Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 11:56:14 -0800 (PST) From: Tague Micheals Subject: Arrynn III "Wake up Arrynn." I felt my shoulder being shaken and woke to find Keenan kneeling behind me. "We have to get going, the wind is up and the tide is coming in." Indeed there was more wind and it didn't seem as warm as it had been. Keenan got up and ran down to the beach saying that he needed to grab our clothes before the water got to them. I sat and, looking out on the ocean, noticed dark clouds that hadn't been there before. "How long was I asleep?" "We both slept almost an hour," he replied. "Come we must get dressed." Keenan was already stepping into his trousers and I grabbed mine and began to pull them on from where I sat. I felt the crustiness of Keenan's dried sperm between my legs and tried to get as much off of me as I could. We hurried to the boat which had floated out to the full extend of its tether line. Keenan pulled it close to shore and I climbed in with him was right behind me with the rope in his hand. He quickly unfurled the sail which immediately filled with wind and we headed off up river. We didn't move as fast as we had when coming down but still it was better and more fun than walking. I asked Keenan where F'nay was and he said that he was probably already at the cabin. As we sailed I remembered that I had asked Keenan some questions before we played sexy and put them to him again. "It's a long story," Keenan said, "So I'll tell you the short version. "From what I understand Ewan took Johan in when Johan was a boy, perhaps a little older than you are now but not as old as I am. Johan was a boy of the streets and has been seriously injured and someone had taken him to Ewan. Ewan healed him and Johan lived with him for about a year or so before going back to the streets. It was the only thing Johan knew, just like me, and he was bored living with Ewan, he wanted more excitement." "About a year after I met Johan I got beaten up and left for dead in a back alley. I had broken bones, internal injuries and some serious cuts. Johan had taken me to Ewan's a couple of times when he went to visit so he took me there because he knew what Ewan could do. Like he did for Johan, Ewan healed me. There are no scars left today and apparently my bones mended perfectly and my insides are fine. I lived with Ewan for about 8 months before going back to the streets. He taught me a lot of stuff about a lot of stuff, including wood lore. I really love the old guy Arrynn, he's been like a loving father that I never had. Hell I never knew my father." Keenan was quiet for a moment before going on. "I try to visit Ewan at least once a moon cycle and a couple of times a year I try to spend as many days at a time as I can out here. He's extremely interesting and it's so peaceful out here." He was quiet again so I asked him, "How did Ewan know my name? How is it that we didn't know that he was standing next to us at the edge of the woods?" How did he even know that we were coming to visit him?" Keenan smile at me. "Well, I can't say for sure because I don't know. I know that when people are around him they see what Ewan wants them to see. I do know that Ewan is like a mystic, a healer, a seer, a shaman, a Wiseman and maybe even a magician although we know that there's no such thing as magic, or at least there's no evidence that magic exists. He is all of those things but none of them. He seems to know everything. When I lived with him I never got away with anything it seems like, not that I did bad stuff, but it seemed like he always knew what I was up to. He knew before I left him that I was going to go and he knew when. Maybe it's just wisdom that comes with age. You know, he says that he was alive before the Dark war; that he was older than I am now when it happened." I was shocked at that. "But that would make him over a 100 years old," I exclaimed. Keenan nodded his head. "I know. Ewan said that he remembers when the first black person was a president then after that a woman president was elected; back when the country was called the United States." My eyes went wide in surprise. "I read about her in history a couple of weeks ago. It was her beliefs and politics that turned the world against us and eventually led to the dark war. They called her suicide Sarah because once she became president almost everything she said and did pissed everybody off. I read that there were posters all over the place that called her Pain in the ass Palin. She wouldn't listen to anyone and even her own political party helped get her kicked out of being president but by then it was too late. "Well I don't know much about that Arrynn, I never had much schooling. What I do know is that Ewan is old as dirt but he's really an incredible man. I hope you get to know him." The dock finally came into sight and as we came closer to it both Chian'gee and F'nay came to greet us. Back on land both animals sidled up for attention and got it as we walked toward the cabin. We left our boots in a small room just inside the door then went through an offset open entryway into the cabin proper. I was shocked. From the outside the cabin didn't look any bigger than Johan's house, which is to say, small. I stood, mouth all but gaping open. I was in a large open room that looked to be half again as big as what the outside of the cabin would suggest. The cooking area was a room off to my right and that was where Ewan was busy removing a cooking pot from a stove and moving it to a large and very beautiful octagonal table that sat between the kitchen and the left side of the room. The left side was living area, a large room with heavily padded arm chairs and a couple of leather looking sofas, the frames all in wood similar to the logs that made the cabin. For the most part the furniture was situated away from the walls. The far wall was dominated by a stone fireplace in which a small fire was burning cheerily. Above us, encircling almost the entire room was a grand balcony that looked down onto the rest of the visiting area. It was