Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2019 02:27:24 +0100 (CET) From: Subject: A Neglected Boy The Twins LV Please support Nifty to keep stories coming. Thanks to all Nifty Staff for their help. Story is fiction, names fabricated, locations accurate. There may be some sex; it will be gentle and loving. Just a reminder that the story is told by either Jake or Kori in alternating Chapters. A Neglected Boy "The Twins LV" It was late Sunday afternoon when I returned with Kyle and Justin from a great adventure at the park playing frisbee until it was launched into a tree. I had all I could do to latch onto the 2 rug-rats that acted more like monkeys scrambling up that old tree. The house was very quiet and Kori was in the den working on a lecture and Ethan and Keith were presumably finishing their advanced placement calculus when Justin and Kyle charged down the hall and without missing a heartbeat, or knocking, tore open Ethan's door......... ........the rug-rats stopped short, like they had been hit with a stun gun and frozen in place ... OMG ... looking at the expression on their faces they had walked in on Ethan and Keith having sex; ... it was the look they got from Ethan and their sudden realization that they had not knocked on the door that had them frozen in place. ... Thankfully, I was relieved to find that Keith and Ethan were actually studying calculus and the simpler ways and techniques to find derivatives and various theorems and principles related to derivatives; and not what I had thought. Ethan smiled at Justin and Kyle and in a flash, those rug-rats were all over Keith and Ethan and telling them how I couldn't get the frisbee down from that old tree. It was time for Keith to head back to the dorm and I was elected to be the taxi driver or chauffer so it was hugs for Keith and as usual, Justin had to give Keith a kiss on the cheek before he was allowed to leave. In the car and on the way back to the dorm I asked Keith if he had enjoyed the party and how he was doing with calculus as I had always found it difficult. I'm not sure if Keith was just tired or his brain was still working calculus problems but it was a rather quiet ride back to the dorm and I almost had to pull answers from Keith; ... believe me, that is unusual because Keith likes to talk. When I dropped Keith off as close to Durfee Hall as I could he just got out of the car, shut the door, and turned to walk away, then turned back opened the car door and it was as if he wanted to say something but changed his mind and just said . . . . "Thanks, Jake" . . . . shut the door and walked away not even waving. ........ Very strange for Keith........ I was on the way home and decided to stop and pick up some "birthday cake ice-cream" everyone's favorite and almost next-door was the Chinese restaurant we love so much so, ... a quick stop there first then on for the ice-cream. Pulled in the driveway up the stairs through the back door and ... Wowww ... it was like I was Santa Claus; everyone must have smelled the Chinese food before I even opened the door. You can't imagine the help I had unpacking the box; fortunately, I bought all the right items. I love it when Justin has this secret and I have to bend down so he can whisper but gives me a big hug and kiss instead. It must have been that no one really ate very much at the party last night because all I heard was how they were all starving. What's new? Kori told Kyle to go get Ethan and to be sure to knock on the door first ... Kyle returned and said Ethan will be out in a minute. We had dinner on the table when Ethan arrived and it was back to an all-out conversation about the swim team, diving lessons, (bad subject) Ethan is still pissed, and Thanksgiving and who will be at the farm. Kori asked Ethan if Keith had talked to his parents about the schedule for the Thanksgiving recess from University school; hmmm, ... it was Ethan's reply that sounded a bit funny when he just shook his head and said . . . . "not that I know about." ... dinner was finished and I was dishing up the ice-cream when Ethan excused himself saying he had a report to finish and went back to his room. ... Wait ... am I missing something here? I looked at Kori and got a little cue that I would find out something later. Justin and Kyle decided that seeing that Ethan didn't want any ice-cream they should have his share ... "No! you're not, maybe later ... Ok?" ... is what I said ...... well, I already had Ethan's ice-cream in a dish ... so, I gave in and split it into Kyle and Justin's bowl. How come the rug-rats don't gain any weight? They eat like little horses; I'm being polite I could have said another animal. Dinner over Justin and Kyle went to play some X-box game, I think it was Abzu they really love that game and Kori and I admit it is beautiful, and Kori should know he and Liam had the first version of it. Ethan must be bogged down with homework. It was almost 10 pm I knocked on Ethan's door and asked if he wanted some ice-cream ... "no thanks" ... was the answer and not another word. Kori and I finished our work and checked on Justin and Kyle to find them asleep on their beds and we simply took their clothes off and tucked them in. The house was quiet way to quiet but this had been a very busy week and weekend so Kori and I headed off to shower and then to bed. When we were in the shower is when I found out about last night with Ethan, Keith, and Antonio. The picture is becoming clear when Kori explained what Keith had said ..... that he and Ethan feel guilty about what they did and feel that they had been unfaithful to each other, even though they were all doing it at the same time. Maybe a problem that Antonio wants to have them stay over again. Only time will tell...... Kori said . . . . "Jake, I told them that you and I knew or thought that Antonio liked them and that perhaps something would happen. Then I told them it wasn't much different than what I had done with Peter and well you know that story ... but then I just had to ask what happened to no sex for 2 weeks ... and