Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 16:01:00 +0000 (UTC) From: cgf2662 Subject: Story Submission: The Mennonite ? A New Start 6 The Mennonite - A New Start 6 CGW When we arrived back to the house after getting ice-cream, we walked into the house and there sat Josiah and Anne was sitting on the spare chair. Micah said; Anne if you if you don't mind we are going to have a family meeting here. Yes sir, I do mind because sometimes a person has to stand up for their Bitch, and Josiah is my intended Bitch, Sir. Micah was blown away by this girl's statement and sat down as did I. Micah spoke in a calm voice and said; you do know that he has been soiled before. Yes Sir; I do but his sweet peppermint scent makes me want his "Sweet Ass" that much more. Micah asked; have you two acted out yet young lady because if he has, he won't see the light of day. No sir, Elder Micah; he hasn't touched me but to hold my hand and he has only been allowed to kiss my cheek twice, and that was with my permission. If he had ever came at me with those intentions he would be minus his Peppermint stick and jingle bells and they would be hanging from my trucks rear bumper. Micah chuckled and said; that I don't doubt. Anne, tell me why him, when there plenty of other young men in this community that would give you the whole world just to be your spouse? Because Sir ever since I saw him lying face down on that bed with the words Sweet Ass tattooed on his butt cheek after you gave him one for and I caught his scent of fresh warm Peppermint and knew he was the one for me. So I waited to see how he acted and then I made my move on him. But I can assure you sir that until he builds me a home that I have designed and he fills it with furniture he builds with his own hands, He will never lay next to me as my spouse nor father any of my children. The home will have a big front porch with a rocker on it so when I get home from a hard day at the mill I can sit down and sip a cool glass of tea watching my children run in the yard Sir. Micah said; so I gather that you won't be getting married and quitting your job to pop out 6 kids and spend your life chained to a stove. No Sir; said Anne, that's why I marrying my sweet ass bitch over there; I'll have them kids, and he will raise them, cook, clean, change the diapers and when he's not doing that he can use his fancy education to help make things. Robert snickered and Micah said; spit it out young man. Robert spoke up and said; just think just 6 months he got his sweet ass belt whipped, now he done went and got his sweet ass pussy whipped. Micah kept his composure and said; boys go to your room and wait there until supper, David said; why me I didn't say anything. Micah responded; but you were thinking it, Robert just beat you to the draw now go. Micah was red in the face to keep from laughing out loud but had to excuse himself outside so he could laugh. He came back inside and said; you two family supper Saturday night and make sure your mom and brother are here also Anne; they have to hear this or I'll have the boys tell their version and we all know how they make it very colorful. They said; yes sir we will be here. And be aware we will be meeting a new family member then, so be nice to him or I'll hang me some tits and balls from my bumper. Micah called Clay on the phone and told him to keep Anders and his relationship under wraps until Saturday night, when you boys show up here for supper. Micah hung up the phone and called the little boys out before Daniel and Jonah got home. Now boys hear me well or I will blister your little butts red, you tell no one about Clay and Anders or Josiah and Anne; it will be announced here Saturday night at supper. Both boys said; Yes Sir, Daddy it's a secret. Daniel and Jonah came in and headed to their bedroom, Micah said; supper 10 minutes boys and don't be late or no supper tonight. They both said; yes Sir, Daddy. We all sat down and Daniel asked; where is Clay at? He's eating at The Lutz's Micah responded. I said; while we are talking about eating, there is a Family Supper Saturday night. Daniel remarked we won't be here; we are going out to eat together that night. Micah said; skipping is not an option young man, you can go out another night. Daniel answered yes sir we will be here. Eve, Beth and I cleaned the house and re-arranged the furniture so we could set up the extra tables and chairs. We cooked for the better half of the day getting ready for the supper. About an hour before everyone was to arrive we dressed and Beth and Eve went to get ready. As family members started to arrive they brought in extra dishes of food and place them on the table, everyone was here but Clay. The front door opened and in walked Clay holding Anders hand as he entered the house, the room was suddenly got real quiet. Clay said; everybody I want you to meet my boyfriend and lover Anders. There were open mouths throughout the room, Micah walked up to Clay and Anders and hugged their necks and said; welcome to the family son. Clay stood behind Anders wrapping his arms around him holding him tight, Beth was the first member to walk up and hug Anders and welcomed him to the family, she said; just how old are you Anders. He answered that he was 19; he would never do anything to get Clay into trouble, like feeding him chicken. Beth laughed and remarked he would fit in perfectly. David and Robert were next to greet him, David remarked that he was taller than he expected he would be, Robert remarked that how would you have even known, the last time you saw him he was on Clay's desk laying on his back being railed by Clay. Beth grabbed her little brother by their collars and drug them away before they started something that got them in bad trouble with Daddy and Poppa. Anders and Clay were both red faced after the boys said where they were seen having sex at. Micah growled at the boys telling them they were grounded from trips to the ice-cream store in Spanish Lookout for a