Be True to Your Heart 19

From Last Chapter:

“I can tell Han is very happy. When he comes home from being over there, he is on cloud nine. The way he talks about you, and the way he looks at you, are not normal for a boy his age. It makes me think he has a crush on you or is in love with you. I noticed about 10 days ago, when he got home he seemed to have a hard time sitting still. Like he had ants in his pants, or maybe a sore bottom. That night after I told him to take his shower, I put his diaper on him, which he seemed embarrassed about, which is new. It's something I do for him now and then as it seems to help him relax. His asshole was red and puffy. It was clear he had something inside him. I asked about it as I put some cold cream on it. He said it was his hairbrush handle. I let it go, but I knew he was not being honest. Later, I overheard Tanner and him talking. He was explaining how it felt to have a ‘big one’ in him and how much he loved being hugged and cuddled afterward. I am under the impression you are having sex with him. Tanner asked him some questions and I heard Han say, it was all his idea and that his ‘lover’ or ‘daddy’ kept saying no, but gave in finally when he said he just wanted to know what it felt like to be loved instead of used. I asked him last night about it. He got upset and could not look me in the eye. I could tell he was not telling me the truth when he told me he was not in a relationship with you. I love Han and want to make sure he is safe. I told him he needed to come straight home after school. I will be talking to him more about it. But, I want to know what you have to say. Based on how honest you are with me, will dictate my response and next actions. I do not have any recording devices on me, nor do I have a wire. So what we say here, we are the only ones to hear it. I need the truth. I think I deserve that, don’t you?”

Chapter 19: Now What?

Kevin was in shock. This is what he feared. He loved his new boys and would give his life for them. He told Han they could not have a relationship, because it would end up hurting his boys if anyone ever found out or even suspected it.

“Faye, I need to grab me something to drink. Would you like some tea, soda, or water?”

“A glass of water is fine for me. I will relax here and enjoy this peaceful view you have for a moment until you return.”

Kevin got himself a Coke. He got a glass of water for Faye. He was trying not to shake and to stay calm. He was barely holding it together. He looks at the clock and figured they have about 2 hours until the boys get out of school.

“Here is your water, I added a few ice cubes to it, since it is a warm day today.”

“Thanks. By the way, Han says the music that you have playing at night helps him sleep really well and it’s the best sleep he gets. He said you called it sleep music. Can you tell me where I can get it for at my place so they can get good peaceful sleep each night?” Faye said.

“Faye, this is a very delicate topic. Even more so with my past, and with the fact I have 3 boys I love dearly and would never do anything to harm them or to hurt anyone. Before I answer your questions, I think I need to explain a few things.”

“Faye, I was abused as a child. It started not long after I turned 8 and lasted about 2.5 years. It was the neighbor teen and many of his friends he shared me with. It has affected me in many ways, and still affects me. I know how it feels to be used, abused, treated as property, and degraded. I won’t go into the gross details of what they did, but some of it was so bad, I once tried to kill myself when I was 10. Don’t take a lot of aspirin with soda if you are trying to kill yourself, it will fizz up and make you puke. I learned that the hard way. Having suffered as I did, I would NEVER hurt a child or want anyone to suffer and feel how I felt. Especially someone whom I love or care for.” Kevin then went into more detail about what happened from the incident which she is aware of. He was not sure how much Kam or Hobie had told her, so he gave her the basics, but made sure to clarify, that he never once touched any of the boys in any way that was improper or sexual.

“Kevin, I am so sorry to hear what happened to you as a child. That is one of the worst stories I have heard, and I know several that were abused. Kam’s husband was when he was young, and that is why he lived with an Uncle when he was a teen. From my understanding, he had a relationship with a college student while he was a young teen. It lasted many years. His Uncle found out and was going to have the man arrested, but Bill was clear he started the relationship, and it was at his terms as to what they did. He told his Uncle that if he took away his lover and special friend he would hate him for life, and go find him another man that could fill his needs. He told him this time he wanted it and felt loved, not used as he was by his mom’s boyfriend when he was a little kid. I guess they had many discussions, including the 3 of them, but his uncle was convinced it was Bill in control of the relationship, and it was he who started it and set all limits. He gave them his blessing. It lasted until Bill went off to college and his special friend, was killed in a shooting at a gay bar. Bill was a wreck for a long time from what I was told. It was Kam that pulled him out of his depression. They were lab partners first, then became friends, then more. I was shocked to hear that Kam had also had a relationship with a man. He was 14 when it happened. I guess it was a teacher. The teacher got caught with another boy, and Kam denied anything had happened, even when there was evidence it did. He did tell his parents what happened, and that he would never tell anyone what happened, for 2 reasons. First, he wanted it and asked for it. When his teacher wanted to try some things, and Kam was not ready or wanting to, if he said no, the teacher respected it. Second, he felt if he did tell, he would betray the trust they had, and he knew the police and therapist would try to make it look like he was manipulated, and tricked into the relationship, and that he was just a dumb kid that got taken advantage of. He said that is how they treat all kids. He talked to 2 foster kids he became good friends with and that is what he learned from both of them. I guess 1 was a boy he met when you were babysitting him for a week or something. He was clear that he would not let anyone make him look like a fool or that he was manipulated by the teacher. He knew if he fought, they would try to put him in an institute claiming he was unstable and could be a risk to himself or others, especially with his skewed view on sex and morality. His parents knew Kam had a special friend at that time, but they thought it was an older boy, not a teacher. They trusted Kam and supported his position. I think there is a time when we have to listen to our kids, and if we trust them, and know they are in a relationship, where they are loved and respected, and not one where they are taken advantage of or manipulated into doing what they think they need to do to please someone, then we should respect them and their feelings. It's hard to tell a boy I trust you to make your own choices, and hold you accountable for them, and then tell him when it's his body, he we don’t trust him to know what is good or safe, and we want to make those choices for him. Just like how it’s stupid that a person can be 18 and give their life for their country in the military, but they are not old enough to legally drink. You can die to protect the Constitution, but you can’t have a beer to toast to it. That is crazy.”

“Wow, I hope Kam is doing well. I sadly must agree with his position. I know in my case, even when there was never a claim of any type of abuse, they tried to get my cousin and at least one of the foster boys to claim that I had touched them. They drilled them over and over for hours. They tried to trick them into saying I did stuff, so I would get the help I needed. That was the claim they tried. I have seen the transcripts from the interviews. The funny part is they all kept to the truth and told them I never touched them, and they knew I would not. I was not that kind of person and would never do anything to hurt them. The police, state attorneys, and therapists will twist anything a child says to get it to look like they were used, abused, and manipulated. I find it funny. If a 14-year-old boy kills someone, he can be tried as an adult, but, if a 14 or 15-year-old wants to have sex with an adult, they are not mentally competent to make that choice. It’s a very sad double standard, that shows our justice system is not about truth or rehabilitation, but solely about punishment and the maximum they can give. I have known some kids that were in the 12-14 age range, and much more mature than a lot of 21yr olds I knew. However, we all seem to know that in many ways, boys emotionally mature much slower than girls do, at least until they are in their late teen years. However, so many parents forget this and want their boys to be little men or little soldiers, to do as they are told, not cry, nor show much emotion, while their daughters are hugged, held, and told it's okay to cry. Another terrible double standard we have here.”

“I agree. From my experience boys seem to need to be held, cuddled, snuggled, and given a lot of physical affection into their teen years, They are clearly a few years behind girls in that portion of their maturity. I think I read a study a while back that said they found that boys in grade school and middle school, were at an emotional maturity that was much lower than their female classmates. Something like the boys were at a level about 30% less than a girl was. Or that boys were at about the same maturity as a girl that was 30% younger than they are. So a 10-year-old boy is about as mature as a 7-year-old girl. In many ways, I see that and think it's pretty correct. But they were also clear that there are different types of maturity, and they are not the same across the board. I know Han is immature in some ways, but also very mature in others. I see the same with Tanner. They can take care of themselves, clean the trailer, cook meals, and such, as good or better than many men coming out of college and living on their own. Yet both boys need extra love and attention. They need physical affection, and I think they both need the love and attention of a caring man that will help guide them to be healthy and loving men.”

“I have checked Han's browser history on his tablet and laptop. I notice he has been visiting a few sites often to read stories on them. He has also found a few sites that have photos. The photos he seems to like are of boys in diapers, pullups, underwear, or speedos. The sexy stories are all stories about gay sex, involving at least 1 young boy, normally around his age. Sometimes it's with just boys and others it's boys and men. I also found he has been reading stories about boys wearing diapers, and some about boys being regressed and treated like little kids, toddlers, or even babies. I am a bit surprised. I am not surprised that the stories are gay but am rather shocked that some are where it’s a man and a boy, as well as the regression ones. If I treat him like a little kid, he reminds me he is a big kid and not a baby. He only lets me diaper him sometimes, like once a week, because we both know it helps him feel loved, special, and calms him a bit.”

“As far as Han goes, I have never done anything to hurt him. I have never forced him to do or wear anything. Same for Tanner. I can’t say that for my boys, because I have disciplined them and made them wear some things they didn’t like or do things, like go to bed early or do extra chores, which they didn’t like or want to do. However, I have never hurt them. I have never forced myself on a child in any way, and I have never forced anyone to do anything sexual with me or allow me to do anything sexual to them.” Kevin said then took a breather. Faye was watching and listening to me. Once he had his breathing under control again, he continued.

“Many kids have been lied to by their parents or guardians, and this causes trust issues. I told my boys, and have told Tanner and Han this too, ‘Your honor is only as good as your word or handshake is. If you give your word to do something, you are making a promise, and you need to keep it.’ I also tell them that if they need to talk, I am here for them and what they tell me is confidential and I won’t tell others unless they or someone else is at risk of being injured or hurt. I tell them that I will inform them if I need to tell someone and let them be involved in that call or conversation. If I make a promise to any of the boys, I take it very seriously and do everything in my power to keep it. This is one of the issues we are facing now. I and Han made a promise to each other, that we would not tell anyone about any relationship we might have. He knows what it would do to my boys, and me. I know what would happen to him, and how the system would treat him. He does not deserve that. I can say he did try several times to start a relationship with me. I sent him home twice because of it. I thought we had worked it out, until one night when the boys were doing a sleepout in the backyard. That night I was in bed reading and Han came in and told me he was scared and asked if I could hold him. I let him snuggle to me and I held him while I continued reading my book. However soon his hands were going where they should not go. Normally puppy dog eyes, don’t work on me, but his did, especially when they had tears in them. I could see the hurt, and fear of rejection he had. I didn’t want to hurt him that way, nor to have him go seek what he wanted from a stranger or someone that would use and abuse him, for their needs only, instead of it being about him. Any relationship Han is in should be one where his needs and feelings are the priority. He should have the final say as to what is off-limits and what he wants or is willing to do. Not be told what he is going to do, which would likely happen if he went searching for it from someone that doesn’t care about and love him.” He paused for a moment.

“Faye, I can’t tell you if we have done anything because if I do that, I will break the trust Han has in me, and the promise I made to him. So that is the best answer I can give you at this time. I am sorry if that does not answer your question, but I fear if I broke the trust and the promise that I would hurt Han deeply and that would break my heart to know he is hurting and I caused it. I know his mother broke promises often and failed to honor any trust he had in her, especially in keeping him safe and meeting his needs.”

Faye sipped her water quietly for a moment. Kevin had almost finished his Coke already.

