Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2012 07:00:35 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: A Throw Away Kid, chapter 8 Throw Away Kid - by Erastes Copyright 2012 by Erastes Chapter 8 – More Than Meets the Eye. As his guides showed him around his new residence, Bryce quickly discovered it was a pretty big place. Not only did they plant crops, but they also had a bunch of different animals, which the boys took care of. They had four cows that they milked, but there were some beef cows and a few pigs too, which they raised for food. They also had some chickens that laid eggs, but they also had some others and he was informed that they were raised for their meat. They had a few turkeys too, which were also raised to be eaten, and Bryce also learned they had a couple of horses, which the boys were allowed to ride, but only after they got permission from Big John. After seeing all of this, Bryce began to think that maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. During his tour, Bryce got up the courage to ask his guides other questions about his new home. "What types of work do we have to do around here?" he wanted to know. "We have to do lots of different things," the first boy told him. "We help take care of all of the animals and we have to feed most of them. You will have to do different things at different times. Sometimes you might have to milk the cows, and you might have to feed them too, if they aren't let out to pasture. You could be assigned to feed the hogs and turnkeys and then another time you might be asked to feed the chickens and collect the eggs. You might also have to groom the horses and brush them down after they've been ridden, but the worst job is if you have to clean out the barn. That means you end up shoveling shit, I mean manure." "Same difference," the other boy interjected. "Aw, that doesn't sound so bad," Bryce observed. "It's not exactly fun, but that's not all we do," the other boy told him. "We also have to help with the planting and harvesting of the corn and we have to take care of the garden for the house too. During the summer, we also have to help with the haying, so we have something to feed the cows and horses during the winter." "At least it isn't housework," Bryce said, with a grin. "Oh, we have to do that too," the boy added. "We are supposed to clean the house, wash the dishes, do the laundry, help fix meals, set the table and take out the trash." "You mean everyone has to do all of those things?" Bryce asked, surprised. "Not exactly. You'll be assigned different things to do at different times, but you won't do everything at once," came the reply. "You'll probably get some of the housework to start with and maybe have to take care of the chickens." "But you'll have to help with the crops and garden too," the second boy added, "but the older boys do most of the hardest work and they also take care of the bigger animals." "Well, it sounds hard, but not all that bad," Bryce told them, while trying to remain positive about his new home. "Does Big John treat everyone fairly?" The two boys looked at each other and grinned, before one of them responded to Bryce's question. "Oh, yeah. Big John makes sure we all get treated about the same," he stated. Bryce thought his answer might also contain some sort of hidden meaning in it, but he didn't' dare ask about something like that just yet, so he let it drop. As he stood there thinking, one of his guides spoke. "We'd better get back up to the house, because it's getting close to dinnertime and there will be jobs for all of us to do," he advised Bryce. "I don't want to get into trouble for not doing my share." "Would Big John punish you?" Bryce wondered. "Oh, yeah. He sure would," the boy replied. "What would he do to you?" Bryce asked next. "That depends on how bad whatever you did was, but I don't think you'd want to find out, so let's get going," the boy suggested. "Please, just tell me what he might do," Bryce insisted. "Well, one thing he likes to do if you're bad is that he'll make you drop your pants and bend over a chair," the boy began. "He'll have other boys hold you down while he hits your bare ass with his belt. It's wide and thick and it really hurts. It can leave welts and cuts on your bottom too, especially if you've really pissed him off." "I don't like the sound of that, so let's get going," Bryce urged. The boys raced back to the house and were greeted by Big John. He didn't seem angry, but he started to tell the boys what they were to do next. As everyone went about doing their jobs, Bryce tried to watch each of the various boys, so he could begin to gauge them as they worked. He noticed that most of the boys went about their duties without a second thought about what they were doing, but they also put a great deal of energy into their task. He noticed some of the older boys were in the kitchen, doing the cooking, while he and his two guides were asked to set the table, after they had cleaned up. Some of the others had different jobs, like doing the laundry, putting the clothes away or cleaning different parts of the house. It wasn't too long after they finished their chore that it was announced that dinner was ready. Bryce was then led into the dining room, shown which chair he was to sit in and then they all sat down to eat. Dinner wasn't half bad, but it also wasn't anything fancy. There was plenty of it and no