Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2023 09:52:44 +0000 From: RA Coole Subject: the-sixties-sexplorers-2 This is the continuing story about a group of young friends growing up and finding out all about sex during the nineteen-sixties. That was way before computers and the internet and reliable information back then was generally difficult to find. Much of what kids learned was picked up from other kids in the playground and a lot of that was crazily inaccurate. The kids in this story are rather luckier than that, as you will see. I hope that people who grew up back then will be able to identify with what they read and that the younger readers amongst you will enjoy it too despite perhaps feeling that it's ancient history. I will be posting future chapters here quite regularly. Please do drop me a line if you enjoy my story - Oh, and to help maintain this fantastic site please donate to Nifty using the link The Sixties Sexplorers Chapter Two It was in the Spring of the following year, a short while before his eleventh birthday, that Toby was suddenly separated from the company of the neighbours and friends that he had known since birth. Ever since the arrival of his sister Katherine, a few years previously, his parents had been looking for a larger house. Mary Adamson had definite ideas as to what she wanted and was prepared to bide her time until just the right thing came up. The search was long and sometimes heart- rending but at long last she found what she wanted and they were on their way. Situated on the outskirts of a nearby village, the house seemed to the children to be very grand in comparison with the estate dwelling in which they had so far spent their lives. Set back from the road, it had a long driveway and a simply enormous garden. The house itself, built in the early part of the century, was constructed of local stone under a stone tiled roof and came complete with mullioned windows and leaded lights. It had, in fact, been empty for some time due to some legal wrangle that followed the death of the previous owner. Once on the market, the agents found it difficult to sell, owing to its somewhat dilapidated condition. Both the kitchen and bathroom contained fitments installed in the nineteen twenties and had to be seen to be believed. Despite its state, Mary and Charles Adamson fell in love with it at first sight and after buying it, they set to with a will, doing as much of the necessary renovations as they could themselves. They had a local builder in to make good where they ripped out unwanted fire grates from all the bedrooms and he also put in a false ceiling in the downstairs accommodation to make the house easier to heat. Toby found that he was a dab-hand at demolition and spent many a happy weekend wielding a hammer and chisel, chipping slowly away at the cracked white tiles on the bathroom walls that reminded his mother strongly of a public convenience. Eventually that task was complete and it was time to engage in a little do-it-yourself plumbing to take out the ancient and heavily stained bathroom fitments. The last item to be removed was the bath itself, which had sat in the centre of the room on its clawed, scrolled feet for heaven knows how many years. Toby felt rather sad as it slid slowly downstairs on the end of a piece of rope and wondered if it would have a decent burial. Once new fitments were in place in both bathroom and kitchen, Mary and Charles began the time consuming task of complete redecoration of the house from top to bottom. The grime and filth that had been left by the prior occupants had first to be cleaned away and it was a while before the whole place finally smelt fresh and sparkled like a new pin. Thus many weeks passed before the Adamsons were ready to make the big move. Toby found the entire experience most exciting, but on moving day he was torn between the desire to be at the old house to see everything disappear, or to be at the new to see it all arrive. In the end he managed to have the best of both worlds because the removal men allowed him to ride with them in the van. Watching the entire proceedings at close quarters, Toby was in seventh heaven and at that particular point in his life he made a firm decision to become a furniture removal man as soon as he left school. Finally the move was complete and the Adamson family began to settle into their new home. After all the excitement of the past weeks, however, Toby found life somewhat dull. There was still almost a full week of the school holidays left to go and he particularly missed his old playmates. One morning, the third after the move, he was mooching round the garden feeling somewhat sorry for himself. He was just wondering what to do with the day when he heard a cheerful cry from the front gate. Looking up he was surprised to see his school friend Andrew Stevenson waving at him. 'Hello Toby. Are you visiting friends? I didn't think anybody lived here.' 'No, I'm not visiting anybody, I live here now.' Toby explained. 