“Kevin, I respect that. You were honest with me, and I can tell you care about Han as much as I do, if not even more. I respect that you don’t want to break a promise or his trust. I know he has a hard time trusting people, and he does trust you, which speaks volumes about how you treat him and your boys to me. While you did not give me an answer directly, you gave me one indirectly. I believe that you would not do anything Han does not want, nor that you would do anything to hurt him. I trust him with you. I can’t officially say I condone any relationship he would have with an adult; however, I can say that if he is going to do that, I would hope it would be with a person as loving and caring as you are. I have felt for a while that he was gay, and I am ok with it. I know he fears people might reject him for it. I have heard him and Tanner talk about it before as well as some of what he has read and even written on his computer. I think Tanner has a crush on him, because he seemed a bit down when he found out Han had a person he loved, and wanted to be his partner, and that person was not Tanner. But Han did tell him that he is his best friend, he thinks he is really cute, and it would be fun to do more stuff with each other when they can.”

“Thank you. I would never do anything knowingly or intentionally to hurt him, or any boy. He is a sweet boy, and he craves having a daddy that loves him and accepts him for who he is, including his diapers and his desire to have a pacifier at times.”

“I have noticed he seems to enjoy his diapers a bit more now than he used to. He would complain at times that his GoodNites leaked or would shift on him when he sleeps. He said they were scratchy and not comfy unless he had to wear them during the day, then they were ok. Now that I got him those big kid youth diapers, he says they don’t leak and feel much better. I can see how he would like a pacifier. He was potty trained early, and I know when he is scared, he will still at times suck his thumb, and I have seen it in his mouth a few times at night when I check on him.”

“By the way, Han told me what happened with Sammy, and how he got hurt. I would have spanked Nicky so he could not sit for a week. Han said that is what he thought would happen, but you gave him a punishment he thinks about every day now for a month. I admit, treating a 9-year-old like a 4-year-old, sounds weird, but making him be the little brother, and walk in his little brother's shoes makes sense. I hope it works. I have always believed that punishment should fit the crime. It needs to be reasonable and teach a lesson, but not too long of incarceration. If your legal system understood that and then offered a way to help people improve their lives instead of having labels on them that interfere with finding work, our criminal justice system might actually work, instead of just creating a situation that encourages and promotes an offender to become a repeat offender since they lose everything when they spend so much time in jail and then can’t find reasonable work later.

“I will place you in my will as the person I name as the guardian for the boys if anything should happen to me. Now this brings me to the next thing. I made Han promise not to tell you or your boys, about the change in our household. He now has an unofficial little brother. It’s a long story, but I ended up taking in my grandson. His name is Matty. He was worried about meeting his cousin, but they are best buddies now. Han wore diapers all weekend to show Matty it’s ok that he needs them. I hope you are willing to take them both, should anything happen to me. Han has been wonderful in helping him and making him feel like a normal kid. Han even changes his diapers so I don’t have to all the time. When I went shopping over the weekend, I came home, and Han made lunch for all of us. I was shocked. He said your boys are learning to cook, so he asked if you would show him too. It was just grilled cheese and soup, but it was great and to see the look of pride on his face as we all enjoyed it was priceless. Thank you for making him happy and feeling like he is important and special. I tried, but he needs a man to show him that. I have a feeling he sees you as his dad now. Tanner was surprisingly helpful and kind to Matty too. It was strange because they acted almost as if they had known each other before or something.”

“I have a feeling the boys did meet before. When Sammy was in the hospital, he had a roommate that night and morning. It was a young boy, who was very small and slender for his age. I could make out his ribs, even with his hospital gown on. He looked very sad. I had Han and Tanner go pick out 2 stuffed animals for him. He told me what he liked so I told them and asked them to pick what they thought was cool. They picked out a wolf and an adorable dragon. The boy wanted to know if there were any conditions or catches when I gave them to him. The look on his face when I said there was 1, told me he likely had been abused. It was one of fear, pain, and worry. I told him the only catch was to tell us the names of them, and that made him smile. He named them Howler and Shadow. The boy’s name is Matty. The nurse said he was going to be living with his grandmother and cousin.”

“That is Matty. The nurse told me a man and his boys were very kind and gave him some coloring books, more crayons, and 2 stuffed animals. She gave me the contact info, along with some other info about his medical needs and such. Somehow when I got home, I could not find the slip of paper with the contact info on it. But it makes sense. When he saw Han, he smiled and blushed but was still standing behind me. Before Han could say anything, I introduced Matty and told him I wanted them to go sit and talk and get to know each other. Han had a look of surprise and I assumed it was because he had a cousin that was going to be living with us, but maybe it was also because they had met in the hospital. I told the boys I would get them bunk beds when we could afford it. However, Han said he did not care, and Matty doesn’t take a lot of space so there was room for both of them in his bed for now. Tanner said he would walk him to the bus stop and ride with him, but I said I needed to drive him to school, but asked Tanner to help make sure he gets on the bus this afternoon. Tanner is a sweet boy and like Han has taken watching out for Matty as part of his responsibility as a big brother does.”

“I am so glad he is with you and Han. He needs a loving parent. I could tell he was very worried about how his cousin would treat him and if he would be teased about his diapers. He seemed happy when he met my boys and found out he was not alone in his diapers. He is welcome over here at any time, just as Han is. He and Xander are the same age, but he is just a bit smaller than Nicky, who is actually older. I hope he and Xander will be good friends. They are a lot alike. If you need a babysitter, please feel free to let me know. I am not sure what my work schedule will be. I wanted to ask if you would allow me to hire Han to come over after school and keep an eye on my boys and help them with any schoolwork. They are all good kids, but Han is a 6th grader now. He is very immature in some ways, but he is also mature in others. He takes trust and responsibility very seriously, and when I asked him if he was interested in being a mentor and watching over the boys after school for a few hours, he glowed with pride and excitement. He promised to make sure schoolwork got done first and that he would keep them safe. My boys were told that they were to do what Han said, and they all know if there are any concerns to call me. There is a listing of emergency phone #s on the fridge and where the house phone stays. Not to mention I have all the #s programmed into the phone.”

“I have no problem with Han coming over here after school. He told me you had offered him this opportunity. I told him I was fine with it, but I also was hoping he would spend some time with Matty. He said he would ask if Matty could come over so they could all hang out together. I expect him to ask you that today. He was upset when I told him he was to come home to our trailer and not to your house today. I will tell him he we talked and have worked it all out.”

“Matty is more than welcome to come over too. Even if they are in different classes, they can all work together to get their assignments done. I know Tanner and Nicky are in the same class. When we got school supplies I picked up extra ones, so that way Tanner would have some as well, if he needed them. I had asked to see if Sammy could be placed in the 2nd/3rd grade combo split class. I was told they were not sure if there was room but would try. I had heard the teacher in charge of that class is a very reasonable and caring older man, who is a long-term and skilled teacher, who does this for the kids, not for summer off. I had been warned about a few teachers, and when I talked with the principal and explained my concerns about certain teachers and why, I was assured that they were good teachers, however with my concerns she told me she would do all she could to make sure none of my boys would end up in any of those classes. She added a note to their folders about my concern and those 4 teachers. I guess giving them the name and phone # of the boys’ lawyer whom they could talk to if needed, along with Josh, could be contacted in case of an emergency. It's funny, because she knows David, and assured me that she saw no reason for the boys to need a lawyer while they are in her school.”

Faye and Kevin chatted for a while and Kevin asked her to have Han bring over his tablet so he could load the sleep music on it. He said he was considering getting another CD because his boys prefer the ocean waves and rain sounds over any of the others. If he does he will make sure Han gets a copy of that on his tablet then. She thanked him and let him know that Han has an older CD player in his room, so if it’s on CD, he can play it that way. Kevin said he would burn a copy on a CD so it could be played when they went to bed, and just put it on repeat. She headed home while Kevin got a quick snack set out for the boys. The middle school gets out 45 minutes before the elementary (grade) school does. The boys are close enough that they could ride their bikes if needed. But the bus will make it easier, especially with Sammy and Matty. Erik lives closer to school, so he is likely to walk or ride his bike.

A little bit later his 3 boys came home. They were excited and busy talking as they came in the back door. Kevin was a bit surprised it was just his 3, but he figured Tanner had walked Matty to his trailer since it was his first day.

“Dad, we are home” called out X, as they came in the door.

“Hi boys. I hope you had a good first day at school.”

“It was fun. I sit between Tanner and another boy, Arild, he is kinda cute.” Said Nicky.

“I and Sammy are in the same class. It has both 2nd and 3rd graders in it. It's some kind of special class and we get all of our assignments for the week on Monday and we can work on them as we want to. But we have to have them done and turned in on Friday morning, then we have tests. He takes time and teaches each part of the class, and we can listen to it if we want to. It's kinda neat. He teaches stuff differently than my old teachers did. I like him.” Said X.

“Guess who else is in our class. Matty from the hospital. He is really nice. We go to the nurse together when we are done eating. It was kinda scary to go get changed, but I found out there were a few other boys that are in diapers in our lunchtime. He sat with me on the bus.” Said an excited Sammy.

“I talked with Faye today. It seems she is Matty’s grandma, and Han is his cousin so he is living with them. I told Faye they are welcome here anytime. Remember Han will be coming over after school, and keeping an eye on you boys. When he is in charge, make sure to listen to him and do as he says. If there is a problem, you can call my cell phone. He can help you with your homework, but so can your brothers. Matty will likely be over here to do his homework with you guys too, and Tanner is welcome as well. If Erik wants to come over, I am fine with that, but I would like you boys to text me each day who is over here, so I know, just in case.”

“Okay dad, we can do that” X said.

“Do you guys have any homework?”

“I got to write about what was the most fun I had this summer.” Nicky said.

“My teacher told us to do that too, but we got until Friday. We have to read them in class” said X.

“My teacher said we should draw a picture of what we did this summer,” said Sammy.

All the boys said their assignment was due on Friday, so Kevin told them to start working on it because he wanted them to have it done by tomorrow night, so he could read it and give any suggestions with grammar. He reminded them that they should not talk about anything private they did with anyone, including the various boys they met while camping and moving here.

“X, I need to talk to you for a few minutes, so can you come with me, please? I will do diaper and pullup checks when we are done talking.”

X went with Kevin, and they sat on the back patio, while Nicky and Sammy sat at the kitchen table to start on their work.

“X, I want to talk with you about what happened between us over the weekend.”

“Daddy, before you say anything, can I say some stuff? I have been thinking about it and I wanted to talk about it. I was going to ask you later, but now is good.”

“Ok, go for it, Alex” Kevin said. This brought a smile to X’s face. Kevin remembered to call him Alex when it was just them and or when it was a special time.

“Daddy. Thank you for what you did. Most daddies would not do that and would leave their kids wondering or looking for someone else to do it. I love you so much. I really liked what we did, and it felt great. It made my butt tingle and feel better than it ever did. I loved it. I wanted you to show me how much you loved me, and I thought because you and Han have sex you loved him more. I know that is silly, but it's how I felt. You showed me how much you love me. How far you would go for me. I felt so loved, it was great. I hope we can do it again, but I know it will not be something we do often. I could tell you liked it, but I saw worry in your face at times. You did not hurt me, you made me feel loved and the best I ever felt. You told me you promised yourself you would never touch any of us boys in a sexy way. I made you break that promise because I thought you loved Han more than me, but I know you love me more now. I realize now I was selfish. You broke a promise, so you could make me happy and feel good. I know how important a promise is, and how much it hurts when it is broken. My mom and her boyfriends would do that a lot. I am sorry I made you break it. You love me so much, you broke a promise to yourself. I understand you love us more than anything else. I feel bad that I made you break that promise. But you did not hurt, use, or abuse me. You filled me with love and happiness. Thank you, Daddy.” Alex said and then hugged Kevin. He started to cry a little as Kevin held him.

