Andrew's Misplaced Trust

Chapter 40 - Trust and Family

This is fantasy fiction, at least that's what I'm required to say. Real events did inspire this entire series.

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This story is an original work of fiction ©Copyright 2022 Andrew M. Thomas.

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The website for Grizzly Valley covers the town, the people and places. Bruce's Dojo, Tech Tribe, Liams Automotive, Grizzly Baptist Church, Laundromat, Mac's Diner and more. You'll see Mark, Jamie, Bruce, Liam, Taylor, Sebastian, Andrew, Ethan and the rest of the town.
It's a work in progress at: Visit Grizzly Valley Hopefully the links work and stay up. Use the top menu for best results.

Read my friend Eric's work under Transitions Daily Life and Tux's work in Young Friends called Counting Say hi to us authors. We don't like hearing crickets when we post.

Chapter 40 - Trust and Family

When they were done, they walked out to the front room where the men were all laughing and talking. They all had a bottle of beer, except Ethan, who had the last bottle of Fanta.

"Hi boys, sorry, we I grabbed the last Fanta, I guess it's beer for you two." Ethan joked.

"Really?" Timmy's eyes got big.

"I don't like beer. My daddy drank and he beat me." Andrew said as he retreated to the bedroom. Ethan's joke backfired. He quickly ran after the boy to fix his mistake.

As he entered the bedroom, Andrew had already made it onto the bed and was curled up. He wasn't crying, just quiet. Ethan climbed onto the bed and curled up behind him.

"Buddy, I don't drink, you know that. And it was a joke. I'm sorry if it triggered a bad memory. I won't ever let anyone hurt you again. Remember, I promised. And we won't have beer in the house if that makes you feel better."

"I'm sorry, I just had a flashback to the day I was beat. I thought I had put that behind me. I could taste the blood running down my throat from my bloodied nose. My vision even darkened and I couldn't hear. He really fucked me up. I don't know why he did it. That was really not like him. I just blame the beer, but maybe there was something else going on."

"Maybe someday, when you are ready, we can talk to him, but for now, all you need to know is that you are safe. Open your eyes. Everyone loves you. My dad put his life between you and that lion. I put my life at risk to save you and I love you more than anything. Timmy thinks you're a god. He is so in love with his big brother it's amazing. The chief, my friends, they all love Andrew. Ricky loves you. His mother loves you for saving him. So please, don't ever worry. We will all protect you."

"But my daddy loved me too. I trusted him!"

"Sometimes our trust is misplaced. Maybe you're right. Maybe there was something else going on with him. All I can do is reassure you that I won't ever change how I feel about you. I will protect you with my life. I got fired because I cared too much, so there you go. Haven't I earned your trust?"

"Yes, you have. You're right. I just wish I could let myself believe it. I know you don't want to hurt me. I'm sorry I overreacted to the joke. Let's go out and see how drunk Timmy is." Andrew was now joking, so Ethan knew things were going to be OK. The two kissed, and then continued out to the front room.

"Ethan, I know you're not ready to come back to work, but I'm sure you will be on my team. Let's get the paperwork filled out tomorrow and submitted. I'm sure by the end of the week we will have things all resolved."

"Thank you, Chief Arnold. I appreciate the support."

The group chatted for a while and then moved to the patio for an impromptu barbecue lunch. Everyone enjoyed the afternoon. Timmy and the chief even talked a bit. The chief was definitely one of Timmy's favorite people. When the sun started setting, everyone departed. The Thomas clan had some time to wind down and had breakfast for dinner. Cold cereal, toast, and juice. Andrew and his boys, or rather, partner and boy, went to their room. Mr. Thomas went to his.

A few weeks later

Ethan got the news that he was hired to be in charge of the Grizzly Valley Search and Rescue team and reported to Chief Arnold. The pay was sufficient to keep both boys as his fosters, but the situation around Timmy had been such that he was available for adoption. Ethan couldn't stand to see the boy go back into the system, but he wanted Andrew to be adopted too. Unfortunately, that couldn't happen at the moment. He needed to talk to Andrew about this. He pulled Andrew into the bedroom and closed and locked the door.

"I got a call from Sarah."

"What did she have to say? We are able to stay, right?" Andrew inquired.

"Yes, you both get to stay, but she had adoption news."

"Really? Do I get to be adopted?"

"Your adoption has some complications, but Timmy's has been approved. Even though we didn't wait a year, based on his medical condition and a phone call he received from someone named Eric, the judge decided to grant adoption rights to Timmy. I need to give him some stability."

"Eric? That's Joey's dad. I wonder what he did?"

"Well, I don't want to lose you or Timmy, but would you be mad if I adopt him?"

