Be True to Your Heart,

Chapter 15: What the?


From the Last Chapter:

She suggested Kevin grab a soda and try to calm down for a few minutes and she would let him know when he can see Sammy, or if they need anything else. As he did this he broke down and was crying. He was afraid he was going to lose Sammy. He was barely breathing when he was carrying him in, his body was limp and very pale. He did not look good, or like the same spunky boy he now saw as his son.

He called Josh and David and told them what happened. They were going to come help him, but he said they should go to the house and make sure the boys are ok, and keep them calm. Kevin did not want any of them to get hurt while they worried. He knew Nicky was a mess, and Josh could help him calm down. He asked Josh to see if he could find out what happened. As they were talking, he heard a buzzer go off and saw 2 more doctors rush toward where they took Sammy. He thought he heard "Code Blue". All Kevin said, was, "Oh no, please God don't take my little Sammy, not now..." and hung up his phone as he started to cry.

Meanwhile, at the house, Nicky was very upset, almost hysterical. He was crying his heart out. Han pulled him into a hug and held him. Then he sat on the sofa and pulled Nicky on his lap. X joined in and hugged Nicky trying to calm him. The others got around them and hugged them trying to show support for Nicky. However, Nicky kept crying and saying "It's all my fault, I killed my little brother. I am a terrible big brother. It's my fault, Nicky is going to die." This is how Josh and David found them when they arrived.


Chapter 15: What the?

    Josh and David were not sure what was going on. When they heard in the background, `Code Blue" and then Kevin mumbled about losing his little Sammy, and the line going dead they were very worried. But they said they would look after the boys, and that is what they were going to do.

    They just walked in when they arrived.

    "Boys, its Josh and David, where are you?" Josh called out as he entered the house.

    "Uncle Josh, we are back here on the sofa" he heard Erik reply.

    When they walked in they saw a mangled group of boys all huddled or cuddled on the sofa. Nicky was in the middle and it looked like the boys were all trying to hug him to help him. Erik worked his way from the group to hug his uncles. It was clear all the boys were upset and crying, but Nicky was borderline hystical it seemed.

    "Nicky, are you ok. Can I have a hug?" asked Josh

    The boys relaxed their hold on him so that he could be hugged by Josh. Josh actually picked him up and held him as he sobbed hysterically while mumbling.

    "Let's get you changed into a dry diaper. I think you need it as you are soaked. Erik, can you go and get me a dry diaper and the wipes for Nicky. If anyone else needs a change, I suggest you guys go change each other upstairs. I will take care of Nicky now. David can help you with anything you need, and maybe we should order some pizza or something. I am kinda hungry." Josh said.

    Erik ran and got what Josh would need to change Nicky.

    David ordered several pizzas, afterall, boys like pizza. He went upstairs to see if the boys needed any help and to make sure they were all ok. He found them talking and slowly getting changed. He offered to help and got Tanner, Erik, Han, and Phil changed.

    "Boys, can you tell me what happened? Kevin called us and told us he took Sammy to the hospital but he could not tell us much about what happened. So can you please fill me in on it?" asked David.

    "Well, we were out playing and exploring in the woods back there. We saw some hornets over by a big berry patch. I think they are blackberries. Sammy said we should not mess with the hornets and go find somewhere else to explore. Nicky called him a big baby and said the hornets would not bother us and if they did we could crush them. A few minutes later a few hornets were flying by us. Sammy wanted to go elsewhere to play and explore. Nicky told him to stop being a wimp and that he would take care of the hornets. Nicky found a big stick and before I knew what he was doing, he swung it at the hornet nest in the tree. It flew out of the tree and landed next to Sammy. Sammy got swarmed by them. We tried to help him but we got stung too and could not get to him. They were all over him, and he was screaming and crying and trying to get them off of him. He was the one who wanted to leave them alone, and they attacked him. It was terrible. I had the radio so I called dad and told him we needed help and where we were.

Then Sammy fell down and stopped moving just before I saw dad driving through the forest running over bushes and small trees, He drove over the berry patch. He got out and saved Sammy. He had some spray in his hand and after he tried it, I heard him swear and then he turned the spray into a flaming torch. I think he burned the hornet's nest. He picked up Sammy and told us to get in the excursion. We got back here and he told us to go inside and get cleaned up and wait for him. He took Sammy to the hospital I guess. I hope he will be ok. He did not look good. I'm scared. Now Nicky is freaking out and thinks he killed his little brother." Said X as he was trying to hold back tears.

