Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 16:42:01 -0700 (PDT) From: RM Dexter Subject: Born to Suck Ch.6 Born to Suck Ch.6 by rmdexter I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock going off in Sven's room. I groggily came awake and sat up on my elbows. I was a little confused at first about where I was but through the early morning light starting to filter in through the windows; it all quickly came back to me; the long bus ride to my aunt and uncles, dinner together with my new cousins, having to stay in the bunkhouse with Sven, and then me sneakily watching him masturbate. Watching Sven stroke that big beautiful hard cock of his to completion had been amazing. I could feel myself smiling as I pictured it again in my head. "Morning, Kid," he said as he stumbled wearily from his room and leaned against the doorframe. I looked down and noticed right away that he was holding a towel wrapped around his waist. I figured it was probably the same one that I'd sucked his fresh cum off of last night. "Did you sleep okay?" "I....I think so," I muttered as my eyes ran up and down his muscular body. "Good. You've got a big day ahead of you. Breakfast will be served up shortly. I'm gonna hit the showers." With that, he headed through the opening into the shower room. I gasped a few seconds later as I heard him start to take a piss. Jesus Christ! It sounded like a fire hose! His piss was so powerful, I could easily hear it as it seemed to pound into the toilet in torrents. I'd seen the urinal they had in there and it was the kind that had some water in the bottom too; he may have been using that. Whatever, the thunderous sound of his powerful stream of piss was incredible. It immediately drew my thoughts back to that huge long cock I'd seen him stroking the night before. When he finished, I heard him flush and then the shower started. I didn't know if he expected me to use one of the other heads in the gang shower, but I still felt uncomfortable about the whole idea. He hadn't said anything, so I figured it was just best to wait and then take my own shower when he was done. I rubbed my face to help shake off the cobwebs and then ran my fingers through my hair. One finger kind of got hung up as it encountered a matted piece of hair. I felt around with my fingers and yes, a small clump of my hair was kind of stuck together. I remembered it being so hot last night that I'd taken off my pajamas and just slept under the one sheet. I guess even my head must have been sweating a bit in the night and then I must have laid on it or something. I sat up further and something on my top sheet made my eyes look down at it. There was a darker circular area on the white sheet that kind of looked like a greasy stain. I spotted a second one and then when I held the sheet out tauter in front of me; I could see that there were a whole bunch of similar stains all over it. I had never noticed when I first came to bed because it had been covered by the blanket. It was only after I'd turned the light out that I'd pushed the blanket down after being hot. Based on what Sven had said about the way things were with my aunt and uncle, getting new sheets was probably pretty far down on their list of priorities. Anyways, I'd slept well; I guess that was all that really counted. "Okay, it's all yours," Sven said as he strolled back out of the shower room with a towel knotted around his waist again. He barely looked my way this time and disappeared into his room and closed the door all the way this time. I pulled on my pajama pants, gathered up my clothes I was going to wear that day and made my way into the bathroom. I used the facilities and then took a hot eye-opening shower. It sure felt good. I thoroughly washed my hair and got out the stubborn knot of dried sweat I'd found there. I quickly dressed and found Sven waiting for me when I was done. "Come, Kid, I'm starving," he said as reached over and playfully tousled my damp hair. It brought a big smile to my face and I pulled on my sneakers and followed him out the door and over to the main house. When we got there, my aunt and uncle were already bringing the food over to the table. I looked down at an enormous stack of pancakes and a huge pile of sausages. "Well, Joey, did you sleep okay?" my aunt asked as she poured coffee for Sven and Uncle Ben. "I slept fine. Thank you, ma'am." I picked up the glass of orange juice in front of my spot and the cold fresh juice tasted delicious. "Good, good," she muttered. "So overall, your first night was okay?" "Yes, ma'am, it was very good," I said thinking about watching Sven's hand slide up and down the full length of his virile manhood. I looked over at him quickly and saw him smiling slightly from behind his coffee cup. "You better dig in before those boys get here and don't leave you anything," my aunt said as she passed me the plate of pancakes. "Oh, speak of the devil...." Brett and Ty sauntered into the room looking pretty groggy. They slumped into their chairs and proceeded to load up their plates with food with barely a word from either one of them. That was okay with me, I was still pretty uncomfortable around both of them. "So Joey," my Uncle Ben said from the head of the table, "you'll be sticking pretty close to Sven today. The boys have got some work in the south field and Sven will show you around the place and how things work here. You just mind that you do what he tells you and you'll be fine. D'ya understand?" "Yes, sir," I said as I realized I'd be willing to do just about anything Sven asked me to do. "Good. Now everybody eat up. We've got work to do." The boys wolfed down their food with barely a word while Sven and Uncle Ben talked about some ranch stuff that didn't make a lot of sense to me at this point. The boys took off back up to their rooms while my aunt started clearing away the dishes as the rest of us finished. "C'mon, Kid," Sven said as he got up and headed back out the front door. I followed him across towards the barn; I had to almost jog a couple of times to keep up with his long strides. He went straight to the front of the barn and threw open one of the big double doors at the entrance. I could hear the whinny of horses from further inside and followed him over to the first pen. Inside was a horse with a little horse nursing from her. "Wow, a mama horse and a baby horse!" I said excitedly as I peered between the wooden slats of the pen. I was surprised to hear Sven burst into laughter. "A mama horse and a baby horse?" he said with exaggeration in his voice. "Kid, you've got a lot to learn, starting right now. A