Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2012 09:01:18 -0800 (PST) From: Tague Micheals Subject: Arrynn VI We must have fallen asleep lying there in the sun because I felt myself jolted as if someone were shaking me. I came awake with Davian still in my arms, softly snoring. I felt Ariel butt me with his great head. "Arrynn, I need you to return to the house immediately," Ewan said. I looked around and didn't see him but Ariel was standing behind me pawing the ground. "I am here, in your head Arrynn. Acknowledge that you understand." "I hear you Ewan and I understand," I thought and heard him say "Good, please hurry." I roused Davian who woke up slowly. "We must hurry Davian," I said, jumping up, finding my clothes and tugging them on. "What is the matter Arrynn," he asked. "I don't know Davian. Ewan just talked to me and told me to hurry home." The boy looked around, just as I was doing although we looked for different reasons. I saw Chian'gee waiting for me but he was pacing, clearly upset about something. "Where is he Arrynn, I don't see him," Davian said as he pulled on his shirt and then his boots. Ariel had moved to my mounting stump and was waiting although not very patiently. I climbed on and Davian was right behind me. The boy had barely planted his slender little butt when Ariel heeled around and tore off across the small meadow and onto the path leading back to Ewan's, and he wasn't taking his time. Both Davian and I would complain that evening about our sore balls. "What is going on Arrynn," Davian practically yelled in my ear. I shook my head and turned it back toward him. "I don't know. Ewan said to come home right away. He was in my head but don't ask me how because I don't know that either." Behind me, in the distance, I saw someone step out onto the path or the road whichever you want to call it, and then another person materialized next to him for I assumed it to be a man. "Where are you Arrynn," Ewan asked in my head some 5 minutes later. "I just passed the fork," I said in my head, referring to a specific spot on the pathway. About 100 feet or so in front of us another person stepped out onto the pathway and stood spread legged in the road with a hand up expecting me to stop. A second later a blur shot past me and hit the person full on, blasting him off the pathway. As we passed I heard the man, for it was a man, screaming as Chian'gee tore into him. Over my shoulder I saw another person step out from the other side of the road to help the one that Chian'gee had attacked only to be tackled by F'nay who treated him in the same manner that his buddy was getting treated, he too screaming as the big cat began ripping him to shreds. We were still in the woods, the cabin around the next corner when Ariel slowed his pace to a trot. Ewan would explain that to me momentarily. We rounded the bend and I saw Ewan standing there waiting for us. Ariel stopped just in front of the old man and I swung a foot up over Ariel's head then slipped off onto the ground. Ewan stepped forward and offered a hand to Davian who simply did the same thing that I had done and dropped down behind me. "What is going on Ewan," I asked him. "There were men on the road that tried to stop us. Chian'gee and F'nay chewed them up; at least it looked like they did. "Yes, I am sure that both of them are thoroughly chewed up. Both animals were instructed to protect you with their lives and that they surely would do." A moment later the two animals came around the bend in a slow trot, came straight for us and stopped a few feet away. The muzzles of both animals were tainted red but it really showed up on F'nay's white muzzle and his front paws, which he was calmly trying to clean. "What is going on Ewan," I asked again, frustration and worry thick in my voice. "There has been quite a bit of battling going on in the city and it's spilling out into the country side. Bands of armed men are roaming about causing mayhem, agitating people, creating trouble. That is what you ran into coming home which was why I requested that you return immediately." "What do they want Ewan? I know there's more and they'll be here any minute." I was getting upset by all this craziness. Ewan dropped down onto one knee and looked in my eyes. "We are safe here Arrynn. There are, umm, things at work that will stop them from actually coming here. It's too detailed to explain, I just need you to believe and trust me. Can you do that? You too Davian," he added, looking at my friend. I felt a sense of calm but Davian still looked scared but he too nodded his head. "Okay Ewan," I said, both of us knowing that I wasn't going to let it go. As soon as I had an opportunity to be alone with the old guy I was going to ask. In my head I heard him say, "Be patient Arrynn; I will explain it to you when I have a chance." In a flash of understanding I guessed that Davian wouldn't understand any of it and like Johan and Keenan, Davian would likely be very distrustful of that which he couldn't comprehend. As much as I loved Davian, I agreed with Ewan's decision. F'nay started toward the woods and Ewan suggested we follow the big cat, who turned and looked at us when we started walking then kept going. We followed F'nay into the thick brush and a