Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2023 00:41:41 +0000 From: Urbuddynick Subject: Beating Off Chapter 5 BEATING OFF By Nick Waters I can be reached at If you like the story or would like to see something in the story, please feel free to drop me a line. I love feedback and love to chat. Before some of you clutch your pearls and think this is a true story, know that it is not. It is entirely a work of erotic fiction. Fantasy is different from reality. Check it out. Also, please consider donating to Nifty. It costs money to run this site, and your donation really helps them out. My other Nifty stories are: Living the Life and Entrepreneur CHAPTER FIVE After a full day of much needed sleep following the epic orgy, I awoke chipper and singing to myself. "Hey, babe," Kurt said before getting into the shower. "Chuck and Kevin will be over soon. They said they want to help with the brunch." I was looking forward to getting to know Chuck, the handsome forty-one-year-old muscle stud with a salt and pepper beard, and his lover, a ginger haired teen aged sixteen whom he'd been dicking for six and a half years. What intrigued me was their relationship seemed to be genuinely loving and committed. "Oh, and Billy," Kurt said before stepping into the steaming water, "I want you to stay naked today." "Seriously? No one else is going to be nude," I protested. "Don't be silly. You have every right to be a nudist in your own home. Besides, you've already had sex with most everyone coming over for brunch." "First, this is your house not mine. Second, oh shit!" I said seeing Chuck and his teenage partner coming through the secret gate from my back yard into Kurt's. They were dressed appropriately for the last few days of July --- in shorts and tee shirts. I felt so exposed. "Hey guys welcome," I said opening the French doors to the patio while trying to act naturally. Both scanned my naked body but said nothing as they hugged and kissed me. "Thanks for having us over," Chuck said. "Yeah, thanks. Your house is really cool. And the beds are so comfortable," the handsome jock enthused. "You're most welcome. And thank you guys for helping with the brunch. Kurt has to finish up the last bit of his work, then he is off for five weeks. Who wants a pineapple mimosa?" I soon dropped my self-consciousness and got to know the two men as we cooked bacon and mixed up the ingredients for a quiche. The older muscled man and the teen hugged on each other affectionately and often. "You guys make such a great couple. So, you met Kevin when he was Alex and Trevor's age?" I asked. Chuck smiled. "By met you mean molested. I've actually known his mom Cynthia for more than a decade. Let's see, I first met Kevin when he around five. But we didn't have sex until he was nine almost ten. Three years before that his older brother Andy came on to me while he was drunk on beer at one of his mom's famous parties." Kevin laughed, "Yeah, daddy Chuck started both me and my brother sexually. He started Andy at fourteen and me at nine. He's such a pedo perv!" We all laughed. "Do you still play around with Andy?" I asked. "When I see him. He's busy now," Chuck said. "So do I, "the red headed teen said with a mischievous grin. "Nothing like sex with your brother. But he's busy now being a celebrity god and all, that I hardly see him. We text all the time though. You will meet him when we all go to the lake house next week." "Celebrity?" I asked rolling out the croissants. "Andy is the star quarterback of the New York Giants," Chuck said. "He's got that Puma ad and has been on a box of Wheaties." I am not that much into sports, but I remembered the sexy guy from the Puma ads. "That blonde hunk?" I asked, impressed. "Yep. But let's keep that to ourselves. He's a pedophile like us, but we like to keep that secret tight. That's how career destroying rumors start." "I thought he was fucking that pop star chick who sings that song about bubbles," I said. "He is," Kevin said with a laugh. "He's like Kurt. He fucks everything. He's looking forward to fucking our boys at the lake." "Tell me about these boys," I said as my dick chubbed a bit. "I am a mentor to two fatherless, underprivileged boys," Kevin said. "I am not trained or anything. They let me be a mentor just because I am on the high school football team. But everyone knows my brother who was the quarterback for the same team a few years back. That opens a lot of doors.' "They are really sweet natured boys, a couple of years younger than your kids. Chuck and I have been fucking Bobby for five months now. He really loves sex! Reilly is new to it too. I began kissing and sucking Reilly a month ago. Chuck hasn't had a chance to play with him yet. Their moms are so excited their sons get to go to a lake house for a month." "They're not as excited as I am" Chuck said to me with a grin. "All of that grooming is about to pay off. You know, billy, you're a sexy motherfucker. You would look good inside of those boys. Kurt sure knows how to pick them." I blushed. "Thanks," I said. "Fuck. I am all out of butter. I need to run to the store." "Let me go! Please! Please! Please!" the red headed jock pleaded suddenly looking like an eager little boy. "I just got my license three months ago." I thanked him and handed him a twenty. Kevin dashed out the door and ran next door to their car. "He seems so mature for sixteen," I said to Chuck after he left. "Right? Sometimes I need to remind myself that he is only sixteen. I first started having sex with him at nine. He's always been smart, but he was also a normal little boy. Immature, silly, naïve, adventurous --- all of the things which get my pedo blood boiling. I used to stop having sex with my boys when they got around fifteen. I'm a pedo after all. But Kevin is special. Covid forced us together for a year and a half, and the experience changed him and me dramatically.' "Before that I had just been doing nothing but underage boys for a good dozen years. And ninety percent of them were hairless. A neighbor started me when I was ten, and I started doing boys at fifteen. Pretty soon the only dicks I was sucking were smooth and under three inches. I mean I am gay, but I had been eating exclusively on the dessert side of the homo buffet.' I laughed. "You're lucky you got to enjoy so many boys," I said. "I know. Don't get me wrong, I love pedo