Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2023 16:36:23 +0000 From: RA Coole Subject: The Sixties Explorers Chapter 1 (bisexual young-friends) This is a story about a group of young friends growing up and finding out all about sex during the nineteen-sixties. This was way before computers and the internet and reliable information back then was generally difficult to find. A lot of what we learned was picked up from other kids in the playground and a lot of it was crazily inaccurate. I hope that people who grew up back then will be able to identify with what they read and that younger readers amongst you will enjoy it too despite feeling that it's ancient history. I will be posting future chapters quite regularly. Please do drop me a line if you enjoy my story - Oh, and to help maintain this fantastic site please donate to Nifty using the link The Sixties Sexplorers Chapter One On a hot August day in 1966, the tall skinny figure of a sixteen year old boy emerged from a Cotswold stone house. Pushing back the lick of dark brown hair from his forehead, he shielded his eyes against the glare of the sun and looked across to the line of trees, which followed the bend in the lane. As he had already suspected, there was not a breath of wind in the air and he knew that the four-mile bike ride from his home in Doctor Green's Lane, a few miles from the market town of Melvesham, was going to be a warm one. Crossing to where his gleaming aluminium sports cycle was propped against the garage door, he fastened the bulging overnight bag that he had been carrying to the small rack behind the saddle. Then, after pushing the bicycle down the drive and negotiating the front gate, he mounted and was off. Toby Adamson was bound for the tiny Gloucestershire hamlet of Northolt, or more accurately, for a brand new ranch-style bungalow that lay on its outskirts. This was the new home of the Stevenson family and he was looking forward to spending a few days there with keen anticipation. He had been saddened at the beginning of the long summer holiday when his closest school friend Andrew and his family had finally moved away from Doctor Green's Lane, where they had been near neighbours since they were eleven years old. He was, however, beginning to see that there would be certain compensations. Overnight stays, swims in the sparkling new swimming pool beside the house and perhaps the chance to see Andrew's pretty blonde twin sister Natasha in a bikini. Grinning to himself at that particular prospect, Toby began to pedal slightly faster. As he bowled along the main road with the summer traffic rushing past him, everyone seemingly intent on reaching their destinations in the shortest possible time, Toby's mind wandered idly back in time. Back to the early days of his friendship with Andrew and Natasha, a friendship which began when they met each other in the Kindergarten of Lane House School in Melvesham, a private school founded shortly after the end of the second world war to take care of the educational needs of the children of the middle classes. Lane House, with its high ceilings, polished wood floors, rickety staircases and the perennial smell of cabbage wafting gently from the direction of the school kitchens. It held fond memories for Toby, with its small classes and friendly atmosphere. How very different from the ancient King Henry's College in the city, the secondary school that he now attended. He sighed. It seemed such a long time since he and the twins had all been together at Lane House. Toby frowned as he tried to recall his earliest memories of school life. It was not easy. The only one that came immediately to mind was the story, which his mother trotted out to friends with monotonous regularity, of his first day at school. Aged five-and-a-bit, Toby had been duly enrolled at Lane House School and let loose on an unsuspecting world. Dressed neatly in shorts of grey, a white cotton shirt and a maroon bow tie, he had followed his mother obediently through the school gates. He looked with interest at the wood-panelled entrance and smiled hesitantly at the headmistress as she greeted him in her study. He was intrigued by all the other children, both big and small, who were milling around. He was appalled when he realised that his mother intended to go away and leave him there. He cried. He pleaded. All was to no avail. Mary Adamson, tears in her eyes, waved goodbye to her beloved child, a forlorn figure, holding the hand of his form mistress. Yes, I had quite a nice day thank you.' he had said when collected that afternoon. 