Epic no. 2 -

Journey to Aranathra

Authors note: NO SEX IN THIS CHAPTER. Sorry! This is all about plot right now. There will be plenty more of that stuff later on. Our boy heroes get caught up in some scary situations and must work together to fight a powerful enemy.

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Journey to Aranathra



                Early the next morning, before the sun breaks over the horizon, Tomas wakes. He suffers a moment's disorientation due to the strange bed he wakes up in, but it passes quickly. Looking to his right, Prince Asher still sleeps. Carefully, Tomas creeps out of the blankets, covering his Prince. He stares at the beautiful boy, gently brushing the hair away from the prince's face.

                Quietly, Tomas descends the ladder. On tip-toes, he moves to the fireplace and rekindles the embers, stirring them to bring them to life and light a new log. The morning is chill and the fire will warm the place a bit before everyone else wakes.

                A few minutes later, Pylom awakens and dresses quickly, walking over to Tomas as he digs the gunk out of his tired eyes. “Good morning, sir Tomas. Should I tell the others to get breakfast ready? Anything you'd like in particular?”

                Prince Asher yells from above. “A fruit bowl!” He slaps his hands, remembering that everyone else is still resting, and then he realizes that he's still nude. Pylom looks up at him, grinning excitedly to see his heirs naked body from above. He kneels down and nods his head.

                “Fruit and eggs, with bread, butter, and honey.” Tomas replies. “Do you need help? We'll need water for washing up, too.”

                Asher's shout causes Ythl to stir. He blinks his eyes several times, his arm unconsciously wrapping around River's shoulders and holding him close. Lying on his back, he closes his eyes and moves his free hand through the air, tracing symbols which leave a glowing trail for a few seconds before fading away. He frowns as his hand stills.

                “Is everything ok, Ythl?” River's eyes slowly open as he holds himself up, confused and woken up by the yelling. He puts on his fundoshi from under the sheets before dressing into his blue kimono robe.

                Meanwhile, Pylom rushes outside and works diligently with his parents on preparing the massive breakfast meal for the travelers. They return ten minutes later with a large steel plate, possibly fifteen feet long, almost like a flattened table spread out with food on each side and a diverse selection native fruits at the center of it. Everyone takes their seats, along with Pylom, who nudges himself between Ythl and River, while they all wait for the newly married couple to wake up.

                Ythl ignores River's question at first. Dressing quickly, he takes his staff and goes to the window facing the forest at the back of the house. He spreads his arms wide, muttering in a low voice. The head of his staff glows blue for a moment.

                As he concentrates, a disc of blue light forms on the floor beside him. It's perhaps a foot across, glowing softly as a pale blue. Slowly, black smudges appear along the edges of the disc. It moves towards the center but stops and meanders around the edge. Ythl looks at his friends. “Something came in the night. The wards that River and I erected kept them out of the village.”

                “What do you think it was?” River bends his back uncomfortably as he eats, trying to mimic how easy it is for his younger friend to eat from what feels like off of the floor. Asher lays on his side biting into an apple as he listens to them, raising a curious brow.

                Ythl waves his hand and the blue disc fades. He sits and breathes deeply, pouring himself sweet wine, which he drinks quickly. “I can't be sure, but I think they were dead. Their life force wasn't really a life force at all. More like the opposite of what I'd feel if it were humans or anthros. The risen dead, commanded by something older and more powerful. They tried to enter the village and were able to get past the very edges of our spell, but no further.” He drinks again and begins eating, slowly and carefully. “There weren't many of them, thankfully. And they were intent on this house. On us.”

                “So zombies.” Asher sits up more attentively and grabs for another fruit. “The corrupted wizard that Crayus has with him probably rose the dead on top of all of the other things he's done around here. I'd find it hard to believe that they're targeting us specifically. Not unless his men are that close to us and have already seen our faces, which is literally impossible. They would have killed us and this entire village in our sleep by now if that were the case.”

                As the prince speaks, River reads through his spell book, flipping from one chapter to another. Hunter and Toby enter the bedroom, both of them dressed and still in their anthro forms, which shocks Pylom at first.

                “We should get going as soon as we're finished eating.” Hunter wastes no time in devouring his meal as he speaks. “It's important that we find a safe place for rest at night before the forests get too dark. You know, just in case there are any traps or supernatural creatures that we might run into.”

                Tomas sits and eats quietly. He nods as Hunter speaks but says nothing.

                Ythl moves next to River, going through his own book. The two of them whisper to each other, discussing possible protections they might use at night, and what spells and rituals they may have that would be useful against zombies or other risen dead. “If we hadn't raised that barrier together last night, they might have penetrated the village.”

                “Hunter and I think that we have a route that should help us make good time but avoid the darkest parts of the forest. It won't be easy, but the easiest route would also take the longest for us. . .” Toby eats as he speaks. “The thing that worries me is that my arrows aren't very much help against zombies. No vital organs or anything. Flaming arrows run the risk of setting the woods aflame.”

                “I have a spell that might work for that. Can you grab the arrows for me?” River flips to a certain part of his book, then runs back into his room and finds a string. As he rushes back to the main room, Toby walks over to him and hands him a stack of arrows. The blue haired boy smiles, tying twenty of them together and casts a spell over them. “These bows will cause whatever they hit to turn into ice. There's not much a zombie can do if it's frozen in place, is there?”

                Pylom brings out each of the boys armor and weapons. “Your horse has been brushed, cleaned, and fed.”

                Tomas finishes eating and stands. “Everyone gear up. We leave as soon as everyone is ready. Asher and I will speak with the village elder and warn him about last night. I'd like to be en route in fifteen minutes.”

                As Pylom helps his don his armor, he surprises Tomas with a question. “Can I come with you, Sir? Please.”

                Tomas is surprised. “I . . . I'll have to speak with the Prince and your father, first.” The woodsboys face falls in disappointment.

                Ythl gathers his belongings, and River's, fretting over his apprentice. “Are you sure you feel alright? You're sure?”

                Tomas, his armor fitted and adjusted takes Asher by the arm and heads outside. He stops near the barn, whispering to his Prince. “There is a way that Crayus could know of our journey. You are too trusting, my prince, but Crayus may have spies within your father's castle. If he does, they would have noticed our absence...and who knows what they may have relayed to Crayus. I'm not saying that this is what's happened, but we can't ignore the possibility. We have to be careful, Highness. The woodsboy wants to travel with us. I told him I'd mention it to you, but I don't know if he can even fight. I do know we don't need Ythl and River fucking him every night. . .”

                “Calm down, Tomas.” He rolls his eyes, grunting as he feathers his fingers through the horses fur. “Of course the boy isn't coming along. Our party is big enough and this mission is dangerous enough as it is. I'll speak to the leader of this village about what the wizards saw and you can relay how I feel back to Pylom.” He raises a finger before he walks out. “Be polite to him!”

                The rest of the party depart the loft and head outside, dressed and ready to leave. River twirls his staff around from hand to hand, showing off his hand coordination. “I promise I'm fine. You'll be the first to know if I start to feel sick again. Trust me, okay?”

