Epic no. 2 -

Journey to Aranathra

Authors note: Always appreciate the messages. Thank you for the support and hope you continue enjoying the story! And now for one more final. I hope you enjoy it – plenty of `festivities' must happen after a battle is over, right?

by DamiJon

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Journey to Aranathra




For the rest of the day, the boys spend most of the time resting. They're more active the next day, getting back into practice with their weapons or magic but take it easy. Slowly, they begin to regain their energy. By eight days, all of them are ready to carry on back home. They start with a late morning, Lorelai and Garallen making dinner for them all. Garallen has decided that he will come back with them to the kingdom but will leave after making sure their return is safe and giving his own briefing to the king. Strangely enough, Toby is the healthiest of them all, making it seem as if he never went under the tragedy that happened to him before.

Tomas gets everything packed to the horse. River and his aunt spend much time by the bookcases. She hands him with as many books as she can to stick in his bags and take back with him. "You'll have to give these back when you return."

"Yes, auntie. Two months! I'll be back soon enough." He smiles, tightening his robe. Ythl shrugs his hair and hands him his staff.

"Hard to believe I won't have to worry about you being sick anymore. Take it easy on me, will ya? I'm still going to bug you all of the time on making sure that you feel well." He laughs, noticing Tomas walking up to him. The wizard smiles to Lorelai, thanking her for the hundredth time today and walks to Tomas. "'Bout ready, right?"

The group departs the Shrine of Aranathra, waving good-bye to their new friend, Lorelei. They managed a good deal of repair and cleaning during the week, aided by her and their magics, of course. It will take more time to repair the damage to their hearts at the loss of Lilia.

They travel at a modest pace, no great need driving them onward. There are sigs already of the forest's healing. New growth sending shoots struggling for sunlight and water. Insects returning, beetles churning through dead and fallen trees, dragon flies darting to and fro with their colorful wings. The insects attract birds and small lizards and frogs. Those attract small predators. And so on. Nature had begun to heal itself.

Toby and Hunter take the lead, talking together softly. The death and return of Toby has given them both a kick in their arses. They plan their future, sharing their dreams and discussing the best ways for them to pursue those dreams. It was almost all plucked away from them. They have no mind to sit idle and let the new time they have slip away.

River walks with Asher. The young wizard delights in his new-found health. No pain, no exhaustion. He walks and dances and jumps as the mood takes him. His death sentence has been reprieved and he can barely contain his joy. Asher giggles as he watches his new friend, his enthusiasm and excitement are contagious! And Asher can't resist his eyes...

Tomas and Ythl bring up the rear. They walk quietly, still keeping sharp eyes on their students. At times, they look about to talk, but something between them causes them to hesitate.

Garallen walks with the horse, just in front of Asher and RIver. He listens and watches, noting the song of the birds and the hum of life all around them. He likes his young friends. The horse is happy to have no rider, though he seemed confused at first. He kept walking to River, waiting patiently for the boy to climb into the saddle. Now he prances somehow sensing the health of his former rider and knowing it is good.

As they walk, Tomas and Ythl begin to create some distance from the rest of the group. The young wizard shrugs, knowing well enough without his magic that he has to say something. And so he does, speaking the first thing that comes to his mind. "So!" He enthusiastically raises his voice. "If we're boyfriends again, then maybe we should talk about... What that means? For our future? I mean, we are boyfriends again, right?"

Tomas grabs the tip of long, green weed. He shrugs his shoulders as he chews on one end. "Mostly."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He shrugs, rolling his eyes and ready for it all to end again. His heart sinks, expecting the worst to happen.

"Well, we still have to get back safely. Once I make my report to the king, I will have to ask his blessing for us." He looks at Ythl as they walk. "It's hard for people who haven't sworn the oaths to understand. They're very serious. They've given structure to my life. I need his blessing."

"Oh, of course... Okay." Their silence is prolonged once again. Ythl wants to speak but doesn't know what to say to break the anxiety between them.

"We'll have to see if there are open apartments in the palace. Or we could get a house?" He shrugs again. "I don't have much money. Do you?" His voice rises in pitch. When they were together before, that was always the sign of Tomas being unsure of something. "Do we get married? Or just be boyfriends? What does that even mean?"

"I think... We should take it slow. Wait a few years before we decide on marriage. For all we know the king might say no to us. Hard to believe that he would after what we've done for him now. You realize Crayus had the highest bounty on him in Aigua?" Ythl pulls an apple from a tree, biting into it and sharing it with Tomas. "I'd like to move in with you, but... My students must come with me. Dad can probably take care of himself, I'm sure." He chuckles. "What do you think?"

"We can't claim the bounty! We're sworn subjects. I'm a soldier, Asher's his son. It wouldn't look right." He bites the apple. His brow knits together as he thinks. Ythl grins. He knows that look. Tomas has switched from worry-mode to problem-solving mode. The wizard smiles as Tomas lays out his thoughts. "With your students, we couldn't stay in the palace. Maybe one of the diplomatic houses on the castle grounds. We might be able to get one with enough room for your father, too. Would he mind living with us if we were lovers? I wouldn't feel right leaving him alone."

"Sure, I guess. He's always been fond of his home and garden though." Ythl frowns, thinking back on what it was like when both of his parents around before Woltot killed his own mother. Now the werewolf has died, but the pain is still there. He wonders if Asher and River also feel the same way or if vengeance has helped them move on. "To be honest, it's because of my mom. That's why he would find it hard to leave."

"I see. I'm sure we could get a place with a large garden." He looks at Ythl. "What do you want? What do you dream about for us?"

"I'd like a place for all of us. Somewhere for us to sleep together of course, a nice study room, two guest bedrooms, one for Liam to sleep in, maybe a training room for you... River will probably want to live with Asher, I'm guessing. It's weird how I sort of think of him as family since all he has left is his aunt. It's also strange seeing him grow up. Look at them." He points with the apple in his hand, taking a large chunk of it. "There they are, the prince and the dragon boy holding hands, almost frolicking like innocent children, yet able to help defeat one of the most dangerous armies on the continent."

"Ah, maybe." Tomas frowns and grows silent for several minutes. Finally, he speaks. "Do you think Liam's family would allow him to move to the capital? And when you say all of us, who does that mean? And if we are boyfriends again, or fiances even, what does that mean?"

Ythl looks at him, befuddled and shocked. "Look. I fucking love you. Plain and simple as that. I want to live with you and be with you. So do you? Just give me a fucking answer for once. Just stop hiding and acting like the king has your balls in his hands. You're asking me to have my father move for you. For me to leave everything behind and move closer to the castle. Here I am accepting and nodding my head, not just willingly, but wanting it, imagining it, but you still have this wall. So just say it!" He raises his voice, loud enough for everyone else to hear. They stop. "Do you love me or not?"

Tomas looks around. He looks at Ythl but avoids looking into his eyes. Garallen gently nudges Asher and River forward, shepherding the group onward so Tomas and Ythl can have some privacy.

"Yes. Of course I love you. But you, know...." Tomas' voice drops low. He reaches out for Ythl, stops, then takes the wizard's hand. "You're like Asher. I mean, he likes lots of partners, and you sleep with your students. I just . . . is it okay for me to sleep with my barracks mates? Do we have rules about that? I love you, Ythl. I don't want to compete for your bed..." Tomas stares at the ground and slowly starts walking after the others. He wipes his sleeve across his face.

"What I do with Liam or River, that's not love. I'll stop what I was doing with them for you. That matters more to me." He stares into Tomas's eyes, trying to prove to him that he's not joking.

"Okay." He nods. "Okay. I think we should live together. I'll have to marry and have children some day, but that's just duty. I think I'll still love you, Yth." He looks at Ythl. He reaches out, taking the wizard by the shoulders. Leaning in, he kisses the wizard on his cheek. "So, the answer then, is yes. We are boyfriends."

Ythl blushes and accepts his hand. The two of them catch up the crowd, beginning to smile and be just as cheerful and playful as the others.


Two weeks burn by peacefully as they make their way back towards Aigua. Being that their mission is accomplished they take more time in discovering different parts of the land they didn't go on since River had been sick. With Crayus gone, they have a weight off of their shoulders, but there's still the possible threat of Cruiberg forces that could come through. With each passing day, the boys and man become more than just friends, but a family, a pact, seven as one. None of them have any troubles or fights with each other and have total respect for their differences. They learn and listen to each others stories, philosophize their religious and spiritual beliefs, trade magic, show each other different skills, take turns cooking. Their travel home is almost complete, but they still have one place to visit before they make it back to the kingdom to report to the king - a small village outside of a once-haunted forest that is now unrecognizable to the boys.

"I've been here before." Garallen laughs. "Quite a few times."

"But you've been everywhere, Garallen." River teases, looking him up and down. Village people notice them and walk towards as they come closer to the homes. They notice prince Asher first before the rest.

The village elder, the same man who arranged their housing weeks ago, approaches the group. He bows to Asher and nods at Garallen. "My Lord, you've returned! Thank the stars!"

Tomas steps forward. "Yes. Our mission was successful. The Prince is healed and Crayus has been defeated and slain. His main force died with him." A murmur passes through the peasants. "Now, if you will allow, we'll use the same house as last time. And Pylom will serve the Prince."

The man nods, shouting orders to the villagers. The group is shown to the same house. Wood is brought and fires started. The peasants bring a simple lunch of bread and cheese, with fruit and vegetable. The elder approaches Tomas and Asher. "Beggin' pardon, HIghness, my Lord. The villagers are in high spirits at your recovery and the news over Crayus. With your permission, we'll feast for both tonight?" Tomas nods, leaving the final decision to the Prince.

As they talk, Pylom runs up. He slides to a halt, behind the elder, his father. His face is dirty but his smile shines. He hops from foot to foot, holding his cap in his hands, waiting for the official business to be done.

Asher's face brightens up as he sees Pylom again. He squeezes River's hand and takes him with. "Both of us are healed and healthy! Can you believe it?"

"Of course I can!" He chuckles, spitting away from them. He rubs some dirt off his face with his shirt, looking to Garallen for a moment. "Oh, it's the raven! What's he doing with your group? You must have ran into some really bad trouble."

"Why do you say that?" The young boyfriends rustle each other in their arms. River is curious if they'll get to sleep with him again tonight after dinner.

"Oh, because that's the only time that he shows up. Anytime a good heart is in danger, Garallen comes to their rescue, along with his wolf." The older mage is speaking with one of his old village friends while the others are led towards their previous chambers for dinner.

"You can leave us be." Asher looks up to Pylom's father. "Come along now. You're not slaving for us - you're partying with us! Tell me, are you allowed to drink at your age? Surely your people have wine!"

"Of course. But - I heard that you killed Crayus and his men. What was it like? Can you tell us? Please!" Pylom pulls on River's robe as he begs for information. The young wizards expression is saddened, remembering how they had lost Toby for a short moment and how his aunt lost her lover.