dozen or so feet in came across a very small grassy clearing no bigger our bathing room at Johan's. F'nay sat on his haunches beside another big cat that I assumed was Sanjiin. She was stretched out and at her teats were 3 tiger cubs. Ewan approached her cautiously with an outstretched hand which she first sniffed and then licked. He cooed to her in his animal language then told me to approach her with my hand out. The year before I'd have been afraid but now I held no fear for I was used to such things. I let her sniff me and after she licked the back of my hand I scratched behind her ear just like I did with F'nay. Davian had no desire to pet her. All the while F'nay sat to the side watching us, a proud papa. Ewan got down and pulled the injured cub from the lunch counter and looked him over, declared him healing, then put him back. He rubbed Sanjiin's head again and we left. "She will bring them out to play at some point Arrynn. They are quite energetic cubs and if you're lying on the ground they will crawl all over you," Ewan explained as we headed toward the house. As we rounded the cabin I heard a roar and looked out at the river. On the other side a large brown bear was standing on all fours at the river's edge. Ewan called out and the bear roared again but just sat on its haunches watching us. "That is Kwitsen," Ewan told us. "He and a couple of his friends will keep an eye on that side of the river for us." Davian looked at Ewan in awe, as if the man had just materialized out of thin air or something. My thought was, "how nice." I was getting used to Ewan's ways and few things surprised me. Ewan had prepared a meal which we sat down to. A venison stew similar to the first meal I'd eaten with him, it was accompanied by hot biscuits and blackberry jam. Davian exclaimed that it was best thing he'd ever eaten which earned a smile from Ewan. I had said the exact same words during my first meal at Ewan's table the year before. I was amazed at how much the kid tucked away. "How are your studies going Arrynn," Ewan asked. I suspected that he already knew the answer to that and was just making conversation. I brought him up to speed on all my lessons which encompassed history, math, and world geography and of course my martial arts and Mandarin. I'd completed the Harry Potter series including the films and decided that Ewan and Dumbledore had a lot in common, not the least of which was their role as a mentor. Gandalf fell into that category along with Pug from the Midkemia series by Raymond Feist. Davian was listening as he ate but didn't ask questions. He was in awe of Ewan, much like I had been. It seemed to me that I too was becoming a source of awe for the young teen. "Master Chang is quite pleased with your progress Arrynn," Ewan said, "He believes that you could reach the first stage of master level by your 14th birthday. He also says your Mandarin is more than passable but of course I already know that because of our earlier discussion." I think Ewan was expecting me to act surprised at his words but I was a quick learner and didn't ask. "I really like master Chang and Gong Fu," I told Ewan. "I feel like I can take care of myself much better. Not like Keenan or Johan but better than I could have a year ago. He's going to start teaching me weapons so I'm getting excited about it. He already started teaching me healing arts too. He said it's easy to kill but it is harder to heal," I said. I knew I was kind of babbling but it had the effect that I'd hoped because I took Ewan off guard causing the old guy to arch an eyebrow. Then he smiled at me, reached over and patted my shoulder. "Okay Arrynn, you caught me out. Good boy." Davian gave us a blank look. He knew something had transpired but had no clue what that was. We finished dinner and I helped clean up then we moved to the larger part of the room and sat and talked while we sipped teas and Ewan sucked on his long pipe. Ewan asked Davian to tell his story and the adorable boy did although again, I suspected that Ewan already knew much of what Davian told him. When he was finished Ewan told him he would always be welcome at Ewan's home. "I do have a question sir," Davian said, with a slight bit of trepidation in his voice. When Ewan told him to ask Davian wanted to know how Ewan knew that he, Davian, was at Johan's house. Ewan smiled and said that it wasn't that difficult but even if he explained it Davian wouldn't likely understand what he was being told. "Let's just say that I have a lot of talents and I know how to do a lot of things that have been forgotten by most other people during this trying past 80 years or so." Ewan then looked at me. "And many of those things, young Arrynn, are what I am teaching you. The computer is a big help in that endeavor as is master Chang. I must say that you are exceeding our expectations." I didn't know what exactly to say about that so said nothing. "Gosh I'm so sleepy all of a sudden," Davian exclaimed and offered a big yawn followed by his eyes slowly drooping shut. Ewan suggested that I help put him in our bed, which I did after stripping his clothes off with very little help on Davian's part. I suspected that Ewan had put something in the boys' tea which Ewan confirmed when I went back into the