Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2023 14:37:58 +0100 From: Neville Thomas Subject: All welcome to St Rogers part 3 If you enjoy these stories please consider donating to Nifty to support the site using link Any feedback always welcome! Replies guarranteed. Mr Boyson's tale. Mr Boyson, 62, has been at St Rogers for nearly a decade now and is a very popular master with the boys but he had to show great determination and resilience to get where he is today. He had previously worked at other all boys schools but often had to move on suddenly and his previous school, St Botolphs School for boys, was no different. As art master he had introduced the boys in his under 12s group to life drawing and it had proved very popular. Each week, one of the boys would be chosen as that lesson's model and would pose naked in front of the rest of the class, sometimes on big cushions, sometimes on a couch, sometimes on a mattress. Mr Boyson would then arrange the boy into a suitable pose before taking photos from each angle to keep on record and to compare with the finished drawings. The other boys in the class would draw that lessons naked boy model with Mr Boyson's guidance. Whoever he considered to have done the best drawing would be chosen to be next weeks model so it meant all the boys worked dilligently and concentrated hard, trying to be the best. In truth, Mr Boyson made sure that by the end of term, all the boys had had a chance to pose naked, giving the prize to the 'most improved' in order to ensure they all got a chance. Mr Boyson would lean over the boys at their desks and offer tips and advice; 'Good work Jenkins but you don't have to make the penis quite so big!' 'Excellent drawing of his bottom Jameson but make sure you draw the anus in there too! That's his fun button!' 'Good use of shading Thompson but we need to see his balls as well as his penis!' The boys learnt well under his instruction, always a friendly arm around their shoulders, leaning over close to their faces, patting them on the bottom for a good piece of work or to encourage them, needless to say he was very popular with the boys.One lesson was particularly memorable and started a trend in the lessons from then on. That day's model was Christian Davis, a delightful little blonde angel. He stripped naked and sat casually on one of the big cushions waiting to be drawn. Mr Boyson started to gently arrange him and the cushion and background as he did with all the boy model pupils when suddenly there was a commotion in the classroom. Mr Boyson barked, 'keep the noise down boys!' but one of the boys shouted out, 'But Sir! Davis has got a stiffy!!' And there was much laughter and chatter in class. 'Silence boys!' said Mr Boyson. He looked own and sure enough, the little lad was sporting a lovely 4 inch erection! Christian looked back up at Mr Boyson with the loveliest of cheeky grins. 'I always get a stiffy when I'm nudie with other boys Sir! Is that bad?' Mr Boyson laughed and ruffled his hair. 'No, Davis, that's lovely and very natural. Do you think you can keep your penis erect for the whole lesson so the other boys can draw it?' Davies thought for a while and said, 'I think so Sir! But I normally make white cream soon after I get a stiffy' 'Hmmm, said Mr Boyson, 'Let me think' He went over to his desk and opened a drawer, moved a few papers and then brought out a magazine and took it over to Davis' He opened it up in front of him. 'This is a magazine devoted to boy models Davis, I think you'll like it, I certainly do!' The magazine was called 'Natural Boys Naked' and featured boys aged 7 to 14 posing nude for the camera, many with proud young boy erections. 'Wow!' said Christian and paged through it. 'That should help you keep that erection Davis!' laughed Mr Boyson and so it proved. From then on, nearly all the boys who posed for the life drawing class made sure they had erections, the only ones who didn't were those boys of 7 or 8 who hadn't quite reached that level of maturity although it was delightful to see them frantically pulling on their tiny cocklets trying to get a little erection!. All went well until one day in the summer. The life model that day had been Anthony Jacobs, a gorgeous little 9 year old who had been a delightful subject for that day's lesson, proudly showing off his little erection. As was usual, he was allowed to take a portrait of himself from the drawings done by the boys and was carrying it in his folder when he walked home from school.As he passed the Vicarage, the Vicar's wife, Mrs Polkes-Knightley, greeted young Anthony and asked him about his school day. The boy's eyes lit up, 'It was really good! I was the model in the art class! Look!' and with that, he took out the drawing one of the boys had made and proudly showed it to her. She smiled as she took it from him and then slowly her smile froze and turned to one of puzzlement and then outrage but Anthony kept chattering away brightly. 