"I'd rather not speak about it. Not now. Not yet." Asher squeezes his boyfriends hand, kissing his shoulder as they walk forward.

Pylom's face falls. Tomas steps forward. "No one parties just yet. We have to stow our gear and get cleaned up. The villagers are preparing a feast for the prince and the rest of us. It's out duty to attend and not embarrass ourselves or Aigua." He gives Asher a stern eye. "Pylom? That's right, isn't it?" The boys nods. "Good. Tell your father that we need a bathtub and hot water. And that we look forward to feasting with the village this evening." Pylom smiles and nods, sprinting from the house.

Tomas walks over to Asher. "You forget, this village isn't part of Aigua. You and I, at least, have to be on our best behavior. I'll wager the villagers are butchering one of their best pigs, if not the best pig, for our dinner. And they'll offer their best wines. Carry yourself as a Prince, right?"

Pylom rushes in. "They're bringing a tub, Sir Tomas. And hot water." The boys smiles at Asher, moving next to him. "Your armor, Prince Asher?" Asher grimaces and let's Pylom help him with his armor. He glares for a moment at Tomas. Tomas winks back at him.

The group has an hour or so to clean up and bathe. Pylom cheerfully helps all of them, but he's especially attentive to River. He listens to the story of the battle from Ythl and Toby and the others. When it's his turn to clean up, Pylom giggles and lets River and Asher help him. As the evening sets in, slightly chill, the group stands clean and refreshed.

The villagers have transformed their green into a hub of activity. A large fire burns, with a butchered pig cooking in several different cuts and sizes. A lamb is also being roasted. A long table has been set with dishes of fruit, vegetable, breads, cheese, and slices of pies and cakes. Bottles of wine and local beer are chilled in a half height barrel of cold water. A second fire burns brightly, with chairs and benches around it. Three of the villagers make music with fiddle, banjo and guitar. The whole village is there, dressed as best they can manage. The erupt into cheers when the party approaches. "Cheers for Prince Asher and those that slew Crayus! Cheers for Aigua and her King!"

Hunter and Toby distant themselves in the crowd and their friends, allowing themselves more alone time. The redhead moves his finished plate of lamb out of the way, watching as his boyfriend eats. He rubs his feet and legs, massaging them thoroughly after their long day of walking and tracking. "So, how are we going to tell our parents about what happened?" He looks at him with a serious poker face. "You know that we can't hide it. The part about you having died and me giving away two decades of my life, that's what I'm speaking of."

Toby grins. He grabs a stray piece of lamb meat from Hunter's plate. "Just like that. Just like you phrased it. We get them together and we say it just like that. We fought Crayus. I was killed. You gave twenty years of your life to bring me back." The archer grabs some potatoes, pouring gravy over them. "What else can we do? Straight and to the point is the way to go, I think."

Throughout the evening, the boys are congratulated and praised and thanked. The villagers are simple folk, and some of them are very shy, but they all express their gratitude for what the party has accomplished. They whisper to each other that better days are ahead. Without Crayus to worry about, the villagers have new hope for the future. The food is simple but prepared well and offered in a spirit of true friendship.

"Yeah... I just feel like I might have failed you in some way. After you had died, I had lost my mind to rage. I probably could have helped killed Crayus, but he got the best of me because of my emotions. When Lorelai offered me to let you live, I told her to do whatever it takes. That I'd even die for you..." Hunter stops, moves up closer, then holds up the plate for him to eat. He licks the cream off of his lips. "Everyone is thinking about what happens after it's over. What about us? I mean, I know we practically live with each other, but like... Our future. Do we just want to be warriors in battle? Train people?"

"I don't know." Toby is quiet. He pushes the food around his plate. He looks at Hunter, his face serious and grim. He sighs. Dipping his finger in the gravy, he dabs gravy on Hunter's lips, then moves in to kiss his husband. His tongue traces around Hunter's thick lips before sliding into his boar-boy's mouth. The kiss is slow, wet, and passionate. He pulls back. "I want to be with you. I want to track and hunt in the woods. Any woods, not just around Cantu. I want you to be happy as much as we can manage because we don't have extra time like they do. So, what do you want?"

Toby glances at the others. Asher and River are laughing and clapping along to the music as Garallen and one of the cuter village girls dance by the fire. Ythl sits nearby, watching River with a slight smile. Tomas is engaged in conversation with the village elder and some other villagers. He sees Toby and raises his mug to the bear and boar.

Hunter looks for his beer mug, quickly grabbing it and raising it to mask the seriousness of their conversation. He smiles along, enjoying the music. "Well, I think you underestimate how old people in my family live. With that in mind, we might even get the chance to live longer than we expect. I don't want to think about the end of our lives right now. I'm more interested in right now..." He leans back, taking Toby with him as they cuddle in the grass. "Luckily, we have a place like Cantos that's surrounded by nature. Aigua is too, but there's more rules and less freedom. I think we'll have plenty years or even decades to explore the world. But with the tides of war seeming to come within the year or two, we should probably decide whether we want to enlist or not. I know, we just had the battle of our lives. How could we possibly do it again? But Cruiberg... You know how it is what needs to be done." They stare in silence at the stars, mapping out constellations together as they cuddle in silence. It's getting later into the night, but all that means is that the partying is getting rowdier and more exciting. "I think that I should continue in the footsteps of the other men in my lineage, fighting in a meaningful war, but also serving my time as an executioner like they did. My father was just as young as I was when he started training to become one."

Toby is silent for a minute. "Where will you train?" He bites on his lower lip. His eyes watch Hunter closely, wide and searching. And sad.

"Well, my father trained in the city, somewhere in Aigua. I'd ask for him to refer me as a student to other executioners." Hunter pauses, a sudden and yet expected thump in his speech. "That would upset you, wouldn't it?"

Toby rolls over, facing his husband. He runs a hand over Hunter's broad chest, even as he rests his head on his hand, his elbow rooted in the grass. "You haven't asked, and maybe because you don't want to know... When I died, I didn't just stop being. I mean, I was still Toby. I was just not here, in this world anymore. You found me in the mists. The spell Lorelei used let you go into the mist to find me. But it called me to the mist from somewhere else. . ."

"Yeah, I remember that... As vague and surreal as it was. It definitely did not feel like this world, nor even the next world. I don't know. There was such a vast and endless darkness, but somehow, I found you and heard you." Hunter sighs, running his hand up Toby's back and kissing his forehead.

"Beyond the mist...I saw things." He frowns, concentrating. "I can't remember details. It's like there a wall blocking off those memories. But I still feel them, you know? And I'm pretty certain that we fight. I dream about it. Us fighting in rivers of blood. Demons and other anthros around us. And bodies. Lots of bodies. I think we have to fight. It's just. . .as bad as Crayus was, the Cruiberg will be worse for Cantu and Aigua." He falls on to his back, staring at the stars. He points up. "That's the hunter. And the star at the tip of his spear is red. So, we enlist together. We fight together. After, if there is an after, we go for your training. At least, that's what I think we should do."

When his boyfriend points out the Hunter in the sky, he can't help but to be overwhelmed by his emotions. Tears run down his cheeks, which he wipes away, smiling at Toby. As nice as it would be to simply live in the forests and be free forever, other people are not so fortunate. "I agree. Our own species depends on us in this war. We can't just hold back when the king himself chose us with our talent. He could have chosen any other two people from Aigua or the neighboring villages. Don't you think that's strange? That a man with so much power that's possibly never visited our land knew about us, chose us, and trusted us so well? What if... Fate spoke to him too? Here. There's the bear in the lake with a salmon in his mouth." Hunter chuckles, rubbing his nose against Toby's cheek. He leans forward, kissing his lips, then sucking on his neck. "We'll need to train harder than before for the war. You're supposed to be one of the best archers in all of our lands, but what if you became the best? That's all I'm thinking about right now. How much can I learn before the war begins?"

"We both do." He smiles. "The good thing is that when we accompany Asher to the castle, we can ask the King why he chose us. Think of it, if we need them, we'll have access to the best trainers and archers and axemen in all Aigua."

"True..." The ginger leans up, his mouth open wide as he studies his husband. He looks forward, trying to remember where Tomas left his bag. "What do you say we go to our beds and you fuck me - I mean, tuck me in?"

Toby hops to his feet, reaching down to pull Hunter up with him. They quietly move to the tables, grabbing two bottles of wine and head for the house. Garallen sees them and smile, giving them a little wave. The husbands wave back, blushing.


Elsewhere on the village green, Asher and River feast and drink. Villagers surround the pair, listening closely to Asher's tale of the battles and perils they faces in their journey to Aranathra. As he describes the battle in the shrine, the crowd around him falls silent. Some of the women tear up at the death of Lilia. Before he reveals River's death and transformation, the blue haired wizard pinches him hard on the side. Asher takes the hint and leaves out River becoming a dragon.

Ythl sits with Garallen. The raven mage is well known in the village. Several of the children wander up to him, giving him small cookies or treats. He accepts each and tastes them, proclaiming each one the "best sweet treat I've ever had!" which sends the children squealing back to the party. They watch Tomas as he talks seriously and earnestly to the village elders and council.

"So, you two are back together?" Garallen asks as he chews a soft, walnut cookie. He breaks it in half, offering it to Ythl. "This is actually tasty."

"Yeah, we are. I think it'll work out this time too." He looks for Tomas, who notices him from afar. The young wizard makes a certain face trying to drive him to sit with him, but he seems too busy in conversations about people he once knew from the war. "You're quite the hero to these people. Is it the same for most of these villages? Do you just simply wander looking for trouble and solve it no matter the cost?"

Garallen chews slowly. He picks up another treat, some sort of small tart and stares at it. "I don't look for trouble. I look for places and people who I can help." He looks at Ythl, smiling, but there's a sadness in his eyes. "I try to make sure I pay the costs, not them." He gestures to the villagers. "Their lives are hard enough and sometimes the cost is terribly high. Not everyone who dies fighting the good fight against cruelty and evil comes back like River or Toby. Most of the time they die and no one even notices. I try to notice."

"Well, I notice... Many people to do. Anyone that's been in war sees it. Man is the bastard of the world, cruel and relentless." He sighs, finishing a bottle of wine to himself." Come. We'll find you a place to sleep inside." He helps the older man up, walking towards Tomas and forcing him out of his conversation. Tomas has brightened his mood from before, drunk and flushed red, puckered lips, laughing at every small thing that goes on. "You better not puke anywhere, you hear me? I don't like using that kind of magic."


"How many times have I said I love you today? A few times? NOT ENOUGH!" Tomas hugs him, almost breaking his neck as he does so. It's extremely rare for anyone to see him so out of character, but then Ythl notices the label on the bottle: absinthe from a demon village in Varn Ra. "I love you! Love you! Fuckin love you, man. We're going to get the approval from the king, live together, I'll do whatever! And kids! We'll have kids too!"