room. Ewan didn't apologize for it. "The political unrest is likely to cost some lives Arrynn which is why I wanted you here where I can protect you. Like many such revolutions, this one was started by people that believe they deserve much more than their due. They also want power although they have no idea how to use it and no desire to use it for the good of others." He went on to explain other things and as he did so I found myself understanding much more than I would have even 6 months before, let alone a year before. Ewan continued on. "Mostly they are uneducated men and thus either fearful or domineering. Johan falls into the latter as does Keenan. Please don't misunderstand that they are without positive attributes because that isn't the case. I'm simply pointing out a fact. You already have more education than 75% of the population, much more than Johan or Keenan ever will have. What you lack are street smarts and life experience but with time that will change." Ewan paused for a moment. "There are some things I want to show you Arrynn but I need to hypnotize you first in order to safeguard those things. Will you allow me to do that, do you trust me Arrynn?" It was a moot question because Ewan already knew that answer. I nodded my head, not the least bit concerned about what Ewan wanted to do. The only thing I remember is Ewan talking softly and telling me I was getting sleepy then popping my eyes open and Ewan asking how I felt, which was great. "Come," he said and headed to his kitchen with me following. He reached down underneath a shelf of a cabinet that held tins and jars of food and other kitchen things. I heard a click then the entire thing swung away from the wall to reveal a staircase going down. I followed Ewan, holding on to a rail as the thing appeared very rickety and ready to collapse. I heard the cabinet click shut behind me. We were in a large earthen cellar below the house, a room that I had no idea existed. It smelled damp and dank, not particularly pleasant but not horrible. There were cobwebs and spider webs everywhere making the place seem even more creepy. As I said, it was entirely earthen except for the posts supporting the underside of the wooden floor above us. The walls were totally uneven, bulging outward in some places. It was though someone just dug a big assed hole and set the house on top of it. Ewan noticed my wariness and said that things were not as they seemed. I followed Ewan around the staircase to the very back of the cellar. There was a dim light but I couldn't tell where it actually came from. At the back wall Ewan seemed to touch 4 or 5 of the many rocks that were embedded in the ancient dirt. There didn't seem to be any order to it but a moment later there was a hiss and a section of the dirt moved to reveal a doorway into a small room the size of a closet, its silver metal walls bathed in a faint blue light. Ewan stepped in and beckoned me to follow him. Once inside the door hissed closed and the floor seemed to drop out from beneath me and Ewan put a hand on my shoulder to steady me but we stopped moving and the metal door, for the room was metal on the inside, opened to another small room whose walls were concrete. About the size of Johan's sleeping room there didn't appear to be a way out until the far wall began to slide sideways. Ewan led me into a huge room, or rooms, that defied any and all of my beliefs about my world. Everywhere I looked there were electronics, walls and stacks of metal with small lights of varying colors, some blinking some not. There were buttons, gauges, dials and levers. There were chairs at desks that were built into that mass of stuff and sat in front of glass windows that I would learn were computer screens. It looked like something I'd seen in some movies about space travel, Star Trek I think it was. In the center of it all was a round glassed in platform and at the center of that was a large black leather chair again, similar to the space movie I'd seen. Ewan led me to what looked like a work area, reached into a drawer and pulled out what looked like a patch about an inch and a half square except the edges were very raggedy and uneven. "This is how I speak in your head Arrynn," he said handing it to me. "It is very advanced micro technology combined with "think" technology. Each patch has its own "voiceprint" so it works only on who is wearing it. Typically it's placed behind the ear and within minutes it melds with the skin and actually becomes skin and is completely undetectable by touch. Simply put, it operates in conjunction with the brain's electronic circuitry." That being said Ewan thought to me and I responded in kind. Using that method, he told me that the patch performed a myriad of other functions which he would tell me about at another time. Back in real voice time Ewan explained that the entire complex was run by nuclear fuel cells and was completely self-powered. It was enclosed in 5 foot thick walls of concrete, tungsten and titanium coupled with other compounds that made it virtually indestructible. Its water supply came from a reserve deep below where we stood; it had its own waste recycle system and enough food to feed 2 dozen people for 3 years. The facility was connected to the rest of