one said anything if someone took more, as long as he finished what was on his plate. This was definitely different than what Bryce had encountered at his last foster home, although he still missed his former foster mother and foster brothers. He also wondered how Tommy, Johnny and their mother were making out, now that they had left their father and husband. He still felt bad that he was at least partially to blame for what happened to their family, so he hoped someday he could see them all again and possibly be able to do something to make up for the mess he had helped to create. He didn't know what he could possibly do, but he hoped he would be able to think of someway he could make amends. As dinner continued, the boys began to talk about their day and Bryce got to learn a little bit more about them. He knew some of the boys appeared to be pretty tough, but they still seemed friendly enough, so he wasn't too concerned about getting along here. Once dinner was over, some of the boys, including Bryce, cleared the table and scraped off the plates, although no one left much behind, and then some of the other boys set about washing the dishes and putting them away. It all went very quickly and quite smoothly, and no one complained about what they were asked to do. Bryce thought it wasn't all that bad here, because this time he wasn't expected to do all of the work by himself. As he was finishing up his chores, Bryce heard a couple of the older boys talking to Big John. He wasn't sure what they meant by their comments and what they said left him wondering what they were up to, after he overheard them ask Big John a question. "When do we get to break him in?" someone asked. After thinking about this for a second, Bryce felt they wanted to know when they could teach him the various jobs that he was expected to do, so now he began to wonder which of the jobs he would be assigned on a regular basis. That was, until he heard Big John's reply. "I guess we could begin his training later tonight," Big John answered. "Who will be doing it?" someone else asked. "I'll think about that and let you know," Big John informed him. Bryce had no idea what to expect now, but he was fairly certain that it didn't have to do with what jobs he would be doing around the house. If that were the case, then why would they wait until later tonight to go over this with him? If he was going to be taking care of some of the animals, wouldn't it make more sense to do it while it was still light out? Since he didn't know what else to do, Bryce decided to go upstairs and begin unpacking his things in his bedroom. His guides had shown him the way there earlier and had helped him carry his things up to his room, when they went to clean up for dinner. He was told that he would be sharing the room with one of his guides and this boy had been the youngest kid in the house before Bryce got there. After making his way there, Bryce began to unpack his belongings and put them away. He had been told which dresser was his and which half of the closet he could use. After he finished doing that, he lay on his bed and waited for whatever would happen next. The only light currently illuminating the room was the small amount of sunlight coming through the window. As he stared at the ceiling, Bryce began to wonder how he was going to get along here and if this would work out better for him than the rest of the places he had been. After he thought about it for a while, he turned his attention to his new roommate and thought about how they were going to get along. The boy had introduced himself as Cam earlier, when he and the other boy were showing Bryce around, and he explained his name was short for Cameron. Bryce began thinking about him and wondering if they might even become friend and if he'd ever feel as close to him as he had to Tommy and Johnny, or even the time before with his best friend, Greg. Bryce must have drifted off while he was considering these things, because the next thing he remembered was the light being turned on in his room and someone calling out, "He's in here guys." Someone shouted. Bryce slowly wiped the sleep from his eyes, only to discover four of the other boys had entered his room. Along with Cam, his thirteen-year old roommate, he saw the other boy who had shown him around earlier with Cam, along with two of the older boys. He wasn't sure what they were doing here or if they wanted something, but he sat up on his bed, with his back propped against the wall, kind of for protection. "What's the matter, little buddy?" one of the older boys began. "Were you tired?" "I must have been a little tired," he stated, "because I fell asleep after I unpacked my things." "Is something else bothering you?" the boy followed. "The way you've propped yourself up in the corner tells me you either don't trust us or you don't like it here." Bryce wasn't sure how he should react or respond to this comment, so he thought he'd better play it safe. "No, it's neither of those things," Bryce told him. "I just sat up to see what you guys wanted, is all? "Well, I'm glad you're all rested up now," the other older boy added, "cuz you're about to get a little workout." "What's that supposed to mean?" Bryce demanded, as his mind started racing over a number of possibilities. "Oh, you'll see. It's just another of the little jobs you have to do around here, to help make this place profitable," the second