Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 22:58:11 +0000 From: B S Subject: Accidents will Happen - Chapter 29 This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization. This story contains depictions of consensual sexual acts between teenage male and an older male. It is intended for mature audiences only. If you find this type of material offensive or if you are under the legal age to read said material; please proceed no further. The Author by no means condones the actions in this story. Thank you to all who have taken the time to message me. I very much appreciate your feedback and comments and love to hear from you guys who read the story. Please feel free to send any comments to Accidents will Happen Chapter 29 Jane opened the door and went outside to fetch Officer Sharp. "Dylan's ready to talk to you officer but please be gentle with him, he's still very shaken up and I'm not sure he's really ready to try and relive his experience yet." "Don't worry Mrs. Henderson I'll take it nice and slow." The two of them entered Dylan's room and Officer Sharp walked over to the bed. "Hello Dylan, my name is Dave Sharp, I am the officer in charge of investigating what happened to you, do you mind if I ask you some question?" he said holding out his hand. Dylan shook his hand gently, still clearly very uncomfortable about the whole situation. "Sure, I'll tell you what I know or can remember" Dylan replied. "That's great Dylan thanks and take your time there is no rush and if you can't remember just say and we can come back to that specific question later. Ok?" "Ok, I'll try my best" Dylan said quietly squeezing my hand looking for reassurance. Officer Sharp sat in a chair next to Dylan's bed, took out his note book and took a deep breath. "Can you tell me what you remember of the incident Dylan?" "I don't remember a lot at all. I remember Dan leaving to go to work in the morning and I was still in bed. I remember a bunch of voices talking at me and I remember being very, very cold. Then I remember seeing some bright lights and I remember hearing Dan's voice talking to me. Yes I remember him telling me not to leave him and the next thing I remember clearly is waking up here this morning with Mom in the chair you're in now Officer and Dan asleep on the bed." Dylan turned to look at me and smiled giving my hand a tight squeeze as he did. "Why did you leave the house Dylan? What made you get out of bed and walk in the terrible snow?" "I don't remember. I don't really remember anything past Dan leaving for work." "Ok Dylan, can you think of anybody who might want to do this to you, anyone who might want to hurt you?" "No I can't, I don't have loads of friends but I don't have lots of enemies either that I know of. So no I can't think of anybody? not really?. Well?. No, no nobody." The hesitation in Dylan's answer made all three of us look up at him. "Are you sure Dylan? You don't sound too sure on that" Officer Sharp probed. "Yeah I'm sure, he wouldn't hurt me, he's like me, and in fact he's been talking to me a lot more at school and talking about all sorts of things, he's pretty confused at the moment, he definitely wouldn't hurt me and anyways he can't even drive." Officer Sharp's eyes narrowed as he looked at Dylan. "Dylan, who is 'He'?" "Oh yeah sorry he is Jimmy Kent. Jimmy's in my year at school. He's a quiet kid, smaller than me only about 5'5" and really wirery. Comes from a not so great family sadly but he's such a nice guy, considerate, gentle, kind and softly spoken" Dylan said getting more animated each second he spoke about him. "What do you mean he's like you Dylan?" "Oh, well he started talking to me because he knew I was out and had a really fab boyfriend and he wanted someone to talk to about it all. Jimmy thinks he is gay too but he can't talk to anyone in his family about it because they are all such roughnecks." "Dylan!!! That's no way to talk about your friends family, I brought you up better than that" scolded Jane. "Not my words Mom, those were Jimmy's exact words. He needed someone to talk to so he confided in me. He was really scared an upset about the whole thing, he thought his family would disown him if he came out and then he'd have no one." Dylan's head dropped down when he said those words. "Poor Jimmy was so terrified of being gay he even asked me if there was a way he could change to being straight. So he and I have spent quite a lot of time together the last few weeks or so, just talking about how he feels and what experiences I had when I came out to my family. So he hung around with me a lot and although my friends new about Dan they all started to comment that Jimmy was my new lover. I shrugged these off as just playful teasing but Jimmy got quite upset about it and before long people were calling him gay boy at school. I stood up for him of course and a couple of the class bullies thought it was fun to pick on him but we soon put that to bed." "Dylan, why didn't you tell me about this?" I asked. "Oh Dan it wasn't a big deal, I have dealt with far worse in my time at school, particularly after I came out. This was just guys talking with their dicks and hormones rather than their brains. There was nothing to be worried about and after I stood up to them there was no more trouble." "Who were these boys Dylan?" Officer Sharp asked. "Peter Grey, Simon Jones and Louis Stone, but really officer they're ok guys and to be fair they've been great to me, in fact it was Louis who invited me to his Birthday party last month Mom." 