the world through a complex network of computers and satellites and of course it had 2 separate and distinct escape routes. "Your computer is actually linked through this room now Arrynn. You have the ability to communicate with people all over the planet as well as the colonies on the moon and any of the space stations." I had a zillion questions which Ewan already anticipated. "Why," he said, waving his arm to indicate our surroundings "will have to wait but suffice it to say I am not a simple misanthrope. No, I cannot read your mind but I can listen in on conversations, which I rarely do and only if it is of paramount importance. Yes, I have a great deal to teach you but for now, I think it best we get some sleep." I nodded my head. As we zoomed back up in what Ewan said was an elevator he told me that we had been about 800 feet underground. Back in his kitchen he gave me a cup of tea. "This is going to help you sleep. Your intense little brain is already working overtime, I can feel it, and you do need your rest. I nodded my head. We talked and drank the tea and within 10 minutes my head was nodding without my help. Ewan hugged me then shooed me off to bed. I stripped naked and snuggled up to Davian, reveling in the warmth of his body and the next thing I knew the sun was pouring through the window. And Davian had my hard cock in his mouth and my balls in his hand. I didn't move when I became aware of what was going on; I simply lay there and enjoyed waking up to such wonderful feelings. That didn't last long though because the feelings shooting up through my dick became too much. Davian knew I was awake though. "I couldn't help it Arrynn," he said, taking my cock from his mouth. "I woke up feeling so sexy and hard as stone and so were you so..." he said, my cock back in his mouth preventing him from saying more. I was okay with that because I too was feeling more horny than usual. Davian continued to suckle me while his free hand played with my balls; balls that we discovered were now making sperm. "I'm going to cum soon Davian," I told my lover in a somewhat panting voice. That announcement only seemed to spur the boy on and a moment later my body shook from the feelings of a cum. I couldn't help but thrust my narrow little hips into the air, shoving as much of my cock into Davian's mouth as possible. The adorable blonde boy kept right on sucking me until I had to push his head away because my dick head became too sensitive. "Your sperm is so sweet my beautiful Arrynn," Davian said as he slid back up alongside me then planted his lips against mine and kissed me deep and hard. I reached down and took hold of his raging boner as we kissed and as soon as we separated I slid down the bed and proceeded to suck Davian's cock. I loved his cock so much because I could actually get a fair amount of it into my mouth. I also liked that he didn't have hardly any hair down there like Keenan and Johan did. Don't get me wrong, I was okay with cock hair but I loved how Davian's body was mostly smooth. I loved his balls too; large soft and completely hairless, they filled my smaller hand nicely. I heard myself moan softly as I sucked on Davian and played with his balls the same as he had done to me. He told me when he was about to cum so I stopped sucking him and began jacking him off. I wanted to see Davian's sperm. I usually got to see the sperm of the boys' that Johan brought home but the day before had been so different than any others so I didn't get to. Now I was going to. It didn't take long before Davian was moaning loudly so I kept his foreskin pulled down and worked his shaft. A moment later he moaned louder, pushed his hips up and a little stream of sperm shout up onto his belly. Of course it looked like anybody else's sperm but it was Davian's and that made it special to me. After the first squirt the rest of his juice just oozed out and ran down over my fingers and when I was done I licked the gooey stuff off of them and then licked it off of Davian's belly. "You are so beautiful and so awesome a boy Arrynn," Davian whispered. After I'd cleaned him I moved back up so we could kiss and hold each other. I felt the same way and I told him so then added that I had to poop. Davian said that he had to as well so I got off the bed with him behind me and headed for the door. "Wait Arrynn, aren't we going to get dressed?" I shook my head, said there was no need that Ewan had seen me as much without clothes on as with besides I wanted to bathe. "But your cock is hard," Davian pointed out. Indeed it was, having just sucked him off. I told him Ewan had seen in such a state almost every morning when I got up to pee. The beautiful blonde boy simply shrugged his shoulders and followed me out the door. I went straight over to where Ewan was sitting and reading, hugged him good morning and said we were going to bathe to which he simply nodded his head. Outside I grabbed a bar of soap and 2 towels and headed for the river where I beckoned Davian to follow me into the stream after dropping the towel and soap on the bank. Ewan's waste removal system was simple; you squatted in the steadily moving ankle deep water and did your business, the river taking it away. We squatted side by side and afterwards scooped