    X grabbed onto David and hugged him and just broke into tears. He had tried to be strong and keep Nicky calm, but now it all came out. His fear and worry and anger. If only Nicky had listened to Sammy instead of calling him a wimp.

    As David held X, he asked the other boys if they had anything to add or remember anything else. They all said that what X said was correct.

    "Boys, I can see you all have some stings. I assume since you are all still breathing none of you are allergic to them. But we need to get those stings cleaned up, and I want to make sure you all get some Benadryl or something to help prevent any type of reaction from them." David said as X calmed down.

    "Do you know where Kevin keeps medications and first aid stuff?"

    "Yeah it's downstairs. He has some medicine in the kitchen cabinet and the rest he keeps in his bathroom."

    "Ok, let's go downstairs. I ordered pizza and they should be here in a little bit. I want to get all your stings cleaned out, so you don't get any infections."

    They went downstairs and saw Josh was holding Nicky on his lap and he was still crying, and now sucking his thumb. Josh just gave David a look and he knew that meant to give him a few more minutes. So he took the boys to Kevin's bathroom. There he found what he needed to clean them all up. He used a lot of cotton swabs and q-tips, as well as a bit of Rubbing Alcohol, but he got all the stings cleaned up so they should not get infected. The boys had between 4-8 stings on them. Han had the most at 8 and X had 7, so he figured those were the 2 that tried hardest to get to Sammy.

    He took some cotton balls and alcohol out so Josh could help clean Nicky up. He found the kids Benadryl in the cabinet and gave each of the boys a single dose, just to be safe.

    The boys went to Nicky and gave him hugs and told him it would be ok.

    "Nicky, it will be OK. Kevin will do everything he can. He loves you guys so much, I know he would give his life to safe any of us." Said X.

    Nicky worked to stop crying. It took a minute, but he was able to talk now and he adjusted how he was on Josh's lap so he could talk to the other boys.

    "I'm sorry I was such a jerk today and got us stung by those hornets. I don't know why I did that. I just wanted to feel tough and look like I was able to lead and be in charge. I screwed it all up and now my little brother is probably dead because of me. Can you guys forgive me for being so stupid?" asked Nicky trying to hold it together.

    "He will be ok. Kevin got him and the look on his face was one that I had never seen before. I know he would give his life to protect us, so I think Sammy will be ok. Sammy will be mad because of all the sting he got, and I bet he gets a shot too, but he will be ok." Said X, while the other boys were nodding. They were trying to be positive, but deep down, X was really worried that Sammy would not make it. He saw on a tv show where a person who got swarmed less than Sammy did, died right after. But he could not tell Nicky this. He was worried Nicky would snap, especially if Sammy was not ok.

    Nicky calmed down but would not talk about what happened. They put in a movie and started to watch it. The pizza arrived and they ate it. Then another movie. Just as that movie finished, they heard the front door open. The boys all ran to it, so they could see how Sammy was. When they saw a very tired, sad, upset Kevin, they stopped. Nicky lost it. He fell to the ground crying and mumbling hysterically that he killed his brother.

    Josh picked Nicky up, because he could see that Kevin was exhausted and he was not sure what the news was. It clearly was not good, since Sammy did not come home with Kevin.

    Kevin walked past them and went to the kitchen. He opened a cabinet and took out a small glass. He added 2 ice cubes to it. Then he reached into the upper most cabinet and got down a bottle of whiskey. It had dust on it, and it was clear that Kevin doesn't drink much and this bottle had not been opened in a while. He filed the glass half full, and then drank it all in 1 large gulp. He about choked on it, but then he poured a 2nd glass and it was almost full. He put the bottle down and walked into the family room and sat in his chair. He still had not said anything even when the boys asked his questions.

    "Dad, is my little brother going to be ok?" asked Xander and he walked up to Kevin and took his hand in his. At this time X could see that Kevin's eyes were very red and it looked like he had been crying.

    "Everyone. Please sit down. It has been a very long several hours. I am exhausted and mentally drained. I have lots of questions, like how did this terrible accident happen? I do need to get some answers. Then we can see where we go from here and how we move forward." Said Kevin as he was trying to hold back his emotions and tears.

    Xander grabbed Kevin and hugged him as he broke down in tears. Kevin put down his drink and gave X a big hug. Before he knew it Han was hugging him and over the next minute or so, he ended up having all the boys, except Nicky hugging him. Many of them were in tears.