"It doesn't work like that between two men and I'm not –"

Tomas budges his argument. "-- Oh, you get what I mean! I'll marry and all of that business, but she will go her own way and sleep and love other men. Us, nothing is gonna stop us, Ythl. It's you and me." He leans in closer, pinching his nose. "You and me."

Ythl can't help but smile. Garallen smiles, too. "You know, Ythl, Tomas, I know a ritual that would let one of you get pregnant. So, which of you will it be?"

Tomas laughs. "We can take turns. You get pregnant, then it's my turn. We can be pregnant at the same time! So our kids have brothers and sisters! That's brilliant!" He turns serious. Looking at Garallen. "Do you give us a vagina? Because I don't want one. I'll be pregnant, but I want to keep my dick. Do we get to fuck? Or is the whole thing magic?" He looks at Ythl. He leans close, his hands on Ythl's chest. "I can't decide if you'd look good with boobs. How would we nurse them? More magic, I guess."

Ythl giggles. "You are so drunk. We'd better get you to bed. Help me, Gar, will you?" The two spell casters take Tomas between them, leading him to their quarters. They wish the elders and other villagers good night.

Tomas stumbles along with them, letting them almost carry him. "I wanna fuck. You guys need to fuck me and make me pregnant, right? That's an order, too. Both of you should fuck me so our son is an expert with magic." He looks down. "My cock is so hard right now." He snickers and looks at Ythl. "See what you do to me?"

"That'll be all we need. Thanks, Garallen." Ythl blushes, crawling closer to him on the bed. As they begin to kiss Tomas is already reaching for the bag, which he cannot grab. The wizard boy finds his staff on the staff, using it to anchor the bag closer to them. They find a container of grease, smile to each-other and continue to kiss. "I love you too, Tomas..."

Tomas and Ythl lay on their sides in the loft, facing each other. They kiss, their hands searching each other's body. Tomas' breath is heavy with the smell of alcohol and his hands are clumsy and heavy against Ythl's body. But it's a touch that Ythl has missed for year, the touch that he's dreamed about and hoped for.


In the Prince's room, Asher finishes boiling a nice and spicy black tea, taking out three cups for when Pylom shows up. He reads while it cooks, performing simple spells over a bowl of water as he does so, and eventually returns to his boyfriend with a cup across from him in bed. "It's warm, so be gentle when you sip it." He takes a small sip, leaving it on the window seal. River takes off his robe, then unties his fundoshi, seemingly less shy and anxious about the small size of his member after getting the advice from his aunt.

Garallen sits in his bed. He's alone in a screened off part of the main room. He cocks his head and listens. Above him, in the loft, he can hear Ythl and Tomas. On the other side of the partition, he hears Asher and River. With a sigh, he disrobes and sits on his bed, crossing his legs. He attunes himself to his breathing and begins to meditate. Sometimes, being the odd man means you're out.

Young Pylom finally enters after having been services to feeding their horse, combing it down, then cleaning their weapons and armor. He rushes to Asher's room, closing the door quietly as he sees the two boys cuddled together with their herbal tea. River points to his cup. "That one is for you."

"Go ahead and undress if you'd like." Asher pulls back the sheets, showing off both of their nude bodies. "We've saved a spot for you. My dear Pylom, did you really think we'd forget about you?"

Pylom takes a moment to wash his hands and clean up. He takes a sip of the tea. "Ya ain't gonna drug me, are ya?" He smiles and begins to undress. He notices the Prince and River watching him closely and smiles. He slows down, teasing them as he undresses. "Is it just the three of us?"

"Yeah. What did you want to do?" Prince Asher rests his hands on his lap, kissing all over him softly, while River massages Pylom's shoulders.

"You must be tired from working all night. Maybe you should rest for a bit, don't you think?" The Prince gives a condescending and overdramatic stare to River, as if to ask, "Seriously?"

Pylom is naked. He reaches up, yawning and stretching. He runs his hands through his dark hair, lifting the long locks high and letting them cascade down. His body is lean and smooth, some definition from his days of hard work. His dick, four inches easily, is hard and curves slightly up. "Well, it has been a long day. . ." He looks at Asher, swinging his hips slightly, causing his boner to bob and dance slightly.

"Then you should drink your tea." The prince warmly suggests. He looks down, rubbing his hand closer to the cock, feeling the urge to grab it and suck on his head. "I think you should fuck me and then the two of us can do River. Is that ok? Or do you prefer to bottom?"

River interjects how he feels. "I'm fine with the two of you doing it to me."

Pylom climbs to his knees on the bed. "I wanna suck River's little dickie. We can do all the other stuff, too, but I wanna suck you again." He sticks out his lower lip, resting his hands on his hips, which are pushed slightly forward. He flexes his dick twice, causing it to bounce. He leans down, kissing Asher's chest, then moves over to kiss River's chest.

"So you like it, don't you?" River wags his tiny pecker with two fingers, jacking himself off onto Pylom's lips. "Luckily for you and the prince, it's not ever going to grow much. "

"To be honest, I kind of hope it doesn't." Asher admits while his tongue performs circles around his nipples. "I love you the way you are. I can't even imagine what you'll look like as an adult a decade or two from now." Suddenly, Asher begins to shapeshift. His tail and ears form first, then the fur and spots on his young leopard body. Pylom's eyes widen and he jolts back in shock for a moment.

"Holy crap! You're... Can I?" Once the prince nods, Pylom begins to rub his hand along Asher's coat of fur, unable to stop himself from licking it as well. Asher purrs and his erection presses into River's leg.

"Hey, you said you wanted a taste of River, didn't you? All because I changed doesn't mean you give me all of the focus." Pylom blushes, moving his mouth back to River's dick, licking it and easily sucking it while rubbing one finger between his crack. While he blows him Asher moves himself up, propping his legs between River's head, then pushes the head of his own dick against River's lips. The young wizard opens, sucking from the pubis before returning to the head just to blow him even more. "Ahhh. Just like that, babe."

Pylom uses his tongue more and more. He licks from the base of River's balls to the tip of his small dick, then back down. Moving carefully and gently, he licks all around the base of the dick, then takes River's sack into his mouth, swirling his tongue all around the blue haired wizard's balls. "You taste so good...better than I remember. Can I play with your butt?"

"Sure. You're going to do me down there anyway." River raises both of his legs and holds them against his chest with his hands, giving him a full view of his hairless cheeks and tight ass. Asher pulls out of his mouth, spreads his own ass out and sits down on his boyfriends face. The blue haired wizard keeps his legs still as he moves his hands to spread Asher's cheeks, openly rimming him, licking like a dog, then trying to fuck him with his tongue as much as he can. It's different than his human form since his ass is naturally fuzzy now, but his body still has boyish qualities to it.

Pylom sucks on his finger for a minute, getting it wet with his saliva. As he goes down again of River's tiny cock, he pushes his finger into River's hole. He's not intentionally rough, but his inexperience with this act shows. He senses when he makes River uncomfortable and slows down. "Sorry. I don't get to do this part a lot." Fortunately, he's a quick learner. After a few strokes, he's got his rhythm. He pauses sucking long enough to dribble more spit on his finger and River's hole. "Do ya think you're ready? I really wanna stick in ya."

River raises the prince's perfect ass, showing a remarkable smile as he does so. "Go ahead. Don't even tell me that you're gonna do it." As soon as he finishes speaking, he goes back to eating Asher's ass, preparing him for Pylom. The inexperienced boy will have his turn topping two of them.

Asher hops off, stroking himself and watching as Pylom prepares to mount the wizard. He takes his tea with one hand, masturbating with the other, and sips from it as he watches. "You're quite fortunate tonight. You realize that not everyone gets to fuck royalty right? Or the royalties boyfriend and favorite lover?"

Pylom grins at them both. He scrambles to his knees, moving forward and resting his cock against River's hole. "Well, not everyone gets fucked by me. So, we're all lucky." He giggles at his own joke. Without further warning or conversation, he pushes his cock into River, pushing until his balls rest against River's ass. "Wow, you feel really good." He pulls back, and then pushes forward again, just as deeply as before. Soon, he's pumping furiously into River, gong fast and hard. In his excitement, he pulls out too far a couple of time, his dick popping out of River's ass. Undeterred, Pylom spits on his dick and River's hole, inhaling and hocking up large globs of spit and mucus. He plows right back into the young wizard. "Unnggh! This is great!"

"Put it back in!" River shouts with noticeable frustration. Without ado, Pylom does as he's told, laughing and pumping in him gleefully. The blue haired boy runs his fingers through the tanned boys long and clean hair, inhaling it deeply as he's being fucked. "Ah yeah, you're doing great. You make a pretty good top." He wraps his legs around his back, kissing and rubbing his waist. "Do I make a good bottom?"

"Are you kidding?" Asher laughs, jacking himself off with some spit. "You're the most gorgeous bottom in all of the world. That's why Pylom has that face while he's fucking you in the ass."

Pylom is almost oblivious to their conversation, his attention is completely focused on his cock and River's ass. He pumps rapidly, almost rabbit-fucking the blue-haired wizard. Bracing his fists in the sheets next to River's shoulder, he raises himself on his toes. He uses his whole body to drive his cock into River. Sweat drips from his faces and runs in rivulets down his arms and across his back. His head jerks back and forward as he fucks River, his eyes tightly closed. "Uhhh...uhhh...uhhh..." His noises are primal, almost animalistic. He seems to be enjoying himself.

"Don't waste all of your energy." Asher sits back up, slipping his cock into River's mouth and fucking it slowly. He plays with his boyfriends hair as he speaks. "You need enough energy for when you fuck me."

River finds himself in a state of absolute bliss, being the total submissive being that he is. He plays with his own erection as he's being fucked and sucking cock, giving pleasure to them both as they both please him. At one point he imagines what it would be like if a line of men were to take their turns on his mouth and hole simultaneously.

Pylom grunts at Asher, but doesn't decrease his pace. When he notices the Prince fucking River's mouth, he grins and watches closely. After a few minutes, he readjusts his fist and feet. "You like having us at the same time, Mister River? Are we going to share Prince Asher the same way?" He looks at Asher. "It'll be neat to see his dickie in your mouth." He resumes his fucking, just as fast and hard as when he started. His breathing is rapid and deep, and his moaning is soon almost constant. When he warns his partners, they've already guessed. "I'm gonna cum!"

On the other side of the partion, Garallen lays on his back, his hands folded together behind his head. He lays naked, listening to the Prince, the wizard, and the woodcutter boy. His cock is hard, but he doesn't touch it all, preferring to simply listen to the boys having their fun.