'We moved in three days ago.' 'How super.' said Andrew. 'This house has been empty for years you know. Did you realise that we only live round the corner?' 'No, I didn't. How terrific! I've been missing all my friends from where I used to live, but now I know you're near, things will be much much better.' Toby invited Andrew in for a guided tour and introduced him to his mother. Mary was delighted, because she had noticed her offspring's increasing air of despondency over the days following the move and had been wondering just what to do about it. Andrew's arrival on the scene had obviously saved the day, because Toby was looking as pleased as a dog with two tails about it. The tour complete, Andrew suggested that Toby might like to come home with him to see the new tree house that was in course of construction. As they trotted down the lane, chatting happily, Toby realised that the move might turn out to be absolutely fantastic. When they arrived Andrew took his friend into the kitchen to see his mother and twin sister Natasha. The latter, of course, Toby already knew, as she too was in the Top Form at Lane House School. 'Hello Toby Adamson.' she said. 'Whatever are you doing here?' 'Hello Natasha Stevenson.' he replied. 'I live just round the corner now.' Toby was then introduced formally to the twins' mother, Jacqueline. He was very impressed by her. Married at just eighteen, she had given birth to the twins a little over a year later. Consequently, at thirty, she was somewhat younger than any of the other mothers that he had encountered. In addition to the fact that she still wore her white-blonde hair long and tied back in a pony tail like her daughter's, she also seemed very young, more like a really marvellous older sister and not like a 'Mum' at all. 'Hello Toby.' she said cheerfully. 'Natasha and I are making a cake at the moment, so if you'd like to hang around for a while there may well be a bowl you can help to clean out.' 'Have I got time to take him to see the tree house first?' asked Andrew. 'Yes, I think so. We'll leave you a little something I promise.' 'But only a little something.' giggled Natasha with a grin. The boys went outside and Andrew led the way down to the garden. He pointed into the branches of a tree and Toby was highly intrigued to see how cleverly Tom Stevenson had mounted the base of the tree house across two branches quite a distance from the ground. The structure was reached by a rope ladder and once the boys had climbed up to the platform Andrew explained how his father envisaged the next phase of development. Apparently there were to be both walls and a roof and Tom intended to weatherproof the whole structure. Toby, still mourning the loss of the garden shed at his old home where he often played, could see that it had all sorts of possibilities for interesting games and Andrew was very pleased at the enthusiasm he showed about the project. In the event they forgot all about the mixing bowl waiting for them in the kitchen and were only reminded about it when Andrew's mother called out to them from the window. 'Hey you two ruffians. Come and clean out this bowl so that I can get it washed up. Natasha is making some icing at the moment, so you can help finish that up too.' 'Terrific! Icing's my favourite!' exclaimed Andrew. 'Mine too.' nodded Toby enthusiastically. 'If we don't hurry up though, I expect that we'll find that greedy Natty has scoffed the lot. Come on.' With that, the pair climbed hastily down the ladder and ran across the lawn to the kitchen door. The last few days of the holiday seemed to rush past as Toby cemented his friendship with the entire Stevenson family. Indeed he almost spent more time with them than he did at home. In addition to finding a soul mate in Andrew, he was absolutely enchanted by twin Natasha. As well as being both feminine and very beautiful - for in addition to inheriting her mother's white-blonde hair and enormous cornflower-blue eyes, she had a tiny nose and a generous mouth, which always seemed to be smiling - she was no sissy. She joined in most of the boys' games and with her forthrightness and quick-witted humour she always made a useful and appreciated contribution. Like her brother, she was very athletic and a good sport into the bargain. All in all Toby decided that he approved of her thoroughly, even though she was only a girl. Despite the fact that they were so similar, both in appearance and temperament, Andrew and Natasha got on well with each other and rarely fought. Toby, who had of late begun to battle fairly constantly with his little sister, found this quite amazing and put it down to the fact that the Stevensons were twins. As for their mother Jacqueline, Toby's admiration knew no bounds. She sailed through life, calm, unruffled and always cheerful. With a sure touch she managed to bridge the generation gap in a way few people manage and in her company Toby felt so at ease that he often forgot completely that she was, in fact, a dreaded `grown-up'. Whilst such an easy relationship