sex. Fucking a hairless boy's ass is perhaps the greatest pleasure in the world. But you can't have an adult relationship with a little boy. They simply aren't mature enough to be a partner. I guess I needed to mature myself to realize I wanted a partner to share my life with. I look at you and Kurt, and I think that's what I want. A pedophile lover and partner I can build a life with." "I never looked at it that way. We've only been together a few weeks, but our bond is like nothing I've ever had. Not even with my wife." It felt wonderful having a rapport with new friends and fuck buddies. Maybe this really is the life for me, I thought. I had five more weeks to figure it out, but I was definitely leaning towards a resounding YES to being with Kurt. "When I was, uh, sucking your dicks the other night," I said with an embarrassed laugh, "I noticed you both have matching. Mickey Mouse tattoos on your inner thighs." Chuck smiled. "Yeah! They are not quite matching though. Mickey's tongue hangs to the left on Kevin's tatt, straight down on mine, and to the right on his brother Andy. Pappa Dan did the tattoo work down in Key West. That's where I met Kurt." "I almost missed Kevin's tatt with that big fucking cock of his!" "Tell me about out. When I started him sexually, he was a sexy two inches hard. I loved sucking on that hairless cocklet. Over the last six and half years, that cock has grown to nine inches. I was impressed with how you sucked that fucker to his flaming pubes the other night. You know, sometimes feel I have sucked him so much I have pulled an inch out of his dick every year." I laughed. "Covid was hard on everyone. My business was in peril while we were in lockdown together. Like a lot of teens, he became a terror at thirteen. His mom threw up her hands and agreed to let him live in my guesthouse to get him out of house. He really hated his new stepdad. Kevin was mostly mellower around me, but one day he pushed so far that I took off my belt and whipped the shit out of him. I had never done that before, but it really seemed to help break the terrible teen syndrome. It basically marked when he started becoming an adult. I taught him yoga, and he learned how to meditate on Youtube. He's a Buddhist now and an all-around remarkable human being." "He seems like an old soul," I said. "Exactly!" Chuck agreed. "And, gods, I love the sexual energy of teenagers. He's out as gay at school, and you would be surprised at the number of high school boys he is fucking. He likes to say, `Whoever invented the concept of being bi-curious is a genius.' That has gotten him laid a lot." "You are not monogamous obviously." "Gods No. That's one of the reasons I am his daddy and not his boyfriend. I want to give him the space to date and meet other guys. He's had a string of boyfriends." "Of course, he has. He is so fucking hot just like his brother," I said. "Fuck yeah, he is. And we share the same goals. Being a pedo is a huge part of my life, and I am thrilled to death that he is one as well. Our plan is to get married in a couple of years and have a huge house full of boys. I am not into nepi, but I am curious to find out how soon we will start our sons. I have the feeling it is going to be shockingly young." His nasty words made me get half hard. Chuck saw my dick and grinned. "You nasty perv," he said grabbing his cock through his shorts. The doorbell rang, and I looked out the window over the sink. "Shit," I muttered. "Who is it?" Chuck asked. "Jock. He is here to oversee my workout," I said with a frown. "Jock from the party? He seemed cool. What's wrong with him?" "Kurt's been having him give me steroids?" "Steroids? That's not great, man," the beefy stud said. "Apparently these are the high-end ones with testosterone and growth hormones. A lot of billionaires are taking them, so they live forever with ripped bodies. But they make me feel weird and all amped up," I said. "Mind if I watch your workout?" Chuck asked. "I would love to see your set up." "Sure," I replied as I opened the door. Jock was all smiles stretched into a tight tee which showed off his massive pecs. Comparing Jock and Chuck, I saw that Chuck was somewhere between Jock and me size wise. Chuck looked perfect to me. "Hey Chuck," Jock said hugging him bro-style, patting his back. "Hey faggot," he said to me with a smirk. "Did you dress just for me?" he asked looking over my nudity. "Very funny. Shall we get this over?" Chuck watched closely as Jock administered the shot. I felt a burning sensation at the needle entry and was soon sweating profusely. Jock started me on an overhead pulley to work my triceps before taking my measurements. "This is great progress," Jock said before handing my chart over to Chuck. He too seemed impressed. "You and Kurt have a nice setup here. Is there anyway Kevin and I could use your gym? We both need to get a workout in," he asked. "Of course," I replied as Jock felt my glutes. I felt like a prize bull and bristled when I felt a finger poke at my hole. "I have to finish up brunch, Jock," I snapped before leaving. Kevin was back, and he helped me complete the meal. My face was flushed, and I could feel the sweat drip from my balls. Kurt came out dressed, and our guests soon arrived. I was in a bit of a daze throughout the meal. After we finished, Kurt broke out the weed and cigars. Jack the barber was there along with Jock, Luis the older movie producer, Kurt's Uncle Chip, and of course Kevin and Chuck. I was introduced to Arizona, a handsome seventeen-year-old with uncombed dirty blonde hair. He lived in the neighborhood. I remembered that Zach said he gave him weed, and more interestingly that Kurt started fucking him at eight. I tried to concentrate on my cigar, but the steroids were really making me antsy. Jack lit his La Gloriana and said, "The vids you showed of Zach are promising, Kurt. He could definitely make some serious money. Not as much as with a hairless boy, of course, but the teen market is hot. Sexy fourteen-year-old cocksuckers sell well. Arizona here went from hairless kiddie porn star to sexy young teen. Now he still is a star only he fucks little boys. If Zach likes to fuck hairless, there could be a years long career for him." "He's a total faggot," Kurt said. "I think he might just be a bottom. He loves to suck, and everyone here should try his mouth out this afternoon when