I sold the produce with my dimples and kept an eye on him. Rod wasn't getting any worse, and he wasn't getting any better; he had three more weeks of school. Dad had him put in special classes to finish the semester when he found out that Rod had started to jerk off in the restroom stalls at school instead of going to lunch or recess. At home, Rod was either quiet or talking some kind of goofy stuff I couldn't understand. I just nodded and slept alongside him - he seemed to like that. Evenings became quiet, Dad was on the computer a lot, and that made it hard on me, but I was doing alright, and able to help Mom but spent most of my time in the garden and taking care of Whitey. I think Mom and Dad were a little scared of Rod, but I didn't know why. It seemed to me that all the unspoken things between everyone were making our family weak - as if we were crumbling away from each other. *** As soon as school was out, Dad took Rod to where he'd grown up - back to the reservation. Mom packed a big box of food, and they took little else in our old truck. There was a spiritual healer Dad found who was still practicing. Dad felt that Rod needed a real healing, "not just pills and talking about nothing for forty minutes a week." When Mom said the school counselors were professionals, they knew about these things, Dad got upset - and was almost yelling, "I know my family better than anyone else on earth, and I know what Rod needs. We're leaving for three weeks. I'll find someone to help while I'm gone." Mom was not happy about being alone on the farm with just Junie and me. "It's alright, Mom. If something bad happens, we can call Tamara's parents." I told her. "Or we'll do it like pioneers did." I was thinking we could call Mr. Grubb, if things got bad. What could Mom do? If she wanted Rod to get better, and if she wanted to keep the family together, she had to give in. The morning Dad left was sad for me, but he met me in the goat shed and hugged me for a long time. He cried a little, but let me hug and kiss him without saying anything. *** Every few days Tamara and her parents visited us while Dad was gone. They brought all kinds of breads and cakes, and stuff. Those visits always made me feel better - we were able to laugh and forget about our problems for a while. Mom looked worried, but we continued our chores and she took Junie along in a bright green sling. Her dad helped me with hay bales and brought over his little tractor and made fast work in the garden, then along the fence posts. In the mornings when we were alone, Mom brought a blanket out for Junie. She let her crawl around naked in the garden or sleep on the blanket in the sun, just like she'd done for Rod and me. She'd sing to her and whistle to the birds. I'd never seen a little girl naked, but I felt sorry for Junie. She didn't have a penis or a scrotum, just one little fold between her legs. Not much and I supposed she had a vagina, like Mom, but I didn't look. *** When we went to sell produce, Mom did it differently - we went on Friday; payday. She didn't buy a table at the market, but opened the back of her car and sold in the parking lot near the grocery store with the radio playing country music. We caught the crowd coming and going and sold most of our produce within a few hours. Mom dressed Junie in bright colors and a silly hat, like an advertisement. Most of the shoppers were women, and wanted to see Junie and what was going on with a hat that looked like the end of a green bean! It had a fuzzy green spiral waving around on the top. I watched Mom. Mom was better than my dimples and me! She cut good deals fast and made change with a cucumber or a couple of carrots and a big smile. On the way home one Friday, Mom took us to a small house on the edge of town and we hauled a bushel basket full of berries and vegetables into the house. It was full of women - only women. Everything was worn and old, the house needed paint. A few of the ladies hugged Junie and me a lot, and thanked us for the vegetables and invited us to come back anytime. The cook was very happy for the fresh produce. S he squished me into her chest, chuckling and swaying a little. She had very big breasts! The women laughed at me blushing. Mom had taken us to a shelter for women, "We have so much, and they have so little." I remembered how grateful I was when I got some new clothes, even if another kid wore them before I got them so I kept quiet. Dad sent pictures of the reservation where he and Rod were visiting - where Dad grew up. It looked dry and dusty. There weren't any trees, but there were a lot of sheep. I think I saw a few goats, too, but they had long hair. He sent Mom pictures of Rod and himself, sometimes without