mama horse, as you call her, is called a mare, not a mama horse, got it?" "Yes, sir," I said shamefaced. "That's okay, Kid. It gave me a good laugh," he said as he put his arm around me and patted me on the shoulder. He left his big hand there and I savored the warm comforting feeling of his hand upon me. "Now a baby horse is known as a foal. If the foal is a female, then it's called a filly. If it's a male, it's called a colt. This one here is a colt." We watched as the colt lifted its head from beneath its mother and walked awkwardly around the pen. "This one here reminds of you," Sven said as we both watched the young animal trying to find his legs. "He's new here, he's got lots of energy, and he's got lots to learn. Just like you." Sven patted me on the shoulder affectionately again. "Oh, but look at that. It looks like he really knows how to suck, too." The colt had lowered his head again and really latched on to one of the mare's teats. You could see him working his mouth as he drew out the warm milk. I felt myself turning red as I thought about how Sven had said the colt reminded him of me. I was picturing how much I wished it was me feeding from Sven's cock, just like this colt was feeding from its mother. "Yeah, it's important for young colts like you and him to get the nourishment you need into you." Sven said as I turned and looked at him curiously. "Yeah, I'll make sure you have whatever you need, Kid. C'mon, we've got other stuff to do." He moved further into the barn and we came to an area with some other horses in pens. From inside one, I could see a big jet-black horse looking at us boldly. "This is Rogue. He's your uncle's breeding stallion. Never go in that pen unless you want to get trampled to death. He's a beautiful horse but he can be as mean as they come." I nodded my head as we moved on further into the barn where there were a couple of other horses grazing peacefully. "This is my horse, Phantom. And you'll be using this horse for a while anyways as you learn to ride. This is Daisy, she's very gentle." He brought forth a brown medium-sized horse and showed me how to stroke her nose. As I reached up to pet her, she licked my hand which made me laugh. "I think she likes you already," Sven said as he gathered up the gear and started saddling up the two horses. As he did, I kept stroking Daisy's nose and she seemed to enjoy it as she stood peacefully and let me touch her. I started to feel an instant affection for her and I was happy he had chosen her for me to ride. Once we were done, we led the two horses outside and he helped heft me up into the saddle. "Here, Kid, you're gonna need this," Sven said as he reached into one of his saddlebags and passed me one of his old weathered ball caps. I had to adjust the back down a number of sizes so it would fit on my smaller head, but I was proud to wear it. I had ridden a couple of times when the counselors from Monroe had taken us for an outing to a horse farm, so I wasn't totally useless. Sven's horse was a beautiful chestnut a fare deal bigger than Daisy. Daisy readily followed as Sven turned Phantom into one of the fields. Under Sven's tutelage and Daisy's natural gentle disposition, it didn't take long before Sven was praising my riding abilities. He took me on a lengthy tour of the property and I was surprised at how big the ranch actually was. A few of the fields were lying fallow as my uncle just couldn't afford to work them. There were a few rolling hills on the property and from one, we could see Brett and Tyler working on a portion of fence. Or they were supposed to be working anyways. They hadn't seen us at first and were just sitting on a couple of big rocks talking to each other. Brett noticed us and after a quick word to Ty, they both picked up there tools and started repairing the fence. Sven turned the horses and we moved on to another part of the ranch, leaving them to carry on. We made our way back to the main farm house and had lunch with my aunt and uncle as Sven reported on a few things he'd seen on our tour. After lunch, Sven spent some time repairing a tractor engine while I stood by and handed him the tools he asked for and just generally watched him work. Man, he was so good at everything he did. He had a natural confidence that made everything he did look easy. We spent the rest of the afternoon doing various small jobs and I was given the job of sweeping up in the barn. Eventually Sven came and got me and we washed up in the bunkhouse before going in for dinner. There was not much conversation over dinner and the boys seemed in a surly mood and I was happy when it finally finished. Sven and I made our way back to the bunkhouse and he told me to go and take my shower first as he had some e-mails and online banking stuff to do. He disappeared into his room and closed the door as I got out a clean pair of shorts and a t-shirt. The hot shower felt wonderful after a day spent outdoors. I wasn't used to the fresh air and I felt incredibly tired. I finished my shower and after dressing, I lied down on my bed and read my book. I felt myself drifting off and I must have slept for about an hour before I felt Sven shaking my foot. "Hey, don't sleep the night away or you'll be up at three in the morning. And I don't want you waking me up then," he scolded my playfully as he pointed his finger at me. "There're a few computer games there if you want to try any. Your uncle and I have to go through some paperwork tonight so I'll be over at the house for a little while. Feel free to use the computer, I left it on." With that, he ambled over to the door and left. I went and splashed some water on my face to wake myself up and then went into his room to see what computer games he had. He'd left them sitting on his desk and there were a couple I was familiar with. I picked one and slipped the disc into the machine when a thought came into my head, I wondered what he'd been looking at on his computer when I'd watched him jerk off last night? When the disc booted up, I left it in but turned it off. I felt guilty about what I was about to do but I couldn't resist. My curiosity got the better of me and I quickly ran to one of the windows facing the main farmhouse to make sure he wasn't on his way back. "Good, I've got a little time," I said to myself. Seeing that the coast was clear, I quickly made my way back to the computer. I clicked on the internet connection button and once it loaded, I clicked on the "History" button. It brought up a site I'd never heard of: "Nifty". I clicked on it and found that it was a website filled with erotic stories. He