Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2018 20:55:01 +0000 From: Reickard Masters Subject: Caleb 15 This work is copyright protected © 2018. You may not copy or reproduce it in anyway whatsoever without the express permission of the owner. You've just enjoyed giving and receiving presents at Christmas. Please now consider giving a gift to Nifty to help keep this site open for your pleasure and for us writers to post our stories. Thank you. Caleb Chapter 15 The next day at school, Graeme was waiting for Caleb, at the school gate, when he arrived with the others. "Hi Caleb; hi, err, others." He greeted them and then blushed over what he had said. "Hi, um Bad Booze, isn't it?" Jerry greeted back. "Yeah, but you can call me Graeme if it's easier to remember." Graeme replied. "And you can call me Mr. Miller; or sir for short." Mark said grinning and holding out a fist for bumps. "If you're sir, then I must be sire." Jerry said and the others all laughed. "Caleb, I need to talk to you privately. Will you be free anytime today?" Graeme asked. "Yeah, is it important? I can make myself free for the first break." Caleb answered. "It's not life and death important, but it's something that I'd like to get done sooner rather than later." Graeme told him. "We don't have the same classes before break. Can you meet me under the oak tree by the rugby field?" "Yeah. I'll see you there." Caleb said. He was very curious, now, to know what Graeme wanted but tried not to show it in his approach to Graeme's request. "Thank you. Sorry to have taken some of your time sir, sire, and milord" Graeme said and bowed as he turned and walked away. Jerry looked at Graeme's receding back and said, "I like his sense of humour. I wonder if he would be interested in some of the other things we do. I think we could get on with him." "If you want to become friends with him don't let our friendship stop you. Even if he's not into our kind of kink. He seems like a nicer person than I was." Simon said, as the warning bell sounded. The four boys had to split then and head to their form rooms as they had no assembly to start the day. Caleb didn't share any classes with Graeme before the first break and had no idea what he wanted to talk about. He didn't think it would be anything bad and he walked to the oak tree more with a sense of curiosity than anything else. Graeme caught up with him when he was still about twenty yards away and started to talk before they reached the tree. "Please don't be mad at me. I talked to my parents about your situation because I was hoping they could help me to understand it a bit better. Anyway, dad came home from work yesterday and handed me a bag. He told me it was for you and I have it in my locker if you want it. It's a laptop. It seems that they have changed some of their working systems and not all the laptops can work with the new systems so they were just going to throw them in the tip. Dad said it's the best one he could get out of the ones they're getting shot of and it's not that old, so it should be okay for what you need." Graeme spoke fast and got most of his words out without taking a breath. "You serious? You're not just playing with me – a laptop?" Caleb asked incredulously. "Serious. I couldn't fool with you on something like this. I don't know what it's been like for you, but I do know that I'm glad I've not had to go through it. So you're not mad at me?" "Why would I be mad at you? I could kiss you instead." Caleb said. "Would you?" Graeme asked. "Would I what?" Caleb asked in response. "Kiss me?" "Would you like me to kiss you?" "Maybe, I don't know." Graeme replied nervously. "Well I wouldn't do it out here in the open. We'd likely get a lot of shit if we were seen." Caleb said. "You don't have to answer this, but I've seen the way those older guys look at you and you at them. I don't think you're just friends to use their computers. Are you ...?" Graeme couldn't bring himself to get out the last word of his question. Caleb let his question hang for a while and when he saw that Graeme wasn't going to take it further he asked, "Would it bother you if I was? And what would you do about it?" "We don't know each other that well. But I think you're the kind of person who wouldn't tell others something that would bring a lot of grief onto another person. It won't bother me if you are. And I'd like to become a good friend of yours whether you are or aren't. Maybe even a very good friend." Graeme said. "Does that last bit say what I think it's saying?" Caleb asked. "Possibly; why? Is there a problem with that?" Graeme asked. The anxious look on his face and his pre-occupation with twisting his fingers together showed that he was now concerned that he had said a bit too much about himself. "There's no problem at all. I think we could become very good friends. Maybe we can work out a way to meet up outside school to talk a bit more." Caleb assured him. "Yeah, I'd like that, but aren't you always busy with your sister?" Graeme asked. "I am a lot of the time, but