shirts, standing in the sun, smiling with a lot of other men. They all looked like Dad and us, dark hair and eyes with smooth skin. Finally, we got some pictures that said they would be home next Tuesday night! *** The night Dad and Rod came home, I'd fallen asleep on the couch with Junie waiting for them, and I could only remember hearing Rods voice, then Dad's voice. They sounded happy, but I couldn't move - even when Dad kissed my neck. Mom let me sleep on the couch that night - although my muscles were bigger; I was very tired every night. The work was almost too much, even with Mom's help and Tamara's Dad coming over. Our farm looked the same as when Dad left, except for the garden, but it was all in good shape. I heard Dad tell Mom to leave Junie on the couch with me. "I'll bring her later." I smiled - I knew what that was about - some of their private time. *** I woke up after midnight and went into the bedroom and lay with Rod, I still hadn't changed into my pajamas. "Are you better?" I asked. "Yeah - I feel good." "I missed you." I kissed his neck, took my shoes off and crawled in behind him. We both fell asleep till we heard Mom and Dad get up - Mom started the coffee and it smelled better with Dad and Rod back. Dad was in a great mood, and hugged Junie and me for a long time. "Good to be home. Hard being without all my family." We were all at the table eating our breakfast when he told Rod to tell us what happened. It surprised me that Rod was able to collect thoughts so clearly, I think Dad made him practice telling us what happened. Rod said they'd stayed with some of Dad's relatives, and he named them. Rod described the food they ate on the reservation. Fry bread sounded good to me. Then he named some things I'd never heard of before, they were in another language. They had deer and rabbit and food from their garden. Oh, yeah, they ate mutton, too. Eating a sheep didn't sound so good to me, but Rod liked it, and Dad loved it. Sometimes Rod and Dad slept in the bed of the truck because they had to go way out on dirt roads to the healer. Rod told me how the moon and the stars were so bright on the desert, and it was warm all night. "Dad and I went way out to a sweat lodge with some elders, and they used herbs... I don't remember everything that happened because they were talking and chanting a long time and rubbing some herbs on me and I had dreams when I was awake. "When I fell asleep, the spirits came and I started feeling different - the herbs gave me dreams that chased the bad things out of me - and put other dreams inside my spirit. They sang songs and had a drum, and I drank herbs and found my path. It was so cool." He described a ritual that seemed to go on for several days and nights - no food, only water and herbs. Mom just kept listening and nodding, she was surprised about how calm he seemed. "Now, I don't want any more `special' treatment by anyone. I have things to do and a big life to live on my path. Dad got a healing, too." Rod finished his presentation, and he started eating again. That shocked me; I looked at Mom. "Douglas, you got a healing? Did you get sick?" Mom asked. "I got a forgiveness ritual - about the battoir and my attitude." He answered quietly. "And I need to ask for your forgiveness. Didn't realize how much damage... Leading with my love instead of forcing with fear is the better way. "Would you forgive me?" His voice was soft. We were all stunned, except Rod, Junie and Dad. I didn't know what to say "We love you, of course we forgive you." Mother told him and stroked his hand. "We missed you two so much. Life isn't as good without you here." Dad smiled, and Mom was smiling. "I think we need a homecoming." Dad said. "Do we need to go skinny-dipping today?" He leaned over and kissed Mom, "What do you think, honey?" She smiled. "Party hardy! I'll get lunch together." "Noon at the pond!" He said. "Now let's get to work." *** I took Junie and Rod to the shed and Rod took the shovel and started cleaning without being asked while I let Junie help with getting Whitey and the kids out to pasture. We got them cleaned up and went to see what Dad was doing. Rod put Junie in the wheelbarrow and ran down the hill while she laughed till we got to Dad. He was chopping weeds around the berries and picking some berries for lunch and hugged us all again. We all went to the kitchen at noon and helped Mom carry our blankets and lunch. My family was together again and happy! *** As we walked up to the pond at noon, we heard music. Mr. Grubb stepped out of the trees with a fishing pole when he saw us. "Hey, there!" He said. Dad asked if he'd gotten any fish, and Grubb pulled up a string tied to a perforated bucket and showed us several small