Chapter 228 – Time to Mourn & Bury our Dead



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This story is an original work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This is a free electronic story. No part of this electronic story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author. If you are not of legal age in your location to view and read adult material, please close out of this story and delete any material you have downloaded or copied to your computer.




Aaron Munro – Ward of Shawn Walsh and Roberrt Berrill

Aiden Walsh-Johnston – Adopted son of Shawn Walsh and Stephen Johnston

Akihiko Ito – Lover and future partner of Tokugawa Kinugasa

Bhanubhakta GurungAKA "BG" Gurkha on assignment to Fort Connor by the British Ministry of Defense

Billy Landry-Mendez – Adopted son of Ricardo Mendez and Rod Landry

Caleb King – Partner and lover of Thomas Worthington

DaikiCrown Prince and Heir to the Chrysanthemum Throne

Gloria Angelus Worthington – Biological daughter of John Worthington III

Hikaru Jansson-Winter Masamune Yasumori - Son of Hito Janson-Winter Masamune and Jimmy Yasumori

Johann Emmanuel - Adopted son of Cardinal Dominic

John Michael Worthington – Biological Son of Gloria Angelus Worthington

Kichōna Mono Hashimoto – Grandson of the head of the Japanese Yakuza

Luke Michael Worthington – Biological Son of Gloria Angelus Worthington

Melech Leib – Adopted son of Uri Leib and younger brother of Michael Leib

Omoikane Kinugasa Ito – Adopted son of Tokugawa Kinugasa and Akihiko Ito

Omoikane Ryujin Hashimoto – Partner and lover of Tony Worthington

Ricardo Mendez – Six Star General, U.S. Army – Alpha Zulu Administration

Ricardo Mendez, Jr. (Junior) – Son of Colonel Ricardo Mendez

Rod Landry – Six Star General, U.S. Army – Alpha Zulu Tatical

Richard Rod Landry-Mendez – Adopted son of Ricardo Mendez and Rod Landry

Robert Berrill – Six Star General – (Commanding General of Alpha Zulu – Administration)

Shawn Walsh – Six Star General – (Commanding General of Alpha Zulu – Tactical)

Stephen Johnston – 5 Star General – Medical Director of Alpha Zulu

Tokugawa Yoshimune Meat-Goodman Kinugasa - Colonel – U.S. Army – Head of Worthington R&D


"Angus" (Name Classified) - (Son of a domestic terrorist in protective custody at Fort Connor)

"Biff" Jones (Name Classified) - (Son of POTUS and guest in residence at Fort Connor)

"George" (Name Classified) - (Senior head of the Worthington Brain Trust and Top Scientist in residence)

"Tod" (Name Classified) - (Teenage son of George and protectee of Alpha Zulu)

"PJ" (Name Classified) - (Teenage son of POTUS and protectee of Alpha Zulu)




As the pastor gave thanks for all the contributions our family had made and makes for world peace... we all should be so talented as he thanked God for... and mid-sentence the church exploded.


Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. As our security detail rushed into the church, I ordered them to get Omoikane and Junior to safety and to guard them with their lives. I had the rote memory to bring up OPS and declare an emergency... "The Church we are in just had an explosion and over 100 parishioners are injured and/or buried in the rubble.


Activate all the emergency agencies locally. Contact SecDef and POTUS and see what military assets can be sent and get a full security detail here to protect Omoikane and Junior IMMEDIATELY.


Looking at the rubble surrounding me it was obvious my mother and father had died in the explosion. A large timber frame beam landed on them, and their death was instant. Rod had a penetrating injury to his chest and was having much trouble breathing. Just from looking at Richard it was obvious he was dead. Billy was unconscious and I needed to get him to a hospital.


I don't know how much time elapsed but finally I heard the distinct sound of Med-E-Vac helicopters landing and I breathed easier when I heard the unique sound of Apache Gun Ships. I knew I wasn't allowed the luxury of any personal feelings. I was a commanding general of the United States Army and my duty was to the people injured in this vicious attack.


As Army MPs arrived, I ordered them to extricate Rod and transport him to the closest trauma center. Then as they removed the debris that was pinning me, I was fit enough to start organizing rescuers. Billy was my next concern, and security loaded him on a Med-E-Vac to go to the closest trauma center that was accepting patient. This disaster overloaded the complete medical system of the area and POTUS immediately ordered a contingent of Army Doctors, Nurses, support staff with a field hospital to respond and provide all the assistance required.