                Ythl glowers at his student. “You always say you're fine.” He sighs and looks at the sky. The day is pleasant, clouds moving slowly across the blue sky. It won't be hot today. The weather will be almost ideal for their travels. He moves next to River, speaking to him softly. “If we end up in a fight, don't over-exert yourself. Concentrate on adding your power to my spells and enchantments. Augment what I do and I'll bear the strain. And pay attention. We've discussed these sorts of things in your training, but out here...a mistake could mean your life and all of ours as well.”

                Tomas strides back to the group. Pylom waits for him, his hands clenched together, his fingers flexing and relaxing as he bites at his lower lip. Tomas places a hand on the boy's shoulder and the boy looks down at the grass, sighing as he almost deflates. “You're not going to take me, are you?”

                Tomas shakes his head. “No, we're not. It's too dangerous. We don't know what's out there between us and our destination. We'd be worrying about you when we'd be needing to concentrate on other things.” Pylom wipes his eyes, clenching his jaw and staring at the ground. “When we're successful, we'll come back through and perhaps, with your father and mother's permission, we'll take you to the castle and train you as a proper squire.”

                Pylom sniffles and wipes his eyes again. “I can fight some. Enough. Ya won't have ta worry none for me.” He looks at Tomas, meeting him eye to eye. “I don't wanna chop trees and make charcoal for the rest of my life. I wanna see the world! More than this little piss hole village...please, sir..

                Tomas shakes his head. “Not this trip, Pylom. Pray for our successes and if the gods be kind, we'll all be back this way and have the matter out with your family.” He drops his pack on the ground and opens it, rummaging through, looking for something. He pulls out a dagger, nearly a foot long with an intricately carved ivory handle. He hands it to Pylom. “Here. This is very valuable and important to me, so take good care of it. Now we have to come back. Understand?”

                Asher walks right in the middle of their conversation, but refuses to say something until Pylom has taken the gift and examined it. The long haired boy smiles tearfully up at them. “I... I understand. Safe travels my lord.” He walks over to River and hugs him tightly, which shocks him at first. “Come back when you're healthy, alright?”

                River hugs him back, then steps over to the horse. He climbs up with the help of his teacher. “No need to worry. We'll be back in no time.”

                Everyone gathers together and says there goodbyes to Pylom before they depart into the eerie and derelict forests. Toby guides the way for the first two miles, then his husband begins to converse with him. “You feel that energy in the air? It's thick, even though it's not humid. Not suffocating.... It didn't feel this bleak the last time we went through here.”

                The horse suddenly walks over and crushes the bones of several skeletons. When River notices it he clenches tighter to Ythl's waist. The further they travel the more they come across skeletons of animals, humans, and anthros alike, along with fresh corpses of animal limbs hanging from trees, entrails spattered out over stones. River whispers, “Only an animal driven mad could do something like that. Even the worst of predators would never leave a mess like this. Do you think this is the Crayus wizard's work?”

                Ythl shakes his head in disbelief. “There's so many of them.” He turns back to River. “If not directly, certainly this . . . carnage must be related. It's too aberrant, to vile and violent to not be related.”

                Their horse whinnies and balks at continuing forward. Ythl holds the reigns tighly, allowing the horse to back away from their course. Hunter steps to the horse, trying to calm the animal. As he strokes its neck, speaking calmly to it, the air is split with a sharp, piercing cry.


                Ythl holds the reigns tightly, spinning his head left and right. “Gods! What was that?”

                Toby, who is a few yards ahead the group raises one hand, signaling the party to stop and be silent. He freezes in place, his head slowly turning side to side. Tomas carefully steps in front of Asher, ignoring his prince's glare, drawing his sword. Hunter and Asher draw their weapons as well.

                Suddenly, Toby turns and sprints back to the group. Beyond, at the edge of their sight, amidst the trees and darkness of the woods, figures are moving. Slowly, they approach and as they move closer, some of those bodies which litter the ground begin to stir. Freeing themselves from the ground and rousing themselves fro where they hang, the mutilated, dessicated bodies begin to rise and turn towards the group.

                Ythl drops from the horse, helping River off. “I'll erect a protective shield...Command the grasses and vines to hold the creatures where they are.” Ythl raises his staff high, spreading his arms wide. He chants in a language only River understands. The light and sky seem somehow drawn into him and he plants his staff in the ground. Nothing happens at first, then slowly, the air shimmers and from his staff, the shimmering expands. As the shimmering barrier passes over the others, they feel a slight tingle and warmth. Motes of dust seem to dance in the sunlight.

                The first of the creatures to reach the barrier, a buck now little more than tatters of muscle and sinew clinging to bone, reaches the barrier. As its snout touches the shimmering sunlight, it begins to smoke. The creature is stopped, but tries to press through. Other creatures reach the barrier, smoking as they touch it, but unable to pass. Until a bear, stalking awkwardly on rotted legs, forces its way past the barrier, it's rotting fur sluffing off as it moves, patches of it smoldering for a moment before extinguishing.

                Tomas, sword drawn, small shield at the ready, charges forth. “Don't go past the barrier! Worry about the ones that get through!” He swings at the bear creature.

                River stands a few feet to the side from his teacher, kneels down on one foot, and begins to chant. He stabs the grass and dirt deep with his staff, holding one hand vertically in front of his face as his voice begins to echo. Roots from trees, thorny vines from bushes, even flowers, all come to life and hold down the rotting cursed enemies.

                Hunter unsheathes the sword his father passed down to him, heading the opposite direction of Tomas and slaying beast after beast that breaks through barricade. Asher and Toby support them as well. For the ones that haven't been in battles or war, their training has well prepared them for this day. No creature scathes or marks them at any point during the ambush.

                The battle is short and violent. Between Ythl's barrier, and River commanding the plants to hold the beasts, the swords and axes of their friends make short work of revived corpses. As they catch their breath and clean their weapons, they keep sharp eyes out for any other threats.

                “That went surprisingly well.” Tomas grins. “A group of woodcutters would have been killed or driven off. I don't think this was set specifically for us.”

                Ythl nods his agreement as he drinks from his waterskin. He watches River closely as he passes the skin to him. I think you're right, Tomas. I sensed no intelligence driving them. “It was more like a trap. Once we hit the trigger, they rose and came. That's a good thing in that it may mean that Crayus and his wizard are not targeting us, but it may be bad.”

                Toby frowns. “Bad? How so?”

                “Well, it could mean something or someone else laid this trap.” Ythl wipes his face with a damp cloth. “I will also confess that I am glad to be travelling with you all. I've seen men faint when facing such creatures.”

                Tomas nods. “Yes. You fought well and bravely. And more importantly, you listened and held together.”

                “Oh, that was nothin'.” Hunter jokes, bumping butts with his husband. He places his sword back into its scabbard and helps pull arrows from the dead-undead for Toby to re-use.