accessed by a round staircase made of steel that corkscrewed upward just beyond the kitchen. Beyond the stairs were 2 closed doors. There were windows about every 12 feet on both levels to allow light but the rest of the walls were covered with bookshelves. On each side of the fireplace were shelves that covered the walls and extended up through the floor of the balcony and didn't stop until they hit the ceiling. Every shelf was filled, mostly with books, but also artifacts or things that were of some importance to the man who lived there. As I looked around I noticed piles of books on many table surfaces as well as the floor. They were piled everywhere. "Come, eat," Ewan commanded, pointing to where he wanted me which was between him and Keenan. It was only when I sat down that I became aware of the savory fragrances of cooking; fresh baked bread and whatever was in the tureen that sat on the table in front of us. Using a large ladle Ewan filled our bowls with the steaming food, saying, "It's only a simple venison stew, nothing too fancy." The old man then bowed his head and said what sounded like a prayer but it was in a language that I didn't understand. Finished, he ripped a hunk of bread off of a loaf and indicated that I was to do the same. Keenan was already reaching for one. "Keenan would you pour water please," and the boy stood to do as he was asked then sat back down. Nothing was said for at least a minute as we began our meal and I have to say that it was the best I'd ever had. That isn't to say that the midday meal wasn't great, it was, but whatever Ewan had cooked was even better and I practically gobbled the first few bites. When I asked what kind of meat I was eating Ewan told me it was venison and asked if I liked it. I'd never had deer meat before and nodded my head as I closed my mouth on a hunk. Ewan asked how things were going with Keenan and the boy answered between mouthfuls of food. Then he asked me how school was going and what things I was learning and I explained as best I could. He encouraged me to continue with my studies as long as possible because no matter what Keenan or Johan said, the streets were no place to live. He cast a sidelong glance at Keenan as he made the statement and of course the boy was concentrating on something in his stew. We finished supper then moved to the sofa's and chairs where Ewan filled and then lit a long stemmed pipe and then he and I continued our discussion while Keenan cleaned thing up the dishes and put them away. He asked how I had come to be in Keenan's company and although I suspect that he already knew I explained anyway saying that Johan should be back home that night and that he would be worried if I wasn't there and we should get going pretty soon. It wouldn't be dark for another 3 hours but still, one didn't want to be moving about after the sun had passed the horizon. Ewan nodded thoughtfully. "Well, Johan won't be back home until the day after tomorrow. You boys may stay here for the night if you wish." When I asked him how he knew that, Keenan chimed in and said that Ewan knew all kinds of stuff which earned him a sidelong glance from the old man. "Among other things Arrynn I am very connected to the subconscious part of my brain. I am quite sure that you dream don't you," he asked and I nodded my head. "Have you ever had a dream about something and then it happened? I don't mean that what happened was exactly like your dream but it was close enough that what happened seemed familiar to you. Do you understand?" I nodded my head again. "Yes I understand. I'm not too sure if that has happened to me though." Ewan nodded his head. "Perhaps not but as you get older you will notice that it happens from time to time. About 200 years ago doctors who focused their studies on the brain and how it works formed a variety of theories about the brain and dreams. Do you understand the word theory?" I shook my head and Ewan explained it in a manner that I understood. "Well some of those theories had to do with the fact that we are all connected to each other through the older part of our brains. The theories also state that we are connected to the past as well as the future, at least to some degree. The brain is extremely powerful and even at the height of scientific research and knowledge in the early part of the last century, before the dark war of 2019, man had solved many but not all of those riddles. Still there was plenty of folklore and tales handed down over the centuries of shaman and mystics predicting the future. Do you understand what I'm telling you?" I nodded my head because I did understand. I had hundreds of questions but I kinda understood what he was saying. "Essentially I am able to access the subconscious part of my brain. I am able to direct my dreams to a small degree, my dreams are very vivid, and I am able to remember them very clearly when I wake up. There are plenty of examples of men throughout history who have been able to solve puzzling problems by paying attention to their dreams and in fact the discovery of DNA is attributed to a dream. Most people can train themselves to do that on a limited basis but few if any have the abilities that I do in that area. I have other talents as well but that is another story." Keenan had finished picking up the kitchen and joined us, leaning in and listening attentively to what Ewan was saying. "How come you never told me that stuff Ewan?" "Simple. You didn't ask," Ewan said, looking at the older boy. Then the old man looked at me as though he were appraising me, kind of like the men in the market although I knew that it wasn't for the same reasons. "I sense a keen intelligence in you Arrynn. I would bet that you're very smart, that you like to learn things and you retain what you learn. Am I correct?" I didn't know exactly all what he was talking about but I did love learning things, seemed to learn things quickly and remembered almost all of what I learned. I told Ewan that and he nodded his head. "Well, if you would like I can teach you things that would greatly improve what