he comes over in an hour. How do you like the sex with him, Arizona?" The teen had just taken a big hit from the bong and motioned for us to wait. He exhaled and said, "I haven't fucked around with him. I just gave him some weed so I could get closer to him. What I really want to tap is his youngest brother who is in the second grade," he said with a toothy smile. "Anymore I just like to fuck hairless kids. Well, I do like getting fucked with a big dick too." "Don't we all," Louis said. We laughed, and Arizona continued. "Most fourteen-year-olds aren't hung that good. Not like you, Kurt," he said looking at him with a look of stoned lust. "It's been too long, Zones," Kurt replied with a smile. "I am so glad this damn virus is over. I would love to get inside your ass again. Damn, you have grown. Let's see. I introduced you to Jack when you were ten. Now you're going to be a senior this year, right?" "Yeah. I only passed last year because I let the faggot principal suck my dick." "And what a nice fat cock it is," Louis said pulling on his maduro. `If we can get Zach into fucking little kids like Arizona here, then that opens a whole new market. Teens fucking kids is popular." I drank some water to try and cool down my body temperature. I lost track of the conversation for a while before tuning back in. Chuck was chatting across the table with Kurt telling him how cute our boys were. "Trevor and Alex looked so sexy in the kiddy porn you shared with us the other night. We're sure going to love pounding their asses, Kurt. You'll love our boys too, I'm sure." I felt dizzy and then flushed with intense anger. Suddenly, I pounded the table with my fist. "God damnit! Alex is my son! If you're thinking of fucking him, you could fucking well ask me!" The table went totally quiet. Jock was on his feet instantly and came around to the back of my chair. Kurt leaned back in his chair puffing on his cigar and watched me closely. "Shhhh, billy. Shhhh," Jock said soothingly. "You're roid raging. Breathe. Breathe slowly and deeply." I trembled with rage, "You damn well better respect me. He's my boy. You've no right." Jock rubbed my chest and then reached down and gently squeezed my engorged and very tender tits. "Shhhh. Settle down, billy," he said soothingly. Nobody spoke for a while, and Jock resumed talking in a normal tone of voice. "You're being unreasonable, billy. We're pedos. Of course, we are talking about fucking your boy. Think about it. Did Kurt ask you if he could fuck your boy's mouth and ass? Did Chip?" I saw Chip smiling at that, puffing his cigar with obvious glee. "Did Gino or Jack get your permission to sodomize your pride and joy? I certainly didn't ask. Kurt offered me your faggot son, and I lept at the chance to dick him. I RELISHED the opportunity to cum in his ass and piss in his mouth.' "So, settle the fuck down, faggot. Your boyfriend, your lover, your fucking Lord and Master --- Kurt offered your sonis holes to his pedophile friends just like he ordered you to service us the other night. You sucked off and were butt fucked by most everyone at this table. There is nothing remarkable about that. Faggots were born to be USED by real men. And YOU are a fucking faggot, billy. Everyone here knows that, and we all know your little boy is one too. And I think you know deep down that's true. What's more, you fucking love it!" With that he pushed away the patio table and revealed my naked dick sticking straight up. I wasn't just hard, I was achingly erect. My nearly bursting cockhead was flushed a deep purple, and I was leaking rivers of pre down the vein-bulging stalk. Jock moved to my tits again and squeezed. "What I think you should do, billy, is get down on your fucking knees and say, `I am a faggot. Please Master Kurt use me any fucking way you want. My son is also a faggot. Please use him any fucking way you want.' Do it, billy. Your dick is telling you what to do. DO IT!" "Kurt..." I pleaded even as my dick jerked and drooled. I was utterly humiliated, ruined with degradation. At the same time, I was insanely and completely turned on. "Follow your instinct, billy" Kurt said evenly. "I wanted to give you time to figure this out on your own. However, it seems to be coming to a head now." "But how can he say that about Alex?" I asked trying not to moan as Jock worked my tortured tits. "Because we fucking know," Chip said with a laugh. "I have fucked Trevor, who is a total slut, but he ain't no faggot. Alex is also a slut, but that sexy tyke is a born and bred faggot. As for you, hah! The first time I met you I pissed in a dirty hole and shoved your face in it. It's clear what you are, faggot." Jack spoke up. "I must agree with that. Alex wants to please men even at his own expense. As do you. That's a sure sign of being a faggot." "Fucking say it, billy," Jock persisted. "Give in to your true nature and get on your fucking knees and beg us all to use you and your son." I think I blacked out for a moment and then came back to consciousness. I was on my knees, my hard penis twitching and bobbing in front of me. "Please, Master Kurt, use this faggot any way you want! Please, Master Kurt, use my faggot son anyway you want! Please, everyone, use me and my son like a faggot anyway you want!" Chuck stood up and offered me his hand. He pulled me to my feet and hugged me closely. Then he kissed me deeply. I kissed back hungrily. He pulled off and said, "Hey, buddy. It's all good. Remember, we're your friends." I felt Kevin come up behind me and hug my backside. Yeah, billy. We're your friends and we're here for you." "We're happy to help you out," Chuck said in a friendly tone, but was there just a trace of a smirk? "Kevin and I have lately gotten into playing with pedo dads and their sons. We like to spend a day with them both just hanging out, and then we fuck around. We have two days before we leave for the lake house. How about when Alex and Trevor return tomorrow, we all go have a picnic somewhere and get to know each other better. Kevin will go off with Kurt and Trevor, and I will go off with you and Alex. The next day Kevin will get together with you and Alex. Sound good?" He kissed me deeply, and I nodded. "And billy," Chuck said after our kiss. "We are both going to use you and your son any fucking way we want, faggot." He spat into my mouth and slapped my face. I came all over the