'That was drawn by my friend Peter and Mr Boyson our teacher said it was really good! And, he said I had one of the best erections he'd seen!' he added proudly. 'See how well Peter drew it!' Mrs Polkes-Knightley looked aghast and stormed into the Vicarage with the drawing, ignoring the boy's calling out, 'My drawing!' Vicar Polkes-Knightly looked up as he heard his wife enter the Vicarage in a noisy huff, calling out, 'Reginald! Where are you my dear?' The Vicar had been slowly masturbating in his office where he wrote his sermons to a magazine entitled, 'Naughty Boy Scouts' which featured colour photos of young boys wearing little more than their Scout hats and neckerchiefs, playing leapfrog, splashing in the lake or posing with one of the naked and erect Scout leaders. He hurriedly tucked it back into his bottom drawer and composed himself. 'In here my dear! Just working on my sermon' Moments later, Mrs Polkes-Knightly burst into the room and thrust the drawing onto her husband's desk. 'Just look at this! Have you ever seen anything so disgusting? A young boy with his penis erect! I have just taken it from the boy Jacobs!' The Vicar looked at it closely and immediately felt his cock return to the erect state it had been in before his wife had walked in. 'Oh yes my dear! Truly shocking. Just look at the detail in the drawing, the shape and shading of the shaft, the veins and the engorged head! It is disgraceful and fanciful that a boy of Anthony's age could even have an erection, let alone such a large penis!' His wife nodded, 'I'm glad you agree with me my dear. I want you to speak to the Headmaster, Mr Longstaff and demand that the art teacher is dismissed at once! I know it will be difficult as you and him are close friends and you and he meet every Saturday with other important men for your 'No Wives or Ladies allowed' group but you must be firm!' This was very true, the Vicar did meet with the headmaster every Saturday along with other local men including the Bishop of the county, the Chief Constable, the local publican and Golf Club chairman plus many others, including Mr Boyson! He would bring along every weeks a selection of the life drawings done of that week's naked boy as well as his photos. They would be passed around and admired by all as part of an evening of boy lover chats and stories and films to watch of young boys playing with each other and with men of a simliar age to those gathered. 'Very well my dear, I shall speak to Mr Longstaff about this outrage I promise' His wife smiled and kissed him on the forehead, 'I knew I could have faith in you Reginald and I'm sorry to have shocked you with what I found' And so it was that at the next meeting of the private Gentlemen's club, that the Vicar and the Headmaster had to explain to Mr Boyson the problem. Of course, the Headmaster was already well aware of the twice weekly art classes run by Mr Boyson, in fact his secretary had to clear his appointments every time the classes were held. He would excuse himself from his study and head down to class 3c where the art department was and take his camera with him, walking in to see a naked boy sitting casually on a pile of cushions holding still as the rest of the class attempted to capture his likeness. 'And who do we have posing for us today?', he would ask Mr Boyson & the master would explain who was sitting. The Head would then chat to the boy, complimenting him on his erection and then taking a photo of the boy for his personal collection and then wandering from boy to boy looking at their drawings, offering advice and feedback, it was the highlight of his week. So it broke his heart to have to tell Mr Bryson that he would have to leave as the Vicar's wife ran the local ladies organisation and could kick up a rumpus.'Dreadfully sorry about this Boyson but I am afraid it is out of my hands. However, I have a good friend who I served with in the Navy catering corp who runs a boys school for the Under 12s in Little Budhole near Greater Cockholme, just 30 miles away, I'm sure he would love to have you as part of the staff if I were to send him some of the boy's drawings and explain a little of what you have been doing for us!' And that is how Mr Boyson came to be employed at St Rogers where he continued to be as popular with the boys and the masters as he had been at St Botolphs! Next time, Mr Boyson is given a tour of St Rogers and takes a very unusual biology lesson! If you enjoy these stories please consider donating to Nifty to support the site using link Any feedback always welcome! Replies guarranteed