existed between Toby and `Jackie' - as she insisted he call her - Toby found himself slightly less comfortable with Tom. A tall, broad, good-looking man in his mid-thirties, he had his children's quick wits and a shrewd eye. Toby always got the feeling that Tom knew what was going on in his mind and it sometimes made him feel a little uncomfortable. For all that, Andrew and Natasha obviously thought the world of their father so Toby determined that he would too. The holiday over, the three children began their final term at 'Lane House'. Travelling to school in the mornings with Charles Adamson and being collected in the afternoons by Mary and Jacqueline on alternate days, they became inseparable and the 'terrible twosome' as Andrew and Natasha had been christened early in their school career, became the 'terrible three'. It was during that Summer Term that the trio made the discovery that all children eventually make and which - to a greater or lesser extent - colours and shades the rest of their lives and their relationships. They found out `the facts of life'. Shortly after the end of a history lesson and at the beginning of morning break, Andrew hurried across the classroom and thrust a piece of paper into Toby's hand. 'Read this.' he hissed. 'I borrowed Lesley's text book this morning because I left mine at home. I found it tucked inside the back cover.' Toby smoothed out the crumpled sheet and began to read. 'Dear Lesley,' it said, 'Do you remember that we saw the word 'shag' written on the wall of the cubicle when we went swimming? I asked my brother what it meant last night. He said that when a boy and a girl want a baby, the boy takes his willy and sticks it into the girl's baby hole and does a special wee. That's what makes her pregnant. It's called `shagging'.' The message was signed: 'Love, Mandy.' 'Oh, Mandy's brother is having her on.' said Toby, beginning to giggle. 'I'm sure he must have been.' said Andrew, nodding his head in emphatic agreement. He looked around for his sister. 'Where's Natasha? We must show it to her.' 'I think I saw her going off with Susan.' 'Never mind then. I'll let her read it later on.' With that, Andrew folded up the piece of paper and put it carefully into the back pocket of his shorts. Nothing more was said on the matter for several days and it was not until the weekend, when the twins and Toby were sitting in the newly-completed tree house, that it was brought up again. 'Hey Toby, do you remember that letter to Lesley that I showed you?' asked Andrew suddenly. 'What, you mean that rot about making babies?' laughed Toby. 'Yes, but it's not rot! I forgot all about it until yesterday night, when I found it in the back pocket of my shorts. I showed it to Natasha and she said that it was the second time she'd heard something like that, so we decided to ask Mummy if it was true.' Toby looked from one twin to the other in sheer disbelief. 'You're not going to tell me that it's right?' he cried incredulously. Andrew and Natasha grinned and nodded. 'I don't believe it.' he said firmly. 'You're both having me on.' 'No, honestly!' said Andrew. Toby shook his head defiantly. 'It's rot!' he muttered. 'When we showed Mummy the letter she laughed and said that she had been wondering when the penny would finally drop that babies weren't found under gooseberry bushes or brought by the stork.' said Natasha. 'Well I know that's not true.' said Toby, who had watched his mother's pregnancy with his little sister Katy with great interest. 'Surely everybody actually knows where babies come from. It's the bit about sticking the willy in that I don't believe.' 'How do you think that a baby starts in the first place?' challenged Andrew. Toby shrugged his shoulders. 'I really don't know to be honest.' he admitted. 'Here's what Mummy told us last night.' Natasha began and aided and interrupted by her brother, she repeated verbatim everything that Jacqueline had told them. 'Well I never!' said Toby at last. 'How peculiar. This whole sex thing is quite complicated, isn't it though?' Then he giggled. 'Does that mean that if I put my .... what's the proper word for willy again?' `Penis,' prompted Andrew, `Though actually from now on I've decided that I'm going to call mine a `peen' because that's what Mummy and Daddy call his apparently.' 'That sounds nice.' said Toby. `In that case I'll call mine that too. It seems much more grown up than willy. So anyway, does that mean that if I were to put my peen into Natty's .... um,' `Vagina.' said Andrew helpfully. `Vagina,' continued Toby, `Then that would make a baby?' 'No.' said Natasha. 'I asked Mummy about when people can start making babies and she said that I'm not old enough to have one yet, because my periods haven't started.' She paused. 