seemed to have his own account and when I clicked the "Login" button, it brought me to his own account page on the site. There was a tab marked "Favorites" and I clicked on that. It had a listing of a number of story titles. I felt my heart racing with excitement as I picked one at random. I started reading and it was about a trucker who picks up a young hitchhiker and when the truck breaks down, they are forced to spend the night together in a seedy motel. The trucker teaches the hitchhiker how to suck his big cock, and before long, the hitchhiker is enthusiastically swallowing load after load of the trucker's cum. I clicked on another one and it was about a construction worked who was working with a young apprentice. The construction worked had caught the apprentice stealing some petty cash and the apprentice offered to do anything to avoid being exposed. The big construction worker stripped off his overalls and whipped out his big thick cock and started to push the apprentice down to his knees. Just then, I heard the door to the bunkhouse open. "How's it going, Kid?" I heard Sven call out from the far end of the room. I hurriedly closed the internet connection and called up the video game I'd inserted earlier. "So you like that one?" Sven asked as he stepped into the room and looked over my shoulder as I shot some bad guys. I was sweating beneath my t-shirt as I had barely got the game up and running before he came into the room. "Yeah, I've played this one before. I guess I've had enough though. Thanks for letting me use it," I said as I got up hurriedly and rushed from the room. "Sure, Kid. No problem. You can use it anytime you want." I went and laid back down on my bed and picked up my book. I pretended to read it but my heart was racing with excitement at what I'd read on Sven's computer. So he'd been reading stories about what I hoped would happen between us. It all of a sudden dawned on me that the young hitchhiker in the first story had been called "Kid" by the truck driver. I had thought that Sven had been thinking about me when he came, but maybe it was just the character in that story. I was more confused than ever now and wasn't sure what to think. "Okay, Kid. I'm gonna hit the showers and then get some shuteye." He casually strolled into the shower room and I listened as he took his shower. I was hoping he'd do the same tonight as last night so I got ready by slipping off my t-shirt and shorts and getting beneath my stained sheet. He came out with a towel wrapped around his waist again, just like he had last night. Jesus, but he had an amazing body. "So I see you took my advice about the pajamas," he said as he stood by the foot of my bed and ran his fingers sensually through his damp hair. "Yeah, you were right, it was pretty hot last night. I....I'm pretty tired. I think I'll go to sleep now." I figured the earlier he thought I was asleep, the earlier he might start to masturbate. "Oh sure. You look pretty tired. Goodnight, Kid," he said as he gave me a dazzling smile. "Goodnight, sir," I said as I reached over and clicked off my light beside me. As the room was plunged into darkness, he stepped into his room and once again removed his towel as he entered. I saw the beautiful round curve of his backside once more before he disappeared from view. He closed the door and this time, it was left open an inch or so more than last night. I waited about fifteen minutes so he'd think I was asleep and then I crawled back across the floor and peered through the slit in the door. Like last night, he was sitting at his computer naked, but the jar of Vaseline was already on the desk beside him. After a minute or so, he turned and his gaze ran past the doorway to something else in the room beyond it. I held stock still again as he turned back to face the computer screen. He must have been enjoying one of those stories because he got that funny little smile on his face again. I watched as he turned his chair to the left again until his heavy piece of man-meat was pointing right towards me. I licked my lips in anticipation of what was coming as he reached his hand into the jar of lubricant. I sat as still as could be and watched enthralled as he slid his hand back and forth along that heavenly cock of his. Before long, it was sticking straight up, hard as steel. He released it again and I sat mesmerized as it throbbed powerfully with each beat of his heart. After a couple of minutes, he resumed stroking it vigorously. I sat as quiet as I could with my own heart racing a mile a minute with excitement. "Oh fuck, yeah.....some more for you, Kid," he muttered softly as his cock started to shoot. Once again, the first three or four ropes jettisoned high in the air before falling back down upon his muscular chest. I watched with my eyes big as saucers as his cock kept spewing out gob after milky gob of shimmering cum until his chest, stomach and hand were almost totally covered. He released his cock again and I watched it bob up and down slowly with each heartbeat as it slowly deflated. He gathered up the towel and once again wiped himself clean. This time, he seemed to take extra care to keep the wads of his warm cum as close together as possible on the towel. Maybe he figured it was less likely to leave a stain that way. He tossed the towel onto the floor like he'd done last night, shut down his computer and went to bed. I waited a couple of minutes after he turned his light out before deftly opening the door and pulling the towel towards me. I eagerly scooped it up and plunged my tongue against the warm sticky fabric as I gathered up every drop. "Mmmmmm," I heard myself softly mewing as I sucked and licked at the damp towel until I had lapped and sucked up as much of his delicious semen as I could. I slipped it back into his room, softly pulled the door back to the position it had been in and quietly returned to my bed. I lay beneath the sheet naked, slowly rolling my tongue all around the inside of my mouth as I savored the delicious manly flavor his cum had left. As I pictured that beautiful hard cock in my mind and thought about those stories I'd seen on his computer, I drifted off to sleep..... I woke up what I figured was about an hour later and quietly rolled over on my side and pulled the sheet up to my shoulders. I wasn't sure what woke me up but I was just about to fall back to sleep when I heard Sven's voice. "Hey Kid, you asleep?" I heard him ask in a hushed whisper. Wondering what he was up to, I stayed as quiet as I could and closed my eyes while I continued to listen intently. I heard him quietly step across the