Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 20:00:24 -0600 From: Subject: Amoral 20 Amoral by: dnrock( A quick reminder, Nifty needs help in the form of financial support. It is easy to do just click the link on nifty landing page. That help keeps the stories coming. Just a reminder, this story is sexually explicit and involves youths and adults. If that offends or is illegal then you know what to do. 20: Life Takes Some Different Turns. We went to bed early, I would guess by 10 pm. Sleep was to come several hours later. Having finished our business in the bathroom we met up in the master bedroom. I know of nothing more inviting or more stimulating than seeing my Andy naked and erect. I'm not bad to look at either but I don't turn my own crank anything like Andy does. We kissed and fondled standing next to the bed, one of the more inviting places in the room. Andy was in one of his amorous moods and he proceeded to tell me how much he wanted his brother to fuck him. Not with words, no that would be to ordinary. Andy slid down my naked body, sitting on the floor, forcing my legs apart to let his hips between my feet. Taking my erection in his mouth and using my scrotum as his guide handle, he insisted I fuck that mouth. Having his head tilted well back, opened his throat allowing my rampant member to fully fill it. His lips pressing tight to my pubes. I am glad I keep it trimmed. Pubic hair is a poor substitute for dental floss. His tongue and throat were bringing me ever so close to ecstasy and I was ready to unload when he suddenly stopped. Pushing me onto the bed he climbed on my body and proceeded to fuck my face. All the while my fingers worked over is anus and scrotum. Andy unloaded in my throat giving many wonderfully expressive vocalizations. I managed to take it all, not dribbling a drop. Having spent his load Andy added some lube to his butt and in the boy superior mode, fucked himself. I helped with as many up thrusts as possible. Having been so horned up before and given the tightness of his ass, it did not take me all that long. It sure felt good no matter what the temporal signature. The next morning we were having a late breakfast. Eric and Grover showed up. Harlan and Jimmy were sitting at a little table over in the corner. I was most surprised at the way they were acting. I think they are in love, at least that is how they were acting. It was almost silly to see a middle aged biker, feeding little bits of food, to the sweet lips of his 14 year old lover. I did not notice at first but soon realized the love play had suddenly stopped. Harlan was looking at Eric. Jimmy took his attention again and I relaxed. Andy and Dennis were cleaning up and I was finishing my coffee, when Harlan and Jimmy approached my table. "Mat, can I join you for a few minutes?" Jimmy looked so disappointed. "Sure Harlan, why don't you boys take Jimmy out for some waterskiing?" I offered. Andy jumped at the idea and the boys all disappeared out the door on a dead run for the boat landing. "Mat, I think you and I have some business to do before I leave." I nodded in agreement, not quite sure where to start. I suspect Harlan didn't know either. "That boy Eric, lost his mother a couple of months ago, didn't he?" Harlan asked. "Yes, she was killed on a yacht, the Persephone in Key West harbor when it blew up. You are wondering why he is here I would guess?" "The thought had crossed my mind," Harlan replied. "The older gentleman Larry, over there, is his great uncle. When Sonja told him she and friend were heading south to work, he asked me to foster him. I agreed since he is a nice kid, Larry is a friend and Andy and I are all alone. I'm now his legal guardian." "I recognized him from the portrait in his mom's apartment. Do you know what happened on the Persephone?" Harlan asked "Not really, the Coast Guard just told us it exploded and all hands were killed. They offered no cause to us. I figured some kind of bomb," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "Those bastards will pay. Does the kid know?" "Only what the report said." "The company owes her salary and there is an insurance benefit to be paid. Where can I have the check sent?" I gave him Carlton's address. "I owe Slats some money too. The word on the street is, Slats is so lost, not even his mother can find him. If I gave you that money to hold for him, what would you say?" "I would say send it to his Lawyer." I wrote my name and Barney's name and address on it. "Slats told me all the accounts were settled, I am a bit surprised you still owe him?" "They were all settled and to the penny accurate. When the company reorganized we paid the share holders a bonus. Slats is due his cut." He then told me that one of his chapter bosses was skimming and Slats saw to it the bastard was properly dealt with. Much kinder perhaps then he himself would have done. When I went to explain he waved me off. Either he knew the details or would rather not. "Now I have a small problem, perhaps you can help me. I need to find a place to store my new bike. It should be ridden once in a while too." "I can do that, lots of room in the garage. Perhaps it is best kept at the dealer in Stevens Point, during the winter. I can look after that too." He opened his brief case and pushed the papers to me. The machine will also need a Wisconsin license plate. It is running on the a dealer's plate. He gave me a power of attorney for it along with a signed blank check to cover the costs including insurance. "I didn't know Sonja very well but she seemed like a nice enough person. The customers liked her and so did the crew. If you ever decide to get back into the boat captain business let me know." "I don't think I will but I'll remember your offer, just in the event. I take it you are planning to visit again next summer?" "Yes, I want to take Jimmy on an extended road trip, maybe to Sturges for the