“Alex, I love you boys more than anything. That is one reason I swore and promised to never touch you guys in any sexy way. You are all so cute, but I don’t want to hurt you in any way. What we did felt great. But I have felt terrible about it the last few days. I feel like I let you down, as a daddy and protector. I am glad you understand how I feel. I hope you understand what would happen if anyone ever found out. Besides the fact that I would go to prison for life, you boys would be split up and manipulated to think that sex is bad, gay is bad, and a lot more. That sadly is how society and our judicial system work. They will send a kid to prison for life for killing someone, but another kid the same age is told that he can’t make up his own mind about his body, and who he loves. It’s a sick double standard. But that is how things are in the US, and until we get people who have a real backbone and want to reform and change our judicial system from one of punishment and manipulation to one that is based on truth and facts, instead of belief and theory, it will not get any better. I love cuddling with you and your brothers, but I don’t think I can have sex or make love to you again. It felt wonderful, but it tore me up inside afterward. I hope you understand. It’s because I love you boys so much, that it hurts me if I think what I am doing might hurt you or make you hate me when you are older.”

“Daddy, I understand. I love you so much. You are the best. Thanks. But I do have a question.”

“Ok, what's the question”

“You are our daddy, so if Han becomes your boyfriend or girlfriend, do we have to call him mommy?” X said and then busted up laughing. Kevin had a look of shock at first, then started to laugh.

“No, because if you called him that, he might spank you. Besides, for now, we are just friends. Special friends yes, but just friends. I need to talk with Han, so he is more careful when he is with me, so he does not give others the impression we might be doing stuff, that is not allowed in our society.”

“Yeah, he loves you so much. He told us many times how lucky we were to have such a great dad. That was before he went to see you that night. Even Tanner wishes you were his dad. I think it's cool that my friends think my dad is awesome because I think you are too.”

“I love you too Alex, and I think you're pretty special and awesome too, most of the time. I hope you and Nicky are doing better. Have you talked to him about your feelings lately?”

“Thanks Dad. No, we have not talked about that since we were at Billy’s house. He seems to be trying harder to be better and is listening when we say stuff. Sammy asked me about stuff and I told him. He told me he was still hurt some by it and how Nicky tried to make it his fault and stuff. But we both love him and are trying to let it go.”

“Remember, I am here to help you boys. If you want, we can have a talk as a family. That might be easier for you and Sammy to talk about your feelings and thoughts, instead of just talking to him out of the blue. Think about it and talk to Sammy. We can do it tonight or tomorrow after dinner.”

As Kevin was talking, he saw movement. He looked and saw Han and Tanner walking towards them, and with them was a small boy. He could not tell from the distance if it was Matty, but he knew it had to be. He pointed them out to X, who got excited.

X ran out to see his friends and walked with them back to the house.

“Hi boys, I hope you had a good first day of school. Welcome to our home Matty. It's good to see you again. You look much better.” Kevin said.

Each of the boys gave him a hug. Han held onto it a little longer and whispered “I missed you so much, but I have been a good boy” in his ear.

“Matty, I have told the boys, they can call me Uncle Kevin, or just Kevin. Most prefer to call me Uncle Kevin, and that is what most parents prefer their boys call me. But it’s up to you. I do suggest when talking to Faye or in front of adults, Uncle Kevin is much more acceptable and shows your respect for elders.”

“Ok, thanks, Uncle Kevin. Han was telling me how cool you were and stuff. I knew you were really nice when I met you in the hospital. Grandma was shocked some stranger got me 2 stuffed animals and the coloring books. She said that it must have been a really nice daddy, to help out someone else’s kid. I was scared when she took me home but when I saw Han I knew he was nice to me at the hospital and that he was in a diaper so I knew he would not tease me. He has been the best big brother ever. Tanner is super nice too. Han even lets me sleep in his bed with him, instead of making me sleep on the sofa.”

“Han and Matty, did Faye explain to you that we talked and she is ok with you both coming over here after school? Han will be in charge when I am not here. Schoolwork is a priority and is what must be done first. No roughhousing or any playing that could get someone hurt. Tanner is welcome to come, but the same rules apply to him, and to Erik too, if he wants to come over. I request that each day you send me a text of who is over so I know, and if others come over later, send a text so I know. This way I know who is here and it’s for safety reasons. It's best to do diaper changes upstairs on the changing table or on one of the beds if that is a better height.”

“Thanks. Yeah, she told me. She said you and her had a long talk about stuff. She looked at me kinda funny, so I want to talk to you about stuff. But she said it was ok for me to come over after school and ‘babysit’ as she called it. She told me that because you do so much for me and now Matty and even Tanner. I should not ask for any payment for babysitting. I agree. I don’t want money. I like being here and you are so nice to us and help us, it's fair for me to help when I can.”

“I appreciate that Han. There will be food in-house, so you can all have a snack after school. But limit the junk food. You are in charge, and I trust you to treat them all well, but not let them get away with stuff either. Now let's go inside. I want to hear about the first day of school”

They went inside and the boys were surprised that X and Sammy were working on their assignment since it was not due until Friday. Kevin explained how he viewed it, and if they were to be at his house after school, then they needed to follow his homework rules. They all agreed to do that. Tanner was glad he would have Han and Nicky to help him with his schoolwork.

“Ok boys, for those who are in pullups or diapers, I need to do a check to see if you need a change and how wet you are. So please stand up and drop your pants or shorts.” Kevin said.

Matty blushed a little. Han had changed him when he got home. But he was going to follow the rules since he wanted to spend time here. Faye told him that Kevin is a very kind and smart man. He needs to follow his rules when he is at Kevin’s house. He waited to see who else was dropping their shorts. He saw that Sammy had already dropped his and his diaper was very wet. X had pushed his down and he had a pull-up on. Nicky was pushing his down and he saw another pullup. So Matty pushed his shorts down, to show his dry paw patrol diaper.

Tanner was enjoying the sights in front of him. He whispered something to Han and that made him smile. Both boys pushed their shorts down, showing their undies. Tanner had Pokemon undies while Han had blue ones.

“X, your pull-up appears to be dry, or mostly dry. Great job. Nicky your pullup is wet, but not soaked. Keep working on it. I am proud of you. Sammy, I know you need to be changed. I hope it went well at lunchtime when the nurse changed you. Matty, you are dry, so I guess Han changed you. Han and Tanner your undies are dry. Good boys” Kevin said and then chuckled.

“Sammy, X, and Nicky, please remove your shorts, and set them on your chair. I will need to get you changed. However, I have to ask, Nicky and X, what would you each like?”

“My pull-up is pretty wet. I tried hard and did use the bathroom at lunch. But I had to pee on the bus. Sorry Dad.” Said Nicky.

“Nicky, it's ok. That is why I am having you guys wear pullups. You enjoyed your diapers all summer, and I noticed you had lost some control. This way you can work to get your control back, and not have wet pants and get teased at school. If you made it through most of the school day and were dry, that’s awesome bud. I’m very proud of how hard you are trying and that you are taking this seriously.” Kevin said and gave Nicky a big hug. This brought a smile to his face.

“Daddy, my pull-up is only a little wet. I had to pee some on the bus, so I just let a little out and then stopped at the tree out front once the bus pulled away. Can I stay in my pull-up until dinner? Then can I have a thick diaper?”

“X, that is fine. If you want, you can put your shorts back on, but you don’t have to. After all, the basic house rule is if you are in diapers, nothing over them so you can be checked easily. Sammy, and Nicky I can get you both cleaned up and changed in my room. Follow me.”

Matty blushed when he heard the house rule of nothing over diapers. He did not know if that applied to him or not. It was a little embarrassing to be in just his diaper, even if the rest of the boys wore them to bed or in days too. But he would do it if Kevin told him to.

Kevin got Sammy changed first. He was sent out in his paw patrol diaper to work on his drawing.

“Nicky, I am proud of you today. I know you like your diapers a lot, but I think you are seeing how bad and hard it can be to wear them all the time, including at school. I hope you will keep working on using the potty during the day and at school. I am hoping that in a few weeks, your pull-ups will be dry each day. After a week of dry pull-ups, it will be time to pick out new underwear. When I was at the store today, I saw they had some cool new Harry Potter undies. I just hope they didn’t put Harry holding his wand on the front of boys undies.” Kevin said. This caused Nicky to giggle at the image, especially if he had a stiffy.

“I am trying. It is kinda hard because sometimes I feel I got to pee and I can’t hold it much. I talked to the teacher at break and told him that me and Sammy lost our daddy this summer and moved to live with you and then we moved here. I told him I started having daytime problems and ended up in diapers for pee. I told him I’m trying hard to get control back and am wearing pull-ups instead of diapers so I could get control back. I guess he knew part of it because he knew I had permission to go to the nurse or bathroom anytime I asked. He said he understood and to just keep trying and that I would get control back when my body is ready. He was nice about it. I was a bit worried, but I wanted to talk to him, so I did it during the first recess. I don’t want to have to wear diapers to school like Sammy and Matty. I don’t want to get teased or stuff. I know Han said in Middle School they have gym class and he has to change his clothes in front of a lot of other boys. If I had to wear a diaper I would be too embarrassed to do that, or to wear shorts and stuff where they could see or hear them. I feel bad for Sammy and Matty. I think X knew when I wet it on the bus. We were sitting together. He told me that he would walk behind me, just in case. He is so cool and nice to me and Sammy. I am glad he is our brother. Thanks for helping me and loving us.” Nicky said as he started to tear up. He opened his arms and Kevin gave him a big hug. Kevin held him for a few minutes and rubbed his back and soggy butt to help calm him down. Once he calmed down, Kevin sat him down on the bed.

Nicky, what would you like to wear now? We can do the thick night diapers. It should last until breakfast. However, if you want a diaper, I want you to try to go poopy first.”

“Ok, I think a diaper is best. I can still try to hold it. I don’t think I need to poop, but I will try.”

Once Nicky was done in the bathroom, Kevin got him into his thick overnight diaper.

“Nicky, remember you are the little brother when you are not at school. When you are studying, I think you should have your pacifier. I think it will help you focus. It also means at home, it's only bottles or sippy cups. Even when other boys are here, if they ask why, you can explain it to them, and if they have more questions I can answer them. If I am not here, Han and X can both explain it too, as they both seem to understand it very well. Han has been reminded that you are to be treated as a 4-5-year-old, after school for the next month or so. I expect you to think about what type of after-school or extracurricular activities you want to do. We will be talking about them later this week or weekend so we can get you all signed up. I think the Cub Scouts start next week, in case you boys want to do that. Now let's head out and you can work on your essay.”

Nicky waddled out to his spot at the table. Kevin got him his pacifier, which he started sucking on while he worked on his essay. Matty was shocked to see an older boy in such a thick diaper and using a pacifier.

The boys did their assignment and chatted a bit as they did it. Kevin was not too shocked when Tanner asked if he could borrow some paper. Kevin told him “No, you can’t borrow some paper, but I will give you some. Here is a notebook and some pencils and pens. Take care of them. I keep extra paper over here on this table for the boys when they are doing school work, and there is blank drawing paper next to it if any of you need it.” Tanner hugged Kevin and had tears in his eyes. His stepdad only got a few of the school supplies he needed. His stepbrother got all the new stuff and more, but he got very little. He told Kevin about this. “Tanner, have you ever seen the movie, Cinderella? You are like the boy version of it. Have faith and trust in those of us who care about you, while we work to improve it for you or get you to a safer place where you are treated with the love and respect you deserve.”

“I wish I could live with you or at Han’s. I feel safe here and there. Thank you for helping me. You don’t have to, but you do it anyway and are nicer to me than my stepdad ever has been. I love you.” Said Tanner through tears.

Kevin held Tanner for a few minutes and that calmed him down. He started to work on his assignment. A few minutes into it, he remembered something.

“Uncle Kevin, in my backpack I have the stuff about my grandma you asked me about last week. I have been thinking hard and taking notes of what I remember, or what I could find out at home. I got part of her old phone # and the city she lived in. I think I even have the right street, but I could not read the numbers because they were blacked out in my mom's old phone book. But I could see part of the street and I think I remembered it right. Can I bring it to you later or tomorrow? I think my stepbrother is at school still, maybe I should get it now. Thank you for your help!”