room until I sensed he was standing right next to my bed. "Hey Kid," he said again but I remained lying calmly, as if deep in a relaxed sleep. I heard a soft sticky sound and opened my eyes into narrow slits. In the moonlight, I could see his big masculine body looming over me as he stood right next to my face. Through the narrow slits of my eyelids, I looked upwards and saw his hand sliding along that beautiful hard cock, just inches away from my face! I felt my heart start to race but I stayed as still as a scared rabbit as he continued to jack away at his rock-hard cock. He was pointing the head right at my face and I could smell the musky manly scent of his cock combined with the powdery smell of the Vaseline. I could feel a few drops of his pre-cum hit my face and head and I realized that he must have done this last night too. That would explain my matted hair and the damp greasy stains on my sheets. I was thrilled at the idea that Sven had jacked off on me the night before with me being totally unaware of the whole lurid event. There was no way I was gonna miss seeing that tonight so I stayed as still as I could but watched through slitted eyes as he continued to work his big thick erection over me. His hand was moving more vigorously now and I could feel more stray drops of pre-cum landing on me as he approached his orgasm. "Oh fuck, here you go, Kid," he whispered softly as he started to cum. Just as the first wad was about to shoot forth, he moved the head of cock away from my face and towards my body. I wanted to cry out that he shouldn't have done that just as the first thick rope shot forcefully against my sheet. It was so powerful, I could even hear the sound of it hitting the smooth material covering me. I felt the power of that first shot as it pushed right through the sheet like a little rubber bullet against my skin. He continued to pump away at his cock and directed shot after shot towards my body. I could feel the delicious gobs raining down on me as he continued to ejaculate. As his hand pumped vigorously along his spitting cock, I felt one big gob go off to the side and land right on my cheek. I almost gasped in pleasure as I felt the thick cream slowly start to slide towards my mouth as I was lying on my side. As he continued to milk away at his throbbing erection, I felt the edge of that big gob right at the corner of my mouth. I let my lips open slightly and felt the wonderful sensation as that creamy wad of his semen started to slide right into my welcoming mouth. "Mmmmm," I couldn't help it as I let out a soft purr of pleasure as I tasted the warm musky cream. I flicked my tongue over to the corner of my mouth and just let the gob of his viscous seed slide right down off my cheek and into my mouth. I could feel the slimy snail trail it left on my skin as the heavy gob disappeared into my mouth. I closed my lips and let the fresh warm cum settle on my tongue. Sven finally finished cumming and I saw him quietly back away and return to his room. As soon as he closed the door, I pulled the sheet up towards my mouth and licked up every fresh drop. There was a tremendous amount of cum and I eagerly lapped up as much as I could. Yes, that is exactly what had happened last night. Only tomorrow morning, the new stains wouldn't be so noticeable as I had nearly all of his cum gathered together in a nice warm spot in the pit of my stomach. "Mmmmm," I purred again as I dropped the sheet back down onto my body and traced my finger along the drying line of cum on my face. I gathered as much as I could onto my fingertip and sucked on it slowly as I drifted back to sleep like a baby with a soother.... The next day started much the same with all of us gathering for breakfast and then Sven and I setting off on our horses to do our chores. Aunt Claire had packed a lunch for us as we had to go near the far edge of the ranch to clear some branches that had come down in a windstorm. We worked for most of the morning and I couldn't take my eyes off Sven's big rugged body as I thought about what had happened last night. I also kept thinking about what Mr. Jarvis had said in his letter; about me trusting enough to give myself to someone when I felt it was the right person. The more I thought about it and the more I looked at Sven, I knew he was "the right person". "Let's grab some lunch, Kid," Sven said as he threw another branch onto the growing pile. "I know a spot not far from here." We got back onto our horses and a little ways over the next hill we stopped for lunch beside a small stream that ran through the property. It was a beautiful spot with a few big shade trees overlooking a grassy clearing by the bank. The area was totally secluded and incredibly peaceful. Sven tethered the horses to a tree and then pulled off his saddlebags. We walked over to shady spot beneath one of the big trees and Sven pulled out an old blanket and set it down next to a big fallen log about ten feet from the babbling stream. "Hungry, Kid?" he asked as he reached into his bag and pulled out the sandwiches and drinks Aunt Claire had packed for us. "Yes, sir, starving," I replied as he handed me some of the food. I sat on the blanket and Sven sat on the fallen log as we opened up our lunches. We both dug in ravenously and everything Aunt Claire had packed was gone in no time. Sven took a big drink from his water bottle and passed it to me. "Jesus, its hot today," he said as she undid the buttons and stripped off his work shirt. I looked longingly at his beautifully sculpted upper body as he tossed it and his cap aside. "At least in the shade, it's not so bad." I felt pretty hot too; I just didn't know if it was from the weather or looking at him. I took off my cap as well and set it next to his. I looked once more at his gorgeous muscular body as he sat on the big log and decided I needed to say what I was thinking. "Sven?" I said as I looked up at him nervously. "Yeah?" "Could I....could I tell you something kind of personal?" "Sure Kid." "This is pretty serious. Do you promise not to laugh at me?" "Of course I promise. Hey, we trust each other, right?" he asked me with a serious look on his face. "I...I hope so," I replied. "I don't just hope so, I know so," he said confidently. "Now what is it? You can tell me anything." When he said that, it made it much easier for me to say what I wanted to say. I launched into the story of what my life had been like since my parents died and then made my quickly up to the last few weeks at Monroe. He sat and listened intently and never interrupted me once as I told him about Mr. Jarvis noticing how