Andrew was really scared. If Timmy was Ethan's boy and he wasn't, what would happen? But then again, he's Ethan's partner. How could he marry his love if he was his son? Andrew was really confused. His head was spinning and he had to calm down.

"Well, I don't want to lose Timmy either, but I want to be yours forever. If you adopt me, that's one way, but what if you marry me?"

"I can't marry you yet. You're not old enough, but I guess that would be strange, marrying my son. So, are you saying you would be OK if we adopt Timmy?"

"Yes, I think that will work, but you have to promise me that if something goes wrong, you will fight for me. I'm not leaving you and I don't want to be on the streets again."


Andrew ran out to find Timmy. He promised Ethan he wouldn't spill the news, but he had to figure something out and only Timmy could know the answer.

"Have you been talking to Joey?"

"Of course. He's my bestest friend, well, besides you."

"What does he know?"

"He knows about you, daddy, bapa, and me living here on the ranch."

"What does he know about me?"

"Just that you're my brother, nothing more. He knows you are a foster like me."

"OK. Can I see your messages?"

"Sure!" Timmy ran to get his tablet for Andrew.

"Here you go."

Andrew scrolled through the messages. There wasn't anything that Joey or his family shouldn't know. It was cute to see how in love Timmy was with Ethan, or daddy and his bapa. It was embarrassing Andrew how much he talked about him.


The boys played for a bit. It was a nice day.

About a week later

Boys, let's go into town. I need you to dress in the nicest clothes you have. Ethan put on his dress whites. He had a suit, but felt like the occasion deserved a uniform.

The boys jumped into Ethan's new truck. Yes, he bought a brand new truck when he started his new job. The old truck stayed at the farm, and Andrew has already laid claim to it. Ethan promised to teach him how to drive it on the farm until he got his license, and they drove into town to the town hall. It was a huge building, built around 1900. It had carved stone arches, columns and was up on a small hill. The grounds were kept immaculate. They entered the doorway into the main hall. It was two stories tall, with an arched ceiling that had murals painted all over it. Everything echoed.

"This way, boys." Ethan held them by the hand, one on each side, as they walked through a big door with a carved sign above it that had gold leaf letters. "Family Court"

The room looked like it was right out of a movie set, rows of benches, a stand up front, and there was the state flag and the American flag on either side of the room.

There was a uniformed man up front who pointed out to them where they were to sit. Sarah was already seated at the other table. There was a man in a suit sitting at their table along with Mr. Thomas.

"All rise for the honorable Judge Whitlock." The uniformed bailiff said.

Everyone stood up. The boys looked at each other. They kind of knew why they were there, but weren't really sure. Ethan just kept giggling. He wouldn't answer them and just kept hushing them.

"Please be seated." The judge said as he sat. He was wearing his long black robe and a bright red bow tie.

"I see Miss. Sarah McFadden is here representing the state. I see a uniformed first responder here. May I assume that you are Mr. Ethan Thomas?"

"Yes, your honor."

"And who are these other two men?"

"This, your honor, is my father, Mr. Mark Thomas. I'm sorry, but I don't know the other man here."

"Your honor, I'm Dr. Steven Silverstein, Esquire. I hope you will allow me to represent the Thomas' and the boys. I flew in yesterday from the midwest. I'm not licensed here, but for this matter, I ask that you allow an exception."

"This is family court. In most cases, we don't have the pleasure of having an attorney present. May I ask where you have been admitted?"

"Yes, your honor, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio and Washington DC. My firm does business in nearly every state, but I try to stay close to home."

"That's quite an accomplishment, Dr. Silverstein."

"Yes sir, I typically do corporate law but am here at the request of one of our clients to ensure that the Thomas' are handled properly. My firm represents his corporate interests, and his son seems to have a connection with the minor child, Timmy, in this case."

"Enough of the formalities, the boys are looking like they are lost. Boys, what are your names?" The judge asks, looking at Andrew, then at Timmy.

"Sir, I am Andrew Kent Owens and this is Timmy. I'm sorry, I don't even know your last name."

"I am Timothy Allen Elrod. I don't like my name."

"Let's see what we can do to change it." The judge said "First, I'd like the boys to join me in my chambers. Miss McFadden, you may join me if you like. Mr. Silverstein and Mr. Thomas, please remain here."

The boys and Sarah went into the chambers.

"Boys, I hear that you have been living with Mr. Thomas. Is that right?"

"Yes, he's a great daddy." Timmy said.

"Are you happy living there?"

"Yes, we love living on the ranch." Andrew offered.

"I've read the information from Miss McFadden, and I think you boys are in good hands. Andrew, you look familiar to me. Have we met?"