'But I don't think I'll bother to go again.' Toby snorted with laughter, wondering for the umpteenth time whether he had really said that, or whether the story was in fact apocryphal. When had he formed a special friendship with Andrew? Had it been during the first term? Toby shook his head and then suddenly his memory cleared. No, of course not. How could he have forgotten? It had been during the summer term, on that awful day when he had been caught using the headmistress's bathroom by that dreadful boy Basil Farlington. Basil, the school bully. Toby suppressed a shudder at the thought. People like Basil Farlington should be murdered in the cradle, he thought to himself firmly. But then perhaps not......for had it not been for his chance encounter with Basil, he would never have confided so intimately with Andrew and maybe today their remarkable friendship would not have existed on the same plane at all. Lane House School, for all its familiar atmosphere and charm, was an establishment sadly lacking in even the most basic amenities. Situated as it was in an ancient private house in the middle of the Cotswold market town, its facilities barely provided for the needs of its sixty pupils. Its classrooms were scattered in higgledy-piggledy fashion throughout the building, interspersed amongst the headmistresses own private living quarters. Virtually everything seemed to be in short supply, even toilets. As the intake of pupils increased steadily with each year that passed, the headmistress had been eventually forced to address this particular problem. She did so by decreeing that as a special privilege, pupils in the Top Form of the school would henceforth be permitted the use of her own private bathroom. She was quite specific that this permission was only extended to members of the Top Form. Thus when Toby Adamson slipped unobtrusively into the apartment one day during his final term in kindergarten to answer an urgent call of nature, he was well aware that he was transgressing. In fact all might have been well had it not been that the lock on the bathroom door had not worked properly for several years. Consequently Basil Farlington walked into the room unhindered and caught young Toby, red-handed, so to speak! 'Oh ho!' he had exclaimed ominously. 'What have we here? A little-un using the head's bathroom, eh? Don't you know that's against the rules, little-un?' Toby had shivered in horror when he realised that he had been caught by the hateful Basil. However, if being discovered was bad enough, what was to follow was even worse. 'I think I'll have to report you for this.' said the bully in ominous tones. 'You'll get into rare trouble you know.' His lower lip trembling and his eyes filled with tears, the young kindergarten pupil began to beg with the older boy, pleading that he should not be betrayed. Basil appeared to give the entreaties consideration and then, at last, a sly look passed across his florid features. 'I tell you what then,' he offered generously, 'I'll let you off if you'll show me your willy.' Toby remembered that he had been horrified by the suggestion. Back then he was a shy little boy, intensely modest owing to his upbringing. Mary and Charles Adamson were very private people and their son never saw them naked. Toby had been brought up to respect such privacy and to him it seemed perfectly right and proper. Basil's suggestion had scandalised him. He had made vague excuses and protests which were sneered at by the bully, who declared that in that case, if he was not prepared to co-operate, they had better go directly to the headmistresses study. Weighing up the alternatives, the terrified Toby had, at that point, decided that perhaps Basil's wicked offer was the lesser of two evils after all. He reluctantly raised up the leg of his shorts and drew aside his pants to allow inspection of his most private possession. Basil had seemed more than somewhat disappointed by what he saw. 'Oh, it's tiny.' he cried disparagingly, 'You'd better grow yourself a decent one, little-un. A proper willy like mine.' With that the older boy had undone his shorts and pulled down his pants to proudly reveal his own set of equipment. Toby had looked at it with awe and horror. In addition to being considerably better blessed than his young victim, Basil was also circumcised. So gazing at the red angry-looking object before him, Toby not only felt hopelessly inadequate in comparison, but instantly decided that he himself must be deformed in some way. Basil was so full of haughty confidence that the youngster was certain that he was right in his deduction. Lowering the leg of his shorts in abject shame, he scuttled from the room with unkind laughter ringing in his ears. Luckily he ran slap-bang into a classmate Andrew Stevenson who happened to be walking along the pssage at that moment. Andrew was immediately struck by Toby's obvious distress and in the capable way which he had about him, even at that early age, he had set about calming poor Toby down. Such was the confidence that he inspired that the unhappy youngster blurted out the whole story, even down to his misgivings about his intimate anatomy. Andrew was highly intrigued by this particular part of the confession because he, too, was unfamiliar with circumcision. Toby, still extremely upset by the incident, was insistent that he had something the matter