“If you want to go get it now, that is fine. However, I think it is best that Han goes with you, just to make sure you are safe. Once you get it to me, I will make a copy of it and have David look into it and see what he can find out. He is already looking into some other stuff about your trust that you said you were told you had. It can take time, but the sooner we start, the sooner we have answers.”

“OK, I want to go get my stuff now. Han, will you come with me?”

“Sure Tanner. Let's go.”

The boys were gone for about 15 minutes. They returned and Tanner had his backpack. Kevin noted it had a few holes in it and was pretty rough. He would check to see if he could find one for him on sale, or even at Goodwill.

About an hour later, the boys had gotten their essays done. Han had homework in a few classes, but he got it done and asked Kevin review it. He did well, but Kevin had him recheck his science worksheet, after telling him he missed a few. The boys went out to play in their fort. Sammy and Nicky were in just their shirts and diapers, and Nicky still had his pacifier. Han stayed back so Kevin could help him with his science. Once Han realized he had looked at the wrong conversion for F to C, he fixed the problems and got a smile and nod from Kevin.

“I missed you. I was good. I did not touch my stiffy at all. I did have my boygasm, but it was Tanner that was touching me and I was touching him. You said that was ok, right?”

“Yes, that is allowed. However, you need to be careful what you tell Tanner, and where you both talk. When you talk in your room, your Aunt has overheard you boys talking, and she told me we needed to talk about you, and us.”

“I’m sorry. Tanner was asking questions because he said I looked happy and he said he was pretty sure you and me had sex. I told him I can’t tell him what I did and who I did it with because I promised. He said he thought you were super nice and he would like to do stuff with you. He said he bet you were loving and could give him daddy sperm so his stiffy would start to grow. He really wants to do stuff with you or with us when we do stuff. It’s harder to talk or do sex stuff now that Matty is living with us, but if I tell him I need to talk to Tanner about personal stuff, he is ok and gives us some privacy. I thought we were talking soft enough, but I guess I screwed up and she could hear us.”

“I understand she asked you about your bottom and you told her you were using your hairbrush in your butt.”

“Yeah, I had to tell her that. She said she thought you and I were having sex. I had to tell her something, so I told her it was my hairbrush and it felt good. I’m sorry if I got you in trouble. She told me after I got my shower that she wanted to diaper me that night.”

“We had a long talk today. She put me in a hard spot. I was worried she was going to call the police and make you stop coming over. I told her the truth, but left some stuff out. I told her I loved you and I have never forced you to do anything, nor would I ever do that. I told her I felt it was important that if you are in a relationship with someone older than yourself, you should be in control of what you do and only do what you want to do, and not feel pressured to do other stuff. I told her that we made a promise to not talk about anything, and if I answered her questions honestly, I would break the promise and break your trust. I told her I would not lie to her, but I would not break the promise either, and that put me in a hard spot. She said as long as you are being loved, not forced to do stuff, and are happy, she is happy.” Kevin said.

Han had a look of fear on his face as Kevin told him this. He realized he screwed up and was careless about what and where he talked about it. He had not kept his end of the deal or promise and he could have gotten Kevin put in prison and made his friends lose their wonderful daddy and each other too. His eyes were tearing up.

“I’m so sorry. I was sloppy and forgot that my aunt can hear what we do in my room, and I will whisper next time if there is a next time. Please forgive me. I will be better and more careful. I didn’t tell Tanner, but I guess I didn’t tell him it didn’t happen either. I won’t screw up again. Please don’t leave me. I love you. I love that I got a caring man to love me and it feels so good. But I also kinda got a daddy to hold and cuddle me and that feels so wonderful and makes me feel even more loved and safe. I can talk to my aunt and tell her if she gets you in trouble I will run away. I will do anything you want me to so I can fix this.” Han said as he was starting to tear up.

“Han, calm down. It’s ok. I will not toss you away or leave you. I love you. Both as your daddy and lover. You are extra special to me that way. I need you to make sure you are being careful. You have Matty now that you are also going to be around, and you need to be careful what you say and or do around him. Your Aunt could also tell you were in love with me because of how you look at me and the look you have in your eyes when you talk about me. These are all things to keep in mind and that we need to watch.”

“I have put down a rule for my boys, that sex is only for the weekends. Friday and Saturday nights. They need to focus on schoolwork during the week. I agreed to let them have some fun one day, most likely Tuesday or Wednesday in the afternoon or evening as long as the grades stay up and all school work is done. I think that is a good rule for you. You are still young and don’t need to be worrying about sex or getting your boygasm all the time. As you get older, your hormones will kick in and we will make adjustments as needed, but I do know that some parents and or lovers of boys, only allow their boys to have an orgasm on the weekend, and some do use chastity cages on them to make sure they don’t play with themselves or allow others to do it without permission. I hope I don’t have to go to that, but if it’s what is needed so you can focus on your schoolwork, I will.”

“I will try. I have been getting really horny lately. Tanner helped me out and I helped him out. He asked me how it felt to have a big one in my butt. I told him it felt good, because I knew I was loved, because the person loved me as he bred me and filled me with his sperm. He asked if it hurt. I told him it did a little at first, but I had been stretching my butt so I could take it. I told him that by doing it with a person that loves you, he will stretch and prep you, use lots of lube, and go slow so it feels good. He asked me how to stretch it out, so I told him and he asked me to show him. I did and he said it felt good to have my fingers in him. He had 2 boygasms as I had my fingers in his butt. The first was just from my fingers and the 2nd was from both. Then he sucked on me while he put a finger in my butt.”

“That is fine. The agreement was you would not play with yourself. If one of the boys was playing or sucking on you it is allowed. If one of them fucks you that’s okay too, but you are not to touch your stiffy. You are only allowed to touch your peepee when you are going potty or when you quickly wash it in the shower or tub. Right?”

“Yes sir, I remember. When I wash in the shower, I only touch it to get it clean. It gets hard but I don’t play with it.”

“That’s my good diaper boy. I love you.” Said Kevin. This made Han smile and feel loved. Kevin hugged him and gave him a quick kiss with a little tongue.

“Daddy, can I suck on it. I really want some of your daddy sperm. Please.”

“I will let you do it today, but normally I want to set the example, and will also be limiting sex to weekends and one afternoon or evening during the week, but since it’s the first day of school, and you are now in middle school, I can give you a special treat.”

Han dropped to his knees and started to undo Kevin’s pants. Luckily Kevin had closed the door when they went to his room. It only took Han a moment to get Kevin’s cock out and into his mouth. He felt at peace now that he had his favorite pacifier in his mouth and sucking on it. He was working the head of the cock with his tongue and lips. He was enjoying having it in his mouth and the taste of the precum that was coming out of it. He worked it to give his daddy all the pleasure he could. He worked until he had it to the entrance of his throat. He could not force himself to take it, but he wanted the last bit of it in him. He wanted to please daddy and take all his cock. He took Kevin’s hands and put them on his head. Kevin understood this was Han giving him full control and wanting him to face fuck the boy. Kevin was enjoying having Han make love to his cock, but if Han wanted to be face fucked, he will do it for him. Kevin took ahold of Han’s head, then he started to thrust into Han’s mouth. He would pull back some and thrust in. Han was sucking on his cock, and using his tongue as it was moving in his mouth. Kevin kept this up and after the 3rd try, he pushed all his cock into Han’s mouth. That meant the head was now lodged in the beginning of Han’s throat. He could barely breathe, but it felt great to both of them. Han swallowed, knowing this would feel good, based on all the stories he read. Kevin moaned in pleasure. Kevin started to set up a good rhythm of fucking Han’s face and into his throat. Because Kevin’s cock is not huge, Han can breathe every time Kevin does a thrust.

It did not take long for Kevin to get ready to feed Han a load of cum. He had not had any release since the night X convinced Kevin to make love to him. Kevin knew Han would want to taste his cum, so when he was ready to shoot, he pulled his cock back so only the head was still in Han’s sweet warm mouth. Han was sucking and licking it when he felt it start to swell and twitch. He was ready for his treat. Kevin gave him 6 nice shots of cum. Han savored it and then shoved his head down on the cock to make sure he got it all clean and to tempt Kevin to go again. Kevin was tempted but didn’t want any of the boys to come looking for them.

“Han, that was great. Thank you. I can tell you enjoyed it as much as I did, if not more. You are a very good cock sucker. I hope my daddy sperm was tasty and you enjoyed it. I have been holding it for a few days, just for you. I love you buddy. I want a hug.” Kevin said as he reached to pull Han up so he could hug him and squeeze his tight small butt. Once they broke the hug, Kevin got his jeans and boxers back on and ready to go. He walked out with Han to see what the boys were doing.

The boys were busy having fun playing on the swing and the fort. Han went to join them. Kevin grabbed his tablet and sat on the patio so he could keep an eye on the boys, and if they needed or wanted him, they could get him. He sent the info Tanner had given him to David, and offered any help he could be in trying to find out about the grandmother and trust accounts. While he was doing that, Faye called. A friend of hers in Anoka was not doing well, and she wanted to go see her in the assisted living home. Kevin told her to go take care of her friend. He would feed the boys. If needed, they could sleep over. Faye said she thought she would be back by 8 but was not sure. Kevin suggested sending Han over to get a change of clothes for him and Matty, and then just plan on them spending the night. They take the same bus in the morning, so it is not a big deal, he explained. It was agreed.

“Han, can you come here please?”

Han ran over to see what Kevin wanted. Matty noticed how quickly Han responded. It was faster than he did with Faye, when she asked him to do something.

“Han, Your Aunt is going to help out a sick friend. She will be back later tonight, and I suggested you both just sleepover. You can ride the bus with the boys, I know it’s a little earlier than your normal bus, but it allows you time to double-check your school work, and I think they offer 0 period classes, which are fun classes. Maybe it would be good for you to look into one of them, as an extra skill. That’s one advantage of the schools being side by side. So can you please head home, and get yourself and Matty a change of clothes for tomorrow, and make sure you both have what you need for school. You can ask Matty what he wants, or he can go with you.”

“Ok, I will ask Matty if he needs anything. What about Tanner? Can he stay over too?”

“If he wants to he can, but he will need to leave a note for his stepdad, so he knows.”

“Ok, can I tell him and have him go with us?”

“Sure, but if he does not want to sleepover he does not have to” Kevin said, but he knew the boy didn’t like staying at home, so he knew he would sleepover.

Han ran over to talk to Tanner, and then Matty. Tanner looked at Kevin and smiled. Matty was having fun, and only needed some clothes, and he asked for some diapers. Han told him Kevin had lots of diapers upstairs. Han said he would get him something cool for school, and then he and Tanner took off. Neither of them thought of Matty’s pjs. He is a bit shy to be seen in just his diapers, so he wears pjs at night, even when Han will walk around in just his diaper.

Ten minutes later the boys were back with backpacks and clothes.

“Han, Tanner, can you both come here please” Kevin called to them as he saw them walking back.

They ran over to Kevin to see what he needed.

“We got our clothes and anything we needed for school tomorrow,” Han said.

“Good, did you leave a note Tanner?”

“Yeah, I said I was sleeping over at a friend's house”

“Did you guys get Matty his clothes to?”

“Yeah. My Aunt was leaving but she said she would get him some more clothes this week because he only has a few outfits. But these are clean. I got Shadow too.” Han said as he held up some overalls and an orange Pokemon shirt and the Shadow the Dragon.

“Did you boys remember socks and underwear for you and Matty?”

The look on their face was priceless and told Kevin the answer was no.