boy answered. "What's profit got to do with a foster home?" Bryce asked, not realizing how naïve he really was. "Well, Big John isn't taking us in just cuz he's a nice guy," the first boy announced. "He's doing this because it helps to support him in a fairly comfortable lifestyle and so he doesn't have to go out and work some other lame ass job." Now, Bryce didn't know what to think. He was surprised to learn that his new foster father was only doing this for some kind of profit, but Bryce found it hard to believe that he could be making very much from the checks he was getting from DSS, the few animals they were raising or the crops they were growing. So where was this money coming from? "Ok, guys," the oldest boy began, "it's time to teach Bryce about what else he's going to be doing from now on." Bryce didn't like the sound of that, but he liked it even less when he saw the two oldest boys start to move in his direction. He tried to stand on the bed, so he could fight them off or make a move for the door, but then they grabbed a hold of him and held him in place, while the younger pair blocked the door. Before long the oldest boy held both of Bryce's arms pinned behind his back, while the other older boy and Steve, his other former guide, grabbed a leg each. Even though Bryce fought against them, he couldn't get away and realized there would be no sense in calling out for help. Big John had obviously organized this little welcoming committee, so Bryce kept his mouth shut, although he continued to struggle to get away. "Calm down, kid. It will be easier for you that way," the oldest boy told him. "We've all gone through this and now it's your turn. Ok, Cam. Undo his pants and pull them down." As Cam hesitantly moved toward Bryce's midsection, Bryce looked at him and spoke. "Why are you doing this? What have I done to you?" he demanded. "You haven't done anything, and like Derrick said, we've all had to go through this," Cam replied. "Just relax and don't fight it. It will hurt less that way." "Hurt? What are the hell are you planning to do to me?" Bryce shouted back. "You'll find out soon enough," the next older boy told him. "Just try to relax and you might even enjoy this." Bryce knew this wasn't going to be anything he'd enjoy or appreciate. Suddenly, images of Maury and what the bastard had done to him began to pop into his head. Yes, these were all boys and none of them were probably as big as Maury, and Bryce had grown a lot since then, but he wasn't looking forward to having this done to him again, if that's what they were planning. Somewhat reluctantly, it seemed, Cam stepped forward, unsnapped Bryce's jeans and unzipped them. Then he began to pull them down, until Bryce's jeans were below his knees, and then he reached up and grasped the waistband of Bryce's briefs. Cam began to pull them down as well, until they were below his knees too. The other three boys were still gripping Bryce's legs and arms, and Bryce continued to struggle to break free, but now his groin was completely exposed and the other boys were all staring at what he had. "Not bad," the boy Cam had called Derrick commented. "Some of Big John's friends will really get off on him. He doesn't even have any hair yet, so they will definitely like that." "Yeah, he's sweet and innocent looking, and that will really turn them on," the other older boy added, "but we better get him broken in for what they'll want to do to him. If we don't, they'll end up tearing him apart." Bryce no longer had any questions about what was going to happen to him now, because it definitely was sounding like a repeat of living with Maury. Obviously, Big John and some of his friends liked to have sex with young boys, so he took in boys who had been labeled as being sexual predators, so he and the other men could use them to satisfy their depraved desires. It looked as if Big John and his friends were the sexual predators and the boys were their prey. Eventually, each of the boys holding Bryce's legs grabbed him above the knees, so Cam could pull his jeans and underwear completely off. Once Bryce was completely naked below the waist, Derrick started giving everyone new instructions. "Cam, I want you to grab the leg that Butch has been holding and don't let it go," he ordered. "Butch once Cam has that leg, you come up here and grab his arms." The two boys did as they were told, and soon they were all in these new positions. At this point Derrick spoke again. "Hold him until I sit on the bed and then lead him over here and lay him across my lap," he ordered. Once Derrick had sat down, Bryce was forced to move over next to him and then Derrick spoke again. "Ok, lift his legs a little and make him lay him across my lap," he told them, Even though Bryce was struggling, they were able to put him in that position and then Derrick began giving new directions. "Okay, Butch, give me his arms again, but one at a time," Derrick ordered. Once Derrick had both of Bryce's arms again, he secured them against Bryce's back and pinned them in place with one of his hands. Once he was convinced Bryce wouldn't break free, Derrick spoke again. "Butch, go back and grab the leg Cam has been holding and then we'll start getting Bryce ready." He told him. Bryce continued to put up a little bit of a tussle, but he was beginning to realize his efforts were futile. He began to calm down, because he figured that if he didn't end up