rally." I wrote my contact information out for him. "I would appreciate...," I started but he cut me off. "I won't share this with anyone. If Jimmy calls you for help," I cut him off. "I'll do what ever it takes." "If my wife finds out about him, before I can settle things up, she will have him killed, just to spite me." "Do you have the goods on his pimp?" "Oh ya and then some, he is not the problem it's the others in his organization I don't trust. They can all be bought. Someone in the company must have sold me out. The bomb on the Persephone was meant for me. It was a last minute change in plans. You and Jimmy are the only people I trust anymore. You, because you have been scrupulously honest in the past and Jimmy because he loves me and doesn't know any better yet." "I am sure you have already started. Make sure you have lots of cash stashed off shore. Create a new persona, another person. Make sure the bank has that new name and move your cash from where it is to the new numbered account. Join some groups like the Pintal Society, under the new name. Have a lawyer establish some property some place, using the new name. Select your new home base with great care. A medium sized city, hide in the crowd. Start paying taxes and things like that. Get the Oklahoma lawyer to do it for you. Just pay what he asks. Establish your new persona in one or more South American countries, that is why you have not lived in your new home or used your credit cards and cell phone for months at a time. Resign like Slats did. Remember he had everything set up so no loose ends remained on either side. Step out of your old life and into a new one. Go to Sturges next year and just never return, for example. For the first few years you need to keep a very low profile. Make sure things are structured in such a way, no attention is being drawn to yourself or Jimmy. No fancy cars or bikes, no flashy clothes, everything in moderation, blend in. Be polite but forgettable. Set yourself up as some kind of consultant or a self employed what ever. Never ever go back to the gulf coast. Slats didn't have any enemies, but you obviously do. Everyone will be looking for you from the feds on down. Hire a voice coach and lose the accent, get rid of the visible tats, lose 50 pounds, get into shape. Come here or some place like this to ride but stay away from anything having to do with bikers. Except for your passport and drivers license, avoid having your picture taken. Change as much of your appearance as you easily can. One more thing, if you truly love Jimmy then adopt him, using your new name. Do it as soon as possible and have him sent to a boarding school. Get him out of the trade as fast as you can. Don't tell him anything until he is well away from his pimp, nothing, except you love him." "Would you take him in?" "Not a good long run idea. Okay for a month or two. Once he is gone from the trade he should never have contact with them again. It is a potential lead to you. It is okay to visit here but always check first. Use my Stevens Point Lawyer's office as his official address and Carl or myself as contact persons while you are abroad. He is welcome to visit us on holidays and the like. You can make Carl his temporary guardian, while you are in South America. Given what we just discussed, I will have the bike registered to my numbered company. Just tell Jimmy and his pimp minder, you just sold the bike to me. I'll do the remainder." "Mat I knew you were good. After Slat's disappearance, I realized better than I ever thought. Now I am simply amazed." "If and when you are ready, just let me know. Do it through the Oklahoma lawyer and I will set up your accounting and investments. I think any contact between us and even Jimmy once he is away from the trade, should be through him. Thanks for the confidence, I should remind you the planning part is easier then implementation." Harlan runs the gulf coast operations for the bikers. It is a multi million dollar business with several hundred associates and all the other trappings. Given the nature of the business it is complex. If he can do that he can manage his part of my simple action plan. After they left I put the fancy bike in the garage. I booked riding lessons for myself, Andy, Dennis and Grover and called Barney and Carl. Now it was sit and wait. One good thing from the attempted assassination was possible. Harlan could be secretive and prepare for succession without raising too much suspicion. He could even appear more paranoid than usual. Obviously someone in his company had been compromised. That someone was below him. He had no equal and if the higher ups wanted him gone, they had simpler and cleaner means. Andy was incredulous. He was sure we made some kind of deal with Harlan. I assured him several times, just for the bike. I suggested we may have future business with someone who looked like him, not the company. I don't know what Harlan said to Jimmy before he left. Jimmy was not talking. His time with us was only another day, which I take Harlan paid for, as he had no further clients, the others had several. Harlan caught a ride to the Point with one of the other clients. I am not sure if I will ever see him again and if I do it will be a different person. School started on schedule. Andy and I were a little lonely for the first few weeks. Grover and Eric were both living in the Point with their fathers. Melissa was furious that Simon adopted Eric but she only expressed herself to Simon and Ray. Ray was happy for Simon and for Eric. Carl was a little concerned that Eric's position in Simon's estate needed better protection. I think paranoia is part of being a lawyer. We did two things with his trust money to secure it. First we purchased a fat, term life insurance policy on Simon, with the trust as the beneficiary and second the trust purchased Simon's condo mortgage from the bank. Then we