patio stone and blacked out. Chuck caught me before I hit the ground. ***** Slowly I came to. I was lying on my side in a darkened room, and I could feel a dick slowly fucking my ass. In and out. In and out. First from the cock but then from the smell, I could tell it was Kurt. Had he really been fucking me while I was passed out? Whaaa?" I asked. I realized we were in his bed with the curtains drawn. "You're back. Hey, my baby boy. You're fine. Everything is great. Your man is here, fucking the hole that he owns. It's where we both belong." Kurt pulled out and then scrambled on top of me. I moved fully onto my back and looked into his eyes. They were warm and loving. He kissed me deeply, and I returned his passion. "You fainted," he said after breaking the kiss. "Partly from the steroids but mostly from that amazing, psychic self-revelation you had. When you got down on your knees and begged me and the other guys to use you and Alex like faggots, I nearly came. That was the sexiest thing I have ever seen and heard. I have been waiting for you to come to that realization. Do you still mean it? He asked. The memory of that event was a mixture of lust, desire, and shame --- a recipe I realized that excited me intensely. "Yes!" I groaned. "You honor me. I am so proud that you are my boy." Kurt got off the bed. His penis was completely erect. He went to a desk and opened a drawer. He pulled out two boxes. "I was going to do this at the end of Labor Day, but things have accelerated. I have a new proposition for you, billy. It has two parts." "He opened the small box and inside was a masculine platinum ring. "I love you, billy. I have loved you for years. These last five weeks have been amazing. I want to marry you, billy. I want to share my life with you and to be a dad to Alex and for you to be a dad to Trevor." My heart started beating quickly. I was thrilled. "What's the second part?" I asked. Kurt grabbed a larger box and opened it. Inside was a finely crafted silver chain with a small silver padlock underneath. "I want you to give yourself to me mind, body, and soul. I want to own you and for you to be my slave. That may sound weird, but in the gay and kink communities it is more frequent than you may think." "How would that work?" I asked. "Pretty much like we have been living. But y would quit your job and be a stay-at-home husband and father. It's been wonderful having you around taking care of us. You don't need the money, and even if you did, I have plenty for both of us. But I would own you. That means I decide what you put in your body, how you exercise, what you wear, and everything you do sexually. Apart from that, you would be my partner and co-parent. You are so smart, and I value your take on things. We worked together marvelously during covid. Most of the time we are on the same page, but on the rare occasion we disagree, I get the final decision. I am the boss." He made it sound so wonderful. "So, if you accept my offers, we will have a one year engagement. After a year if we both still want it, we will marry. We will exchange gold rings, and you and Alex will take my last name. You will adopt Trevor, and I will adopt Alex. And, who knows, maybe we will find some surrogates and have a few more sons.' "With regards to slavery, if you accept my collar, then I own you for a year. If after a year you accept, then I own until death. I will exchange the Italian silver chain for a gold one. And no worries, only our closest gay friends will know of your slave status. Even then it will only be a part of who you are. First, you will be my adored husband whom I shower with affection and presents. I fucking love you, billy." He got down on one knee and looked me in the eye. "Will you marry me?" "Yes! Yes! Yes!" I replied. He smiled and pulled me to my feet. He put the engagement ring on my finger and then kissed me sweetly. "Now for the collaring. Get on your knees," he said, Our dicks were still hard and bobbing. I loved that he did this while we were naked. We belonged together with nothing separating us. I fell the carpet on my knees. Repeat after me, "I give myself to you, Master Kurt, for one year. I give myself to you, mind, body, and soul. Please collar and lock me." I recited the words with eagerness but with some hesitancy. Mind and soul? I wondered. The fact that it was only for a year reassured me. If it were intolerable, I could end it then. Besides these last few weeks as Kurt's boyfriend had been the happiest of my life. I felt the cold silver fall on my skin. It was too small to lift over my head. Then I heard the lock click. I was his property for a year! "Now suck my dick, slave. Suck your Owner's cock," he said firmly. I sucked him worshipfully. My own hard penis affirmed the correctness of my action. "Now, we have guests to attend to. Zach's here doing his screen test," Kurt said. He took my hand, and we walked naked together downstairs to the rec room. Jack was filming Zach in front of a portable green screen, and Luis worked the lighting. The fourteen-year-old was dressed in a baseball uniform and holding a bat. He went through the swinging motions over and over. Everyone else was naked. Kevin was on a couch quietly fucking Arizona up the ass. The younger ginger teen saw me and winked. "And cut!" Jack said. "That was excellent, Zach. You're a natural. And it looks like Kurt and billy are back. To fill you in on what you missed, Zach has agreed to do some movies and live feeds for Boymeat Productions. We just filmed the Tik Tok post we use as our standard cover. We put in a lot of Japanese characters and make it difficult but not impossible to find. That way Zach can plausibly tell his mother he is a Tik Tok influencer in Asia. When the Venmo deposits come, they will come from our entity Tick and Tock Productions which washes money from Bitcoin. " "And you can make some serious coin, little dude," Arizona said as Kevin came up his ass. "Ugh, fuck yeah, bro. Your dick is amazing!" "Yes," Jack laughed as his dick hardened at the site. He handed Zach an envelope with hundred-dollar bills in it. "That's your one thousand dollar signing bonus," Louis said. Zach teared up a bit. "Thanks! My mom will be so happy," he said. "There's more of that out there too," Jack said. "Kurt has agreed to invite Zach and his mom here the day after tomorrow. She can meet us, and we can