    "Josh, David, I greatly appreciate you both coming over here so quickly. Knowing you were going to be here allowed me to be with Sammy and do what I could for him. Now before we go forward, I need to know what happened out there today?"

    X told Kevin what he told David. The other boys filled in a few pieces here and there but X did a very good job filling in the details.

    "Nicky, can you tell me anything else? Maybe why you were acting that way?"

    Nicky sat silent. He looked at the ground. He would not make eye contact with Kevin. He was too scared and ashamed of what he did. He knew in the pit of his stomach he had killed his brother, and he knew he deserved to be beaten and worst, but he was afraid to look at Kevin because he knew he loved them both even though he is not their real dad.

    "NICKY, I asked you a question. NOW I EXPECT you to answer me." Said Kevin with a raised voice. This shocked the boys. They had never heard that tone from Kevin. X was actually scared now. He could tell Kevin was upset and he was worried because of how Nicky had been acting today.

    It was so quiet you could hear an ant fart in the room.

    After about a minute, Kevin took a big gulp from his drink and moved the boys away as he stood up. He started to go to Nicky and Josh. David stepped in front of him.

    "Kevin, please. It's been a long day, we are all hurting." But he was cut off before he could say anything else.

    "David, thank you for your concern. But I need some answer from MY SON, as to why this happened to his LITTLE BROTHER, and I will not tolerate him ignoring me. Especially now." Kevin said very clearly and firmly. He was not drunk at all, it was like the whiskey was only to help prevent some of his hurt and pain from pouring out.

    Kevin reached over and picked Nicky up. He hugged him. Nicky started crying and hugged Kevin. He had his legs around him and looked like a 3 yr old holding onto his daddy. Kevin could feel Nicky wet his pampers as Kevin held him.

    Kevin backed up to his chair. He moved Nicky's legs to one side and sat down putting Nicky in his lap.

    "Nicky, look at me. I need YOU to tell me what happened today. I need you to tell me why you acted that way and did what you did. ONLY after you do that, can we figure out where we go from here and move forward with our lives."

    Hearing this Josh started to cry. It sank in as Kevin said that. He felt Sammy was gone, and he then understood why Kevin wanted Nicky to tell what happened, because if he did not, he might never forgive himself, and he might hurt himself.

    David saw Josh start to cry and he figured it meant the worst. He sat next to Josh. As he did this Erik went and climbed on their lap. The other boys all sat together on the big bean bags. X was now crying so Tanner and Han were trying to comfort him while Phil and Adam were cuddled together and crying quietly as they could feel the deep sadness fall on the room.

    It took a few minutes but finally Nicky adjusted himself on Kevin's lap and looked him in his very sad and bloodshot eyes.

    "Kevin I am sorry. I don't know why I was such a jerk today. I guess I was annoyed because Sammy kept wanting to do other stuff than I wanted to do. He want to go swing or play in our fort, instead of exploring and looking for stuff in the trees. He was acting like a baby and I was tired of it I guess. I was really mean to him and I am so sorry. The way I talked he must have thought I hated him, but I loved him so much. I thought if I got that big stick and batted the hornets away from us, everyone would be impressed and proud of me. But I screwed up and it went and almost hit Sammy. The hornets came out so fast he could not even get away from them. He started to cry and scream and I just froze. I watched and did nothing as those hornets stung my brother over and over and I let them hurt and kill him. It is my fault. I should be the one that is dead, not him. He did nothing wrong and it's all my fault." Nicky said as he cried and sobbed.

    "Kevin, can you please spank me or hit me or something. I deserve it. I wish I would just die, so that I don't hurt so much and that it would bring him back. If my daddy was here he would be so upset and disappointed in me and how I acted. I am a terrible big brother. I was supposed to watch over and protect him. I promised daddy I would protect him and I failed. I am the one that caused him to get hurt! Please spank me or use a belt or something on me. I understand if you send me away or something."

    "Nicky, thank you for telling me what happened. I am very disappointed in your behavior lately. You have been very bossy and treated Sammy like he was your pet or slave by telling him what he had to do. Otherwise, you were talking down and teasing him. I first thought you were trying to be a parent to him, but as I saw that your behavior was more like you were his master or controller, I realized it was not being a parent anymore and instead it was about control over him. I bet your daddy in Heaven is also disappointed by how you acted, because I believe those in heaven can see what happens here on Earth, and keep an eye on their loved ones. I am positive your daddy knows what happened, in fact."