                After a short interval of stretching and rehydrating they return back on their path. They're even more careful than before and observe every track that they find. Toby guides them along a path that seems quieter and with less footprints of scattered cadavers. Meanwhile, Hunter uses his dagger to mark trees that they come by every once in a while, just in case they get lost. He's read enough about haunted forests with traps that deceive people into believing they're trapped in the woods forever. His hunch turns out to be much more than rumors he's read about; a mile later they stumble upon one of the trees he's marked.

                The redheaded boar walks over to the wizards and asks them for advice. “It looks like we're in the midst of a loophole. Do either of you know any magic as to get us out of this and back on track?”

                “We'll have to stop for a few minutes so we can consult our books.” Ythl answers.

                Tomas halts the group, everyone drinking water, Toby standing watch. Ythl and River sit close together, thumbing through their books and consulting each other. After a few minutes, they have an idea that should help them get out of their loophole. “We have an idea. It should work, but one of us will be helpless if we're attacked. The others will have to watch out for him.”

                “So we'll have to split up?” Asher anxiously kicks one foot into the ground and rustles his hand through his brown hair. “That's no good.... I don't like the sound of this.”

                “No, not split up.” Ythl shakes his head. “One of us will be temporarily blinded to what's going on here. He'll be able to see in a different phase, thus he'll be immune to the magic that has us in the loophole. We'll just have to follow him. But he won't be able to see any threats here. It doesn't have to be River or I. The enchantment can be placed on any of us...”

                Hunter sighs, raising his hand. “I'll do it.” Before Toby can object, he explains. “I'm the one that found the loophole and marked it in the first place, plus we're the only two that know this forest well enough to get out of here.” He steps up to his bear-cub, holding his hands as they kiss. “I'll be fine.”   

                Toby holds Hunter extra tight. “You know I'll protect you, right? No matter what.” They kiss tenderly, passionately.

                “All we need is for you to sit quietly as we perform the ritual.” Ythl explains. “It won't take too long and you really won't feel anything other some disorientation for a few moments. You'll see the woods as they truly are, but we'll appear as. . . . well, as blobs of color. Like a painting left in the rain.”

                River and Ythl both jump down from the horse and stand in front of Hunter as he sits down. He shuts his eyes and calms his mind while the others begin. Ythl and River stand on either side of Hunter. They each draw a circle in the dirt, with Hunter in the center. They chant slowly, softly. Ythl chants a verse, which River repeats. Then River chants a different verse which Ythl repeats. Once they have each initiated and repeated a verse, the move one quarter of the way around Hunter. Each of them initiates and repeats a verse, then they move again.

                After four sets of verses, the wizards move back to their starting positions. River pulls out a long strip of silk, handing one end to Ythl. They each pierce their thumb, placing a large drop of blood on the end they're holding. River ties the silk around Hunter's head, blindfolding him. River daps a drop of blood from his thumb on the blindfold over Hunter's left eye, Ythl smearing a drop of his blood over Hunter's right eye.

                As Toby watches nervously, the blindfold begins to fade and disappear. Hunter opens his eyes. Toby gasps and takes a step forward as his husband's eyes have been replaced by twin pools of boiling blood. Ythl holds his hand up, calming Toby. “How do you feel, Hunter?”

                “My eyes tingle...I feel a little sick to my stomach...” He reaches out, tentatively touching his husband. “I can't tell who this is...” He moves his hand, grabbing a handful of fur when he reaches an uncovered area. He smiles. “Now I know. Hello, love.” He face Toby. “It's so strange. You're like a shadow of color, but you don't have a distinct water being absorbed into the dirt.”

                Hunter begins to lead the way for them. Stretched beams of purple light are spread out around the forest that only he can see, which mark the zone. As he comes closer to the edge they suddenly jolt and transform. He raises his right hand. “The path just changed.... I think it does so at random.” Toby and his dog stand a foot away from him while the others walk cautiously behind. It's unbelievably quiet now, almost too quiet. It's as if nothing lives inside of the zone. They travel like this for another mile before they hear steps emerging out of the distance.

                “Guard Hunter. Something's coming.” Asher immediately pulls out his sword and stands back to back to Tomas. Something from above the trees is watching down on them as well.

                Tomas moves he and Asher close to Hunter, to protect their vulnerable companion. He scans the trees trying to catch a glimpse of whatever is approaching them.

                Ythl raises his staff, waving it in the air over Hunter, then holding it defensively in front of him. Their horse whinnies but does not panic or bolt. The tips of Ythl's staff glows a faint green, magic pooling there, waiting for his command to shape the energy. . . .

                Some sort of half-skeleton, half-monkey creature jumps down and launches itself onto Tomas. The speedy warrior cuts off of one its arms before it retreats in a split second. Three dogs with multiple heads and legs protruding out of their backs growl and bark at them, steam seeping from out of their mouths.

                River shouts to Toby. “Use the ice arrows!” The bear cub looks back as he reaches to pull three of them out of his quiver. He aims all three of them on his bow as the creatures dart towards them, fires and strikes two of them. Their bodies begin to turn to ice. Asher defends himself with his sword as the other deformed dog jumps onto him. He swings to the right, cutting off two of the heads, and bounces back onto his feet. Behind him, the skeletal monkey launches down again at Tomas, this time knocking his sword from out of his hand and scratching his armor. Toby finishes off the frozen dogs, then returns to guard his husband while he watches the other fight off of the other two beings.

                Tomas glances at his sword, realizing instantly that it's too far for him to retrieve. He holds his shield out in front of him, as he circles slowly, watching the monkey-skeleton. He draws his dagger. He feints in at the creatures legs, dodging aside as it lunges at his head. “It's fast! Even dead, it's fast!”

                Suddenly, the monkey creature is bathed in greenish light. The light coalesces into a huge, glowing green fist which squeezes and squeezes the creature. The monkey struggles to break free as it's bones begin to break and crunch. It doesn't cry out in pain, the only sound of its struggles being the crunching as its bones are pulverized. The thing stops moving, the carcass falling to the forest floor with a sickening, moist thud. The fist shrinks rapidly as it retreats back to Ythl's staff, dissipating into a green smoke that rises lazily from the head of his staff.

                Toby manages to fire another arrow right into the monstrous dog right as Asher brings his sword down. The animal shatters into thousands of pieces as his blade clashes into it. Asher pants, laughing maniacally as he puts his sword back.

                “Let's keep moving.” Hunter wastes no time for resting and continues to navigate the path, eventually finding the beam again. The group walks on the edge beside it unknowingly until they're guided out of the zone. The boar laughs, his snout snorting loudly, which makes him self-conscious. “We've made it... Gods, how the fuck did we avoid this trap the first time we were out here?”

                Toby embraces his husband. “I have no idea. Maybe it's a new phenomenon?” As he holds his husband, he avoids looking into his eyes. The sight of the pools of blood boiling in his sockets disturbs him. “Will his sight return soon?”

                Ythl shakes his head. “Not on its own. It will be easy enough for us to end the spell and return his sight to normal. It will just take a few moments.”

