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**Additional Note:** There will be sexual scenes throughout this story, but it won't be predominately sex.  
If that's the type of story you are looking for then make another selection.  


            Chance of a Lifetime

by Erastes
Copyright 2017 by Erastes
Chapter 11 - The Neighbor

 Saturday morning, Brad drove me around to look at cars and Reid went with us.  He wanted to be there when I picked out the one I wanted, and since I didn't have a problem with that we let him tag along.  We ended up going to three different dealerships and looked at a number of different vehicles since there was more than one Chevy Dealer in the area.  I'd decided to get a Chevy Malibu and knew the options I wanted, so I just had to see if I could find one matching those requirements on the lot.  It turned out that each location had at least one vehicle that met my needs, so now I merely had to decide which color I liked best.  That's where Reid came into play. 

"After looking around I found white, black, silver, red, and blue cars that would meet my needs.  Some have even more options than I require, but I'm fine with that.  Seeing you'll be with me some of the time, do you have a color preference?"  

Reid's face lit up when he realized I wanted his input.  "Yeah, I like the red one best." 

"Ok, then let's go back to that lot so I can make an offer.  I've already checked online and have an idea what others have paid for basically the same vehicle, so now I'm ready to play 'Let's Make a Deal' with one of the salespersons."   

When we pulled in to the appropriate dealership, one of the salespeople came jogging out the door to greet us.  I had a feeling that he'd seen us when we were there earlier, so he must have felt we were ready to buy."

"Hi, I'm Gordon.  How may I help you today?"

"Well, Gordon, I'm interested in this red Malibu, if I can get it for the right price." 

"The price is listed right here," he said pointing at the factory sticker on the driver's side rear window. 

"I know that's what it says is the list price, but that's not what I'm going to offer.  I've done some research and this is what I'm willing to pay."  I then stated the price. 

"I'm not sure my manager will approve selling it at that price, because there's quite a difference between what you just said and the list price." 

"Yes, I can do math too, but go talk to your manager.  Explain that he or she can either accept my offer or I can go to another dealership.  We've visited several this morning and this isn't the only Malibu I like.  If you guys don't wish to deal, then I'll return to one of the other locations and see if they're more flexible." 

The salesperson looked flustered when he trotted off to discuss my offer with his manager.  He was gone for quite awhile and we could see that he was involved in a fairly heated discussion with another gentleman in the showroom.  I assumed his boss didn't want to go that low on the price and Gordon was excitedly trying to explain it was either that or I'd go somewhere else.  When he returned, he wasn't exactly smiling, so I didn't know if I'd made a deal or not. 

"I finally got my manager to agree, but he's taking some of the discount out of my commission." 

"I'm sorry about that, but you've got to learn how to stand up for yourself and negotiate with him just like I did with you."

"Yeah, I haven't been doing this for very long, but I'll still make out ok with what I earn on this deal." 

Since we'd reached an agreement, we followed him inside to fill out the paperwork.  When he asked for a down payment, I told him I'd just write a check for the entire amount, since I had the money set aside.  More than half of it was from selling my old car and the rest would come out of the advance I'd received on my new story.  Now, I'll be even more motivated to finish it than before.

After I handed him the check and showed him my driver's license, Gordon commented about it being from out-of-state.  I told him I'd just moved here and would be getting a California license soon and he merely nodded in response.  He then told me I could pick up the car Monday evening, because that would give him time to call and make sure the check was good first.  He said once the transaction cleared, he'd get the car registered and procure the license plates for me, so I thanked him and said I'd see him again on Monday. 

"Great!  You got the one I liked best!" Reid announced as soon as we were buckled up in the Highlander. 

"I'm glad you approve," I countered as Brad and I looked at each other and smiled. 

When we returned home, we told the others about the car too, and they all said they couldn't wait to see it.  I was pleased with the way things had worked out and thanked Brad and Reid for their help.  Brad assured me that he'd take me to pick the car up as soon as he got home on Monday, after noting the dealership was open until 9:00. 

After I had lunch with the family, Pam asked the kids if they wanted to go to the park.  Evan and Ashley agreed immediately, but Reid wanted to speak with me first, before he made up his mind. 