you already know, I can also teach you some basic tricks to help you get connected to your subconscious. Would that interest you?" I nodded my head vigorously. That all sounded benair-excellent. "Open the door to your old room will you please Keenan." As keened jumped up to do Ewan's bidding he said to me, "Want to get the room warmed up a little." When Keenan came back and sat down Ewan asked if we wanted some tea and we both nodded our heads. Ewan went to the kitchen and I got up and went over to the bookshelves and began looking at some of them while Keenan picked up. "There is a children's section upstairs Arrynn," Ewan called from the kitchen, "In between the two round windows." I looked, found them on the wall opposite of the kitchen and headed up the stairs. As I walked, I glanced at row after row of books. In each corner sat a chair and table upon which was a lamp, I assumed, for reading. I got to the where I was headed and began looking at titles. I couldn't reach the top shelf which was a good five feet beyond my fingertips. I began pulling a book out here and there to look at it but I was a little nervous after looking through the first book I looked at. The printing date was 1939 and we were in the summer of 2082. The books were well preserved though. They looked almost new. I noticed too that there were books that seemed to be very similar, that is the titles were almost the same. I was attracted to a set that had brightly colored jackets and was going to get one when Ewan called me down for tea. After getting comfortable in front of the fireplace we began drinking the tea and I told him about the titles of some of the books seemed like they were the same. He explained that those were called series books and often had a main character or characters that continued through all of the books and they were engaged in similar but different adventures. I then asked about the brightly colored ones that I'd seen that were just barely within my reach. Ewan smiled. "Those are possibly the most popular children's series ever written and showed up around the turn of the last century. Amazingly they were very popular among adults as well and films were made of each book. It's called the Harry Potter series." Ewan went on to explain the premise of the stories about a boy and magic and deadly adventures. My interest was peaked greatly. "I would be willing to lend them to you, one at a time of course, if you're interested Arrynn." I nodded my head vigorously. Ewan turned to Keenan and asked if the older boy would be willing to accompany me out to visit and exchange the finished book for new ones and Keenan agreed immediately. As we drank the tea Ewan talked about me being responsible with the books but I think that he already knew that I would be or he wouldn't have loaned me a 100 year old book to begin with. I found myself getting sleepy. The sun had set and the room, warmed by the fire, was also lit only by the fire. I found myself staring at the flickering flames and I heard Ewan ask if I was getting sleepy. He asked me two or three times then I heard him say something about sleepier. I woke up with sunlight pouring in through a window. I sat up and it took me a moment to get my bearings. I was in a bed, Keenan sound asleep next to me, facing the opposite wall. I looked around, shelves of books covered almost all of every wall and that triggered me back to the night before and I remembered that I was at Ewan's. I climbed out of bed, saw that I was naked and wondered who had undressed me but didn't dwell on it, instead simply putting my clothes back on. I opened the bedroom door and as I stepped into the living area Ewan looked up from whatever he was reading, smiled and said that I could go pee outside to the left of the doorway. For some reason that seemed familiar to me, as though I'd experienced it before which of course I hadn't. "Did you sleep well Arrynn," Ewan asked when I came back inside. I nodded my head but told him that I didn't remember going to bed. He smiled and said that was because he had given me some tea with a sleeping potion in it then hypnotized me, a word that I didn't understand. Ewan went on to explain what that meant, adding, "You will have a variety of experiences today Arrynn that will seem like you've done them before when the reality is that you haven't. The reason is because you dreamed them but right now you don't remember those dreams, or at least you probably don't remember them clearly. The reason I did it was to give you some idea of the power of dreams. Eventually, if you wish to learn how, I will teach you how to do some of the things that Keenan was referring to last night. Although those things seem magical to most people, there really isn't anything magical about it." "Well," he added, "most of it isn't. Now, if you start slowly counting to 20, Keenan will come wandering from the bedroom before you reach 18." As it was my friend came out when I reached 15. Ewan looked at me and said with a chuckle that I counted too slowly. Keenan was still naked and his hard cock bobbed in front of him as he headed toward the door to go out and pee. My body shivered slightly from the memory of the day before at the beach but Ewan didn't seem surprised or even to care that the boy was naked and hard and as stone. He went on talking. After breakfast Keenan said that he wanted to take me to the grotto and Ewan nodded his head then asked the boy to bring back a couple of fish for supper then went into the kitchen and fiddled around while Keenan told me that we were going to have an adventure but wouldn't tell me more about it. Ewan came to where we were standing, stopped what he was doing and closed his eyes. I had started to say something but Keenan motioned me to be silent while Ewan seemed to concentrate for a moment then opened his eyes. He handed Keenan a container of some sort which Keenan then put in canvas bag that he had gotten from the entry hall. He slung a leather strap from the bag over his shoulder and we went out into the sunshine and yet another fantastic surprise. Standing