lowered the interest rate but kept the payments the same, for as long as Eric lived in it. If he moved out at 18 or so, the interest rate reverted but the term would now be much shorter. That way Simon's disposable income would be about the same. He wanted to make sure Melissa would not try and reopen the support payments. She was pissed, as it was, knowing that Simon's estate was now a three way split and not two way. Her lawyer had advised her to buy out Simon's interest in the family home. That is, refinance now that interest rates were so low and the value was down. Carl pointed out that if Simon's share of the equity was 50% and that she did not have the cash to buy him out and he was paying half the payments anyway, so to what end, unless she didn't need his half payment. She could sell the house and move to a smaller more modest one as an alternative. That went over like a lead balloon. She was not about to settle for a smaller home. I know she was putting pressure on Ray to pay rent. Ray was not sure what to do. I took him aside and gave my opinion. "Ray, if you want to be a kept man that is your business. I am not sure it is a good idea to play the part and not deliver the goods. Melissa is not in a position to keep you, in the style you would like to be accustomed." In that they are much the same, they want it all and want it now. "If that is your choice, look for a Cougar with more money. If you want to treat this, as a roommate that you share a bed with, then share the expenses of that bed as well. You know Simon and Eric will gladly have you stay with them or you could stay with your parents." He was not sure what he wanted. He realized he should pay rent. If he rented, then he needed his own space. Melissa did not want that, she wanted him in her bed and under her control. He was finding it hard to study, keep up with his and her sexual desires and do the domestic stuff a house demanded. Eric just came through. "You can share my room Ray. I don't sleep in it anyway and I can use dad's home office, if I need a quiet place to work." Ray did not know how to respond. He sure appreciated Eric's offer. It was real and he knew it. He was always welcome in Simon's bed too. He knew that, even if he slept with Melissa or any other woman. "I think Eric has a point, besides he and Simon can do something Melissa can't. You can always call in on her when you have the time or need the pussy," Andy offered. One of Ray's problems was his lack of preparedness for university. He had always been a good student. School came easy for him. He never needed to work at it. University is more difficult, the stuff requires more effort. It requires good study habits. He needed some time to learn those habits and methods. I had to learn them and I'm glad I had the time to do it. My fall of self study helped a lot. I learned how to apply myself and to make that application time count. I only had 3 courses, Ray has 5. Nothing was resolved, except Ray would give Melissa rent equal to what his dorm fees would be. We all thought that was fair. His performance in her bed should be worth the food he eats. I know he too had some kind of educational trust that would pay for school fees and books at the very least. I got an interesting contract in early October. This one was from an existing photo studio that was expanding in two areas, the production of high quality hetro and gay porn and expanded web presence of this porn and non porn images. This group's business manager had already begun organizing things. I was to take his outline and fill in the details. Of course I would apply Mat's magic to it. I went to visit their city for meetings and to get to know each other, over a long weekend. Dennis, Eric and Andy went along. The start of the fall school term proved most interesting. The boys were not all that communicative. With Eric now in the Point we had no access to the lower grades and the thinking or lack of it, in them. Andy reported that Racheal was not attending classes in Amhurst and no one mentioned Naomi. He said this with quite a large smile on his face. "If we ran a popularity contest Dennis would be the hands down winner for boys and I think I would be runner up," Andy quipped. "Tell all brother," I said. "That is all. The girls are falling all over themselves to be around Dennis. I am not having any difficulty either. In the locker room the boys are after him to show just how long his tongue is." "And yourself." "Oh me, well it would seem cute and loyal wins every time. I doubt either of us will have any problems getting dates. A few of the boys are getting rather friendly too. Who knows?" "Are you and Elsa planning to chaperone our Halloween dance again this year?" "No plans but I haven't been asked either. I wonder if Elsa has any thoughts on the subject. Has she been asked?" "Don't know I'm not on the student council this year." "Do you have a date lined up yet?" "I was thinking about Dennis. Now that would shock them a bit, wouldn't it." "Yes it would. I think you two are better off chasing the girls during the year and save the shock for the Prom. Think about all the snatch you can have between now and then." Just then Dennis came in. He had the shit eat-ingest grin on his face ever. He leaned on the kitchen island with his left hand in his jacket pocket. Now that he had our attention he slowly pulled something out of that pocket. It was a bright pink, silk thong with frills and little pink on pink flowers. "Trophy or invitation?" Andy asked. "Invitation, Sue Ann pushed them in as we got on the bus," Dennis said. Something was just a bit odd about the expression in his voice. I just couldn't put it into context. "Ooooo, that is an invitation. Are they clean or used?" Andy said. Dennis sniffed and held them out to me. I sniffed, "used." Andy took them and also sniffed. "Yes, definitely used," and he sniffed again, "I would guess a