doing what they had planned for him now, then they, or Big John, would just beat the crap out of him and then force him do it later. Once he accepted this inevitability, he lay quietly on Derrick's lap and let them do what they had planned. Although Bryce wasn't sure where he came up with it, Derrick had some kind of lube and began smearing a bunch of it around Bryce's rectum. Once the outside was covered, he began to use his finger to spread it not only a round the opening, but he also began to shove his finger up Bryce's ass. Instinctively, Bryce sphincter tried to keep the finger out, so Derrick slapped his butt cheek and spoke. "Just relax and it won't hurt," he told Bryce, in a soothing voice. "We've all gone through this and we've all survived. Besides, it won't be as bad, if you don't try and fight it. Just push out a little, like you're taking a crap." Bryce knew he was right, from his time with Maury, and concluded that he'd suffered through worse before, so he tried to relax and did what he was told. He concluded that it was going to happen sooner or later anyway, so he probably wouldn't get hurt as badly if he didn't try to fight it. After the boy ran his finger around the puckered lips of Bryce's hole again, he slowly pushed that finger against the opening. Bryce barely moved this time and even pushed out a little, as Derrick had suggested. As Derrick slowly finger fucked him, the boys were all glad to see that Bryce was being cooperative now. "See, it's not so bad," Derrick told him. "Just stay relaxed like this and it will be over sooner than you know." Bryce tried to think of other things while this was going on, so he could mentally remove himself from what was happening to him. After thinking about it for a few seconds, he decided to just pretend it was Tommy and Johnny who were doing this to him, because that didn't seem as bad. At least he had feelings for them and would have done it with them, if they had asked, but he just didn't want to acknowledge that he was being forced into doing this again. Before long, he became aware of the fact that Derrick was trying to work his hole with a couple of fingers now, so Bryce pushed out again and let them enter. A short time later, they were sliding in and out of him, and then Derrick began twisting them around. This stretched his elastic opening even further, as Derrick got him ready to have something else shoved up there. "Ok, Cam, you go first," Derrick announced. "Put on a rubber and grease yourself up, but go real slow the first time. We don't want to hurt him." "I know. I'm not a dummy," Cam responded. "I don't want him to hurt like what happened to me first time." "Well, that's only because you fought against it," Derrick replied. "We told you not to do that." Cam seemed to ignore that final comment, as he moved behind Bryce. Butch and Steve now pulled Bryce's legs farther apart, to allow Cam to step between them. Bryce looked over his shoulder and saw that Cam's thirteen-year old prick was standing straight out and pointing at his rectum, eager to invade it. 'At least he hasn't got a huge dick,' Bryce thought, as Cam got into position. "We're letting Cam go first," Derrick told him, "cuz he has the smallest cock and it will be the easiest for you to take. Now just relax and this won't be so bad." Bryce just nodded in understanding, as he felt the head of Cam's dick push against his opening. Slowly his sphincter gave way and allowed the head to pop in, and then Cam slowly continued to push against him, until he was completely inside of Bryce. "See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Derrick asked Bryce. Bryce shook his head, so the boy told Cam to go ahead and start fucking him, and that's exactly what Cam began to do. Like a rabbit in heat, Cam began to slam his slender cock in and out of Bryce's love canal. After a couple of minutes this action, Cam began to groan and grunt, like some wild animal, and it was apparent to Bryce that Cam was desperate to get off. This didn't feel all that bad to Bryce, as he felt Cam's lubed penis slide back and forth in his intestinal tract, at least not when he compared it to having Maury's much bigger cock stuffed up there. Not only that, but Maury wasn't nearly as gentle with him and he had done it dry. At least Cam was trying not to hurt him and he had obviously used plenty of lube before he did this. The more he thought about it, knowing that Cam was the one doing this began to turn Bryce on. He didn't mind that a boy who wasn't very much older than him was fucking him this time, even though it hadn't been Bryce's decision to participate. He had even begun to like Cam, when Cam and Steve were showing him around and teaching him how to do the few simple chores he'd had to do so far. He even got excited when he learned that he would be sharing a room with Cam, because he was eager to see him naked, and now he had not only seen him naked, but he was having sex with him too. He was beginning to feel that he could live with this. As his mind drifted back to the present, Bryce could hear Cam really starting to pant now and realized the boy was getting close. Then, he felt Cam's cock start to swell a little inside him, just before Cam rammed it all the way in and the first warm jet of fluid filled the tip of the condom. Now, Cam began to jerk in and out of him over and over, but this time he was doing it without any sort of rhythm. He was