'But anyway, Toby Adamson, whoever said anything about me letting you put your peen into my vagina anyway?' Toby looked at her seriously for a moment and she began to laugh. Soon their raucous mirth rang out over the garden. Standing in the kitchen, Jackie Stevenson smiled to herself as she heard it, for she had more than a vague idea what the main topic of conversation was likely to be that morning. Suddenly their last term at 'Lane House' was over and the 'terrible trio' bid farewell to the school, which they had attended right from the start of their education. Both Toby and Andrew were destined to attend King Henry's College in the city. Better known locally as 'the College' it was an old-established independent grammar school, founded by King Henry VIII. The boys had taken their entrance examinations earlier in the year and during the entire day that they spent there they had been taken on a guided tour of the facilities by one of the House Masters. After the closeness and familiarity of their preparatory school, the establishment seemed very grand and somewhat daunting to both of them. In the event, they were very relieved that they would have each other's company and their bond of friendship grew even stronger as a result. Natasha was due to begin at a girls school called 'Benningford Hall' not so very far from home. Two other girls from her class at 'Lane House' would be going with her, so she looked forward to it quite cheerfully. However, both she and her twin brother were very sad to be separated from each other for the first time in their lives. As the summer holidays rushed past, the hectic task of kitting the children out with a complete set of school uniform began. About the only aspect that seemed to appeal to both Toby and Andrew was that, at long last, they were shedding their shorts and going permanently into long trousers. This made them feel very grown up and both Mary Adamson and Jacqueline Stevenson found that their offspring were refusing to wear shorts at all, even as casual dress, resulting in yet another visit to town for jeans and casual long trousers for weekends and holidays. As far as Toby was concerned the purchase of new outfits was becoming a necessity in any case, for as the summer passed he had a spurt of growth, which made many of his favourite old things redundant. In addition to an increase in height and girth, he also began to sprout hair under his arms and on his pubis. He was quite pleased about these coming signs of masculinity and began to examine his face daily for traces of a beard! What he was not so pleased about, however, was the change that was also taking place in his penis. Much to his frustration he had found, back in the springtime, that Jean's medicine bottle was becoming too tight a fit for him and although he examined the contents of his mother's cupboards carefully he was unable to find a suitable replacement. An aspirin bottle was far too small and a cold-cream jar too big. Not realising that he could well manage without any such aid, he had very sadly given up his regular loving attentions to himself. To make matters worse, he found as the summer progressed that he appeared, to all intents and purposes, to be growing out of his foreskin. Whenever he had an erection, which for some unknown reason seemed to be happening more and more frequently, he was finding that the fold of skin was slipping right back behind the rim of his glans. This had never happened before and the resulting sensations caused by the rubbing of his underclothing was such that he often found himself having to take refuge in the bathroom, where he endeavoured to adjust things back to normal. Even when in its flaccid state he had also found that the tip of his member was no longer completely covered, as it always had been in the past and the entire matter was causing him concern. Indeed, he even started to have sleepless nights at the thought of having to reveal himself in the communal showers of his new school after games. The only person that he felt that he might possibly confide in about the matter was best friend Andrew, but his courage was to fail him on three separate occasions when the opportunity presented itself to bring the subject up. Eventually, however, with only a few days of the holiday left to spare, he finally resolved to seek his friend's advice come what may. Luckily when he arrived at the Stevensons house for a consultation he found that Natasha was spending the day with a school friend. Dragging Andrew up to the tree house he blurted out his sad story. Not surprisingly, his closest friend listened with a most sympathetic ear although he was gently amused. 'Honestly, Toby! What a funny thing to worry about.' he chided gently. 'To be honest I'm not really sure what you're on about. Let's go up to the bathroom and compare ourselves in front of the big mirror. That might help.' Somewhat apprehensively, Toby consented to the suggestion and making their way across to the house, the two boys went up to the bathroom and got undressed. They stood side by side before the mirror. 'Well,' said Andrew thoughtfully, 'They look pretty similar to me, except that I've got quite a lot more skin at the end of mine than you have. Look! You can see the tip of yours peeking out.' he chuckled. 