Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 03:30:42 +0100 (CET) From: Subject: A Neglected Boy The Twins XLIX Please support Nifty to keep stories coming. Thanks to all Nifty Staff for their help. Story is fiction, names fabricated, locations accurate. There may be some sex; it will be gentle and loving. Just a reminder that the story is told by either Jake or Kori in alternating Chapters. A Neglected Boy "The Twins XLIX" Kori closed our bedroom door and crawled in bed beside Kyle with a very knowing smile. I can only assume he was aware of something going on between Ethan and Keith; I may find out or I may not. I could tell that Kori wanted to say something but here we are both with our arms around Justin and Kyle so this will just have to wait. Again, tonight much like last night we were all exhausted. The day had been exciting for all of us and the workout at the pool felt so good. As I lie here watching Kori and Kyle as they drift off to sleep; I can't help wonder what Keith and Ethan will decide about the offer from Kevin. I felt Justin as his body succumbed to the peaceful calm and quiet of the night. It must have been only minutes later that I joined Kyle, Kori, and Justin in an adventure far off in a distant land of great creatures, beautiful forests and towering waterfalls cascading into a deep blue-green pool of crystal-clear refreshing water. As I dove in my body began to tingle all over and the water had a sweetness on my lips. It was the most beautiful and refreshing sleep in many days. The night passed quickly and it was not the sun that was driving me from my peaceful rest but the aroma of the fresh coffee. Justin had snuggled close to Kyle and Kori and had his arm gently across his brother. I slid quietly from our nest and with only boxers on joined Ethan and Keith. As I entered the kitchen, I realized that it was still dark and the horizon was just beginning to turn light with a slightly pink haze. Keith and Ethan were in boxers and Block Island tee-shirts and smelled like fresh strawberries. I smiled and pretended to sniff the air, both boys had a sheepish grin and Keith said . . . . "Morning showers can be really good Jake." Keith handed me a nice hot cup of coffee and then both he and Ethan sat close to me at the end of the table so they could speak softly, almost in a whisper. It was immediately obvious they had things on their minds that they needed to talk about or share. It was the sharing part that came first. Ethan is very comfortable talking to me about things and he started . . . . "Jake remember when we were in Italy and Kori was at the dig site and Marco and Lorenzo stayed over?" . . . . I almost knew what Ethan was about to say and he continued ........ "Remember what I told you that Lorenzo and I did, well, last night in the shower was the first time for Keith." . . . . Keith looked at me with a nervous grim almost as if he was asking permission or wanting me to say it was ok. I looked at Keith and said . . . . "Keith you and Kori really like each other and at your age, and even if you are or are not gay or bisexual, some experimenting with sex is normal. Kori and I knew that most likely you and Ethan would try something and that is why we gave you guys that box. Not to push you to try things but to support you both if you did try something." Wow ...... The expression on Keith's face changed quickly. His face relaxed and that nervous smile changed to a happy smile; it was almost like a priest had given him his blessing and said that sex is ok, but, I'm no priest that is for sure, hell I'm not even catholic. I now knew what Kori must have seen on his way to bed last night. I was still very surprised at Keith's next question as he asked . . . . "Then it's Ok if Ethan and I have oral sex?" Wow again ...... This time I needed to set things straight as I looked at Keith and Ethan and said . . . . "Look you guys, thanks for your trust and I know Kori feels the same but, what you do sexually in your bedroom or the shower is none of Kori's or my business. Just remember that you both have to agree to what you're doing. If you have questions about something you can always come to Kori or me. Remember, Kori and I love you both just as we love Justin and Kyle; even when they're being tyrants." The boys were smiling and Keith poured another cup of coffee for me and then it was Ethan's turn. His expression was that of importance ... `I've got a question or I need to tell you something but I don't know how.' Then it was his facial expression ... Ethan actually looked as if he didn't say it quick he was going to explode. I got close to his face and said . . . . "Out with Ethan" Keith was looking at Ethan like ........ hurry and tell him. I thought Ethan was just going to burst as he began . . . . "Jake, Keith and I want you and Kori to know how much we appreciate the box you gave us but, you know that thing, the thing that looks like a penis" . . . . I interrupted Ethan and said . . . . "Oh, you're talking about the dil..." ...... Whoa ..... Ethan cut me off short saying . . . . "Yeah, Jake that thing" . . . . I almost laughed and I did have a big smile because neither Ethan or Keith wanted to say the word. Dildo. Heck, neither boy would even say "blowjob" it was oral sex. Ethan continued ..... "Well, I wanted to give it back to you last night and I was afraid to hurt Kori's feelings so here it is ... Keith and I aren't ready to try that stuff." . . . . Ethan had found some plain brown paper and he and Keith wrapped it up and that is how he handed it to me. I tried to get them to just keep it in Ethan's room but no deal. I'm not at all sure about Ethan and his real thoughts about this but for Keith, I see the catholic upbringing. Masturbation and oral sex ... ok but not anything else for now, maybe later. I could see how uncomfortable the boys were about this "thing" so I just put it in my lap as they changed the subject to the offer from Kevin. Keith started . . . . "Jake, Ethan and I talked about the offer to join the University School and swim team and we decided that even though we both love our schools it is just a way good offer. We decided that if my parents say yes then Ethan and I will say yes to Kevin's offer." Ethan hugged Keith and ruffled his hair and said . . . . "we're a team that won't be beaten!" I was all smiles and almost wanted to kiss them and was tempted to go wake Kori and the rug-rats but looking at Ethan I knew there was more and then he began . . . . "Jake, Keith is afraid that even if Keith's parents think this is a great offer that the commute will be to much for them and for that reason they will say No." . . . . I looked at the boys and they really wanted it bad. This offer to join the University School and Junior swim team plus college is quite an offer worth thousands of dollars. I asked to see all the papers from Kevin and read carefully. It says full ride, all tuition, paid coaching, new laptop, everything included and I kept reading the part about "full-ride". I know that there are other boys on the team that don't commute so they must have rooms like a dorm just like undergrads staying on campus. I told Keith and Ethan to give me some time and I would call Kevin. I almost knew what Ethan was about to say . . . . "Jake, Keith and I talked about the problem and I know that you and Kori would let Keith stay here then he could go home on weekends, but Keith is saying no to that can you please talk to him?" . . . Well, it was half what I expected and half not. ...... I thought for just a minute and said . . . . "Guys just give a few hours to think this over." It wasn't what Ethan wanted to hear and Keith wanted to get ready to go home with the exciting news and this big offer from Kevin. Keith went to Ethan's room and packed his clothes and just as he was bout to leave the rug-rats appeared. The timing wasn't good and perhaps it would have been better if Keith had been able to go before Kyle and Justin were up. Right away the rug-rats were upset and didn't understand why Keith had to leave. So damn obvious that Justin and Kyle really like Keith and I think almost had a crush on him. Ethan tried to explain that Keith needed to go home to tell his parents all about the great news and he would be back to visit soon. Kyle was pouting and holding Keith tight but what came next was a real surprise. Justin became belligerent, tears running and then kicked Ethan really hard screaming it was Ethan's fault. Kori had just walked out to see just the last 45 seconds of this. Ethan grabbed Justin and held him tight and kissed him telling him it was alright and if he wanted to hit him to go ahead. Ethan was still holding Justin, Kyle was still holding onto Keith and Justin was now punching Ethan in the chest and screaming . . . . "I hate you; I hate you, .... Why you making him leave?" Keith dropped his bag and took Justin from Ethan and Justin clung to Keith's neck with his legs wrapped around Keith's waist. We have never seen Justin or Kyle act like this. Neither Kori or I knew what was going on or what to do for that matter. Justin was completely out of control and Kyle was getting worse because of it. Justin had stopped screaming but still holding Keith tight and Kyle now with tears still latched onto Keith's shorts. Ethan calmly tried to explain again that Keith had to go home to tell his Mom and Dad the good news and he would come visit again. Justin wouldn't have any of it and said . . . . "No, no, no .... Keith lives here now his home here, he no go now." Keith somehow was understanding what was going on I guess; because Kori and I weren't. Keith said ok Justin and Kyle lets go to your bedroom. Keith put Justin down and Kyle and Justin held Keith's hand as they walked down the hall to the rug-rats bedroom. Ethan, Kori and I just stood in the living room not knowing what the 3 boys were doing. It was about 5 minutes later when Keith called Ethan and Ethan went down to their bedroom. Kori asked if we should join them and were told ... No. About another 5 minutes Ethan appeared carrying Justin and Keith had Kyle. Justin still had tears but was wrapped tightly around Ethan's neck. Keith and Ethan put the rug-rats down and they gave Keith a big hug and kiss and Keith quietly walked out the door. I had