with himself. He refused to be reassured until finally Andrew, (who came from an open, happy, family where communal nakedness at bath times was the norm and who had, moreover, often shared a toilet bowl with one or more class-mates,) led his worried friend to a quiet corner, hitched up the leg of his own shorts and showed Toby that he was indeed far from abnormal. Relief flooded through every fibre of young Toby Adamson's being and from that moment a special friendship was born. As he cycled round a curve in the road and changed into first gear to tackle the hill that lay before him, Toby grinned fondly at the memory of their conversation which stood out as clearly as it might have done had the incident only happened the previous day. He still remembered the amazement that he had felt when Andrew so casually revealed himself and the instant alleviation of panic which had taken place the moment that he has seen a penis so like his own. He chuckled to himself when he also recalled the subsequent occasion when Andrew had cajoled him into visiting the toilet with him and another friend, in order that he should receive additional assurance that he was by no means unique. Actually, after those early days, except for the usual sort of casual personal exploration, which Toby indulged in occasionally when in the privacy of his bedroom, it was not until the summer after his tenth birthday that he was to experience something which fully awakened his interest in sexual matters. Something which subsequently caused that interest to blossom into the magnificent obsession that it seems to be with most virile horny males. Before their move to Doctor Green's Lane, which took place a short while before Toby's eleventh birthday, the Adamson family lived on a modern post-war estate in Melvesham. Next door to them were the Waite family, who had an only daughter named Jean. For her tenth birthday Jean had received a little `nurses set' and as a result Toby was unknowingly destined to become her favourite patient. Indeed, initially he protested vehemently against becoming involved in what he considered to be a distinctly unmanly pursuit. In the end, however, Toby was to weaken, mainly because he had been given a small tent for his own birthday and having put it up at the bottom of the garden one pleasant summer afternoon, he found himself at a loss as to what to do with it next. Jean happened to turn up at just the right moment and cunningly suggested that it would make a perfect `field hospital' for treating `wounded soldiers'. Toby fell for the ploy hook, line and sinker. The early stage of the game consisted in having his arms and legs bandaged up, which seemed like a fairly harmless procedure. Harmless and also boring, both to the nurse and her patient. Thus when Jean asked Toby if he fancied playing the part of a badly wounded soldier who had fallen over the side of a cliff, the idea caught his imagination at once and he readily agreed. Playing his part with gusto, groaning and crying out in simulated pain, the wounded hero allowed himself to be examined by Nurse Jean. When she gently began to remove his tattered uniform (in reality a tee shirt and a pair or brand-new blue cord dungarees), he assisted her by rolling this way and that in apparent great agony as he was undressed. Finally Jean was down to his underpants and after only a moment of hesitation she began to ease them off. Toby's initial reaction was to call a halt to the proceedings, but for some reason that he could not quite fathom out, he didn't and shortly afterwards he found himself lying naked on the blanket which served as a floor to the tent. The nurse eyed him with evident interest and hastily he rolled over onto his tummy. Jean collected up her `instruments' which consisted mainly of a toy stethoscope, a kitchen spatula and various bottles and jars. She then proceeded to examine her patient tenderly, feeling for broken bones. 'Will you turn over now soldier?' she asked eventually. 'I must examine your front and listen to your heart.' Their eyes met for a few moments and then, reluctantly, Toby turned over and. lay on his back. Jean examined him with equal care, listening to his heart through her stethoscope. Gradually she worked down his body, pressing tenderly as she went and finally arrived at his groin. 'Is there anything wrong here, soldier?' she asked, evidently unsure of how far she dared go. Her hands hovered but did not touch. Once more they looked at each other. Jean, her pretty round face framed by dark curly hair, smiled uncertainly. Toby gazed into her innocent brown eyes and was lost. Suddenly he wanted more than anything in the world for her to touch him in that private place. 'Oh nurse,' he groaned pitifully, hiding behind the part that he was playing, 'I hurt so much, I think there must be.' 'Perhaps you're bruised.' suggested the nurse, also retreating into the safe neutrality of the game. 'What hurts exactly?' 'I'm not sure really,' replied the soldier. 