perch. "Not enough for cleaning and eating." He smiled. "I was getting ready to leave, but I'm glad to see you. I need some work done, and I'm getting ready to put in a little place up here - a few cottages to rent out on the south end of my place. Want to talk to you about it. "Can you come down this evening? Bring the wife and kids. I've got ice cream if you've got raspberries." Dad told him we'd be there later. "Beautiful family, Bluefeather. Lucky man." He let his fish go back into the pond and walked toward his house. By this time, Rod and I already had our shoes and socks off, and Mom was spreading out the blanket and undressing Junie. Mom wore her bikini, but the rest of us were nude and feeling so good in the hot sun, ready for the cool water. Swimming felt good, and Rod wasn't scared of anything at all. Dad carried Junie in with him and swished her through the water. Mom was showing us how to dog paddle and swim like real swimmers. Rod was a good swimmer, and I just dog paddled, but that was enough for me. We had big sandwiches for lunch with fresh, hot oatmeal cookies! All of us together, eating and enjoying the sun made me incredibly happy - I noticed Dad watching us and smiling. When Dad sat down, Rod came and sat between his legs to eat. I noticed Dad covered Rod's groin with his hands and whispered to Rod. They both laughed and Rod stayed there and ate his lunch. Dad kissed his neck and his hair and rubbed his tummy. I was so glad they loved each other again. *** When they were finished with their cookies, Rod stood and told us he got a special mark. He showed us a place at the base of his scrotum with three straight lines and three little dots underneath. It was only about a quarter of an inch square. Mom was upset at first, "Come over here and let me see that." She looked at the tiny tattoo, "Douglas, did you do this? How many more did you give him?" "The healers did it. Part of his ritual." He said. "Rod was brave through the entire ceremony, you would have been proud. He didn't cry once. He stood still and straight for the healers and repeated all the words perfectly." "Did they use pey- ?" She asked. Dad just nodded. Mom looked at it a little longer and shot Dad her "I disapprove" glance, but it wasn't too bad, she was glad to have Rod and Dad back home. I didn't understand Mom was talking about when she said pey; I thought they meant something like Dad paid the healers. But I was amazed that Rod got a tattoo and had to look closer. Rod wasn't timid, but showed me and let me touch. It was real - I licked my finger and rubbed the tattoo. The permanent lines were blue and the dots were in red ink. "Cool." I said, "What does it mean?" "It means I have a path and I have to follow it or my life will get jumbled up again." I fell asleep with Junie while she took her afternoon lap, but I heard Mom and Dad and Rod go back into the water. That afternoon felt so easy and calm. Everyone was back together and feeling fine. *** That night we went down to Mr. Grubb's place and ate ice cream and raspberries. He had a big, fancy house and we ate on the patio where Junie could crawl around without getting in too much trouble with her nosy fingers. Mr. Grubb had a video camera on the table and Rod picked it up, asking Mr. Grubb if he could see it. Grubb showed him the little screen and turned the camera on showing Dad and Rod a video of his chickens. He had a coop full of fancy white chickens with feathers down their legs like long pants. "I'm posting this online - sell some of my roosters. I'll edit it later to get the best shots. "When I get a buyer, I use a service to get the money, and then ship the guys out." He explained how he used to just send the sperm, "Too much complicated equipment. I'll just ship the boys now." Then he picked up the camera and showed Rod how to use it. Rod started walking around taking videos of Mom and Junie, Dad and me, and asking us questions like an interview on the news. Then he watched the little screen as he played it back. He wouldn't let me look, because he was so enthralled with the little images. Grubb sent his video the next day, along with the videos of his roosters. *** Whitey's kids were getting big, and were over a year old now. Dad and I would breed them in the fall, all three of them. That would double my work, but we'd been moving toward full production. Goats, berries, garden and classes filled my life. Demasiado! Rod was so excited about the video camera and wanted one. Mom called Tamara's parents, they had an old camera we could borrow, and we went to pick it up immediately, Rod was so excited. Darn! Tamara was at camp, but I told her mom to tell her "hey" for me. Wouldn't you know, Rod piped in and said he wanted