thoughts of Liam when I saw Liam in an outrage when Ning was picked on but Justin kicked Ethan and then hit him over and over. Everything was Ethan's fault? What just happened? Kori said maybe it's time for breakfast, maybe not, because Ethan took Kyle and Justin to his room and closed the door. Kori was not having any more of this and started for Ethan's room and I had to grab his hand and say . . . . "Kori whatever it is let Ethan be; let the boys work it out and we can talk to Ethan later. Kori reluctantly agreed. We went to the kitchen and talked about the offer from Kevin. Kori and I walked down the hall to Ethan's room, the door was open a few inches and as we looked in Justin was between Ethan and his brother and all three were asleep. Kori and I went back to the kitchen talked for a bit then we decided to get some work done. We both had classes next week we both were behind on scripting lectures; we both were behind on answering emails and that item never stops. It was almost noon when smiling rug-rats appeared holding hands with Ethan and wanting to know what was to eat they were starved. Kori said . . . . "Hey, how about we go to Chuck E. Cheese and you guys have whatever you want and we can play games too?" . . . . Wow ...... Kori, you are a lifesaver. Kori, Kyle, and Justin were all excited about Chuck E. Cheese but Ethan decided to stay and read all the material Kevin gave him and Keith and maybe do some texting. Kori took Justin and Kyle and would be gone for 2 or 3 hours because they were going to the park on the way back. Ethan decided to have a triple-decker sandwich and chips and made one for me too. We sat and Ethan started to tell me what had happened and began with a real surprise . . . . "Jake, ... Justin wasn't mad at me he was mad at you and Kori but was afraid to hit you." . . . . "What?" ... I was about to ask when Ethan continued . . . . "and Kyle wasn't mad at all he was just getting upset because Justin was crying and screaming and hitting me. The thing is that Justin loves Keith a lot and thought Keith was part of the family because he was sleeping in my room. Then Justin saw you standing at the door and thought you were throwing Keith out and I was letting you do it. So, Justin has a huge crush on Keith." I sat looking at Ethan and the pieces started to fit. When Keith was visiting on Jabbering Justin was right next to him most of the time. When we walked on the beach, I spotted Justin holding Keith's hand. When we were at the pool yesterday it was Justin that was staring at Keith in the locker room and it was Justin that was closest to Keith in the water. Holy sh.. I've got a 9-year-old in love with a 16-year-old who is in love with another 16-year-old who is sitting right next to me. I looked at Ethan and thanked him for explaining the situation and suggested he become a psychologist. Ethan laughed finished his triple-decker sandwich and juice and then asked . . . . "So Jake, what are you going to do about it? I know, you'll let Justin sleep with Keith when he's here and I can sleep in Justin's bed." ..... I just thought ... Smartass teen! Ethan headed to his room and I called Kevin with the questions. Kevin explained that for boys that live too far to commute they have the top floor of Durfee Hall for their residence. Both Ethan and Keith will have an ID that looks very similar to all Yale students but in a black and yellow stripe that identifies them as underage and members of the swim team. Wow, this is sounding better and better. Kevin went on to say to please look at "Page 10" rules and regulations. I thanked Kevin and just as I was about to hang up Kevin added that the room that would be assigned to Keith would have 2 beds and Ethan could stay whenever he liked or he could live on campus. I spent the next 30 minutes reading regulations. I was about to go shower and shave when Ethan came into my study and handed me his phone saying . . . . "Jake, Keith's dad". I took the phone and Keith's dad and I spoke at length. The big concern was the commute and how Keith's school would react being a catholic high school and Keith was on a number of sports activities. It really came down to what Keith wanted and the commute issue. I began explaining ........ "It is so good to hear that Keith really wants to accept the offer from Kevin and become a University School student. I know that must have been a difficult decision for your family." Keith's dad interrupted and said . . . . "Jake not a difficult decision at all, are you kidding a full ride to school, swim team and college. We are delighted we could never afford Yale." . . . . I was so happy and went on to explain that Keith would have a dorm room on the top floor of Durfee Hall and that he could have Ethan visit and stay over and when they had a free weekend Keith could stay here if he wasn't going home. Then I asked if he had read the academic requirements and Keith's dad said yes and loved it. Keith and Ethan must keep a GPA of 3.4, must be in their room not later than 8:30 pm unless there is practice or a meet. Must be in University School uniform during class periods and in the required dress