do the whole Tik Tok influencer ruse. It would be great if you could make it, Arizona." "Sure thing, boss" the teen replied. Kurt smiled mischievously and said, "You should invite your two younger brothers over, Zach. We can make it a swim party." "They would love that," Zach earnestly. Behind his back, Kurt high fived Arizona. Jack continued, "So, let's see. Everyone here today except billy has fucked Zach's mouth. I must commend both Kurt and billy for the way they have trained him. This boy sucks like a porn star!" Zach beamed at the perverted compliment. Jack continued, "For the final screen test, billy, why don't you crawl over her and worship Zach's feet?" Zach stripped, and I fell to my knees and confirmed that I am, in-deed, a faggot. Zach looked at me affectionately and then placed his bare foot on my face. I kissed it reverently and began lapping the soles. The naked boy's cock hardened to its full four inches as I began sucking on each toe. Jack came in with the camera to catch the details of my foot worship. Zach moaned at my oral attention. He moved his other foot to my face and squashed it with his soles and toes. "Why don't you lick his ass and then suck the boy off too?" Kurt asked casually. I knew it was an order. Kurt moved behind the boy sitting on the chair and pulled his legs up so that his hairless crack was on display. Naked and hard I crawled over and put my face into his sweat moist cleft. I inhaled deeply and then dragged my tongue up and down. Zach moaned and then moaned louder when I penetrated his hole with my licker. I slobbered and sucked on the eighth grader's fuck chute before moving up and licking his hairless ball bag. Next, I sucked each nut into my mouth. Finally, I moved it up his immature hardon and took it into my mouth. Zach signed and began to sweat as I blew the same boy I groomed and seduced into gay sex just a few weeks before. As I fellated the underage teen, I reflected that our transformations were basically on the same timetable. Of course, the maestro behind it all was Kurt who watched intently while stroking his cock. With a yelp, the horny lad came in my faggot mouth. I showed the cum to the camera and then swallowed. Afterwards Kurt motioned me over to the bar at the other end of the rec room. He laid out a line of shot glasses and filled them with Johnny Walker Blue Label. "Everyone. May I have your attention, please? I would like to announce that billy and I are engaged to be married." The crowd of naked men and boys cheered. They really are my friends, I thought, giddy with happiness. Everyone took a shot glass, and Chip announced, "To Kurt and billy's marriage. May it be a happy one that lasts a lifetime!" We all cheered and drank. Chip came up to me and clapped me on the back. "Welcome to the family, billy." "Hey everyone," Kurt said. "Why don't we take a quick dip in the pool, and then I will take us all out to Ginos for a steak dinner celebration?" The evening was filled with laughter and mirth. Even Jock was nice to me. It may be a cliché, but it was the happiest day of my life. That night Kurt and I made love ending the eventful day perfectly. Over coffee the next morning with Kurt and our guests, I properly thanked Chuck. "I guess I should thank you for catching me when I passed out," I said. "Of course, buddy," Chuck replied with a grin. "He picked you up in his arms and carried you to bed like the fucking stud he is," Kurt said. "Hey, listen. Before my ex drops off the boys, how about we keep the engagement quiet? I was thinking we would announce it to them in London. What do you think, babe?" "That sounds perfect," I said. "Ah. Geltman's delivery is here." "What's Geltman's?" Kevin asked. "It's a local department store which has a gourmet deli and desert shop. We have two days' worth of picnic food. Fried chicken, pie, pasta salad, and much more," I said. I loaded the cooler with ice and beer. Kevin helped me pack the goodies in our picnic baskets. "Sweet," Kevin said. "Where are we going today?" "A local park," Kurt said. There is a great field with some shade trees. We can play games with the boys and then have a feast. Afterwards the real games will begin," he said with a wink. Trevor and Alex flew into the house a few minutes later. "Did you miss me, daddy?" Alex asked as he jumped into my lap. "I sure did," I said kissing him. "That was mean of Shelly to keep you three whole nights!" He giggled and then got quiet when he saw the strange man and teenager. He looked at Trevor who was also quiet. Kurt said, "Boys, this young man here is Kevin and this is his daddy Chuck. We are going to go on a picnic with them today at the park." Our boys, ever polite, shook hands with them as greetings were exchanged. "You look like Archie from Riverdale," Trevor said. "Thank you, Trevor. KJ Apa is a sexy guy in my book," Kevin said ruffling his hair. "You're sure a cutie. Both of you are. Which one of you is the cutest?" Trevor smiled and said, "I am." "No, I am," Alex said chuckling. "At the picnic, I will just have to kiss you both and decide for myself," the sexy ginger said with a grin. The boys have been trained well never to give away our secret sex play. They looked to us for guidance. "Chuck and Kevin like to play the same sexy games we do. How'd you like to get naked with them today?" Kurt asked. "Yeah!" my son exclaimed jumping up and down. Damn, I thought, he is a faggot. For once Kurt let me dress normally in loose shorts, a normal fitting t shirt and sneakers. It was nice to be wearing what everyone else wore. Kurt and I drove over in his Audi convertible, and Chuck, Kevin and the boys followed in their car. After reaching Mike Dozier Park we took several twisting turnoffs to an out of the way parking lot next to a concrete, public restroom. We carried our supplies across a grassy field that gently sloped upwards until it flattened out for an acre by a wooded area. We picked a shady spot under a tree and spread out the blankets. The placement of an angled sun umbrella afforded us some privacy. "This is a nice park, "Chuck said sitting next to Kurt as the boys ran into the flat field. "I love this place," Kurt replied. "See that men's room down there? It's got a gloryhole between the handicapped stall and the other booth. The last stall has a peep hole looking at the trough urinal. It's a great place to show off your