    "I will not spank you now. If I did that I would be spanking you in anger and that is wrong. I also would not do it, because it would allow you to feel like you got punished and have no more responsibility for what happened. I have told you before, I don't like or believe in spanking kids, unless it's the last option and what they did put someone else in harm's way. You clearly put Sammy in danger, and got him critically hurt, but I will not spank you."

    "I am not going to send you away or get rid of you. I made a promise to your daddy. I told him I would raise you boys as if you were my own sons. I have tried to do that. At times it was stressful and I was trying to not pull my hair out. But seeing you boys smile always made it all worthwhile. You are my son now, whether you like it or not. You are stuck with me and just because you screwed up, and it was a super big one, I will not send you away or get rid of you. We are a family and we will stick together and get thru this together. I still love you. I am very disappointed in how you acted today and how you treated Sammy over the last few weeks. However, brothers sadly do that to each other at times, and they don't want to listen to their parents either. Maybe now you will listen better when I tell you to do or not to do something. I hope in the future you will think your actions out more, so you don't harm others by your actions and behaviors." Kevin gave Nicky a big hug and held him and he cried. In fact, they both cried together for a few minutes.

    "Nicky, I think it's time for you to get some sleep. I know today has been very hard on you. I am going to take you up and put you to bed. I want you all to stay here until I get back. Ok?" They all nodded, as Kevin stood up while carrying Nicky. It was awkard, but he was able to do it. He carried him upstairs and put him on the changing table. He was wet enough that he would leak by morning. He got him in a fresh thick youth diaper and then carried him and put him in Sammy's crib. Nicky grabbed Sammy's favorite stuffed animal, hugged it and cried. Kevin gave him a pacifier and kissed his forehead.

    "Nicky, I will be right back with some warm cocoa. I want you to drink it and then try to sleep. Ok?"  

    "I will try."

    Kevin went downstairs and made a sippy cup of warm chocolate milk. He also put a bit of crème de cocoa in it. He figured the little alcohol would help Nicky sleep. Then he did a bottle of juice so if Nicky needed it he would have it. He returned upstairs.

    "Nicky, here is some warm hot chocolate. I think you should drink it. It will help you calm down and help you sleep. I have a bottle of juice for you too."

    He helped Nicky drink his sippy cup. Then he gave him the bottle, a pacifier, and raised the side of the crib up, after giving him another kiss.

    "Would you like X to sleep with you tonight? I am sure if I asked him he would be happy to. I think it might be good for both of you to have someone to cuddle too."

    "Ok. If you think it's good." Said Nicky in a very quiet and depressed tone.

    "Nicky, we will get everything figured out tomorrow. It will be a busy day because we need to go to the hospital in the morning. So I need to you get some sleep. I love you and I know your brothers love you too. Happy diaper dreams."

    Kevin headed back downstairs. He suggested the boys should go to bed or could watch another movie. They were all worn out from their emotions. Erik told Josh he wanted to stay, if Kevin would let him, to support his friends. Josh understood and told him he could, and Kevin agreed.

    Kevin made them all some hot cocoa with a small amount of alcohol in it, so they would sleep thru the night and not be up with nightmares. Josh had noticed what he did with Nicky's sippy cup so he came out to help with the cups for the boys.

    "I see you are giving them a very small nightcap. I think it's a good idea. It's not that late, but I know they are all exhausted, and I bet a nightcap will help them sleep and stay asleep all night." Said Josh.

    "I am hoping the same. It's been a very long day for all of us and tomorrow will be a long day too. We need to get the hospital in the morning. I want to talk to you and David after I get the boys put to bed."

    "Sounds good, I have a few questions for you I did not want to ask in front of the boys, especially with how Nicky is."

    Kevin and Josh got the boys their warm cocoa, and they all drank it down. Then Kevin gave them each a bottle and took them upstairs to get them tucked in. They ended up sleeping 2 per bed mostly. X climbed into the crib with Nicky, and cuddled him. Kevin kissed them both and wished them "Happy Diaper Dreams", and raised the side of the crib up into place. He decided it would be good to have Adam and Phil in the other crib. So he put them in it and they were shocked when he raised the side and they were now secured in the crib. They cuddled up and talked softly. Kevin started the sleep music CD he had for the boys, and had it playing in the room to help them sleep. The ocean waves helped them be calm and rest all night. Tanner and Erik went to sleep in X's bedroom on the bottom bunk. Han took the top bunk, when Kevin told him he needed to talk to Josh and David.