Finally, an MP Master Sergeant handed me a SAT phone and POTUS was on the other end. "General, stand down! I want you to proceed immediately to the closest hospital, NOW! Don't make me have the MPs put you in handcuffs. DISMISSED!


POTUS was right, I needed to be a partner and a father for Rod and Billy. The time to mourn and bury my family will come but my priority now is to those living. SecDef advised me Omoikane and Junior would survive although Junior had reinjured the gunshot he just recovered from. (Doc hates repairing anything TWICE!)


As I learned Rod and Billy were transported to the same trauma center, I had the MPs put me in one of the Apache Gun Ships and I was airborne within minutes. The trauma center was organized chaos. Finally, I just started sticking my head behind curtains until I found Rod and then went looking for Billy. With two of my security detail behind me armed with Uzi's and Glocks, no one offered any resistance. Although, when the Trauma Center Director tried to throw me out I told her: "You don't have the balls! File your complaint with the two-armed guards behind me."


No, I wasn't making friend and influencing people, but I would make certain my partner and son were given proper care. When the medical staff classified them as LOW LEVEL 5 non urgent care patients, I overstepped my bounds and had OPS send a Med-E-Vac to the hospital landing pad and my security detail and I wheeled Rod and Billy out of the Hospital.


POTUS already invoked National Security and had Omoikane and Junior on the way to Alpha Zulu and into the competent hands of our "loving" Doc. I could just imagine the comments Junior was making when he heard the news but even he knew no one was going to overrule POTUS.


Doc met us at our airfield immediately transporting Rod and Billy to Medical and more tests than I knew possible. Sitting me down in his office he informed me I had no command authority until both he and the chaplain were in agreement as to my mental state. Damn, Doc... what do you expect my mental state to be. I just lost my mother, father and son to a terrorist attack. I'm mad, I'm pissed and I'd like to summarily execute any perpetrator found. Doc sat next the me and held my hand softly saying these feelings are normal but not allowable for a command Army General.


Doc had his staff run some cursory tests on me and then he told me the Chaplain was expecting me and if I didn't do it immediately, he would have security escort me.


Rod and Billy are sedated, and I'll be running tests on them for hours. So, go be a good little General and be honest with the Chaplain. The more you cooperate the quicker you'll get your command back.


As I was walking to the chapel, OPS announces POTUS on for you. "And, what can I do for you. Doc has removed my command authority so there is little more you can do to me than Doc and the Chaplain won't dream up." POTUS only commented: GOOD, because if they hadn't clipped your wings I would have. If I can do anything to help you and your family just ask but I won't overrule Doc or the Chaplain. My prayers are with you and your family. DISCONNECT!


POTUS moved fast and had FBI investigators and forensic team onsite within the hour. The FBI Director was informed to work nice with Army CID until we determine if this was an attempt on the life of our Generals or was simply a freak accident.


Junior had the unfortunate task of verifying the identity of Grandpa, Grandma and Richard. POTUS dictate it would be done by computer video, he wasn't putting Junior and Omoikane into a danger zone.


Rod was starting to regain consciousness and Doc was kind (believe it or not) to inform me I could have a few minutes with my partner. I just sat at his bed, held his hand and cried like a 2nd Lieutenant who saw his first man killed in action. "Doc says I can be out and about in a few days... I've got some broken ribs and he patched the hole in my lung. If you hadn't moved me to Fort Connor I might not have survived. The trauma hospital I was at was so overwhelmed with injuries they missed my punctured lung.


Rod asked about my family. Grandma, Grandpa and Richard didn't make it. Now I have to go tell Billy his brother is dead. I'd rather face a court martial or an ass chewing from POTUS. I ask Rod to say a prayer for me as I went to Billy's room and waited for my son to regain consciousness.


Always working behind the scenes, Mama Bear had POTUS claim the bodies of my parents and son and have them transported to Fort Connor for the funeral. I'm certain there will be a memorial service for all the local people who died in this tragedy and regardless of what POTUS, Doc or the Chaplain say... I WILL ATTEND!


Billy was pretty groggy and out of it when he started waking up, he had both of his arms and both of his legs broken as well as a cracked pelvis. I kinda felt sorry for the kid as he would soon know what we meant when we talked about our friendly power mad Doc.