                Tomas takes a position that allows him to stand guard as the others tend to Hunter. Asher helps River down from the horse. “Please, if you would.”

                Ythl dismounts, approaching Hunter and Toby. He examines Hunter's eyes. Taking his knife, he asks for Toby's hand. “If I may, Toby? Two drops of your blood.” Toby nods, gritting his teeth as Ythl pierces his thumb. He rubs the blood over Hunter's eyes. As they watch, the boiling blood becomes more and more pale until his eyeballs returns, pink and then lightening to white and then regaining their normal color. “Done. You may feel nauseous for a few minutes.”

                Hunter nods. “I do.”

                “Then hold my hand, babe.” Toby squeezes Hunter's hand tightly. The boar wipes his nostrils off on the red bristles of hair on his arms, then they begin their walk again.

                Sunlight finds its way through the veil of thick trees and dawns down on them. They travel seven miles effortlessly without any danger from before. Hunter leads them down the slope of a hill with a cave under it. “We'll rest here. If we leave earlier tomorrow we should be able to get out of this place and go onward on our trip.” The boar swings and stretches out his arms before he enters the cave. He stumbles upon the same pile of firewood that they had left there long ago. Asher helps him with starting the fire while Toby and his dog scavenge for dinner close by. The two wizards begin to unpack their bags off of the horse and set up camp for the night.

                “I'm feeling a little queasy. My sides and my spine hurt.” River reaches behind him to rub at his back as he sits down.

                Ythl nods. “I'll make some tea for you. Here, lie back if you can.” He quickly sets up a makeshift bed, with his blanket on the ground and his pack as a pillow. Ythl quickly heats water and steeps tea leaves and medicinal herbs in the water.

                Asher looks over at River, then asks Ythl. “Is he alright?”

                “Tired and exhausted. The battle and the ritual of seeing took more out of him that I'd thought they would. The tea should help. And something light for supper. No meat. It's too hard to digest.” He takes the tea back, helping River into a sitting position despite the apprentice's protests. He hands him the tea and digs out a soft cookie from his pack. “Here. Supper will be soon. Relax and sleep if you can.” Ythl reaches out, combing through River's hair with his hand.

                Toby and his dog return soon with a pair of fat rabbits. As Tomas stands watch, the bear and boar begin making supper. Asher makes himself useful, setting up their makeshift camp or assisting with dinner.

                While they cook up dinner, Ythl leaves momentarily to collect greens and vegetables. He fetches out a bowl that River typically uses for prayer and prepares his food in it. “It's all we have. I'm sure the Gods will forgive us for using it.”

                Once Dinner is complete Hunter hands out a stick with cooked rabbit impaled onto it. Everyone gathers around the fire and begins to eat, conversing about and joking about the encounters they had earlier. All of them agree that, if anything, the worse is still yet to come. River sits further away from them with his back up against the wall, slowly eating his salad and drinking his tea. He reads from his spell book in the meantime. Once he's finished eating he takes his staff, tapping it quietly against the stone ground, and chants a long spell. All of the others are too deep into their conversations to even notice him zoning out.

                “I don't think I've ever had better rabbit!” Tomas says sincerely. “Something about surviving a giant, dead bear trying to remove your head or a skeletal monkey trying to rip open your intestines sure makes food taste better and even bad jokes seem funnier.” He smiles at his comrades before turning serious. “We'll have a sentry near the cave mouth as we sleep. Three hours each for me, Hunter, then Toby should work.”

                Toby nods. “Baltus and I will sleep near the entrance. He's a good guard dog, he'll alert us if anything comes close.” He scratches the dog's ears. “Won't you boy? Won't you? Yes you will!” He kisses the dog, letting him lick his face.

                “I can enact a spell that would wake me if any reanimated dead come near the cave. Between all of our efforts, we should be well warned if anything tries to attack us tonight.” He glances back at River. “Gods be merciful, I pray we have a quiet night. River needs his rest, and frankly, so do I! I'm not so young as I used to be.”

                Everyone pauses and stares at Ythl, who looks all of his 13 years old. He stares back for a moment, before bursting into laughter. “Oh, you all bought into that! Priceless!”

                Suddenly, River awakens from his vision with a loud gasp. He clenches his chest, then his forehead, and groans. “Ythl... Help, please.” He reaches out, grabbing a wooden cup of water and forces it down. His body gives as he falls to the ground, tired and unable to hold himself up. The others stumble to their feet, concerned and not knowing what to do other than watch.

                Ythl drops his plate and cup, rushing to River's side. He feels River's face and rests a hand over River's heart. “Gods, no... Please, no.”

                Tomas is beside them in a flash. As Ythl checks River's temperature and heartbeat, Tomas eases the semi-conscious boy prone on the floor. “What is it? What's wrong?”

                Ythl looks up at Tomas. “I'm not sure. Tomas. . . .

                Ythl sounds lost, uncertain. Tomas reaches out, taking Ythl's arm and shaking him gently. The motion snaps Ythl from his paralyzed panic. “Yes, yes...he needs me...” He grasps his staff, speaking a short phrase in their arcane language. He bends low, touching the tip of his staff to River's forehead, then bringing his own forehead into contact with the tip. The crystal embedded in the tip glows as it acts as a bridge between River's mind and Ythl's.

                “What's wrong, River? What did you see?” Ythl whispers.

                Images of visceral destruction and sadistic murders plague Ythl's mind as he see's what River see's. He quickly realizes that the young, weak and sick wizard was performing a spell that allows him to map danger from further distances and see into the minds of those that died in the haunted forest before their lives were lost. It's a very dangerous spell that only trained wizards and special mages perform and takes much energy out of them. A boy as sick as River performing it would undoubtedly be drained from it. Slowly, his vision returns and he his speech slurs. “I jussssttt wanted... to be of use.”

                Ythl stares down at his apprentice, his eyes welling with tears. “You've been useful, you silly boy. You iced Toby's commanded the plants...” He stops. Laying a hand over River's heart, he chants for a moment. He gasps in pain as he gifts part of his life force to River, restoring some energy and relief to the blue haired wizard.

                Tomas watches, taking River's hand and holding it firmly. Asher moves closer, slowly, trying not to disturb River or Ythl. Toby and Hunter stand near the fire. Their hands reach out and find each other, holding each other's tightly. Asher kneels down. The Prince's face is serious, etched with worry for his new friend.

                River lets out a loud grunt as he gasps for air, reaching up to hug Ythl tightly. He begins to cry into his cloak. “I... I saw what the cult did... Why it's haunted. The-the-the…” He keeps stuttering as his body shakes. “There used to be a shrine here, but him and his people destroyed it, killed everything they could near it, including its guardian. Crayus stole ancient armor and weapons from it to give to his men and then they sacrificed anthros and animals alike to curse it with dark magic. Their dark wizard has brought the guardian back to life as a tormentor that oversees and lies traps among the forest.”

                Ythl holds River close, embracing him and rocking him back and forth. “ for now, River. You've warned us. Now, rest.”