least a couple of times with her fingers on the button." "And you're an expert on Sue Ann's box and crotch functions?" I quipped. "No, not hers but I am an expert. I would say she is ripe and ready for you buddy. It is about a week before her period from the smell of things," Andy retorted. "And which one is Sue Ann?" I asked. "You know her, the tall, well stacked blond in Grade 11, you know the center on the girls basketball team," Andy answered. "Oh, you mean the one that walks like she has a corn cob up her ass. Yes, I know her. She has a butt almost as well shaped as you Dennis," I said. Dennis turned bright red and Andy just smiled. I handed Dennis the phone. He looked at me for a moment and pulled his hand back. "Maybe she would like to spend the night in our sauna you know, Sue Ann and three amigos," I said, pushing the phone back toward him. "Look, just call her. Just say you found something that belongs to her in your jacket and would like the opportunity to return it. You are of course willing to trade but want the opportunity of personal removal." Dennis called while Andy and I chatted. I did not want to embarrass the boy but knowing how shy he is, some pushing was needed. "All set, we pick the girls up in one hour," Dennis announced. Now I knew he was not meaning me but I thought I would have some fun. "I don't usually do girls under the age of consent you know." "Sorry Mat the invitation is for Andy." "Is she willing to take both of us on? That's kinky isn't it?" Andy said. "No man, she has fixed you up with Wanda Foreman." "Wanda Foreman! You must be kidding. She wouldn't even talk to me last year. I mean not even 'hi how the hell are you?', nada," Andy complained. "Well her opinion has changed or was changed for her, I don't know. Anyway, when I suggested a personal removal for a proper exchange, Sue Ann almost swooned. I could hear Wanda in the background saying, `how romantic' and could she borrow some panties for tonight. I think some kind of score is about to be made," Dennis explained. Just as the boys were heading out the door I handed them two zip-lock bags each. "Keeps the scent fresher. Not too late, school in the morning." It was late and Dennis just got in his dad's truck and headed home. Andy bounced into the room waving his zip-lock bag, containing a very small pair of black briefs. "I thought Naomi was hot but Wanda is way more. I mean, she was ready for action as soon as we arrived. Get naked, slip on the latex prison and hammer. Then we got into the fore play and partner inspection. She sucks cock way better too." "All that in your compact Jeep?" "No, Sue Ann's parents were not home. Mat, um I, kind of implied, um that we could use one of the cottages." "Andy you never kind of imply. I think you probably just came out and suggested it. You know the rules. Now do I get a share?" Andy was all over me with kisses and hugs. His recovery time is unbelievable too. Sometimes I wish I was 17 again but then, it was not all that much fun when I was, so why bother. I don't think I will get that share either. You never know, Wanda may be into older guys, Andy is older. I got to work on the organizing the porn studio business. Kevin and the photographer Jonathan, had envisioned three sections gay, bi and hetro. They thought the bi section could be staffed from the gay and hetro groups. I got to looking at the kind of product on the market. I was impressed with some and less so with others. Porn is not known for production quality or for plot. The Gay stuff seemed a cut better then the hetro and both were way better then the bi. My take was cut the stupidity and most of the dumb conventions. Go with a more natural look and feel. Kevin and John agreed with that. Either have good special effects or don't have any. The actors should be at least articulate or given non speaking parts. The plots should be quite simple as most are but either realistic or complete fantasy. The bi actors should be at least as good looking as the gay or straights. They wanted to keep the actors young between 18 and 25. I thought they should have a few veterans in the mix. The crews and directors needed to be experienced and a little talent would be good to. We were in agreement on this. I moved on to the internet. When looking at several of the more well thought of studios I learned they made more money on the internet than in DVD sales. The better studios had stables of different sizes, the better actors and models were on multi year contracts. I looked at the business model the Chicago boys were using and several others. For Kevin and John I thought some combination would work best. Since they had no production facilities or distribution network set up that would be the first priority. The second was the internet presence and the third securing the models and actors. The fourth was making sure a steady supply of new young talent came on a few each year. It would be best to do two things with this. One scout and audition; the second run some kind of training for sixteen and seventeen year olds so they are ready to step on stage at 18. I knew we could get some from Chicago as they have a surplus most years. I got on the production stuff and the internet right off. Kevin and John had associates who did web design. I sent my ideas to Kevin and he got them to partner adding some additional staff. I found a studio in New Mexico with experienced technicians and facilities that would lease. Andy was not all that happy with me. He wanted to be a model and wanted me to get him and Dennis jobs in that industry. I suggested they do some work in Chicago and see if they really wanted to do that. I still want Andy to attend university and I think Dennis' parents want him in school as well. That does not rule out part time work during school breaks and the summer. We will just need to see. (Yes, this is the crew from my Jonathan and Cory story.)