before us was a huge horse. I'd seen them in real life and in pictures and knew they were large domesticated animals but one this was absolutely gigantic and as black as the night. As Keenan approached it the horse lowered its huge head and Keenan rubbed along its jaw line. "Well Ariel are you ready for a ride this fine morning?" The beast pawed the ground, nodded its head and snorted as if it understood what the boy had said. "Come, meet Arrynn," Keenan instructed and the horse moved forward, stopping and lowering its head, sniffed at me then pushed its muzzle against my hand. "He wants you to pet him Arrynn," Ewan said. Tentatively I reached my hand out and rubbed at the same spot that Keenan had, the horse's large eye watching me carefully. I noticed the smell of him, a fragrance that I'd never experienced before but that seemed some how comforting. "You ready to go Arrynn?" Keenan asked. It was at that moment I actually realized that we would be riding the horse and gave Keenan a look. "It's okay. It is easy." With that he leapt up onto the horse's back then reached an arm down to me. Nervously I took hold of it but Ewan intervened and cupped his hands so that I could use them as a step. Between the two of them I was soon sitting behind Keenan who told me to put my arms around his waist. Keenan clucked and pressed his legs into the horse's side and we were off, Keenan turning to wave at Ewan while I simply held on for dear life. The first thing that I had to do was reach down into my trousers and move my balls because I was practically sitting on them and the gentle bouncing on the horse was uncomfortable. After that it was smooth sailing. I was used to the motion after a few minutes so was able to look at my surroundings and in doing so discovered that F'nay was trotting along behind us. When I mentioned it to Keenan he nodded his head. "Protection; just in case." We rode along the river which gradually went in an uphill direction until we were a good fifty feet or more above it. "You see that hill," Keenan said, pointing across the river toward what were obviously hills. "That's where we're headed." We eventually moved away from the river and into the woods, meandering along a wide and well worn dirt road that came out onto a concrete road an hour after we'd started. It was a wide thing that could have held two dozen horses side by side. Keenan explained it to me. "Ewan said that there are many of these around the country that millions of people used every day. This one goes for almost three thousand miles. Now it is hardly used and of course it's not well maintained as you can see by the holes in the surface." Keenan got Ariel to go faster, what he called a trot, which was a little harder on my balls but not too bad, and the horses' hooves made a great deal more noise. The road we traveled on went over the river, now at least 100 feet below us, maybe more. Of course we had to stop, get off of the horse and piss over the side of the bridge. We managed to get me back on the horse and continued our journey. Just past the bridge the road had been carved out of a small hill so the land at the sides of the road rose somewhat steeply. Keenan told me to hold on tight then directed the horse up the hill, a feat that was achieved with what seemed like little difficulty, and entered the woods. We started out on what was barely a noticeable trail, Keenan pushing limbs so they didn't hit our faces. That eventually widened slightly and that finally grew into what looked like a fairly well used path. Keenan explained that it was a game trail, that animals used it on a regular basis. We had continued to climb, although not steeply and eventually came to clearing and headed across it. About half way through we crossed a creek and eventually entered the woods again and continued to climb. We finally came to another meadow, much smaller, that sat at the edge of an even higher hill. We slid off of Ariel and Keenan slipped the bridle to allow the horse to roam, F'nay had already begun nosing around. As we walked Keenan explained to me that there were hot springs here, pools of water that were heated by the earth. We reached the base of the hill, walked around and in between some huge boulders then into a tunnel. It was dark but there seemed to be a faint bit of light which became brighter and once around a corner I could see light from the other end of the tunnel. When we stepped out into the light I was amazed. The open area that we were in wasn't large, certainly smaller that the meadow that we'd just come through, but it was filled with huge colorful plants, ferns, moss on the rocks that created the barrier around it. Ahead, I could see a waterfall coming out of the rock about 20 feet up from the ground but couldn't see where it hit the ground because of all the plants. "Come Arrynn," Keenan said and took me by the hand and led me through the jungle bushes, much of which was taller than both of us. It only took a minute to get through it and we were standing at the edge of a large pool of water. I was quite surprised. "It's like I've been here before Keenan," I said. "I know I haven't but it seems familiar to me." I looked around as Keenan said it was probably because of Ewan's tea and his hypnotizing me. The waterfall above us actually fell about 15 feet before it hit a wide rock pool which overflowed sending the water the rest of the way down over the face of the rock in a thin wall of water about 10 feet wide. Keenan led me around to the far end where the water emptied into a little stream that disappeared into the rock again. When I asked where it came out he said he didn't know but that Ewan told him that it traveled underground and probably merged with another creek or river somewhere. "Come let's bathe and soak," my friend said. We stripped our clothes off and stepped into the water and I let out a yelp of surprise for the water as warm as a bath. Keenan laughed at the shocked look on my face. "I forgot to tell you the water is almost hot." Indeed it was. Keenan stopped about knee deep then left