Date: Sat, 04 May 2019 17:55:09 +0100 From: Reickard Masters Subject: Caleb 32 This work is copyright protected © 2018. You may not copy or reproduce it in anyway whatsoever without the express permission of the owner. Caleb Chapter 32 The next day at school Graeme was the first to notice that Natasha was absent. Jerry and Caleb immediately thought that it must have something to do with the pictures, but they couldn't say anything because the rest of their group didn't know about Natasha's involvement in the pictures. Graeme was quite worried and it showed in his face. Ronnie quickly pulled him into a hug to comfort him until Jerry said that the length of time he was holding onto Graeme might be taken as suspicious. Ronnie saw the truth in Jerry's thoughts and with reluctance let go of Graeme. Natasha was still absent the following day and unbeknown to the others, Graeme went to the school office and tried to get Natasha's phone number. "Why? What do you know?" the receptionist asked him rather abruptly. "That's just it. I don't know anything and I want to find out if she's getting better and if I can help her." Graeme said. The receptionist didn't realise from what Graeme said that Graeme just thought she was ill. "I think you'd better talk to the head." She told Graeme. "Wait here." She ordered and left her desk to go through to the head teacher's office. A few minutes later the head came out and asked Graeme what the problem was. "All I was trying to do was to get Natasha's phone number so that I could phone and see if she's getting better and if she'd like me to bring some of our homework round to her so she can keep up. What's wrong with her? Is she dying?" Graeme asked. "Goodness, no! Natasha just has some problems that need to be sorted out before she comes back to school. She'll be okay. I can't give you her phone number without her permission though. If you like, you can allow me to pass on your phone number to Natasha and if she wants to phone you then she can." The head teacher suggested. "Yes please do." Graeme pulled out his phone and called up his own number and held the phone out to the head. "There it is. Please pass it on and tell Natasha I hope she calls." All this had taken rather longer than Graeme had anticipated and as he took his phone back it began ringing. It was Jerry trying to find out where he was as they needed to get away so that Caleb could get home in time for his mum to get to work. Graeme sprinted to catch up with the others at the gate and explained that he was trying to get Natasha's number. He related the whole story to them and then said, "This sounds very strange. What do you think has happened?" "Maybe one of her parent's is sick or something and she has to stay at home with them." Jerry suggested knowing he was not being very far from the truth with his wording. While the group had been waiting for Graeme, Jasmine and Carol had joined them to give Carol the chance to ask Caleb if he was doing anything that evening and if she and Jasmine could visit with him and Sheila. Caleb had said it would be okay and the two girls continued on their way to Jasmine's house. Caleb had an idea of what the two girls really wanted, but was unsure if he was correct because he didn't know Jasmine very well. As soon as Graeme joined them, they set off at a brisk pace trying to make up some lost time and get Caleb home on time. Once home and it was just him and Sheila, Caleb stripped down to his boxers to get his uniform in a load of laundry and set the machine going. Caleb made sure that Sheila was okay before getting down to doing his homework and sending some off to Jerry to print. He suggested that he could give it to Carol to bring if it was ready in time. The phone rang and Caleb answered it. "Hi, Carol is at Jasmine's house and wont' be coming home before they descend on you guys. Can I bring the printing with me tomorrow?" Jerry said. "Yeah, I don't need it until Friday anyway. Aren't you coming around this evening?" Caleb asked because Jerry had only stayed with Sheila a short while on their way home from school. "Can you help me talk to Sheil's please. I can't come around and need to explain it to her." "Sure, just hold on while I get her and then I'll hold the phone for her; so, don't talk too loud or I'll hear those sweet nothings you're going to tell her." Caleb said and laid the receiver down while he went to get Sheila. Jerry talked with Sheila for about five minutes and then Sheila told Caleb he could hang up. From listening to Sheila's part of the conversation Caleb had already worked out that Jerry had a school project that was due in soon, and because he had spent a lot of time visiting with Sheila he was now far behind and just had to spend time working on it. Caleb had pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt before Carol and Jasmine arrived. Carol introduced Jasmine to Sheila while Caleb got some drinks for the four of them. "I guess you're wondering why I asked if we could