Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 13:58:43 -0700 From: Bob Hook Subject: Boy From The Beach (part 4) A continuation of the account of my summer vacation R.V'ing in the California high sierra's, and the adventure I shared with 13 year old Cody who was spending the summer there with his Grandparents. After this 4th chapter there will be a short delay as I'm going for a long week-end. Enjoy, and should you wish to comment, The Boy From The Beach The next 2 weeks seemed to just fly by as all vacations do. Cody remained my pretty much constant companion, and we embarked several different activities together over that period. We biked, did some gold panning in the river, rented kyak's and paddled several of the nearby lakes, and did a lot of trout fishing as well. He spent most evenings at my R.V. where we watched movies and played hours of PS2 video games. His company was a total joy and I became more relaxed mentaly than I had been in too long a time. Not that it was at all easy for me, but I had managed to control my strong physical attraction for the little hottie, but never failed to sieze any small opportunity that was afforded me to perv his lucious young body and all of it's various treasures. I was most certainly attracted to this boy and pictured regularly in my minds eye the kinds of activities that I would much prefer to be engaging in with him, but I was NOT going to molest him, or persue any kind of connection that might put him off, or worse, cause him to run home to Grandpa with the news that I should be arrested for my actions toward him. Cody always seemed totally comfortable in my company, and on several occassions opened himself to me in ways that often surprised me. We had long and even deep discussions on a variety of the topics of life, and he often expressed his boyish curiosity about things social, political, and, yes, sexual. One evening as we sat outside my R.V. locating constellations in the star studded night sky he came right or left field and asked me if I ever jacked off. This set off a discussion in which we both enlightned the other with the fact that, yes, we both liked to jack off, thought it felt "awesome" (his word) and that "doing sperms" (his again) was probably the best ever feeling that could be. I learned from Cody that he had yet to experience any actual sex other than masturbating and that he often thought about it, and had used some of the better known celebraties like Brittney, etc as jackoff fantasies. He allowed as how not any of the girls in his local circle particularly attracted him, but he just figured that one day one would come along, and that eventually it all would happen for him. I ssured him that there indeed would come a time/place/person that would feel "right" for him and then nature would take its due course. Then, just like he had brought it up, he dropped it, and was silent for a long time. "Hey, Jim," he said softly. Turning to face him I was struck yet again my his boyish beauty as the filtered moonlight washed across his sweet face. "yea, little dude...whats up?" I answered. "Back up there on the in back of the waterfall...?" he mimbled, seriously inspecting his tennis shoes, "Yes, Cody..?" I replied softly. "Uh..ah..well...uh..I really liked it is all." he stuttered. "Yes Cody, me too, it's very beautiful there." I replied. "Uh..yea..well...but...well..I mean I liked it what you did back there." he got out as he squirmed that sweet boy butt around on his chair nervously. "Ah..." I answered..."me too, little dude...liked it a whole lot, actually!" He raised his sweet face to look in my eyes and flashed that killer grin yet again, and said, "I been thinking about that time like a whole bunch, and....uh..uh..well..actually its what I think about lots when know!" I reached out to him and he stood, then I pulled him gently to me and sat his cute little butt in my lap as I wrapped my arms around him in a hug, I pressed my face into his soft hair and drank in his sweet boy smells and said softly in his ear, "I know, little dude, its what I think about too, when know!" Cody let out that darling giggle of his and raised his head to stare at me a moment, then flashed his perfect teeth in a broad smile. "Your soooo cool, Jim!!" he said very softly, thenleaned in clsoe and soft as falling snow, he pressed his lucious lips to mine for just a brief second. In a flash, he jumped off my lap and stated, "see you tomorrow, Jim." and he disappeared into the darkness. Adjusting the hardon in my shorts I let out a deep sigh and went inside the motor home, and to bed, to ponder this latest revelation from my young boy dream. Morning again brought Cody to my door all smiles and renewed boyish energy. We sat and chatted about what to do with the new day, and then Tom, Cody's grandad appeared at my door. "Hi, Tom, come on in," I greeted him as he entered the coach. "Coffee, Tom?" I asked and he accepted. I poured him a mug full and sat back down on the couch next to Cody and we discussed the weather a bit, then Tom spoke, and completely made my day, if not my entire life. "Say Jim," Tom said, "the mrs. need to make a run back home to check on things and pick up the mail and supplies and things, probably a 2 day trip, and we wondered how you might feel about Cody here staying with you while we are gone?" I really be very nonchalant inmy answer, even though my heart rate had just doubled! "Oh, sure, Tom!" Was my careful reply, "If Cody would rather stay here than go back home wwith you, I'd be more than happy to put him up and look after him." Laughing, I said, "I'v gotten so used to him being here, I'd really be lost without him, I think." Cody jumped in with an excited "Yessssss!!!!" "Oh Jim, thats sooo cool....thanks!!" Tom laughd at Cody's reaction and told him, "ok, then Cody, I guess thats the deal then, and thanks Jim." "no problem." I smiled at him, and ruffeled Cody's soft hair. "Ok then," Tom said, "come on home and get your stuff together then, Grandma and I need to get started pretty soon." "Ok, gramps" my little roomie grinned, "be back in a little while, Jim!" "sounds good, little dude," I said, "don't overpack, ok, I have pretty much all we need except for your clothes." Tom and I shook hands, and the two headed home for Cody's things. I collapsed on the couch and pondered this new development. My sweet Cody boy and me, together, alone, in this motor home, for 2 days, and, more importantly, two nights!!! There IS a God!! I quietly recalled Cody's comments from the previous evening, when he had shyly expressed how he had liked it when we were naked behind the waterfall, and I ever so gently and briefly explored his turgid boyhood withmy hand. Hmmmm...... (more to come) Thanks for your patience waiting for more steammy action...a long setup, I know, but its the way it went down, so....