                Tomas presses River's hand into Asher's hand. “Stay with him.” He rises and approaches Toby and Hunter. “The shrine here. How close are we? What do you know of the guardian for that shrine?”

                “You know more than I do, Toby.” The ginger boar nudges his husbands shoulder with his elbow, although remains serious when he speaks. “Well, I know that that shrine has been gone for years, but I had no clue it was his work. I guess that everyone figured it had something to do with the forest itself being possessed by some sort of powerful negative energy. If I remember correctly, it used to be a shrine for anthro warriors to go to before battle. My Dad and his parents went there.”

                Toby nods. He glances outside the cave, biting on his thumb for a moment. “We're close to the old shrine. It was a warrior's shrine, the guardian was a bull-anthro. I met him once when I was very young.” He looks over at River, who is being tended carefully by Asher and Ythl. “If he's been corrupted and is the one setting these traps, we'll know for sure soon enough. The quickest way out of this haunted area takes within a couple of miles of the shrine. He'll know we're travelling through his lands.” He lowers his voice. “He'll come for us, Tomas.”

                “Most likely, yes...” Hunter dips his head down, rubbing his head with the palm of his hand in frustration while his thin tail slaps the floor. “We should all get to rest as early as we can. Who's on watch first?”

                “I'll take first.” Tomas smiles. “You two can have a few hours together, at least. I'll wake you after a few hours. You guys can rest or whatever, as soon as you'd like.” He claps each of them on the shoulder before heading back to Ythl and the others. He kneels down. “Will he be able to travel tomorrow?”

                Ythl shrugs. “I can't say for certain. I think so.”

                River is fast asleep already, but it's noticeable that he's having a nightmare after having the visions. “He won't be of as much use as he was yesterday unless he's treated well enough with medicines, herbs, and spells that may or may not help him.”

                “I wouldn't expect much from him in a fight.” Ythl looks worried. “But we have to travel, don't we? We can't just wait and hope he feels better. The whole point is to get him to Aranathra to be healed.” He runs a hand tenderly along the sleeping wizard's face. “I'll do all that I can for him.”

                Tomas nods. “We'll likely have to face the guardian he saw in his vision. We'll need your magics, Ythl. Do what you can, but don't leave yourself too exhausted to fight. Same for you, Asher. Make sure you rest.” He looks again at River. “If I can do anything . . .”

                He stands and moves to the entrance, sitting down just inside the cave mouth. He wraps his cloak tightly around him, his sword lying on his knees.

                Ythl looks at Asher. “Can you bring me more hot water? And my bag?” When Asher returns with the requested items, Ythl begins brewing a medicinal tea. Soothing herbs and healing medicines are steeped in hot water as Ythl chants over the brew, his staff glowing periodically as he invokes some spell or casting to aid it's restorative powers.

                The prince does as much as he can to help his wizard friend with whatever he needs. “Are you going to wake him up?”

                “Only as much as we need to get this into him. With the medicine and my spell, it should allow him to sleep peacefully for the night.” He looks at Asher. “Sleep is the greatest healer, my old teacher used to say. This and the rest should allow him to travel tomorrow without pain or too much distress.”

                Ythl lets the tea cool before dipping a clean cloth into the brew. He holds the cloth above River's mouth, letting the tea drip into the boy's mouth. It will take an hour at least, but Ythl patiently administers the healing tea, drop by drop.

                Given time, River's agitated state calms down and he falls into a surprisingly calm and blissful state of sleep. Ythl sleeps next to him until its his turn to take watch. Each of them gather enough energy and rest even with their respected duties to watch over each other. Morning comes, but seems no different than night, as it remains dark in the forests with mournful clouds hanging above them.

                Before they depart, Toby hunts with his dog for breakfast and they have a large enough meal to fill them, as they won't have the time for a lunch if they want to get out of the haunted area by night. He transforms back to his human state, while his husband keeps his promise and stays in his form as boar. They depart, but are much more careful and take advanced precautions from falling into the same traps as yesterday. River is quiet, still in some pain from yesterday and fighting through the aches in body from the sickness, but is doing better than his teacher expected. That isn't to say that he still won't be as useful as he was yesterday. Two or three spells might be much of his limit for the day. Despite the danger they face, he needs to rest as much as he possibly can.

                Hours pass as they travel four miles further into the swampy forest. At some point, Prince Asher gets an odd feeling in his chest that tells them that they're walking straight towards the dead. “Can you hear that?” Those are moans from zombies. He unsheathes his sword, looking over the blade for a second before looking around to get a good look of how much space they have. “They're coming from two separate directions.”

                Tomas raises a hand, bringing their group to a halt. He cranes his neck and listens. “Hmm. We keep pressing forward.” He signals the party to resume their trek, and urges them to travel a quicker pace. “If we can get to and through the ones in front of us before the others close on us, we move fast enough to leave them behind. One group at a time. Asher, stay with Ythl and River. Toby, try to cover us all. Hunter, stick with me.” Tomas draws his sword and shield, walking quickly towards the moans ahead of them. He glances to his left, praying that they don't encounter both groups at the same time.

                Ythl looks at River, trying to guage his strength and usefulness for the coming battle. “River, keep your magic for reserve. Protect yourself, protect the prince. I'll do what I can to help the others. If we're fighting one group and the second finds us, I'll try to delay the second group somehow. I have some ideas. . . .

                “The feeling is mutual.” Prince Asher smiles to River. “My position in power and influence means nothing if I cannot defend the ones that need it most.”

                Dozens, maybe thirty to forty zombies, emerge in front of them, slow and almost naked, their bodies rotting with a horrible stench as they come closer. Their faces are as horrifying as any story they've read or heard of before. “You know to aim for the brains, right? This is gonna get messy.” He unsheathes his fathers sword and says a quick battle prayer before the two of them run towards the dead. They want to kill as many before the others coming from the other side emerge. Toby backs them up, climbing up to a low tree branch and mowing down zombies at the same rate as the other two boys.

                Tomas fights with a controlled fury. He spins and turns, using his shield and motion to keep the dead from grabbing or surrounding him. His sword flashes our in sharp thrusts to the living dead's brains or short, powerful chops to their skulls or necks.

                The abominations are slow and somewhat clumsy, the death that made them terrifying serving as their weakness as well. At first, Tomas and Hunter are able to cut them down with one or two strokes against each foul creature, as Toby's arrows pick off outliers. The presence of the living spurred the dead to action and they were drawn to the two boy-warriors. Slowly, the weight of numbers began to work against Hunter and Tomas. Tomas was nearly bitten as one of them grabbed him from behind. He pulled away, scanning the situation. He pushed the closest creature into those behind it. “Hunter! Pull back with me!”

                The two warriors broke off their attacks and moved back to their friends. They'd managed to slay half of the pack, the leading edge of which was now 20 yards from River and Ythl. Hunter and Tomas looked at each other and prepared to advance once more. Their unspoken goal, cutting through the forward pack, was in reach.