come and visit." Carol began once they were all comfortable in the lounge. "Well the thing is Jasmine wanted to know what had happened that caused me to change, the way I have, which brought about my giving up my false bras. So, I told her about what I'd done, and said, when you guys came around our house that first time and how kind you had been to me despite how bad I'd been. Jas knows Caleb, but she wanted to see you away from the school setting and she also wanted to meet the girl who had helped me to see things differently even though I had been very mean to her. So here we are." "And it's lovely to meet you too Jasmine." Sheila said. "Caleb has told me how you stood by and supported Carol, especially on that first day when she did go bra-less. Carol has become a special friend of ours and we appreciate that you showed your true friendship when others were just mean." "Well it was Carol I was friends with not her padded bras. I thought she was being very brave, and I admired her for that. You know some others have also stopped lying about their size now that Carol has shown them they can survive it." Jasmine said. "Sometimes it only takes one strong person to show the others that they can be strong also and this encourages them to follow. I think Carol must now have a lot more respect from others than she was getting before." Sheila said. "I thought Jerry would be here by now." Carol said. "No, he has some work to do so can't come round. But I saw him when he got here with Caleb on their way home from school." Sheila said. "Shit Caleb, you're rubbing off on Jerry now too." Carol said and then turning to Jasmine, "You know Caleb does his homework the day it is given to him even when it's not needed for a week." "So, you really are a bog then?" Jasmine said. "No. It's come from our situation. Until very recently I had to use the computers at the library to do my homework and then pay a lot for the printing. Not knowing when I'd be able to get to the library and if they would have access to what I needed I had to get it done as soon as I could. It's a habit I got into that I'm not going to try and break." Caleb explained. "So, have you finished what we got given today already?" Jasmine asked. "Yeah, it was fairly easy today and only took about an hour." Caleb said. "Don't believe him Jas. I've worked on it for about an hour and a half and still haven't finished it." Carol said. They chatted for a little longer but Sheila could see that there was something else bothering Carol and so asked, "Carol was there something else that you wanted to see us about?" "Jasmine knows that Jerry stripped me in front of you, but she doesn't believe that I have since done it willingly and would actually like to do it again. So, I was kind of wondering if you'd mind if I proved it." Carol said and began to undo the buttons on her blouse. "You can't say anything about this to others at school." Caleb said. "Of course! I won't. I haven't said anything about what Carol has told me. I don't want to give those like Natasha Everett any fuel for their bullying." Jasmine said. By the time Jasmine had finished saying that, Carol had slipped her blouse off and was neatly folding it before putting it down on the arm of the chair she had been sitting in. "Don't think too badly of Natasha. You don't know what's in her background and I think with the way Graeme has shown her friendship, she might just be changing a bit." Caleb said. "How do you do that?" Jasmine asked. "Do what?" Caleb asked. "Be so positive and look for the good in everybody." Jasmine said. "I don't know. It's sort of how we are. Maybe it's come because of what we've had to cope with, but I think it was there before the accident." Caleb said. "What accident?" Jasmine said. "The one that put me in this chair." Sheila answered. Carol stopped that conversation by stepping in front of Jasmine showing her that she was completely naked. Not even a bracelet or necklace adorned her skin. Jasmine was quite surprised because she still hadn't quite believed that Carol would go the whole way even when she took her blouse off. She was also looking at what she could see because this was the first time she had ever seen Carol naked. "As you can clearly see, Carol was telling the truth especially as you can see that neither Sheils nor I are surprised or shocked." Caleb said. "Like I told you. It's so liberating to be able to be like this with friends who you know you can trust. You want to join me?" Carol said to Jasmine. "Err ... uhm ... " Jasmine began. "You can if you want to, but no one's going to force you to do either." Sheila said. "Also believe me when I tell you that nothing will be said at school by either Carol or Caleb. Or even Carol's brother if he finds out. You see that's what Carol was meaning when she said she could trust us all because we are friends." "That's totally true. It's possible Carol has told you a little bit, but she wouldn't have told you everything because she knows that's just