"Yes, your honor, I believe you went to the Baptist church like I did. Everyone called me Andy there. I helped the pastor on Sundays, and even helped with the men's night events."

"Oh right, I wondered what happened to you. You were the boy from the fire, right?"

"Yes, sir."

The judge got quiet. His face turned a bit red, and he adjusted his bow tie.

"We were all worried that something terrible had happened to you."

Lying through his teeth, the judge continued. "I wish I had known you were homeless, I'm sure we could have helped you out." The judge knew the boy was well paid and that the pastor took care of him without causing people to question.

"Thank you, judge. Pastor Green was very generous and looked out for me."

"Well, boys, I usually ask some other questions, but I'm sure Miss McFadden has covered that. It has to do with if Mr. Thomas has been inappropriate with you, but I'm certain he has not, as he's a respected hero. Timmy, would you like Ethan to be your father?"

"Yes, sir."

"And Andrew, how about you?"

"I heard that I can't be, but I want to live there and never be taken away."

"I understand. Miss McFadden, what's the story here?"

"Your honor, CPS has not been able to obtain a release from Andrew's mother. She's not able to legally sign away her rights. We need to get a court order to allow Andrew to be adopted. CPS is working on that. The father signed his rights away without question."

Hearing that his daddy just gave him away really hurt. Even though his daddy beat the shit out of him, he thought the man loved him and would fight for him. His daddy snapped and he wanted to find out why, but Ethan has been so good to him he had totally put that out of his mind.

"I don't know if it's in your jurisdiction, judge, but if you can help get an order to have her relinquish her rights based on her lack of ability, that would be great."

"Let me think on that. Miss McFadden, please return the boys to the courtroom."

Andrew lingered behind Sarah, and as she passed the door frame, he looked back at the judge. "I want to marry Ethan. Make it happen." Just then, Sarah pulled his arm to get him back to the courtroom.

The judge stayed behind. He didn't know what he could do, but he didn't want Andrew to let his secret out. The message was clear from Andrew that he could really ruin his life. He shouldn't have attended the men's nights with Pastor Green. Fuck, he knew better. What could he do. He was going to have to hope his next move wouldn't backfire.

After what seemed like an hour, the judge returned to the courtroom.

"All rise." The bailiff said, and the judge just said, "Be seated" as he walked to his place on the stand. He looked flustered.

"Miss McFadden, does the state have any objection to the adoption of Timothy Allen Elrod by Ethan Adin Thomas?"

Andrew giggled, "Adin?" he whispered. Ethan giggled too. The judge caught their attention.

"Mr. Thomas, do you wish to have Timothy Allen Elrod as your son?"

"Yes, your honor."

"Timmy, do you want Ethan to be your daddy?"

"Of course I do. I love him."

"Would you like to change your name? Would you like to be Timothy Allen Thomas?"

"Do I have to keep my middle name?"

"We can change that too, as long as it's reasonable."

"Can I be Timmy Andrew Thomas?"

"You want to be Timmy, not Timothy?"

"Yes, when I hear Timothy I know I'm in trouble."

"That makes sense. Does anybody object to that?" Everyone responded "No" Andrew was touched.

"So it is ordered. Timothy Allen Elrod, you will now be known as Timmy Andrew Thomas, and the rights of being your father will be given to Ethan Adin Thomas."

Timmy jumped up and hugged Ethan. Andrew had a tear forming in his eye. He smiled, rubbed it away, and joined in the hug.

"Now, Mr. Owens, you made a request of me in my chambers."

"Yes, sir, I mean, your honor."

"I know how much it means for you to be living with Mr. Thomas. While I can't order your mother's permission, what I can do is grant permanent custody rights to Ethan. Those will continue until you are 18 years old or, should you find someone to marry, they will end when you legally marry. In this state, you may marry with the court's permission at age 16, but young man, I caution you against marrying too young. You can ask my ex-wife about that."

Everyone laughed. Andrew had his arm around Ethan and pulled him closer. Ethan looked down. Andrew looked up into Ethan's eyes and smiled.

Ethan didn't know what just happened, but he knew that they were destined to be together with the court's blessing in just a few years. He wanted to lift the boy up and kiss him right there, but figured he better not. Somehow he knew Andrew had something to do with it, but he wasn't sure if he would ever find out.

"Mr. Owens, would you like to change your name?"

"Really? I mean, yes, your honor. If I may."

"What would you like your name to be?"

"Well, I've given this a lot of thought. If I may explain, I would like to be named after two of my heroes. Ethan, he saved my life. His dad, also saved my life. So, if I may, could I change my name to Andrew Mark Thomas? That way, I will have both of their names."