"Can't we just stay here and do something?" 

"Come on, it will be fun to spend a little time with everyone else.  It will be good to get outside and enjoy the sunlight and fresh air, and we'll have time to do the other stuff later."

"But we could do it both times."

"We could, but I want to do this so the others don't think I'm anti-social." 

"What's that mean?"

"It means I don't want the others to think I don't enjoy doing things like this with them too, especially your parents.  They've made a considerable sacrifice by buying a new house and letting me move in with you, plus they've also given us permission to fool around.  They're going to get suspicious if we never want to do anything with them, and if they think all we're doing is having sex all the time, then they might not want us to be together any longer." 

"But isn't that why they asked you to do this?"

"Yes, they expected we'd do a few things once in a while, but not every day or all day long.  If that's what they think is happening then they may have a change of heart.  Are you starting to catch my drift." 

"Yeah, ok.  We can go then." 

Brad and Pam looked at me funny when I announced we'd be happy to join them, so I knew they'd probably have some questions for me later.  I just hoped I could explain things without having to tell them too much.

When we got to the park, I started out pushing Evan and Ashley on the swings, which didn't please Reid in the least.  He never said anything about it, but the dirty looks he was shooting in my direction told me all I needed to know.  When Evan and Ashley were ready to try something else, I told Reid we could take a walk on one of the hiking trails, which caused him to perk up again. 

"You've got to loosen up a bit," I said once we were away from the others.  "I've told you before that I think it's important to do things with your family too, but I'll still spend plenty of time with you.  You're parents are helping out with that as well, because they have pretty much told Evan that he couldn't ask me to give him a bath except on the weekend.  Come to think of it, I'm surprised he didn't do that last night." 

"Yeah, I know my mom and dad are trying to help us out, but I still want to be with you as much as I can."

"Look, I've explained before that you have to let me spend time with everyone else too.  It's not that I don't want to be with you, but I can't ignore your parents or your brother and sister either.  If you can't handle that, then maybe I'll have to reconsider what I'm doing." 

"You mean you'd stop doing stuff with me?" 

"I'd hate for it to go that far, but if you don't give me some space then it might come to that." 

Reid looked totally shocked hearing me say this, but I wanted it to be a forceful enough threat to make him understand and relent.  I loved him, but I didn't want him to be so clingy that Evan, Ashley, or anyone else became suspicious and started asking questions about what was going on.  Even worse yet, I didn't want anyone else sneaking around so they could check up on us either. 

When we got back to the playground, we all decided to take a walk together this time.  Evan and Ashley didn't question why Reid and I had gone off alone earlier, since they knew we weren't interested in playing on the equipment.  Besides, I think they were satisfied that I'd pushed them on the swings, so they weren't about to complain. 

As expected, Reid never left my side during this walk either, while Evan and Ashley took turns walking on my other side.  When they weren't doing that they positioned themselves between their parents, as we made our way around the trail.  It was a lovely day with a gentle breeze blowing, so it wasn't too hot, and walking along the tree-lined trail was very relaxing.  Several birds were heard singing their songs, and the kids also spotted a woodpecker busily pecking on a tree and heard the hoot of an owl.

We also spotted a couple of squirrels scrambling across the path in front of us, and then later we saw a chipmunk and a rabbit too.  Evan attempted to chase them and wanted to catch one, but they all proved much too quick and elusive for him to handle.  We enjoyed watching his attempt because it was so humorous, but we also warned him about messing with wild animals and explained that he could catch diseases from them.  

After we returned home, Evan and Ashley wanted to go out to the backyard and kick the soccer ball around, so Pam went out to do it with them.  I was going to join them, but Brad wanted to talk about my first story again, because he'd run across some issues while he was working on the script.  I told him that would be fine and we went out to sit on the lawn furniture out back, and before long Reid joined us too. 

We were deep in a conversation when we heard a commotion on the other side of the lawn.  When we looked over, the neighbor next door was screaming at Evan and Ashley.

"Get off my yard!" the old man was yelling, his arms flailing wildly in the air.  None of us had met the neighbors before, because they stayed to themselves and were never outside when we were.  However, we never expected anyone living in this area to act in this manner.