pale I looked and telling me I needed to increase my vitamin intake. I relayed the story that Mr. Jarvis had told me about his medical tests and the findings related to the vitamin and nutrient content of his semen. I then told him how Mr. Jarvis had started feeding me my medicine and how much better I had started to feel right away. I told him how Mr. Jarvis' doctor suggested that I ingest the medicine quicker and how we arrived at me taking my loads of medicine straight from the source. I also told him about how Mr. Jarvis's doctor had also suggested the idea of "direct application" by applying the medicine to my face and how it would benefit my skin. I let him know how I'd been taken ill with a fever at Mr. Jarvis' house and how my temperature had come down following the multiple loads of cum I'd both swallowed and had applied to my face. When I was done, I sat there nervously waiting for him to say something. He thought for a long time and he seemed to be thinking deeply before he spoke. "Joey, I assume you're telling me all this for a reason?" "I...I just know that I was feeling much better when Mr. Jarvis was feeding me regularly and I just....I just thought maybe....." I hung my head and couldn't even finish what I was about to say. "And you just thought maybe I could start feeding you instead?" he said as he completed my sentence. "Yes!" I said as I looked at him anxiously. He sat quietly and didn't say anything for a long time and I started to get worried that I had read all the signals wrong and he was going to be upset with me. "Wow! This is unbelievable!" he finally said. "Wha...what's unbelievable?" I asked as I was trying to figure out what he was getting at. "That stuff you told me about Mr. Jarvis and the results of his medical tests," he said as he shook his head from side to side as I could see his brain going a mile a minute, "just...just unbelievable." "No, that's what he told me they found out when he and his wife couldn't have kids." "No, no, that's fine, I believe you," he said calmly. "Let me tell you a story. When I was a teenager, my mother caught me masturbating a lot so she sent me to a doctor thinking that he would "cure" me. The doctor ran a series of tests and took a number of samples of my semen that I imagine were similar to the tests your Mr. Jarvis had done. Anyways, when they were all done, he told me that I shared a condition that less than 1% of the male population had; and that was that my semen was high in vitamins and nutrients." "You mean just like Mr. Jarvis?" I asked with my mouth gaping open in shock as his words registered in my brain. "Yes. When I said it was unbelievable, I meant that its amazing that you've managed to find two people who are in that very select group." "Wow! That is pretty amazing." "Tell me, Joey, did Mr. Jarvis have a big cock?" "Yeah....I....I think so. I never had any others to compare it to other than my own." "Hmmm, I thought he might. My doctor told me that this condition is prevalent in men who have over 8". How big would you say his cock is?" "I...I think it's about 9" long." I paused as I worked up the courage to ask what I'd been aching to know. " big is yours?" I felt myself turning red as soon as I asked. "It's 11" he said and I felt my mouth drop open in amazement. "Other than being high in vitamins and nutrients, did this Mr. Jarvis say anything about abundance of production?" "Uh, no," I said with a look of confusion on my face. "I don't recall him using that term." "Maybe it's because I'm younger than Mr. Jarvis, I don't know, but my doctor told me that my balls produce a far larger than normal amount of sperm and to avoid any possible medical problems related to semen backup, its natural for my body to get rid of that production abundance regularly." I looked at him with a totally confused look on my face. "Wh...what exactly does that mean?" I asked curiously. "Basically, I need to cum a lot." " often?" I asked excitedly. This sounded more like a good thing than a problem to me. "Probably six or seven times a day." "Wow!" I said as my eyes flew wide open and I found myself looking down at his jean-covered crotch. "Yeah, Kid. So if you want me to start feeding you, would you be willing to take six or seven loads every day?" I felt a shudder of desire run through my body as I thought about what he was saying. Wow...six or seven loads a day. "Yes sir. I'm more than willing to take as much as you want to give me." "Good, good. There may be some days when there's a little less and some days when there's more times than that. Now, I've got a couple of other questions." "What?" I asked curiously. "When I cum, I cum a lot. I mean each of my loads is pretty big. Are you willing to swallow all of that cum?" I felt my heart beating rapidly at the thought of swallowing six or seven of those massive loads every day. "Yes sir," I replied excitedly. I could feel myself salivating at the idea of all that cum. "I'll swallow as much as you want, when you want." "Good. Now when Mr. Jarvis said his doctor suggested you take this medicine by ingestion or by direct application to your skin, did he ever mention about giving it to you by direct insertion?" " don't think he ever used that term." I answered with a confused look on my face. "What about deep larynx massage?" "No, he never mentioned that either." "What about purification through urination?" "No. I don't remember anything like that." "Hmmm, I'm a little surprised. I do know that my doctor was one of the leading experts in the world in that field. Well, that leaves us with a few other things that we can do to help keep you healthy." "I....I'm willing to try anything you like, sir," I said eagerly. "That's good, because there'll be a lot of things I'll want you to do for me," he said as he sat and just looked at me intently. "You are looking pretty pale today. I wonder if you should have a nice big dose of medicine right now." "Oh yes, Sir. Please sir!" I said excitedly. My eagerness brought a big smile to Sven's face. "So you want a nice big mouthful of warm cum?" he asked as he stood up and stepped in front of me. "Yes, sir," I replied eagerly as his big muscular body loomed over me. "Are you gonna be a good boy and swallow all of that thick cream if I give it you?" I could feel my tongue run out in anticipation and lick over my lips as he popped open the button at the top of his jeans. "Yes sir," I said in a breathy whisper as I felt a shudder of desire run down my spine. "Then get up here on your knees," he said as he slowly drew down his zipper. I got to my knees in front of him and watched as he