the water. When I asked what he was doing he pulled a plant out of the dirt, tore leaves and stem off then came back into the water where I sunk down to my neck. It was gloriously warm and almost soothing. "This is a soap plant," he said as began to clean it off in the water close to where the pool emptied into the stream. "We should wash our clothes as long as we're at it Arrynn." He got back out of the pool, emptied the pockets of his trousers as well as his shirt, which included his knife and scabbard, then tossed them into the water at the edge of pool. He came up to me then squatted down. All the time he was out of the pool I was watching him, admiring his body, watching how his muscles moved, for Keenan was a muscular boy. I admired chest and belly and how it narrowed down into a V that ended at hairs and his cock which I also admired as it swayed when he walked, his sac of balls moving from side to side as they hung against each thigh as he stepped. Keenan's butt was firm as well and when he bent down to pull the soap plant from the ground I easily saw his balls as they hung there between his thighs. Keenan was a really cute boy I thought, his face still smooth and not growing any hair yet, well, except for the little bit of dark fuzz that was barely showing on his upper lip. His hair was a dark brown, on the long side and gave him a bit of a ruffian look, which I supposed, he was. He came back to the pool, his cock swinging, and I felt myself start to get hard from looking at him. He grabbed the clothes and had me follow him to the side where the water seemed a little deeper. He showed me how to make the root bulb softer and make sweet smelling soapy foam which he rubbed into his trousers. Then he showed me how to rub against a huge chunk of a boulder that was almost, but not quite smooth. I did as he did then we rinsed the trousers and wrung them out, each holding and end and twisting until hardly any water dripped from them. We tossed them onto the rocks then repeated the exercise with our shirts and afterwards lay them out as flat as possible on a huge rock that had already been heated from the sun. "They should be dry by the time we're ready to leave," Keenan told me. We then went about washing our hair and our bodies using the soap plant. That done we simply sat in the deeper part of the pool and soaked for awhile while Keenan told me stories about living with Ewan. He then told me about the first time he'd been sexy, an older boy showing him the wondrous feelings that his body could produce, a story similar to what I'd experienced with Keenan over the past couple of days. He did so in some detail and I found myself getting quite hard, my hands beneath the water squeezing and stroking myself. After he was quiet for a moment Keenan stood up saying, "Look at what those memories did for me Arrynn," he as he rose to his feet, his cock fully hardened and standing proudly in front of his flat belly, the tip of his cock head peeking out from beneath his foreskin. "Me too Keenan," I said, standing up. He looked, then reached out and took hold of my cock and squeezed it. I heard myself sigh at the feelings. "We should do something about it don't you think Arrynn?" I nodded my head. Keenan took my hand and led me out of the water on the other side of pool and through the plants and foliage to a small clearing such as the one we lay on the day before by the beach. The difference was that the moss and grasses were much greener and much softer. Keenan lay down and I followed him and this time there wasn't any explaining or teaching to do. I rolled immediately into his arms and our mouths met in a wide open tongue searching kiss. My hand pretty much stayed in place on his shoulder but Keenan's hand rubbed up and down on my back and down onto my butt, our wet bodies pressing against each other. The hardness of his cock pressed against my belly and like before I could feel the heat from it. I reached down between us and took hold of him, squeezing and feeling the stiff shaft. Keenan broke the kiss and did the same to me, squeezing gently on my balls but more firmly on my hardened cock. I lay there and gasped at the feeling that were tearing through my young body, wondering for a brief moment what I'd missed with Johan. Keenan kissed and sucked on my neck and I felt that side of my body break out in goose bumps. When he finally pulled away from me Keenan turned so that we were head to toe or more appropriately, face to cock. I didn't really need to ask what he was doing for he immediately moved his head in and began sucking my cock and since Keenan's stiff dick was practically in my face I took hold of him and moved my mouth over it. I suckled him for a moment, slowly stroking him as I did. I moved his foreskin up over the head while it was in my mouth then ran my tongue back and forth over the excess skin before pulling my mouth back and simply sucking on it with my lips. I enjoyed exploring the textures of Keenan's body that way and would do more of it as our relationship deepened. "Roll above me Arrynn," Keenan said and guided my leg up over his head so that I was basically on my hands and knees above him. My cock had to bend at an angle for him to suck it but it didn't hurt, although I wouldn't be able to leave it like that for a long time. I took his cock back into my mouth and alternated between sucking on it then licking all over the head and the top of the shaft. The sticky stuff was leaking out practically like a faucet but I liked it and kept cleaning it off of his cock head with my tongue. I felt Keenan pull on my hips so lowered my butt a little bit then felt his tongue lick the underside of my balls. The feelings of Keenan's tongue was tickly, sort of the same as when he kissed or sucked on the soft part of my neck but then he moved up to my butt hole and when he licked me there I had to stop sucking on his cock because the feelings were so intense. I'd never understood why Johan had done that to that boy the year before and I hadn't understood why the boy liked it, and clearly he'd liked