“I thought Matty could use the diapers you got here. I can wear my underwear again. I can wear them for a week as long as I don’t have an accident in them” said Han, and Tanner was nodding agreement.

“But no socks. Those you must change each day. Your feet sweat and you don’t want them to be all hard and nasty. Luckily, I have extra of those that you boys can wear in the morning. As for undies, I think you should change them more often than once a week. As you get older and your body sweats, it will get very smelly and can cause jock-itch or a rash. Besides, think about it this way, would you want to touch or suck anything that has had the same sweaty stinky underwear around it for a week? Most people would say NO WAY. I can always put you boys in diapers, and you can wear them to school.”

The look they had went from one of Oops, to one of yucky, to finally Oh Shit when Kevin suggested sending them to school in a diaper.

“At your age, 2 days is not a big deal for undies, and I hope you put on clean ones today. I will be honest, at my age, I change mine about that often, but when you are a sweaty and stinky teen, you will need to change them daily. The worst case is I can always run a load of clothes at night with undies, socks, and anything else, so they are clean in the morning. Especially since after dinner, you will be in just diapers.” Kevin stated.

The boys smiled at him, which he took to be a yes on the clean undies this morning. He took their supplies and sent them to go play.

A while later Kevin fired up the BBQ. He knows they all enjoy anything cooked on a grill, and with winter coming they will enjoy it as much as they can. They even ate on the patio. Matty was asking lots of questions as it was clear some of this was new to him. He did not bring out any of the high chairs. When they moved in there were 2, that Josh had gotten. They fit his boys just fine, and now he had 2 more, including one that would fit a teenager easily. He almost got one for Nicky, but since he had been good all day, he figured he would wait until the morning, for the boys to see all 4 highchairs at the table.

“Ok Boys, once we clear the table and get everything put away or rinsed and loaded in the dishwasher, it will be time to get you changed for the night. If you want to get a shower, you can do that before you get changed for bed, and if you need to go poop, do it before you are diapered for the night. Once everyone is changed, we can watch some tv or a movie or I was thinking we could play Uno until bedtime. Nicky will be the first to bed, next it is Sammy, then it’s X, Matty and Tanner. Finally, about 30 minutes later will be Han. If anyone wants to share a bed so they have someone to cuddle and snuggle to, lets get it figured out before bedtime. Matty, I don’t know if you prefer to sleep with someone or alone, but here the boys each have their own bedroom, but often they prefer to sleep together or with a friend. It’s nice to have someone to snuggle and cuddle to at night.”

“Sammy is about my size. I like him and it was nice when he was my roommate in the hospital. Would it be okay if I slept with him?” asked Matty.

“That would be up to Sammy. Often X sleeps with him, but I know they don’t do it all the time. So let's ask Sammy.”

“Dad, that would be fun. We can both fit easily even with all my stuffies on the bed.” Said Sammy.

“Sounds like a plan then. Han got Shadow, so Sammy will have him to watch over you two while you sleep.” Kevin said. This made both boys smile.

Kevin found out who needed to go poop, and he got them in the bathrooms first. The only one that did not need to be changed was Nicky. Kevin let him pick out one of the Blue Planet DVDs for them to watch.

Kevin changed them all in Sammy’s room on the changing table. Matty was shocked that they had a changing table for big kids, and the cribs for big kids was an even bigger surprise. When Kevin showed him which one was Sammy’s and that was where he would sleep with him the look on Matty’s face was one of shock. Sammy told him he would like it and it’s fun.

“I got a crib, but I am still a big boy. Daddy said diapers are just a thicker type of underwear. I don’t poop my diapers, like a baby does. I got to school and can read some books and stories too. That means I am a big kid. Daddy says there are big kids, toddlers, and babies. But there are different types of big kids. I am a big kid, but a little boy. I think most of us are little boys, but Han is a big boy, and none of us are teens yet. Big kids can wear diapers, at night or in the day, but they only go peepee in them. It’s okay to like pacifiers, but we can talk, go to school, and do chores. He told me I could be a toddler if I wanted to, but I didn’t want that. I like being a big kid, even if I am still a little boy or a diaper boy. It’s the best of it all I think.” Said Sammy. Kevin and Matty noticed that the other boys were nodding in agreement with Sammy.

“I am a little confused. Kevin said Nicky had to go to bed first, but he is older than me and Sammy and X. Maybe even Tanner, I don’t know. So why does he go to bed earlier?”

“I will answer that for you Matty. Nicky got in trouble. I try to give punishments that make a person think about what they did and why it was wrong. I think the punishment should fit the crime or what was done wrong or not done. So if the boys don’t do schoolwork, part of the punishment, besides making up the missed work, and the extra work I give them to do, like an essay or my own special spelling words for example. Nicky was being really bossy and mean to his little brothers, especially Sammy. He even got the other boys hurt and that is why Sammy was in the hospital. So his punishment is that he is now treated like the little brother, and as a little boy about the age of 4-5, so just above a toddler. This means earlier bedtime, and he has no say in what is watched on TV to start with. So if Sammy wanted to watch Paw Patrol, Nicky could not argue and say he did not want to watch it because he is older. Now he would have to watch it with Sammy. The punishment is hopefully teaching him and reminding him that he wants to treat others, how he wants them to treat him. He will see how different X and Sammy treat him, compared to how he was treating them. They don’t boss him around, they show him respect, and ask him to do something instead of making him do it and being mean about it. I hope it will make him a better brother and person in general. Does that make sense?”

“Wow, that’s kinda neat. Most times if I did anything wrong, I just got spanked really hard and sent to bed early with no dinner or sometimes lunch too. I think if more people did stuff like you do, it would be better, and not so many bullies at school.”

“During this time, Nicky is also sleeping in the other crib. However, if you want to spend the weekend, and share the bed with Sammy then, I can have him sleep in the other room. Now let's show you the rest of the rooms.”

Kevin suggested all the boys stay with him because he had a surprise for them. He showed them all the rooms. However when they got to the Harry Potter room, the boys all saw the new bunk beds. Now there were 2 sets. It was the biggest room, and now it looked more balanced. They liked them and thought they looked better than the metal bar ones that were in there originally, and they are a little lighter in color than the bunk beds that were brought from Vegas. Kevin knew it would not be too hard to rearrange the beds to be in whichever room they worked in best. It was X who noticed the bottom bunk looked a bit odd.

“Dad, the bottom bunk looks different. The front part with the wood slots looks solid. I thought maybe it was because of the ladder, but I see the ladder is at the foot of the bed. I am confused.”

“Good eye Xander. Let's have you climb onto the bottom bunk and get comfy for a minute.”

X did as he was asked and got comfy. It was really comfy, and he told them that. He saw that the bottom of the top bunk had glow-in-the-dark stars. It looked like he was laying out and looking into space. It was wicked cool. All the boys wanted to see it. Kevin waited until he had 5 boys in the bottom bunk. The only one not on the bed of the group is Han. He had just put his head in and looked and stepped back to let Matty look at it.

Kevin grabbed the slotted piece at the front side of the bed, pushed a button then pulled on it. It slid down to the foot of the bed and then clicked in place. Now the bottom bunk was sealed in, like a crib. The boys realized they were now all in 1 crib and tried to look for a way out. The solid headboard that was a bookcase was no way out. It had a light and a speaker, and room for books or stuffies, but it was solid. The footboard was a solid piece of wood with patterns in it. No way out. The side next to the wall had a solid piece that was like the part that moved. It looked like a solid piece with about 1-inch gaps or slots in it, but in fact, it was boards put together so they had that gap. The wood was over an inch thick, and no matter how hard the boys pulled on any of it, they could not even get it to creak or move. They were stuck in it until Kevin opened it. He left them in it for about 5 minutes and then opened it. They all got out, except X.

“Dad, this is comfy. I think it’s really neat that it’s a bunk bed and a crib. I like this bed and the mattress. I think the stars up here is super cool.” Said X. The rest of the boys agreed it was pretty cool. Han said he would even sleep in it if it was his bed.

“If we want to modify any of the other bunk beds so they have a crib on the bottom bunk we can look into it. I know Nicky liked having the set of bunk beds his daddy made in here, and that is why both sets are here for now. This room is big enough we can leave both sets of bunk beds in it and there is still room to play.”

Kevin led them back downstairs. It was about 6:20, so he might let Nicky stay up a few minutes later. While talking with the others he learned that neither Han nor Tanner had a bedtime. Matty was made to go to bed when his mom told him to. It was normally about 730, but sometimes it was 6 pm and others it was after 9 pm. He explained that here there will be a general bedtime. To start with it's 730 for grade schoolers, but he might extend that to 8pm if they get their homework down and get up in the morning without too much problem. Han being in middle school will be 830, and could stretch to 9. On weekends the boys are allowed to stay up later, at least 30 minutes, and maybe more depending on behavior. He also reminded them that if they just wanted to listen to the music and think, if they were not tired, that was ok. But they were expected to stay in bed, and not be playing with toys, or any electronic devices without prior approval for that night.

After the DVD was done, it was pushing 730. Kevin took Nicky and tucked him in. They talked for a minute and Kevin gave him a hug and kiss, before he raised the side of the crib, and then wished him Happy Diaper Dreams. About 15 minutes later he took the other grade-schoolers upstairs.

First it was Matty and Sammy. He got them both into Sammy’s crib. Tucked in, gave hugs and kisses. Even a quick tickle when he hugged them. He raised the side and wished them happy diaper dreams. He started the Sleep Music and told them to relax and be good diaper boys. Kevin noticed Sammy did not have a pacifier, so he went to the changing table and pulled open the drawer full of pacifiers. He took out 3. First Nicky got one, as he was still awake. Next, he gave one to Sammy and offered the last one to Matty. Matty took it, smiled, and popped it in his mouth. A moment later Han came up with 3 bottles full of water for them. He gave one to each of them and said good night. Kevin closed the door most of the way, so any noise would not disturb them.

Next, he asked X and Tanner if they were sleeping together, in the same room, or in different rooms.

“I don’t know. But I would like to try the new bunk bed crib out please Dad. If Tanner wants to sleep and cuddle with me I don’t mind” Said X with a smile.

“I think it would be fun to try sleeping in it. If you don’t mind X.”

Kevin got the boys into the Harry Potter room, and Han went to get them each a sippy cup of water.

“I meant to ask this early, but we got busy. How did your first day go Xander, and what did the kids think of your name?”

“It went well. Most of them thought it was really cool. One boy was trying to tease me about it. His name is David. I told him I did not care what he thought and that he was just jealous because my name is unique like me, and his is just dull and boring like him. He just looked at me, so I walked away. He didn’t say anything to me later. My teacher asked me what I liked to be called. I told him either Xander or X. He smiled and said he would note that in the seating chart. He is nice.”

“I am glad to hear that. I asked for you boys to be put into his class, because I have heard a lot of good things about him. He is strict but a very good teacher. He teaches so he can help kids, and he loves to see the smile they get when they figure out something that they were stuck on. How was your day Tanner? I heard you and Nicky are sitting next to each other. Did you have fun?”

“Yeah it was good for school. Nicky is next to me. The third person at our table is a really smart boy. He seems nice but I don’t really know him. Our teacher is nice. We had to tell what our favorite food, book, animal and subject in school was. Some of the stuff I have never heard of. But it was fun.”

By the time Tanner was done, Han had returned and had their sippy cups for them. Kevin gave them each a hug, and a kiss goodnight. He told them to be good diaper boys and have happy diaper dreams. He closed the side and started the sleep music. He closed the door most of the way and then he and Han went downstairs.

“I thought Tanner might try to sleep alone so he could go to your room in the night and cuddle with you and see if he could get you to have sex with him. He might try it this weekend, because he really wants to try it and he trusts you to be his first.” Said Han after they had gotten downstairs.