slowly drew open the top of his jeans. I could see his clean-shaven abdomen and just the thick root of his cock. He wasn't wearing any underwear and I shivered with the excitement of what I hoped was coming. He pushed his jeans down and then reached down and pulled them off over his boots. He tossed the jeans aside and stood there before me just wearing his hiking boots and white socks. Oh fuck, did he ever look sexy! He looked so big and powerful with his whole muscular body on display before me. His 6'-2" frame loomed over me and I felt wonderfully trapped within his powerful masculine presence; and there was no other place I would rather be. I looked at that beautiful long thick cock hanging majestically between his legs and I felt another surge of desire go through me. I could feel my little cock quickly hardening within the confines of my underwear and jeans. "Let me see that pretty mouth of yours," he said as he reached forward and wrapped his hand around his thick heavy cock. As he started to slide his hand back and forth along his growing cock, I wasn't exactly sure what he wanted me to do so I opened my mouth wide and lifted my face up towards him. "No, just form those soft lips into a nice round `O' for me. I like a nice inviting target to aim for." I kind of pursed my lips forward and tilted it up towards him. I could feel my lips forming the shape they'd had when I'd been sucking on the head of Mr. Jarvis' cock. "Yeah, that's better. That looks real nice, Kid," he said warmly as he continued to stroke that long thick monster of his. I could see it stiffening and getting longer and fatter in his stroking hand. He brought his other hand up in front of face and I watched as he closed his fingers against the palm of his hand in a soft fist. "Here, let me see what that pretty little mouth of yours is gonna feel like." He flipped his big thick thumb up right in front of my mouth and I got the idea. With my lips pursed forwards, I leaned over his hand and slid my lips down over his upturned thumb. I closed my lips around the base of his thumb and bathed it with my warm saliva as I let my tongue swirl all around the hard calloused surface. As I did, I made sure I applied a continuous suction action at the same time. "Oh yeah, Kid, I think you might work out just fine," he said with a big smile on his face. He continued to stroke his cock and I could see that it was almost at full erection as I started to bob my head up and down on his invading thumb. "Mmmmm, nice soft lips," he said as he slid his thumb fully out of my mouth and ran the tip of it slowly all around my soft pillowy lips. "Okay, Kid, you did a good job on my thumb, let's see how you do with the real thing." He took his hand away from my face and then let go of his throbbing cock with his other hand. My God, it looked absolutely menacing as it pointed right up over my face at about a 45 degree angle. It looked so big and heavy that it must have been difficult for it to get any higher; the sheer weight of it was constantly trying to pull it downwards. As I looked at the huge flared crown mere inches from my face and became aware of the incredible size of it, I became instantly afraid that it would be too big to fit in my mouth. "I....I'm not sure if it'll fit?" I said as I looked up at him with fear in my eyes. "Oh, it'll fit," he said firmly as he inched closer to me and put his two big hands firmly on my head. "And if it doesn't fit, we'll make it. Now let me see that pretty little target again." I pursed my lips forward and formed them into that nice inviting `O' shape he was looking for. "Oh yeah, that's it. I bet sweet lips like that can take real good care of a hard cock. What do you think, Kid?" he asked teasingly as he rotated his hips and drew the hot dripping end of his big cock all around my face. "I.....I'd like to try sir," I said quickly and then formed my mouth into that `O' again. "Well, you've been a good boy. I think you deserve a chance." With his hands gripping my head firmly, he drew his hips back and I felt the hot gooey tip of his cock-head sliding over the surface of my face towards my mouth. He drew it right back away from my face and I could see a thin web of pre-cum connecting the tip of his cock with the edge of my mouth, and then he moved forward so the dripping tip slid right into the opening between my pursed lips. "Mmmmmmm," I purred out loud into the hot spongy membranes of his cock-head as my lips slid part way down over the hot surface. I could feel my own little cock get instantly rock hard as I closed my eyes for a second and enjoyed the pure rapture of the moment. I sucked and smooched at the part of his big flared crown that was in my mouth and then flicked my eyes up to see him looking down at me with a pleased smile on his face. "That feels real good, Kid. Now let's see if we can make the whole head fit into that pretty little mouth of yours," he said as he adjusted his stance slightly by moving his feet a little further out to each side and planting himself firmly. "Now as I slide it further in, let your lips follow the curves of the surface....that's've got most of it now." He paused and I could see the thick purple rope-like corona just beyond my pursed lips. My jaws were almost as wide open as they could get and I could feel my lips stretching over the full girth of his cock-head. The end of his huge flared knob felt like absolute heaven between my lips and I was determined to get the whole thing in my mouth. "Okay, now just relax as much as you can and it should just slide right in. One..." He began to count and I dropped my lower jaw as far as I could. "Two...." I took a deep breath through my nose and concentrated on relaxing the muscles of my face. "Three..." He started to flex his hips forward and I felt the hot engorged head move further into my mouth. I felt my lips stretching and stretching and I was afraid they were going to tear at the corners of my mouth and then I felt that delicious sensation as my stretched lips slipped right over the edge of his corona and clamped down on the smooth shaft beneath. "Mmmmmm," I let out a deep purr of satisfaction as I felt that huge plum-sized head fully enveloped within my warm moist mouth. I pulled backward with my lips locked beneath the ridge and he smiled at the gentle tugging motion. "Yeah, that's it, Kid. See, I told you it would fit." "Mmmmhhmmm," I hummed in agreement against the sensitive spongy tissues trapped within my mouth. I took my tongue and rolled the saliva gathering on my tongue all over the hot enflamed surface of his knob. "Oh fuck," he said with