month. Anders said; please don't blame them sir, the fault was Clay and mine for not making sure the door was closed and locked, they are just being little brothers. Makayla asked how many are there in your family Anders. I don't know my family I was raised in the boys home for as long as I can remember. Eve said; well you hit the jackpot here in this family, there is always someone up in your business. David popped off; and that would be Clay in that's up in his business. There was a slapping sound heard and David said; ouch! Beth that hurt. She remarked; Keep it up and you will find out just how hard I can hit young man. Galen said; believe me you never want to find that out young man. As we sat down at the table to eat Micah asked; before we start this meal are their anymore announcements here. Anne stood up and announced; just to let everyone know if Josiah meets all of my requirements within a 6 month time table that I have sat forth we will be married, if he doesn't his Sweet Ass is going into dry dock for a very long time. And she sat down. The table was suddenly loud as heck with everyone asking question at once. Micah stood up and said; hold the questions for after the meal. I never saw a group of people eat so fast in my life. Makayla was finished first and asked Clay where he and Anders planed on living at. He responded in our house sis, Daddy and Poppa gave us a house in the new section house 2-a. it's a 3br - 2ba house. Adam said; why such a big house, for just you two. Anders spoke up saying because as soon as we are approved we are going to fill those spare rooms with 6 runny nosed little boys that need a home and someone to love them. Clay smiled and said; I've always wanted a large family of my own, now our dreams will come true. Anne spoke up and said; if Josiah's sweet ass keeps up his end of the agreement we will give you two a run for your money when we add 6 of our own to the family. Beth spoke up and said; you 4 better hurry up and get started we are already 3 up on you now. Galen said; Beth you can't count we only have 2 children. Beth remarked; I forgot to tell you about the one in the oven sweetheart. Galen passed out cold and hit the floor. David looked at Galen; saying for a big dude his is such a lite weight. Everyone was looking at Beth, Yes it's true and I'm 2 - ? months along, Eve will deliver the baby at the hospital when it's time. Micah said; you need to take care of yourself young lady. I will daddy and I'm getting my tubes tied after this baby sir. Robert remarked; I bet you I can get the light weight up. I bet you can't said; David. Robert said; deal then placed his rear over Galen's face and let out one of the nastiest and loudest farts anyone ever heard, he then moved out of the way and counted 1,2,3,4. Galen sat up and said; who in the hell let that disgusting smell creep out of their ass that's just nasty. Robert high fived David and said works every time. Beth laughed out loud and asked Galen if he remembered what she said before he passed out. He responded that people were talking about kids why. That's correct honey and ours will be here in about 6-1/2 months. Galen passed out again, Robert remarked; don't look at me I have to let it build up, if I tried this soon I'd make fudge in my underwear. Micah busted out laughing and said; just let him be and walk around him. Daniel asked; what's the deal you have given Josiah to have completed in 6 months Anne. Do you see those plans rolled up over there, they are the house and furniture plans he must build for me within 6 months to prove he is worthy of me. Erwin remarked well he won't be getting any of that then, Tommie spoke up and said; yes he will and you are damned well going to be helping him build it or you won't be getting anymore of this. Izaiah and Zeak said they would help along with Joseph and William. Stephan said he and Kaden and Edward would help to. Becka said she could help paint and clean up. Micah said that he could send the two little smart asses over to help out. Beth said; Count Galen in when he wakes up. Anders said; he and Clay would also help and he could even help with the furniture building, he did that back at the home. Josiah thanked all of the guys and ladies for their help. I told Amma to get busy making Anne's wedding dress because if I knew this community the house would be built within a week tops. Cameron said; can I help, I told him we needed someone to order all of the supplies and compile the list of items need for the house. Izaack said he would help out Cameron so he didn't get too tired. Anne; you better get those plans ready for you furniture because it won't be long now. Anders sat at the table as Izaack, Tommie and Jonah chatted with him, Tommie asked; where he met Clay at and how long ago did they meet. Anders told him; we met at work he passed by me one day as I was working at the warehouse, his scent caused me to go weak in the knees, my eyes were blurred, heart raced and my butt crack became moist. I was so confused I had never had these feeling before in my life, here was the most beautiful man I had ever seen in my life. He was so tall and built like a Greek statue and he sat my body on fire. It was a couple of weeks that I suffered in agony, I asked a couple of the guys about him and was told his story and the attraction grew even stronger until one day I couldn't take it any longer. I decided it was now or never that's when I saw him sitting alone at the end of day and the poor man was in so much pain. I slipped into his office unseen and closed and locked the door behind me I didn't know what to do but I was going to help ease his pain, I walked up behind him and very gently rubbed his neck and told him that things would get better. He looked up at me and grabbed me so hard it hurt and he kissed me like a starving man, he began to remove his clothes, he shredded my clothes as he stripped me naked. I had never seen a full grown man naked before and he didn't slow down, he pitched