Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2012 10:38:07 -0700 (PDT) From: Macout Mann Subject: AGE OF WANTONNESS 20 This is a sexually oriented fantasy set in the future. The author does not condone the activities depicted. He only describes what might occur, given the premises upon which the story is based. Skittish readers should use caution. Minors should move on. Sexual activity is explicitly detailed. Please take time to comment. AGE OF WANTONNESS by Macout Mann Chapter 20 1930. Sister Jane bangs the ancient knocker on Brother Bryan's front door. It is answered by his housekeeper. "Sister Jane?" she says. "I must talk to Brother Jennings. It's about the trial," Jane says. "Wait here. I'll see if he will see you." Five minutes pass. Then Jane is escorted into the pastor's presence. "As if I haven't had enough agony today, our attorney tells me you are going to put my son in prison. What else are you going to do to us?" "I'm really sorry, Brother Bryan. That's why I decided to come. I don't think you're aware of what Jacob's been doing, and you need to know before tomorrow." Jane is almost crying. "Do you know about the Society of Mary Magdalene?" she asks. "No, the first time I've heard of such a thing was when that girl mentioned it in her ridiculous testimony today." "I didn't think you knew," Jane says. Then she starts at the beginning and tells the incredulous pastor all about his son's activities, his seduction of her, of the girls, concluding with a vivid description of the rape of Susannah Daemon. "So what Susannah said on the witness stand is true, and I must validate what she said tomorrow. I can't lie," she tells her pastor. "I have gravely sinned," she continues. "I hope the Lord will forgive me." "I can't believe what you say is true," the astonished leader of the Pilgrims whimpers. Jane leaves the house in tears. She barely has time to return to her friend's house before curfew. Brother Jennings wastes no time. He ceephones Spangler and tells him he needs him to come at once. "But it's after curfew!" Spangler protests. "No matter," Jennings commands. "If you are accosted, tell security to bring you to me at once." Spangler arrives to find a totally distraught Jennings. He tells Spangler everything that Sister Jane had told him, ending with, "It can't be true. It simply can't!" "I'm afraid it makes sense, more sense than anything else I've heard. I still don't think I can defend Jacob, but before I withdraw, tomorrow I'll ask for a delay long enough to give us both time to meet with Jacob and see what he says." Tuesday, 0930. "All rise." The formalities over, Spangler says, "If it please the court, defense has come into possession of new evidence. We would ask for a delay until thirteen hundred, so that we can review it with the defendant." "No objection," Weston says. "So ordered," says the judge. "Court is recessed until thirteen hundred hours." "All rise," shouts the baliff. Spangler follows Jacob and his guard to a holding room, then asks the guard to bring Jacob's father back. "And just what's going on?" Jacob demands. "When your father gets here I'll tell you," Spangler says. They have to wait only a minute. "Sister Jane came to see your father last night," Spangler begins. "She told him what you've been doing. That is, what she alleges you've been doing. And I'm inclined to believe her. Brother Bryan?" "She says you formed a `society' where you took advantage of her and young girls, telling them that your sexual activity with them was holy, and that when the Daemon girl resisted, you forced yourself on her." "That's nonsense," Jacob spits. "She says you used the apocryphal Gospel of Mary, saying we knew that the missing sections contained descriptions of sex between Mary and the Lord, to justify your actions." "That's a damned lie!" Jacob shouts. Spangler now begins a thorough cross examination of Jacob, one of the most intense he's ever conducted, touching on all the doubts he had raised earlier. Jacob continues to protest that he's never had sex with anyone. Finally, Spangler says, "Look, Jacob, I talked with Counselor Weston this morning to get his consent to this delay. He has three witnesses, members of your society, whom he's prepared to call. They will be hostile, but he can make them testify to the truth of what Sister Jane has told us." "Oh, fuck it!" Jacob cries. "To hell with all of you! "Yes, it's all true." He turns to his father. "You and your sanctimonious shit! Always condemning! Never letting anybody have any fun! "Why do you think I wanted my own place? So I could disable all the goddamned filters and blocking software yall have on the tvs and computers, and see what the real world is like. So I could check some porn and smuggle in some good b-screens. "And, yeah, I wanted to fuck something. Sister Jane used to be a fucking whore, and she wanted my dick as much as I wanted her pussy. But I wanted some more. So I concocted the shit about Mary Magdalene. Pretty fucking neat, wasn't it? "I'm sorry I lost it with Susannah. I was just too fucking horny. And I'd wanted her since I first laid eyes on her. I was hoping when I had her tested that she'd lost her cherry. But no such luck. "I should've been more patient." He ends his tirade with a defiant glare. "May He have mercy on your soul," his father says. He turns and leaves the room, a broken man. "All rise! Court is now in session, the Honorable Stephen Falcon presiding. The People versus Jacob Jennings." "Your honor," Spangler begins, as soon as the people are seated, "the defendant wishes to change his plea to guilty." "The defendant will approach the bench," the judge orders. Then he asks, "Mr. Jennings, you do realize the consequences of your change of plea?" "I do," Jacob curtly responds. "And you still wish to plead guilty as charged?" "Yes," he hisses. "And you understand that by pleading guilty you admit that all the state's charges are true?" "Fucking aye," he defiantly shouts. The assembled Pilgrims recoil in horror. The judge crashes his gavel and commands, "The court will be in order, and the defendant will observe proper decorum!" When the hubbub has died down, the judge continues. "The defendant is found guilty as charged." He quickly checks with his clerk before saying, "Sentencing is set for Monday, August 25, at oh nine hundred hours. The jury is excused with the thanks of the state. The defendant is remanded without bail. Court is adjourned." A number of spectators noted the absence of the defendant's father at the session. Jacob was transferred back to the city jail. As he was led to his cell, he tells the guard, "I never have sucked a dick. I'd like to know what it's like. Can I suck yours?" "Might as well," was the answer. "Where you're going that's about all you'll be doing, except taking it up your ass." Back at the Jennings manse, the pastor is closeted with his attorney. He seems to have aged a decade in a day. "There remains the agreement with the city over the tabernacle," he tells Spangler. "You have my power of attorney. Meet with the city attorney and get the best deal you can. I trust you to do what's best for the fellowship. "I'm very tired." Mike Crane hears the news on the way home from the jobsite. What had been a routine story outside Ole Town was now everybody's lead story. He buys a bottle of the best champagne he can afford, and heads straight for Susannah. When he reaches home, she is already there, and so are his parents. They all toast Susannah and she tastes her first bubbly. Then she excuses herself and Mike. "I want to do more than suck your dick," she says. In their room, they undress each other and kiss each other passionately from head to toe. He nibbles her tits. She nibbles his pecs. They bring each other to the verge, before Mike finally slips his dick into her throbbing pussy and slowly shows her what its like to be properly had. "Oh," she murmurs, "that feels so wonderful. I can't imagine anything better." "I'm so sorry it wasn't that way the first time," he whispers in return. He continues his gentle probing until he releases his manhood into her vagina and plunges his tongue into her sensuous mouth. Copyright 2012 by Macout Mann. All rights reserved. Have you made your contribution to That's what keeps this neat service free to all.