a hiss. "That sweet little mouth of yours sure is something, isn't it." He kept my head held still as I swirled my tongue all over the hot surface of his crown as he started to roll his hips in slow circles. Oh man, it felt incredible to have the huge head of that big cock being stirred around inside the warm confines of my mouth. "Mmmmm," I purred again as I felt my own cock seem to get even stiffer inside my pants. I wanted more and I reached up to wrap my hands around the exposed shaft of his cock. "Un-uh," he said in a scolding voice. I looked up at him questioningly, unsure what was wrong. "No hands this time," he said firmly. "I want to see what kind of mouth I've got work with here." Not knowing what to do with my hands, I dropped them down and rested them on the front of my own thighs. "Okay," he said as I felt his hands adjust their grip on my head, "let's just fuck this pretty mouth for awhile." He held my head firmly in place and then started to flex his hips. I let my lips follow the silky smooth surface of his shaft as he forced more of it into my mouth. I could feel that his erection was rock hard, yet the surface felt velvety smooth against my lips. I wondered how something could be so hard and yet so incredibly soft at the same time. He fed that rigid monster between my lips until he hit the soft tissues at the back of my mouth. As soon as he felt the soft pressure, he flexed backwards and withdrew. My lips adhered gently to the smooth surface of his cock and he tugged backwards as he pulled the widest part at the ridge out beyond my lips. Again, I was afraid my lips would tear, but they didn't, and when he fed it back into me smoothly, I knew now everything would be okay. "That's it, Kid, you're doing great," he said as he looked down at me and continued to feed me the top half of his cock. He seemed satisfied with this and I felt my own level of pleasure escalating as he combined a hip-rolling motion with his in and out movements. I could see the warm rivers of my saliva running down the shaft of his cock. I wanted so badly to reach out and run my fingers over that glistening surface but I remembered what he said about just wanting my mouth this time. "Oh fuck, that mouth of yours is beautiful," he said as he stopped flexing his hips and held my head still for a second. I was elated at his words of praise and took the opportunity to bathe his cock-head with another mouthful of saliva. "Oh yeah, I like it nice and wet," he said looking down at me with a wry smile on his face as he gripped my head firmly and pulled it further down onto his cock. I eased up onto my knees a little more to let him move my head easier and he quickly got into a smooth rhythm as he pumped my head back and forth with his big powerful hands. It was almost the same as when he was pounding it in and out of me by flexing his hips, only this time, he was standing perfectly still and using his hands to move my head back and forth on his surging erection. I was totally under his control and I felt better than I'd ever felt in my whole life. I knew I would do anything this big rugged man asked me to do. My whole being felt totally lost in rapture as he pumped my head up and down on his stallion-like cock. "Oh fuck, Kid. Just a little bit longer and then I'm gonna fill that sweet mouth of yours," he said through ragged breaths as his big gripping hands moved my head forcefully back and forth. "Gllubbphh," I made a gurgling sound around his cock as I continued to let the saliva flow over that swollen enflamed crown and down along the thick glistening shaft. I closed my eyes and surrendered myself to the exquisite sensations I was feeling as he moved my head vigorously back and forth. I could feel my body tingling all over and I didn't know what was happening; just that I was absolutely loving being under his control with my mouth serving as a lust-driven receptacle for his cum. "OH FUCK, KID...GET READY....GET....OH FUCK....HERE IT COMES!" he exclaimed as he stopped moving my head and held it firmly in his hands with my lips locked down just beyond his throbbing cock-head. The first shot of cum spurted powerfully against the soft tissues at the back of my mouth and it felt like it was trying to blow my head right off his cock. As soon the first shot started to pool on my tongue, a second ropey wad shot forth just as forcefully. As I felt the warm silky fluid gathering on my tongue and more shots hitting the inside of my mouth, the tingling sensation in my body seemed to erupt and every nerve ending in my body was jangling with pleasure. My eyes closed as I sucked on that spurting cock-head wantonly as new exquisite sensations shot through my body. I could myself trembling and I thought I was going to pass out, the feeling was so intense. "Mmmmmmmhhhh," I squealed with delight into the surface of his pulsating erection as the luscious tremors I was feeling had me quivering beneath him. I felt my mouth filling with his delicious warm seed and knew it was on the point of overflowing so I quickly swallowed. "Thataboy," I heard his voice from somewhere above me as I felt the viscous fluid leaving a soothing coating as it made its way down my throat. His cock kept shooting and I swallowed a second big mouthful. "Mmmmmm," I let out a blissful purr as his thick manly cream filled my mouth. His cock continued to pulse and ejaculate that warm comforting seed into my welcoming mouth until he was totally drained. Finally, I felt the last few shots of his cum gathering on my tongue as his hands eased up on their tight grip on my head. I felt on the verge of collapse and wondered what had happened to me. I felt so good and my body was still trembling as I softly nursed at the tip of his drizzling cock. When he had no more cum for me, he released his hands from my hair and pulled his spent cock from my mouth with an audible "POP". "Let me see what you've got there, Kid," he said with his big rugged body still looming over me. As I sat there with my mouth open gasping like a fish out of water, I tilted my head up towards him. I knew he could see the big puddle of his milky cum pooling on my tongue. He looked down at me and I saw a big smile spread over his beautiful features. He reached forward and put the fingers of his big hands on each side of my neck. "Swallow," he said. I closed my mouth and swallowed as I'd been told. I could see the smile of satisfaction on his face as he felt the muscles in my throat contracting as his warm cream made its way into my welcoming stomach. "Mmmmmm," I mewed softly as I felt the silky smooth load of his manly seed