As soon as Pylom hears him mention that he's about to climax Asher rolls over on the bed into the same position as his boyfriend. He grins, pulling his legs back and wagging his tail around. "Bet you've never fucked a leopard before."

The two others move out of their previous position and stand on their knees, moving carefully around on their bed with their pointed dicks at the prince. River and Pylom kiss for a minute, rubbing their penises together as they do so, and then Pylom takes his place. River leans far down enough to kiss his boyfriend.

Pylom hops off the bed, pouring himself a mug of water, draining it, and refilling it. "Wow, that's fun, but I'm so thirsty!" He grins, moving back to the bed and climbing on his knees towards Asher's ass. Positioning himself between the Prince's legs, the grabs Asher's dick, squeezing it tightly and stroking it. "I've never been with an anthro before. Is anything weird gonna happen?" As he strokes Asher, he teases the Prince's asshole with the tip of his dick.

"Guess we'll have to find out, won't we?" Asher's ears flutter as his tail rises, tickling Pylom's back. River moves forward, almost lying down right on top of Asher so that his dick is leveled right into his mouth. The young wizard holds himself up by putting his arms against the wall, turning his head to the side and moaning as well. Asher helps him out; he moves a pillow under his head, gets River to stand on one knee and even rocks his hips to show him how he can fuck his mouth now. It's a strange and difficult position, but they figure it all out despite the lack of space on the bed.

"Wow. Neat!" Pylom watches River begin fucking Asher's mouth, with a huge grin. He drop-spits on Asher's hole, and plunges his cock into the Prince. He buries his cock in the welcoming ass, his balls nestling on the crack. He holds himself there for a moment, giggling. "Your fur tickles my nuts." He pulls out and pushes in again and within three or four strokes, he fucking Asher just as hard and fast as he was River. He puts his whole body behind every thrust, grunting loudly as he hits his deepest penetration. He struggles to keep his eyes open, but loves the sight of River's baby-dick in Asher's face.

As much as Asher wants to respond with words, he's too focused on what's already in there. Instead, he uses his tail to get his point across, using it to rub along Pylom's crack, urging it's way to the hole and then back up his back. The prince loves being able to shapeshift, how his cock changes color and his entire body grows spotted fur, having tails, everything about it is so exquisite and different to him. Meanwhile, River begins to moan out louder, barely having to move his body to fuck him with his tiny pecker.

The woodcutter boy fucks Asher with abandon. He goes in hard and fast. With one hand, he grabs Asher's dick, holding on to it for balance, but also stroking as he fucks. He's torn between watching River fuck Asher's mouth and staring at the Prince's anthro-cock. "You're not as tight as River....I like your dick, though. You both have really nice dicks." He fucks Asher hard.

"We like yours, too. You know how to put it to good use." River smirks, wiping sweat from the front of his face as he smiles at him. He sits back up, giving Asher from fresh air, then begins to make out with Pylom, eventually copying Asher by sitting on the prince's face and having him rim him out. Asher tongues his starfish hole deeply, which is clean and slick from the grease that was used earlier. "Who taught you how to kiss?" River sits back, watching the two of them from the side as he takes one of the teas off of the window seal, not caring who's it is.

Pylom stares down at Asher, balancing on his fist and toes as he fucks. He manages a slight shrug. "I dunno. Just learned is all." He lowers his face to Asher's, kissing the young Prince. His tongue attacks with almost as much force as his cock exhibits in fucking the Prince. When he pulls back from the kiss, he smiles.

"You're fucking amazing at this, Pylom." His hands reach further down, slapping Pylom's butt cheeks before moving to his front and pinching his nipples. They kiss as if their lives depend on it, vicious and depraved. Asher starts jacking himself off, already close thanks to having his top get him off for so long. It helps that he's also getting his prostate massaged faster than he's ever been fucked before. "Holy fuck. I'm gonna cum. Gonna fuckin' cum." Asher moans loud, dribbling five or six drops from the tip. "Ahhhh, Ahhh!!! Fucck yeah...."

Pylom watches Asher shoot his load. He slows down only slightly, scooping some of the royal cum up with his fingers. He sucks and licks the jizm from his fingers, his tongue getting every drop. "Mmmmm...You taste good! Um, should I stop? Or keep going?" He pauses as he waits for an answer, his cock still embedded in the Prince.

"What? Keep going! Don't stop until you cum again!" He orders him jokingly, but also serious. Anyone knows that it would be wrong to stop someone midway through a fuck from finishing their business. It also allows Asher to get off even longer off of his ejaculation. "Hell yeah, get back into action, Pylom."

Pylom nods and shrugs, pushing himself back in. He fucks Asher just as deeply, but slightly less rapidly. "Thanks! Uh, I already cummed twice. I don't shoot stuff yet, so I can just keep going and going." He looks unsure of himself for a moment. "Not to brag or nothing..."

"Third time is the charm, right?" River watches as they fuck. He sits with his back against the wall, stroking himself with his pinky and thumb as he watches them go at each other. Suddenly, he hears a faint thump on the other side of the wall. His mind is able to quickly connect what the sound came from, laughing as he thinks about it, which drives him even closer to the edge. He pants and moans in a cute boyish tone as he climaxes, having his own dry cum.

Pylom nods and smiles. His face and chest are wet with perspiration, his hair sticking to his face and head. Suddenly, he changes positions, lowering himself onto Asher until he lays chest to chest with the Prince. He licks at Asher's lips, luring him into another kiss. A kiss that Pylom holds and pursues aggressively even as he fucks Asher, now with fast and short thrusts. "Your fur is so soft. Third time!" He buries his face in Asher's neck as his body spasms and jerks. After a moment of cumming, he lies almost motionless on the Prince. Finally, he pulls himself to his knees. His face is a huge smile and his eyes dance with delight. "That was fun!"

"Let's all cuddle together!" Asher takes the left while River takes the right of Pylom. They wrap their arms and legs around his body, touching each-others arms as they keep him in place. Pylom is trapped, but can still roam his own hands among both of their bodies. His head naturally rests on River, while his body is stuck between wanting to feel at the warm furry prince and the milky smooth wizard. "Ah, just like home. Oh, did you still want to come back with us? If it's too soon, maybe you can think about it. Whenever you're ready. We'll get you situated."

For a few minutes, Pylom lies with the prince and the wizard, cuddling and being cuddled. "Ya, I want to come with you all. Sir Tomas said he'd talk to my pa about it tomorrow. Says he wants me to come with." Pylom smiles at the thought. "I don't wanna be a woodcutter forever. I wanna do more and see more. 'specially with Crayus dead, village'll be fine." Soon, though he begins to fidget, even as Asher and River relax more and more.

"Your 'pa wants you to leave? That's no good." Asher frowns, remembering how his father treated the boy. He looks to River and thinks. "There's a lot of kids that live in and around the castle that don't have parents but are trained to become soldiers and knights. You can do that if you're interested. You'd find many friends with us too."

"Nope, my pa wants me to stay. Sir Tomas wants me to leave." Pylom rolls over, gently, so that he's facing Asher. He reaches out, stroking the leopard prince's fur on his chest and stomach. "Pa doesn't like Sir Tomas or most folks from Aigua. He wasn't happy last time y'all were here."

River rolls over as well, resting his head against Pylom's back and draping an over the boy's chest. "It doesn't matter what he thinks or like. If you want to leave, that's your choice. He has no power over me." Asher kisses him on his head.

The wizard beside Pylom asks, "I hope I'm not offending you by asking, but... Is your father abusive towards you?"

Pylom shakes his head. Behind him, River cast a small, quick spell giving him a small, glowing orb in his hand. He uses the light to examine Pylom's back. He frowns and douses the light as he notices bruises and small cuts. Some are fresh, but many are healed. Neither Asher nor Pylom notice the light. "Naw, he don't abuse me. He just teaches me right from wrong and to show respect. He doesn't really like Garallen, either. He just doesn't like strangers."

"Well, anyone that whips your back like that doesn't know right from wrong, Pylom." River sits up, handing him his tea cup.

"Tomorrow, you'll come with us." Asher cuddles with him some more. Eventually, both of the boyfriends fall asleep together. Pylom is unable to fall asleep though after being sober and drinking the tea from earlier. He stumbles out of their room, walks around with just his tunic on, then hears Garallen speaking to himself. Not speaking... Playing with himself. Out of curiosity, Pylom peaks in before stepping inside. He finds the much older man stroking his cock in the dimly lit room.


"Woah... If that isn't the largest cock I've seen." Pylom's mouth hangs open in surprise as he walks over to the mattress and sits on the edge of the bed. "I thought you would be feeling a bit lonely tonight. Everyone else has someone to sleep with except you."

Garallen smiles. He shifts to his side and moves beck from the edge of the bed. "They're all together as couple. Toby and Hunter are even married. I gather they married each other just before embarking on the mission. River and Prince Asher seem to have fallen in love on the way to the shrine. And Tomas and Ythl used to be together during the last war. They seem to be reconciling." He grins, reaching out and playing with Pylom's fingers. "They've been very kind to me, and we've had great fun. Just like you and Asher and River. Besides, I'm used to being alone."

"But... Do you like being alone?" Pylom moves his hand to his penis, letting him feel it grow hard. He puts his arms behind his back, breaking apart knots in his long hair as he looks at Garallen before sitting up a bit closer to him. "Maybe we could be together just for a night or something. What do you think?"

"If you would like to, there's more than enough room for you." Garallen pats the mattress, inviting Pylom to crawl into bed next to him. "We don't have to fuck or suck, I heard you earlier having fun with the others. We can just lay here together. Or more."

The woodcutter boy moves to rest away from him, but takes his hand, forcing it to feel at his skin. Truthfully, it's Pylom who doesn't want to be alone more than him. "We had lots of fun, but I didn't get to bottom at all. Didn't you play with Frederick the last time you visited here? I'm guessing it must be you. He told me he wasn't a virgin because he played with an older mage once before." Pylom moves around, feeling along Garallen's chest hairs, intrigued by their difference in age.

Garallen rolls onto his back. He rests one hand under the back of his head, the other he strokes Pylom's hair and cheek. "Frederick, ah, yes. We did have some time together. We shared our bodies. It was very nice." He frowns. "I didn't see him tonight." His frown eases into a smile. "Feel free to explore, Pylom." He reaches up, grabbing a wine skin hanging from a peg in the wall. He takes a sip and offer the skin to his bedmate. "It's decent wine, not very strong. Don't worry, I'm not trying to get you drunk or trick you into drinking a potion."

Pylom sits up. He drinks from it but makes a strange face after swallowing it down. "Yuck! No more of that." He sticks out his tongue at him as both of his hands begins to stroke Garallen's cock. Slowly, he moves his head down and licks the shaft, taking his time to coat it with his spit before tonguing around the head. "It's so large. I wonder if I can fit it all in my mouth."