it. Full understanding hit me right then as Keenan pulled my cheeks apart and thoroughly washed that area with his tongue. My head was lying on Keenan's thigh and the best that I could do was hold his hard cock against my face and sort of rub it back and forth. He finally stopped and indicated that he wanted me to move from above him and I did then turned around. Keenan took my hands and gently tugged so I moved forward and lay down on top of him, our cocks pressed side by side against our bellies. He immediately began kissing me and running his hands up and down my back and onto my butt, kneading the flesh and pulling my cheeks open. "God I want you to fuck me Arrynn, really bad," he said after pulling his lips from mine. All I could say was okay. Keenan rolled me off of him, said he'd be right back, and headed back toward the pool only to return a moment later with the soap root in his hand. "This will make your cock more slippery Arrynn so it can get into me easier. He rubbed his fingers all over the root then rubbed his hole. He did his finger again then peeled my foreskin back and rubbed my cock head which was way sensitive. That done Keenan got down on his hands and knees and told me to go ahead. I knelt behind him, put one hand on his butt to get him to go a little lower then peeled that cheek open. Holding my cock, I guided the shiny head to the hole then pushed. It didn't want to go in so I pushed harder and it slipped right inside. "Put it all the way in Arrynn," he said in a little deeper voice than I'd heard before. I put both hands on Keenan's hips and pushed my cock in until I couldn't go any further. The feelings were incredible and I understood why someone would want to do it to someone else. I wondered briefly if Keenan was enjoying it as much as I would be he answered that question for me. "You've got a perfect cock Arrynn. It feels really good inside me." I asked him what I needed to do, he told me, and I did it. I began moving my hips back and forth, just as Johan had done to that boy. I kept looking down and watching my cock slide in and out of Keenan as if I needed to make sure that I was really doing it. After a solid minute of that he told me to stop and pull my cock out of him. I wondered if I was doing it wrong or something although it seemed to be a pretty simple exercise, intensely fun, but simple. Keenan rolled to his back, pulled his legs all the way back, opening his hole for me. "I want you to fuck me like this Arrynn so I can see your sweet face." I got back into position but this time my cock slipped in right away. I held Keenan's legs back and moved in even closer then began to fuck him again. I liked this one better too because I could see his face and see the emotions expressed there. Keenan had reached out and put his hands on my hips and helped to encourage me, as if I needed that. I managed to continue on fucking him for three or four minutes. I found myself changing exactly how I did though. Sometimes I just went in and out, sometimes it felt like I was sort of moving my lower body like a wave, sometimes I went in sort of sideways. No matter what I did though Keenan moaned, told me I was doing well and told me that he loved my cock inside of him and having me fuck him. "Oh gosh Keenan," I finally said, "Those feelings are happening again." "You're getting ready to cum Arrynn so fuck me harder, slam your cock into my ass Arrynn." I did as the boy asked while his hand got real busy stroking his cock, jacking off I think he called it. It wasn't long after that I felt my belly and my balls get all tingling then the tickly feeling in my cock. I tried to fuck Keenan harder; I tried to push my cock as far into his as I could. Keenan yelled out and I looked down to see the white stuff, the sperm shooting out of his dick like a water hose. It shot up onto his chest and his belly and when it did it made his butt hole clench on my dick which made me tickle even more. When it was over I felt like I had run for a mile, I stayed there, my cock still in his ass trying to catch my breath. "That was awesome Arrynn" Keenan said, "It was the best ever." I let Keenan's legs down and felt my cock being pulled out of him then all of a sudden it was out. I kind of wanted to go back inside; I liked the feeling of my cock being in a tight warm place. Keenan sat up and pulled me to him so I straddled my legs over his and snuggled in close to him. He kissed softly on the mouth then held me. "I so love being with you Arrynn," he said quietly. I lay my head on his shoulder, my nose in his hair and just reveled in being held. He asked me how I had liked that, fucking him and of course I told him how great it had been. He said he was glad. Keenan's stomach growling reminded us that we hadn't eaten lunch. We untangled ourselves, went back over to the pool and bathed again, then sat on the moss and ate what Ewan had put in the bag for us; dried meat, bread and fruit. "This is so great a place to be, don't you think Arrynn?" I allowed as how it was. "Sometimes I wish I could live out here again, with Ewan." Keenan hung his head, sort of nodded the looked up. "It would never work though. I'm too much of a city boy. I like the excitement and adventure." He seemed to think about it then said it would be cool if I could do it, live here in the country with Ewan. "You would learn so much and so fast Arrynn; you would love that part I bet." Keenan was correct about that. I loved learning and I was good at it too; I remembered stuff really easy. The lady that taught us told me that I was at least 6 years ahead other children my age, that I could probably start some college courses, whatever those were. But live away from Johan, away from my new home? I wasn't sure that I could do that. On the other hand Ewan had more books and knew more stuff than anybody I knew or had ever heard off. We finished eating the lay down and huggled with each other and drifted off to sleep and much like the day before woke up some time later. We weren't in that much of a rush however but still, got dressed and headed back