Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 00:21:37 +0200 (CEST) From: Subject: A Neglected Boy The Twins LXXIV Please support Nifty to keep stories coming. Thanks to all Nifty Staff for their help. Please remember this Story is fiction, names fabricated, locations may be accurate. Included links are fun. ... There may be some sex; it will be gentle and loving. Just a reminder the story is told by either Jake or Kori in alternating Chapters. A Neglected Boy "The Twins" LXXIV We finished breakfast, Kyle, Justin and I finished breakfast ... Jake had hardly touched his. I winked at Jake and said Kyle and Justin need a shower as I pushed them toward the bathroom. Jake turned over and pulled the covers up. Me and the rug-rats hit the kitchen just after 10:30. There were sounds of laughter from the back yard and Justin and Kyle had shoes on and flew out the door to join in a soccer match. I walked back in the bedroom Jake was still in bed, I thought it was best to let him have some time. I knew what was going on. I went out to watch the boys and Antonio came running . . . . "Where's Jake?" . . . . He's a little tired Antonio let's give him some time ... he'll be Ok. Ethan and Keith were looking and Ethan had a very concerned expression. The ball rolled to my feet and I kicked it and now I was part of the game. I asked where Neil and Peter were and Lars said they were down at the house site waiting for some trucks to arrive. The game was great and noon arrived with a bunch of hungry kids. Ethan, Keith, and Antonio had decided to make lunch then head off for a ride. I was in the Kitchen with them having another cup of tea. I think Jonah would be proud of this tea, dark, strong and delicious. I was soon joined on one side by Kyle and the other side by Justin. The boys had made grilled toasted cheese and ham sandwiches. They even made 2 brown bags for Peter and Neil with all the fixings including dill pickles and chips. Then packed a small cooler with cold drinks ... Ethan, put the beer back, ... we all laughed it was root beer. The crew headed out the back door to get the horses ready when Justin came in and needed to pee ... he needs to pee more often than Kyle. He reminds me of another kid in the house when that kid was little. He came back from the bathroom and whispered . . . . "Other `Dad' is still in bed; I gave him a kiss he didn't even move ... I think he's sick can you fix him?" I hugged Justin and said ... other `Dad' is just really tired he'll be Ok, you go have a good ride ... hey Justin, do what Ethan tells you. "Ok `Dad' I will." ... When I spotted the crew halfway down the upper pasture I went to Jake. I sat on the edge of the bed but didn't say anything. Soon Jake said "What?" ... it was the tone ... but, it also was the invitation for me to speak. ... Jake get up, the house is empty all the boys have gone riding and Peter and Neil are at the foundation waiting for some truck to arrive. You need to get up and I've just made coffee. So, come on, just coffee and a slice of toast with peanut butter. Slowly Jake turned and two feet touched the floor. I told him a quick shower with lots of soap would help and pushed him in that direction. I was in the kitchen when he appeared looking much better with clean shorts and a nice polo shirt. I set a fresh cup of coffee down and he sipped it. Then a slice of multigrain toast with peanut butter. I asked . . . . Jake, do you wanna talk about it? ... "No! ... more coffee please." ... I went about cleaning the dishes the boys left and wiped down the counter. ... The back door slammed. ... The timing could not have been worse when Keith and Antonio walked in. They pulled out a chair and sat directly in front of Jake. ... Jake's face turned red. and Keith said . . . . "Jake, we need to talk"............ ............Keith continued . . . . "we need to talk now while no one is here. Antonio, like you, is very upset and he puked. He's blaming himself for you staying in your bedroom this morning and he has something to say but we need to go to your office or den or whatever you want to call it!" Jake tried to head for the bedroom but Keith blocked his way and said . . . . "No, Jake because Antonio and I are not going anywhere and Antonio really needs you to hear what he has to say." . . . . Jake wasn't angry ... he was feeling extreme guilt and honestly, I don't know how I was feeling. I was standing looking at the kid I had sex with last night. Reluctantly Jake walked to the den/office. ... Keith closed the door and asked . . . . "Jake, Kori ... Antonio needs to get his feelings out and could you guys just let him talk till he says he's finished?" ... I agreed. ... Jake just sat there until Keith said . . . . "Jake, please." Jake was having a very difficult time looking at either Keith or Antonio. ... Antonio began . . . . "Jake, you need to know that what happened last night was because I wanted it to happen. Keith and I know everything that an adult is supposed to say, everything that our society says is Ok and not Ok............ ............Antonio was looking directly at Jake and continued . . . . "Jake last night I was very happy. It wasn't the sex that made me happy it was how you held me. I felt the love when you were holding me ... it was the same you give to Kori and you can't tell me ... Keith or Kori it was just sex. It wasn't. So, everyone here has sex, even Justin and Kyle in their little way. I have sex with Ethan, Keith, and Lorenzo and that's just it ... it's sex, fun sex." Antonio now seems to have Jake's attention as he continued . . . . "All the adults are going to say it's wrong, that is what everyone has been taught. Jake how about more than my need for sex. How about my emotional needs? Jake, I've never felt love till last night. My father never loved me. I was never held. I always felt forgotten. For the first time, when you held me, I felt like someone really loved me, not for sex, but, for who I am." "Keith, Ethan, and me we have sex because it's fun, they never kiss me, they don't hold me as you did. ... Jake, look at me and tell me that when you hugged me in the kitchen when I was stirring the meat sauce that hug was more than you `being funny', I felt the way you held me. Jake, please don't turn me away. If you don't want any sex, I can be Ok with that ... but, could you just hold me in the shower under the warm rain? Can you make me feel that I'm loved, just like I felt last night?" Tears ran down Antonio's face as Jake broke down opened his arms and grabbed Antonio and held him tightly and kissed him. Just a very sweet kiss. Keith and I quietly closed the door and went to the kitchen for a drink. Keith looked at me and was about to ask something when I told him that I think he was old enough to make the call. ... However, it would only be if he initiated it and Jake had to know. ... Then I asked about Ethan. Keith was full of surprises when he said . . . . "Ethan and I have talked about it and we decided that we love each other very, very much. ... But, we're not ready to get married and we just turned 17 ... so, give us a break we might want to explore, besides right now he's got a thing for Lorenzo, or haven't you noticed?" Jake and Antonio reappeared both looking very happy. I know Jake will tell me what the arrangements are later. Keith and Antonio were out the back door and back up on their horses. ... "Coffee, Please." ... sure Jake, you've had quite a day so far. Soon there was the sound of a very large truck. Jake and I walked out and around to the front yard to find not 1 but 3 very large semi-tractor-trailers with what looks to be Peter and Neil's new log home. Jake spoke with the driver of the first semi and just pointed straight down through the pastures. I heard Jake ask ...... "How many more? Did you say 4 more today and 5 tomorrow?" ... I heard correctly the first of the log home was 12 semi-tractor-trailers. Then I heard the crane is sitting behind the third trailer out on the street. I spotted Keith heading through the upper pasture at a full gallop. Then my phone was vibrating ... it was Dotty our neighbor asking something about a boy on the boat last summer. It was hard to hear with the engine of the semi. Keith rode right to the back porch and as I was rounding the corner, he was in tears screaming something about Kris. I was trying to listen to Dotty and Keith at the same time. Keith nearly jammed his phone in my face as I'm listening to Dotty ask me if I knew a boy named Kris. ... I said Yes, he's a friend of Keith and was on the boat last summer. I asked her to hold for just a moment and I heard . . . . "Kori, I'm hurt bad can I stay at your house?" Kris, can you just hold on, Dotty is on my phone I'll be right with you. If I had known how badly he was hurt I would not have asked him to hold on. I asked Dotty to explain and she told me she spotted this boy on our back deck and she went to see who he was. Kris told her he was a friend of Keith and he had been in a very bad fight, he wouldn't say anything more. I asked Dotty to hold on as I talked to Kris. He was having trouble speaking but what I was able to find out was that his dad found out he was gay and beat him and tossed him and a bag of clothes out the back door. His father gave him $20.00 dollars and said don't ever come back. I asked Dotty if he could stay with her till Keith and I arrived ... "Yes, of course Kori but do hurry he's in a lot of pain, I think he may have a broken arm, and he won't let us call the police." ... I thanked Dotty, told Keith to get in the SUV and then told Jake what was going on. Jake was relieved that the trucks had arrived and were keeping the other boys' attention then said to hurry and get on the road. Keith