"All you can do is try, my boy." Garallen runs his hand over Pylom's back. He sits up for a moment, looking at Pylom's skin. He felt the scars. Now that he sees them, he sighs but doesn't say anything. He's seen what happens to boys in small, isolated villages. Punishments come quick and easily and are delivered without much thought. "Just relax and don't force it. You know, you're a beautiful boy." He leans back, folding and wedging his pillow so he can watch as Pylom works his cock. "I'll suck you later, and fuck you if you'd like, but I want to watch this for a while...Mmmm..."

Since it's so big, it takes him much longer to adjust his mouth and jaw to sucking him off. He spends a few minutes just sucking and licking the head while stroking him, eventually getting a third of the way down the shaft. When his jaw begins to ache Pylom takes a break by attending to his sack and balls, tasting each testicle in his mouth, inhaling the smell of the much older man, making sure every pubic hair has been wet down by his tongue. Once he's ready, he goes back to sucking him off, finally reaching the halfway mark. His eyes remain shut for most of the job while his own erection remains hard. Pylom works on it as if it were a candy stick that never loses its flavor. By the time he can deepthroat him it has already been a matter of a half an hour. Every time that he senses that Garallen is about to cum he stops, kissing around his cock and rubbing his nipples. Eventually, Pylom stops, taking his spot on the left side of the bed and strokes his own penis. "I really want you to fuck me if that's ok. I'd like to have you suck me off too. Maybe we could sleep together as well?"

Smiling, Garallen leans over, resting a hand on Pylom's breast. He squeezes gently, rubbing the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He moves in to kiss the boy, pausing an inch or so from his mouth to see if Pylom objects. Pylom raises his head so that his lips meet Garallen's and his youthful tongue darts into the older man's mouth. The pair kiss deeply. Garallen's hand slides down over the boy's tummy finally cupping and caressing his hairless crotch and cock. The mage can taste the other boy's on Pylom's breath. "You kiss nicely. Have you ever been fucked by a man?" Garallen moves down, kissing the boy's neck.

"Yeah..." Pylom blushes, thinking about the older man that he has been with, but decides not to go into detail. "But I'd rather not talk about it. Can I consider you my first true and real older man?" They kiss again before he allows Garallen to shift further down to his stomach. He whimpers as his belly button is kissed, knowing what's about to come.

The mage slowly kisses his way to Pylom's stomach and belly button. His hands are surprisingly gentle and warm. He feels along the boy, his legs, his knees, caressing his hip bones, the inside of his thighs. All the while, his wet, hot kisses get closer and closer to the pale, smooth erection. "I would be honored to be your first. I'll try and make this something we both enjoy."

When he reaches his dick, he takes the head into his mouth, His tongue roams over the strawberry head, feeling along the pee slit and along the edges where the head meets the shaft. One hand is on Pylom's chest, squeezing his boob and nipple. The other hand is between the boy's legs, massaging the inside of his thighs and teasing his balls. "You taste like the Prince and River, but better."

"So you've had sex with them too, huh?" Pylom chuckles, then his head falls back as he moans. "Ahhh, fuck yeah. How is it better? Because I'm dirtier? Maybe it's because I've had both of their asses and mouths on my cock already and that's what you're tasting." He plays with his hair, counting grays as he's getting sucked off.

"It's better because you're a woodcutter's boy in a village no one's ever heard of. Asher's a sweet boy, but he's a prince. He tastes like a prince. Fancy. Like perfumed soap. River is a wizard, and tastes almost like a prince." He takes Pylom's dick deep into his mouth, sticking his tongue beyond his lips the lick his balls. He takes several long, deep strokes sliding the boy's dick into his mouth, burying his nose in Pylom's hairless pubis before pulling back to tongue the head. "You taste like a boy should. Has anyone ever told you that you are amazing?"

"Only Asher and his friends. That's why I'm coming with them and leaving this place." He looks down, watching as the older man worships his young and hairless cock, which is large for his age. In his mind, he imagines that his will grow to be just as long as Garallen's at some point. "You're pretty amazing to me."

"Me?" Garallen pauses, gently kissing around the base of Pylom's dick. "I'm just a mage. An anthro raven who tends to find himself in places where he's needed." He shifts so that he can kiss the boy's stomach. "You think I'm amazing?"

"Yeah... I've heard stories of you. They travel from village to village - the raven who saves those that are lost. Saving families or boys and girls that seek refuge. You're their hero." Pylom smile gleefully as he reaches his arms around the older man, kissing his face before reaching down to stroke his massively large cock. "That makes you one of the most amazing people in the world to me."

Garallen hugs Pylom tightly. "That's the nicest thing I've heard in a long, long time. If you ever want to learn magic, I would be proud to teach you." He smiles as he wraps his hand around Pylom's cock, squeezing and giving it a pull. "But right now, we have more fun things to do." He grins and slow kisses the head, lazily swirling his tongue around the delicious glans. He adjusts his own legs, giving the boy more room to arrange himself for however he chooses to engage the mage's cock. "Sleep with me when we're done. I'd like that very much."

The boy cuts him off with a finger to his lips, leaning forward and moving him onto his back. He moves down just enough for both of their cocks to rub against each other and then proceeds to kiss him. Garallen's hands glide around his hips as the woodcutter humps him, moaning into his shoulder. "Just lie back and enjoy yourself for now. I'll do all of the work." After a few minutes of teasing him, Pylom moves down, holding the cock with both hands as he sucks on the head. One hand rustles into the mound of pubic hair, pinching at bunches of it or simply rubbing his hand along it while his mouth works on his knob. He lowers his mouth far enough that he can smell his pubes. Spit is spread out and stuck all over his cock as he blows him with full intention of getting him as dirty as possible. After five minutes or so, he moves to the side and into Garallen's bad, finding a jar of grease. "Seems like every man in the world has a jar of this good ol' stuff somewhere in their bags. Whoever sells it must be as rich as all of the kings combined." The two of them laugh.

Pylom doesn't need to finger himself, but does so anyway and coats Garallen's erect cock before standing above it. Slowly, he kneels down, using one hand to guide the member into him. He moans as the head enters. "Fuck yeah. This is gonna be awesome. Watch me. Don't close your eyes and fantasize about the others you've been with." He spreads out his armpits and balances, lowering himself even further down. The muscles in his legs tighten, showing how strong he is. He sways his hair in front of him and lets it rest over his chest. Pylom lets out a heavy and long moan as his ass finally takes all eight plus inches into him. His cock throbs and his sensitive prostate makes his entire body quiver in bliss. He begins to move, albeit slowly, putting on a show as he proudly shows off his youthful body.

Garallen watches, entranced. He gasps as his cock head rubs against Pylom's prostate, his pleasure gland. He bucks his hips up slightly, moving his cock to meet the boy's welcoming ass. "By the blue skies! You are magnificent." He does as he was told, watching the boy work his cock. Once the boy has him balls deep, the mage reaches out, brushing the hair from Pylom's face. "I want to see your face as you fuck me by riding my cock." He runs one hand down over the boy's smooth chest, pinching his nipples and tugging on each one gently. He grabs Pylom's cock as it twitches. He strokes a half dozen times before grabbing the tight ballsack beneath it. He squeezes carefully, watching Pylom's reaction. "You are a beautiful, incredible boy, Pylom."

"Nnnhhh.... So big. Fuck." The words from his old friend come in one ear and out the other. His body is too overwhelmed by pleasure to even make sense of what he's saying. After fucking two of his friends earlier he knew that he would have a few days of being emotionally stunted into a state of pure relaxation. Now with Garallen, he faces a whole week of happiness. Sex like this completely rewires his brain. "I'm gonna go faster now. Then I want you to fuck me hard and cum inside of me." Pylom begins to move more, using one hand behind him to make sure his cock doesn't slip out as he shifts high enough to the head and all of the way back down to the pubis in a single second. His face, hair, chest, and hairless pits all begin to sweat as he overworks himself into this intense position. Seeing Garallen's face excited by him only makes him more confident in himself. Eventually, he gasps for air, getting it with a tongue kiss, then moves far enough that Garellan's cock pops right out of him. "Holy fuck. I can't imagine what this is going to be like."

"I think you'll enjoy it. If you're ready to be fucked silly by this old man, lay on your back, dear boy." Garallen smiles and kisses Pylom. He wraps his arms around the boy and rolls both of them over so that Pylom is on his back and Garallen lays on top of him. The mage braces himself on his elbows, keeping most of his weight off of the boy. When he finally breaks the kiss, they are both smiling. "If I start to hurt you, you must tell me." Garallen drapes the boy's legs over his shoulders, Py's ankles resting just beside Garallen's ears. Climbing on his knees, he uses one hand to guide his cock, the other to brace himself. He runs the head of his cock along Pylom's ass crack a few times before resting it against the boy's welcoming hole. He pushes in enough ease his head inside. "Alright. Get ready."

Garallen leans forward, sliding his cock into Pylom. They both moan. He takes a few long strokes before leaning forward more. Pylom's ass lifts off of the bed a bit, the mage braced now on his toes and fists, his entire weight aimed through his dick. Through his dick into the boy beneath him. He lets his weight force his cock into Pylom, withdrawing slowly. He repeats, letting the weight of his body push his cock deep into the boy. He begins to accelerate his pace. Always, he watches Pylom's face.

Pylom's mouth stays open for the majority of the time, revealing his moans of pleasure and gasps of wondrous excitement that take him to places he's never been to before. And to think that he thought anal for the first time would be the end all epitome of his sexual experiences! He giggles, in disbelief by how wonderful it feels. His hands barely hold onto him while his legs remain still. He kisses Garallen's neck and sucks on it, leaving hickies. "Faster... Please. It doesn't hurt."

"As you wish." Garallen kisses Pylom deeply. His long tongue almost reaches the boy's voice box in the back of his throat. As he breaks the kiss, he increases his speed, lifting his whole body, then letting it fall, driving his cock deep. His balls slap against Pylon's flesh, a loud clapping sound reverberating through the house.

Garallen picks his speed. His cock goes in balls deep with every thrust. Faster and faster he goes His chest and face drip sweat onto the boy beneath him. His breath comes fast but controlled. Like an athlete, he breaths in response to his effort. And his effort is almost mind-blowing. He fucks Pylom deeper, harder, and faster than anyone ever has. Their combined moans and the slapping from the collisions of their bodies from the soundtrack for their lust. Soon, he feels his balls tightening. He's getting close. "Heh . . .Inside you still?"

Somehow, he's able to respond, and he does so loudly with a sense of urgency. "My face! All over me!" His eyebrows raise as he pants and whines, stunned by how powerful Garallen is. It's obviously not his first time fucking someone his age this hard.