    "Han, I will try to check on all of you before I go to bed. If you need a person to cuddle to, I am sure Tanner and Erik will let you, otherwise you know where my room is. I will be up early, just so you know." He gave all 3 boys a kiss on their forehead and wished them happy diaper dreams.

    When Kevin returned downstairs, David and Josh were sitting at the nook counter. Both of them had something to drink in front of them. Kevin got his drink and grabbed a stool so they could talk about the details of what happened.

    "Kevin, when you called us and told us what happened, and asked to come here, it sounded like in the background we heard Code Blue, and I know that is an emergency code, like when a person stops breathing or the heart stops. I also think I heard you say something about not taking your little Sammy away. Can you tell us more about what happened?"

    "Okay, here is what happened. Once I got the boys to go to the house, I drove like a bat out of hell to the urgent care center. I parked on the curb in front of their door and carried Sammy in calling for help. They got a gurney and put his limp little body on it. He was really pale. He was still breathing but it was very weak and shallow, because I could not hear him breathe but could see his chest move just a little."

    "We got him inside and they took him back to a room. I was asked to fill out some paperwork and tell them what happened. As I filled out all these forms, I told them what little I knew. He got stung by a bunch of hornets while playing in the trees behind our house with his brothers and friends. I found out later they counted over 60 stings on his tiny body. It was a miracle he was still breathing when I picked him up, because of how many stings he had."

    "The nurse tried to calm me down and finally suggested I get a soda or juice and have a seat to calm down. I got a coke and drank about half in 1 gulp. Then I called you so you could come here to watch the boys. While I was talking to you I heard the CODE BLUE. I turned and saw 2 more doctors rush into the room they took him into. I was about to lose it. I vaguely remember asking God to not take my Little Sammy from me. I begged him to save and protect him so I could give him the type of love and safe home his daddy would have. I told God, you already have their daddy. Please don't take him too! Then I broke down in tears."

    "About 20 minutes later they came out and told me he was semi coherent and was calling for daddy Kevin, and they hoped if he saw or heard my voice it would calm him down because his heart rate was not stable nor was his breathing."

    "They led me into the room and he had tubes everywhere. I did not want to cry and have him worry, so I smiled and went to hug him. He gave me a hug and said `I love you daddy Kevin. I am sorry I have not treated you like a daddy, but you are my daddy now and I love you.'   I told him it was OK and I love him too. From Day 1 in my eyes he was my son, and I knew it would take time for him to accept me as his dad. He smiled and said `thanks for everything. I love you, X, and Nicky so much.'"

    "Then the monitors started to beep and he went totally limp. I lost it and it took a big orderly to get me out of the room while they worked on him."

"Instead of the waiting area, he took me to another area and suggested I just sit there and relax. A nurse brought me a cup of soda and they suggested I put my feet up on the sofa and try to calm down. He gave me a pill and said I should take it so I would calm down and be prepared for when he wakes up again. She said it might be a while until they know more but they will make sure they update me. I am guessing it was Valium or something like it, as it did calm me down. I actually slept for about an hour."

"When I woke up I went to check on Sammy, and was told that he had come around but had 2 more episodes where he stopped breathing or his heart stopped again like it did the first time. They were still working on him and trying to get him stable so he could be moved to the children's hospital."

"They worked on him for several hours" and with that, Kevin lost it. Josh stood up and hugged Kevin.

"David, I think you should head home. I think it's best if I stay here tonight to make sure everyone is ok. I will crash on the sofa or one of the unused beds upstairs. I will call in and let them know I won't be in. I know you have court in the morning, so you need your rest. I love you hun" said Josh and then he kissed David and sent him home.

"Kevin, you need to get some sleep. Here finish your drink and then I will help you to your bedroom." Said Josh.

"I'm Ok. I should go check on the boys one more time, then I will go to bed."

"I will check on them. I will crash upstairs so they have someone nearby incase they need it. You go to bed and get some rest."

"Thanks. Tomorrow will be a long day, we all need sleep. Thanks"

Kevin went to his room and got ready for bed. He took a muscle relaxer and some advil. His back was killing him, and he knew there was no way he would sleep much if he did not take the flexeral, and Advil. He also got himself changed and padded for the night. He crawled into bed. He remembered to set the alarm for 6:30, because he had a lot he had to do the next day. He remembered something and grabbed his phone and started sending a text.