some water up for a cursory cleaning, left the river and, taking the soap and towels, went upstream a hundred or so feet to a little pond that sat about 20 feet from the river. I explained to Davian that there was a pipe that brought water into the pond from the river and a second one that drained it out so the water didn't stagnate because it was being changed constantly. Apparently they were small pipes so the water exchanged at a slow rate which allowed the pond to warm in the sun which was a good thing because the river wasn't even close to being warm. We got into the pool, which is maybe 5 feet deep toward the middle, and dunked down, both of us coming up sputtering. It was warmer than the river but still made our balls and cocks shrink up. Davian and I both did a quick soap and rinse before getting out to dry off. "What are we going to do today Arrynn," Davian asked as we finished drying off and headed back toward the cabin. I told him that I had school work to and Gong Fu to practice then asked him how much schooling he'd had. Davian shook his head. "None really. I can barely even spell my own name and I can't read." He seemed a little sad at that revelation. I asked him if he wanted to learn and he said yes but there wasn't anybody to teach him. "There is now," I said and put and arm across his shoulders. After breakfast I went to study and Ewan began working with Davian on reading. About mid-morning I went outside to work on my Gong Fu sets and Ewan came out to help me. I was quite surprised at what he knew about the art and that he knew Mandarin because he spoke it all during our workout. My workout included the staff and Ewan worked opposite me with his own staff while Davian looked on. Chian'gee had wandered over and lay next to the boy and to his credit, Davian not only didn't appear frightened he draped an arm across the big dog's shoulders and Chian'gee moved his body so he could lay his huge head in my lover's lap. After lunch Ewan said that he had a hankering for a blackberry pie and told me of a large patch of the berries on the other side of the river. When I asked how I would get over there he said Ariel would take us and that Kwitsen would lead us through the woods to where the patch was. He then gave me a few words to say to the bear. "I will say the same things," Ewan told me, "But it will be helpful for him to hear them from you too. Essentially they were things that praised the bear, acknowledged him as a brother and also thanked him for his help. Davian was amazed all over again but I just took it in stride although I have to say, it was a little daunting none the less. With a couple of large cans attached to heavy twine and slung from a shoulder, we mounted Ariel and while Ewan hollered over to Kwitsen, we headed across the river. It was a little swift on the opposite side and would have been almost impossible for us boys to cross it but Ariel managed without a problem, slogging his way up the far side where the big brown bear awaited us. I put my hand out to him in greeting and said the words that Ewan had told me and I swear by all of the Gods that the bear nodded his head and offered a slight bawl back at me before turning and lumbering off into the woods. We found the blackberry patch alongside a marshy area and slid off of Ariel and went to work. It didn't take long to fill our cans. I wondered if Kwitsen ate berries and in my head I heard Ewan say that he did. I poured about half my can out on the ground for the bear who quickly ate it up and acknowledged my gift with another bawl. Davian and I quickly refilled it. "Gosh my hands are all black and sticky," my beautiful young lover boy said. I suggested that we wash them at the edge of the marsh but of course water didn't clean it off that well. "Find a broad leaved green plant Arrynn and break the leaves open, the sap makes a fairly good cleansing gel," I heard Ewan say in my head. "You might note that the sap has other useful purposes as well," he added. I did as Ewan suggested and a moment later both Davian and I had the gooey substance smeared over our hands. We rinsed off in the water and sure enough almost all of the stains were gone. As I was washing I thought about what Ewan had said about other uses and it struck me what he was talking about. I felt my face go red from blushing. "Now what," Davian asked after we wiped our hands on the grass to dry them off. I smiled at him and stepped right up to him and kissed him on the lips while my hands rested on his narrow hips. "Do you want to fuck me," I asked him, my voice already changing into the deeper sound that it had when I was all up in a fog of hotness and feeling sexy like. "Here," he asked, looking around then said, "We don't have any slippery stuff Arrynn and I don't want to hurt you." I grinned at him and nodded at the broken leaves and of course he wanted to know how I knew and if it would be safe. I told him exactly what Ewan had said in my head and it was his turn to blush. "You mean he knows that we play sexy?" I explained that it seemed like Ewan knew almost everything so he should get used to it. That said I wrapped my arms around him and kissed Davian hard, pushing his mouth open so that I could get my tongue inside his mouth. As we stood