Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 21:57:44 -0500 From: rhaven Subject: Beyond the Pale Chapter Seven This story contains Man/Boy situations. This is a work of pure fiction, words on a page, nothing more than fictional fancy. The phrase `Beyond the Pale' is used to describe people that live an unusual life... doesn't that depict us all? If you like this story please check out for more. Beyond the Pale By Rhaven CHAPTER SEVEN They didn't talk on what Victor had said about Davis. It wasn't that Mason didn't care anymore, he just felt there would be a better time to mention it again. Victor was in such a good mood as they drove to the cabin; Mason didn't want to do anything to mess that up. For Mason, after a sick-filled night, he was finally beginning to feel human again. There was a building of strength in his limbs, no longer weak, Mason joined Victor in his good mood. "What... what was that song you sang to me last night." Mason asked, for no other reason than to break the monotony of the drive. "Something Davis use to sing to me when I was little." Victor said. "I hadn't thought about that song in a long, long time." Victor grinned. "It was a nice song." Mason said not sure Victor wanted to talk about this. Mason wondered what he would do if Victor did fire Davis. He didn't want to think that Victor could be that heartless. Mason looked out the window and suddenly realized that they were no longer in the city. Beautiful trees were all around them; Mason never dreamed there were so many trees. He was awed over the variations of green, nature was marvelous. "We're in the woods." Mason giggled. There were no sidewalks, buildings, cars roaring by; he didn't hear any car alarms, sirens or blaring TV's. This was nature, quiet, simple nature. Victor slowed the car down and turned onto a dirt road. Mason could barely contain himself; he wanted to get to the cabin so he could explore the woods. "Chill Mason, we're almost there." Victor laughed, seeing Mason bouncing up and down anxiously. "Remember you are still recovering, I want you to take it easy until you're one hundred percent well." "I will." Mason said quickly, pressing his face against the window as the cabin came into view. "Is that it? Is that where we're staying?" "The old Hauser hut!" Victor said pulling the car in front the cabin. Mason threw open the car door and started towards the woods. "Hold it right there!" Victor yelled. "No running! First unpack and then we'll take a walk in the woods." Mason moaned loudly, but obeyed, taking the suitcase Victor handed him. The `Hauser hut' was in fact a two-story log cabin, with eight bedrooms, hot tub, satellite TV and much more. Mason was amazed how elegant a cabin could be. "THIS PLACE IS WONDERFUL!" Mason screamed. "I love it! Look at that... wow. Is that a real bear? Look at that stuff fish!" Mason ran from one corner of the large living room to the next, looking at all the novelties and trophies. "Slow down Mason." Victor chuckled. "I'm serious about you taking it easy. Do you want to get sick again?" Mason pouted out his lip, but shook his head in agreement. "This place is just so neat. I've never dreamed something like this could exist." Mason raced over to Victor and hugged him tight. "Thank you for bringing me here." "Thank you for being here with me." Victor said rubbing Mason's back. "How about that walk?" Mason squealed, grabbed Victor's hand, and dragged the man outside. It was so amazing; everywhere Mason looked, he only saw wilderness and more wilderness. "Does anyone else live around here?" Mason asked as they headed down a dirt trail. "We are the only people around, my family... I own all you can see and more, 8000 acres of woods." "We're all alone." Mason said awed. He felt as if he was on another planet, Mason couldn't imagine a place on earth so isolated and he loved it. There were so many wonderful sounds; Mason had a hard time concentrating. There was the wind in the leafs, birds and insects by the thousands chirped or clicked a magical song, creating a woodland sonata, for a place so isolated from civilization; it was more alive than the city. The path took them out of the trees and into a large field. Stepping out of the shadows of the trees and back into the sun, made Mason hummed from the satisfying warmth. "This is where I use to come and ... and think. I always thought it was the most peaceful place in the world." Victor said with a sigh. He raised his arms, closed his eyes and swirled around, conjuring up lost memories. Mason giggled and fell back into the soft grass. Victor quickly joined him on the grass. "It's nice to share this place with you." Victor whispered as he held Mason's hand, both of them lying in the grass, letting the sun warm them. Neither of them spoke for a while, choosing to enjoy the silence and calm. As the sun started to dip behind the trees, Victor stood up and pulled Mason to his feet. "Let's go get something to eat." Good to his word, Davis had