Garallen's head arches back. He forces his eyes to Pylom's face. "Yes." He grunts more than speaks the word. He fucks Pylom hard another minute or so. Without warning he pulls out of the boy, spreading Pylom's legs out of the way. He brings one of his legs up and moves higher over Pylom's body. HIs cock, huge and almost purple, is only inches from the boy's face. As he looks, Pylom can see the cock, huge from this angle, dominating over him. Past it, Garallen's chest, his hair there wet with sweat. Further up, the mage's face, streaked with sweat that drips down onto Pylom. The mage's eyes are fixed intently on Pylom's eyes.

The man reaches down, stroking his cock. The first glimmer of cum shines at the pee slit. The glob grows before Pylom's entranced eyes. Suddenly, the glob shoots towards the boy's face and Garallen cries out. "Uunngghh! Py!" The mage strokes his cock, Pylom reaches up, squeezing the mage's nuts, drawing his nails down over the mage's left hip bone. Angry red welts rise up and bleed slightly from Pylom's scratch. Still, Garallen strokes his cock, milking himself on the sweet face beneath him, adjusting his aim to splash cum over the boy's chest and stomach.

Loads of semen cover his face and chest. He's never seen anyone cum that much in his entire life. In his mind, he tries to wager if it's because he's just able to do that or if he was the reason he came that much. The fluid is still warm and sticky, drooling down his chin and chest. He licks his lips, falling back on the sheets as he focuses on the taste. He's beyond exhausted. "Don't clean all of it up. Let some of it dry up on me." He sticks his tongue out as Garallen cuddles up close to him, pinching his dick and kissing him all over. "Looks like you saved another boy."

Garallen returns the kisses with kisses of his own, including some where he licks his cum from Pylom's nipples. He holds the boy close, his jizm drying on both them as their chests and stomachs touch. "Or a boy saved me. Who can tell?" He runs a hand through Pylom's hair, which is wet with perspiration. "It doesn't matter, really. We saved each other. I like it that way best. I hope I was good enough for you."

"Are you kidding me? That was the best I've had in my entire life." The exhaustion is too strong. Pylom cuddles up on his chest, shutting his eyes and slowly falling into a nap. "Must be all of your healing powers. Ohh.... Nighty night, Garallen. Your chest hairs are so soft." He gives all of his energy into kissing his chest a few more times before drifting off into the best sleep he's ever had.


The next morning, Garallen wakes up before Pylom. He lays there with the boy curled up in his arms. Pylom's head rests on Gar's chest and the mage lowers his face into the boy's hair. He closes his eyes, feeling his soft hair against his face and breathing in his smell. It's not long before the boy stirs. "Good morning, little man."

Pylom looks up at Garallen and smiles. He yawns and stretches his arms. He cuddles against the older man. "Morning, raven-mage." He climbs on top of Garallen and exchanges morning kisses for a few minutes. They eventually rise and dress. Quietly the go out behind the house to relieve themselves. When they come back in, the other boys are stirring.

The troop eagerly brews coffee. Pylom heads into the village, returning with word that breakfast will be served shortly. Sure enough, after the boys have had their first cup and brushed their teeth and dressed, some of the village women arrive with trays of food. Eggs, bacon, biscuits, gravy, potatoes. It's veritable feast. The boys eat well, thanking the women.

The men are working in the forest, mostly. The boys gather their gear and head to fetch their horse. The elder, Pylom's father is waiting at the stable. Tomas pulls Asher aside before the approach. Garallen hangs back with them.

"I'd like to bring Pylom with us. I don't think he belongs here. There's something about him." Tomas whispers to Garallen and Asher.

Garallen nods. "I agree. We should offer him the chance at a better life. As a servant or soldier. Or even as a mage. He seems to have won us all over to him."

"But what are we supposed to say to his father? What if he tries to hurt him before he goes?" He speaks with urgency. "His back has bruises and scars from being beaten. Maybe we should... Just shove our blades right through his father's face and call it a day."

"That's not happening. We'll work it out." Tomas grins, somewhat interested in the suggestion. "Go check on the husbands and see if they're ready to head out. I want to make it to the kingdom by sunset."

Asher runs off, finding Toby and and Hunter together, just finishing the last touches on their bags. Hunter shares a cup of coffee with his boyfriend as they hurry themselves and follow behind the prince. The three of them speak of the fun they had last night, diving into details about fucking and drunken cuddling.

Garallen places a hand on Tomas' shoulder. "No need to worry. I think we can convince his father to let him come with us. If he thinks he can hurt Pylom or raise a hand against him in front of us." He pauses and his eyes narrow. "It would be a grave mistake on his part."

The mage and Tomas approach the man, as Pylom leads their horse out. He's saddled and loaded and ready to go, neighing excitedly. The elder greets the pair.

"Sir Tomas, Garallen. I hope you had a pleasant night." Pylom's father glances to his son when he says the word 'pleasant'. "We've added some food and wine to your load. We know it's a day or less to the palace, but we haven't gold or gems to offer as thanks for defeating Crayus." He looks at Tomas. "The other men and I will discuss your proposal tonight. We'll send word once we've arrived at a decision."

"There won't be any proposal." Tomas stops him. "Pylom has made his decision on his own. Also, we don't feel as if he's in the best state of care with you either. The boy states that he's simply being disciplined, but I see otherwise - how you bicker to him, how you've beaten him. That's an offense punishable by death." He waits to see the mans response. Behind him, Asher and the others are coming up closer. They pass them by and meet up with Pylom's horse. River and Ythl are the last of the two to approach the group, all waiting on Tomas and Garallen to take care of the situation at hand. "So I'll make this deal. It's a one time offer. You'll let him come with us or we can have you executed right now for child abuse before taking him with us anyway. It's your decision, sir."

The man gives Tomas a sour look. He sucks on his teeth for a moment. Pylom holds tightly to the horses reigns, trying to shrink himself out of the conflict. Finally the elder speaks to Tomas. "This village isn't part of Aigua. How I discipline my boy is up to me and his mother. If you ever have children, you'll understand." he stares at Tomas. "You may be good with a sword and have a fancy title. But you're still a child. Pylom wouldn't be any better off playing sleep over with you than he is here. Besides, I've a good idea what your interest in him is."

Tomas tenses, his hand falling to his sword hilt. Before he can speak or do anything, Garallen places a hand on his arm. "Easy, Tomas." He looks at the man. The raven mage speaks softly, but there's an edge to his voice. "Sometimes, your discipline goes too far. Be that as it may, Pylom had told us that he wants to see the world, to be something more. You likely had the same thoughts when you were his age. But you never had a choice to do other than you have. He has that choice and that chance. He's a lucky boy. Don't resent him for that. Let him come with us and try to build a better life. As a friend and servant to a prince. As a soldier. Or as an apprentice mage. Let him have the life you never could."

Ythl whispers to River. "He's good. He understands these people more than any of us could."

The man looks at Garallen. Then to Tomas. Finally to Pylom. "Is that what you want, boy? The chance at a better life?"

Pylom nods, shivering and fearful of what his father may say or do in response to him. Finally, he speaks up with a shiver in his voice. "I want my life to have meaning. I'd like to save other's lives, be of service to the kingdom."

The man nods. He kneels down and embraces his son. Looking into his eyes, he hold the boy's face in his hands. "You know I love you, boy. Pylom nods If this is what you want. Your mother has always said you had a wonderer's soul. Alright, go home, say goodbye to your mother and fetch your things."

Pylom's face lights up. He takes two steps towards his home. He stops and throws himself into his father's arms for a moment. Then he smiles and runs off. The elder follows him, walking more slowly.

Tomas sighs. "Whew. That was easier than I thought it might be. So, is Pylom becoming a servant? A soldier? What?"

"Let him decide for himself." Asher answers, smiling as he sees the boy run off to speak with his mother. "He can stay at the castle until he's made a decision. If he wants to be a soldier or knight, then I'll train him with the best of the best. Same if he wants to learn under mages and become a wizard. We'll make him great."

River sits up on his own horse, thinking of what the king will do with him when he finds out his true nature. His boyfriend jumps up and sits behind him, rubbing his face on his back and cuddling close. The wizard kisses his prince once, then continues to fall deeper into his thoughts. 'And what if I can't live with Asher? What then?'

A half hour later, Pylom returns from his home with a bag of his own goods. He hops onto his own horse. Garallen joins him. The young boy cries both happily and painfully into the older man's chest, then gives one final wave off to his father.

His father steps close, resting a hand on Pylom's legs. "Try to stay safe, boy. Son. Come back when you can. To visit your mother if nothing else." Then he looks at Garallen. "Keep him safe as you can." The mage nods.

"Let's go." Tomas leads the group out of the village and towards home.

The boys pretend to not notice Pylom crying into Garallen's chest. They each think back to the first time they left their own families. Hunter and Toby walk hand in hand. On his horse, River and Prince Asher hold each other. Even Tomas and Ythl hold hands as they walk. Garallen holds Pylom, stroking his hair and cooing to him. "I know. I know, Pylom. It's hard to leave. We'll come back. I promise."

The group makes good time. They know the route home. The idea of being home urges them to a quicker pace. After an hour or so, Pylom has settled down. He rides in front of Garallen, leaning back into him. He points and laughs at each new sight. Each new animal. Each new birdcall. Each new type of fern or tree spurs a dozen questions. Garallen answers them all patiently. Without thinking, Pylom slides his hand back turning slightly so that he can hold the mage's package, warm and soft, in his hand.


The group slows, opting to eat lunch on the move. As they eat, Pylom asks them all a question. "What am I going to do? You all have boyfriends already. Am I going to live in the palace? Or what?"

Hunter and Toby prepare and cook their lunch, which is festive, full of meats, seafood and salads for them all. They eat quickly, even standing up as they eat. As much as they wanted to take their time getting back, the boys are tired of travelling after such intense battles to and at the shrine.

Asher answers the boys question while standing across from him with a bowl in one hand. "You will stay at my palace until you've decided what you'd like to do. One option is to be a servant at the castle, doing any chores you'd like or being a guard. If you'd like something more interesting, I can have Tomas set you up with some people to train with so that you could become a knight or soldier. Maybe you could visit Hunter and Toby's village and learn from them as well! Chances are that you'll live in the castle or around it with your own bedroom no matter the job you choose to take. Oh, you could even become Ythl's student if you'd like! I'm taking a guess that Garallen will be leaving shortly after we make the report to my father."

River bounces in excitement. "A new student? Yes, please! We'd love to have you with us."

Pylom eats quietly. His mind is almost overwhelmed with the changes his life is undergoing. He woke yesterday morning as a poor, peasant boy. The son of a woodcutter, destined to grow up, live, and die in the same village doing the same work as his father. Now? The Prince of Aigua is promising him a room in a palace! Training as a knights! Or a wizard! It's almost too much, nerves and fear rise in his stomach. He feels as if he's about to cry. Just then, he feels a reassuring touch as Garallen wraps an arm around him, resting his hand over Pylom's heart. The boy leans back into the mage. For the first time, he thinks about what he'd like for his life.