out to the meadow where we left Ariel and F'nay and a sharp whistle from Keenan brought the both of them. We managed to get me onto the horse and began our trip home. Two and a half hours later we were back at the cabin. We'd stopped along side the river and caught a couple of salmon for supper, Keenan using a simple hook and line tied to a stick. It went pretty quickly, Keenan said, because Ewan had given him a special lure. After a wonderful meal Keenan told Ewan that we probably should get going. It would take another 2 hours or more and we didn't want to be out after dark. Ewan nodded his head then reached into his clothing and pulled out a device of some sort, pushed some buttons and waited with it held to his ear. After a moment he spoke into it using a language that I didn't understand. He put the device away and said that a way home would present itself shortly. Meanwhile Ewan went about putting some books into a pack for me, telling me he had added another little something that I might find interesting. About 20 minutes later, after chatting about various things, Ewan announced that our ride home was here. Keenan and I followed him out of the house to find a motor vehicle pulling up to the house. It was painted in mottled shades of green so I knew it to be a military vehicle and it didn't have any wheels but seemed to be hovering before settling to the ground. It had no sooner stopped than a soldier hopped out and headed toward where we stood, Keenan and I with our mouths hanging open. The soldier came up to us, stopped and saluted Ewan who responded by saying, "Thank you for helping me out. How have you been Laisha?" "I have been fine grandfather; and you?" The woman responded. Ewan held his arms out and the two hugged for a moment while Ewan told her that things had been quiet. "Until these two showed up," he added with a chuckle. "You're getting them home safely is a great relief to me." Ewan then introduced us and the woman shook our hands warmly. Chian'gee then nosed in for some attention and the woman obliged him without hesitation which told me the two had met before. After a good pet she turned to me. "You're Johan's boy, Arrynn," she said to me and all I could do was nod my head. "And you're Keenan," she said as she looked at him and all Keenan could do was nod his head as well. I was stunned by the whole thing and judging by the look on Keenan's face he was too. Ewan and the woman began talking again but in a different language, but only for a moment. She finally hugged him again, said she would come by and visit on Sunday. "Come on guys let's go," she to us. Both Keenan and I hugged Ewan and he told me that I was welcome anytime I wanted to come out and I could stay as long as I wanted. We said our goodbye's again then and followed the woman toward the craft. The door that she had come out of opened up as we approached as did another one just behind it and she directed us to climb in. Keenan and I did as she asked and settled into individual seats behind her and her partner, the doors closing as soon as we were in. "Where to lieutenant," a man in the seat in front of Keenan asked. "Do you know your home address Arrynn," she asked me so I told her. She repeated it out loud and an electronic voice said thank you. The vehicle started to rise then slowly turned and headed back the way it had come in, along on the same path that we had ridden out on that morning. I was so excited I could hardly stand it. We were moving at a faster pace than when we were on Ariel and so made it to the concrete roadway then headed in the opposite direction of where we'd gone that morning. Once out in the open and free of obstruction the craft picked up speed considerably. I looked over at Keenan who had the biggest grin on his face that I'd ever seen on anyone. This was absolutely amazing. "How long were you at Ewan's," the woman asked over her shoulder. Keenan told her and she nodded her head. She seemed quite friendly and we ended up having a little discussion during which we found out that Ewan was really her great great-grandfather and that she had just recently returned from duty in another part of the world. It wasn't long before the scenery changed from woods and country to buildings and then that was all there was. There were other vehicles on the roadway, horses and carriages, some automobiles and motorized bicycles but no craft that was even close to the kind we were in. The electronic voice informed us that we would move to an auxiliary road in 1 mile and a moment later the vehicle began to slow somewhat. The voice then stated that we were leaving the primary roadway and we slowed as we went onto another smaller road that branched off of the larger one, narrowed down then merged with another. After five minutes on that road we moved off onto the smaller kinds of roads that I was used to and in a few moments I was again familiar with my surroundings. People that saw us all but stared as we passed which didn't surprise me one bit. Any motorized craft in the area where I lived was a little unusual but what we traveled in was beyond most people's experience. "Arriving at destination," the voice said but Keenan and I already knew that. The craft stopped in front of my house and settled to the ground and the voice said it was now safe to exit the craft. The doors opened and I got out, Keenan leaving the vehicle from his side. Laisha got out with us and we both thanked her for the ride, she shook our hands, said it was her pleasure and that she hoped we'd meet again sometime at Ewan's. Laisha got back in, the doors closed and the craft again rose slowly, turned and head back the way it had come. Keenan and I watched, along with every other person in the neighborhood, until the craft turned and was out of sight, then the neighbors gawked at us. I was sure they were wondering why the military was bringing me home and since the soldier had gotten out and shook our hands as well, the neighbors knew it wasn't because of a bad thing; it was because I, or Johan or someone had some connections. That probably