'Yes, I know,' sighed Toby. 'That's what I'm worried about. Do you think its O.K. for it to look like that, or should I make it look like this?' Reaching down he slid the fold of skin back onto his shaft, revealing the whole of the tip to Andrew's gaze. 'Golly, I don't know to tell the truth.' admitted his friend. 'Will it stay like that?' Toby smiled shyly. 'Not for long when it's only little.' he replied 'But when it gets big the skin doesn't reach over the end at all now.' Andrew's eyes sparkled with amusement. 'How do you mean `gets big?' he asked, apparently innocently. Toby looked at him in surprise. 'Doesn't yours ever go big and stiff and stick up in the air? Mine does all the time.' 'Gosh.' said Andrew, still maintaining an air of innocence. 'How strange. I've never heard of anything like that before.' Frowning worriedly, Toby bit his lower lip. Perhaps there was even more wrong with him than he had thought. Then, suddenly, he caught sight of his friend's penis which was arcing gracefully upwards to a full erection. 'Oh, you rotter!' he exclaimed, grinning hugely. 'Well I never.' gasped Andrew, looking down at himself in apparent amazement. 'I've never seen it do that before. How extraordinary.' Suddenly he could contain his mirth no longer and doubled up with laughter. 'Andrew Stevenson, you're being of no help at all.' declared Toby, laughing despite himself. 'Awfully sorry.' groaned the good-looking blonde boy, wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes. 'I really couldn't resist it. You should have seen the look on your face.' 'Getting back to my problem,' said Toby, pointing downwards meaningfully, 'You know we really are different. Yours must be at least twice the size it was a minute ago and the end is still covered up.' 'Isn't that interesting.' mused Andrew. 'Come on then, time to get yours bigger too so that I can actually see what you mean.' Toby giggled at the naughtiness of the entire situation and looking down tried to concentrate on having an erection, The embarrassment of having an audience was, however, sufficient to prevent him from getting one. Just then there was the sound of approaching footsteps out on the landing. 'Ah.' said Andrew and went over to the door. Toby assumed that his friend was simply going to make sure that it was locked and was suddenly horrified when, far from doing that, Andrew opened it wide. 'Hey Mummy,' he called, 'Can you spare us a moment? There's something we want some advice about.' Jackie Stevenson was highly amused to see her uninhibited son standing in the bathroom doorway bearing a simply splendid erection, It had been many years since she had seen him in that state and she was rather impressed by how much he had grown. Knowing that he would appreciate the compliment, she told him so and as she had surmised he beamed with pleasure from ear to ear. 'If it's not a rude question,' she continued, 'What exactly are you two up to?' Toby had hastily grabbed his underpants and put them back on. Andrew looked round at him and burst out laughing. 'Toby thinks that he might have something wrong with his peen and we thought that if he compared it with mine it might help. It hasn't really though.' 'What seems to be the trouble sweetheart?' asked Jackie gently, All that the extremely embarrassed boy could do was to gaze at her blankly, speechless with shame. Jackie turned and looked at her son reprovingly. 'Did you ask him if you could call me, Andrew?' she enquired, The youngster shook his head and shrugged. 'I didn't even think about it,' he admitted. 'You tend to forget that Daddy and I have brought you and Natasha up a bit differently from the way a lot of other people do.' she reminded him softly. 'When it comes to talking about personal things, not everybody is like us you know.' 'Yes.' Andrew nodded. 'I'm sorry Toby. I simply didn't think.' 'Oh that's all right, replied the embarrassed boy finding his voice at last, 'It's just that I could never ask my Mum a question like that!' 'Well you can certainly ask mine,' said Andrew encouragingly. 'Why don't you? I bet she'll know the answer!' After hesitating for a few moments Toby shyly explained his worries to his best friend's mother and eventually, at Andrew's insistence, he removed his pants once more to show her exactly what he meant. 'He says that when his gets big, like mine is at the moment, the skin comes right back and won't reach over the end at all.' said Andrew mischievously. 'He was about to show me when we heard you coming.' Toby squirmed with embarrassment at the mention of having an erection and then, much to his horror, he felt a warm feeling spreading through his groin which signalled that he was about to have one. Sure enough, right in front of Jackie, his penis began to expand slowly. 'Oh good.' chuckled Andrew, with evident satisfaction. 'There it goes. Now we'll see what he means.' As Toby's erection reached its peak it grew beyond the length of its foreskin which rolled neatly back behind his glans. The look on his face was a picture and Jackie shot a warning glance at her son, daring him to laugh. 