code even during free time as they are representing the team 24/7. Ethan was standing at my door and was chomping at the bit jumping up and down with thumbs up and waving wildly at me to get off the phone he wanted to text and call Keith. I thanked Keith's dad and told him I would call Kevin with the good news. We had only 3 days to get Keith and Ethan ready for school and to get Keith moved into the dorm. I hung up with Keith's dad and tossed Ethan his phone as he shouted and was screaming Yes, yes, yes over and over. It was just about 4 when Kori, Kyle and Justin walked through the door and hearing the last few Yes, yes from Ethan. I told Kori want was going on then had to put up with the excitement from Justin and Kyle. The rug-rats ran to be with Ethan and Kori and just agreed that this would be a new chapter in our lives. Kori went to get "The Twins" and play a game on their x-box, I guess it was Kori's day to be with the kids. I was just about to work on a lecture when my phone buzzed. Not what I think is going to be good news as I heard . . . . "Hello Jake I need to have a meeting with you Kori and Ethan and if possible tonight, I think we have hit a snag with the house on the Island." . . . . I said . . . . "whenever you can get here will be fine Mr. Hallas." And hung up. I went to see Ethan first and told him that Mr. Hallas was on the way he needed to explain some details regarding the house on the Island. Ethan immediately looked concerned and began to ask a question to which I had no answer and just said that we would find out when Mr. Hallas arrived. Then I was down the hall to let Kori know we would be having company. It was not more than 30 minutes when Mr. Hallas arrived. Kori put on a movie for Kyle and Justin and asked them to be very good because we had to have a very important meeting with Mr. Hallas. It was the kitchen for the meeting and Mr. Hallas looking directly at Ethan began ........ "Ethan, it looks like we have hit a snag regarding the big house on the Island. In further investigation by the Greek government, they have found that much of the dealings in the stolen artifacts as well as the accommodations for the people involved were at that location." ........ Ethan's face dropped. Mr. Hallas continued ........ "as we are speaking a representative of the Greek consulate from New York is here with some of our people securing the island. There will be a government posted guard until everything is finished and to be honest it could be several years. I'm so sorry to be giving you this news. Jake, Kori, Ethan it doesn't get better, regarding the house Ethan was brought up in that has already been sold; including all contents but because your father's properties in Greece, Italy, and Malta have been confiscated by those governments it has left your Mom and Dad penniless." Kori looked at Mr. Hallas and asked . . . . "What else and what about Ethan, does he really have anything?" . . . . now we hear the rest as Mr. Hallas continues . . . . "Ethan we have already placed $200,000 in your account but I am afraid that the remainder will be used to handle your parent's case in Italy, Greece and now Malta. Thankfully I have been able to contact the court and tomorrow you need to appear to 1. Be emancipated and 2. At the same time, you will be adopted by Jake and Kori. I'm so sorry it really is all I can do Ethan." Ethan was really down. He stood thanked Mr. Hallas and went to his room. Kori and I sat with Mr. Hallas and asked if this is really all that can be done, is this the end or will it just continue to hurt Ethan month after month, will his parents ever come home. ........ Mr. Hallas sat quietly for a moment then said . . . . "I want to be very honest with you; my best thought is that if, and that is a very big if, Ethan's parents get off lightly he will not see them till he's 40 at best, and that's if they get a lighter sentence. Honestly, it's not looking good." Mr. Hallas thanked Kori and me and said goodbye. Kori and I went directly to Ethan's room and he was changing his clothes to a jogging suit and just said he needed to go for a run. Kori said he would go with him but Ethan said he needed to be alone. Kori can be stubborn and stood blocking Ethan and said . . . . "Ok Ethan, it's going to be a standoff and as of tomorrow Jake and I are not just your guardians you will be our son, that sounds funny, so I'm not suggesting or asking if you want me to go with you I'm telling you that I'm running with you, because I love you." Ethan was quiet said Ok as a few tears ran down his cheek. Kori changed quickly and they were off. I called Keith to tell him what had happened and to caution him to not push Ethan for any answers but to let Ethan tell him in his own time and way and to be there for him because he may need someone to trust, and someone to love and hold him. ................. To be Continued . . . . . A Neglected Boy "The Twins L" The Podcast needs Your Questions. Just send your Question about this story to and your Questions will be answered in upcoming Podcasts. Please visit at Click the "Liked" word just under the "Play Button" it really helps. ...