wouldn't endear me to anyone. I disarmed the alarm system with the thumb print of my left hand and ring finger print of my right. It required me to hand Keenan my tote of books because only a few seconds were allowed between the two prints or the system would not disarm. Additionally, only 2 tries were allowed. After a failed second attempt the system locked and any subsequent attempts not only set off a siren but also delivered a hell of an electric shock through the print pad if a third attempt was made. I couldn't imagine anyone trying a forth attempt. Inside the house, I put food that Ewan had given us into the refrigerator then in the living room took out the books that Ewan had loaned me. I was dying to start reading them but I knew that Keenan would get bored. He simply wasn't interested in such things. "What should we do Keenan?" He looked at me and smiled. "Well I know that you're dying to look through the bag that Ewan sent with you and I need to sharpen my knife. After I finish that well, I dunno, I guess we'll have to see. With that the boy went into the kitchen and came back with Johan's sharpening stone, oil and sharpening leather. He lay the latter across his thigh and went to work on his knife. I started pulling the things out of the leather bag that Ewan sent and found two of the Harry Potter books which made me smile. There were two other books along with what looked like a metal box that was about 7 inches long 6 inches wide and 5 inches deep. There was a note stuck to top of it so I pulled it off and opened it up. Arrynn, I want to thank you for your company these past few days and would like to encourage you to visit as often as possible. I believe that you have the ability to achieve great things in your life and would like to teach you as much as I can and help direct your extraordinary mind. Inside the box is a device that I know you are going to appreciate greatly. It is fairly valuable and not easy to replace so treat it well. There is an operator's manual inside the box that will teach you how to use it. While it is an incredible device it is my opinion that such devices should never take the place of books. Speaking of books, I hope that you enjoy the selection that I sent. I look forward to your next visit. To open the box look directly into the black stone embedded in the top with your left eye. Affectionately, E Needless to say that got my interest. I picked the box up, noticed that it hardly weighed anything and that it was cool to the touch. In the center of what I perceived to be the top was a small rectangular piece of black something inset into the metal. I say a something because to me it didn't appear to be stone. A seam that wrapped around its sides about an inch below the top was barely visible to the naked eye. I looked down into it but nothing happened so I moved my head closer to it and when I was about six inches away I heard a click and felt an almost unperceivable movement of the box. I held it up and noticed that the seam was now wider so set the box down on the table in front of me and opened it. The insides were molded black foam and while the bottom half was covered by paper of some kind. The Top had some items embedded in the foam. One of those looked like a pair of glasses while another looked like a piece of metal or plastic that seemed to be attached to a curved piece of the same material. I took the glasses out and opened them up then looked through them but the lenses were dark and I couldn't see through them. I folded them and put them back and picked up the paper that was covering the bottom part. It was a small pamphlet and across the front in big letters it said: Personal Tutor System and beneath that in smaller letters it read Einstein Educational Systems. I opened the pamphlet. On the inside cover it showed a picture of the thing out of the box and sitting on a table and underneath the image it said "Computer Manufactured by Einstein, a Microsoft Company". It was shaped like a small football and appeared to be made of a smooth shiny metal just like the box itself. The directions said there was a place on the top of the device to get it started. I set the pamphlet down then lifted the larger piece out of the foam. On one side the center was square and not rounded and four small pieces of rubber were attached so the thing would be stabilized wherever it sat so I set it down. As per the directions, I found the spot on top and pushed and released it and watched an object rise up about an inch out of the center. Supported on a thin round tube, it was maybe an inch long, a half inch high but curved in gently convex manner away from me. Framed in a thin strip of metal like the rest of the device, the front looked like the lens in the glasses, dark glass. Then things really got interesting. A 3 dimensional cube of pale green light about 2 feet square appeared in the air about 3 feet in front of me while on the table between me and the device a large rectangle of red light appeared and while it was one dimensional it wasn't just light. What was reflected on the table I recognized as a computer keyboard. While I wasn't familiar with much of anything on a computer keyboard I recognized its essential shape and components, letters in the center and a number pad on the right end and a variety of buttons everywhere else. In front of me the cube slowly rotated in a way that combined two directions as once. "What the fucking hell is that," I heard Keenan say in a voice laced with concern, and turned to see my friend staring open mouthed in my direction. "Well I think it may be something called a computer but what it does or is capable of doing I'm not sure yet," I said slowly, looking at him first then back to all the stuff that was going on in front of me. Then a head appeared in the air next to the cube. I pushed backwards into the sofa back and stared at the cube and the head and next to me Keenan stared right along with me, an expression of fright on his face. The head looked toward where I was sitting and said, "Good evening. Are you ready to begin?"