Mama Bear was a true humanitarian working behind the scenes. She immediately had her architects prepare the drawing for a new sanctuary and with the approval of the church board it would be built at no cost to the church. It was a gift from an unknown doner. Dedicated to the Glory of God in memory of those who lost their lives.


The day came all too soon when I had to face Billy and tell him Richard and his grandparents died in the explosion. Billy was overwhelmed with emotion and the tears seemed to flood endlessly from his emotion wracked body. Finally, Doc suggested, and I approved some light sedation for my son and definitely intense counseling with our chaplain.


Rod and I had to laugh when Doc told Billy he didn't want him exerting so if he wanted out of Medical it would be in a wheelchair or he would be staying in bed. The maintenance staff and the Command Sergeant Major worked through the night and when Billy was released from Medical, they had a three War Dog harness devised to pull his wheelchair around camp. I couldn't believe how fast our son could get our War Dog going pulling him around. The dogs love the exercise and we only worried about Billy turning over and taking a spill. I did issue the order that seatbelts and a helmet were to be used at all times.


The first few counseling session Billy had with the Chaplain were real tear jerkers. Billy had an intense case of "survivor guilt". "Why did Richard die, and I live?" Through a lot of tears and the friendship of many soldiers Billy learned none of us know how long we have upon this earth.


Finally, after I threatened POTUS with resigning my commission unless he relented and let me off base to attend the memorial service for the people who died in the explosion. I had a security detail of 500 Alpha Zulu soldiers... The service was as secure as if it had been held in the White House.


Then I had to return to Fort Connor and face the reality of preparing for the funeral service of my parents and my son. I would have never made it through the emotional moment of selecting the caskets if Rod hadn't been at my side. Richard was buried in his Ambassador's Uniform complete with his Jeweled Saber. I made certain my six-star breast badge was attached and wasn't surprised to find POTUS's also attached to his uniform.


Our Cardinal Chaplain did an outstanding presentation at the funeral and it was as if he knew both of my parents. Little did I know the hours he spent talking with Junior and learning about Mom and Dad. This funeral was more than just a job for him. He really wanted it to be for our family.


Alpha Zulu Actual transported the caskets back to my hometown for burial. Every seat in the plane was taken by Alpha Zulu soldiers volunteering for the detail. The entire town turned out to honor their good friends who were always the first to help anyone in need. They were truly loved by their fellow town folks, and I had to feel sorry for the number of folks who would need to repeat this scene at more burials in the near future resulting from the explosion.


I thanked the family pastor for a wonderful graveside service and asked about the building fund for replacing the church. They have an anonymous donor who is underwriting the cost, the plans have been approved by everyone and the groundbreaking has been done. In 6-9 months, we will have our house of worship restored. I asked the pastor to notify me when the dedication service would be held as I would like to attend.


The family attorney contacted me and informed me the will my parents made left everything to Junior. Between the value of the land, house, savings and investment... Junior would inherit more than a million dollars. I asked him to send the paperwork to Junior and I would have the Army JAG officer review it before Junior signed on the dotted line. It isn't like Junior needed the money at what Mama Bear was paying Omoikane.


I was so proud of my oldest son... Junior took the money, purchased and donated a Carrera Marble Statue of the Virgin Mary for the side alter "To the Glory of God in loving memory of the victims of the terrorist attack that destroyed this church." Junior also asked the parish priest if he would add a small addition to the side altar as he wanted to also donate a statue of Saint Roger, the Patron Saint of imps and orphans. Both gifts were anonymous and graciously accepted.


The day arrived the church was finally completed, and Mama Bear made certain the seating capacity was double the membership of the church. Every seat was filled for the dedication service. Friends of all faiths attended and POTUS wasn't taking any chances. He had local police, state police, FBI in addition to Alpha Zulu soldiers and our bomb sniffing Wolf War Dogs assigned to the security detail.


Considering Junior and Omoikane were attending as well as Rod, Billy and myself... POTUS didn't want to attend another funeral of a good friend.


The memorial service went without incident. Returning to Fort Connor, I was surprised to hear over the com Air Force One requesting permission to land. The Fort Connor Colonel authorized the landing and frankly I wanted to stay as far away from POTUS as possible lest I let my emotions overrule good judgement.


I was with Billy in Medical as Doc did a follow up and even Doc was surprised when POTUS stuck his head in and asked to borrow me for a few minutes. "And, by the way Doc... can I borrow your office. Thank you!"