me on top of his desk and pounced on top of me. He made himself known to me, it felt like me body was being ripped into pieces as he slammed into me not stopping until our bodies met. I tried to get him to slow down, for he was my first but he was blinded by need and until he placed his seed deep inside of my body he heard nothing. He realized what had happened and attempted to remove his self from deep within my body, he saw all of the blood and he freaked out. I wrapped my legs around his waist and held onto him as tightly as I could and told him no and he lay down on top of me and he made love to me until he became soft within my body. We made love on top of his desk every day after work until he became overcome with guilt. He spoke to his Daddy and Poppa, they gave him their blessings, he picked me up at the dorms carried me to our new home and made love to me for the first time in our bed all night long. Jonah asked; Anders you are so tiny how can you deal with his size. Anders said; I won't lie to you, he hurts me when he first enters but he is so gently with his love making that the pain is forgotten soon, it feels so good when he plants his seed deep into my body, the warmth spreads through out me. I walked up and sat beside Anders placed my arm around him and said; boys it rare for people to find their true Love just once, and even more precious when one is given a second chance at love as Clay has been. Zeak said; like father, like son history has repeated itself and that means that was written in Heaven by the Angles. Anders said; I don't understand what are you saying? Zeak said; I was not Izaiah's first, Lars passed away from cancer at a young age. Out of honor and respect we named our son Clayton Lars, for the two most wonderful people we knew. I wondered why he referred to Mr. Clayton as Poppa and Mr. Micah as Daddy, and always asked for their advice, why he and Mr. Micah were so willing to help us out. This really is a blessed family. I said; now that you are part of this family now it's Poppa and Daddy to you also young man. Yes Sir; responded Anders. David and Robert sat beside Clay, David spoke; He is cute and a keeper, just try not to wear him out with your big hog. That statement brought a rapid response from Micah, you two head to the showers and go to bed. As they walked out of the living room Robert said; I told you to keep your big ass mouth shut, but no you just had to say it didn't you. David responded; but it was great advice for Clay, guys like Anders don't just fall into your lap every day of the week and he needs to treat him with respect. Clay told Micah and Izaiah don't be mad at the boy's, what they said was very true I'm the luckiest man on this earth. Micah popped off; sure you're lucky and I hope that you end up with 6 just like them two. Daddy if we end up with 10 just like them, we will love them as much as you love those two little smart asses. Galen and Beth stopped by the house after she saw Eve for a check-up, Beth had the worst case of morning sickness ever, and she was putting on weight like crazy with this baby. Beth was worn out carrying this baby, much more tired than last time, she had everyone worried. As she had a seat on the sofa Galen came to the table to see Micah and myself he tossed a photo on the table of an ultra-sound and said; meet your newest grandson, Micah snatched the photo to look at it then Galen dropped the bombshell he tossed another photo on the table saying meet his little brother, oh I forgot here is the little princess's photo also. Micah passed out and fell from his chair landing on the floor. David and Robert heard the thud and came running into their room, they saw Micah lying on the floor and David asked; is Daddy ok? He is going to be just fine boys, he just found out Beth is expecting triplets. Robert popped off; wow Galen you really put in some overtime making those babies three at one time, talking about expanding a family 3 at one time, you must be shooting some strong bullets. Galen's face turned bright red, Poppa Eve said; she is very high risk and must slow way down and take it very easy, when I'm not at home she has to have someone with her, I'll have to hire her some help for the kids. I said; Galen Gunderson you will do no such thing, we have plenty of Family and Friends to take care of the job. He was very nervous, so I told him to take a deep breath, reach behind himself grab hold of his ears and pull his head out of his ass. Beth started to laugh and said; good one Poppa, the whole way here he dodged every pothole and kept asking me if I was okay. I looked at Beth sitting on the sofa and told her to take my chair and to put her feet up; we are going to make sure these babies arrive here on this earth as Healthy children. I looked at the partners in crime duo and told them to go tell everyone to get their asses to the house right now or there would Hell to pay for being late. David and Robert asked if they were allowed to use those words to tell people. Just like I said it boys don't leave a single word out. Galen; pick up your Daddy and put him in his chair, it's your damned fault his big ass is on the floor in the first place. You and the strong ass bullets you shot. Beth couldn't help but laugh at that statement. The front door flew open and Adam asked if his Daddy was okay when he saw him passed out. He's fine I said; but he's like Galen he might be a big man but he was a light weight. Soon everyone was at the house I told David to get a glass of cold water and wake his Daddy up. David and Robert had a cold glass of water and poured then on Micah's head, he came alive like a bear and the boys hid behind me. Beth has something to say to everyone so listen up. She said; I went to see the Doctor today because of my morning sickness, Eve did an ultrasound. We would like everyone to meet our babies and held up the photos, its triplets 2 Boys and a Girl. The whole room was in shock and said; nothing. Then all heck broke loose.