                “Look!!!” Toby screamed. In his tree, he was pointing to their left flank.

                Another few dozen zombies emerge from a thick mist to their left, except they seem to be much closer than the ones before. Asher yells out. “I'll need your help, Toby! Ythl, can you help me?”

                “We can take the ones up front if they hold strong. Or should we form closer to the Prince?” Hunter looks for Tomas for advice, since he knows the mid-teenager has already been in war before.

                Ythl drops from the horse. He lays a hand on Tomas shoulder. “We can handle the flank, Tomas. Cut us a path out of here.”

                “You heard him, Hunter. Stay with me.” Tomas nods at Hunter as the boar-boy tightens his hands around his weapon and snorts. “Be careful. Watch out for the prince.” Tomas nods at Ythl. The warriors each takes a deep breath and moves back into the fray, attacking the creatures blocking their route.

                Looking at the new wave of ghouls, Ythl steps forward. Raising his staff, he stares at the ground between he, his friends, and the oncoming fiends. “Asher, stay close. River, don't over-exert yourself!”

                The young wizard, old among this group, chants. The tip of staff begins to glow, shifting from its normal green to a pale, sickly grayish green. He lowers his staff, holding it parallel to the ground. The creatures lurch and shamble closer. Arrows thrum from behind, shafts burying in heads and faces as Toby fires feverishly to whittle down their numbers. Ythl raises his staff with both hands and drives it into the ground. He releases it, the tone of his chant falling low and ominous. The glow in the crystal at its tip stops.

                Hunter and Tomas quickly learn to fight well together, easily taking down many of the packs, although they find themselves surrounded at one point. With their backs to each other, they launch forward and continue their attack, not just using their swords or shield, but also their arms and feet to knock the zombies down before smashing their skulls. It looks to be another clear victory for them. Prince Asher waits for Tomas's command, taking down only a few zombies at a time before retreating a few steps back.

                As Asher deals with the few quicklings among the shambling horde, Ythl's staff begins to vibrate where he left it in the ground. He raises his hands to the sky, reaching up and grabbing at the air. At the same time, gray hands of mud and stone reach up from the ground, amidst and in front of the horde. The hands erupt from the ground pulling down members of the undead host. Ythl reaches and grabs faster and faster, sweat forming on his brow. His eyes glaze over and he breaths as if his lungs were a blacksmith's bellows. Every time he reaches up, a hand shoots from the earth, grabbing a creatures leg, tripping it, or crushing an ankle or shin.

                A few manage to get by Ythl's arm army. Toby feathers some, the rest Asher dispatches as quickly as he can. The left flank is secured in short order.

                Once Asher and Toby have taken out the ones to the left, they sprint out to help clean through the rest. Piles of the dead-undead are scattered among them in hordes of blood and guts. It's a disgusting site and the smell is beyond horrible. Hunter croaks a laugh. “We'll need to catch a bath after all of this is said and done.”

                Everyone else agrees, gathering together for water. Toby runs over the plan for the next part of the trip. Despite how dangerous his idea is, they agree to visit the shrine in case the wizards can form some sort of spell to overturn the curses on the forest, which would provide the villages beside it with more safety. Of course, they also know that it's likely they'll run into the previous guardian of the shrine, whom is now corrupted with dark magic after being slayed by Crayus and his men.


After a short moment of recuperating they begin to walk out of the death zone. They travel through deep and ethereal mist for a few miles, then forward towards higher grounds of the forest. The desecrated shrine once standing tall and built of magical stone has been blown to pieces, bricks spread out all over the place. Carcasses from animal sacrifices hang from trees and under the destruction from the temple. River notices the area that would have been the bath used for healing rituals, which has been emptied of its sacred water and replaced with the soiled blood of those that tried to protect it.

                “This is it...” Hunter kneels down, finding pages from spell books that have been torn out and burnt. He notices the glass from murals that have also been shattered. “What could make a man do this is beyond me. Crayus is more than the most horrid traitor to Aigua. His actions condemn him as a genocidist against our kind from across the planet.”

                Toby moves next to his husband. He kneels down with him, wrapping his arm around the visibly upset boar-warrior. “It's horrible.”

                Ythl sits atop their horse, River behind him with his arms wrapped around Ythl's waist. The older wizard shakes his head, unable to speak amidst the carnage and horror of what was once a place of beauty and tranquility.

                “Gods, what madness is this?” Tomas’s knuckles whiten as he grips the handle of his sword. He pulls it out, an inch or two, then slamming it home again as he takes in the scene before them. It's a nervous tick he hasn't exhibited since the last war and the 'tick, tick' reminds Ythl of those days, snapping him out of his reverie.

                “Cleansing this place will be difficult.” Ythl looks around, trying to decide where to begin and how. “Impossible if the guardian has been corrupted and still lives.”

                We need to perfect our routes. Hunter looks to his husband, noticeably emotional. “We have to take in the possibility that he might get there before us. If that's the case, then we must get there as soon as possible and help River's aunt evacuate. Leave some sort of trap for him there...”

                The air is filled with the whoosh of something large flying through the air, followed by a sickeningly moist thud. A body flies through the air, landing near Hunter and sliding along the dead grass. The boar-warrior stops it with his sword.

                Once a human, or elf, or anthro, the body has been mutilated. The arms and legs have been removed. Not chopped or severed cleanly. Rather, they're been ripped from their sockets. Tatters ribbons of flesh remain where full limbs once walked or held or waved. The head is still present, mostly. The lower jaw has been ripped away, the unfortunate victim's tongue lolling freely like some repulsive scarf. One eye is missing, the other dangles by it's optic nerve. Brown blood is smeared and splattered along the ground where the cadaver landed and skidded. As they watch, in shock and horror, thousand of fat, yellow maggots swarm along the ground, evacuating the corpse searching for somewhere warm to rest and mature.

                Toby turns to one side, vomiting on the ground. Closer maggots scuttle hungrily to the warm vomit, rolling and swimming in the bilious liquid. Toby staggers back, vomiting again. Hunter warily holds his sword, but tries to comfort and assist his husband.

                “Well, well, well.” A voice rasps from the ruined shrine as footsteps crunch over broken masonry and glass. Heavy footsteps. “If it isn't Toby the Archer and his boy-boar-bitch. I welcome you all to my shrine. You will be decorating the grounds here in a few moments.”

                A huge figure emerges from the ruin. Over seven feet tall, thickly limbed and muscled, the horned guardian snorts at the group as he regards them. “Children? Welps and children scarcely out of diapers...and you hope to stop me? HAHAHA!” The fallen guardian laughs loudly as he draws two huge swords. His skin is raw and red where his fur has been boiled away by something. The skin oozes a mix of blood and ooze, dripping pink from him and he strides. Scars ripped over his face and eyes show where a nose ring was ripped away, and ear torn off, an eye popped. He was once a bull. Huge and commanding, perhaps even regal. Now? Now the boys are not even sure he's alive.