some video of Tamara with her goats. "She'd be good with the llamas, too." He added. That part of his spirit didn't get fixed and I wondered where his new path was leading. Dad was typing something on the computer after we got home and I had to go to bed without his attention. *** The next day, we started laying out the lines for the extra concrete pads and plumbing for the expanding the shed, and Dad talked to us at dinner. "We've got to get our dairy set up and get the goats bred this fall. So, Rod, are you ready to make a video of our farm? I'd like to send it to Mr. Reggy and ask him to help us get some financing." Rod nodded. "Yeah!" "Tomorrow morning after we get all the chores done, we're going to make a short video. Everyone has to comb their hair and make sure their clothes are neat and clean. Mom, can you put a dress on Junie? She's so cute; they'll have to give us some credit." "No guarantees it'll stay on her." Junie exasperated us sometimes. He explained that Rod would be the cameraman, and he would be directing. "Just like Hollywood. Mom, you and Doug are going to have to explain our plan while Rod gets everything on his camera." *** Dad and I waited till late to shower that night. And I was so hard while I got undressed. He held me against him a long time in the shower. Then, his big, rough hands washed me all over, and his thumb rubbed into my butt. Putting me on my hands and feet in the tub, very quietly he whispered that he wanted to put his semen in me again. He motioned for me to kneel in the tub and he got behind me. I felt him stroking himself fast as the warm water hit us. I pushed my butt as high as I could and stroked myself with one hand. I wanted Dad inside me. His hands came to my butt cheeks and pulled them apart wide and both his thumbs entered me. That made me more excited to feel him. Pulling my anus open, I felt his glans pressing into me. One of his hands began stroking himself while the other held his glans firmly halfway into me. I waited for his hot semen as he held himself against me with his fingers and stroked with his other hand. Then, he stopped breathing and made a few gasps. He pressed a little further, and my anus burned, but felt good around his big head. His erection was twitching and he stroked faster. I pushed against him harder. That made his semen start rushing. I felt woozy for a minute while my cum shot out onto the bathtub at almost the same time. Then, we ran out of hot water and the cold drops on my skin felt good. When his erection was a little smaller, he grabbed it around the base, near his hair with his fist. "Push back against me son, relax." His erection wasn't as big now, and he slipped in easily. It felt odd, not very painful, and very different from his fingers - as if it was made to caress inside my ass. The feeling of fullness he gave me rippled through my entire body. Finally, I felt his groin against my cheeks as he pulled them apart with his half-hard erection completely inside me with his semen and his love. I became still - feeling him inside me. I didn't know what to think for a moment. He gave me a few thrusts, and then pulled out quickly. "Damn. Getting hard again. God, you're hot." When we got out and toweled off, he told me about the healers and being on the reservation. Then he stood me on the side of the tub and told me to close my eyes. His hands rubbed my body and he began sucking and licking my penis. "I love you son." He sucked my scrotum and my erection. "So much..." "Bite, Dad." His fingers found my anus and started pressing in roughly while he bit me softly. I was stroking my erection while his teeth pulled and tugged on my scrotum. That was so good, I was excited again. When he pushed two fingers inside me and began twisting easily with his semen, I couldn't wait. "Ahhng..." I was breathing hard, I had to wait. One hand came to my testicles and he almost pinched hard, and tugged while he sucked my shaft. He sucked harder, rubbing my frenulum and pushing my foreskin back sucking it forward again. "Daddy!" Breathless and ready to cum; I shoved my hips harder toward him. I pulled his head hard against me and came in his mouth. It felt like it wouldn't end, but it did. I stood, dazed while he got the petroleum jelly out. "Need some help tonight?" Looking up at him, seeing his face smiling, I was so happy. "Nah." But I touched his erection and stroked his big testicles. "I missed you, Dad." "You don't know how much I missed you, my love." He gave me a long, very special kiss. "God, I can't believe I made you and you let me love you like a man." *** We all got up before dawn. I cleaned the goats without a shirt on. I didn't want to get it dirty. Mom and Rod went to the garden, filling