just trying to finish getting off and depositing what was left of his ejaculation. Bryce could also feel Cam's arms pushing against his back, as he attempted to support himself and keep from collapsing after this exhaustive and draining activity. Eventually, Cam pulled out of Bryce, so Bryce figured this phase of his training was nearly over. "Ok, Cam. Good job," Derrick told him. "As soon as you clean up and you're up to it, then you can grab the leg Steve is holding, so he can go next." Hearing this, Bryce turned his head and looked over his shoulder again. As soon as Cam took his leg, he watched fourteen-year old Steve undoing his pants, pull out his dick, slip on a condom and grease it up, so he could take his turn. Bryce noticed that Steve's cock was a little bigger than Cam's, but not that much larger. Bryce suspected they were doing this so he could get used to taking even larger penises and that Cam went first, to prepare him for the next larger intruder. Now, Steve moved into position and placed the head of his organ against Bryce's already used hole and began to push it inside. Steve didn't have any trouble doing this, but he didn't seem as energetic as Cam had been. Steve went slower, using longer strokes, at least until he got closer to his orgasm, and then he began machine-gunning in and out of Bryce's loosening canal. He soon dumped his load inside of his condom, so he pulled out, took it off and wiped off his dick. "Steve, take over for Butch now, so he can go next," Derrick told him. As soon as they switched places, Butch undid his pants and began to get ready to enter Bryce next. Although Bryce was well lubed by now, from having had two lubed cocks shoved up his ass, his rectum was also becoming a little sore, but he still didn't try to protest. Instead he hardly moved as this next boy assaulted his fairly well stretched anus, until he too came inside of his condom. As soon as Butch regained his senses after his orgasm and cleaned himself up, Derrick gave his next set of instruction. "Here's what we're going to do next," he began. "We're going to move Bryce and lay him on the bed, so I can take my turn." When Bryce heard this, he thought he'd make it even easier on them. "Just let go of me and I'll do it myself," he told them. "You don't need to lift me there, I'll just get off you lap and then lie down of the bed for you." The boys were a little leery of his sincerity, but they released him, although they were prepared to grab him again if he tried anything foolish. Bryce didn't and crawled onto his bed and lay, belly down on the mattress. "Damn, I'm impressed," Derrick told him. "I've never seen anyone else do this so willingly the first time." "What the hell," Bryce replied, 'you were going to do it anyway, so I finally decided to stop fighting it." "Good move," Derrick replied. "As long as you're being so cooperative, why don't you roll over and lay on your back. I'd much rather do this face to face." Bryce nodded his head in agreement and rolled over on his back. When he was in position, Derrick pulled his cock out and started getting ready. When Bryce looked over and saw it, he gasped, because it was larger than he remembered even Maury's being. It was obvious that they had saved the best for last, as Derrick got on the bed and crawled into position between his legs. Before he began, Derrick leaned down and whispered into Bryce's ear. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle with you, cuz I'd rather make love to you than fuck you. " Bryce wasn't sure what he meant by this comment, until Derrick began to kiss his face. Bryce wasn't sure if this was any better, but Derrick did seem to be trying to make this more enjoyable for him. When Derrick got to Bryce's lips, Bryce felt Derrick's tongue slide across the outside of his lips and then he felt it trying to force its way into his mouth. Bryce decided that he'd better part his lips and let the intruder enter, rather than have it forced in, so soon the boy's tongue was sliding around the inside of his mouth, in an effort to get Bryce to respond. After their tongues had dueled for a short time, Derrick moved lower and began to suck on Bryce's neck, before he moved to Bryce's nipples. After playing with both of those tiny nubs and getting them hard, Derrick began to rub his hands all over Bryce's chest, as he worked his way lower, until he was fondling Bryce's genitals, which caused Bryce's little dick to start to rise. After doing that for a brief time, Derrick reached behind Bryce, so he could begin gently kneading Bryce's ass cheeks, and he rubbed that area tenderly. At this point, he moved up Bryce's body again and whispered to him. "See, I told you that you'd end up enjoying this. Your cock is giving you away," Derrick teased. "Now, lift your legs up and pull your knees back to your chest." Bryce did what he was told, but he didn't say anything. He felt it would be best to remain quiet and allow the boy do as he pleased. At this point, Derrick lined his man-sized dick up with Bryce's well-used hole. He'd greased the condom up, so now he began to carefully push his way inside. He went very slowly and gave Bryce plenty of time to adjust to his larger girth, and he even just held it there, once he was fully seated inside of Bryce, to give him even more time to become accustomed to it. Once he felt Bryce relax, he begin to piston in and out of Bryce's back door, as he