                “You... You were once the guardian.” Hunter holds one hand over his husband, getting him to his feet, while his other hand clenches to his sword. “Don't you remember the hundreds of lives you saved? My family? Toby's? You were my father’s adversary and teacher when he was just a boy.” The emotionally charged redhead can't help but to believe that somewhere inside of the bull there's still the man that was once written about and that he hasn't been corrupted into a full-blown puppet of evil.

                River reaches down, taking his staff out from a holder on the horse and stares to Asher. The Prince notices his gawk and looks back at the bull, then to the disgusting corpse on the ground. “Prepare for combat. We'll end his suffering soon enough.”

                “I will feast upon your intestines and save your hearts for Crayus, my true Lord now that my eyes have been opened!” He laughs again, slapping the blades of his swords together.

                The ringing of metal echoes out over the grounds. Ythl points at the body that had been hurled to gain their attention. “Kill that poor soul!” The body jerks and tries to move, its one good eye swiveling in its socket as the tongue flaps uselessly, releasing even more maggots.

                Tomas thrusts his sword into the twitching body's head. He looks at his friends. “Six of us. Don't be over-confident. HE did this. He sweeps his sword over the area.” He turns to face the beast-guardian, his sword and shield feeling small in his hands.

                Toby spits and coughs. He quickly takes a sip of water, rinsing and spitting. He rises, his eyes searching for a higher point. He leaps atop a partially collapsed wall, drawing his bow and nocking two arrows at once.

                Ythl dismounts, passing a hand over the frightened horses face and muzzle and whispering a calming orison to the mount. He looks at River. “If it goes against us, ride for Aranathra as best you can. Leave us to save yourself.” Looking at Asher. “The same goes for you, my Prince.” He steps next to the warriors, standing between Tomas and Hunter. He spins his staff as he chants, touching the tip to each of them. Greenish light flows over them as water over glass, then disappears. “Good luck, Tomas. Please. Don't die.”

                “I'll try not to.” Tomas grins.

                The bull-beast roars and lopes towards them, swords circling around him as a butcher's blades at the meat market.

                All three of the young warriors in unison clash blades and attack the bull from each direction, but he's quicker than them and manages to dodge each blow. He can block two swords with one and use the other to block the third. An arrow manages to hit him in the shoulder, but he feels no pain. When the second one is shot towards him he somehow manages to split it in half and kick Tomas's shield at the same time, thrusting him into the ground. “Young and weak with no skill! And you believe you'd defeat me?”

                Hunter swings his blade from below, trying to cut down his legs, but is tripped in the process. He rolls to the right as the bulls sword penetrates the ground. Asher knocks one blade out of his hand, but is kicked to the ground as well before he can swing a successful blown on him. Luckily, this gives Hunter just enough time to kick away the other sword and press his blade into the mans shoulder blade. “Bastard pig! Oh how delicious you will taste when I've carved you up!” Upon immediate reaction, he elbows him in the face, knocks him down to his knees and raises his blade up high.

                “NOOOOO!!!” Toby shouts. He draws three arrows, aiming and shooting as fast as he's able. The guardian takes another nick to his left arm, but he dodges the other two, while still towering over Hunter.

                Toby grabs three more arrows, loosing them almost without aiming. The flurry of arrows force the creature back a step, as he avoids the two he cannot block. It bellows in rage. A third volley follows. This time, Toby uses the ice arrows Asher enchanted for him. The guardian blocks one, dodges the second, but the third strikes his left arm. He begins to laugh. “Fool. A single wasp doesn't deter a bear from his honey!”

                His laughter is cut short as his arm begins to freeze. Ice spreads from the wound, threatening to engulf his entire arm. Toby smiles but stops. The beast utters a few words, words of power which stop the spread of the ice and force it back. Still, his arm is wounded and hampered.

                As the bull chants, undoing the ice enchantment, Ythl and River feel as if razors are being dragged across their brains. River grabs his head, crying out in pain. Ythl quickly counters with a calming spell, easing both their agonies. “Death speech! Tomas, he's a Dark Mage! A Dark Mage!”

                The sword that was once kicked from the ground flies back into his wounded hand, surrounded by coiled and sharp needles and vines. His blade clashes towards Hunter's again. The boars strength from being in his anthro state helps keep him on par with him, but having being beaten down and worn out has done a number on him. Their blades continue to collide until the bull knees him in the stomach and casts a spell that throws him against a tree. Asher quickly sways his own sword at the beast, getting a lucky blow that cuts at his side, but is quickly hit on the shoulder to the ground. It seems like this is how the bull likes to play - get his enemies to their knees and then kill them. With Asher still trying to pull himself back up, the bull attempts to pierce his heart, but a sudden mystical shield appears from thin air, white in color, and pushes him away with a loud thud. River smiles, proud to have defended his prince.

                The bull has forgotten about another enemy that launches towards him. Tomas rushes forward, knocking the wicked sword out of his hand and cutting the palm deeply as well in the process. Three fingers tumble to the grass and blood spills rapidly. Still, it's not enough to intrigue the guardian. When Hunter goes to stand up again, he casts a heavy wind spell that locks him back to the tree, which seems to do some damage to his strength.

                Tomas springs to one side, hitting the farthest end of the older mans blade and seems to have the upper hand until the bull slams one foot down on the ground, rattling an entire twenty feet radius. He uses this distraction to backfire the attack, hitting his shield with the sword and sending him tumbling back down to the ground.

                Tomas rolls into a crouch, his shield in front of him.  The bull looks at him, but backhands Asher as he charges the creature. The Prince flies back, landing hard amongst the debris of the shrine's healing pool. The beast laughs, a deep, malevolent sound, striding to retrieve it's fallen blade.

                “No! Asher!” Tomas shouts. He sees the young prince shaking his head as he recovers from the blow. His sword is up, ready to block or parry. Tomas swallows heavily, relieved that his charge is still conscious and defending himself.

                The sound of Toby's bow sings in the afternoon air. He fires arrow after arrow. . . not at the bull guardian. His arrows strike their foe's grounded weapon. Each shot strikes the hilt of the weapon, sending it clattering across the cobblestones. Each shot moves it closer and closer to Tomas. Quickly, as the beast adjusts its path with an enraged bellow, Tomas grabs the sword, wedging the blade between two stones from a collapsed wall.


                As the beast rushes towards him, Toby fires into the backs of its legs, causing it to falter and stumble. Glaring back at Toby, he weaves his hands in the air, squeezing the fresh stumps where fingers used to reside. Using his own blood, he conjures forth a simple shield and with a command in his foul language commands it to remain between the archer and himself. He looks back to Tomas just as the warrior batters the cursed sword with a large chunk of fallen wall. The blade snaps, causing the guardian to roar in anger.

                Tomas grins as he falls into a defensive crouch. “C'mon, fiend! Let me put you down as the mad cow you are!”

                “I underestimated you all. Now to make you really suffer.” With all of his strength, he clashes attack after attack towards Tomas, using as much of his strength as he can to bring him down. While Tomas sneaks down for a low strike, the bull kicks him right up in the jaw with one foot, then sends him flying towards the same tree as Hunter. He conjures up a spell that holds them in place with roots.