'Well now Toby.' she said. 'There's nothing wrong with that at all. It's as normal for you as Andrew's is for him. You see, the only difference between you is that Andrew's fold of skin is longer than yours. Both of them are quite usual, I promise you. All males have slightly different peens, just as they have, say, slightly different noses or eyes, hands or feet.' 'Really, Jackie?' asked the youngster gratefully. 'Really, Toby.' she nodded solemnly. 'Do some people have skin so short that it stays back all the time?' asked Andrew, thinking of a few boys who he had shared a toilet with over the years. 'Not usually, darling.' replied his mother, 'if you've ever seen another boy who apparently has no skin over the end of his peen even when it's relaxed, that will be because he was circumcised. Probably when he was a baby.' 'What's circumcised?' enquired Andrew innocently. Jackie explained the operation to the two boys. Toby shuddered distastefully, crossed his legs and lost his erection. 'Oh dear!' he gasped. 'I don't think I like the sound of that at all.' 'That's all right, sweetheart, you're very unlikely to ever have to have it done.' said Jackie reassuringly. 'You're already half way there as it is.' For the first time in a while Toby looked at his penis with evident satisfaction. 'Thank goodness for small mercies!' he exclaimed. 'Mummy,' said Andrew thoughtfully, looking down at his erection which was still much in evidence, 'My skin is pretty tight. Do you think that I might need to be circumcised?' 'I don't know, darling. Can you get it back at all?' 'Well, yes, I can,' Andrew reached down and retracted his prepuce with extreme care, 'But when I'm stiff like this I have to do it really slowly, because otherwise it hurts a bit.' His mother looked at him with concern. 'And once it's back like that, can you get it forward again?' 'Oh yes.' came the happy reply and Andrew showed her that indeed he could, though again it was something that he did slowly and carefully. 'Hmm,' said his mother thoughtfully, 'When you were little the doctor did say that you had something called a `phimosis'. He told me that it was only a slight one, so he didn't think it would be necessary for you to be circumcised, because it would probably loosen up as you got older.' 'What's a `phimosis'?' asked Andrew worriedly. 'Just a tightness at the opening of your foreskin which might stop you from pulling it back.' explained Jackie. 'Mostly it eases as you get into your teens, but some boys find that they can't get their foreskin back at all.' 'Is that a bad thing?' asked Toby curiously. 'Not necessarily,' replied Jackie, 'It's just that you can't really keep yourself perfectly clean if you can't get your foreskin back and there's always the chance you might get little infections from time to time. That would be a real nuisance. Also there's always the chance that making love vigorously could force the skin back and then it might get stuck. That could be very painful!' 'Eoow!' gasped Andrew, going pale at the thought. 'What would you do if that happened?' 'Well,' said his mother, 'The best thing would be to get a hankie and soak it in cold water and then put it round the end of the peen. The coldness will usually get rid of the erection and then you can generally get the skin forward again. If you can't, then I'm afraid it might be a visit to the casualty department at the hospital! That's why I asked you. I expect your foreskin will loosen up fine as you get older though. If it doesn't and it bothers you, then we'll talk about it again. OK?' 'Sure.' Andrew grinned at her cheerfully. 'Right then.' said Jackie, standing up and tightening her pony tail. 'If you've both learnt all you want to then I'll go and make us all a nice cup of tea. There's some chocolate cake in the 'fridge that needs eating, too.' 'Chocolate cake!' breathed Toby. 'My favourite.' 'Greedy guts.' laughed his friend, reaching for his pants. Jackie left the room and closed the door quietly behind her. 'Your mother really is the greatest, you know!' exclaimed Toby as he began to get dressed, 'I'm glad now that you called her in, even if I could have killed you at the time.' Andrew laughed. 'I suppose that I should have asked you first, but I bet you'd have refused to have had anything to do with it and then you'd still be worrying.' 'Absolutely true.' agreed Toby. 'Come on slow-coach. I'm famished.' The boys rushed downstairs happily and a few moments later the entire subject was dismissed from their minds. Toby only thought about it again as he marched into the showers at the College after his first games period and looked around his classmates with interest. He found big and small, long and short, fat and thin. His own, he was pleased to note, looked just as normal as anybody else's. *** That's it for Chapter Two. I hope that you enjoyed it. Please do take a moment to let me know if you did. - Oh and PLEASE donate to Nifty. Thanks! ***