"I don't see why not. That's very admirable and you've given it a lot of thought. I knew you were a very smart kid from the first time I met you, and I'm so happy that you found a home. As far as this court is concerned, it's a forever home. Now I hope you all go out to celebrate as a big family."

"Yes, your honor, we're going to celebrate along with Miss. McFadden."

They all gathered up their paperwork and left the courthouse. The official documents would take a few days to get filed, but as of now, they were one happy family.

The group all went to a local Mexican restaurant called Los Mariachis. It was a really cool old adobe building that looked sort of like one of the Spanish missions that ran up the coast. It had bells and everything. They were seated in a private room that had a table set for them. There was a mariachi band that came in and played fun music. The boys got up and danced around together while the musicians played. They were laughing at the little boys having so much fun. When one of them let out a loud grito, the boys were shocked and wanted to do the same. Timmy was able to get pretty close. He sounded like he was crying and laughing at the same time. Andrew, however, never got it down. The bass player kept trying to help him, but in the end, everyone just laughed and Timmy screamed enough for everyone.

The waiter came up with a couple of big sombreros. "I hear we have a celebration today?"

"Yes, we just got a new daddy!" Timmy said.

"Congratulations, this calls for a special dance. Come here my niƱos." He stacked both hats on the floor. He grabbed Ethan, Mark and Sarah and had all five of them link arms in a circle around the hats. The mariachi's started playing the mexican hat dance. The group was led by one of the violin players who showed them how to hop in and out and rotate at the same time. It was quite the sight. When it was done, he picked up the hats and placed one on each boy. The boys had to sit at the ends of the tables because their hat brims were so wide. Smiles spread from ear to ear on everyone.

The waiter brought out margaritas for everyone. The boys' and Ethan's were non-alcoholic, of course, but everyone grabbed their glass and toasted "To the Thomas Family" Mr. Thomas led the toast. The boys licked the sugar rims before they even tasted the drink. This was going to be a nice dinner.

Later that night

At home, everyone was tired from the evening activities. Mr. Thomas went to his new home, Ethan's old house. The three stripped down and had a dogpile on the bed. "Stinky boys!" Ethan shouted, so they all went to the shower and had a bubble fight. They were all squeaky clean and returned to the bed. Timmy wanted Ethan to spoon him and soon, he was snoring away. Andrew was spooning Ethan. It probably looked odd to someone watching, but Andrew was in heaven. He worked his cock into Ethan's crack and slowly entered his man. Ethan moaned in pleasure as they lie there. Andrew slowly moved in and out, but mostly kept still.

"What are you doing?" Whispered Ethan.

"I'm just loving being inside my man. I need to be in you, or you in me, always."

"Me too, my love. Just think, we can get married in a few years. What did you say to the judge to get him to do that?"

"You don't want to know. Let's just say, I know the judge has secrets, not to mention a tiny cock."

Ethan started laughing and pushed Andrew's cock out of his ass and woke Timmy. Timmy looked up and asked, "What's going on?"

"Nothing, son." Ethan responded by tickling the boy. Andrew quickly got in on the tickle fight, and soon, all three were exhausted. They had a good night's sleep, all cuddled up together.

When morning came, it looked like they had been through a tornado, and the bodies were just strewn over the bed. Everyone had morning wood as the light came through the windows. They all jumped up and ran to the bathroom, surrounded the toilet, and pushed down their hard shafts to have a sword fight in the toilet. Timmy slipped and his popped up and shot Andrew in the face. Andrew laughed and lifted his to shoot Timmy. Ethan jumped away before the boys got him, but they soon ended up back in the shower to clean off. What an interesting way to start the rest of their lives.

To be continued...

To my readers: This has been an incredible ride. Andrew has gone through so much, it's time for him and his true love to have a great life. If you stayed with me this long, I really do appreciate it. If you've chatted with me, you know how personal this story is to me. If you haven't, why not? Say hi!

For those of you that are interested, Ethan means "firm, enduring, strong and long-lived" and Adin means "Gentle and delicate." They seem to be opposites, but the reality is that they describe that amazing man perfectly. Ethan is Andrew's rock.

The first chapter of the next book will definitely catch up on everything that happened between this chapter and the start of book two. Please stay tuned and take the ride with me as the story continues. There will be a lot of adventure, boys, and fun. My working title is Andrew's Trust.

End of Andrew's Misplaced Trust - Andrew's Trust will be coming shortly - Andrew Thomas

Published stories

The Gingerbread Boy Gay: Adult/Youth
Splashing in the streetsGay: Young Friends
JiuJitsu BoyGay: Adult/Youth
The Test DriveGay: Adult/Youth
ConfidenceGay: Adult/Youth

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