reached down with one of his hands and began to jack Bryce off at the same time. Although Bryce felt extremely full from this invasion, almost as if he had to take a huge dump, it wasn't all that bad, especially since he was being stimulated too. As he felt Derrick sliding in and out of his butt, he also felt those familiar feelings building in his gut, as he too neared his own climax. Before long, Bryce's body was starting to tense and tingle, as he reached his own dry orgasm. When this happened, his rectal muscles tightened and clamped down on Derrick's cock in a vice-like grip. This pushed Derrick over the edge too and he began dumping his load into the condom while it was buried deep inside of Bryce, before he collapsed on top of him. Both of them were gasping, as they slowly recovered from their sexual highs, and the older boy eventually rolled off of Bryce. When he did, he looked down at Bryce and smiled. Derrick, Butch and Steve all congratulated Bryce for being so brave and doing so well, and then they left the room a short time after that. Since this was Cam's room too, he stayed behind, and after looking over and studying Bryce to see how he was reacting to everything that had just happened, Cam walked over to where Bryce lay on his bed and gently laid down next to him. Cam began to rub Bryce's chest, as he tried to reassure his new roommate that this training session was over now. "I'm sorry we had to do that to you, but it was Big John's orders," Cam explained. "If we hadn't done it, then he would have taken care of it himself, and he's really got a huge dick, so that would have been much worse for you, especially since it was your first time. I feel really bad, cuz I remember what my first time was like, but I fought them, so it was way worse for me. I hope this won't make you hate me now. Remember, I had to do it, more for you than for me." Bryce turned his head and looked at Cam. When he did, he saw a pained expression etched on Cam's face. Bryce could tell the boy was telling him the truth and that it had bothered him to do this, even though he figured Cam probably had enjoyed the sexual experience while he was having it. Bryce decided to take Cam at his word and take him off of the hook, because he would need an ally while he was here, and whom better to have as an ally than his roommate? Bryce was still lying exposed on the bed, because he was too exhausted and sore to even think about putting his clothes back on, so he grabbed a hold of Cam's arm and pulled it over his chest, so he could hug it tightly to his body. "It's ok. I understand and I don't blame you," Bryce told him. "I know you only did what you were told or ordered to do, but you were gentle and tried to take it easy on me when you did it. In fact, I kina enjoyed you doing it to me, because you weren't being rough, so I don't hate you, if that's what you're worried about." "Yeah, it was," Cam admitted. "I wish there was a way I could make it up to you for what we did." "Well, you could sleep with me tonight, in my bed," Bryce suggested. "I don't really want to be alone right now." "Ok. I can do that," Cam agreed. "That was your first time doing it to another boy, wasn't it?" Bryce asked next. Cam blushed, before he answered. "Yeah, it was my first time doing it to anybody," Cam admitted. "Was I that bad, so you could tell?" "No, you weren't bad at all," Bryce assured him, "but I could tell when you got close to cumming that you probably hadn't done it before. You suddenly got all jerky, and it wasn't as smooth as it was with the other boys, when you got close to shooting your load." "Well, I guess that makes sense," Cam acknowledged, "because I did kind of lose it a little when I started to get those feelings." Cam lay on his side and looked down at Bryce, so he could study him before he spoke. "You stay here and I'll go get a wash cloth, towel and some warm water," Cam informed him, "and then I'll clean you up." Bryce merely nodded, so Cam got up and left the room. He ran to get the items he'd mentioned, and after a few minutes, he reentered the room and walked over to Bryce's bed. He had a washcloth in one hand, a towel draped over his shoulder and he carried a small basin of water in his other hand. Cam asked Bryce roll over onto his stomach again, so he could clean him up. After dipping the washcloth in the basin and then wringing it out, he gently touched the damp washcloth to Bryce's puffy hole. Bryce flinched when he did this, because he was quite tender down there now and it did sting a little. Cam was very gentle though, as he cleaned off the excess lube that covered the area around his hole and the inside of his thighs and then he began to dry him off. When he finished doing that, he asked Bryce to roll over on his back again, so he could wash off the other side too. When he finished, he turned to Bryce to see what he wanted to do next. "Would you like me to give you a blowjob," he wondered. "Not tonight, but thanks for the offer," Bryce responded. "Do you want to put on your underwear or pajamas to sleep in then?" Cam followed. "No, I'd rather not have anything rubbing down there," Bryce answered. "Would you mind if I sleep like this?" "No, not at all," Cam assured him. "Do you want me to sleep like that too?" "If you want to. I wouldn't mind at all," Bryce replied. Cam just smiled, got undressed and then pulled the covers up over Bryce, as he tucked him in.