“Depending on how the week goes, and what we do, would determine if he was able to get what he wants. I also would have to make sure he understands how important it is that he can’t tell anyone what we did and what would happen to the boys, himself, you, and me if he did.”

“If he is ok with it, can I watch when you bred him? Maybe I can get him to suck on my stiffy when you are doing him. If you did that Friday night, then Saturday night it could be just you and me.”

“That might work. However, if we do that, I think I will help you out a little by putting a plug in you again and having it vibrate inside you when he sucks on you. When you talk to him about it, tell him not to touch himself the rest of the week, because I want him to really enjoy it, and that way I bet he can have several boygasms. He might even have a powerful enough one he would pass out.”

“Ok, I will tell him that. I know it's not Wednesday, but do you think you could breed me tonight before we go to sleep?”

Normally if I get you changed into an overnight diaper, I don’t plan to play around. But we might do that tonight. We shall see. I have a few things to take care of before I go to bed. If you want to read some stories while I get everything done that I need to finish up, then we shall see. But if you fall asleep, I will just tuck you in and go to sleep. Is that fair?”

“Yeah, that's fair. You can get your tablet from the other room so I can read them? But make sure your tablet does not go to school with you. I ran across some new ones you might like. They are more tame than I think you like. You might talk to Nicky, he knows some boarding school ones and some of them are right up your alley. They are a bit rougher and more forceful than I prefer, but it seems you like that.”

“Yeah Cool. I have some I am reading where it's like that. One is called Beating Off, and the boys can only play with the men, not each other. They are our age and super sluts. They love to get their butts filled with cock and sperm. Even getting peed on and pee in their butt. That could be fun, but I would want a diaper afterward so if the pee leaked out of me it would not make a nasty mess in the bed or clothes. I also like Entrepreneur it's pretty cool, especially when they go to the lake. New Daddy for Teds Boys is good, I like most parts of it. I can tell the boys like it. But he does not love them like you love me, I can tell that too. Baby Brendan is cool. I hope they post more parts. I can’t wait until his daddy fucks him and then puts his diaper on so it doesn’t leak out and stain his clothes. I wish there was a place like Lord Carnals Photography For Boys. It sounds so fun. The special juice they have would be great. I would love some of that, and I know a few boys I would share it with. That way my butt could stretch and not hurt when you do it to me over and over and I have lots of baby boygasms from being fucked. It seems really cool how the boys in Founders School for Boys, that are in one house, all have sex with men, and when they get older they get that cage thing so they can only get their orgasm from being fucked. But lots of the boys are not gay, they just love sex, both sucking and being fucked. That seems so cool. Most of them have a loving daddy that breeds them all the time, until they become adults and then even do it sometimes. I wonder how a boarding school would work with a bedwetter like me because they are naked at home and in the dorm. Timmy sounds so cute in the story. Belonging to Daddy is a good story. I like the author too, he has lots of good stories. I like how he turns bullies into big babies that want to suck on boy’s and men’s cocks. The first time I read the story was when I learned about doggy style and about being bred and claimed by a man. I have read about it in other stories afterward too. I saw this story for the first time on one of my mom’s boyfriend’s phone. He caught me reading it so he made me suck him off. He told me I should read the story Matty’s New Life. I did and I got super stiff at times. He came into my room at night a few times when I was reading it and he had me suck him off. He tried to do it in my butt, but his stiffy was big and I was little. I had just turned 8 then. Do poppers really work and make it easier to get it in the butt and make sex feel even better? I like Accidental Paradise. I think Benji and Thomas sound so cute and they love to get their boy pussy filled with a cock from an older boy or their “daddy”. They know he loves them, and they love him so much. But having sex with girls, just sounds yucky. Matty kinda makes me think of Benji. I have not done any sex stuff with Matty, but he knows the words about his body parts and stuff. I think he has done it with older boys or maybe men. When he saw my stiffy he was staring at it and he got stiff in his diaper.”

“I know most of those stories. They are all good, but in some places are more forceful, manipulative, or rough than I would ever want to be with you. I think you should check out the story Dad 2.0. It’s a very caring love story, but they still have lots of sex, and some are pretty rough. The “dad” also becomes an uncle to some young teen boys as he breeds them long and hard, so I know you will like that part. It’s a work in progress. The main boy is a bedwetter and some of the others are too, which I know you will like. He has some other stories listed at the bottom of the story, and they are good too. You like Fantasy stuff so check out Jia. It’s a good story, has some bedwetters in it, and they like all kinds of stuff, including spanking, bondage, rimming, pee play, and multiple boys at a time. But there is also love so it's not always about sex, sometimes it's pure love. Wish You Were My Dad is one you should read. Another story you might enjoy is My Teddy Bear. Boy Scout Lover is one where the boys have a lot of fun with each other, but they also love each other. I can’t wait until the author continues it. A great love story with lots of sex is What Families Are For. It’s a longer story, but I know you will enjoy it, especially what happens in the first few chapters. I think that will keep you busy for tonight and the rest of the week. I know you will get horny reading them, but remember, you are not allowed to touch your stiffy or hump it into anything. You can play with your butt, but that is all. Understood?” [Note: All these stories are listed at the end of the chapter with links to them]

“Yes sir. I understand the rules. Tanner is okay helping me out, but it’s harder to do anything with Matty here now. We can’t do it at his place in case someone shows up. I will check those out while I wait for you Daddy.” Said Han as he stretched out on the bed with the tablet. He laid so his padded ass was sticking up. He looked so sexy like that. Especially with the fact that soon he would be super hard and horny, and he knew he could not relieve it by himself. Kevin figures he will head to bed in about 30 minutes, but he will not be ready for sleep for another 45 to 60+ minutes after that.

It takes Kevin about 40 minutes to get everything taken care of. He went and checked on the boys upstairs and they were all sound asleep. Sammy and Matty were cuddled together, with their pacifiers almost touching, it was so cute. Kevin got a few cute pictures. Tanner and X were cuddled together also. X still had his pacifier in his mouth, but Tanner’s was lying next to him. Kevin placed it at Tanner’s lips, and he opened up on instinct, and allows it to be pushed in his mouth. Then he started sucking on it. A Natural Kevin thought.

When Kevin got to his room, he had to pause and look. Han had propped himself up on a few pillows. His ass was sticking up, and he had drawn a bullseye on the back of his diaper. It was cute and gave Kevin a few ideas. He grabbed a few supplies he would need, a towel, pacifier, lube, plug, tape, scissors, and a diaper insert/doubler. He took them to the bed, and set out the towel first. He had Han move for a brief moment, while he put the towel over the pillows. Han got back into the position he was in. He was smiling because he wanted to try it like this after reading about it in a story.

“Han, normally what I have read about sex in a diaper, is when the diaper is very wet. This is because doing it destroys the diaper, or else they put a second diaper on top of it. Since you have school tomorrow, doubled diapers will not work. However, I do have an idea, so we will give that a try. I will get you prepped, so just relax and enjoy. What story are you reading?”

“Ok, I looked at a few of them. I sent myself an email with links to all the ones you told me about. I read the first chapter of What Families Are For. I am so hard because of it. WOW. I just started on the first chapter of Dad 2.0. I can’t believe a mom would do that, but after what my mom did, I guess there are lots of bad moms out there.” Han said sounding sad at the end.

“Sadly bud, there are a lot of bad parents out there. Some are abusive and neglectful, like yours was. Others love their kids but are not meant to be a mom or dad, and prefer working over being a parent, like the mom in the story. There are some moms who are never meant to be a parent, and they don’t love or care about their kid. That was how Xander’s mom was. In a way, so was Nicky and Sammy’s mom. She never really wanted kids. At first, I guess she tried to be a decent mom, but over time she got to the point she hated being a mom and did not want the responsibilities or headaches that come with it. So she left them. They are lucky because they had a daddy who loved them and did all he could for them. Not all kids are that lucky.”

“Yeah, I was glad when I moved in with my aunt. After a little while she said I could call her grams, because everyone thought she was my grandma, so I did. I was lucky I had her, or I would have been in foster care. I know there are some good homes, but I know some kids that get moved all the time, and since I am a bedwetter I would be considered a problem kid and have a hard time finding a good long-term home. If they knew I liked boys or men, then I would be kicked out of all homes because gay boys are bad. I just worry if grandma dies what will happen to me? And now Matty too.”

“We had a long talk today. After I gave her the info about us, she needed and already kinda knew, I also agreed to take in you and Matty, if anything happens to her. You do not need to worry. If she gets worse or dies, her will states you both are to come live with me. Is that ok with you?”

“Really, you would do that for me and Matty. I love you even more. You already got 3 boys that you take care of, and they are not your responsibility or problem really. You said you would take both of us too. Thanks. I won’t worry about that anymore. Sometimes I have nightmares where I end up on the street living because no one wants me. In one dream Tanner was with me. We were helping protect each other.”

“You’re a good kid, and so is Matty. I could never let something happen to either of you if I had an opportunity to prevent it. I would take in Tanner if something happens, and I have the opportunity. But that is less likely to happen. However, David and I are trying to find and get ahold of his grandmother to see what she can tell us about her daughter’s will, and if she knows about his living conditions and how he is treated. It seems she is in some sort of senior development or center, so we are trying to see what we can find out and if maybe Tanner would be safer with her. I would hate to see him move. I know he would miss all you boys a lot, but if it meant he was safe and got what he needed so he could grow and accel, I think it would be best for him.”

“Thanks. Yeah, I would miss him lots. He has been my best friend since I moved here. But if he was safe I would rather he be there than getting hurt and stuff where he is now. Can you breed me now? I am so horny from these stories and thinking about how it will feel when you’re in me.”

To answer Han, Kevin gave him a gentle slap on his butt and then tickled his inner thighs. This got a giggle and some squirming from Han.

“OK Han, I need to cut the back of your diaper, so I can score a bullseye. Please hold still, I don’t want to hurt you accidentally. When I’m done with it, you will feel me start to lube up your boy-hole. Is your boy pussy ready for some daddy cock?”

“Yes please Daddy, it’s always ready for you. It’s yours to fill and use whenever you want.”

Kevin used the scissors to cut a hole in the back of Han’s diaper. It's more a slit but it's enough to give him easy access to the tight asshole it's covering. He had to push the padding to the sides a bit, but he has it now open and is starting to work the lube into Han’s hole. This brought a moan from Han, and he started to push back into the fingers.

Kevin took a few minutes to get Han well-lubed. He is not large by any means, at best he is average, but Han is still a boy and he has no desire to hurt this sweet boy. He wants Han to enjoy it as much if not more than he will enjoy breeding him.

Han was lubed up, and ready. Kevin has his cock lubed up and ready. Once his hands are clean, he positions his cock and pushed thru the hole in the diaper. He is now at Han's wonderful tight ass or boypussy. With his hands on Han’s diapered waist, Kevin pushed the head of his cock into Han. This got a gasp and a moan from Han. He tensed up for a few seconds, upon the insertion, but then quickly relaxed. Both of them are happy Kevin doesn’t have a huge cock, like are often talked about in stories. Because that would stretch and tear a boy, even at Han’s age and size. Kevin wants him to enjoy it, not get hurt and bleed for days.

Han continued to moan as Kevin filled him up. He could feel his ass stretch as Kevin slowly inserted his entire cock into him. He knew his ass was really a boy pussy, because he loved having a cock in it, especially Kevin’s. As Kevin started a slow and steady motion of pulling out until the head was barely inside him and then pushing back into him until he was fully in, was feeling great. His prostate was loving the stimulation and his cock was rock hard in the front of his diaper. He could not touch it, but being propped on the pillow he was getting a little extra help on pleasuring it because there was some motion and friction between the diaper and the towel on top of the pillows. He had just reached the point in the story where they are fucking on a rock in the campsite, and he wondered if the boy in the DAD story, Jaxon, was in the same position he was. He hopes that boy can feel how good it feels to be fucked while wearing a soft diaper. Han thinks it might be even better when it's really wet because then its more friction from it on his cock as it moves inside and across other stuff.

