Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2016 07:23:28 -0500 From: Dominic King Subject: Big Brother - Part 1 Big Brother NOTE: This is a story about me at 19 becoming a mentor for a 12 year old boy who was going through puberty and was VERY curious about becoming a man. Please email me with any comments ( Thanks! My name is Jackson Rowell. This is the story of how I got to know and fall in love with a beautiful 12 year old boy named Matt while being his mentor: I was 19 at the time, and I had heard on the radio every day going to work about the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. You know the one, where an older teen or adult takes a younger boy or girl under their wing and becomes a roll model for them. The idea of being in the program always intrigued me when I heard about it on radio and TV. It wasn't something I had ever considered seriously, until I started hearing these radio commercials saying they really needed male "big brothers". They said that 80% of all children, or "littles" in the program were boys, but that only 20% of "bigs" were male, meaning there was a huge shortage of men volunteering. I decided to give it a try. I called the local chapter office, and scheduled an interview. I was informed they would be doing a detailed background check, and they also asked for references. I had never gotten into any kind of trouble, and was a pretty upstanding citizen, so I knew there would be no trouble. A week or so after the interview, the local chapter president called me to inform me that they had paired me with a boy named Matt, and I needed to come in and meet with him and his mother. I was very eager to get started. When I arrived, I walked in and shook hands with the mother, and the chapter president, and then my eyes fell on Matt. I couldn't believe how cute he was. He had a mop of messy, tightly curled brown hair, which looked a little too long, and needed a trim, and he had the smoothest silky pale skin, a sharp contrast to his dark hair. He wore round glasses that rested low on his nose because the nose pads were broken, so he had to tilt his head back to look trough them. He kept pushing his glasses back up his nose, in a very cute, nervous way. He was wearing a tight white t-shirt, and baggy relaxed-fit blue jeans with black skate shoes. He had a shy smile on his face, and was looking at me curiously, and when our eyes met, he looked down quickly. I couldn't tell, but it looked like he was blushing. The meeting went very well, and we set up a time for me to come pick Matt up on Saturday at 9 am, and he would stay for lunch and his mother would pick him up after work. Matt didn't say much during the meeting, and only said "yes", when asked if he really wanted to do this. His voice was quiet and very shy, and although his voice had not changed yet, it was a bit lower more masculine than I would have imagined. Other than that, he was quiet. At the end of the meeting, Matt's mother asked him to leave the room, because she wanted to talk privately with me. "He'll warm up to you," said his mother, after she had asked Matt to leave the room. "He's just a really shy boy. His father ran off with another woman two years ago, and we haven't heard from him since. Needless to say, Matt has been lacking a strong male role model. And it's time for him to start learning things from a man again..." She trailed off, a look of embarrassment on her face. "What do you mean?" I asked, my heart starting to flutter. "Well, he's been asking a lot of questions lately, Questions I don't really feel comfortable or qualified to answer. That had always been Josh, my husband's job. Now he has no one to talk to about those kinds of things." She paused again, looking even more uncomfortable. "So, I was hoping that you... Well, that you could be that man in his life. Someone who can show him what being a man is all about, and answer all his questions. I know he's started puberty, so there's no doubt he wants answers and guidance. He pretends to be tough, like he doesn't need anybody, but I know that he's really a very sensitive boy, and if he only got to know you he'd really warm up to you, and feel comfortable talking about... guy stuff. Just give him time, and he'll open up to you." There was silence for a few seconds while I processed what she was asking. "So, do you think you'd be open to that?" she asked tentatively. I hesitated for only a second before answering. "Yeah, sure. I mean, I remember being that age, and all the questions that went through my mind. I didn't have a dad growing up, so I had to learn everything the hard way. I think it will be good for him for us to spend time together. He really seems like a nice kid." "Believe me, he is." Said his mother. "Just give him time. It will take a while before he opens up to you, but he will, trust me." I couldn't wait for Saturday, even though I was a little nervous. What would Matt think of me? Would I be able to be a good role model for him? What would we talk about? On Friday night while I was getting ready to go to sleep, I was laying in bed, jerking off like I always do before going to sleep, and I found my mind drifting to Matt, and his cute mop of curly hair, and his smooth silky white skin. I had always known that I was attracted to boys, ever since I was 5, but I didn't think of myself as gay. I liked girls too. In fact, I was dating a really hot girl from work, and I had always kept my secret attraction to other males, well, secret. No one knew, and I had never pursued my lust for boys before, and I had no intention of doing so. It was weird, and felt wrong on so many levels. And even though I knew nothing like that would happen with me and Matt, I just couldn't help but think of him as I jerked. I was up early on Saturday morning, and drank nearly a whole pot of coffee as I was getting ready to head over to Matt's house to pick him up. This was a mistake I soon realized, because it only