not all of the time. Besides which, I think she'd like you and would be happy for you to be with us." Caleb said. "Oh, okay. Do you want me to give you the laptop now or when school is over today?" Graeme asked. "If you give it to me now, then I'm not going to hold you up at home time." Caleb suggested. "And I won't be holding you up either. Let's go and get it." Graeme said. As they were walking towards the lockers Mark joined them and asked "Is everything alright Caleb?" "No. It's more than bloody alright, it's fucking marvellous. Come and see what Graeme wanted to talk to me about." Caleb said and Graeme smiled with pride. Graeme unlocked his locker and pulled the bag out. "No way!" Mark almost shouted. "Is that what I think it is?" "Let's look and see." An excited Caleb said. He couldn't quite believe what was happening and almost needed the physical evidence, in his hands, to assure himself that he wasn't dreaming. Graeme held out the closed bag to Caleb who eagerly took and squatting down on the floor undid the zip to pull out a standard sized HP laptop. "I'm sorry it's not a notebook, but it's still fairly new and it does have internet capability and the latest version of `Office' on it." Caleb lifted the screen and pressed the start button, hearing it whirring into life. With little else loaded onto it, it booted up quite quickly and as the desktop came to life Caleb was looking at a picture of himself. He looked up at Graeme with a question in his expression. "I took the liberty of personalising it a little bit. I got a pic of you with my mobile a couple of days ago because I wanted to show mum and dad who this nice guy in my class was." Graeme explained. "Oh and there is a power lead and earphones in the front pocket. The earphones I added." Caleb carefully put the laptop to the side on the floor and stood up. He looked around quickly and then stepped forward and gave Graeme a quick kiss on the lips. "Thank you. Please tell your dad I said thank you too." "Ouch! That hurt." Mark said. "What hurt?" Caleb asked showing immediate concern. "Seeing you kiss another guy." Mark replied. "Don't worry, we're still friends too." Caleb said and gave Mark an equally quick kiss on his lips. "Better?" "I was teasing ... I think." Mark said smiling. "Look, I gotta go. My next period is the other side of the school. Catch you both at lunch time." Mark took off at a brisk walk. "Is he your boyfriend or something?" Graeme asked. "Or something. I think he'd like to be but we haven't got that far yet." Caleb said. "I liked that kiss, thank you." Graeme said. "I did too. I'd like to bunk a class and get more friendly with this machine here, but I better not." Caleb bent down and closed the laptop down before putting it back in its bag and locking it away in his own locker. The two teens walked together to their next class; one which they did share. At the lunch break, Caleb insisted that Graeme join him and meet up with the older guys. He knew it would mean that they couldn't discuss the fate of the two lesbians, but he felt it was more important for the others to get to know Graeme. Caleb and Graeme got to the others before Mark got there and Jerry asked if they had managed to have their talk. Caleb couldn't contain his excitement any longer and said, "More than that. I've already seen it too." "Seen what?" Ronnie asked hoping for an answer he was not going to get that day. "Graeme's dad has managed to get a laptop from his work for me." Caleb said. "No shit! You swear?" Jerry asked. "Yeah, it's in my locker right now." Caleb confirmed; a smile splitting his face. Even his eyes were smiling he was so happy. "And I got a kiss in payment too." Graeme said bravely. "You lucky guy, I haven't had a kiss from Caleb." Ronnie said. It was a shrewd move by Ronnie because it made a link between him, Caleb, and Graeme that none of them would be eager to share outside of their circle. "Well, I have." Mark boasted. He had joined the group as Graeme announced his kiss. "You're just trying to make me jealous." Ronnie said. "Jealous or not, he's telling the truth. I saw it." Graeme said. He was fitting in well with the older guys. Maybe because he knew Caleb liked them and did not fear them. "And I've had a kiss too, but not on my lips." Simon said which made Caleb blush again. "And he hasn't washed that cheek yet." Jerry said, which caused them all to break out laughing. After their laughter subsided, Jerry continued, "Graeme that was a very nice thing for your father to do for someone he hasn't met. And I think it was very nice of you to bring Caleb's situation to your parent's attention. It seems like you and Caleb are becoming friends which means that he will want to have you around when he's with us too. Do you think you can handle us older guys?" "Sire, with Sir Caleb to protect my innocence, I'm sure I can manage a few old codgers." Graeme said. "Old codgers! I'll old codger you if you're not careful." Simon spoke for the first time. Although he tried to look stern it was clear that he was