both Ethan and Keith had a very sheepish smile...... I told them to chalk this up to a learning experience, and don't be so hard on themselves and they will decide if it happens again ... then, they'll deal with it..............." I told Kori that I thought he handled it much better than I could have, I mean I'm not upset at either Ethan or Keith ... with as smart as both boys are ..... no, even my thought is wrong. ... Two 16-year-olds with raging hormones, and horny, and on top of that Antonio a 14-year-old sex driven Italian kid, of course it was bound to happen; what 16-year-old is going to turn down getting sucked off? I'm just thankful that Justin and Kyle had their own room. Now I'm thinking of Keith being so quiet and Ethan hiding away in his room and wonder if they are both thinking and working on their homework or are they trying to figure out what had happened, why it happened, if they really are in a committed relationship. I think I'm thinking to much. I turned over felt Kori's arms as he hugged up to me and that was the last thing, I remember till................ I felt 2 fingers prying open my left eye, now who could that be? ... Was it Kyle? ... No ... was it Ethan? ... Oh, heavens No, it was that little rug-rat Justin. It seemed that night had passed to dawn and unlike beautiful rays of sunlight gently peeking in the window we had just the opposite. The rug-rats bedroom had been thrown into brilliant light waking what would have been nice little cherubs and instead had turned them into little Tasmanian devils. ........ but wait! ....... where is the other one ... we sometimes call him Kyle? I looked over at Kori, still soundly sleeping, then I softly asked Justin if Kyle was still sleeping .......... Nope ....... Justin said Kyle was in bed with Ethan. I told Justin to hug up to Kori and wake him gently, I bet that didn't happen, and I headed down the hall to Ethan's room just as I heard a lot of hollering...... Ethan's door flung open. Kyle came out at "warp speed" charging directly at me but looking back to see where Ethan was. "Thwack, crack, bang n thump" I had been attacked by a 9-year-old and was flat on my back with a naked Kyle on top of me and a 16-year-old naked and nearly fully erect screaming . . . . "I'm gonna kill that little bastard if I get my hands on him" . . . . and with that Kyle was up and charging down the hall toward the kitchen and the back door; all I could see was this little butt moving as fast as it could. Luckily Kori latched onto Kyle before he got out the door and onto the porch. Now the picture is ........ I'm still flat on my back, naked, ... Ethan, still naked, is looking at me but, now has gone soft, he really is good looking with clothes or without, Kori has latched onto Kyle and they are both naked and Justin, naked, is standing at the living room door watching all this laughing hysterically. Hmmm! I need to talk to Ethan about his language. Ethan finally realized the situation, turned immediately red, and quickly stepped back into his room. Kori told Kyle to go get dressed and went back to our bedroom. I was looking at Justin who was looking at me, and we are still both naked, and I said . . . . "Woww, what started all this." It wasn't really a question but more a statement but what Justin said next was right to the point, without blinking an eye Justin said.......... "Kyle wants to see Ethan shoot sperms likes we seen him do on the boat one time, he thought we was sleeping but we wasn't." . . . . I looked at Justin and said . . . . "Justin that is a very private thing that boys do and in a few years you'll understand." ........ what I said was right, but........... Justin had a little more to say . . . . "Yeah, but Dad Ethan lets Keith do it to him, and he does to Keith too." ........ What? ... It appears that the rug-rats know much more than Kori and I think they know .......... Then it really hit me, Justin and Kyle are 9 going on 10 and just how much did Liam and Ning know being around Kori, Peter, Riku and Garret with all the swimming between the legs game???? ....... Oh, how Kori and I forget. The house calmed down, everyone was on their best behavior and we had a good breakfast of eggs. bacon, hash browns, and toast. Soon the conversation turned to Ashfield, the farm and Thanksgiving. The next 2 weeks passed quickly, and slow depending on how Kori and I looked at it. For Kori and I the time in class and working with university students passed very quickly and we were looking at Thanksgiving holiday break. The rug-rats had been busy with school and swim meets and diving lessons. We were almost at the end of the second week and Kori and I were at our favorite University coffee shop and talking about Ethan and Keith. We both agree that there has been a very obvious change with their relationship. Keith and Ethan have remained at the top of their divisions but Keith has stopped diving lessons saying that it requires too much time and he has an incredible amount of studies. When Kori and I have been at the meets we have also noticed that as soon as the meet is over Keith showers and returns to his dorm and Ethan showers and wants to go directly home. Kori thinks we need to step in and see what is going on and I think we need to give Ethan and Keith space and time to work out their problems on their own. We arrived home and like in the past 10 days Ethan went directly to his room to work on an English paper that needed to be finished and what he said was a ton of calculus problems. The rug-rats were just being themselves and having a great time getting me to help with their homework. I think I should define "help with their homework" what that really means is that the conniving little twerps try to get me to do as much of their homework as possible, sorry I've been this route before and just say . . . . "look it up that's why Kori and I bought you the computer." . . . . Now while Kyle and Justin were having me check their work Kori was busy making Liam's Shepheard's Pie for dinner and it was smelling really good. The pie had just