acsentuated my nerves for the coming hours. I showered, shaved, and while doing the customary examination of my reflection in the mirror while I was naked, I decided to do something I had never done before. I trimmed my pubic hair. I don't know exactly why I did it, but while looking in the mirror, I just noticed how bushy I was down there, and I found my mind flitting to Matt again, imagining his pubic area, wondering if he had any hair down there yet. I assumed he didn't since, his voice still hadn't changed, and there wasn't a hair to be seen on his smooth face. I trimmed everything down to the minimum, so I was almost totally smooth down there. Again, I have no idea why I did it, but looking back, I know it had something to do with Matt, and my testastarone fogged mind planning ahead to what might happen, should Matt see me naked. If he saw my pubes, I wanted to be like him. I didn't want to look different from him, because it might freak him out. I knew that there was no chance of him seeing me naked, but I just did it anyway. As I drove over to Matt's house, I found my heart racing and a load of butterflies in my stomach. I knew the feeling well. It was how I felt every time I had to give a speech, or go on a first date. I was nervous about what was about to happen, and whether or not I would do a good job. I wasn't sure what a "good job" in this instance meant, but I supposed it meant that I wanted Matt to like me, and for his confidence to grow as a result of our time together. It was plain old classic stage fright, just in a different form. I arrived at 8:50, and rang the doorbell, my heart practically beating a hole through my chest. The door opened fairly quickly, and there stood Matt's mom. It was obvious that she was in the process of getting ready for work. She was wearing a uniform for some kind of fast food place, and had a name tag on, and in one hand she held a pair of shoes. "Oh, good morning, Jackson," she said, a little breathlessly. "I'm running very late for work, my alarm didn't go off. I need to run!" She said this as she was pulling on her shoes. "I don't know if Matt is ready to go or not, so if you would please, just run up to his room and check. First door on the right upstairs. He knows what to do when leaving the house. He'll make sure to lock up and turn the lights off. Alright?" She was clearly in a big rush, so I said I would be happy to do as she had asked. She thanked me and ran out the door to her car and sped down the street like a speed demon, and I heard her tires squeal slightly as she turned right at the end of the street. The house appeared to be deserted. After the sound of the car faded away, everything was dead quiet. I looked around a bit before going upstairs. They had a fairly nice house (for someone who worked in fast food), although, it was fairly messy. I supposed when Matt's dad had been around, they had had more money, and could afford a place like this. I felt bad for the woman and her son. They had been dealt a bad hand in the card game that is life. I started up the stairs, and heading for the first door on the right. It was ajar, and so I slowly pushed it open while knocking softly with my knuckles. "Matt?" I asked quietly. "It's me, Jackson." There was no answer. I pushed the door open fully, and walked into the room. It was a typical boy room, a real pigpen. There were clothes everywhere, and all kinds of toys strewn across every surface. There were empty glasses and dishes scattered around, and the bed looked as though it had not been made in weeks. The closet stood open, and I could see boxes of comic books and bins of Legos, some of which had spilt over on the floor. Matt was nowhere to be seen. I didn't know if I should go poking around the entire house looking for him, so I just elected to wait a few minuets in his room to see if he came back. I went over and sat on the edge of the bed, since all the chairs were piled high with dirty clothes. I looked down at the bed surface, and my jaw dropped. There were stains all over the sheets that looked to me like cum stains. I was pretty knowledgeable about that, so I was fairly certain that I was correct. I just stared for a moment, because I couldn't believe that a boy his age could produce that much semen. It was obvious that his mom didn't check in on his room very often, and defiantly didn't do the laundry very regularly. As I sat on the bed, I heard a sound like talking coming from somewhere very close. It was muffled, so I couldn't tell what the person was saying. After some careful listening, I realized the sound was coming from somewhere on the bed. I felt under the sheets and touched something metallic. I tossed the sheets aside and saw an iPhone laying on the bed with a video still playing. The sound had been muffled by the bedclothes. I leaned in to see what it was, and my jaw dropped. It was a porn video. Four really young looking twinks were on a couch, each on leaning over the one beside sucking each others cocks in a daisy-chain. The one on the end had a huge dildo in his butt and was moaning loudly. I couldn't believe my eyes. Matt was only 12. He shouldn't have been watching shit like that. Although, looking back on my childhood, I realized I started watching porn a lot earlier than that. I was 10 when I saw my first porno, and I turned out alright. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want Matt to know that I had seen the video on the phone, so I turned down the volume a little and tossed it back on the bed and pulled the sheets across covering it up again. I stood up and moved over to stand by the window. I stood quietly for only a few minuets, when I heard a door open and shut somewhere off down the hall. Then I heard footsteps coming toward Matt's room. I didn't have time to call out, or I would have done so as to not startle him. Before I could say anything, or even move, the door swung fully open and little Matt dashed in. He was naked, except for a towel draped around his waist. His hair was wet, and as a result was much less curly then when I had seem him the other day. It looked much longer this way, hanging down in his eyes, this time glasses-less. His torso was super thin and his arms were like sticks. I could see his ribs fairly clearly, and his stomach and chest were super flat. He did have pretty board shoulders though for his age, and they were quite square, giving him a very masculine shape. He was just about to pull the towel off himself as he was reaching for some underwear on a chair, when he saw me. He let out a loud "WOAH!", and stood up straight, pulling the towel righter around himself, and with his other hand, grabbing some clothes from the chair and held them up to his chest and torso. He was now fairly well covered. "What are you doing in my room!?" It wasn't an angry exclamation, just a very surprised one. "I'm sorry! Since you're mom was running late, she asked me to come up and get you." "Well, I'm almost ready," he said, a little more calmly. "Do you mind if I get dressed?" He gestured toward the door, and I knew he wanted me to leave. I was a little disappointed, but I also knew that I really surprised him, and after all, it was a pretty big invasion of privacy. Sometimes when I was at home alone, I would walk around naked too. I knew it would have been a big surprise to think you are alone walking around naked, and find someone, a near total stranger, in your house. So, I understood that he wanted his privacy back. I got up quickly and left the room, and paced near the stairs as he dressed. He came out of his room, not making eye contact with me as he walked over to where I stood by the stairs. He wore a white t-shirt that was tight on his smooth skinny torso, and cargo shorts with black skate shoes with bright white bottoms, and he was carrying a backpack. I just stood in awe of his beauty. For some reason, I couldn't get my mind off this boy. His hair was as raggedy as ever, and was getting much dryer as the curls started to bunch up again. He pushed his glasses up his nose, making my heart melt in that one nervous action. I didn't realize that I was staring, and after we stood there for a moment, he said "Are we gonna go then?" I blinked and came out of my daze. "Yeah," I said, "You lead the way." I gestured for him to go first down the stairs, and I followed. We were just about to walk out the front door when he stopped dead, and slapped his thigh where his pocket was. "I don't have my phone!" he said, a note almost like panic in his voice. "Hold on, I have to go get it." He ran upstairs as I waited by the door. He was up there a long time. I supposed he couldn't find his phone. I was just wondering whether I should go tell him where it was, when he came bounding back down the stairs, as he slipped the phone into his hip pocket. "Sorry, I couldn't find my phone," he said. "Where was it?" I asked. "On my bed. I guess I left it there when I went to take my shower." We went outside, and he locked up, and before long, we were on our way to my house, 20 minuets away. "I'm sorry I invaded your privacy in your room, Matt", I said, trying to start a conversation. It seemed to me like that was the first thing that should be discussed. I knew it was on his mind too, and I wanted to address the elephant in the room. "I didn't know you were taking a shower. Your mom just told me to go up and find you, and so I was just waiting for you to come back. I didn't want to wander all over your house looking for you, since that would be kind of weird." I did a little friendly chuckle on the word `weird', trying to loosen the tension, and it seemed to work. Matt giggled a little, but didn't say anything. It was quiet for a time, and then out of the blue Matt said "No one ever saw me naked before except my parents." I was a little taken aback, but didn't let on. "Well, I didn't really see you naked. You had the towel." "Yeah, I guess." said Matt, looking out the window. "So, what are we going to do today?" I asked, trying to change the subject. "Maybe we can play a few games". Matt said. "Do you like chess?" I was surprised again. It seemed like only old men and dorks liked chess. "Hmm, i've never really played it. It's complicated, isn't it?" "No, not once you learn," he said, and for the first time since our meeting he made eye contact with me, but only for a second, before looking out the window again. It was quiet again for some time before Matt spoke, and shocked me again. "So, Jackson, have you ever seen another guy naked before now?" I kept a straight face, but inside my head I was surprised at how fixated this kid was on seeing people naked." "Well, let's see," I said, thinking back to my childhood. "Yeah, there was this one time that I was playing at a friends house and we had been outside playing on a slip-and-slide, and when we were done, his mom told me to go change out of my trunks in his room. I didn't know he was in there, and so when I went in, he was totally naked." "No underwear, not even a towel?" asked Matt, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Nope!" I said, getting a kick out of how our conversation seemed to be stimulating by new young friend. "Totally buck naked. I could see EVERYTHING. You know what I mean, don't you, Matt?" He didn't say anything, but I could see him blush, even out of the corner of my eye while driving. I was getting pretty horny at this point, since I felt some kind of sexual tension between me and the kid, so I decided to through caution to the winds and just lay it all on the line. "Matt, you're mom says you're starting puberty." He shot me a look, and then made a exasperated sound in his throat before quickly looking back out the window. "She said you have lots of questions. Well, guess what? I'm a guy too, and I've been though puberty, and a lot of other things too, and so I want to answer all your questions." "Whatever." he said, clearly