was in the SUV waiting and we drove directly to 91 South. Usually, the trip is an hour and fifty minutes or two hours but, today it was just an hour and thirty-five minutes. We arrived at Dottie's and Keith took one look at Kris and began crying. He was on the couch in the living room covered with a blanket. We could see part of his shirt covered in blood. His face was battered. Both eyes were nearly swollen shut and there was blood seeping from his left ear. Dotty lifted the blanket and Kris had a cut about 6 inches from his knee down toward his ankle that had coagulated. Keith ran to the kitchen sink and threw up. Dotty ran to Keith to hold him up from passing out. She looked at me and said . . . . "Kori there's more, it's his back. Suddenly there was a knock at the kitchen door; I turned toward the door and realized it was the Judge. Jake had called the Judge and given the address and asked for help. We walked to the living room. Kris was sleeping but Antonio's grandfather could see the boy's battered face, the blood-stained shirt and when Dotty lifted the blanket the dried blood on his leg and the length of the cut. The Judge was on the phone and in 5 minutes a private ambulance arrived. There were two paramedics and a driver. The process of getting Kris up was very slow. I told Keith to run up to the house and get 2 sets of PJ's. The paramedics had Kris standing and were carefully removing his shirt when Keith returned. His back had been beaten repeatedly with a leather belt. The welts were almost as thick as a pencil and you could see the cuts the buckle left. There were 15 clear impression marks from the buckle. They had placed some kind of clear wrap on Kris's back then turned Kris facing Keith so he could help put the clean PJ shirt on. ... Keith passed out and hit the floor in heap. Dotty was crying and as tough as Antonio's grandfather might appear the tears were flowing freely. Kris was loaded into the ambulance and taken to a secure clinic for the batter and abused. When we arrived, he was immediately wheeled to a treatment room. Now, it was the sit and wait game. Keith had a difficult time to stop crying and threw up again. Keith was in the restroom when the Judge said . . . . "Kori, I need to go to the office for some papers why don't you give Jake a call and let him know what's going on. I think it's to be some time and what the situation is here." . . . . With that Antonio's granddad walked out. I called Jake and filled him in on all that has happened and then asked Keith to explain to Ethan and Antonio. He didn't get 5 words out when he began crying and couldn't talk. It was almost two hours when Antonio's granddad returned. In his hand he a leather binder and sat between Keith and me. He opened the binder and it was state papers giving Jake and me temporary custody of Kris. The Judge said . . . . "call Jake and have him get a bed ready and make sure it's next to a bathroom. Kori, I don't want Kris in this area so let's take this precaution. Oh, and I've made arrangements for the ambulance to transport him." ... I thought that would put a smile on Keith's face but it didn't. The tears would stop for a few minutes then start again. Finally, 2 doctors came out and the news wasn't good as he began . . . . "We x-rayed Kris and fortunately his arm wasn't broken it was dislocated. The left ear has a ruptured eardrum. There is one broken tooth but, that can be repaired. With constant attention the marks on his back will heal with no problem, that is all but one that will leave a small scar." He took a breath and I thought he was finished ... then he continued . . . . "Kris has several cracked ribs from being beaten with a baseball bat; we've wrapped him tightly. The cut on his leg required 15 stitches but Jim is greatly skilled in sutures and there shouldn't be a very noticeable scar. Now the bad news," ... how can it get worse I asked. The doctor looked at the three of us, just about to speak and I couldn't take anymore and began sobbing. He was standing next to me and put his hand on my shoulder and said . . . . "I know Kori this is probably the worst case of physical child abuse I have ever seen. Whoever did this is a real monster! I need to tell you this last part and it really isn't good. Kris was either kicked extremely hard or hit with the baseball bat in the testicles. They are very swollen and I have directions for the caretaker but it will be a miracle if he keeps them." It was another hour when Kris, heavily sedated, was loaded into the ambulance and we returned to the farm. When we arrived, it was past midnight and Jake, Neil, and Peter had everyone in bed accept Ethan and Antonio. I don't think anyone was asleep. Jake had Ethan and Antonio move our bed to one side of the room and then had a new inflatable mattress placed near the bathroom. The bed had a number of pillows