not done. It's not acceptable. You know what's happened by being present not by hearsay." Caleb added. "You mean there's more than just Carol getting naked?" Jasmine asked. "Of course. We've gone out for walks together. We've had meals together and Carol's brother visits here quite a bit too." Caleb covered the truth with truths and was quite pleased that it revealed Carol had not been too open with the information she shared. "So, you're saying that you promise and guarantee that if I got naked now, no-one but the four of us would find out about it." Jasmine said. "Not unless you gave permission for that to be told to anyone else. Like you might give permission for Carol to tell her brother, but he would then keep it secret anyway." Caleb explained. "But we also need to know that you will keep things private too." "Carol is my bff and I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt her. Sharing her secrets would hurt her so you can believe that I will keep it secret." Jasmine said. "But you and I are not really friends, at least not yet. What if I were to get naked too? Would you keep that secret?" Caleb quizzed Jasmine. "Carol likes you a lot and if I hurt you that would hurt Carol so again, I promise that I'll not tell anyone about what has happened today." Jasmine assured Caleb. "So, are you going to join me?" Carol asked. "I don't know. A bit of me wants to do it, but I'm also a bit scared too." Jasmine said. "Well like Sheils said, no one is going to force you to do anything. To take your clothes off or keep them on. Just as we didn't stop Carol when she started to strip off. She wouldn't have done it if she didn't trust that none of us would talk about it." Caleb said. "Why do you think a part of you wants to do it?" Sheila asked. "Well, I don't know really. I guess it's kinda naughty but exciting." Jasmine said. "I'll give you that it's exciting. The first time I got naked in front of others I found it exciting. I was also nervous because I didn't know how they would react to seeing my mangled body, but everybody was very kind and gentle with me." Sheils said. "I'm not so sure that I agree with the naughty aspect. I suppose that because we know we are doing something that perhaps our parents might not approve of, it could be counted as being naughty, but then is all nude art form naughty? Is it wrong to be proud of our body and let others see it? We're all underage and we're not going to take pictures and splash them around so it's not even illegal." Sheila put forward. "Would you like me to get naked?" Jasmine asked. Although she was not looking at Caleb, it was fairly obvious he was the main target of the question. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Carol said before anyone else could answer. Jasmine looked at Caleb and her expression asked the question again. "I wouldn't mind seeing you naked and you know what that means I will look at, just as I know what you will look at if I strip off. But I don't want you to get naked just because I would be happy looking at you like that. I want you to get naked only if that's what you want. It's not easy the first time around and I had it made easier for me in that I wasn't given the choice because I was tied up and others stripped me but I did find it was not something I'd shy away from." Caleb answered her. Jasmine looked over at Sheila. "Well, I'm not into girls as such which is why I have a boyfriend. So like Caleb, I'd only want you get naked if that is what you wanted to do." "Do you want to get naked Caleb?" Jasmine asked. "Would it bother you if I did?" Caleb asked in reply. "No. I've never seen a guy naked in real life before but I'd like to. What if you got naked and I still didn't?" "My getting naked wouldn't be to make you get naked. That would be the same as forcing you and we've already said we won't do that. Carol got naked because she wanted to. I also like being naked and if I do, it will be because I want to. It won't bother me because you are the only person in this room who hasn't seen me naked. But if it would make you feel more comfortable, I'll stay dressed until after you've gone." Caleb said. "I promise I won't tell anyone, but I'd really like to see all of you." Jasmine said. Sheila gave a little laugh. "You've lost out there, Jasmine. There's not all of him left at the moment. Quite a bit of hair is missing." "Actually, all the hair is missing. I find it sexier this way." Caleb admitted and blushed slightly. "I've seen pictures of guys with hair and then shaved and shaved looks so much better." Jasmine said. "Where did you see those pictures?" Carol asked. "One of the girls had a magazine at our last sleep-over. She said she got it off her brother who is at uni and she thinks he's gay because it only had guys in it. It was interesting." Jasmine said. "Maybe I should have thrown the padded bras out long ago." Carol mused and then blushed. "So, Caleb, are you going to show Jas what a sexy body you have? I'd like to see it again too."