sliding deliciously down my throat. The luscious flavor remained on every tingling surface inside my warm mouth and I ran my tongue softly over my cheeks and gums. "You did okay, Kid. I noticed a little slipping out after those first few shots." He slid his hands up from my throat and I felt his finger run over my chin from side to side. I looked up at him in a daze as he brought his cum-covered finger to my mouth and slid it between my puffy swollen lips. "There you go, now you've got it all." I compliantly clamped my lips down over his invading finger and licked off all of his warm milky semen. I couldn't believe how much I had grown to love the taste of cum already. Sven's tasted different than Mr. Jarvis'. One was not really better than the other, just different. I knew already that this was a flavor that I would always desire and need for the rest of my life. The idea of going without it sent chills down my spine. I licked along every nook and cranny of his finger and then ran my tongue down over my lips and chin to make sure I had every drop. "How did you like it, Kid?" he asked as he stood before me idly stroking his slowly deflating cock. " was amazing," I said breathlessly. "It felt so good with your cock in my mouth and then just when you started to cum....I.....I....I don't know what happened. My body felt all tingly and I felt like I was going to pass out. My body was just trembling all over and I was afraid I was going to collapse." "I think you just came in your pants," he said with a knowing smirk. "What?" I said with a look of total surprise on my face. "Stand up." I got to my feet and my legs were shaking noticeably as I tried to stand. I felt like that little colt we'd seen yesterday. "Undo your jeans and push them down," he instructed. I opened the button of my jeans and slid down the zipper. I pushed them down till they gathered at my ankles. We both looked at my underwear and I could see a big wet stain seeping though the front. "See, what did I tell you?" Sven said as I looked in surprise at my soiled underwear. "I....I came in my pants?" I said totally flustered. "Yeah, it sure looks that way. Now I want you to take everything off; shoes, socks, jeans, t-shirt, everything. Save your underwear for last." I did as he asked and he watched me strip while he continued to leisurely stroke his spent member. "Let me see those," he said holding out his hand as I modestly stepped out of my underwear. I handed them to him compliantly and watched as he turned them inside out. I stood before him with my hands over my crotch, my modesty getting the better of me. "Move your hands," he said firmly and I instantly dropped my hands awkwardly to my side. My small cock had already shrunk back to its normal size and hung flaccidly between my legs. He barely looked at me but looked intently at the inside of my underwear. He stepped over and held them out in front of me. "Yeah, take a look at that," he said as I looked down at gobs of my own cum clinging to the white cotton. "I bet that felt pretty good, didn't it?" "Y....yes sir," I said and felt myself turning red with embarrassment. "That's real good that you were able to cum just from sucking me off. I like that. I like that a lot. But I want you to remember something," his voice had a serious tone to it that I'd never heard before, "just remember that my pleasure comes before yours. Got it?" "I...I....yes sir. I...I never thought otherwise," I said anxiously. I had never considered anything different. For some reason, I knew deep down in my soul that this is what I was made for; to serve a big beautiful man like Sven. I knew that I would do whatever it took to give him as much pleasure as possible, for as long as possible, before even thinking about myself. "That's good, Kid." The usual warmth had returned to his voice and I felt the anxiety wash out of my body. "Just keep that in mind and we'll get along just fine. Now, we can't be going back with your underwear like this. I want you to lick up all that cum. With a cum-hungry kid like you, we have to make sure you get as much as you can." I took my underwear in my hands and eagerly licked up the fresh milky gobs clinging to the material. The amount of cum was pretty dismal compared to his massive load, and the flavor was not as hearty and masculine, but I loved it just the same. "Sir?" I asked as I took the underwear out of my mouth and looked up at him, "will I cum like that every time I suck you off?" For some reason my question brought a big smile to his face. "Well, probably not. It may happen sometimes and sometimes you'll probably have to use your hand to help it along. I've got some other things in mind that I'm sure will make you cum without touching your cock." "Can....can we try those things now?" I asked curiously. "All in good time. This isn't the right place and you're not ready for those things just yet." He could see the sad look on my face when he said that. I had hoped he would show me what he was talking about and although I was disappointed, I knew I wanted more. Unsure of what to do, I decided to boldly speak up. "If...if we can't try those other things, could I....could I suck you off again?" I asked as I looked up at him with big doe-like eyes. He looked at me intently and I saw his eyes look down to my mouth before his lips turned up in a soft smile. "You really love sucking cock, don't you?" "Y...yes sir," I admitted. "What do you like better, sucking cock or having that pretty little mouth of yours filled with cum?" I'd never really thought about a question like that before. I couldn't see separating one from the other. "I....I love them both. It felt so good when you were moving your cock in and out of my mouth and then when you came, I was hoping it would never stop. I just loved the feel of your cum shooting into my mouth. It was so rich and creamy, and there was so much of it; I felt like I couldn't get enough. I just wished it could have gone on and on with you filling my mouth. Please sir, can I suck it again?" I asked in a pleading voice. "I...I'll do whatever you want me to do." He saw me looking up at his gorgeous big body adoringly and it brought a broad smile to his face. "Okay, I think you've convinced me. I'm sure I've got another mouthful for you. But first, I have to take a piss," he said as he turned and looked around the shady little grove we were in. "C'mon Kid, I've got something new for you to learn." He ambled off towards a big tree beside the stream and naked as the day I was born, I followed eagerly, anxious to learn anything this rugged masculine man wanted to teach me.