                “Can't you do something for them?” River tugs on his teachers right hip, still sitting on the horse. “If you can help Hunter and Tomas, then I'll make sure to protect the prince.” Ythl tries to object from leaving him behind, but he argues back. “Just trust me, ok?”

                Ythl dismounts, dropping from horse and into a run as soon as his feet touch the ground. He chants as he moves, gathering his strength for his conjuration. Stopping halfway between the beast and the tree where Tomas and Hunter are held fast, he releases his spell.

                Bands of green energy erupt from the ground. They streak towards the guardian, the first of them wrapping around his legs. As more and more bands reach him, they move up his legs onto his torso, pinning his arms to his side. Seven bands hold the creature fast…

                …For a moment, at least. The beast begins his own chant, using his own wounds to provide more and more blood to power his spell. In a few seconds, dark cracks appear in the green bands. The cracks spread until the bands shatter in bright flashes.

                Ythl's goal is met. While the guardian struggled with the bands and chanted his counter spell, Ythl casts a second spell. Touching his staff to the vines and roots that hold Tomas and Hunter in place, those bonds wither and fall into dust, releasing the two warriors. They grin at Ythl, determined to make their enemy pay and save their prince.

                River bravely hops off of his horse, taking a few steps forward with his staff. He chants, spinning it between both arms, and points it at Toby's back, just where his bag of arrows are. The blue haired boy grins, making a hand motion that only the two of them understand.

                While Ythl helps the other two warriors to their feet again, Asher sways and jumps high from one place to the other. When in danger, his speed seems to increase. They come into close combat, face to face as their blades clash. Toby fires two arrows at the bulls shield and it shatters loudly, its magic blinding both of the boys for a short second.

                “Dammit, you bastard coward!” The bull casts a spell that blows apart the tree that Toby is on. Luckily, he's able to jump from it fast enough to hold himself with one hand on another tree. While he attacks, Asher manages to get a clean hit that cuts his chest. In response, his own sword comes right down on Asher in seemingly slow motion to everyone. Seconds before it should have cut off one of his arms, an effervescent, sparkling shield erupts from thin air, floating in front of Asher. The guardians blade slams against it, which then throttles right at him and slams him against a tree.

                “That's what you get for throwing my friends around!” River stabs at wet dirt with his staff and holds himself up with it. The shield that he conjured and had hurt the bull with vanishes. In that short span of time, Asher sprints towards the bull and slashes his throat open with one swing. The bull croaks, reaching for his neck and tries to hold himself up to fight, but its no use. The prince paces back and forth as the corrupted guardian tries to speak on his hands and knees. Asher stabs him right into his back and through his heart, then uses his foot to pull the sword back out.

                The others rush forward. Tomas stands protectively next to Asher. Ythl looks down at the guardian. The wizard reaches into his pouch, pulling out a small sachet made of finely spun cotton. He rips open the sachet, sprinkling the contents over the beast. A fine, sparkling dust, that seems to catch every ray of the sun, falls on the creature, each mote consumed in a small puff of dark smoke as it touches the beast. Ythl nods gravely. “River, assist me.”

                Ythl kneels next to the beast's head. Ignoring the blood and rot, he cradles the beast head tenderly, The guardian's intact hand flails weakly for a moment, then is still. Ythl whispers something to the beast and it's eyes fix upon the youthful wizard. They blaze with pain and hatred, but as Ythl whispers, joined by River, who kneels beside his master, his head bowed and his arm around Ythl's shoulders. “Rest. . . Rest. . . Rest. . . It shall be undone. All shall be as it was.” He whispers again and again. Slowly, the expression in the eyes changes. From hatred to calm to regret to tears. Finally, for a moment to gratitude.

                In a weak voice, the bull speaks. “I'm sorry... Crayus knows. He knows. Forgive me, my Prince.”

                “Knows what? What does he know?” Asher still sees him as his enemy, even though he's obviously changed.

                Hunter stands close by, taking the bulls bloody and mutilated hand. “All of us forgive you. He will pay. We promise that.”

                As River chants, he holds his side, panting in pain as his bones begin to ache again. The two wizards help the bull pass on peacefully and sanctifying his soul from the evil that corrupted him. Once it's done, River limps back to his horse, grabbing one of his books, and chants out a song while holding himself up with the book. Ythl helps him stand up, singing along as their staffs tap the ground in unison. Dead roots come to life and the mist from before settles as they sing. Trees flourish but allow sunlight to flood through to the lands.

                “I... Need medicine. My bones feel like they're being hammered.” Ythl helps him back over to where the horse is and quickly fixes a tea with the help of Tomas. The two of them start a small fire to heat it, then they wipe down his forehead with a warm cloth. Tomas massages his back and shoulders while Ythl offers him his herbal tea. While River heals, the others use lodges of wood to shovel dirt and form a hole. They bury the guardian next to where the pool used to be, then plan out the rest of the nights trip.


                An hour passes before they're back on the trail. River sleeps with his arms tucked around his masters stomach, drooling as his head droops over to the side. Hunter and Toby lead up front, while Tomas and Asher talk about the battle. “That was... That was my first kill.” Asher droops his head down, kicking the ground with his boots as he walks. “And now that I saw him change back to normal, I can't help but to feel like I did something wrong.”

                “I know. I felt it my first kill.” He glances over at his friend. “Wanna know a secret?” When Asher nods, Tomas continues. “I don't think it's ever right to kill. It's necessary a lot of times. And often, we don't have a choice but to kill. But I don't know that it's ever right. I think about it a lot. I kill because I have to. It's my duty, in order to protect you and serve your father. There's times where maybe some other solution is possible but things happen so quickly. I'm a warrior. I have to fight and react. I can't always work through a way to solve things without killing. “ He looks at Asher. “You're THE Prince of the realm. Your duty is to the kingdom and to your people. You're going to have to kill and order others to kill. Just don't do it casually or without thought, Ash. I'll fight and die for you, I'll kill for you. Be a King like your father and never make me ashamed to serve you.”

                Asher turns his head to Tomas, cracking a small grin. “Thanks, Tomas. I don't think I could ask for a teacher any better than you. You know, all of this power is beyond stressful. It's hard to imagine that I will some day be king of tens of thousands of people of all kinds of species. I just hope my father lives long enough for me to learn what I need to know before he's gone. He's made such a legacy for himself. I can't ruin that.”

                Tomas leans into Asher, bumping him with his shoulder. He laughs softly. “You're so much like him. Except with a more tiny dick.” Tomas laughs again. “Your smart and you have a good heart. Surround yourself with men who are the same and think of the kingdom and the people and you won't go wrong, Ash. You're going to make your father proud. In fact, I know that you have already.”

                Asher pinches his arm, rolling his eyes. “Once I start puberty, you're going to regret every joking about that because you'll become the bottom every time to get down to business.” The two of them continue to joke and laugh as they follow along.