the baskets quickly so we could sell at the market and get back home to make the movie. Mom sliced zucchini and tomato samples for the table while Rod and I unloaded the truck. I smiled and showed my dimples and offered samples to people as they walked by. Then, Dad told Rod to get the video camera and take videos of us selling produce. Junie refused to wear a dress, she was in a little sun suit that tied over her shoulders. She was still in diapers, so she looked lumpy and bottom-heavy. She and Mom both tied their hair back in ponytails, but Junie's curls jumped out of the band and flew around her face and she pulled the band off, then her hair flew around all over. What could we do? She was a bossy kid already - she had her own ways and refused any help getting her hair back in a ponytail again. Rod got video of a lot of people and the other sellers. There were a lot of hams grinning and hanging around, but Dad didn't say anything, he just smiled. Sometimes he would tell Rod to get some footage of Mom, or me doing something like weighing out produce, or hauling empty baskets back to the truck. Seemed a little silly to me, but Dad was directing. The video camera drew a lot of attention, and we sold out quick. Dad said the buyers wanted their "mugs" on the camera. "We'll edit that out." Back at home, we had lunch and Dad combed my hair - again a useless task. I tucked my shirt in and dusted off my jeans for my spiel. Dad took Rod and me to the goat shed, and we video taped while I explained about putting in the milking stands and the equipment. Then I showed the camera our pasture, and the next one we would fence. Smiling, I explained how we started out with Whitey, and a lot of people helped us. As I was trying to describe how the dairy related to the composting cycles for the garden and berries Junie ran in front of me wearing only her diaper. She went to Whitey and started explaining that baby goats came out under Whitey's tail. When her grubby finger touched Whitey's vulva, Whitey started bleating, then the other goats started up. I watched her with a scowl; Dad nodded at me to continue, and so I did. Mom grabbed Junie and took her away, laughing. Rod was chuckling and when we were finished, I told Rod I wanted to do it again. "Think you're some kind of movie star now? That's a take!" Then, I had to explain the compost cycling, and how we waited for the mix to cool off before we put it on the garden. So, I stood at the side with the pitchfork and showed our earthworms and how to tell if the mix was hot or cool. I leaned over and found a six-inch night crawler to show the camera. "Organic and healthy!" The earthworm wiggled and squirmed as I smiled. Dad told Rod to explain the drainage system and how it ran through our property so heavy rains couldn't hurt our crops. Rod spoke like a professional with hand gestures and sounded good for a dweeb while Dad held the camera. We all trouped over to Mom's hive, and she explained about the pollination increasing the crops with Junie on her hip, chattering the whole time. Dad worked all night on a loan proposal describing his plans, and he and Rod edited the video and they sent both to Mr. Reggy with a request to use one of his bucks for breeding Whitey and her kids. Now, I'm glad we have a video of what our farm looked like then because no one knew the big changes that were coming. *** Mom and Dad had a discussion after dinner the next night. He didn't want Rod to go back to school. "He can work on his classes in the morning and Doug in the afternoon. I have a feeling we're going to get busy pretty soon and we'll need his help." Mom didn't like it but said we would see how he came out on his state levels tests. "If he falls behind, he'll have to repeat the whole year!" Mom was worried. "That school crushes his spirit. Rod's a different man, and he can help around the farm and be different - healthy with a strong spirit. Keep him home." Dad told her. Though he was different, I was glad to have Rod back. We still slept together sometimes when we were tired. I never saw him touch himself, or rub. He never said anything about it when I did. One Friday night after I'd showered with Dad, he asked. "Does Dad touch your privates?" "Sure, he washes me, and sometimes he gives me a treatment so I don't block up again." I lied. "You can't wash yourself?" Rod said, staring straight at me. I didn't answer - what could I say? "I know he loves you more than me." Rod said, very calmly. "He loves both of us." I didn't look at him when I said that. "He kisses you, like he kisses Mom. I saw him do it." Rod watched my face. "Dad wouldn't do that." I told him, but that lie burned my tongue as my penis stiffened just thinking about it.