dick and get or give a blowjob. I have seen lots of young teens in there and a few even younger than that." "Nice," Kevin said. "We have one of those in our town." "And the forest over there has all sorts of trails where guys cruise for dick," Kurt added. "I have never been to a glory hole or cruised for sex," I said. "It's hard to believe you have only been having gay sex for a little over a month," Chuck noted. "You really were like Dorothy before Kurt plucked you out of Kansas and dropped you in OZ." The boys returned, and Kevin and Chuck handed them wrapped presents. The kids squealed as they ripped off the paper. "Neato! Cool. Thank you!" they exclaimed as they saw a couple of soft foam jet planes with launchers. "Let me show you how to shoot off these airplanes," Kevin said. His playfulness turned him into a kid again --- the kid that Chuck fucked in the ass at nine, I thought sexily. Chuck brought out a long duffel bag which he conspiratorially shared with us. "I have six filled super soakers here. After lunch we can have a water battle." Chuck's duffle bag also produced a soccer ball which the six of us kicked around for a while. The game had no rules, but no one cared. We laughed and yelped and sweated in the summer sun. We took a refreshment break with the boys getting juice and the men pale ale. On the blanker Trevor and Alex lay between Kevin and Chuck. Our two guests peppered them with questions: "What's your favorite fruit?" Trevor: pineapple Alex: apple "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Trevor: astronaut Alex: architect If you had to be an animal, what would it be?" Trevor: tiger Alex giggled: pig I rolled my eyes. Chuck tickled him and replied, "Oh I will make you a little piggy this afternoon." The boys loved the attention, and I realized that Chuck and Kevin were onto something. Just spending time with a new boy and playing with him built strong bonds of trust and friendship. "I have a question," Alex asked. "If you are his daddy, Chuck, how come you don't have red hair?' "That's a very astute question," you man. "In the gay world, a guy's boyfriend can be their daddy. Usually, it is someone older. I first started getting sexy with Kevin here when he was your age. His biological father is not in the picture. So now I am Kevin's, but when he gets out of school, we are getting married." "I like you two," Trevor said, and Alex nodded. I noticed a few pervs at the restroom a hundred feet away were watching us, and occasionally someone would pop out of the woods and walk by our picnic site. But they kept their distance. Behind the privacy of the umbrella, Kevin kissed Trevor on the lips. He looked the nine-year-old in the eyes and smiled. Then he went in for a full tongue kiss. Teen and boy dueled tongues for some time while we watched. I noticed Chuck was stroking Alex's bare thigh. Kevin broke the kiss. "MMMM. Hey, Alex, come over here," the ginger teen said. Alex scrambled behind the umbrella, and Kevin got on top of him and went in for a long kiss. "Mmmm. You two are so sweet and so handsome, but I just can't make up my mind who the cutest is." "It's me," declared Trevor. "No, it's me! Alex replied climbing on the teen and tickling him. Chuck broke it up with an announcement. He pulled the plastic super soakers out his bag and handed them out to us. "Men, we are going to war. We are going to have the Great Batt le of Mike Dozier Park. Team A will be Kevin, Kurt, and Trevor. Team B will be me, billy, and Alex. And the rules are .... What rules?" The boys cheered in that high pitched boy falsetto which always simulates me. We set a timer for five minutes and then staked out positions about fifty feet from each other. When the timer went off, we charged at each other whooping like warriors. The results were predictable. Laughter, yelling, squealing, and our t shirts soaking wet. If this were a gun fight, we would have all been dead. The afternoon sun blazed, and we all stripped off our tees and hung them over a low tree branch to let them dry. Then we tackled the picnic baskets. Geltman's did not disappoint, and soon we were stuffed and contented. Kurt passed some pot laced gummies to the boys and the vape pipe to the men. Soon we were lazily baked as well. "I have to pee," Alex declared. The thought of him going to the cruisy men's rooms disquieted me. As if reading my mind, Chuck spoke up. "I'll take him. I need to take a leak myself." The muscular stud grabbed my boy's hand and walked him down the grassy slope to the concrete bathrooms. As they left together, I could see the immense size difference between the man and the boy. The knowledge that Chuck was going to be inside of my boy soon caused me to bone hard in my shorts. I looked over and saw Kurt grinning. He too was hard. "Yeah," he admitted. "It's hot as fuck." When they returned hand in hand, I asked, "Everything come out OK?" "Yeah!" Alex said, plopping down on the blanket. "Chuck's dick is uncut like Gino's. I wanted to taste it, but there were a couple of guys there. One of them was playing with himself! Chuck said I should pull my pants down all the way to my ankles. I haven't done that since kindergarten." "I bet the guy loved seeing that," Kevin said licking his lips. "The pervert jacking off shot his load in the urinal at the site," Chuck said chortling. "It's just getting that time of day when the place gets really popular, four to six in the afternoon," Kurt noted. "Guys are coming home from work or finishing up with their home computers. The next busy time is ten to midnight." "I Haven't seen you go out much at those time," I said. "Why would I go out when I have the sexiest man alive and two adorable boys at home?" he asked with a smile before kissing me deeply. "Let's pack this up. It's time for Teams A and B to have some fun." We loaded the cars, and Chuck leaned over to me. "You promised to do whatever Chuck wants. He can use you and Alex anyway he wants," he quietly reminded me. "Yes, Master," I said surprised how excited I was calling him that. "Kevin will ride with us in the Audi," Kurt said. "Chuck will drive you home." "Over here guys," Chuck motioned to a large commercial size van parked at the end of the restroom parking lot. "Time to play some sexy games." I was surprised because his car was an SUV. Chuck opened the sliding side door and climbed inside motioning us to