embarrassed. I let the seed of thought I had just planted grow inside Matt's head while we drove in silence for a while more. I was hoping that he would gain enough confidence to ask me a question, but he didn't. In fact, we didn't say anything more until we arrived at my apartment. He followed me up to the 4th floor where I lived, and we went inside. "Well, here we are, home sweet home," I said cheerfully, extending my arms and gesturing around the living/kitchen area. It wasn't a big apartment, since I couldn't afford much more. It wasn't very fancy either, but at least it was functional and comfortable. Matt set his backpack down on the floor by the door, and walked into the middle of the room, looking around. "I know it's not much," I said, "but when it's just one guy living by himself, he doesn't need a whole lot, you know?" Matt nodded, but didn't say anything, still looking around. There was an awkward silence, and I cast around for something to say. "So, when does your mom get off work?" "Hmm, usually around 4 or 5," Matt replied quietly. "It's freezing in here." He pulled his arms into himself, shivering slightly. I knew I kept the apartment cooler than most people were used to, but I had no idea it was that cold. I supposed he got cold very easily, since he was mostly skin and bones, without an ounce of fat on his trim figure. "I'll turn off the air for now," I said, going over to the thermostat and switching it off. "Anything good on TV?" Matt asked. "Well," I said, "It's Saturday morning, so I suppose there are some good cartoons on. I flipped the TV on, and started scrolling though the channels. One luxury that I COULD afford was 900 cable channels. "Hey, Spongebob is on! Do you like Spongebob?" "Yeah!" Matt laughed. "Who doesn't?" We sat down on the couch together and watched a few episodes of Spongebob on Cartoon Network. We started out on opposite ends of the couch, but I got up a few times to get juice and then to go to the bathroom, and every time I sat back down, I sat a few inches closer to Matt. I don't remember if this was conscious or not, but it ended up where our shoulders were only about 4 inches apart when I sat down again after using the bathroom. Matt didn't seem to notice. After a bit, he told me he also had to use the bathroom. I told him where it was down the hall, and he got up to go. After he was in the bathroom, I scooted over toward his side another few inches so that when he came back and sat down, our bodies would be touching. It would be up to him now if he wanted to be that close to me or not. He would have the choice to either sit down where he had been, and make us touch, or he could sit down on the end that I had been sitting on when we started watching. My heart was pounding again, and I started getting a huge boner just thinking about our bodies touching. Before long, Matt was back, and stood there looking at the couch for just long enough for it to be awkward. It was almost to the point where I was going to move back to my side, but just as I was going to shift over to make more room, to my delighted surprise, he sat down right next to me and scrunched in, and now our shoulders and legs were pressed up against each other. My penis was on fire, and engorged with blood. I had never been this close to another boy. It felt so right, and I was totally turned on. I had not expected this, but I decided to roll with it and see what would happen. I slouched down so that my crotch was half way to Matt's knees, and I let my legs hang open. I did it under the guise of making myself more comfortable, and so I groaned softly as I did it, the same way someone might groan when sitting down after being on their feet for a long while. But what I really had in mind was to let Matt see my boner. I didn't cover it up at all, and just let my legs hang open, with my clearly outlined dick obviously straining against my tight jeans. I watched Matt out of the corner of my eye, and before long, I knew he definitely noticed it. I saw his eyes keep snapping to my crotch, but he would look back to the TV almost instantly. Having another male look at my junk made me all the more horny, and my dick was getting even harder if that were possible. I swear you could even see it jerk slightly with each beat of my heart, even through the denim. It went on this way for some time, and I thought I was gonna explode from the sexual tension I felt between us. Although I don't know if it was just me, or if he also felt it, but before long, I got my answer. To my delight, he did something next that I had not expected. Up to this point, he had had his arms crossed on his chest, but he now uncrossed them and rested his arm right in the indentation where our two legs met. This meant that his hand was now resting right on my pelvic bone, since I was slouching and he was not. Just his little finger was touching me since his hand was sideways, and the other fingers were resting on his thigh. As the minuets passed, he was slowly rotating his hand one by one, his fingers were coming to rest on me instead of on his leg. He did this very slowly over several commercial breaks, so it was hard to notice, but I was very intently aware of the entire situation, and this to me served as verification that he really was interested in my body. After a long time, he had rotated his hand 90 degrees so that it was now resting flat on my pelvic bone, and his little finger was actually toughing my dick through my jeans. I was so excited I couldn't stand it. I was not paying any attention to the show now, but was looking down at my crotch. I clenched and flexed the muscle inside that stops your pee so that my penis did a little jump and contracted slightly. I did this several times, and I knew Matt could feel it. He turned his whole head this time, and looked straight at my crotch. He lifted his hand very slowly and began to lower it directly over my cock. This was it! It was all about to happen!