stocked the cabin with enough food to last them for a month. Most of it was pre-prepared, so all Victor had to do was warm it up. For their first meal, they had hamburgers and potato chips. However, for Mason it was the apple pie, which topped the day, making it completely fantastic. The two of them sat on the couch rubbing their stomachs from the fine filling meal. Mason felt so content in the cabin; it never occurred to him to feel like a stranger intruding on someone's private property. The cabin was inviting, making him completely relaxed, this was home. "Why don't we head upstairs and unpack. You can take my old room." "Couldn't I just sleep with you?" Mason asked quickly. "You can sleep with me tonight, but only if you go to bed early. I want you well rested for tomorrow." "How early?" Mason arched an eyebrow wearily. Victor looked at his watch and got a mischievous smile. "At nine. That means you have one hour to unpack and get ready for bed." Mason moaned and considered asking how late he could stay up if he slept in his own room, but decided sleeping with Victor was worth going to bed early. They headed upstairs. Mason checked out every bedroom and every bathroom, it was as if he had his own private hotel. He threw his suitcase into Victor's old bedroom and followed Victor to the master bedroom. It was the largest bedroom Mason had ever seen. In fact everything in the room was huge; enormous bed, massive dresser, gigantic bathtub, it was a room for giants. "Son of a bitch." Victor whispered to himself. "What's wrong?" Mason watched as Victor picked up two Hershey Kisses off the bed. "I kiss from mom and a kiss from dad." Victor muttered as he looked at the silver foiled covered chocolates. "What are you talking about?" Mason asked as he jumped onto the bed. "I wasn't allowed chocolate, so Davis would leave two Kisses on my bed every night. He said it was from my parents, a kiss from my mom and a kiss from my dad." Victor laughed sadly. "I knew they were from Davis, that my parents didn't know anything about them." Victor sat down next to Mason and handed him one of the Kisses. "Right before I ate them I would say `two kisses from Davis'. I never realized before now, how much I love him. He was and is my true father, my family." Mason couldn't help but smile. He leaned over and rested his head on Victor's arm, wrapping his fingers around Victor's hand. Victor looked down at Mason and grinned. "You tried to tell me that last night." Mason didn't say anything, he gave Victor a wide smile, which expressed everything he was feeling. "Go unpack your suitcase and get ready for bed." Victor said still looking down at his chocolate kiss. Mason started heading back to Victor's old bedroom, when he suddenly had a thought. "Victor!" He yelled desperately. "I forgot to bring any comic books!" Victor shook his head and laughed. "Don't panic, I don't have any comic books, but there are several books in my old room we could read." Victor walked Mason to his old room and pointed to the bookcase. "You look over the books; I'll unpack your suitcase." Mason didn't argue he rushed over to the heavy looking bookcase and started browsing. There were several books that interested Mason, all with magical sounding titles, but it was the large collection of Hardy Boys books that drew Mason's attention. "Is it okay if we read the Hardy Boys?" He asked Victor. "Whatever sounds good to you." Victor said as he finished putting away Mason's clothes. Mason grinned; it was the simple conversations he loved. It made him believe that he belonged to a family now. Normal talk was so special, a relaxed communication between a loved one, was like a gentle hug. Mason stripped off his clothes and ran to Victor's room, giggling all the way. He hugged the Hardy Boy's book to his chest, anxious for Victor to read it to him. "My little Streaker." Victor laughed as he watched from the doorway, as Mason bounced onto the bed. "Come on, read to me.... Read to me!" Mason flopped back into the bed holding out the book for Victor. "Man you are bossy, no wonder you like Davis so much." Victor snickered and sat down on the bed. "Get comfortable." He quickly added as Mason squirmed his way under the covers. Mason closed his eyes and listened to Victor begin reading the book. Victor's voice was so soothing, so comforting, Mason found himself melting into sleepiness. His conscious mind told him that Victor had stopped reading aloud, but he was too drawn into the dream world to complain. Dreams flowed like liquid through Mason's mind. A forest of green, Mason ran. He was lost, confused and scared. He screamed for Victor, but the man was nowhere to be found. No matter how far he ran, Mason couldn't find Victor. Somewhere in the distance, he could hear his grandfather laughing, such sinister sounds, it made Mason shake with terror. The further he traveled into the woods, the closer his grandfather got, always in the shadows, always laughing at him. Finally, Mason