POTUS was almost congenial and was honest when he told me he realized how angry I must be with him at the moment. "I had to put my personal feelings aside and the feelings I have for you as a friend and do what is best for the nation and for the Army. Loosing you to a piece of dislodged rubble or an unexploded bomb would not bring back those lost and definitely wouldn't help Rod or Billy either. I'm the villain and it comes with my job."


"What I'm about to tell you can't go any further than you and Rod... it was a bomb and it was military grade explosive. How any of you survived was a truly a miracle. I had a video conference with the head of Mossad yesterday and their mole in the Illuminati has informed them the boy they want is "BILLY"... and you won't believe why.


One of his distant relatives was a leader in the Illuminati and Billy is the heir by blood to his seat on their Grand Council. The insurgents who set the bomb used too much explosive and I have been informed the Illuminati has eliminated them for incompetence.


So, with the approval of Doc and the Chaplain I am returning your command to you and Rod. Just don't do anything stupid to make me regret doing this. I assure you the full resources of the United States Military will extract retribution for this dastardly act.


Now, will you walk with me to the Chapel so we can say a prayer for our departed friends. I am assigning Alpha Zulu primary responsibility for protecting Billy. Do what you do best... PROTECT THAT IMP!


Finally, sitting behind my desk I felt like a Commanding General again. I asked the Command Sergeant Major to join me in my office. I informed him I couldn't explain why but unless Billy is in our residence with us, he is to have two armed guards with him 24/7 and that includes the latrine. CONSIDER IT DONE!


Asking Rod to join me in my office, it took him a few minutes as he was still moving mighty slow. "Sit down and be comfortable, you won't believe what POTUS just shared with me."


Rod just sat with this blank look on his face... Billy, are you certain? It came from Mossad, and they are usually right 99% of the time. And POTUS told me the Illuminati terminated the bomb team for endangering the life of Billy. This information is only for us unless authorized by POTUS and by us, I mean you and me.


I changed the subject and told Rod he was still walking mighty slow. "I'm improving every day and besides I don't have a dog team pulling me around Fort Connor. I think Billy is enjoying this far too much. Considering he has two arms in plaster, two legs in plaster and his pelvis immobilized... I doubt if he can enjoy anything too much. Did you realize the poor kid hasn't been able to jerk off in over a month?


Rod was smiling far too much as he left my office and I yelled at him not to be a pimp for our son. "NEVER, but I know a couple of imps who will love to help out."


As I headed to our billet that afternoon, Billy's two guards were standing at the door to my home. They saluted as I entered and almost immediately two imps came scurrying out of Billy's bedroom licking their lips and commenting "same time tomorrow". Billy wheeled himself out of his bedroom and asked if I wanted to join him in the Mess Hall for some Vanilla Ice Cream and Hot Fudge Topping. He had three Wolf War Dogs he owed a treat for all their hard work.


I had to grab the handles to his wheelchair and use some foot action to slow my son down so he didn't wipe out across the front of the Mess Hall. As three anxious War Dog stood impatiently waiting to be served, the 1st Sergeant asked: "One helping for you and three for your furry friends. Will your father be joining you?" Well Dad? "Hell yes, what is a few more laps around the track in PE.


Billy found some ingenious way to wipe his bum being in so much plaster, some things he wouldn't let anyone do for him. And did Rod and I have a happy son when all the plaster came off and he could actually take a long hot shower. Rod and I had to make a reservation to use the shower in our residence. Billy was the first person at Fort Connor to run the tankless water heaters out of hot water.


Billy never asked why two armed guards were with him anytime he was out of our quarters. I figured he just accepted the fact he had two overprotective fathers. (Oh, he was so right!) The Command Sergeant Major had selected three very smart Wolf War Dogs. When an Alert was sounded the dogs were headed at a full out run getting the Wheelchair and Billy into the imp's bunker. As soon as Billy unhooked them from their harness, they were off running to their assigned duty station. Damn, I wish new recruits were so easy to train.


"Generals, you have an incoming from Worthington Industries. Where do you wish to take it?" I'll be in my office in 45 seconds, send it there.


Expecting Mama Bear's face when the screen lowered, I was surprised to see the face of Junior. Hi Dad, you got a moment for me? For my son, as much time as you need is yours. You know grandma and grandpa left me their home and I feel it is as much your home as it is mine. Are you and Rod interested in living there once you retire? I can have a commercial agent rent it out until you two decided to go to inactive status.


Getting his fifth star, Omoikane won't retire until he dies, and the compound Mama Bear built for his family we could adopt a complete orphanage.