"I'm sorry, but my children were only attempting to retrieve the ball that accidentally got kicked over there," Pam apologized. 

"I don't care what the reason was, I don't want anyone traipsing into my yard."

At that point, Brad jumped up and went over to see if he could defuse the situation.  Reid and I followed, primarily because we were nosy and wanted to discover what was going on. 

"Is there a problem?" Brad asked when he neared the others. 

"You're damn right there is!" the neighbor screamed, his arms still swinging about in erratic gestures.  "I don't want your kids tramping across my lawn.  Keep them on your property." 

"I'm sorry, but it seems they were only retrieving their ball," Brad replied.  "They only walked on your grass and didn't harm anything."   

"I don't care what they were doing, they aren't to come on my property.  If their ball comes over here again, then just leave it where it is.  I'll toss it back when I get around to it, and if I feel like it." 

"What is your problem?" Brad asked rhetorically.  "It's not like they were digging in your yard or doing any damage.  They were only getting their soccer ball." 

"They were trespassing, and I want you to keep them off my property." 

Since the old man obviously wasn't about to act reasonably, we told the kids to come with us in the house so we could discuss this.  The old guy was still sputtering to himself as we were walking away. 

"We just went to get our ball," Ashley said, trying to explain what happened to her father. 

"I know, and in most cases it wouldn't have been a problem," Brad responded.  "Some people, though, just don't like other people on their property unless they're invited." 

"We're sorry.  We'll try not to let it happen again," Ashley added.

"Don't worry about it and I'll do what I can to fix the problem for you," Brad told her.  "I think I'll put up a nice picket fence on that side.  I'll make it about six-feet tall to keep balls, Frisbees, or other items from going into his yard."

"I'll be happy to help you with that," I offered. 

"Good, we'll go out and measure the area tomorrow to see what we'll need, and then make a list of what we'll have to buy," Brad stated next. 

"That's fine with me," I agreed.  "I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep the kids safe and out of trouble."   

"Would you being willing to call and make sure we can put up a fence and it won't break any building or zoning codes?" 

"Sure, I have time to do that for you," I agreed to make sure we didn't create another problem. 

For the rest of the afternoon, Brad spent time with his family, while also making plans for the fence in his head.  I went to my apartment and did some research on whom I'd have to contact and what questions I'd need to ask.  Reid came in to see me at various times so we could talk about what had happened and what we were going to do about it, but mostly he just wanted to be with me.  I wasn't able to give him much attention, but that didn't seem to matter.  He didn't even bug me to get him off, so it made me wonder if he truly had feelings for me that didn't merely revolve around sex.

After dinner Evan asked me to give him his bath, so I agreed.  Reid went upstairs too and stayed in his room, so I assumed he was going to stay there until Evan fell asleep and then he'd come down to be with me.  I hoped I wasn't mistaken about that, because I prayed he wasn't just in his room pouting. 

I was actually surprised that Evan didn't want to horse around during his bath this time.  Instead, he wanted to talk to me about what had happened earlier.  "Why was the man next door so angry?" 

"I'm not sure what his problem was.  Maybe some kids had gone into his yard before and damaged something, or maybe he just likes to be left alone.  Something must have happened at one time, possibly long ago, that made him act like he did.  I don't think it had anything to do with you or Ashley, except that it was you two who happened to be there at the time." 

"He scared me.  I thought he was going to hit us." 

"That wouldn't happen, seeing your father and I were there.  If he'd tried anything like that, then he would have been the one to get hit, by one of us though."

"I feel safe with you being here." 

"I'm glad, because I'll never let anything bad happen to any of you kids if I can prevent it." 

Evan seemed satisfied with my answers, so when I finished washing him, I dried him off quickly, took him to his room so he could put on his PJs, and then I tucked him in.  "Night, Unka Quinn.  I love you." 

"I love you too, sport."

I then went downstairs to my apartment.  I was thinking of taking a detour and stopping in to talk to Reid first, but then I decided to let him come to me instead.  About a half-hour later he came walking into my living area. 