'Perhaps if you examine it you'll be able to tell.' They looked at each other fleetingly. Each of them understood. The decision had been made, the die cast. Lowering her left hand just a little, the girl allowed her fingers to flutter across the small pink tube of flesh. 'How does that feel?' she asked tenderly. It actually felt quite delicious, but the boy had his part to play. 'It hurts just a little, nurse,' he replied, 'Perhaps it's my balls that are bruised.' He saw that Jean did not seem to know what he meant, so he pointed down at the little sac of soft skin. Encouraged, she touched it and to her surprise discovered two firm globes within. Never before had she ever done such a thing and she was quite fascinated. She squeezed Toby's left testicle between her fingers. 'Ow!' he cried, flinching in real pain. 'Did that hurt?' she asked. 'Yes, it did!' exclaimed Toby. 'Please don't do it to the other one, will you?' Jean realized that he was serious and immediately learned something that she had never known before. She said nothing though, merely continued with the little game. 'I'm afraid that you must be bruised, soldier.' She declared. 'I'm sure it's nothing serious though.' 'What about my willy though, nurse?' asked Toby, 'Do you think it's all right?' 'Your willy,' she repeated slowly, learning his pet name for the funny little spout sticking out from his groin. She smiled at him slowly. 'Well, I don't know, soldier. I shall have to see.' She touched him tentatively and the boy found that he enjoyed the sensation very much indeed. 'That doesn't seem to be hurting you too much.' She observed. 'No, it doesn't,' agreed Toby, but then – lest she should take her hand away – 'Perhaps you should examine it properly though.' His answer nonplussed Jean somewhat and she simply patted the organ vaguely. 'Shouldn't you look under the skin?' asked the soldier helpfully. His nurse looked most puzzled, so reaching down, Toby slowly drew back his foreskin to show her what lay beneath it. 'Ooh! I say!' exclaimed Jean, fascinated. 'Fancy that!' 'I was just wondering if I might have hurt the end bit, nurse.' said Toby, slipping back into character. 'Let me see,' she responded and taking his penis gently in her hand she held it up and eyed it with interest, observing the tiny opening at the tip. Gaining confidence from her patient's complete acquiescence, she began to play with her new-found toy, slipping the loose fold of skin back and forth over the acorn that it covered. For his part, Toby was enjoying the whole experience enormously. Never had anyone else ever touched him there! He found it immensely exciting, particularly as he was sure that he should not really be letting her do it. As Jean continued to fondle him, the simple enjoyment of her attentions slowly turned into waves of pleasure and his penis gradually began to erect. 'Oh dear! What's happening to it?' asked Jean worriedly. 'It's all right,' replied Toby happily, 'It's just getting bigger. It always does that if I play with it.' 'It's going hard too.' observed Jean, feeling the difference between her finger and thumb. 'If you let it go it'll stick up.' said Toby, propping himself up on his elbows to get a better view of the proceedings. Jean released the quickly tumescing organ which, sure enough, stuck out rigidly from Toby's body. 'It feels lovely when it's like that.' confided the youngster with a wicked grin. 'How long will it stay like it?' asked Jean curiously, prodding the swollen penis with a fingertip. 'As long as I leave the skin pulled back from the end. I can't stand it for very long though, because it starts to make me feel as if I want to pee.' 'Has it always done that?' 'Well, it's almost always sticking up when I wake up in the morning, even though the skin's not back. I only found out I could make it go stiff myself when I was in the First Form at school.' 'Do you think that other boys can do the same?' asked Jean, evidently fascinated. 'I don't know. I've never asked anybody else. It's a bit rude to talk about, isn't it!' The two of them looked at each other and giggled guiltily. 'Well, Goodness me, soldier,' said nurse Jean, feeling that it was time to get on with the game. 'That's quite a swelling you've got there! I think I had better give it a massage to make it feel better.' Turning to her collection of 'medical instruments', she began to sort through them, seemingly unable to find anything suitable to help her with the massage that she had promised. Finally her eye lit upon one of the small brown glass medicine bottles that was included in her kit. Taking off the screw-top, she put the open mouth to the tip of Toby's erection and found to her satisfaction that it fitted nicely. She slipped it on and the neck finished up about three quarters of the way down the shaft. It looked very funny and they both laughed gaily. 'Now I'll give you a massage.' said the nurse seriously. 