not serious and meant no malice by his words. "I see you're as bright as Caleb, too. You'll fit in alright and we'll be glad to have you on board." Jerry said. "But we might still need to teach him some manners. Maybe we should have him at the clubhouse at the weekend." Ronnie said. "We've got another mission on this weekend, Ronnie; or had you forgotten?" Simon said. "No, I hadn't, but it's not going to take the whole day; is it?" Ronnie defended himself. "No, it won't. But I agree with Si. Let's give ourselves some time. Caleb will need to spend time getting his laptop how he wants it and he's also got his sister to care for and I think Caleb should be present with Graeme, at least for the first few times at the clubhouse. Caleb maybe you should talk to Graeme a bit about that and see if he's okay with that too." Jerry said. "I think Graeme and I need to talk about a lot of things first. Not the least of which is where I live so he can come and meet Sheila and mum." Caleb said. He turned to Graeme and said, "Sorry we seem to be talking about you as if you're not here. I really would like you to come round mine sometime. I think you'll like Sheila and I'm sure she'll like you. And mum will just be happy that I have a friend who is my age instead of an old codger." "Jerry, are we sure we want to include these two whipper snappers in our group now. I think they might just be getting a bit too big for their briefs." Simon asked. "It's boots not briefs." Mark corrected Simon. "I know that, but these two seem to think that they're big enough there to be equal to us." Simon said. "Or more than equal." Ronnie put in and both Simon and Mark blushed. "I'll explain that later, if you can get round to visit me." Caleb said. Caleb gave Graeme his address and telephone number which Graeme put into his own phone before the lunch break ended promising to phone later so that they could set up a meeting time. "Well one thing is for sure, I won't forget your house number as it is the same as mine. Only I live on Walpole Road." Graeme said. "You've got to be kidding." Mark said, "You do realise that Walpole Road and Cavendish Road are in the same area? I think there are only two other roads between you two." "It makes sense; both Cavendish and Walpole were Prime Ministers. I think all the roads in our area are named after Prime Ministers, aren't they?" Caleb said. "Yeah, we all live in a prime minister. Only difference is mine's a Pitt." Jerry said, smiling. "Maybe I can walk home with you and see how close our houses are." Graeme suggested. "Yeah, but it will mean a longer walk for you because you'll end up doing like two and half sides of a square instead of one and a half." Mark said. "That's okay. If it looks like I'll get home much later than normal, I'll just phone my mum and tell her why." Graeme said. That afternoon Graeme, Caleb and Jerry were waiting at the gate for Mark and Simon to join them when Annabelle walked past. "Taking up babysitting?" she said sarcastically. "Well you're not a babe to sit, but you and your friend might find yourself being sat on." Jerry responded. "Fuck off." Annabelle said. It was clear that Jerry had hit a note with her and it raised her hackles. Such that she gave him a single finger and strutted off without making a retort. "I'll explain that later too." Caleb said. They had to wait another minute or so for the other two to join them and then they set off at rather a brisk walk. They always walked faster on their way to Caleb's house and then slowed down after leaving Caleb at home safely. When they got to Caleb's house, he insisted they all come in when he showed his mum and sister his new possession. Of course, introductions had to be made first and suddenly Graeme appeared quite shy. He clearly was not sure how to react to Sheila. "It's okay; everybody finds it strange at first. Sheila's quite used to it now. Just talk to her like you would anyone else who is beautiful and kind." Caleb said. "Hi Graeme; glad to meet you." Sheila responded giving what she could of a wave across the room. "Look what Graeme got for us." Caleb said and held up the bag. "Yep it's a laptop." "Well ... err ... actually it was my dad that got it from his work. They were throwing them away." "Serious? They were throwing a working laptop away?" Judy asked. "Yeah, dad said something about how they weren't compatible with some new system they're getting. Anyway, I'll call you later once I've spoken to my mum. I better get going or she'll be worried I'm late home." Graeme said and left with Caleb showing him out. "I need to get off to the bus. We'll talk about this later." Judy said and then gave each of her children a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She said goodbye to the others and left. Mark and Jerry stayed on for about another half hour helping Caleb get his laptop set up and connected to the net. They also helped him and Sheila each get a separate private email account and left them with their own email addresses as the first ones on their contact list.