"Why didn't you come and get me after you tucked Evan in?"

"I thought you were either doing homework or were waiting to take your shower up there, so he would hear you.  I figured you'd come down after he was asleep, so he didn't get suspicious."

"Oh, yeah.  I guess that makes sense." 

"So did you shower up there?"

"No, cuz I wanted to do that with you.  If Evan asks, I'll just tell him he must have been asleep before I showered."

"Ok, that will work.  So is that what you want to do now?" 

"Yep.  You read my mind."

"It's not hard.  I just read the smoke signals coming out of your ears."

He looked at me oddly for a couple of seconds as my meaning slowly sunk in, and then he began to chuckle, while punching me in the arm at the same time. 

"And I thought you were one of those guys that knew what other people were thinking.  I'm not sure what it's called." 

"A telepath."

"Yeah, that's the word.  Are you one of those?" 

"Not usually, but your thoughts are so obvious that even a blind man could read them."

"Nuht uh.'  Then he grinned.  "Ok, maybe.  But only with you."

After he said that, I threw my arm over his shoulder and started leading him toward the bathroom.  "Wait!  We've got to get naked first," he shouted as he pulled up abruptly. 

"And would you like to do that here or did you have someplace else in mind?" 

"Your bedroom.  That way my clothes will be there when we wake up, cuz we won't need them until then." 

"You are definitely a horny little bugger."

"And that's why you love me."  He laughed hysterically after saying this.

"No, I love you because you're you.  The rest is just extra.  You're the cake, and the rest is just icing."

"So I'm a cake now?"

"In a way.  I love cake, and it's quite filling too, but I love it even more when it has icing on it."  He giggled. 

"Ok, let's get undressed and take our shower, but before we do, did you lock the door going into the main house?" 

We quickly stripped and headed toward the bathroom.  After adjusting the water, we went into the stall together and began washing one another.  I used my hand and lathered every inch of his body, and since he sprouted a boner in the process I decided to masturbate him now, rather than waiting for later.  He was really into it and was panting and groaning like crazy.  It's a good thing no one else was in earshot, because it wouldn't have been difficult to figure out what we were doing. 

As he approached that delicious moment of perfect ecstasy, he began pumping his hips like a horny dog humping someone's leg.  When he erupted, it came out in long strands and splattered against the shower wall, as well as ending up on the floor.  I held onto him until he recuperated, since he was a little wobbly after that tremendous release, but then he looked at me and spoke. 

"Now I'll wash you and do that." 

He'd obviously made up his mind, so I didn't argue with him and let him do as he pleased.  He was very thorough and tender as he washed me, and then he immediately latched on to my raging boner and began pumping it like a man possessed.  While he was busy doing that, I turned my face in his direction, pulled his head toward mine, and soon we were ramming our tongues down each other's throat as he continued to masturbate me.  We never broke our lip lock the entire time, at least until my penis exploded in orgasmic bliss and my semen joined his on the wall and floor, soon to be flushed down the drain.  Then I turned off the water and we excited the stall. 

"I'll clean that up tomorrow," I advised him as I was drying him off.  "You're getting better at doing that and it didn't seem as if your arm was getting tired." 

"Only a little, not like the first time I did it to you." 

We then sat around nude and watched television for a brief time, while also making out.  Reid really enjoyed kissing and wanted to do it whenever we could, which was fine with me.  After a couple of hours, we decided to turn in, but I sucked him off first, since he was hard again after all of the kissing.  He certainly didn't object and got into it just as eagerly as when I jerked him off in the shower, and after he'd cummed a second time, I knew he would sleep like a baby for the rest of the night. 

After waking up Sunday and having breakfast with the family, Brad made an announcement.  "How would you kids like to play miniature golf today?" 

Of course there was loud cheering and shouts of agreement, but I was confused.  "I thought we were going to measure and get things ready to put up the fence today?" 

"We can do that when we get back.  I think the kids will enjoy this and it will keep them out of the backyard and away from our grumpy neighbor."  This explained his sudden change of plans. 