'I'm sure it will be nice and soothing.' The pretty little dark-haired girl in the nurse's uniform began to turn the bottle from side to side. First half a turn clockwise and then another anticlockwise. The friction between Toby's rarely exposed glans and the smooth interior of the bottle induced a fierce tickling sensation and caused him to draw in his breath sharply. Assuming that it was all part of his bravura performance as the brave wounded war hero, Jean simply made reassuring clucking noises and continued to administer her massage. Eventually Toby could stand the sensations no longer. 'Oh dear, nurse!' he exclaimed, 'I think I'm going to wee.' 'That's all right soldier,' said the nurse, 'You can go if you want to. The bottle will catch the wee.' 'So it will,' agreed the soldier, 'I hadn't thought of that. How clever of you.' Toby relaxed and stopped fighting the urge to pass water. He was, however, surprised to find that nothing came out. However, as Jean continued to turn the bottle back and forth regularly, he felt more and more as if he needed to go. He wasn't sure about the sensation at all. 'It feels awfully peculiar.' he said at last. 'Do you want me to stop then?' asked the girl, somewhat disappointed, for she was enjoying the little game. 'Well, I think maybe you'd better.' Jean pulled the bottle reluctantly from Toby's penis, which jerked violently. Unbeknownst to either of them, the brave wounded soldier had been right on the verge of his first orgasm! 'Is that better now?' asked the young nurse solicitously. 'Yes, but it still feels awfully strange.' Toby slipped his foreskin back into place and almost immediately the sensations began to subside. Just then Jean's mother called out from next door that it was time for tea. With much haste Toby climbed back into his clothes and the game was over. Jean gathered up all her instruments and put them into her bag. With that she was gone. That night, in bed, Toby thought about the interesting game of hospital that they had played. For the first time, his sexual apparatus responded to such stimulus and he quickly gained a full erection. The warm feeling that it engendered in his groin made him reach down. Slipping his hand inside his pyjamas he began to fondle himself idly and then got the idea to pull back his foreskin to see how long he could manage to leave it retracted. He lay very still and felt the same unusual tickling sensation. When he felt the urge to pass water he relaxed and sure enough none came. Eventually he could stand it no longer and slipped the skin back into place. Once again, his penis gave the first jerk of what could have been a stunning orgasm if only he had had the nerve to persevere for a few more seconds. When he awoke the next day with his usual morning erection, curiosity drove him to repeat the little test. Yet again, as the sensations threatened to overwhelm him, his nerve failed him. He was, however, unwittingly bringing himself nearer and nearer to the point-of-no-return. Lunch was over and Jean Waite was feeling distinctly bored. She had been hoping that her best friend Janet would come over to play, but there had been a telephone call that morning to say that she was a little under the weather and would be spending the day inside. Jean went upstairs and sitting down on the edge of her bed she picked up a book. It failed to catch her imagination and after a few minutes she put it down again. She prowled round the room restlessly, pausing eventually at the window. She stared outside aimlessly and as she did so she suddenly caught sight of the boy next door. He crossed the lawn to his tent and began to tighten the guy ropes. The moment that she saw him, the girl remembered the little game that they had played together the previous afternoon. She thought of the exciting way in which his boy's thingy had grown big and hard when she had touched it. She wondered if he would like her to touch it again. Hastily donning her apron and cap, she grabbed her bag and rushed downstairs and out into the garden. She leaned over the fence casually. 'Hello nurse.' called Toby when he saw her. 'Hello Toby. What are you going to do this afternoon?' 'I don't know really. I'm a bit bored to tell the truth.' 'Would you like to have another game of `hospital'?' 'Ooh yes, I wouldn't mind.' He moved over to the fence and leaned over conspiratorially. 'I don't suppose that you've still got that bottle in your bag?' Jean's eyes widened in delight. 'Do you want me to give you another massage then?' she asked eagerly. 'I am feeling a bit swollen, nurse.' he replied plaintively. It was absolutely true! The moment that he had seen her in her nurses uniform he had gone hard at once. 'What are you going to be this afternoon?' asked Jean. 'A soldier again?' 'How about a fearless pilot who has just escaped death from a `plane crash?' suggested Toby. 'That sounds like a good idea.' agreed Jean, clambering over the fence. 'Let's go into the tent.' The preliminary examination was perfunctory to say the least. 