and kissed, getting heavier with it, I moved my hands down to tug at the string at his waist and thus drop his trousers. Davian was doing the same to me as I grasped onto his raging hard cock and stroked it a little before playing with his smooth hairless balls. Davian managed to get my trousers to drop and starting doing to me what I was doing to him but I had different plans. I gently pulled away and dropped to my knees in front of him. I let my eyes roam over his boy stuff. Everything was so pale and so smooth and I could see the blue veins running up his cock and on his balls. Davian's cock was so hard that it quivered with each beat of his heart. His foreskin was pulled down just a little bit and the red tip of his cock head was barely visible. I leaned forward and licked his balls which caused him to sigh softly, then licked up onto the base of his cock. I finally pulled it down and put my mouth over the end and began sucking him. "Oh Gods Arrynn," Davian moaned above me as I took half of his cock into my mouth and throat. I used one hand to stroke his cock and the other to feel up his balls, my fingers loving the soft feel of his skin. I peeled his foreskin back and sucked onward, my tongue exploring his sensitive swollen cock head and tasting the wee bit of precum that was seeping out of the slit. "You better stop Arrynn or I shall squirt in your mouth," so I stopped. "I really want to save it for your bottom," Davian said with a groan. I stood up and once again we engaged in a tight hug and mouth wide open kiss, then broke the kiss but stayed close so our tongues could poke at each other outside our mouths. When we broke from that Davian immediately put his mouth against my neck and began sucking gently on it. That spot is so sensitive to me and my legs went weak when he started doing it. I held onto him and let one hand roam down his back and onto the slightly protruding globe of one butt cheek. Gods that boy had a magnificent butt. "Come, let's lay on the grasses Arrynn," Davian said then led me a few feet to a little grassy spot where we lay down and rolled into each other's arms to kiss and rub some more. Davian took the lead, something I kind of liked. I could lead and did so often with boys that Johan brought home but with Davian it was different. I wanted him to take charge of me, to lead me where he wanted to go. I trusted Davian completely, almost as much as I did Ewan or Johan, and knew he had my best interest at heart and would never hurt me. Davian's hand sought out my cock and my balls and began playing and stroking as he offered me little kisses one after another. I spread my legs for him, to allow him full access to all that I had. As his hand played with my nuts a finger slid back and forth and up and down on the little seam of flesh that went from my sac to hole. I didn't know what the seam was for but it sure felt good getting it gently rubbed. Davian started moving downward, stopped and sucked on one of my nipples for a minute which made me gasp out loud because the feelings were so intense. Davian kissed his way down my chest and my belly, licked in and around my belly button for a second then kept moving down until his cheek ran into my hard cock. He turned his head, licked at the tip of my cock then moved it aside with his head and kissed around my cock, at the base of it and the edge of my balls. As he raised his upper body, Davian reached up and pulled my dick toward him, sliding my foreskin down as he did so. Just before his head got in the way I could see how red it was then my vision was blocked and I felt the warmth of Davian's mouth over the swollen head. He cupped my balls and played with them as he suckled me, his head bobbing up and down. I felt waves of pleasure roll through my body and found myself pushing my hips up and down to meet his mouth. My hands found their way to his head and I ran them through his long, thick blonde hair before moving my right hand down along his back and onto the fleshy globes of his butt. "Move so that I might suck you too Davian," I finally panted. I needed to have my face in his crotch, to savor the smells of him, to feel his hardness on my lips and in my mouth, his softness in my hand. He did as I asked and a moment later we lay crotch to face with each other. I quickly took him into my mouth then wrapped an arm around his tight little butt as if to hold him in place and began sucking his cock again. There was a great deal more leakage and I cleaned it all up, savoring the sticky fluid. We each had one foot flat on the grass so we were opened up in order that a free hand could fondle balls or rub up and down a butt crack, even explore a puckered hole if we wanted, which was what Davian did to me. "I'm so on fire for you Arrynn," Davian exclaimed, pulling his delicious cock from me as he rolled away. "I want to get you ready for me to fuck you my sweetest boy in the world." I was on my side but moved so that I straddled Davian's chest then pushed my butt backward. I didn't know for sure that he wanted to tongue my hole but it was what I wanted and it was fairly fresh from the quick wash I'd given it after my work out. Based on the way my blonde lover attacked it I figured Davian had the same idea that I had for a moment