follow. The floor was carpeted with pillows. "OK, this is the game," he explained. "I am a crazed, mad scientist. I've kidnapped a father and his son, and my evil plan is to turn them both into ... piggies." He closed the van door. We were already shirtless, and Chuck pulled my wrists together in front of me and cuffed them. Chucked laughed like a cartoon villain and said in his best Bella Lugosi accent, "Now I have you both in my clutches. You better do as I say, daddy, or it's curtains for your boy. And you, boy, better obey me if you want to keep you want to still have a daddy." Alex squealed, and replied in mock terror, "No! No. I will do what you say, just be good to my daddy!" I got into the act and said, "Do what you want to me, but leave the kid alone." "Anything?" Chuck said. "Hmmm." He pulled my shorts and sneakers off before slapping my face medium hard. Chuck turned to little Alex and squeezed his tiny nipples lightly. Then he bent down and stuck his tongue in my son's nine-year-old mouth. "I have been working on this formula for turning men and boys into piggies, and you will be my first test subjects. Each step will bring you closer and closer to becoming a cloven hoofed, snouted, PIG!" He laughed cartoonishly and raised his arm. His bulging biceps flexed sexily and revealed his sweaty mass of hairs. "You must smell and then taste the stink and sweat of two very strong men. Get your face in my pits now." Alex leaned in hungrily, and I scooted over awkwardly to get my face in there. Damn, the muscle stud smelled good and tasted even better. My treacherous penis betrayed me, and soon my seven incher was hard and twitching in front of me. Chuck pulled us out of his pits and then pulled down Alex's shorts. Like his papa, the boy's two-inch wonder was pointing to the heavens with lust. "Excellent. My scheme is going perfectly. Now we need another strong man," Chuck said rubbing his hands together. The door from the driver's seat opened, and Jock came out grinning. Fuck, I thought, with a mixture of trepidation and admittedly some excitement. "I am Igor," Jock said hunching over. "I am the doctor's assistant. You can use my man sweat," he said getting into the act. I was oddly touched by that. He and Chuck were making it into a game, not for me of course, but for my son. And my slutty nine-year-old was thoroughly enjoying it. Jock's massive biceps and pectorals impressed us all. Damn, this is the size Kurt wants me to be, I thought. Well, it looks damn good on Austin Wolfe. "Now get in there and lick or else," Chuck said running his finger across his throat. Being the man and boy pigs we already were, we lapped and sucked at the wet hairs. Jock's sweat was particularly salty. Jock pulled my head out by my hair before spitting on my face. He then gently guided Alex out of his other one. Jock reached over and brutally squeezed and twisted my tits. Immediately my dickhead was coated with precum. Chuck slipped off his shorts and revealed his seven-inch boner. I of course had seen and felt it the night of the orgy, but Alex's face lit up. He slowly jacked the foreskin over his member with the cockhead popping out wet and engorged before popping back inside the fleshy folds. "Now you must taste the precum of two strong men," Chuck said. "Then you must kiss and mix it together. You get the drift of this game. We sucked and lapped the precum from their penises, and then Alex and I dueled tongues. Then Chuck got on his hands and knees on the carpeted floor with his ass towards us. Jock sat onhis back and parted the man's ass cheeks exposing his hairy man crack and asshole. "Now father and son must kiss and lick the crack together," Chuck said. Jock lightly stroked his hardon raging above Chuck's crack while he leered at us. We dove in and darted my man tongue against his tiny one. We were all high from the weed and hard from the perverted sex. Then we licked Jock's ass. "Now for the next phase of my evil experiment," Chuck said. Jock cranked a wench at the side of the van, and a leather mat on the inside roof started to come down suspended by chains. I soon realized it was a leather sling. What kind of a freaky vehicle was this? Jock disappeared to the front for a moment and returned with a mirror with three big lines and two dots of white powder laid out. I realized it was cocaine and not meth, something I could never have distinguished six weeks ago I thought with chagrin. Alex snorted his little dots the size of pencil erasers with practiced glee. He smiled at me, and I reached over and stroked his silky-smooth ball bag with a couple of fingers. After Jock and Chuck snorted, they gave it to me. I really didn't want to do it, but Jock cocked an eye at me. I snorted it down flooding my body with hypersexual sensations. They brought the sling down to eighteen inches off floor and then restrained me in it leaving my left hand free. Chuck lubed my hole with cocaine laced Albolene, and Jock did the same with my son. The beefy pedos were both skilled ass fuckers, and they took some time rubbing our prostates. The cocaine made it tingle like mad! Chuck scooted over on his knees with his erect cockhead poking out of his skin. He lined it with my hole and pushed inside. Fuck yeah. He thrusted with abandon, and I laid back like a whore and enjoyed it. Chuck was so sexy with his hairy chest and salt and pepper beard. I looked over and saw that Jock was fucking Alex simply by holding him like a fleshlight and moving the kid up and down on his cock. My son had his eyes closed, and then I saw the tell-tale signs of a dry cum. Jock felt that and leered at me before letting his tongue hang from his mouth like a panting dog. None of the men came, and the two studs pulled out of me and Alex. Chuck fished out a dildo with a series of balls increasing in size to the largest at the base. Then I realized it was a gag, and he was strapping it into my kid's mouth. The two pedos whispered to Alex, and I could see him nod. Slowly Alex crawled towards me and put the end of the dildo on my hole. "That's it, my little piggy in the making," Chuck said. "Fuck your daddy!" The first dildo ball popped into my hole followed by the next larger one. It felt amazing inside of my drug riddled body. Slowly each ball popped in until I felt my son's nose press into my crack. "Fuck yeah," Jock exclaimed beating his dick. "Fuck