Josh went and checked on the boys. They all seemed ok. He noticed Han was still awake.

"Han, are you ok. You should be asleep."

"When I close me eyes, all I see is Sammy being stung by all those hornets. And, I'm worried about Kevin. He looked so sad and depressed. I remember how I felt when I lost my mom, she was mean and I hated her at times, but she was still my mom. I did not want anyone around because I had mixed feelings because I felt hurt, angry, lost, and alone, but I needed someone to hold me and talk to, so I could let it all out. I know I am kinda old to be scared of dreams, but I had a bad dream the other night when I was here. I was scared and for some reason I could not get back to sleep, even with Tanner cuddled to me. I went to see if Kevin was awake. He was asleep, but I guess he heard me as I entered his room. He talked to me for a few minutes and even let me sleep with him, since I was so scared. It felt like I had a real dad when he did that. I am scared now and I wonder if he would be upset if I went and cuddled with him. Maybe it will help me so I can sleep and maybe help him sleep too."

"Han, if that is what you want to do, I have no problem with it. I think with the whiskey Kevin had, and I know he does not drink much nor very often, that will help him sleep, but maybe just having a person with or near him might help him sleep better, and if it helps you then go for it. I am going to sleep in Xander's room. I will have the door open in case you or anyone needs anything. That is one reason I am opening the doors up here so I can hear if anyone has nightmares or needs anything. I just need to get me some water and my phone and I think I will call it a night."

"Thanks." Said Han and he waddled downstairs and went to cuddle with Kevin.

As he entered the room he saw Kevin was on his phone. It looked like he was sending a text to someone. Kevin looked at Han and gave him a weak smile. He put his phone on the nightstand, and let Han slide in and cuddle to him. Then they both fell asleep.

It has been a brutal day for the family and the next few days will be very hard and challenging for them, but they will get thru them, and hopefully, it will help bring Kevin and his boys closer with a stronger bond.  


_______ End Chapter 15 _______

I know it's a short chapter, but I am already working on the next one, and I know you will like it.

Sorry how down this chapter is. The next chapter will be better, but sadly in life, it is not all smiley faces. We have problems and issues that happen and affect our lives. I am trying to keep my stories as grounded as I can toward real life.


So now what?

How will Nicky react and be over the next few days?

X sounded like he was upset at how Nicky was acting and treated Sammy, and now after what happened how will it affect them?

How will the boys adjust and what changes will Kevin make in the house after what happened?

Who was Kevin texting, and why at night when he was so tired, emotionally drained, and had been drinking?


If you have any ideas or questions, feel free to drop me an email or message. Maybe I will like your idea better than what I have planned.

Come back to get these answers and more in the next chapter of Be True to Your Heart.


If you like the story, I would love to hear from you. Even if it's just a "HI, I like the story", or "Hi, Nicky sounds so cute and I wish I had a boy like him." If you know of a story you think I should check out and include in one of the lists, let me know. Send me an Email:  (updated)

I currently have 2 other Ongoing stories (I have a third but it is in the draft and feedback mode still). All my published stories can be found on my AO3 author page.

Finding a Mentor, Max's story. On NIFTY and on AO3. See which version is easier for you to read or save.

MNDB Sleepover Fun.   On Nifty, and on AO3.


This site needs your donations. When you donate, make sure to tell them you like stories about Horny young boys and Horny diaper boys.



Because there was no action in this chapter, I picked some extra horny boy stories for the links in this chapter. ENJOY!!


This Chapters Special Story link list:


1.   Cruise to Remember  



4 What Families are for (Lots of hot sex...)

5.   The Star

6 Matty's New Life

7. Almost Heaven    







14 Runaway Boys Life






20. 2 men rape me and my brother - home invasion

21.   Angel Gabriel (It would be so awesome to be his friend and get to visit his estate and pick a boy for the basement!!)

22 Young Innocence


I picked these stories because they have a lot of horny boys in them and a lot of great Mb and bb sex in them. Since you did not get any relief from reading this chapter, I figured these stories will hold you over until my next chapter (Maybe Han helps Kevin relieve some stress?? Does he crave some of the things that happen in the above stories, like in Cruise to Remember or ??). I suggest having some lotion or lube handy when you read these.

Make sure you check out the other works by these authors as well. Many have several GREAT stories they share on AO3 or Nifty.



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