'You'd better undress pilot Jones.' said the nurse authoritatively, I think your problem's down there.' she pointed meaningfully. Sure enough, when the fearless pilot removed his last garment he revealed a very firm swelling to her gaze. 'You'll have to massage it nurse.' groaned the pilot, quickly getting down onto the rug. 'I think you're right pilot Jones.' she agreed, rummaging about in her bag for the medicine bottle. 'Let's see what we can do for you.' Jean popped the bottle into place and began to move it, first one way, then the other. 'Ooh,' gasped the boy, 'You know I've decided that it really feels awfully nice.' Lying motionless on the rug, the ten year old war veteran allowed his nurse to continue until the sensations were far more powerful than he had ever previously experienced. She suddenly noticed that his breath was coming in staccato gasps and looking into his face she saw that he was very flushed. 'You look as if you've just been in a race.' she observed, stopping her fluid action with the bottle. 'My heart's beating terribly fast.' admitted her patient, holding his hand against his chest. 'Feel it.' Jean put her hand on his breast and could feel his heart thumping rapidly against his ribs. 'Perhaps that's enough massage for this afternoon.' she said. 'Oh no, just a little more.' pleaded Toby. 'It feels so lovely.' 'All right then.' She began again and Toby was immediately engulfed by the most delightful sensations which, though mainly centered in his groin, slowly began to spread through his body and down his legs. He started to tremble, unable to control himself. On his own be would have stopped the whole thing long ago, but in Jean's hands he was powerless to resist. Upwards and ever upwards she led him until at last, without warning, the mounting pressure resolved itself into a hot pulsating feeling in his penis, which jerked up and down spasmodically. 'Gosh! Whatever is happening to you Toby?' squeaked Jean. She let go of the bottle, her eyes wide with alarm. 'I don't know.' he panted. 'It has never happened before, whatever it was.' 'Was it nice?' she asked worriedly. 'It was lovely until that last bit when my willy started to go up and down.' he replied. 'I'm not sure about that bit.' As he spoke, his erection subsided and the bottle slipped off. It rolled to the far side of the rug where it remained unnoticed. 'Well I never.' exclaimed Jean. 'It made the swelling go away didn't it.' 'So it did.' giggled Toby, looking down in amazement. 'I think I've made you better pilot Jones.' declared the nurse. 'Yes nurse, thank you very much. Should I get dressed now do you think?' 'I suppose that you'd better.' she agreed a little reluctantly and Toby climbed back into his clothes. 'What shall we play now?' he asked. 'I don't know.' she replied. 'How about if I was a doctor and you were involved in a car crash?' he suggested casually. They looked at each other speculatively. It took them about sixty seconds to get all her clothes off. 'You look different there.' he murmured. 'There's nothing to see,' she giggled, 'Not like you.' 'Can I look closer?' 'Yes, all right, if you like.' Lying back on the rug she parted her legs obediently. He gazed between them with fascination. 'Did you know that that's where a baby comes out?' he asked, having learnt the remarkable fact from his mother after his little sister had arrived. 'Yes, of course, silly.' she replied. 'How could it possibly?' 'I don't know really.' 'Can I touch it to see what it feels like?' 'Well alright, but don't hurt me, will you?' 'Tell me if I do.' Gingerly Toby touched the little girl's vulva and hearing no protest he parted the outer lips with his fingers. He was fascinated to see a further tiny set nestling between them and just caught a glimpse of the opening beyond. He gazed for several seconds before embarrassment got the better of the girl and sitting up she closed her legs slowly. The game was over and she got dressed again. 'I don't suppose that we'd better tell anybody that we did this.' offered Toby cautiously. 'No, I don't think so.' she nodded in agreement. 'A secret then. Cross your heart and hope to die?' 'Cross my heart and hope to die.' she agreed solemnly. When his mother sent him out at dusk to rescue her best travel rug from his tent, Toby discovered that his nurse had unwittingly left her massaging equipment behind. That night, once tucked up safely in bed, he tried applying it himself. The results were exquisite and he realised that the best part of the experience definitely occurred when he could stand the feelings no longer and his penis began to pulse and twitch.From that moment on Toby Adamson had a nightly love affair with his new-found toy. As yet he had no idea what he was doing and confided in no one. All he knew and needed to know was that he had one of the most pleasurable secrets in the world. **** Chapter 2 coming shortly. Do let me know if you enjoyed Chapter One. Oh and PLEASE donate to Nifty! ****