gone in the oven and needed to bake for about 60 or 70 minutes when there was a knock on the door and as I opened it ... "surprise".................... Standing at the door were Antonio and his mother. ... I was more than surprised and it was unmistakably clear that Antonio was very upset and almost in tears. I asked Antonio and his Mom to please come in and join me in the living room. Kori had heard me talking and had joined us and immediately asked both Antonio and his Mom to join us for dinner but Antonio's mother said she had some errands to run but asked if Antonio could stay and perhaps Kori and I could help with a problem Antonio is having. Kori, in all his wisdom, spotted the perfect opportunity to not only define the problem between Keith and Ethan but to also set a clear path for the 3 boys so things could get back to normalcy in our house. The next thing I knew Kori was on the phone with Keith telling Keith we had a major problem and needed his help and before I could say anything was on his way out the door to go and pick up Keith for dinner. Geeeezze, Mary and Joseph ... Kori slow down we need to talk about this, it was too late and he was already gone. What else could happen at the moment, you may ask, well, the rug-rats came galloping in the living room and attacked Antonio with copious amounts of hugs, result? Antonio lit up with a huge smile that soon turned back to almost tears when Ethan waked in ... turned around and walked back out. That was it for me I've had about all I can take with rude behavior. I excused myself and left Justin and Kyle with Antonio and went directly to Ethan's room knocked twice and walked in and said . . . . "Ethan that was extremely rude of you and I have no intention of allowing you to act that way. Antonio is here because his mother says he has a problem and needs our help; you obviously are blaming Antonio for everything that happened not even considering that you and Keith were invited to a party and sleepover, and, I would bet money that you both happily anticipated knowing what might happen. So, I'm asking politely that you join us in the living room and help with whatever Antonio's problem is." When I returned to the living room the rug-rats were all hugged up to Antonio who looked so sad. I asked Kyle and Justin to maybe go play a game like good boys so Ethan and I could talk to Antonio and that was just as Kori and Keith walked in. The look on Keith's face said a thousand words and now it is so very, very clear that the problem between Ethan and Keith is Antonio and Antonio's problem is Keith and Ethan. Kori asked Antonio to tell us the problem. Wow, what came next was so surprising. We all had seen Antonio as a happy, very forward boy, that seemed to take charge and what we were finding out is that Antonio is a very sweet, shy and sensitive boy. His voice was slightly shaking when he asked Ethan and Keith why they were mad at him and had not returned any of his text messages. Ethan and Keith both looked upset, confused and guilty. Kori and I set a few ground rules like, no one raises their voice, no bad language, "Ethan", and no one leaves the room until the situation is resolved. When Keith, Ethan, and Antonio agreed Kori and I went to the kitchen. Kori and I fixed all the extras for dinner and I went to check on Justin and Kyle and I will admit I was surprised to find them working on spelling words. I was back in the kitchen setting the table when Ethan came in and asked Kori and I to join them in the living room. Kori and I followed Ethan into the living room to find Keith and Antonio on the floor right next to each other and here is what they explained to Kori and I........... It seems that Antonio sent both Ethan and Keith a text message that in part read ... `private for your eyes only' ... now Ethan saw Keith receive the message and Keith saw Ethan receive the message, then, Ethan asked Keith to see the message but, it said `private for your eyes only' so Keith said . . . . "I can't it's private" . . . . Ethan got all pissed off then Keith got all pissed at Ethan and both got pissed at Antonio for what really seems no reason at all. Here is the best part of this mess ....... The message sent from Antonio was the same message to both Ethan and Keith .... what Antonio meant was that it was `Private' to both of them and not to be shown to `others'. ... Teens! ... Kori turned and looked at me and said only one word ... "Garret" ... I knew what he was talking about and it was the big fight/argument that went on for more than 2 weeks between Kori and Peter, when he was 15, over what Kori thought was going on between Peter and Garret. Like I said ... Teens! We were all having dinner and Antonio thought this was the best shepherds pie ever and thanked Kori over and over. It was about 9 pm when Antonio's mother arrived and was so happy to see that the problem had been resolved....... Then the bomb ........ Antonio's mother asked what our plans were for Thanksgiving. It seems that Antonio's mother and dad are going to California and the original plan was that Antonio was staying with his grandfather the Judge but, now the Judge is going to visit his brother in the Azores. Antonio doesn't like his uncle and will have to stay with the house staff, unless of course Kori and I would have room ... because Antonio would love to see the farm and really likes Ethan and the little tyrants we sometimes call Kyle and Justin. How does Antonio know about the farm? Well, it seems that the rug-rats and Ethan told Antonio all about the farm at the party and it also appears what they may have been talking about while Kori and I were in the kitchen and the boys were working out their differences and more.......... Now if you think this last little bit just got slid into the story, you're Wrong! The Judge and Antonio's mother are pretty darn slick and the invitation to the Judge's Birthday Party ... don't you think that was a pretty slick move? To be Continued; ...... Thanksgiving at the Farm A Neglected Boy "The Twins LVI" I like the story ... Do You? ...