I don't need an answer right away but talk it over with Rod and whatever you decide I'll understand. Love you, bye.


Rod took one look at my red puffy eyes when he came home that afternoon... took a quick shower and hauled my ass off to our bedroom. Advising the Mess steward we would need dinner for three in our quarters tonight. Please and thank you.


Now, tell me what is wrong or I'll tickle it out of you... Tell me... Tell me! I shared with Rod the conversation I had with Junior and asked what he thought.


Frankly, my love... I could live with you anywhere. Since I enlisted in the Army I've lived in a hooch in Viet Nam to a Quonset Hut in Afghanistan with no air conditioning. Wherever we live all I care about is that I'm living with you.


You need to know if the ghosts of this tragedy may haunt you if you live in your old home. As for me, I think it is a quaint and beautiful Victorian home. I wouldn't change anything your mother did to it. It is perfect.


I couldn't control my emotions... I needed Rod to make love to me and if Billy came home early, he'd find out sooner or later how much in love his fathers were. "Doc has cleared you for strenuous activities so GET WITH THE PROGRAM! That Black Python has been underused lately. Time to make up for that lack of use.


God, did I get fucked in more positions that I knew existed and honestly, I think Rod invented a few new ones in the process. Suddenly, we heard the words: "Dad, I'm home" as the front door was slammed. Rod and I quickly made ourselves presentable as I yelled at Billy we were in the bedroom, come right in.


As Billy entered our bedroom, I told him his fathers were just taking a nap. Right, just like I'm studying anatomy when my friends came over! Dads, I may be a virgin but I'm not dumb or dead. I know enough to go back out and come home later.


As both Rod and I were blushing (and YES, men of dark skin can blush). I told Billy our evening meal was being catered in our residence tonight so get cleaned up and we were having a family night.


And no table scraps for Adela... she is getting fat. Little did we know a few months later Adela would present us with a beautiful litter of Wolf Dog puppies. So much for our Wolf War Dogs practicing Safe Sex.


There were many moments in the following years I would think of my parents and regret not going home more. I knew they understood my commitment to the Army and loved and respected me for it. I still had to accept I had neglected my parents and that is a fact I will have to accept and remember till we are rejoined in heaven.


Omoikane was truly a genius. OPS told me the first month Omoikane's Tholian "thingie" was operational we had proof of over 50 attempts to have Fort Conner penetrated by mini-drones. The men had a love/hate relationship with Omoikane as he wanted every piece of every drone sent to him at Worthington Industries. Defending Fort Connor from attack was a priority assignment of POTUS, SecDef, Mama Bear and all of the Worthington Brain Trust.


Mama Bear was shocked when one of Worthington's main competitors asked for a meeting with her, Luke and Omoikane. Bringing with him their prize member of their Brain Trust... the man started the meeting saying no one should have his family threatened because of his contribution to the military. That being said: Our company for the past five years has been working on an energy dome which in theory can't be penetrated. You have the connections with POTUS and the Department of Defense to cut through the red tape necessary to install a prototype at Fort Connor. The expertise we need to complete and implement this shield is for a small nuclear reactor such as in our submarines. Think of the possibilities if we can make this work... the number of deployed servicemen we can protect from hostiles.


Handing Mama Bear a flash drive which contains the schematics and data on what we have developed so far. Let Omoikane review it and give you an unbiased appraisal. If you agree on the concept, let our two brainiacs get together and develop a presentation for POTUS, SecDef and the Joint Chiefs... So, we have a chance to get the funding from Congress. Time for Congress to spend some of that money you saved when you rebuilt Fort Connor.


Mama Bear thanked the men for their offer and assured them if this program didn't go forward all the data shared would be returned to their company with none kept by Worthington Industries. Yes, we may offer a member of a competitor's brain trust a monetary inducement to join our team, but we never have or will steal technology from a competitor. On that you have my total commitment.


After their guests left, Mama Bear asked Omoikane to review the material we have been given and then the three of us (Omoikane, Mama Bear and Luke) will sit down and decide whether to approach POTUS and the Pentagon. Give it your top priority and this is a classified project so no pillow talk with your partner about it.