“Daddy, that feels so good. Breed me. I’m your diaper boy sex toy. My body is for you to use to pleasure yourself. I want to make you feel good because that makes me happy and feel good.” Said a very horny Han.

“Your ass is so tight. I love having my cock in your boypussy. If you let the other boys fuck you, call it your ass or butt, and say they are butt fucking you. It’s a pussy for a real cock that will feed it, sperm. I love you Han, I love you very much, my little diaper boy. Even if we never had sex again, I would still love you and do what I could to make you happy. However, I do love fucking you and making sweet tender love to you. They are basically the same action, but they are done differently, and I know you can tell. When you want it harder and faster, I am happy to fuck you as hard and deep as you want. Making love is slower and more gentle, but it can have some hard fast thrusts. It’s about us feeling connected and the love we have for each other. I know you like it to be harder and a bit rough, and I am fine with that, but I don’t ever want to hurt you. I have no problem with you wanting me to be in charge and control of you, but remember, I don’t own you. You are a person, that I love a lot, and if you don’t like or want to stop doing something, tell me.” Kevin said as he continued to long dick the tight young ass wrapped around his cock.

“I love you daddy. I know you would not do anything to hurt me on purpose. I like it when you are in control. I have always been treated like someone else is in charge or owns me. I’m used to it, and when I am with you, I know you will not hurt me or make me do anything dangerous or bad. I trust you. I love it when you pound my pussy hard and fill me with your sperm. I had to suck on my mom’s boyfriend's cock sometimes, but I never wanted to. With you, it’s different because I want to. I love it and it makes me feel good and happy. I will never forget how scared and worried you were when you woke up when I gave you the blowjob. It was the first one I ever wanted to give and the first time I was not forced to suck on it. You cared about me and were worried you hurt me or that the other kids would be hurt if someone found out. You care about us kids more than you care about yourself. That showed me I could trust you with my life and I knew you really loved me. The boyfriends always told me if I told they would beat or kill me and if they went to jail I would be killed. You never did anything like that. You are not an abuser, you are a lover and a daddy. I love you!” said Han as he was enjoying the feelings his boyhole was giving him as he got a steady but loving fuck.

Kevin was almost in tears because he hurt for the boy, and he felt like he was abusing him. He started to slow down on his thrusts. Han looked and saw the tears in Kevin’s eyes.

“Daddy, you are not hurting, abusing, or using me. I know you think you are, but you’re not. I like and want this. It feels so good. I would rather do it with you than some man I meet online or at the park. I need it. Please keep fucking my boypussy, and fill me with your sperm. I need and crave being fucked. If you won't do it, I will find someone else. But I really like it best when it's you, because I know you love and care about me. I love and care about you too. If I could pick a dad, it would be you. Even before we had sex, I would have picked you because I knew you cared about your boys. You treat them like real people and talk to them so we all can understand and learn but do not talk down to us like most people do. I love you Daddy! Now fuck me good, I need it so I can get my baby boygasm. Fuck my diapered ass with all you got. Please!” Han showed his feelings and desires, and it was clear to Kevin that if he did not fuck and breed Han, he would seek it from someone else, and that could get the sweet boy badly hurt or even dead. He could not allow that to happen.

Kevin gave Han what he wanted. He picked up the pace and started to fuck him harder and faster. It did not take much for Han to have his first baby boy orgasm of the night. Kevin only stopped thrusting, while Han was shaking and twitching and his ass clamped down on Kevin’s cock. Once he felt Han relax, he started thrusting again. Han was still recovering from the powerful orgasm, and his body was enjoying the pleasure it was getting. After only a few minutes Han was moaning like a little slut in heat. It was clear he was getting close to another orgasm. Kevin slowed down and reached under them. He wanted to see how hard Han was. He was shocked to find that Han was only half hard at most. It was clear his pleasure was solely coming from his ass. Kevin knew that if it hurt too much, a boy could go soft, but with enough stimulation, the prostate could often make it stiff. He had experienced that as a child many times from his abusers. He was worried about Han and why he was so soft before his 2nd orgasm.

“Han, you feel great. But I noticed you are only partly stiff. Am I hurting you? Are you in any pain or feeling scared?”

“No, it feels great. There is no pain at all, only lots of pleasure and good feelings. I feel my peepee twitch every time you rub my prostate when you thrust. I don’t know why I am not super stiff. I read in a few stories that some boys go soft because the pleasure is more intense from being fucked than they get from using their stiffy. I bet if I had Tanner sucking on me, I would be hard because then it would be giving me some pleasure, but it just feels so good and loving when you are in me. You are not hurting me and I love the feelings I am getting. Maybe it's because I am a true bottom, and my pleasure comes when I am fucked or taking care of my lover or master. It's not about my stiffy, because it's not what makes me feel the bestest. Having you fucking my boypussy is what feels best, better than anything else in the world. It's even better than eating ice cream on a hot day. Please keep fucking me. I am so close to another boygasm, and I want to feel your sperm in me.”

Kevin felt better, he thought maybe Han was right. Han sure seemed to enjoy it and he was hard always for his first baby boygasm, but maybe because all his pleasure came from his prostate and ass, his body did not send the blood to his little peepee and sent it to his prostate and ass instead. It would make sense and could explain why he loved being fucked so much, and his anal orgasms were so much more intense than any the boy had ever gotten from any stimulation to his little boy stiffy.

“I love you, Han, if this is what you want and makes you happy, enjoy it! I am getting close, and I think we will orgasm together. I will try to keep going since I have not had any release in a few days and might be able to give you a second load of my daddy's milk. Get ready, here it cums!!!!”

Kevin gave Han a few more hard thrusts. He was making sure to hit the boy's prostate each time. Kevin grabbed Han’s diapered waist even tighter and gave him a hard thrust sinking all his cock as far into the boy as he could. He then started to pump out 6 shots of cum into him. Feeling Kevin jam it in hard and deep put Han over the edge because he knew Kevin was breeding him and filling him with his sperm. He loved the feeling. They shook and twitched together for about 20 seconds until Kevin started to recover. Surprisingly he was still hard. He wanted to make sweet love to the boy now.

Han was still in post-boygasm bliss when Kevin pulled out of his tight hole. Kevin moved Han so he was on his back and only had 1 pillow under his ass. He made sure to have the towel protecting the pillow. Kevin lifted Han's legs and took them in one hand. He pushed Han’s knees towards his ears, so his diapered butt rotated a bit, so it was in the perfect position for Kevin to enter him again. Once Kevin put some more lube on his cock, which had softened some but was still firm enough that he should be able to enter the boy he really did love, he lined up with the ‘hole’ in the diaper and filled Han with all his cock. This got a moan of pleasure from Han, who still had his eyes closed enjoying the wonderful anal orgasm he had just had.

“Han, that was great. Now I want to make love to you and look into your pretty face and wonderful eyes as we enjoy the feelings our bodies are going to share. I love you.” Kevin said then leaned down and kissed the boy on his lips. While kissing Han, Kevin increased the power of the thrusts he was giving Han, slow long hard thrusts, which caused him to moan as Kevin kissed him.

For the next 11 minutes, Kevin made sweet love to Han. He showed the boy all the love he could. He was loving and gentle, while at the same time giving Han as much pleasure as he could, including some quick thrusts so his prostate got extra stimulation. Kevin was getting tired, but he wanted them to both cum together. He could tell Han was getting close, and so was he. He was grinding his hips into Han at the end of each thrust. This felt great for both of them. Han was bent in half and could feel every ridge or vein on Kevin’s cock as it was sliding through his anal ring. It felt great. He loved feeling the flared ridge on the head of Kevin’s cock as it rubbed and pressed his prostate on every in and out thrust.

Kevin started playing with Han’s nipples. This made the boy moan more. Then Kevin started to gently finger fuck the boy’s belly button. This made Han moan even more. He loved the feeling and stimulation his belly button gave him. It actually caused his little stiffy to start to stiffen a little more. Kevin noticed the slight tent in the diaper, so he took his free hand to rub and knead the lump in the damp diaper.

“My belly button feels so good. It’s making my stiffy stiff. It's like they are connected. It’s weird. Please don’t stop doing anything. It all feels so good. I am so close to getting my tingles, I mean baby boygasm again.” Han said as he was gasping in pleasure. He had drool coming out the sides of his mouth, and his eyes were half closed. It was clear the boy was in a state of lust and sexual bliss.

A minute later Han grunted and squeaked. His body tensed up and shook as he had a very powerful orgasm. He was pretty stiff, but not rock hard in his diaper, Kevin noticed. As his ass clamped on Kevin's cock, it put him over the edge. He took 2 more firm deep thrusts and then pushed as hard into the boy as he could, while his cock was sending shot after shot of sperm deep into Han’s love tunnel. If he could get pregnant, he would be. Part of Han wished he could get pregnant like he read in some stories, so he could have a baby boy with Kevin, and that would mean they would be together forever, like in the story of Impregnating Bobby. He loved the feeling of Kevin being close to him and his cock deep inside his body. He felt complete when Kevin filled him with his daddy sperm. He wished they could stay like this forever. But he knew that was impossible. Especially with his knees touching his ears.

“I love you Daddy, can I have more kisses?” Han asked in a sweet but needy voice.

“Sure thing, I love my little diaper boy. I will kiss you until my cock is soft and slides out. After that, I will get you ready for bed, and then we can cuddle and rest.” Kevin said as he leaned in to kiss Han.

The kiss was tender and loving. Han wanted some tongue action, so Kevin gave him some, but it was much slower, gentle, and loving. Han could feel the love Kevin had for him as they kissed. It filled him up and made him feel so special and loved. He only felt loved when he was with Kevin, and he felt special when he made Kevin cum. It was best when that cum was deep in his boypussy, where he knew Kevin’s cock belonged. Han wrapped his arms around Kevin and gave him a big hug and just held onto him. He was the most content that he had ever been in his young life. He felt like he really had found love, a daddy, and a place he wanted to call home. He knew deep down, that one day he would get to live with Kevin and please him for many years.

About 5 minutes later Kevin broke the kiss. He had to get Han cleaned up so he could get some sleep.

“Han, I need you to hold your knees up by your chest for a few minutes, while I work on your diaper. Thanks buddy, I love you.”

Kevin first took the diaper doubler and used it to clean off his cock. It had some slime from anal juices, his cum, and the lube he used. He thought that he should try both Baby oil and baby lotion to see how they work since he is not using condoms. Once his cock was clean, he set the insert down. He figured Han was well-lubed, so he took the plug and inserted it firmly and quickly into Han's willing ass. This would keep all his cum inside the boy, so his body could absorb as much of the protein, hormones, and other nutrients it could give the boy. In fact, by morning there would be little to nothing left of it to be expelled. Next Kevin used the diaper doubler/insert to wipe any lube from around the opening he cut into the diaper. He wanted the plastic-type cut area of the mega-max to be as clean as possible. Once this was done, he took the insert and worked it into the back of Han's diaper. He got it so it covered the entire cut area and was at least 2 inches above and below the edge of the cuts.