spotted Victor, walking away from him. He couldn't run fast enough to catch the man. He ran and ran, screaming to Victor, but he ignored Mason. Mason jerked awake, sitting up as he gasped for breath. Lightening lit the room, followed by the boom of thunder. Mason blinked hard, shaking away the terror of his nightmare, though the sadness still clung to him. The cabin shook as thunder crackled across the stormy sky. Mason yelped from fright as Victor's hand brushed against his arm, he hadn't realized the man was in bed with him. "You all right?" Victor said sleepily. "I... I had a nightmare." Mason admitted. "Are you feeling okay? Sick to your stomach or a headache?" Victor rolled over and put his hand on Mason' forehead. "I'm feeling fine, I just had a nightmare." Mason repeated. "It's storming outside." He said to distract Victor from worrying about him. "I see." Victor brushed Mason's bangs out of his eyes, and frowned. "Are you sure, you're feeling all right?" Mason scooted closer to Victor and kissed him. Victor looked surprised from the sudden kiss. "What was that for?" "Because I love you." Mason said, kissing him again. "You know... when I first saw you I thought you were Batman." Victor laughed. "Me, a crime fighter? Were you disappointed when you figured out I wasn't Batman?" Victor caressed Mason's shoulder and leaned over to kiss it. Mason wrinkled up his brow as he thought about the question. "I'm glad you're not Batman." Mason giggled joyfully as Victor pressed his lips against his neck. "Batman wouldn't be kissing me." "Then Batman is a fool." Victor laughed and madly kissed Mason long his collarbone and chest. Mason giggled as Victor wiggled out of his underwear and tossed them across the room. Naked together, a perfect bond. Mason wrapped his hands around Victor's erection and laughed with delight. Rain pounded at the cabin, splashing defiantly at the windows in their attempt to get inside. Mason ignored the storm outside; there was no fear from a storm, while Victor protected him. Nothing would ever harm him again, Victor would see to that. Mason relaxed back into the large bed, eyes closed as Victor starting kissing down his chest. Victor pulled back the blanket to reveal Mason's erection. "Looks like I discovered buried treasure." Victor whispered and slid his hand down Mason's stomach and over his penis. Mason moaned and shivered from the touch. "You all right?" Victor asked and quickly removed his hand. "Just... just felt good." Mason said shyly. "You don't have to stop." He added with a wide smile. Mason frowned from the look he saw in Victor's eyes, as if the man had just realized that Mason was naked. "Is something wrong?" Mason asked. Victor leaned over and kissed Mason on the forehead. "Get some sleep." He said quietly and rolled over, so he was facing the other way. Mason sat up. "What's wrong?" "Goddamn it..." Victor started with a yell, but quickly calmed his voice. "Just go to sleep." Had he done something wrong? Was Victor offended by Mason having an erection? He always had to be naked, how stupid was that? Mason hit himself in the head and lay back down. The storm echoed his now bad mood, as it raged on outside. It seemed to take hours before Mason knew Victor had fallen back to sleep, he slipped out of the bed and tiptoed to Victor's old bedroom. It took him several minutes, working in the dark, but finally he found the pajamas. They fit fine, but Mason was already feeling uncomfortable. He slipped back into the master bedroom and climbed into bed. Maybe if he stopped going around naked, Victor wouldn't be upset with him. He would do whatever it took for Victor to continue loving him, if that meant never being naked again, and then he would never be naked. When sleep consumed him, the dream returned. However, it wasn't his grandfather's laughter he heard this time. It was Victor laughing; his cackle was everywhere, under the ground, in the trees, high above in the clouds. Victor laughed as Mason ran, as he searched for the man that loved him. The laughter continued as Mason fell, hurting his knee. The sinister sound grew so loud that Mason screamed from the pain it was causing him. He scrambled to his feet and tried to run. He ran pass the bloody mess of his father, he ran pass white faced hackling image of his mother and pass his blood vomiting grandmother. The ground changed from solid to liquid, into oozing blood. The world transformed into blood, everything was blood. Life was not beauty and love, it was gore and wounds. Victor's voice boomed across the heavens. `The whole goddamn world is sorry.' The whole world. The hole of a world. The hole. Mason fell into the black void, a calm came over him as the dark shadows devoured him. Mason fell. Sitting in her chair and knitting, his grandmother looked up at him and smiled. `Love is always worth the struggle. You're a fighter, Mason. Fight for it, Mason.' "I don't know how to fight!" Mason screamed, but the black void consumed him again.