The group pushes on, travelling quickly. Thoughts of home and all of its comforts speed their way. The pass through the Wall of Flowers, each of them watching Pylom's amazed reaction to the barrier that defends the kingdom. All thoughts of the future vanish as the pass through the living barrier that has withstood the flame and fire of armies.

Once through the wall, they see an anthro transform into a hawk and fly for the palace, likely carrying word of the return of Prince Asher and his party. It is just before dusk when the enter the town surrounding the palace.

Constructed buildings line the streets, but just back from the roadways, huge trees and giant mushrooms have been grown for centuries to include rooms and chambers for entire families. The roads and streets are tight packed earth, covered with tough mosses that can withstand the traffic of wagon wheels, horses, and pedestrians. Flowers are grown seemingly everywhere. In pots and planters, marking the edges of the roads. The change from daffodils to marigolds to posies shows the change from family home to family home as each family grows their own garden-scape. Yet, everything feels harmonious. Complimentary.

After the dangers and losses of their quest, Asher and Tomas both feel their hearts swell. They're home. They made it. As they approach the palace, servants and soldiers meet them, taking their packs and gear, welcoming one and all as long missed friends and heroes.

Masses of guards, soldiers and others outside, nearby and inside of the castle erupt in applause and excitement. Their mission was mostly a secret until people noticed that Asher was gone. Eventually, the King told them of the mission and it spread like wildfire. Even the Prince himself is quite shocked by how loud they are - they don't even know that they defeated Crayus and his army yet! Aigua will surely be festive in the days to come.

Tomas and Asher lead the way inside of the main hall, where women rush in and begin cleaning their faces and arms. An older lady pleads. "You must change! Look how dirty you all are. Change of clothes?"

"Not right now, Salanderai. We must speak with my father immediately." The Prince looks to Pylom for a moment. "You'll need to stay here with her. I know you already know more than them, but this is of private matters now." Pylom nods his head, hugging his older friend before going away with the women. She tells him not to worry, because he will be cleaned and dressed by the time that they're done.

The group of seven make their way upstairs, then into the main hall's open doors where the King sits at his throne. He blinks multiple times to make sure it's really them, then stands in excitement. "My son! You've returned. All of you! Did it work?"

The prince begins to shapeshift. His tail wavers around as he scratches at his fur, which is uncomfortable in the gear he's in. Unlike his father, his color and fur is lighter, not like the black leopard that raised him. "Yes, the shrine was of great use to us indeed. We encountered many troubles along the way but fought together and survived them all. Worst of all, we came across Crayus and his men at the shrine. They ambushed us and seemed to have the upper hand, but somehow, we were able to pull through."

"We pulled through because we learned what it means to work as a team." Hunter steps in, holding hands with his husband. "All of us learned to use each other's unique skills to become better and stronger. Through this, we were able –"

"Able to kill Crayus and his men." Asher looks to Tomas, who holds a black cloth holding something in both of his hands.

The King smiles and descends the steps. He stops in front of his son. A leopard! I had hoped, but one never knows. He beams with pride as he engulfs his son in warm embrace. He hugs and holds Asher tightly. He whispers. "I love you, son. I am proud of you."

He releases Asher, wiping his face. He smiles at the others, stepping to Tomas and hugging him as well. They hold each other for a moment, the King kissing Tomas' cheek. "It worked, Sir Tomas?"

Tomas nods. He kneels down, laying his bundle on the floor. He unwraps it, revealing Crayus' severed head. "It worked perfectly, Your Majesty. As you predicted, he fell for it completely and it was the opening I needed. With Hunter's sword. . .well, you see the result."

The King regards the head. He spits on it. "Take this to the Arcania. I wish it preserved that we may have a reminder of the threat the traitor and his cult posed to our people."

Guards rush forth and take the head away.

Tomas clears his throat. King Geralt looks at him and nods. Tomas gestures to the others. "Each of us fought bravely and well. As Hunter says, our teamwork saved us. That and some good fortune." He nods towards Garallen. "We found unexpected help along the way. Garallen proved himself a true friend."

Geralt nods, approaching Garallen. Garallen bows to the King. "It's been a few years, Your Majesty."

"Yes, it has. You've aged well, Geralt. It's been. . .what? Ten years?" Geralt and Garallen shakes hands warmly. "I was sorry to hear of Tessa and the twins. I wanted to come, but. . ." The King holds his hands out to his side.

"I know. She knew. You had other things on your mind, Highness." Garallen looks at Asher. "Your boy is quite the little spitfire. I can see his mother in him. He never gave in, never lost hope, never shirked his duty. He is your son, through and through."

Geralt smiles. "Well, you must tell me all about it! Spare no details. Come, all of you, come."

The King leads the group to a private chamber. A large table fills the center of the room, with comfortable chairs surrounding. He gestures for everyone to sit. Servants bring wine and water along with bowls of fruit. The King sits. "Tell me everything. Sit, drink, rest. But tell me your tale."

"After we left Cantos, we ended up near a village of woodcutters. Oh, I must interrupt this tale, but it's important to note that a boy from that specific place is here with us. I'd like for him to live with one of the other boys here in the castle." Asher looks for his approval, then continues. "We ended up in a haunted forest."

Ythl chimes in. "It had been cursed by dark magic by none other than Charictux himself. There was once a shrine there and when Crayus and his men attacked it, they used it has a ripple to turn the entire area into a zone for traps and death. Zombies and many other beings encountered us, but were of no avail. We came across the priest of the Shrine, whom had been corrupted and brainwashed by the dark wizard. He has defeated. River and I were able to reverse the effects, saving the forest and letting it return to its natural habitat."

"Further on, we encountered a horrible storm." Toby intervenes. "We slept in an ancient cave with relics and drawings from ages ago. Giant spiders came out through the walls and almost had us all dead. That's when we fled and ended up right in the middle of a gang of Crayus's men and women. It was tough, but that's when we met Garallen, who helped us defeat the enemy at hand."

Garallen nods. "Around the time that I found them poor River was getting very, very sick. At one point, the boy had even drowned and we thought he was dead, but somehow he made it back out of the riverstream. We made it to the temple and met with his aunt and her wife. Everything seemed to be going well until Crayus and his men somehow found where we were and released hellfire." He looks to River, who chooses not to speak. The blue-haired boy is fearful of what the king will thing when he finds out what his true form is.

There's a moment of silence before Hunter speaks. "It was absolute chaos. The lieutenant had murdered River's aunt and seemed to have also killed River at one point. We fought for our lives. He had around fifty plus people fighting us all. Tomas and I faced off against Crayus, Prince Asher and my husband Toby faced the army, while getting help every once in a while, when possible. Ythl, River's aunt and Garallen fought against the dark wizard and lieutenant. Garallen killed Charictux, but things were still chaotic. The army was too strong and Woltot, being the beast he was, was unbelievably fast, running from battle to battle. He... He killed my husband." Hunter squeezes Toby's hand, kissing him on the forehead. "And in doing so he was able to cut off Woltot's arm. That gave the others just what they needed to kill Woltot."

Another pause, as everyone looks to River. Tomas takes up the hefty task of engorging the details. "River had came from out of the healing pools in his shapeshifted form completely healed... As a water dragon. Not a small dragon. A massive one. He killed most of the army. Hunter and I were fighting Crayus and got some damage to his armor, but Hunter's rage had led to him getting hurt. As Garallen healed him, he told me to use his sword, knowing it would destroy his armor and blade, whereas any other we had wouldn't stand a chance. By his sword, I was able to strip him of his armor and end him, along with some other tricks up my sleeve..."

Garallen continues on. "River's aunt, Lorelai, was able to use a ritual with the healing pools to revive Toby, but at the expense of twenty years from Hunter's life. We spent a week at the shrine healing and cleaning up, gave Lilia a service as well, then left back to the kingdom."

King Geralt nods slowly. He doesn't say anything for a few moments as he looks from boy to boy. "So, it was not without cost. I am heartfelt sorry for your aunt's wife, Lilia." He looks at River. "And you died, nearly, twice. And your form is as a water dragon. That is . . . unexpected."

He asks questions, getting more details on their travels and battles. He listens closely, nodding along with the party's answers. It is nearly an hour before he seems satisfied. "Well, I was concerned that you would encounter Crayus. Fortunately, Tomas and I had planned for such a battle. I am pleased that our plans were successful and that you're all safe and well. I will consider your words and I am sure we will talk more. But tonight, there will be feast to celebrate your return and your defeat of Crayus."

He stands, and Tomas and Asher rise immediately, the others standing when they realize they're supposed to. "I am in each of yours debt. Think on what that means. The feast begins in one hour, until then, you'll be shown to quarters near Asher's rooms. I'll let you rest and see you all for the celebrations."

Servants arrive to show each of the boys to their chambers. Toby and Hunter a given a shared room, of course. The others are given comfortable rooms in the same wing of the palace as Prince Asher's room. Tomas hangs back to speak with the King.

"Your Majesty, there is another matter." Tomas waits for the others to leave.

The King finishes plotting out some notes before he stands to face Tomas. He sizes him up and down, changing his smile to a curious grin. "Yes, Tomas?"

"The woodsmen village that we stayed at one our way out and back. . .They swear to no king or ruler." He sits on the edge of the table, near the King. "When they heard that we had killed Crayus, their council was very grateful. I think if you send an emissary, they are open to joining the kingdom. The son of their Elder came with us. You'll meet him at the feast, I'm sure. He's a good boy. Asher's taken a shine to him, but Asher's in love with River." he bites his lower lip. "And I must ask a boon, a favor of you, Your Highness. Ythl and I have found a spark still burns between us. I would like your permission to see if it can fanned into a full flame."

"I see...." He frowns and sighs. The King pauses for a moment, thinking it over, then places a hand on Tomas. "You ended your relationship to prove your loyalty to me. You killed Crayus to show your loyalty to me. You brought all of these people together, even strangers from another village. Do you still pledge to serve me for the rest of your life? And I don't mean by what we've done in my quarters."

Tomas drops to one knee. "I shall always serve Aigua, Her King, and Prince Asher. I . . . I just want more in my life than duty." He drops his head, ashamed of himself for his weakness.

"Stand at once." The King speaks loudly, almost in anger, but soon shows otherwise. "By my orders, he will move in with you here in the castle, along with his students. That includes River and his other student and his father. I will not allow you to live outside of it. You have my permission to be with him, marry him if you do so, but at some point... You will need to have children of your own. We will set that up when the time comes. Is that all?"