It seemed like a non-ending line of corporate jets landing at Fort Connor depositing imps for the start of a new school year. Many were old friends (and online opponents battling for electronic glory) which made an easier task for new imps to adjust to Fort Connor. None of the imps enjoy our "vampire" Doc who demanded their blood when they arrived at base. None of the new imps complained about the shot Doc gave them when he chipped them. Doc was a totally different person when he had an imp for a patient. We soldiers he just told to suck it up and bend over.


As I was sitting looking at the pile of paperwork on my desk (I thought I had an aide for all this paperwork) OPS announces POTUS on for General Mendez. Seeing a smiling POTUS is never a good sign. Greeting Ricardo. (Using my first name means this NOT good news.) Gloria is expecting you as her guest in the Penthouse early Monday afternoon and then we will all meet with SecDef and the Joint Chiefs in the Oval Office at 1000 hours on Tuesday. Enjoy that Marriott Raspberry Cheesecake. DISCONNECT!


Considering this won't be a meeting that I will enjoy attending I have every intention of enjoying TWO pieces of Raspberry Cheesecake.


Gloria was always a gracious host and welcomed Rod and me to our "home away from home". She immediately apologized considering my recent loss. I assure her no apology was necessary. We knew Mama Bear would never hurt anyone's feeling intentionally. The Worthingtons were a second family to Rod and me and we cherished Mama Bear as it's leader.


"How is Billy recovering from his injuries?" I informed Mama Bear we had created a monster. Even out of all his plaster casts he still loves to harness up the Wolf War Dogs and go racing around camp in a wheelchair. The Command Sergeant Major has been instructed since he created the situation, he is assigned to eliminate it. (Mama Bear couldn't stop laughing.)


"You two generals are being old wet blankets. Let the imp have some fun and enjoy being young. We can't protect them 24 hours a day and a spill from a racing wheelchair seems minor compared to what he has endured so far."


I acquiesced to Gloria and had OPS connect me with the Command Sergeant Major and I rescinded my order to terminate Billy's wheelchair racing. I was thanked for rescinding my order as our son is really enjoying himself and it is good exercise for our Wolf War Dogs. We have Adela as the third dog so she can start to regain some muscle after giving birth and nursing six pups. "Good idea Command Sergeant Major, GOOD IDEA!"


Mama Bear informed us we would be enjoying dinner early this evening and the entire family would be joining us. After dinner I'll meet with you two, Luke and Omoikane in my study so we can discuss this ultra-classified project. I'll make certain to have plenty of twenty year old scotch for us to enjoy.


Other than the extra laps I'd be running for over a week, the Marriott feast was up to its reputation and earning its five star rating. Mama Bear knew I'd want two pieces of Raspberry Cheesecake regardless of how many laps around the track it would cost my body.


As Junior, John, Daan and Melech adjourned to the Great Room they knew the meeting Mama Bear was having in her study was classified. No offense was taken by any of the four... it was just a normal part of business with the Worthingtons.


We have a unique opportunity to increase the protection to the men and imps at Fort Connor were Mama Bear's opening comment. "Now if my little brainiac can explain this in terms we all can understand, I hope you Generals are ready to get your first look at the Army of the 21st century.


As Omoikane started to explain about a protective dome over Fort Connor that couldn't be penetrated by any outside force... I had to ask I thought that is what your Tholian Web thingie did. The function of the dome is similar, but the dome can protect you from missiles, bombs and even armed hostiles landing in camp. I doubt if it would survive a nuclear attack, our technology hasn't advanced that far as of yet.


OK, the downside and the hard sell to POTUS and DOD: "We need to install a small nuclear plant at Fort Connor inside the dome to provide an immense power source to operate it!" I turned to Omoikane and asked if the price we pay for being protected is ending up glowing in the dark? As the little imp laughed at me, he told me it would be similar to what is on one of our submarines. Unfortunately, nuclear is the only source that can provide us with enough power to make this work.


Mama Bear make it crystal clear it could never be "sold" to POTUS and DOD if you two Generals aren't on board with the project. In theory the system will work but we won't know until it is actually built. Once everyone "signs on" and Congress approves the funding we can have it operational within a year. (And the Sea Bees are so looking forward to working with Omoikane as a project manager again... NOT!)


With the support of POTUS and the DOD Congress approved the money in closed door session. The Chairman of the Committee make it crystal clear the one fact that had many of the committee members approving this project was Omoikane and his history of having project done on schedule and either on or under budget. Omoikane is one of the few people in Military history to have such a track record. Don't let us down on this project.