later he got to licking me as if it were his last meal. I so loved being licked down there and besides it was a fast way to light me up to fuck me. I could hear Davian moaning as he worked his tongue all over the entire area and even down onto the sensitive underside of my balls. I lowered my head and captured his raging cock and suckled him while he honored my hole. It didn't take long before I felt I was ready to receive him, ready to have his wonderful cock shoved in my butt to make love to me. I rolled off of him and when I saw the perplexed expression on his face I said, "I don't want to wait any longer Davian. I need your cock inside me right now." I was panting from the feeling as I got up and went to the plant we'd used, tore a leave off and broke it open. I quickly smeared my hole then knelt next to Davian and smeared his nail hard boy cock with the stuff. Before he could move I straddled his waist, reached behind me and took hold of his cock then lowered my body onto it. I watched Davian's face as his cock head touched the muscle and he watched mine as I sat, forcing the swollen head into my body. "Aagghhh," I cried out softly as it penetrated the tight muscle. I stayed right there for a moment, forcing myself to breath and pushing down like I was trying to poop. I watched and heard Johan say that to many boys that he had been with and no wonder since his cock was so gods be damned huge. I slowly lowered my body into Davian's cock and had lowered my hand in order to play with his balls as I did it. A moment later I was properly seated on his waist, his cock fully inside my body. The expression on Davian's beautiful smooth face was one of bliss, the same expression erasing the one of pain that had been on my face and replacing it with pleasure. I hurt getting there, but once I was implanted the pain seemed to leave quickly and what I felt was good. "I love having your cock inside me Davian. Even though it was only yesterday for my first time I really love how I feel when I'm with you, especially like this. Davian's hands had gone to my hips while mine were resting on his rib cage. "I love it so much too Arrynn," he said. "I don't have much experience with this either, in fact you're my first as well, but I know that no one else will come close to making me feel how I do when I'm with you. Being inside you is the best feeling I've ever had in my life. I hate to say it but I am glad that my mother died for if she hadn't I would never have met you. The gods have truly looked down on me, on us." I leaned forward and kissed him then began to move. There isn't much to say about that part of the experience. I rose and fell on Davian, I ground my tender little butt into him, I moved my hips forward and back and around in circles. My cock had deflated to about half hard in the first minute of his cock going inside me but it sprang back to life quickly. It was fun fucking Davian in this position. I had control over all of it and I liked that. Not the control necessarily but the ability to move as my needs directed. The only problem with it was that my legs got tired and after 3 minutes or so I had to stop. "You must be tired my sweet baby Arrynn," Davian cooed to me. I told him I was then asked if he get into a sitting position with me still on him. He nodded his head and after a little manipulations Davian was sitting up and my legs were splayed out alongside of him. Our faces were inches apart so we kissed, long and deep. "I could get used to this Davian," I whispered in his ear as my head rested on his shoulder. Our bodies were flush against each other and I couldn't help but revel in the feelings that were flooding through me. To have this much body contact and have his cock inside of me was like a dream come true, even though I'd never dreamed of it, if that makes any sense. Davian kissed my cheek and rubbed his hands up and down my back and onto my butt. He had to reach underneath and feel where our bodies were connected then move a hand between up to stroke my cock a little bit. "How about if we get you on your back so I can properly love you Arrynn," Davian whispered in my ear. I was fine with that and said so. It took a little maneuvering around but we managed to get me on my back with Davian on top, still inside my butt. He held my legs out and back and began to do what he'd suggested, to love me. Davian fucked me like that for a good 2 minutes, moving at a steady slow pace, drawing his beautiful cock out of me then sliding it back inside. All the while he talked softly to me. "You are so beautiful Arrynn; you are like the sunshine on a clear day. I am honored to be with you, to love you, to bring you pleasure. Your body is fantastic Arrynn; you are so tight on my cock, so warm. You make me so happy sweet Arrynn, I don't think I would want to live without you." There was more but you get the idea. Davian moved my legs so that they rested against his shoulders then leaned down and put his hands on the ground beside me. It seemed to roll my butt up so that he was then driving his hard cock down into me which also seemed to push him deeper into my body. The feelings of intense pleasure began shooting through my body in waves that felt like little electric jolts. "Oh god Davian I so love