and rolled blankets to protect Kris and the height of the bed was good making it easy for him to get in and out. However, Jake and the others didn't realize just how hurt Kris was. The ambulance crew had Kris on the bed and had made sure he was as comfortable as he could be considering all the injuries. Jake was at the kitchen table and I know the look. He was angry. I've seen Jake like this before not often but I can remember when he brought Liam home. We sat and talked until 2 am checking on Kris every 10 minutes. He was resting peacefully; not comfortably just peacefully. I'm sure it was the amount of pain killers. I woke at 3:30 needing to pee. As I walked by the mattress Antonio had dragged all his blankets, a sleeping bag, and 3 pillows and was asleep on the floor next to Kris. In his hand were all the instructions for caring for Kris. I thought best to just leave him there till morning. Jake and I were awake at 7. We sat on the edge of our bed just watching Kris for any sign that he may need to use the bathroom. At 7:30 Antonio was awake looking at Jake and me and motioning not to make a sound. It was only minutes when Kris began to move and needed to pee. Jake and I carefully approached his bed and Jake reached out.......... "DON'T touch him, leave him alone!" ... Antonio was gritting his teeth and literally pushed Jake back causing Jake to almost fall over. . . . . "I can help him he doesn't need your help!" ... Jake and I tried to explain that it might be best to let us help so Kris doesn't fall. That wasn't working as Antonio said . . . . "I already helped once and were fine so just leave us alone, I can take care of him ... we don't need your help!" ... Keith and Ethan came in and Antonio seemed angry at them too. Ethan just said we came to see if we can help or fix anything for you. Antonio relaxed a little and said .... "Sorry, can I have a little OJ and Kris needs some warm water, not cold, just warm ... that's what the directions say. But, don't try to touch him! ... I can do it by myself! The next 2 days were very challenging, Antonio was impossible. Everyone wanted to help but couldn't get near Kris. Antonio did everything until Kris needed a shower or bath, then he needed help. He found Keith and asked Keith to get Ethan. Kris and Antonio were in the bathroom and Antonio had set the shower to gentle mist and soft rain. They very carefully helped Kris slide his foot over the edge of the tub then Antonio told Keith he could stay and told Ethan to come back in 10 minutes. After the shower, Kris was ready for something to eat. Neither Jake or I could believe what we were seeing; I don't think anyone could. Antonio told Ethan to make some banana oatmeal and hot chocolate. Kris was able to sit at the table but his arm was wrapped tightly to his side. It wasn't a problem. All the other boys were outside playing or riding horseback or down watching the crane lift parts of the log home into place. Jake, Keith, and I watched Antonio feed one spoon after another to Kris, even lifting the cup of hot chocolate. It was about 4 pm when there was a knock at the door, it was Antonio's grandfather. We explained what has been taking place only to hear the Judge say that Antonio has been calling him every 3 hours. Antonio and Kris were in the living room watching diving and we could hear Kris almost laugh or giggle. As we sat at the kitchen table having some coffee and tea, we told Antonio's granddad that we would be back in New Haven day after tomorrow ... that's when we got quite a shock. The Judge looked at me and Jake and said . . . . "You both have your hands full with Justin, Kyle, Ethan, and Keith. With all you have going on at the University and then with the University School for the boys, swim team, diving lessons well, what do you think about this?" Antonio's grandfather continued . . . . "Antonio has told me that you all backed off and let him tend to Kris. From what I hear they really hit it off and like each other. You know I love you guys and all you've done for the boys ... I'm rambling so let me just say it.... "I have this big house and Marco and Lorenzo will return to Italy in a few weeks and Antonio will be alone. Would it be Ok with you if I take Kris? He can have his choice of any bedroom he wants, Antonio even said he could have his room if he wanted. ... I don't think the choice of bedroom is important because I can bet, they'll be in the same bedroom anyway. Jake and I smiled and thanked Antonio's granddad. We got up to try to carefully tell Kris and Antonio. We stepped to the archway to the living room to find Kris lovingly kissing Antonio. Antonio looked at his granddad to see the Judge give him a thumbs up! To be Continued: A Neglected Boy "The Twins LXXV" This chapter is being written during the Covid-19 Pandemic, April 19, 2020. How about taking the time say hello, Thanks.