Omoikane showed a little nepotism when he hired Junior as the Assistant to the Project Manager. Now the Sea Bees had one imp and the son of the six-star generals to hate. When the head of the Sea Bee contingent came to Rod and me to complain, it fell on deaf ears. We advised them just to do your job on time and on budget and I know Omoikane and Junior won't be a problem. DISMISSED!


When Omoikane and Junior joined us for a family dinner that evening Rod and I were chastising them for being "hard asses" with the Sea Bees. I had the head of their contingent in my office complaining about you two today. As my son and his partner anticipated me telling them to back off they smiled when I told them my response was to do your job on time and on budget and you'll have no problems with either of you two. And then I threw him out of my office.


Although, I do have to admit you two can be very intimidating at time. Threatening a sailor with being assigned to an Artic Ice Breaker if he didn't perform? A threat only works if you can deliver on it if necessary. You might want to try some positive reinforcement instead of always using the "whip" approach most of the time. It does work! Rod and I have over a thousand Alpha Zulu soldiers on base who would walk through hell if we asked them. Give it a try.


Without warning OPS sounded an ALERT THIS IS NOT A DRILL, I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL! Exiting our quarters, we saw a mass of men manning their alert stations and even the Sea Bees with their small arms were manning defensive positions. I saw many a Sea Bee with an imp under his arm running full out to the imp bunker and Junior was no different. It embarrassed Omoikane when Junior grabbed him and headed at a full gallop to the imp's bunker with me right on his heels. Getting into the imp's bunker and removing an Uzi and side arms from the arms locker I could finally ask OPS what triggered the emergency.


General, we have a subsonic missile on a trajectory to Fort Connor. It was launched from outside our restricted area. Advising OPS to send our drones out as far as their fuel would allow and if they found a hostile... regardless of whether it was in or outside of our restricted zone to BLOW THE DAMN THING OUT OF THE AIR OR WATER! With Pleasure Sir!


I could hear our automated missile batteries responding to the threat and then our gatling guns sending up 6,000 round a minute each destroying what was left of the missile. Finally, OPS advised they had found a drone outside of our restricted area and it still had three missiles under its wings. DESTROY IT NOW! I knew the explosion we heard would be the end of this round of battle. Now, we just had to be proactive not to have an insurgent penetrate our defenses while our attention was on the missile threat.


As the head of the Sea Bees sat with me later that evening enjoying a cup of coffee in the mess... He commented freely whoever designed your defenses was indeed a genius. I smiled at him and told him it is the little imp your previous team wanted to "draw and quarter" and you asked me this afternoon to fire. The next day Omoikane and Junior found a case of 20 year old single malt scotch at the door of their quarters with a note: "Compliments of grateful Sea Bees".


From that point on, Omoikane, Junior and the Sea Bees worked as a flawless team and brought the project in on time and under budget which impressed everyone from SecDef to Congress. From that point on whether the military, POTUS or Congress... Omoikane's word was never questioned.


We now faced two major moments in the project the first being turning on our nuclear reactor. We brought it up in stages and it took nearly a month to have it at 100%. Double chain link and razor wire fence protected it with electronic land mines between the two fences. Automated Mini-Guns surrounded the facility as well as 360 degree cameras. Six two man teams of Alpha Zulu Guards armed to the teeth backed up the soldiers responsible for operating this lethal device. The men with access to this equipment had security checks to the point they thought they had Roto-Rooter ream their ass. Even the small amount of fissionable material this power plant used would destroy Fort Connor it if went critical. Once the power source was found to be stable it was time to activate the electronic dome.


Within minutes of flipping the switch we could see the glow of the dome surrounding Fort Connor. I had OPS station some mini-drones and one of our large predator drones outside of the protective zone. I then ordered OPS to send the mini-drones directly into the center of camp. They exploded the minute they came in contact with our new dome.


Then came the acid test... I had OPS launch an air to ground missile from our Predator Drone and aim it to a portion of camp not inhabited. The missile exploded upon contact with our new dome and none of the explosive debris entered Fort Connor.


The entire base lauded Omoikane and Junior for such fantastic work. Junior felt relieve that he might not lose another family member in this war against the Illuminati. Plus, he was mighty proud of his brainiac partner in life. From the way Omoikane was doing the walk of shame the next morning at Flag Raising, he and Junior must have had one fine celebration when they retired for the night. I know Rod and I did.


Suddenly, my wrist com alert goes off and OPS announces: "Doc needs you in Medical immediately if not sooner!"







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