Tomas almost shoots to his feet. He smiles and stammers for a moment before throwing his arms around the King. He hugs him tightly, crying softly. After a moment, he wipes his face and steps back. "Let's see. Escorted Asher to a shrine and saw him and River healed. Check. Fought Crayus and defeated him as you planned. Check. Began negotiations to add the woodcutter village to Aigua. Check. Saw Asher safely home. Check. Yes, sire, that's everything." He laughs. "Ythl is very well endowed. And he likes bottoming. And he likes being the center of a thee-way. If Your Majesty is interested." Tomas grins. "Thank you, sire."

The King chuckles, holding a hand on his shoulders as they walk out of the room. "Good to know. Now relay the information to your boyfriend at once!" He slaps his ass before they take their separate ways.

Meanwhile, Prince Asher shows River around his large bedroom, including the circular mattress and the beautiful view of the mountains in front of them. A boy around River's age helps the two of them change into much fancier clothes that also fit their personality. River is given a tight suit, dark and blue, while Asher is dressed in jewels, bracelets, loose clothing but rich fabrics that allow him comfort in his shapeshifted leopard form. "It's so huge and beautiful! So, do you think that I'll actually get to live here?"

Asher's father bursts into the room, speaking before his son can. "Yes, you will. I've already made arrangements for Ythl, his father and the other student to move in at once. They're already being invited to the party."

"Are you serious?" Asher looks up at his father, jumping on the mattress in excitement. "Wa-hoo! You're living with me! Yeah!"

Geralt hugs Asher, whispering to him, "This doesn't mean you can neglect your studies and training to fuck all of the time, you know." He squeezes Asher's butt before letting him go. "You know, in the wild, males leopards couple with their cubs."

Asher rolls his eyes, having heard it all before a hundred times. "I'll train harder and harder with every passing day. You know that that's how I am."

The blue-haired wizard speaks up softly. "Uhm... King Geralt, I was wondering... So, nothing is going to happen because I'm a dragon?"

The King turns to River. "Ah, I haven't forgotten! A dragon! Legends say that eating a dragon grants immortality so I'm going to eat you all up!" He grabs River, growling. He dissolves into laughter as he begins tickling the dragon-boy. "Well, you being a dragon is unexpected. We will keep you close and safe. My libraries will be scoured to find any clues as to what your powers may be. When word spreads, there will be those who will seek to do you harm. We will stop them. I hope that we can work together so that you can master your form and, perhaps, help protect our people. But, I will not force that upon you. You are rare and beautiful, River. You will be treated that way."

"I must warn you. Asher and I have shared lovers before. If you're willing, we could see if the son has surpassed the father in the bed." He winks at Asher.

River blushes. "It'd be an honor to give myself to you, although I must say that my love for Asher is true and that no matter what, the things I do with him are and always be by far the best experiences I have." He squeezes Asher's hand. "Yes. I'll be of service to you if there ever were an attack, but I must learn about my form and know how to control it before anything else. It's important to me to serve the kingdom as well."

The King touches his hand to River's cheek. "You are a wise boy. Now!" He claps his hands together. and rubs them excitedly. "The party will start soon and I must change clothes. Do not wait for me. Go! And enjoy. I command it!"

Both of the boys put on their last bits of clothing and fix their hair before heading downstairs into the gallery room, while the upstairs area is sealed off. They run into Ythl's father and young Pylom, then find their own seats. Dozens of people try to speak to Asher, but he never leaves River's side as he speaks to them. In fact, he introduces them to his boyfriend.

Hunter and Toby are seated at one of the dinner tables, switching from feasting on a plate of fruit and kissing each other openly as if nobody were there to see. They put their arms together, noticing their braces, a sign of their marriage. "We did it, babe. We really did. I love you."

"I love you too, hun." They continue to kiss until another couple sits down beside them. Ythl is holding Tomas's hand proudly, reddened and surprised. He waves to his father from far away.

The first part of the evening passes easily. The assembled nobility of Aigua is delighted that Prince Asher has taken his form. For him, the celebration is a repeated scene of one noble or another approaching and asking to see him change.

"Prince Asher! My boy, I cannot tell you how happy I am that you're coming of age." A portly anthro, with the ringed tail and black mask of a raccoon, dressed in finery and wearing a chain of office that shows his position as the Chief Magistrate for the Court of King Geralt of Aigua. He pats Asher on the shoulder. "Don't be shy, show me your change." The raccoon undergoes his own change to human then back to anthro.

Asher panics for a moment before remembering the man's name. "Rocald Fogh!" With a sigh the prince changes. "See, Lord Rocald. A leopard, like dad."

The scene repeats itself with any number of other members of his father's court.

River buzzes along with his boyfriend, feeling somewhat out of place even though his lover introduces him to everyone, letting them now that he will be at the castle much more often. Garallen catches eye of Lord Rocald begins to speak with him while Asher is caught with others to speak to.

Meanwhile, Ythl and Tomas chatter with Hunter and Toby about what it will be like when they've returned back to their normal lives. The Cantos boys are a bit sad of having to leave their friends but are promised to get visits every now and then. They drink and toast to love. Right as they finish their glasses another toast is made, this time out loud by the king!

"Ahem!" He speaks up. Some bow while others sit. Only Asher stands with them.

The King stands. He wears fine clothing, both in material and workmanship. It is less ornate and plush than his ceremonial outfits, but he still cuts a handsome figure. Tomas and Asher feel a sense of pride as they hear whispers nearby.

"Oh, the King looks 10 years younger!"

"Gods, he looks as fit as when we went to war against Cruiberg."

"I haven't seen him smile like this in months!"

King Geralt raises his hand, calling for quiet. The room grows quiet as he begins. "Lords, Ladies, gentlefolk, friends. . . I thank you all for being here on such short notice. In particular, I would like to welcome our esteemed guests from the village of Cantos." He gestures to the rear of the great hall, where Hunter and Toby's parents have just entered. The crowd politely applauds as they take tables near them, waving quickly to Toby and Hunter. "I have great news. First, I must introduce our unlikely guests of honor. From Cantos, Toby and his husband Hunter, guide and guard." The crowd applauds politely. "The wizard Ythl, veteran of our wars, and his student, River." The applause is slightly more enthusiastic. "My son, Asher, Crown Prince of Aigua. The Captain of the Prince's Guard, Sir Tomas Murinas." Tomas and Asher stand as the crowd applauds and cheers. Join me up here, boys.

All of them stand and walk towards Asher before moving up to the front and near the King. Asher and River stand to the left, while the two other couples stand to the right. The boys smile to one another and are on the verge of crying, not out of sadness, but out of pride in their kingdom and their own endeavors to work together and survive. At one point, Aigua was hell because of the rebellion by Crayus. Now that he has fallen, Asher and the other boys know that their kingdom will reign stronger than it ever has in a long time. Nothing motivates and empowers people more than a victory by prodigal warriors. Each of their names will forever be sealed into history across the world, including this moment.

The King wraps an arm around Asher's shoulders. He leans over to Tomas, kissing the top of his blond head. "My son, escorted by these boys, journeyed to the holy Shrine of Aranathra. There, he was able to bathe in the healing waters and undergo his change. According to custom as ancient as our beloved Aigua, he is now my sole and unquestioned heir, the Crown Prince of Aigua." The crowd stands and applauds. The King hugs Asher and Tomas moves in and hugs him, too.

As he hugs him, Tomas whispers. "I used to think that you and I would be a couple. I hope we can still play, with permission from our boyfriends, but I love you, Asher." He pulls away, wiping his eyes.

The King continues. "That alone would be cause for celebration. But there is even greater news, though it is tinged with sorrow. The crowd murmurs, wonder what other news there could be. Those few who know, sit quietly, watching their fellows in the audience. While at the Shrine of Aranathra, Asher and his friends were attacked by Crayus the Traitor." Some in the crowd hiss, others gasp in shock. "As you can see, Asher is here. His friends are here. And Crayus is here." Several in the crowd stand, reaching for their swords or changing into their anthro form. A soldier brings Geralt a bundle covered by a purple cloth. The King takes the bundle and holds it out for Asher. He softly instructs, "You and your friends did the deed, you make the announcement and pull back the cloth, son. Prince."

Asher is shocked at first, but then proceeds to nod and takes the bundle accordingly. He pauses for a moment, closing his eyes. Tears run down his face as he thinks about his mother. "In the rebellion, Crayus had killed my mother. He killed River's parents." He leans one hand out to remind them who River is, then to Ythl. "Woltot killed Ythl's mother. His cult of followers murdered hundreds in those few days before leaving. In the years that have passed, thousands have died. Shrines have been destroyed by them, letting anthros that have the genetic disorder unable to change, killing them as well. Coward as he is, he came to us with an advantage while we were in Aranathra. However, he did not succeed, because my friends and I, along with the help of Garallen, he moves his hand once again to point to him in the crowd, were able to kill him and all of his men." Asher removes the cloth, raising the head high before spitting into it. The face rots and even has a few worms in it. "May all the victims finally rest in peace. May Aigua finally begin to heal from the torment that was put on us by one of our own." He drops the head, putting one foot of his shoe on top of it and screaming out. "Aigua is forever strong! Make it clear - any future enemies that dare to attack us will end up with the same fate. Through their hatred, we will stand together and unite!"

The crowd erupts into loud and heavy cheers that seem to only grow louder, which only makes Asher even more vocal. He speaks on the top of his lungs." So tonight, we celebrate! Not just due to the death of Crayus and his men, but to the future of Aigua. Stand! Drink! Dance! Love! Go forth and be the best soul you can be. By the grace of the Gods, we have won!"

All of the other boys clap and turn to Asher. He holds River's hand as they step down and into the crowd.

Prince Asher's words reigned true. Their noble tale spread out through all of the kingdoms before the end of the night. Even their enemies looked up to the few youth that stood up and achieved victory against their foes. A large monument was built of the six boys near the castle to mark history of how these young and brave souls were able to restore pride to Aigua. Celebrations went on for weeks before the kingdom returned to its normal state, but at the same time rates in crime went down and citizens found themselves becoming even more friendly to one another. While another kingdom was planning efforts of war, Aigua had already begun to prepare for the inevitable future to come without any fear, only pride.


Later that night, while the celebration still roared, a message was written. Blood was used as ink, flesh from an anthro as the paper. The message, once written, was burned in a fire of rosewood. Rosewood taken from a holy shrine. Hundreds of miles away, a solitary candle, kept behind glass, ignited. The man who noticed the flare and light smiled, cocking his head to one side. From Aigua? What could be happening there for him to risk a message? Carefully, he removed the candle, preserving its flame. At his desk, he searched through the drawers until he found it. A piece of skin from the same anthro writer of the message used. He dripped wax from the candle onto the skin. Words soon appeared. Nine words. The reader leaned back in his chair, steepling his forefingers together against his lips as he thought, reading the message again.


"Crayus is dead. In Aigua a dragon now dwells."




Thank you all for reading! Please let me know if you liked it. <3