Kevin removed the pillow from under Han and had him stretch out. He then rolled him over onto his tummy, so he had full access to the back of his diaper. He made a few minor adjustments in the position of the insert, so it was the comfiest for Han, and covered the cut well. He ended up working it part way into Han’s crotch, so it would absorb better, and stay in place better when he slept. Next came the tape. He took and placed several long strips of tape done the back of the diaper. He first took a small piece to hold the hole together the best he could. He placed the tape first on the left side of the hole/slit, and then pulled it towards the right and pressed the tape in place on the right side. Next, he applied several pieces of tape to fully cover the slit and the tape he first applied. When done, you could not even see there was any slit or hole, other than the change in color because of the padding that got pushed away from it. The rest of the tape made sure to not only seal the opening but sealed the original piece of tape in case it leaked. It looked like the tape would hold a gallon of wetness without leaks, so Kevin was happy. Once done, he helped Han to stand up while he moved the towel and pulled back the bed. Then he grabbed his phone and activated the plug inside Han. It was set to a low gentle vibration. One that would give him pleasure but not so much it would keep him awake or push him to get an orgasm. An orgasm was not the goal now. He wanted Han to just enjoy and relax. He would get the prostate stimulation from the plug in the morning to wake up about the time he had another anal orgasm, hopefully.

Han dove into the bed. He rolled onto his side and got ready for Kevin to slide into bed. Once Kevin was in bed, and comfy he looked at Han. Seeing this Han slid up to his man, his daddy, his lover, and cuddled him. He put his head on Kevin’s hairy chest and felt so loved and safe. He only wanted to ever sleep like this. The plug felt nice. It was like a slow massage. It did not feel sexual, just so relaxing.

“I love you. Goodnight Daddy. Thank you for making me feel so good. It was awesome.” Han said with a smile and a glow about him that showed he was at peace and felt loved.

“You’re welcome buddy. I love you too. Happy diaper dreams.” Kevin said then kissed Han’s forehead while rubbing his back. He took the pacifier he had for Han and placed it at his lips. Han opened up and sucked it in quickly, then started to gently suck on it.

Kevin ran his hand softly from Han’s padded butt up to his shoulder blades, and then back down. After 3 passes up and down, he could tell Han was asleep. His breathing had changed, and the tightness of the cuddle had relaxed a little. Kevin set the plug to go for 15 minutes and then to shut down. He set it to start back up at 630, with a slow vibration for 5 minutes. Then it would increase by 15 % and run for 5 more minutes. At 6:40 am it would go to maximum and activate the motion in the plug that would also rub the inner walls of his anus and across his prostate. Kevin had his alarm set to wake up at 630. He relaxed and realized how lucky and blessed he was to not only have his boys whom he loved, but to have Han who loved and wanted him. His fear was if he gave into Han and Tanner's desires and he bred Tanner, what would happen if he fell in love with Kevin like Han has? Can he handle 2 young diaper boy lovers? Would Han be jealous and how would it affect the friendship the boys have? These are all things he will have to talk with and explain to Han, so he knows the risks of what he wants to share with his best friend. A few minutes later Kevin was asleep.

Kevin awoke to his alarm going off. He hit snooze. Just as he did that, he heard the plug turn on. He moved his hand to rest on Han’s padded ass. Han had rolled more onto Kevin and was using him like a body pillow.

When the snooze went off again, Kevin turned off the alarm. He didn’t want it to wake Han. Kevin carefully rolled Han onto his back. The boy was still sound asleep. He was partly stiff, but Kevin was not sure if it was normal morning wood, or if it had anything to do with the feelings of the plug in him all night or the gentle vibration it was giving to him now. Once Han was resting on his back, Kevin heard the speed of the plug increase. Han moaned and shifted a bit.

Kevin was enjoying just looking at the boy he had fallen in love with. He was super cute and adorable. Some might not like his freckles or that his ribs showed, or how nipples seemed to have larger and darker tips than a lot of girls his age have, but Kevin loved all of him. He knew he was slender, but his ribs only showed when he was lying down, mostly. Kevin’s bladder was telling him he needed to use the restroom. He rushed into his bathroom and took a massive leak. One day he would try pissing into Han as he fucked him. Han told him about it in some stories, and after Kevin read about them, it did seem fun. He figured it would be best to do when Han was still diapered and he fucked him thru it, to limit the risks of major leaks. He was shocked when he read that some boys and men can have an orgasm just from having their anus filled with fluid, be it by peeing in them or giving them an enema. Furthermore, the pressure and vibrations from being fucked like that seemed to increase sensitivity not only to the prostate but all up and down the anal cavity which greatly increased the pleasure the person got from it. This sounds interesting and figured now if that is what Han wants and makes him happy, he will do it for him.

Kevin did a quick wipe down to make sure his cock was clean, then washed his hands and face. He wanted to be there when the vibrations went to max.

Kevin was getting his clothes for the day when he heard the plug’s intensity go to maximum. With it came a grunt and then moans from Han. He was starting to move a little. He was pushing his ass into the bed and grinding it. Like he was trying to get the plug deeper into him. What a little cock slut Han seemed to be, even in his sleep. Kevin noticed that Han did appear to be stiffer, but when he rubbed it, he realized, Han was stiff, but not rock hard. Very interesting. About 3 minutes later Han's breathing was much heavier. His grunting and moaning were more intense. He was still grinding but he still had not reached up to touch his little stiffy. Kevin rested his hand on the little lump and he could actually feel the vibrations of the plug coming all the way up and thru the boys stiffy. He reached and rubbed Han’s belly button. Then he started to gently move his finger around it then in and out of it. Han put out a big grunt as his eyes opened. His body went stiffy and shook. Kevin could feel Han’s cock twitch a few times. However, he was able to easily move the stiffy around and even bend it some, so it was not super hard or stiff. Kevin left the plug going while Han came down from the orgasm and tried to fully wake up.

Kevin realized Han was very wet. He used that to his advantage and started to rub and knead the wet diaper into Han stiffy. This caused it to get stiffer and resulted in more moans of pleasure from Han. Kevin started to masturbate the boy thru his soft wet diaper. Han looked at Kevin when he woke up. He smiled at him around his pacifier that he still had from when he fell asleep. He felt so loved and wonderful. This is the best way to wake up he thought as his brain started to work again after that powerful orgasm the butt plug gave him.

As Han was getting his brain functions back and under control, he realized Kevin was rubbing his peepee thru his diaper. It felt good to have the pleasure in his butt and on his stiffy. It made him think about how it would feel to have Tanner suck on him while Kevin fucked him. This image and fantasy got him harder, and he realized he was about to have another baby boygasm. Kevin took his index finger and wet it with spit. Next, he took that wet finger and started moving it in Han’s belly button. This put the boy over the edge as wave after wave of pleasure washed through his body. His little peepee was stiff and it felt really good, but his butt and that spot inside of him felt even better.

After Han had his 2nd boygasm, Kevin saw it was not even 7 am yet. He left the plug going at max and started to get dressed. He heard Han grunting and moving around. He saw Han was trying to reach the plug while his other hand was rubbing his wet belly button. The look he had was of pleasure and anguish.

“Morning Han, how is my little diaper boy doing this morning? Did you like the special way I woke you up?”

Han started to talk but it was all mumbles because of the pacifier. He took it out of his mouth and said, “Daddy it was the bestest. I loved it. I can’t believe I had 2 baby boygasms. I even had a stiffy and the second one made it feel good too, but my butt felt the best. It kinda hurts now. Could you turn it off, please, sir, if that’s ok?” Han asked. Then he remembered he had offered and given his body and the use of his holes to Kevin to use anyway and anytime he wanted to. He didn’t want to upset him, but it was feeling weird and kinda hurt some.

“NO problem buddy, I am not trying to hurt you or anything. I just wanted to keep my daddy sperm in you all night and then give you an extra special wake-up this morning. I love you. I will not do stuff to knowingly hurt you a lot, because I love you and want you to enjoy everything we do. I even thought I might be willing to pee in you one of these times since you told me about that and I read about it some, but that has to be on a weekend when you are staying here, and no school the next day.” Kevin said, as got his phone and turned off the plug. Han let out a grunt when it stopped. A minute later he was sliding out of bed, so he could get a morning hug from Kevin.

Once the hug was over, Kevin finished getting his shorts and a shirt on. He was going to go make breakfast. Normally he changed the boys after breakfast, but he was not sure if Han wanted to sit with the plug and the cut of his diaper visible.

“Han, you know I normally do diaper changes after breakfast, but do you need it now? I can take it off and remove your plug. You can try to go poop and then get a quick shower so you are fresh for school. I don’t think you want to smell like pee at school, especially when you change in the locker room for gym.”

“I never thought about that. Yeah, I got to get changed in gym class today. I got gym every other day, and we were told we have to change into our gym clothes today. I don’t want to smell like pee. I know a few boys last year got teased about it because sometimes in the morning they smelled like pee. I always used a wet washcloth or wipe to clean my diaper area. I heard that if you have hair, it holds the smell a lot more than when you don’t got any, like me. Can I please take out the plug and take a shower, sir?”

Kevin took Han's super soggy diaper off. He started to remove the plug. He worked it in and out a few times so it would come out with as little pain as possible. Once out, Kevin set Han on the toilet.

“Han, I will get your clothes and put them on the bed. I will be starting breakfast and then going upstairs to get the other boys up. Come out when you are cleaned up buddy. I love you.” Kevin said as he rubbed the top of Han’s head.

Han hates it when anyone rubs his head like he is a little kid. He actually gets a headache from it and normally jerks his head away because it’s almost painful to be touched there now. His daddy did it and he loved it when he did it, but when he died, he never let anyone else do it. He just realized that he has let Kevin do it several times and each time he felt loved, just like when his daddy did it when he was little. He started to tear up. He held it back until he was in the shower. He started to think about his daddy and was now wondering if maybe his daddy in heaven had brought Kevin into his life and wanted them to be lovers. After all his daddy was the one who taught him to kiss and was teaching him how to lick and suck on his big dicky as Han called it. He was supposed to suck on the head of it that night, but his dad was killed on his way home. He loved licking daddy’s dicky and playing with his balls. He also loved how it felt when his daddy played with his butthole and even licked it. These memories came flooding back to Han while he was in the shower. He was in tears because he forgot much of it. Now he had a new daddy and he felt as loved as he had been with his real daddy. He felt deep down he needed to tell this stuff to Kevin, but it was private, he did not want any of the boys to know about it, not even Tanner.

----------------------------- End Chapter 19 ---------------------------

Did any of the boys play around with their bunkmate?

What will happen when Han tells Kevin about his daddy, including his memories and feelings?

Will Kevin breed Tanner? Han wanted to watch, or will Kevin get him to do more than watch. If so, how will Tanner feel afterwards, and will he be in love with Kevin like Han is, or will he just enjoy being fucked and filled?

Tanners Grandma?

Kevin has to go back to work, what will happen with the boys and how will his schedule affect things?

I have had a few people ask me about some of the grammar issues in the story. I know that when the boys are talking there are some grammar errors. This is because I am trying to have it as realistic as possible as to how a third, fourth, or even sixth grader will speak. Having had many years of raising foster boys in the past, as well as many cousins and nephews, I have lots of experience with the wonderful improper grammar boys use, especially when talking to friends or in a place where they know they can just be themselves.

I love feedback. Any questions, comments, or ideas, drop me an Email:

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Please consider donating. When you do, tell them you love diaper boy stories.

Check out my other ongoing stories.

Lemons to Lemonade: AO3

Finding A Mentor, Max’s story: At Nifty and AO3

MNDB Sleepover Fun: At Nifty and AO3

See all my stories on my AO3 Author Page

There are several links in this chapter to fine stories. I am including them and a few more below for easy access.

  1. What Families Are For

  2. Dad 2.0

  3. Lord Carnals Photography for Boys

  4. Boy Scout Lovers

  5. Founders School For Boys

  6. Belonging to Daddy

  7. Mattie’s New Life

  8. Accidental Paradise

  9. My Teddy Bear

  10. Beating Off

  11. Entrepreneur

  12. Baby Brendan

  13. Summer Camp

  14. Jia and the 4th Age

  15. New Daddy for Teds Boys

  16. Wish You Were My Dad

  17. Sleepover Challenges

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I would love to hear from you. Thanks

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