After we got ready, we loaded into the Highlander and Brad drove to a place called Golf N Stuff.  When we arrived, I was surprised to see that this was more than just a miniature golf course and Brad had managed to get us a discount using Yelp, but now we had to decide which of the four courses we wanted to play.  We chose the one that looked less busy and set off.  Brad told Reid and me to go first, and then he and Pam followed with Evan and Ashley. 

The course we played had many whimsical and fanciful structures lining the well landscaped layout, which made it a pleasure to walk from hole to hole.  It wasn't an easy course, though, but it was fun and we all had a good time. 

As soon as we finished, the kids started teasing to check out some of the other activities.  It didn't take much to convince their parents to give in, because I think they'd planned on doing it all along, so we made our way over to try out the 'Bumper Boats'.  There was a sign stating that you had to be four feet tall (1.2 m) to drive one of the boats, which meant Evan just made the cutoff.  Therefore, we each got into our own boats and were soon banging into each other. 

The kids took turns zeroing in on one of us adults, although they occasionally aimed for each other, but we turned out to be their primary targets.  It was fun, and we got bumped by others too, and when the ride ended we headed to the next attraction. 

Of course we had to wait in line first, before we got to try out the 'Disk'O Thrill' ride.  This time we had to sit on a pedestal that was shaped like a motorcycle, and the ride spun around while the pedestal rocked to and fro at the same time.  I didn't think it was that terrific, but Evan and Ashley seemed to enjoy it, which made it worth the time and effort. 

Reid suggested our next destination when he spotted the Lit'l Indy Raceway', but that's where we ran into our first minor problem.  The height requirement to drive was 4 feet 8 inches (1.4 m) this time, which meant that not only Evan wasn't tall enough, but Ashley was an inch (2.5 cm) too short too.  This meant they would have to ride with their parents, so Evan went with his dad and Ashley rode with her mother, while Reid and I drove our own racecars. 

Reid was very competitive and I pushed him a little, but allowed him to beat me in the end.  Brad and Pam took it a little easier, since they had their children riding with them, but we still had a good time.  >From there, we made our way over to the 'Ram-Rods Bumper Cars', which like the 'Bumper Boats' everyone was able to drive. 

I was glad that we did the bumper cars after the Indy cars, so Reid didn't forget and try to run into us with his racecar.  This turned out to be fun too, probably more so than the boats, because the collisions were slightly more forceful.  Once again the kids basically targeted the adults, so we returned the favor.  When we finished up there, we decide to stop at the Snack Bar and eat next. 

"Are you all having fun?" Brad asked while we were chowing down.  He received a chorus of positive responses in return. 

After we finished eating, we noticed that most of the lines for the various rides were now humongous, so we opted to take a leisurely stroll on the 'Cannonball Express' train ride next.  The line there wasn't too bad, but it would also give us time for our meals to settle, without the jostling and shaking we'd have experienced on any of the other attractions. 

By the time we got off the train, the place was packed and the lines were unbelievably long, so we decided to head home.  The kids complained a little, but after we pointed out that we'd end up spending more time in the lines than on the rides, they finally relented.  We also promised to take them there again when it wasn't quite so busy. 

When we got home, Brad and I immediately went out to make our measurements for the fence.  We could see the neighbor was watching us the entire time, but he never came over or said anything to either of us.  I'm convinced he was curious about what we were up to, but his intent was to make sure we didn't cross the property line.  Since that never happened, there was no incident today.

As soon as we'd collected the required measurements, we went inside to make a list of all the materials we'd need to purchase in order to build the fence.  Once we had it all worked out, Brad informed me that we'd stop and order everything after we picked up my car the following night.  I agreed that would be fine, and then we went to join the others again. 

                                                *    *     *     *     *     *     *     *

I wish to extend my thanks to Donny and Emoe for editing these chapters for me and offering their suggestions. 


E-mail responses to the stories, story suggestions, or other 'constructive' comments or advice may be sent to:  ErastesTouch@aol.com  - but please put the story title in the subject line, so it doesn't get deleted as junk mail. 


My other stories:





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Although the boys in these stories sometimes have unprotected sex, I strongly urge all of you out there to be smart and protect yourselves from various sexually transmitted diseases by using taking appropriate precautions before engaging in sex.