your faggot daddy, boy. Fuck him! That's the only way you will every fuck anything until you start shooting sperm." Chuck licked his lips and watched as my son sodomized me with the rubber dildo gag. Fuck, it felt so good. It was so perverted that my son was doing it with his mouth, and that added to my excitement. I couldn't help myself and came all over my abs and chest. Jock spit on my face, "Fucking faggot." They took the gag from Alex's mouth and gave us all a bottle of water. Then the men dressed and pulled on Alex's shirt and tee. Was it over? "And now for the final stage of my evil experiment," Chuck said with a smile. They opened the side door, and the two men and my boy got out sliding the door closed. What the fuck? Where were they going. Then I remembered we were in the parking lot of a cruisy park men's room. One full of pervs at this time of day. In spite of myself, I started getting hard again. After what seemed like hours, Jock returned. He slid the door shut and stripped off his shorts and tee. "Hey, faggot," he said amiably in his normal voice. "Where are Chuck and Alex?" I asked. "Chuck is doing whatever the fuck he wants with your little boy. Why? Because his faggot father, his parental guardian, got down on his knees and begged him to do it. Christ, just thinking about your dick that day. I don't think I have ever seen one so hard." Jock crouched over me and ran his hard dick though my cooled cum. He reached over and tugged on the chain around my neck. "Now you are where you should be, slave fag. Bound, locked, and serving real men. Your little boy is in a filthy restroom in a booth with a gloryhole. Chuck is pushing the back of your son's head, pressing him further onto one anonymous dick after another. All with your permission. Don't look so outraged, faggot. Look at your dick. You are as hard as stone." With that Jock slipped his dick coated with my sperm into my mouth. I sucked it with abandon. It just felt natural to give in and do what I was told. My dick wanted it. My balls wanted it. I ached for it. "The nice thing about dick pigs like you is that you never have to order them to suck. They just do it. Taste your son's ass on my cock? I bet you're drooling over it. Now open that throat," he said spitting on my forehead. Jock cleaned the rest of my sperm my abs and chest with his dick but did not cum himself. He pulled back on his tee and shorts and left again. For a moment I began to panic about what was happening to my boy, but I realized the drugs were skewering my perception. Jock and Chuck were depraved pedophiles, but they weren't insane. They were experienced, and Kurt trusted them. The van door slid open. Chuck climbed in alone carrying a plastic bag. He stripped down to his sneakers. Pulling out his phone, he opened a video. Chuck slid his dick into my completely exposed ass without asking. "Damn, billy, you really have a fine ass. Top notch," he said in a normal and friendly voice. "Kurt told me that five men had fucked your boy before you found out. You were number six. I was number seven today. Here, watch." He handed me his phone, and a video played with him naked on the handicapped stall toilet fucking a totally naked Alex. You couldn't see Chuck's face, but you could see Alex totally hard and moaning as he fucked himself on the pedo's uncut cock. Damn if the little slut didn't cum twice from it. I looked at Chuck who dumped out Alex's clothes and sneakers from the bag. "Yup," he said with a smile while continuing to fuck slowly in and out of me. "Your little boy is completely naked in a public men's room. Oh, and I may have been the seventh man who has put his penis in your boy, but I am not the last." He took his phone and opened another folder. It showed Alex's little boy mouth stuffed with a dark, medium size cock. I was impressed by how well he was sucking it. "I wondered too," Chuck said. "Was the man Hispanic? Arab? Who knows. Your boy's eighth dick was completely anonymous. As was his ninth, tenth, and eleventh. The last two preferred to cum in your boy's ass though. I had to hold Alex up to the hole while they sodomized him. It's a good thing I work out." Chuck smiled at the look of shock on my face and then came up my ass. Moments later the van door slid open. Jock was carrying a naked Alex in his arms. "The experiment worked," Jock said in his normal voice. "Little Alex here is a complete piggy." The man bent down and kissed my boy on his head. Alex giggled and oinked playfully. "Now for the final act of turning the dad into a piggy," Chuck said taking my naked son in his arms. He sat the boy down on my face. "Suck the loads out of his ass," he said. "Show us what a pig you are." When my little boy's smooth but gaping ass was set on my mouth, I blew my faggot load all over the place. That night in bed --- after our guests went next door, the boys were in bed, and Kurt had fucked me --- Kurt received an encrypted file. He turned on the big screen TV over the bed. On the screen I saw myself naked and crawling over to young Zach. He was naked and hard as he put his foot in my bearded face. I couldn't believe how hungrily I lapped and licked his feet. Slavishly I sucked his toes. Then I moved up to his asshole and dick. I serviced them thoroughly with my tongue until he blew his voluminous teen load in my mouth. The camera zoomed in to the cum in my mouth before I swallowed. "Damn, my boy," Kurt drawled. "You look so handsome and buff taking care of our new boy toy." The screen went blank and then another one appeared. This time it was the video of Alex, buck ass naked, getting fucked by Chuck (with no face showing) on the toilet. Next it showed him sucking two anonymous cocks in a row through a grimy glory hole. When the second man came, some of the cum dripped out of the boy's nose! The last two dicks went up his ass. A man off camera held his up while two unknown penises fuck him. The camera showed how they pounded his single digit ass. When the last dick pulled out, one could see a string of cum attaching the dickhead with the child's fuck hole. "I think Jack did a great job editing those two vids. I am so proud of my two faggots." "Jack edited the last vid that Chuck and Jock took?" I asked. "Oh yeah. Now both videos have been uploaded to the dark web on the Boymeat Productions site. You and Alex are now porn stars." What the fuck?????