having you fuck me," I panted. "gods it feels so good I don't ever want to stop it seems like. Fuck me hard my lover, ram your wonderful cock into me. Fuck me into cumming Davian, Oh god fuck me." It was sort of weird to me that I was so on fire with getting fucked since it was only my second time but I couldn't help it. Afterwards, I would wonder if I had missed out on this by waiting so long for it, or was it mostly because I so loved Davian and nobody else would have made me feel like this. My beautiful lover began to pick up speed. It seemed like he pulled almost all the way out of me before plunging back down and ramming his cock into my ass. I could feel and hear his balls smacking against my butt and the almost quiet squishy sound of his cock moving in and out of me. I felt my balls begin to tingle and my belly begin to tumble. "Oh fuck Davian I'm close to cumming. Make me cum baby, fuck your sperm into me and make me cum." The expressions that crossed Davian's pale face told me he was feeling the same thing I was. One second it looked like pain and the next it was pleasure. He was panting loudly as he slammed into me, working his little butt in circles or from side to side creating new and wonderful feelings. "Do you want me to pull out and shoot my sperm on you Arrynn," Davian said in a husky voice. I shook my head. "No, no shoot your sperm into me Davian; I want your sperm in me." A second later my body convulsed with a powerful orgasm and a split second later Davian cried out. I felt his cock thicken against my butt hole muscle and I swear I felt his sperm shoot into me. "Oh god by the gods harder fuck me harder Davian," I cried. I wanted him to hurt me with his cock but not be hurt if that makes any sense. Davian pressed into me, shoved as much of his cock in me as possible and ground his ass in circles and pressed even harder then quickly pulled out and slammed back into me. "Ohyesohyesohyes," I moaned. I felt my asshole twitching each time my body contracted and I felt Davian's cock do the same with each squirt of his sperm. I had never experienced the cum feeling quite like that before and it left me completely and totally worn out. Davian slowed down, then slowed even more and eventually stopped and when he did I let my body relax completely. Davian finally let my legs down then slowly lowered his body onto mine. I knew that he was holding his weight off of me. "Lay your weight on me Davian." He said he didn't want to hurt me and I told him he wouldn't. Once he did my arms went around him while his were around my neck and his head rested sideways on my chest. I felt the intense emotion of love right then along with an overwhelming feeling of peace and contentment. I hadn't felt like since before the explosion and it felt nice to feel like that again. "I love you so much Davian," I whispered into his hair. He raised his head and kissed me tenderly. "I know sweet Arrynn, I know." He turned his head the other way and started to put his head back on my chest but stopped and started laughing which caused his cock to squish out of my butt. "Oh gods Arrynn, look." I turned my head and got the shock of my life. Kwitsen was sitting about 20 feet from us and I do mean sitting, on his butt, like a person, with his legs stretched out and spread out in front of him. From the mass of fur at his crotch a long bright red thing stood up. The gods be damned bear had a boner. "It's fucking huge," Davian said as he raised his body off of mine. Indeed it looked to be a foot and a half long and not quite as thick as my wrist. We watched the bear lower his head and begin licking it. I assumed he was cleaning it but I wasn't sure and I couldn't ask. "That's about the strangest thing I've ever seen Davian," I said with awe and considering what I'd seen in my short life that was saying something. I heard a snuffling from the other side and turned to see Ariel standing there and his cock was hanging out. Now that was a huge cock. I hung half way to the ground and was easily as thick as my arm. In all the times I'd been at Ewan's I'd never seen that. Davian had turned and gasped when he saw it and after a moment he said idly, "I wonder how he gets it into a horse's pussy." I shrugged my shoulders for I didn't have a clue. I wondered though if our love making had somehow had an effect on the animals. I made a note to ask Ewan although it was quite possible that he'd heard my thought. "We should probably head back Davian," I said then we melted into each other arms to hold and kiss for a moment. I felt so loved when Davian held me. It was unlike how I felt with Keenan or other boys or even on the rare occasions that Johan held me. I could have stayed like that for a long time. We dressed and Ariel came to me and for a moment I wondered how I would mount him and decided to try leaping onto his back like Keenan did. Somehow I managed to do it and felt a great sense of pride in the accomplishment. Davian handed me the buckets of berries then I reached down for him and grasped his arm. Between the two of us we managed to get him on Ariel's back but it wasn't the prettiest of example of mounting a horse. That being done we started back toward the river and home. To his credit Kwitsen stood and walked with us.