'Ok Dylan well I'll pay them a little visit anyways and see what they have to say." "Ok so he, as in Jimmy, wouldn't hurt me we've been really close until recently. He got a bit distant a few days ago but when I spoke to him he wouldn't talk to me about it which was strange actually as he'd been so open about everything up until that point. He always told me what his problems were and any trouble he was having." "Ok maybe I'll pay him a visit anyway just to see if he's ok and ask him a few questions. Maybe he's have issue's that could be linked to you" Office Sharp replied. "Oh no don't go to his house, his family will kill him if you turn up asking questions." Dylan spurted out with a real concerned look on his face. "Why?" asked Officer Sharp looking up from his note book. "I told you his family are roughnecks and they hate the Police, if you turn up on their door step because of him they'll go to town on him when you're gone. They already gave him trouble after someone told his brother he'd been hanging around with me, or 'that dirty fag' as Jimmy's brother put it. Jimmy told his brother to shut his mouth and that I wasn't a dirty fag and his brother gave him some hell of a slap because he turned up to school with a black eye." "You saw this happen Dylan?" Sharp asked. "No, Jimmy told me the story when I questioned him about his black eye. He originally told me he got a baseball in the side of the face but I didn't believe him so I harassed him until he told me the truth. But he made me promise I wouldn't say anything." Officer sharp continued writing a few notes as we all sat in silence. "So apart from the boys who teased Jimmy can you think of anyone else who might want to cause you harm Dylan?" "No and I don't think those three guys as you call them wanted to cause me harm either" Dylan snapped obviously irritated that the officer hadn't taken a blind bit of notice of his opinion. "Ok Dylan well we're obviously treating this as attempted murder and also a hate crime so when you feel a bit better and maybe have remembered some more I will need to come back and take a full statement from you is that ok?" "Sure ? Why Not!" Dylan replied tersely at the officer. Jane scowled at Dylan so hard I could almost feel the heat from her eyes radiating on my face. "Sorry I have a question before you go officer" Dylan said just as Sharp was getting ready to leave. "Dan mentioned it before and it didn't register but you mentioning it again has made me think. Why are you treating this as a hate crime? Surely for it to be a hate crime it would have to be motivated by me being gay and why would you possibly think it has anything to do with that?" I looked at Jane and the Officer Sharp. I purposely hadn't told Dylan about the text's because I didn't want him to worry about me or to see the fact that this person had gloated on the fact that he assumed he had killed Dylan. "Well Dylan" Officer Sharp started as he sat back down in to the chair, "When we noticed your cell phone was missing Dan here text it to see if he would get a response and let's just say the responses indicated that crime was motivated by your sexuality." "What the hell does that mean!?" Dylan shouted turning to look at me. "Why didn't you tell me you'd had these messages?" "Dylan" I started, squeezing his hand. "Do you trust me?" I saw Dylan's demeanor change almost immediately from hostile to apprehensive. "Of course I trust you Dan, I trust you and Mom more than anyone in the whole world." "Well please trust me when I say these messages are vile and hate filled and you don't want to see them." "Dan, these messages are about me I have a right to see them and know what was said." "Dylan please don't make me show them to you, they will only upset you and I don't want you more upset than you have already been. It's not good for your recovery." "Dan I know you're just trying to protect me and I love you for it, but I want to see them, in fact I need to see them." I looked at Jane for support hoping she could say something that would pacify Dylan but she just shrugged her shoulders. "If he wants to see them Dan then show him." I shook my head as I stood up and removed my phone from my pocket. I swiped the screen to unlock the phone and I saw the ominous flashing envelope telling me there was another message. I touched the envelope and the message sprung on the screen with a ping, it was from Dylan's phone. 'WHENS THE FAGS FUNERAL SO I CAN COME AND PISS ON HIS FAG BITCH COFFIN..HAHHAHA!!!!!' I slumped back in to the chair as I felt the colour drain from my face. "Jesus Dan what's wrong" Jane asked quickly. Before I could answer Dylan snatched the phone from my hand and read the message on the screen. "Oh my God" he whispered, "Oh my God."